Adams Media
N e w T i T l e s ✯ F a l l 2 0 11
Previously released SprIng 2011
365 Facts That Will Scare The S#*t Out of You 2012 Daily Calendar
ships: June reference, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 368 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) rights: World english Publication: July isBN 10: 1-4405-2709-1 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2709-8 eaN: 9-78144052709-8 uPC: 0-4507952709-6
The Big Black Calendar of Very Dirty Words 2012 Daily Calendar
ships: June reference/Humor, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) rights: World english Publication: July isBN 10: 1-4405-2710-5 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2710-4 eaN: 9-78144052710-4 uPC: 0-4507952710-2
I Hate Everything. 2012 Daily Calendar
ships: June Humor, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) rights: World english Publication: July isBN 10: 1-4405-2719-9 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2719-7 eaN: 9-78144052719-7 uPC: 0-4507952719-5
Weed 2012 Daily Calendar
ships: June Humor, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) rights: World english Publication: July isBN 10: 1-4405-2715-6 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2715-9 eaN: 9-78144052715-9 uPC: 0-4507952715-7
The Words You Should Know to Sound Smart 2012 Daily Calendar
ships: June reference, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) rights: World english Publication: July isBN 10: 1-4405-2712-1 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2712-8 eaN: 9-78144052712-8 uPC: 0-4507952712-6
WTF? 2012 Daily Calendar
ships: June Humor, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) rights: World english Publication: July isBN 10: 1-4405-2714-8 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2714-2 eaN: 9-78144052714-2 uPC: 0-4507952714-0
TehUn 0 h ofci 0,0 0 hh a lhHa 0 copies sold of rryhP otterhCookbook !
More t han 1
Previously Released
The Unofficial Harry Potter Sweet Shoppe Kit
From Peppermint Humbugs to sugar Mice—Conjure up your own Magical Confections!
dinah Bucholz
You don’t need a magic wand to create confections sure to dazzle your friends and family! The Unofficial Harry Potter Sweet Shoppe Kit provides everything fans need to whip up sweets drawn straight from the pages of their favorite Potter stories. With 30 easy-to-make recipes, candy molds, lollipop sticks, ribbons, and gorgeous glassine bags, this truly magical kit features tempting delights such as: • Triple Power Icy Lemon Pops—a cool treat Harry enjoys during the summer • Chocolate Frogs—a favorite on the Hogwarts Express • Sugar Mice—a staple of Honeydukes • Strawberry and Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cones—treats enjoyed by Harry, Ron, and Hermione on Diagon Alley With a dash of magic and a drop of creativity, readers will conjure up the same treats sold in Harry’s favorite candy shop—in the comfort of their own kitchen!
Dinah Bucholz (Philadelphia, Pa) taught english before working as a copyeditor for a book publisher. a passionate pie baker known for her fine desserts, Bucholz is now a full-time mother to her four children. visit her website at
Ships: May Publication: June Juvenile Nonfiction, Kit Box Trim: 10 x 8 x 3 Book Trim: 4 x 5, 96 pages $24.95 (Canada $28.99) Rights: U.S. and Canada only ISBN 10: 1-4405-2771-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2771-5 EAN: 9-78144052771-5 UPC: 0-4507952771-3
e r s c o tc h B r e w !
an all-new recipe for
Butterbeer makes its appearance many times in the Harry Potter series; it’s one of the most popular beverages in the wizarding world. Harry enjoys his first butterbeer on a forbidden trip to Hogsmeade; he doesn’t have the required permission, but he slips in wearing his Invisibility Cloak (see harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 10). If there’s one thing in the harry Potter series that all harry Potter fans want to know about, it’s butterbeer. Aren’t we all dying to taste it, to see how really delicious and warming it is? Now you don’t have to travel to the wizarding w of harry orld Potter at universal studios to taste this wonderful brew; you can make it yourself.
¼ cup granulated sugar ½ cup plus 1 tablespoon water ¼ cup golden syrup 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon butter flavor ¼ teaspoon rum extract ⅛ teaspoon salt 1 1-liter bottle carbonated water, such as seltzer or club soda, chilled
1. Put the sugar and 1 tablespoon water in a small saucepan and cook over medium-
high heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is dissolved. Wash down the sides of the pot with a pastry brush dipped in hot water. 2. Continue to cook without stirring, watching the sugar carefully. When amber spots appear, swirl the pan to even out the color and prevent scorching. Continue to watch, tilting and swirling the pan frequently, until the sugar turns a deep amber color. Remove from the heat and add the remaining ½ cup of water. Add the water carefully, as the mixture will bubble up violently. Return the pan to the heat and stir constantly until the mixture is liquefied again. (The cold water will cause the sugar to seize into hard lumps.) 3. Allow the mixture to cool slightly and add the golden syrup, vanilla extract, butter flavor, and rum extract, mixing well. Transfer to an airtight container and chill. 4. Pour out 1 cup of the carbonated water and carefully pour in the chilled sugar syrup. The carbonated water may foam up, so add the syrup slowly. Cap the bottle and turn gently upside down a couple of times to mix. Serve over ice.
Serves 4
• national pr to baking/cookie, parenting, pop
culture, kids, and film media • promotion on Hungry Editor blog • new York and new Jersey in-store events
• E-book promotion with The Unofficial Harry
Potter Cookbook with kit as upsell • promotion with • Targeted social media campaign
978-1-4405-0325-2 3
Previously released SprIng 2011
royal Wisdom
Kate Petrella Ships: March Reference, Trade Paperback 5¼ x 7⅛, 192 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.99) Rights: World Rights
The Most Daft, Cheeky, and Brilliant Quotes from Britain’s Royal Family
Publication: April ISBN 10: 1-4405-2745-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2745-6 EAN: 9-78144052745-6 UPC: 0-4507952745-4
ga$ Smart$
ronald M. Weiers, Phd
Hundreds of Small Ways to Save Big at the Pump
Ships: May Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 208 pages $11.95 (Canada $13.99) Rights: World Rights, except for Russian language
Publication: June ISBN 10: 1-4405-0049-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0049-7 EAN: 9-78144050049-7 UPC: 0-4507950049-5
The Everything® Large-print Word Search Book, Volume III
150 quick, fun, easy-on-the-eyes puzzles
Charles Timmerman, Founder of Ships: July Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 352 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights Publication: August ISBN 10: 1-4405-2737-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2737-1 EAN: 9-78144052737-1 UPC: 0-4507952737-9
An accessible biography of the “People’s President”
• An approachable—yet comprehensive—guide on roosevelt
featuring interactive quizzes, and more!
