Academic Calendar

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Home Academics Graduate School Academic Calendal
The Academic Schedule of Graduate School in the 2st Semester of 2009
Month/Day Descriptions of Academic Affairs
7. 20 - 8. 28 Period for application for temporary absence or return
7. 27 - 7. 30
Period for receiving a re-entrance(academic affairs management team at the academic
affairs office)
7. 27 - 8. 10
Period for receiving an application for scholarship of assistant instructor(relevant
department for each type of assistant instructor)(Research assistant instructor A-research
team, research assistant instructor C- administration office of graduate school, class
assistant instructor - academic affairs team)Registration of beginner
8. 12 - 8. 21 Registration of beginner
8. 15 Republic of Korea Independence Day (holiday)
8. 17 - 8. 28 Registration of the students
8. 24 / 11:00 Degree conferment ceremony in the 2nd semester of 2009.
8. 25 - 9. 11 Period for paying the research registration fee of graduate students after completing course
8. 26
Decide and notify the subjects to be closed in the 2nd semester of 2009 (posted on the
8. 31 Open class of 2nd semester of 2009
8. 31 - 9. 4 Period for correcting a course registration
9. 7 - 9. 9 Period for receiving an application for English exam
9. 19 English exam
9. 21 - 9. 25
Appoint a professor in charge(student studying in the 2nd semester), period for changing a
professor in charge
9. 21 - 9. 25 Period for application for changing major (a student studying in the 2nd semester)
9. 21 - 9. 25 Period for applying for withdrawing an integrated course
9. 24 Announce students who passed the English exam.
9. 28 - 10. 7
Period for entering subjects for which a comprehensive exam will be taken(office of the
10. 2 - 10. 4 Korean Thanksgiving Day (Chuseok, holiday)
10. 3 National Foundation Day (holiday)
10. 5 - 10. 7 Period for receiving an application for comprehensive exam.
10. 5 - 10. 7
Submit an application for examining the doctorate degree dissertation, recommendation by
examiner, and examined dissertation.
10. 6 One third day of the class days
10.12 - 10.16 Period for taking a comprehensive exam
10.19 - 10.23 Mid- term exam of the 2nd semester
10.26 - 12.11
Period for examining a doctorate degree dissertation (three times of exams during this
10.28 Announce students who passed the comprehensive exam
10.28 - 10.30 Art Festival week
11.2 - 11.4
Submit an application for examining a master degree thesis, recommendation by
examiners, and examined thesis
11.16 - 12.11 Period for examining the master degree thesis
12.7 - 12.18 Period for evaluating lectures of the 2nd semester of 2009
12.14 - 12.18 Final exam of 2nd semester
12.14 - 12.23
Receive an examined result and printed edition of the master degree thesis/doctorate
degree dissertation
12.19 - 2010.2.28 Winter breaks
12. 25 Christmas (holiday)
2010. 1.1 New Year´s Day (holiday)
2. 8 Day of initiating registration for the 1st semester of 2010
2. 13 - 2. 15 Lunar New Year's Day (holiday)
2. 22 / 11:00 Degree conferment ceremony of the 1st semester of 2010
3. 1 Independence Movement Day (holiday)
3. 2 Open class of the 1st semester of 2010
The above academic schedule can be changed according to situations.
The schedule of screening for new entrance is expected to be notified separately in the future.
Konkuk University
2 oI 2 15/08/2010 14:18

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