A picture of a tree

Published on December 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 56 | Comments: 0 | Views: 425
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Might make you a little squeemish when you really think about it...



A Picture of a Tree
– By Tenille Carbis Once I drew a picture – a picture of a tree. And before my eyes, it came to life, and let its branches free. The roots along the bottom all twisted down below. And originally a tall oak tree became a bent willow. The leaves extended into vines, all trailing to the ground. And to my despair, the falling fruit, dropped without a sound. It did not take long for the tree to be a puddle of red ink. A blood red sea, and the tree was lost beyond the briny brink. My nurse peered at the chaos, a much too frequent scene. And with a sigh she cleaned my cut, where once a tree had been.

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