• Colonel Roosevelt, the newest Tr biography from historian
Edmund Morris, has sold more than 100,000 copies since its release in november 2010
• Everything® history and reference titles have sold 850,000 copies!
The Extraordinary Life of an American Icon
The Everything® Theodore roosevelt Book
Most people know something about Theodore Roosevelt: he was the President of the United States, led the charge up San Juan Hill, had something to do with the “Bull Moose” party, and is represented on Mt. Rushmore. That’s a start. But his accomplishments extend far beyond that.
Marketing: • national pr to history media • Outreach to national history societies • president’s Day e-book freemium
arthur G. sharp, Ma; Foreword by dr. William N. Tilchin, editor of the Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal
The Everything® Theodore Roosevelt Book expands that list and highlights his most significant contributions to history, including: • • • • • His role in the creation of the Panama Canal How he ended the Russo-Japanese War His “trust busting,” which brought corporations under the control of the people The impact of his conservation efforts How he built up the navy and established the U.S. as a world power
An accessible and compelling alternative to the surplus of dry history texts currently available, this book is the definitive guide for anyone wanting to learn more about one of the most successful U.S. presidents, scholars, and statesmen in world history.
Ships: August Publication: September Biography/History, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2729-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2729-6 EAN: 9-78144052729-6 UPC: 0-4507952729-4
Arthur g. Sharp, MA (rocky Hill, CT) is an historian, educator, and author. He studied history at the university of Hartford and Trinity College. He is the author of thousands of articles, and taught history at the university level. Foreword Writer Dr. William n. Tilchin (Pawtucket, ri) is a scholar in the fields of u.s. diplomatic history and the history of presidential leadership at Boston university. His primary research focus is the presidency and foreign policy of Theodore roosevelt. He is the editor of the quarterly Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal.
How to have a happy, healthy, and safe vegan pregnancy
• The only book to show how to maintain a vegan lifestyle while pregnant,
featuring safe practical advice and nutritious vegan recipes
• Almost five million women in the United States identify themselves as
vegan, and many will remain committed to that lifestyle through their pregnancies (Vegan Times)
• Vegan diets have been sanctioned as safe for pregnant women by The
American Medical Association and the American Dietetic Association, but no guides exist to demonstrate proper nutrition for mother and baby
• Everything® parenting titles have sold more than 1.9 million copies!
The Everything® Vegan pregnancy Book
All you need to know for a healthy pregnancy that fits your lifestyle
reed Mangels, Phd, rd, ld, Fada
Do I need more protein? Am I getting enough nutrients for the baby? How do I defend my decision to stay vegan? These questions and more are on the minds of vegan parentsto-be who want to maintain their lifestyle and still nurture a healthy baby. Well, vegan readers can breathe a sigh of relief because a vegan pregnancy is not only possible, it’s also healthy and completely safe. With this helpful guide, readers will learn about all aspects of vegan pregnancy from conception to bringing home baby, including: • • • • Which foods to eat (and avoid!) to get optimum nutrients for mom and baby How to deal with disapproval from family and friends Methods to ensure a vegan-friendly hospital birth Setting up a vegan nursery for the baby
Marketing: • national pr to parenting, pregnancy, natural living media • Targeted social media outreach • promotion on Cereal for Supper blog • Outreach to Vegan groups
Packed with information for both moms and dads, including more than 100 nutritious and healthy recipes for the whole family, The Everything® Vegan Pregnancy Book is the ultimate resource for parents who want the best for their baby—without sacrificing the vegan life!
Ships: August Publication: September Health/Pregnancy, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2551-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2551-3 EAN: 9-78144052551-3 UPC: 0-4507952551-1
reed Mangels, phD, rD, LD, FADA, (amherst, Ma) is a nutrition advisor for the nonprofit educational vegetarian resource Group, as well as nutrition editor and a regular columnist for Vegetarian Journal. she is the coauthor of the american dietetic association’s position paper on vegetarian diets as well as their new food guide for vegetarians. dr. Mangels is an instructor in the nutrition department of the university of Massachusetts at amherst.
When living on a desert island isn’t an option . . .
• The long-awaited survival guide for misanthropes featuring advice
that would otherwise have to be obtained by interacting with “people”
• Adams Media has had previous success in this category with the
“disdain-for-society” I Hate Everything and bestselling WTF? series
• The authors’ blog,, which receives an average of
120,000 hits per a month, has been voted best blog by Washington City Paper, Washingtonian Magazine, WTOp radio, and placed in the top 5 in npr’s 2010 Best of the Web
The Misanthrope’s guide to Life
(Go Away!)
Meghan rowland and Chris Turner-Neal
Misanthrope, noun: 1. One who hates mankind; a curmudgeon; a loner. 2. The guy in your office who responded to your email of baby photos with, “D-. Passing, but not college material.” 3. A realist. From The Misanthrope’s Guide to Life In The Misanthrope’s Guide to Life, readers will learn how to get away from the painin-the-asses who make readers wish they owned a deserted island. Readers will take isolated comfort in these survival strategies, including how to: • Conduct managed incoherence to get the delivery boy from the lobby to your door • Take a “French leave” in order to eat alone at work • End a conversation by “Gwynething” (also known as playing the “I’m delightfully foreign” act) someone to death This is the survival guide readers will be annoyed not to have.
Marketing: • national pr to pop culture, etiquette, humor, men’s, and college media • Dedicated Tumblr feed • “Are you a Misanthrope” quiz • Targeted social media • promotion on Daily Bender blog
Ships: August Publication: September Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 224 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2508-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2508-7 EAN: 9-78144052508-7 UPC: 0-4507952508-5
Meghan rowland (Washington, dC), a group therapy dropout, was the only girl in Kindergarten with a John larroquette lunchbox. Chris Turner-neal (New orleans, la), an only child, is a graduate of James B. Bonham Middle school, where he received an F in participation. Together, they write the award-winning comedy blog, a collection of crass musings, investigative reporting, and sarcasm. sharing an author bio is an uncomfortably intimate experience for both of them.
978-1-4405-0638-3 978-1-60550-031-7
The smokin’ bundle that readers must be high to buy
Three books. O ne bag. More than 420 ways to burn an afterno on.
