Nursing practice: Framework, scope and trends. Alternative modalities of care, alternative systems of health and complimentary therapies. Extended and expanded role of the nurse, in promotive, preventive, curative and restorative health care delivery system in community and institutions. Health promotion and primary health care. Independent practice issues,- Independent nursemidwifery practitioner. Collaboration issues and models-within and outside nursing. Models of Prevention, Family nursing, Home nursing, Gender sensitive issues and women empowerment. Disaster nursing. Geriatric considerations in nursing. Evidence based nursing practice- Best practices Trans-cultural nursing.
Definition of Nursing Practice: Advanced nursing practice is an umbrella term describing an advanced level of clinical nursing practice that maximizes the use of graduate educational preparation, in depth nursing knowledge & expertise in meeting the health needs of the individuals, families, groups, communities & populations. It involves: Analyzing & synthesizing knowledge. Understanding, interpreting & applying nursing theory & research. Developing & advancing nursing knowledge & the profession as the whole.
Characteristics of Nursing Practice:
In advanced nursing practice, nurses build on their expertise in a speciality area, integrating and consistently displaying the following features and characteristics: Provision of effective and efficient care, delivered with a high degree of autonomy, Demonstration of leadership and initiation of change to improve client, organization and system outcomes. Deliberate, purposeful and integrated use of in-depth nursing knowledge, research and clinical expertise. Depth and breadth of knowledge that draws on a wide range of strategies to meet the needs of clients and to improve access to and quality of care. Ability to explain and apply the theoretical, empirical, ethical and experiential foundations of nursing practice. Understanding, development and dissemination of evidence-based nursing knowledge. Ability to initiate or participate in planning, coordinating, implementing and evaluating programes to meet client needs and support nursing practice. Demonstration of advanced judgment and decision-making skills. Critical analysis of and influence on health policy.