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ABSTRACT Title: PAVING THE WAY FOR ENTERPRISE INNOVATIONS WITH PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE (PLDT) DATA SERVICES Belda, Joan Kristel A. Escasinas, Estrellita Mae Angelie T. Naval, Mark Eugene M. Reforsado, Jerome B. Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Dr. Gloria T. Baysa Polytechnic University of the Philippines September 24, 2008


Degree: Adviser: School: Date Completed:

This study aimed to determine what specific enterprise innovations are achieved by the ten business corporations in Metro Manila through the use of PLDT Data Services, particularly, the internet-based products. This study also sought to determine how these ten business corporations perceived the contributions in their business when subscribing to such Data Services. Moreover, this research attempted to identify the perspective of these corporations, their most sought PLDT Data Service, features and benefits, the enterprise innovations evident through the use of PLDT Data Services (Internet-based products) and significant relationships among the perceived contributions. The descriptive research design was used in the study, and is conducted to illustrate and determine patterns or characteristics of variables in particular instances or events. This method was used to describe the perspective of the chosen respondents, their most sought PLDT Data Services, features and benefits, Enterprise Innovations that are evident through the use of such Data Services and the perceived contributions. In data v

gathering, the researchers developed their own way survey materials. The respondents of the study were the ten business corporations in Metro Manila which were provided by PLDT to the researchers. After the survey was conducted, proper procedures like totaling results, and applying appropriate statistical tools like Ranking, Percentages, Weighted Average Mean and T-test were utilized. The results were then interpreted to arrive at conclusions necessary to finalize the research.

Statement of the Problem This research aimed to determine what specific enterprise innovations are achieved by the ten business corporations in Metro Manila through the use of PLDT Data Services, particularly, the internet-based products. This research also sought to determine how these ten business corporations perceived the contributions in their business when subscribing to such Data Services. Moreover, this research attempted to identify the perspective of these corporations, their most sought PLDT Data Service, features and benefits, the enterprise innovations evident through the use of PLDT Data Services (Internet-based products) and significant relationships among the perceived contributions. Specifically, this research aimed to answer the following questions: 1.0 What is the perspective of the ten business corporations that are subscribed to PLDT data services, in terms of the following: 1.1 Type of business activity; 1.2 Years of existence of the business; 1.3 Number of years as a subscriber; 1.4 Number of Personnel;


1.5 Monthly subscription fee; and 1.6 Amount of Capitalization? 2.0 What PLDT Data Services, features and benefits are most sought by the ten business corporations? 3.0 What enterprise innovations are most evident in the ten business corporations through the use of PLDT Data Services - internet-based products? 4.0 How do PLDT Data Services contribute to the ten business corporations in terms of the following: 4.1 Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations; 4.2 Business Evolution; 4.3 Improving Human Resources; and 4.4 Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs? 5.0 Is there a significant relationship among the perceived contributions in the business corporations by using such internet-based data services?

Summary of Findings Based on the results of the study, the following findings are presented: 1. Business Perspective The respondents engaged in service activities represented 80% of the total number of the business corporations surveyed. Fifty percent (50%) of the respondents have been existing for 16 years and above. In terms of length of subscription to PLDT Data Services, 90% of the respondents have been utilizing PLDT internet-based products for seven (7) years and above. With the survey, the researchers found out that 70% of the


