
Published on June 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 85 | Comments: 0 | Views: 597
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Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his/her physiological or
behavioural characteristics such as finger scan, retina, iris, voice scan, signature scan etc.
This method of identification is preferred over traditional methods involving passwords and
PIN numbers for various reasons: the person to be identified is required to be physically
present at the point-of-identification; identification based on biometric techniques obviates
the need to remember a password or carry a token.
With the increased use of computers as vehicles of information technology, it is necessary to
restrict access to sensitive/personal data. By replacing PINs, biometric techniques can
potentially prevent unauthorized access to or fraudulent use of ATMs, cellular phones, smart
cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks. A biometric system is essentially a
pattern recognition system, which makes a personal identification by determining the
authenticity of a specific physiological, or behavioural characteristics possessed by the user.
An important issue in designing a practical system is to determine how an individual is
identified. Depending on the context, a biometric system can be either a verification
(authentication) system or an identification system.
Biometrics is a rapidly evolving technology, which is being widely used in forensics such as
criminal identification and prison security, and has the potential to be used in a large range of
civilian application areas. Biometrics can be used to prevent unauthorized access to ATMs,
cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks. It can be
used during transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and
electronic banking).
In automobiles, biometrics can replace keys with key-less entry devices Biometrics
technology allows determination and verification of one's identity through physical
characteristics. To put it simply, it turns your body into your password. These characteristics
can include face recognition, voice recognition, finger/hand print scan, iris scans and even
retina scans. Biometric systems have sensors that pick up a physical characteristic, convert it
into a digital pattern and compare it to stored patterns for identification.

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