• This first-ever weed-related book collection lets
readers take a hit of Weed, The Quotable Stoner, and The Danktionary
• From the 2 million people who smoke for the first
time each year to the 100 million Americans who admit to having used marijuana, getting high is hugely popular in American culture (San Francisco Chronicle)
• Harold and Kumar are back in A Very Harold &
Kumar Christmas 3D in late 2011 and the stoner film Jeff Who Lives at Home, starring Jason Segel and Ed Helms, will also be released in 2011
The Big Bag of Weed
i.M. stoned, Holden Blunts, and Will B. High
(Almost) Everything You Need When You Want to Get High
The Big Bag of Weed gives readers the ultimate bionic buzz of 411 (plus 9) with a trilogy of stoner classics: Weed; The Quotable Stoner; and The Danktionary. With this box, er, bag, set of high proportions, readers will have the THCapproved knowledge to roll out whenever the time is right.
Marketing: • national pr to marijuana-interest, college, pop culture, humor, music, and men’s interest media • Holiday gift guide outreach • Targeted social media • Special back to school e-book promo/bundle
• promotion
on Daily Bender blog • Outreach to California based medical marijuana shops • Outreach to weed appreciation groups • Serialization pitch to High Times
Ships: August Publication: September Humor, 3 Trade Paperbacks in 7½ x 11½ plastic Zip-Lock bag Books: 5½ x 6¼, 240 pages each $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2794-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2794-4 EAN: 9-78144052794-4 UPC: 0-4507952794-2
i.M. stoned
420 Things You Didn’t Know (or Remember) about Cannabis
Whether readers own a bong collection that would make Cheech and Chong proud or claim never to have inhaled, they may think they’ve been there and done that. But in this irreverent look at cannabis, readers will learn a thing of two about the almighty leaf. So lie down, eat some brownies, and find out: • • • • How pot can help cure a hangover How to recognize and deal with buzz killers How weed has been used as camouflage and a truth serum during war Why to never, ever buy weed from a carnie
This smokin’ book is guaranteed to keep readers giggling—even if they don’t inhale.
I.M. Stoned (Boston, Ma) is a pseudonym for the editor, who pleads the Fifth to having smoked pot, but perpetually has the munchies and has seen The Big Lebowski and Half Baked way too many times to be completely innocent.
The Quotable Stoner
Holden Blunts
More than 1,100 Baked, Lit-Up, and Zonked-Out Quotes in Tribute to (and as a Result of) Smoking Weed
What stoner hasn’t wanted to . . . be the funniest in a bong circle? Articulate his argument for legalizing cannabis? Enlighten her peers with grasstastic quotes from stoner culture? Readers will find these answers and more with this smokin’ resource at their disposal. Readers will recite bionic gems from Homer Simpson (“Okay, let’s see, toke as needed. Caution: objects may seem more edible than they actually are.”) to Bob Marley (“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”). The Quotable Stoner: Because getting high doesn’t mean readers can’t sound even more awesome.
Holden Blunts (New york, Ny) is the pseudonym for the author, who can recite snoop dogg lyrics and movie lines from Pineapple Express and the Harold and Kumar movies, but can’t remember where he stashed his bong . . . oh wait, there it is, nevermind.
The Danktionary
An A-to-Z Guide to Stoner Slang
Will B. High
There’s more to marijuana than smoking it. And in this one-stop, one-toke reference, readers will learn all of the slang they need to know to get by in their smoke-filled world. This sticky icky slang collection is packed with required information about words and euphemisms, including: babysitting, canoeing, fiending, milky, piece, sensi, vaporizer, and wake and bake. The Danktionary gives readers and their pot-loving friends all they need to know in order to understand what they’re talking about—at least while they’re passing around a joint.
Will B. High (Boston, Ma) is the pseudonym for the author who had his first experience with marijuana during a trip to Northeast New Jersey in 1999 when he took a single hit of Malawi Gold and, after passing out for eighteen hours, awoke with a new passion for cannabis.
Move over cupcake—it’s time for pie!
Delicious recipes for sandwiches and more!
• The most recipes of any pie cookbook on the market! Includes low-fat, vegan, and gluten-free pie crust recipes • A recent New York Times article claimed that pies were quickly replacing cupcakes as the hip dessert, and are predicted to be the #1 restaurant trend in 2011 (Nation’s Restaurant News) • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.5 million copies!
• Includes the most recipes of any panini cookbook on the market as well as dessert and non-sandwich options • Celebrity chefs including Mario Batali, giada DeLaurentis, and Tom Colicchio feature paninis prominently in their cookbooks, on their shows, and in their restaurants. One of Oprah Winfrey’s “Favorite Things” for 2010 was the Breville panini press • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.5 million copies!
The Everything pie Cookbook
Includes: Apple Pie with a Spicy Cheddar Crust • Salted Peanut Pie • Spinach, Mushroom, and Swiss Quiche • Pomegranate Cream Cheese Pie • Blackberry Cheese Tart . . .and hundreds more!
Kelly Jaggers
The Everything® panini press Cookbook
Includes: Breakfast Quesadilla • Shrimp and Artichoke Dip Panini • Caprese Panini • Butterfield Cornish Game Hen • Apple Pie Panini Pastry . . .and hundreds more!
anthony Tripodi
Pie—the once-humble dessert—is hot! Pie restaurants are popping up in trendy neighborhoods from the Mission to Park Slope, and professional bakers are experimenting with new creations like pear-rosewater pie and “crack” pie. The Everything® Pie Cookbook demystifies the art and science of flaky crusts and delectable fillings. It’s bursting with recipes for mouthwatering pies of every type, including: • • • • • Classic fruit pies and tarts Rich cream and custard pies Sweet, nutty pies Meat pies and hearty pot pies And much more!
Panini sandwiches are quick and delicious mainstays of Italian eateries, and panini presses are now on the wish lists of celebrities and home cooks alike. In The Everything® Panini Press Cookbook readers will find 300 recipes from traditional Italian sandwiches to grilled appetizers, desserts, and breakfasts including: • • • • Parmesan and Spinach Panini Eggplant, Mozzarella, and Roasted Pepper with Pesto Grilled Chicken and Pineapple Panini Ice Cream Panini
Panini expert Anthony Tripodi offers useful tips and techniques for perfect results, every time.
Home bakers will find expert tips, creative ideas, and time-saving shortcuts for making the perfect pie—every time!
Kelly Jaggers (dallas, TX) is a recipe developer, culinary student, and founder of the FoodBuzz Blog awards-nominated blog, evil shenanigans. Kelly is a member of The learning Channel’s Cake Crew, and her recipes have been featured in Food News Journal, Cooking Club of america, and PBs Kitchen explorers. Anthony Tripodi (Washington Township, NJ) cooked at several restaurants in the New york area, ranging from a classic diner to a fine dining establishment. since 2002, he has built a network of popular cooking and gardening websites and blogs. anthony bought his first panini press 10 years ago, and has been enamored ever since.