respondents have 51 and above number of personnel employed during the conduct of the study. The researchers also noticed that 60% of the respondents were within the range of 5,001 and above monthly subscription fee. It was also remarkable that 100% or all of the respondents have a capitalization of 100,001 and above. 2. Most Sought PLDT Data Services, Features and Benefits Most of the Data Services offered by PLDT were not known to the respondents. myDSL Biz Enterprise was the most sought among the PLDT Data Services, which was subscribed to by three (3) respondents. On the other hand, wide network coverage was the most appealing feature of PLDT Data Services, as answered by seven (7) respondents. The research also revealed that among the various benefits of the Data Services, e-Commerce was the most sought after as answered by nine (9) respondents. 3. Enterprise Innovations Based on the survey conducted, the top two enterprise innovations were electronic bill presentment and e-Marketing. Five (5) respondents revealed that electronic bill presentment was the most evident enterprise innovation when using PLDT Data Services. e-Marketing, on the other hand ranked second since three respondents regarded it as a manifestation in their businesses. 4. Perceived Contributions In the findings of the researchers, most of the questions pertaining to Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations, Business Evolution, Improving Human Resources, and Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs were agreed upon by the respondents. In Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations, the items that the respondents strongly agreed were PLDT Data Services provide features for connecting branches and main office, and serve


as means which widen the market of the business such as promoting the products or services online. In Business Evolution, the only item that the respondents strongly agreed was PLDT Data Services are tools to make better use of people, money and material resources by identifying critical constraints in the business operations. In Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs, the only item that the respondents strongly agreed was PLDT Data Services increase customer awareness on a particular product or service through surfing the internet. 5. Relationships among the Perceived Contributions With the use of t-test, the researchers made an analysis about the relationships among the Perceived Contributions in the business corporations by using PLDT Data Services. The relationship of the Perceived Contributions with each other was computed next. The relationship between Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations and Business Evolution is significant, Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations related to Improving Human Resources is also significant, likewise, Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations related to Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs is significant, Business Evolution related to Improving Human Resources resulted to a significant relationship, Business Evolution related to Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs resulted also to a significant relationship, and Improving Human Resources related to Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs is also significant. All the t-test values computed for each relationship are greater than the amount derived from the Tabular Values which is 1.734. All of the hypotheses with regard to the relationships among the perceived contributions are rejected. Therefore, there are significant relationships among the perceived contributions.


Conclusions On the basis of the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Majority of the respondents were dominated by business corporations engaging in service activities. In terms of the number of years of existence, most of them have been existing for 16 years and above, and that majority of them are PLDT Data Services’ subscribers for seven years and above. Furthermore, majority of the respondents have a number of personnel of 51 and above, and a monthly subscription fee of 5,001 and above. Finally, all of them have 100,001 and above amount of capitalization. 2. myDSL Biz Enterprise was the most sought among the PLDT Data Services. On the other hand, wide network coverage was the most appealing feature of PLDT Data Services, as answered by the business corporations. The research also revealed that among the various benefits of the Data Services, e-Commerce was the most sought after. 3. The most evident enterprise innovation in the ten business corporations is electronic bill presentment. 4. Most of the respondents agreed that PLDT Data Services contribute to the business corporations in terms of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Operations, Business Evolution, Improving Human Resources, and Responsiveness to Customers’ Needs. 5. In terms of the relationships among the perceived contributions of PLDT Data Services to business corporations, the results showed that there are significant relationships among the four aspects.


Recommendations In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following are hereby recommended: The Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) Management should continuously seek for technological advancements which can help businesses in achieving innovations in their operations. They should as well exert more effort in providing information to the business corporations about the different features and benefits of PLDT Data Services that can pave the corporations’ way to innovation. PLDT should also obtain knowledge on the changing needs of the businesses and for them to provide better and timelier services. PLDT Data Services subscribers or customers should also be knowledgeable of the other Data Services, which may further enhance the way they do their business operations. Since Information Technology (IT) is becoming more and more prevalent in domestic business, the government should provide more effective ways of giving security and reasonable assurance to the businesses when transferring confidential data over the internet. A stricter implementation of IT- related legislations is also recommended. For future researchers, conduct follow-up studies related to areas not covered in this research is highly recommended, such as the importance of the internet not only to corporations, but also to the other forms of business organizations. The researchers also recommend to include aspects such as profitability and competitive advantage that a certain entity can have by using internet services. They can also study the disadvantages, if any, of using the internet in the business.



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