Ships: August Publication: September Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages Includes 8-page, 4-color photo insert $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2726-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2726-5 EAN: 9-78144052726-5 UPC: 0-4507952726-3 10
Marketing: • national pr to cooking and parenting media • promotion on Hungry Editor blog with contest for best recipe • “I love pie” video promo • Targeted social media “Move over cupcake” campaign
Ships: August Publication: September Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages Includes 8-page, 4-color photo insert $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2769-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2769-2 EAN: 9-78144052769-2 UPC: 0-4507952769-0
Marketing: • national pr to cooking media • promotion on Hungry Editor blog • Concentrated promotion to sandwich bloggers
Practical steps to achieve psychic ability
• Features all new information on scientific studies of consciousness
and psychic ability
• Shows like Medium, Psychic Kids, Fringe, and The Ghost Whisperer
have increased interest in psychic activity
• 90 percent of Americans believe in paranormal or ESp-related events
• Everything® new Age titles have sold more than 800,000 copies!
Tap into your subconscious power and discover your inherent abilities
Michael r. Hathaway, dCH
The Everything® psychic Book 2nd Edition, with CD
Is it possible to predict the future, read minds, or talk to people who have died? Pastlife regression therapist Dr. Michael Hathaway teaches readers to recognize their own unique psychic talent and put it into practice. In this all-new revised edition, Dr. Hathaway teaches readers about: • • • • Clairvoyance and mediumship Psychic healing ESP, déjà vu, and psychic intuition Scientific studies on psychic phenomena
Marketing: • national pr to new Age media • promotion on Beyond Here blog
The accompanying CD includes guided meditations and exercises to deepen and enhance psychic abilities. Full of hands-on, detailed instruction and sprinkled with remarkable anecdotes, The Everything® Psychic Book 2nd Edition, with CD holds the key that readers need to finally unlock their inner psychic powers!
Ships: August Publication: September New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $18.95 (Canada $19.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2702-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2702-9 EAN: 9-78144052702-9 UPC: 0-4507952702-7
Previous Edition: The Everything® Psychic Book, 1st Edition, $15.95, 1-58062-969-5 ALSO AVAILABLE:
Michael r. Hathaway, DCH (Madison, NH) is a Board-Certified Fellow of the National Guild of Hypnotists, a certified hypnosis instructor, and a board-certified Past life regression Therapist. Hathaway is head of the White Mountain Hypnosis Center in Madison, New Hampshire and has more than 25 years experience in psychic and paranormal research.
the DeADly DIctIoNArIes
Vocabulary for the Vice-ridden
Forget deadly. The Sins are a downright delightful way to tackle vocabulary. Each volume is a lavishly designed collection of words that relate to the particular vice Talk about prideful . . . Adams Media’s words books have sold more than 300,000 copies potential to indulge and promote as a series or get greedy and highlight individual titles during other promotions (Lust for Valentine’s Day; Sloth for Father’s Day)
The Seven Deadly Sins have sliced up the dictionary and taken what’s theirs. No one vice is too greedy as each volume prides itself on having more than 500 entries. Word lovers will lust after these richly packaged volumes— and once they collect all seven, will be the envy of all their friends.
A DictionAry for the vAin
No one enjoys lording over the uneducated with a pretty pointed vocabulary like the Prideful. Now each and every word they need to describe how much better they are is right at their fingertips.
A DictionAry for the selfish
Surprisingly, it didn’t claim every word in the OED (though if it could, it would). This pocketsized dictionary swipes only the most worthy of syllables, as well as the reader’s attention.
A DictionAry for the jeAlous
Everyone else will be turning green when the Envious reveal their desirable new vocabularies. From A to Z, each entry feeds the monster and makes it want that much more.
Marketing: • national pr to literary and pop culture media
• • •
E-book bundle promotion Targeted social media Scribd promotion
A DictionAry for the enrAgeD
Anger will never cause a loss of words again—as long as the Wrathful keep this reference clutched in their fists during their next fit. Speech will be their weapon as they launch a verbal assault on anyone who’s wronged them.
A DictionAry for the lAzy
The real dictionary? Yawn. Too long. Don’t bother tirelessly working through all those boring pages. The important stuff is rolled up right here in a collection perfect for the nightstand.
Series Specs Ships: August Publication: September Reference, Linen-over-board 4¼ x 7, 160 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50) Rights: World Rights Pride ISBN 10: 1-4405-2770-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2770-8 EAN: 9-78144052770-8 UPC: 0-4507952770-6 Greed ISBN 10: 1-4405-2801-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2801-9 EAN: 9-78144052801-9 UPC: 0-4507952801-7 Envy ISBN 10: 1-4405-2802-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2802-6 EAN: 9-78144052802-6 UPC: 0-4507952802-4 Wrath ISBN 10: 1-4405-2803-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2803-3 EAN: 9-78144052803-3 UPC: 0-4507952803-1 Sloth ISBN 10: 1-4405-2806-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2806-4 EAN: 9-78144052806-4 UPC: 0-4507952806-2 Gluttony ISBN 10: 1-4405-2805-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2805-7 EAN: 9-78144052805-7 UPC: 0-4507952805-5 Lust ISBN 10: 1-4405-2804-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2804-0 EAN: 9-78144052804-0 UPC: 0-4507952804-8
A DictionAry for the inDulgent
Readers can devour word after word after word until they’ve had their fill. And then they can have some more. This bite-size book serves up a hefty sampling of juicy words. It’s a wonderful treat for the Gluttonous.
A DictionAry for the insAtiAble
Once just isn’t enough. Readers will want to ogle these entries multiple times, all night long. Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, whatever their particular pleasure—or pleasures—they’ll find ’em inside.
Updates of the hilarious bestsellers that keep on delivering!
• These first-of-their kind Sucks books have given much-needed
laughs and “better than an epidural” advice to more than 100,000 expectant couples!
• With 4.3 million babies born in the US every year, the audience for
these books is expanding by the minute! (
• Bestselling author Joanne Kimes has been featured on The
TODAY Show and media coverage of the Sucks series includes People, The Joy Behar Show, and Good Morning America
pregnancy Sucks, 2nd Edition
What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable
Joanne Kimes with leslie young, Md
pregnancy Sucks for Men, 2nd Edition
What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Both Miserable
Joanne Kimes and Jeff Kimes
Glowing skin, shiny hair, and a beautiful, feminine body. Prepping the nursery while enjoying a unique bond with their unborn baby. Soon-to-be parents falling even deeper in love as they discuss the perfect name for their little bundle of joy. This is what most couples think of when they consider getting pregnant. The other things they may not be thinking about? Killer gas, mood swings, and increased bickering as hormones run rampant. Featuring new sections on the latest pregnancy trends like home, water, and hynobirthing, Pregnancy Sucks, 2nd Edition and Pregnancy Sucks for Men, 2nd Edition give couples the real deal when it comes to the least magical nine months imaginable. In the complete updates of these bestselling, groundbreaking books, Joanne Kimes (with some help from her husband, Jeff) leaves no sucky detail uncovered as she takes couples through each month of pregnancy—leaving no stretch mark left unturned.
Marketing: Pregnancy Sucks, 2nd Edition • national pr to parenting and pregnancy media • Targeted social media • promotion on Cereal for Supper blog Pregnancy Sucks for Men, 2nd Edition • national pr to men’s interest, pregnancy, and parenting media • Targeted social media outreach • promotion on Cereal for Supper blog
Ships: August Publication: September Parenting, Trade Paperback $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights Pregnancy Sucks, 2nd Edition 5½ x 8½, 288 pages ISBN 10: 1-4405-2677-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2677-0 EAN: 9-78144052677-0 UPC: 0-4507952677-8 Pregnancy Sucks for Men, 2nd Edition 5½ x 8½, 272 pages ISBN 10: 1-4405-2678-8 ISBN 13 : 978-1-4405-2678-7 EAN: 9-78144052678-7 UPC: 0-4507952678-5 Previous Editions: Pregnancy Sucks, 1st Edition, $12.95, 1-58062-934-2 Pregnancy Sucks for Men, 1st Edition, $12.95, 1-59337-156-X
Joanne Kimes (los angeles, Ca) is the creator of the bestselling sucks series. a former writer for a number of childrens and comedy television shows, she has appeared on The TODAY Show and her books have been covered in countless media outlets. Joanne and her husband Jeff endured a very sucky pregnancy that produced their beautiful daughter, emily. Leslie Young, MD (long Beach, Ca) has been practicing pediatrics for more than a decade. He graduated from medical school with top honors and trained at uCla Medical Center. He is the author of The Everything® Parents’ Guide to Childhood Illnesses and The Everything® Parents’ Guide to Vaccines. He is currently working at Kaiser Permanente in southern California and lives with his wife and son.
Getting down has never been this instant or fun!
• The only sex guide that offers unique quickie locations and clever
tactics on how to get the deed done—without getting caught
• 30 percent of Americans would like to be more adventurous in bed
and 40 percent would like their partner to be more adventurous (ABC news poll)
• What better gift for lovers, singles on the prowl, or friends
with benefits?
The Joy of the Quickie
More Than 150 Ways to Do It Now!
Kate stevens
When it comes to quickies, couples nowadays are looking for something a bit more exciting than the woods or the backseat of their car. After all, many of them have been frequenting those locales since they were in high school. These couples are craving new and surprising hot spots that will challenge them to be friskier than ever before. The Joy of the Quickie provides readers with more than 150 unique, adrenalinepumping locations that are sure to please. From getting it on at the grocery store to knocking boots on a Ferris wheel, this engaging sex guide will tell them not only where to seal the deal, but also how to do it without getting caught. With The Joy of the Quickie, quickies will never again lose their luster!
Marketing: • national pr to sex, relationship, women’s and men’s interest media • promotion on Jane on Top blog • Scribd promotion • Targeted social media outreach • national Orgasm day promotion • E-book freemium
Ships: August Publication: September Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 176 pages $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2788-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2788-3 EAN: 9-78144052788-3 UPC: 0-4507952788-1
Kate Stevens (Cumberland, ri) is a professional writer and editor who believes in making love, not excuses. of all the places she has had sex, her favorite is in the haunted house at a New england amusement park where the sounds of her enjoyment blended with the noise of the crowd.
The only do-it-yourself journal for word lovers!
• Marries the reader’s love of words with the pleasure of discovering
and documenting new ones every day!
• gives word lovers a special place to record their favorite words—new
and old, familiar and obtuse
• The Words You Should Know series is a strong selling series for Adams
The Word Lover’s Journal
A Do-It-Yourself Dictionary of Your Favorite Words
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
—Mark Twain For word lovers, there’s no greater joy than that of finding a new word to brighten their day’s vocabulary and lift their erudite spirits. From the poetic pleasures of an obtuse turn of phrase to the post-modern thrill of a newly coined acronym, the search for the perfect word is a hunt worth recording—and in this one-of-a-kind keepsake, readers will find the inspiration they need to note their own logophile’s journey. PaGe 75 “You can drag a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.” —dorothy Parker What are your favorite homonyms? New words of the day: caul, frieze, and serge PaGe 140 “He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe List ten foreign phrases for which there is no direct English translation. New word of the day: schadenfreude The Word Lover’s Journal: All readers need to pick up their pens and document their love of language—one word at a time!
Marketing: • national pr outreach to writing media • Outreach to Writer’s Digest community • Holiday gift pitch • Writer’s Digest house ad
Ships: September Publication: October Reference, Paper-Over-Board 5½ x 8½, 160 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2890-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2890-3 EAN: 9-78144052890-3 UPC: 0-4507952890-1
The Sex Secrets of Every Birthday Revealed!
• Sex Meets Astrology and numerology in this one-of-a-kind erotic
birthday book!
• Adams Media has had previous success with The Everything® Love
Signs Book and The Everything® Sex Signs Book
• perfect gift for new Year/new You and Valentine’s Day
What Your Birthday reveals about Your Sex Life
Your Key to the Heavenly Sex Life You Were Born to Have
Phyllis vega
Birthdays hold the keys to the best sex readers will ever have—if only they knew how to read the signs. In What Your Birthday Reveals about Your Sex Life, noted astrologer and author Phyllis Vega draws on the predictive powers of astrology and the ancient art of numerology to create revealing erotic profiles.
August 8 – Leo
What Makes You Tick You’re so self-assured, your majestic presence and logical mind make people think you know what you’re talking about, even when you don’t. Anyone who wants to score points with you will make it seem as if you are running the show, even when you’re not. Although demanding in relationships, you’re also generous, protective, caring, and loyal. Between the Sheets Casual bedroom dalliances don’t really appeal to you; you prefer saving your passion for a grand affair of the heart. Fearful of rejection, you restrain yourself until you’re sure that you and the object of your affection are on the same page. However, behind closed doors, you’re a fiery, dramatic bedmate. A powerhouse of sexual energy, you like being the one in control of your bedroom encounters. Turn-on/Turn-offs Erotic massage turns you on and sharing an aromatic bubble bath with your partner puts you in a playful mood. You enjoy making a production of your lovemaking with sexy attire, sumptuous bedding, candles, and music. With this entertainingly erotic guide, readers will learn intimate sex secrets about themselves, as well as those of their lovers—past, present, and future!
phyllis Vega (Miami, Fl) is a astrologer and tarot reader, and has been a New age counselor for more than three decades. she is the author of Erotic Astrology; Lovestrology; Celtic Astrology; and Romancing the Tarot.
Marketing: • national pr to women’s interest, relationship, new age, sex, and gay media • promotion on Jane on Top blog • Targeted social media with celeb birthday angle • Scribd promotion • E-card promo • promotional quiz
Ships: September Publication: October New Age, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 384 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0596-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0596-6 EAN: 9-78144050596-6 UPC: 0-4507950596-4
ts off is elf wan Th List nta’s Nice Sa
• More than 1.5 million elves sit idly on their shelves every
holiday season . . . this Christmas, we get to see what goes on when one elf gets off the shelf
• Four-color photos capture Santa’s little helper getting into
big-time trouble
• It might not be creepier, but this yuletide parody is way
The Elf off the Shelf
A Christmas Tradition Gone Bad
Written (and Caused) by Horace the elf
funnier than the new holiday tradition it’s spoofing
Each holiday season elves “magically” appear To the joy of young children both far and near They sit and watch and tell who’s Naughty and who’s Nice So St. Nick can write up his list based on their advice Except this year Mom bought a discount elf Who’s ill-tempered in the head and tends to crawl off the shelf He hates his job and knows how to get down, So you better watch out—Horace is coming to town. It doesn’t matter if readers love their The Elf on the Shelf or think the concept is downright creepy—everyone will enjoy The Elf off the Shelf. It’s the photo-story set to verse of one disgruntled little helper with a gift for making mischief. Whether he’s getting into the eggnog or trying to bed Barbie, his AWOL antics could ruin the holidays for everyone.
Marketing: • Advance blad • national pr to parenting, pop culture, humor media • Holiday gift guide outreach • Media / Buyer teaser campaign • photo bomb app contest • Dedicated Tumblr feed – • promotional video • promotional bad Horace elfs • Targeted social media campaign • E-book promo • Scribd promotion
Horace the Elf (North Pole) has been a professional elf for more than 300 years. Before being sent out to spy on and judge small children, he worked the assembly line in Santa’s Workshop.
Ships: September Publication: October Humor, Hardcover with Jacket 10 x 10, 36 pages with 4-color photos throughout $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2791-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2791-3 EAN: 9-78144052791-3 UPC: 0-4507952791-1
Picking the perfect name has never been easier!
• The only mix-and-match flipbook that helps expectant parents pick the
right first and middle baby name
• now more than ever before, naming children not only represents
parents’ values, and tastes, but also the ambitions and dreams that they have for their children (LiveScience)
• The Everything® Baby Names Book has sold more than 200,000 copies!
The Mix-and-Match Baby names Book
Your Guide to Picking the Perfect Name Combinations for Your Child
June rifkin
Sarah Jessica Parker Neil Patrick Harris Lisa Marie Presley Finding that perfect first name, middle name combination has never been easier thanks to The Mix-and-Match Baby Names Book. In this first-ever baby flipbook, readers will be in charge of discovering creative names. Readers simply have to flip either side of this book to reveal new, unique choices for their baby’s name. From expectant first-time parents to parents looking for names that go along with their other children’s names, readers will create name combos they’ve never dreamt of. With this book, readers will get beyond every Dick, Tommy, and Harry, and find the first and middle names just right for them and their new child.
Marketing: • national pr to parenting media • promotion on Cereal for Supper
Ships: September Publication: October Parenting, Spiralbound Hardcover 6 x 4, 144 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2755-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2755-5 EAN: 9-78144052755-5 UPC: 0-4507952755-3
June rifkin (New york, Ny), who holds a Ma from emerson College, is the author of The Everything® Baby Names Book, 2nd Edition. she has worked with other writers as senior associate at FinePrint literary Management, specializing in parenting, psychology, and entertainment.
Two truths and a lie on everything from your brain—to Uranus
• FACT: Some collect interesting facts (The Book of Useless Information).
Others dispel commonplace myths (The Book of General Ignorance). But Fact. Fact. Bullsh*t! has the readers call foul on trivia—and then find out if they’re right ol’ book
• FACT: It’s an interactive option for the trivia fan bored with the same • BULLSH*T: It covers everything. [Okay. It doesn’t cover everything—
just 165 things.]
Fact. Fact. Bullsh*t!
Neil Patrick stewart
Learn the Truth and Spot the Lie on Everything from Tequila-Made Diamonds to Tetris’s Architecture to Tons of Other Totally Random Facts from Science, History, and Beyond!
Marketing: • national pr to college, humor, men’s interest, pop culture, geek, and alternative media • promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media • E-book promotion
Know-it-alls may think they know it all but even they’ll be second-guessing themselves when challenged to choose what’s crap. Each entry hides one well-crafted fib among a pair of unbelievable truths. It’s up to the reader to figure out what’s fascinating and what’s fabricated. A flip of the page reveals whether they’re right or wrong as well as more information on the true trivia—and why they might’ve picked the fake fact. Was Cleopatra the last Egyptian Pharaoh? Can you make diamonds out of tequila? Is the platypus actually poisonous? Readers will really need to know their sh*t on pretty much everything in order to correctly call bullsh*t!
Neil Patrick Stewart (Los Angeles, CA) is a freelance writer, copy-editor, and fact-checker. But can you guess what he isn’t*?
• • •
© Philip Kessler
Ships: September Publication: October Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 352 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2553-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2553-7 EAN: 9-78144052553-7 UPC: 0-4507952553-5
Married to an actress from the FOX series Lie to Me.
Part of the Tony-winning development team for In the Heights. Related to both Neil Patrick Harris and Sir Patrick Stewart.
*It’s the last one—but that’s a pretty cool name, right?
The information readers needed to prevent— and cope with—heart disease
A comprehensive guide to the “cradle of civilization”
• The book features a unique focus on preventing heart disease in children, adolescents, and young adults, and includes 150 hearthealthy recipes—more than any other series book on the topic • Heart disease is responsible for approximately 1 in every 3 deaths in the country ( • Everything health titles have sold 500,000 copies!
• Features exclusive sections on the revolution in Egypt, the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, and other recent events in the area • Since the conflicts in Egypt and Libya began, 73 percent of Americans are tuning into the news and reading the papers regarding the Middle East, wanting to know more (rasmussen poll) • Everything® history books have sold more than 200,000 copies!
The Everything guide to preventing Heart Disease
The Everything® guide to the Middle East
Understand the people, the politics, and the culture of this conflicted region
arthur G. sharp, Ma
All you need to lower your blood pressure, beat high cholesterol, and stop heart disease in its tracks
Murdoc Khaleghi, Md
Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans, claiming a life every 34 seconds. Beating this affliction involves more than just taking medication or trying to eat healthier—it entails a complete lifestyle overhaul! The Everything® Guide to Preventing Heart Disease takes a contemporary medical and holistic approach to fighting the disease, and helps readers make the changes that can mean the difference between life and death. The book includes: • • • • How heart disease effects the body A specific focus on preventing heart disease Up-to-the-minute medical advice 150 delicious, heart-healthy recipes
The Middle East is a geographical area of the world that leaves people feeling confused, angry, and perplexed, wondering how a region called “the cradle of civilization” continues to face such violence and hate on a daily basis. The Everything® Guide to the Middle East is an objective, professional, and informed resource that can help readers understand the troubled area, covering such topics as: • • • • • All the Middle Estern nations The history of the first civilizations and the rise of empires The roots of the Palestine/Israel conflict Threats of ongoing terrorism around the world Recent revolutions and coups in nations like Egypt and their future
This book arms readers with the knowledge and tools they need to fight back against the heart disease epidemic, and live a happier, healthier life.
Murdoc Khaleghi, MD (Westfield, Ma) is an emergency physician attending in Massachusetts. He has earned fellowships from the american Heart association, the National institute of Health, the Howard Hughes Medical institute, and stein institute for research on aging.
Packed with easy-to-follow information and history, The Everything® Guide to the Middle East helps readers broad their understanding and follow the headlines, all while learning to appreciate the rich cultural heritage of this region.
Arthur g. Sharp, MA (rocky Hill, CT) is an historian, educator, and author. He has written extensively about the Middle east in numerous published books, articles, and news pieces, covering the region’s wars, religion, history, governments, and international business transactions and trade practices. Ships: September Publication: October History, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2901-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2901-6 EAN: 9-78144052901-6 UPC: 0-4507952901-4
Ships: September Publication: October Health, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10:1-4405-2820-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2820-0 EAN: 9-78144052820-0 UPC: 0-4507952820-8 22
Marketing: • national pr to health, women’s interest, and senior media
Marketing: • national pr to general news and history media
The words to win every negotiation!
• The first negotiation book uniquely organized in phrases • A recent study in BusinessWeek reported that most
negotiators don’t realize how much they are leaving on the table because they don’t aim high enough Resume and Cover Letter Phrase Book; and Performance Appraisal Phrase Book are all strong sellers with more than 145,000 copies sold!
• Adams Media’s phrase books The Job Interview Phrase Book; The
The negotiation phrase Book
The Words You Should Say to Get What You Want
angelique Pinet
Whether it’s clinching a sale, negotiating the salary for a new job, or working out a schedule with your babysitter, our lives are full of negotiations. But most people don’t know how to negotiate successfully. This guide to successful bargaining offers words and phrases for each stage of the discussion. Among other essential tips, it explains how to: • • • • • Evaluate the needs of the negotiating partner Decide what the other party’s words really mean Set your high and low prices Structure offers and counteroffers Determine a minimum walk-away point
Marketing: • national pr to small business media
Modeled on Adams Media’s bestselling line of phrase books, this one of a kind resource will make anyone a world-class negotiator.
Ships: September Publication: October Career/Business, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $11.95 (Canada $12.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2863-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2863-7 EAN: 9-78144052863-7 UPC: 0-4507952868-0
Angelique pinet (st. Petersburg, Fl) is a professional writer, editor, and desktop publisher with degrees in commercial art and literature.
Martin Yate’s proven blueprint to a dream job!
• Employers plan to increase hiring in 2011–12; using the Knock ’em
Dead method, motivated job seekers can take advantage of the opportunities! ( job search strategies
• Knock ’em Dead is an internationally recognized brand of excellence in • The Knock ’em Dead titles have sold more than 5 million copies!
Knock ’em Dead 2012
The Ultimate Job Search Guide
Martin yate, CPC, New York Times bestselling author
“Classic winner . . . This is one of the most valuable career books on the market.”
—Los Angeles Times
“Should be required reading for job hunters.”
—Library Journal Uncertainty in the job market has become the new reality. Job seekers—whether newly laid off or planning a career change—need the best advice there is on how to manage their careers. For more than twenty-five years New York Times bestselling author Martin Yate has shown the way for millions of job seekers. This edition continues the tradition of powerful, practical, proven advice. Knock ’em Dead 2012 includes: • A completely revised section on how to ace the job interview • Updated Where the Jobs Are section • New advice on long-term career management—how to join a company’s inner circle Jobs are coming back; the market is rebounding. With Martin Yate’s annual—hailed by the Financial Times as “the best book on job hunting”—candidates will be ready to seize those opportunities and make the most of them.
Martin Yate, CpC (savannah, Ga), is a bestselling author of numerous books on career management. a former director of personnel for Bell industries’ Computer Memory division, he is also the author of Knock ’em Dead Resumes and Knock ’em Dead Cover Letters.
Marketing: • national pr to career, workplace, and college media • E book promotion • promotion on • radio tour • Blog tour • Webinar series • Advertising on • “Win a resume and cover letter critique” contest
Ships: September Publication: October Careers, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 384 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-44405-2572-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2572-8 EAN: 9-78144052572-8 UPC: 0-4507952872-7
“Commit the oldest of sins the newest kind of ways,”
—William Shakespeare, playwright, poet, sinner
Because being good is overrated!
• The only book on the market that encourages a daily program of
• Annually, 26 percent of Americans try to give back to their fellow man
by volunteering. This is for the other 74 percent (
• Adams has a long list of sinfully bestselling books, including
A**holeology and WTF
A Year of Living Sinfully
alex Heatherton
A Self-Serving Guide to Doing Whatever the Hell You Want
Marketing: • national pr to men’s interest, pop culture, alternative, and college media • promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media • Top ten sin checklist • Anti-new Year’s resolution pitch • E-book promotion – new Year/new You
For those ready to drop-kick their inhibitions and tap their inner sinner, here’s a guide to giving common civility a kick in the junk. Life expectancy these days is 78.4 years. What’s wrong with taking 365 days to go on a 24/7 bender? From having sex in the “quiet car” of the train to pairing a $200 port with a $2 slice of pizza or calling in sick to go to the beach, this is an everyman’s (or woman’s) guide to the sin of self-indulgence. After all, there are 77 other years to be good.
Ships: September Publication: October Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 384 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1253-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1253-7 EAN: 9-78144051253-7 UPC: 0-4507951253-5
Alex Heatherton (New york, Ny) is a former do-gooder who later in life discovered the joys of creative self-indulgence. He likes Cuban cigars and twenty-five-year-old scotch.
Coasters for the Thinking Drinker
Forget trying to quench a drinker’s thirst for knowledge with trivia books and card decks— they’ve got more important things to do. Like get to the bottom of their glasses. That’s where these ingenious coasters slide in. They put the trivia right where the imbiber will see it. Each of the fifty reusable coasters poses a challenging question about either beer or wine on one side and then serves up the answer on the other. Brilliant!
• It’s a win-win for everyone as the coasters absorb
the liquid and the drinkers absorb the knowledge
• people like a mental challenge while they drink—
seen in the growing popularity of bar trivia events
• Each set includes 50 reusable coasters that are
fun and functional
Bottom of the Glass trivia
ISBN 10: 1-4405-2904-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2904-7 EAN: 9-78144052904-7 UPC: 0-4507952904-5
Ships: September Cooking, Boxed Coasters 50 2-color coasters $12.95 (Canada $13.50)
Publication: October Box Size: 4⅛ x 4⅛ x 1⅛ D Coaster Size: 4" round Rights: World Rights
Marketing: • national pr to pop culture, food/beverage, men’s interest, college, and alternative media • Custom shot glasses • promotion on Daily Bender blog
Bottom of the Glass trivia
ISBN 10: 1-4405-2815-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2815-6 EAN: 9-78144052815-6 UPC: 0-4507952815-4
(In)famous quotes, comments, and comebacks from history’s biggest a**holes!
• The quote book wanna-be a**holes have been waiting for, featuring
more than 1,200 comments, comebacks, and sayings from both arrogant asses and normally nice guys throughout history
• Today’s a**hole is celebrated and revered; think Ari gold, Tucker Max,
or Barney Stinson—and if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!
• readers love a**holes—and quotes! A**holeology has sold more than
30,000 copies and Adams Media’s reference books have sold more than 750,000 copies
The Quotable A**hole
eric Grzymkowski
More than 1,200 Bitter Barbs, Cutting Comments, and Caustic Comebacks for Aspiring and Armchair A**holes Alike
Marketing: • national pr to men’s interest, alternative, literary, and humor media • Targeted social media • promotion on Daily Bender blog • T-shirts with A**hole quotes
“Everyone has a right to be an idiot. Some people abuse the privilege.”
—Joseph Stalin
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
—Oscar Wilde
“A kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”
—Walt Disney Who cares about all those saccharine sweet sayings out there when the outright cruel stuff is much more interesting! Now, with 1,200 quotes from literature, film, history, and more, enlightened readers will laugh, gasp, and educate themselves about the notso-nice things famous people have gotten away with saying. With in-your-face quotes, comments, and comebacks pulled from both from the usual suspects like Mae West and Mark Twain and such unexpected figures as Beatrix Potter, Abraham Lincoln, and Audrey Hepburn, this irreverent collection contains every over-confident, over-blown, over-the-top, a**hole comment that readers will ever need to know.
Eric grzymkowski (somerville, Ma) is a humor writer and aspiring a**hole. When not writing he can be found flipping off unsuspecting motorists, cutting in line at the supermarket, and talking on his cell phone at the movies. He spends the majority of his time searching for witty comebacks to use in obscure situations.
Ships: September Publication: October Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $11.95 (Canada $12.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2565-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2565-0 EAN: 9-78144052565-0 UPC: 0-4507952558-0
For the First Time in One Volume: All of Sun Tzu’s Timeless Wisdom Adapted for Global Business Today
• The definitive manual of business strategies, tips, and operations from
bestselling Sun Tzu authors gerald and Steven Michaelson
• There’s no tactic more effective for the new economic reality than
situational leadership—and Sun Tzu was the original proponent of this strategy (Science Review)
• The Sun Tzu series from Adams has sold over 200,000 copies!
The Complete Sun Tzu for Business Success
Gerald a. Michaelson and steven Michaelson
Use the Classic Rules of The art of War to Win the Battle for Customers and Conquer the Competition
Marketing: • national pr to business media • Business Wire piece • Targeted social media • radio tour • Blog tour
Business today is war. As companies fight their way back from recession, they need to know how to recapture customers, boost their profit margins, rally their workforce, and seize on the competition’s weakness for an advantage. More than twenty-five centuries ago, the brilliant Chinese military theorist Sun Tzu explained how to accomplish these things. True, he was talking about warfare. But as thousands of executives have discovered, his strategies apply equally well to today’s business scene. Containing an extensive commentary on the authoritative translation of The Art of War, and filled with dozens of examples from successful companies, this volume shows businesspeople how to capture the high ground and defend it against rivals. They will learn to coordinate resources and choose the right timing for the best execution of their plans. And they’ll learn how to use Sun Tzu’s theories to implement tactics and strategies for victory in the marketplace.
Ships: September Publication: October Business, Paper-over-Board 8 x 9¼, 448 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2880-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2880-4 EAN: 9-78144052880-4 UPC: 0-4507952880-2
gerald A. Michaelson lectured on sun Tzu in China at the invitation of the Chinese government. He traveled extensively throughout asia as a management coach and delivered workshops on five continents. Steven Michaelson (rye, Ny) is president of Freshdirect, the fast-growing New york area-online retailer. Michaelson’s thirty-year career includes marketing, merchandising, sales, and other leadership roles.
Plotting made simple.
• The groundbreaking book on story structure from the acclaimed
plot Whisperer!
• The author is the founder of plotWrMo, a month-long, day-to-day
program for writers to address their plot arcs
• The author’s blog,, has been recognized
by Writer’s Digest for the past two years in the top 16 best websites for writers
The plot Whisperer
Martha alderson, Founder of PlotWrMo
Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
Marketing: • national pr to writing and literary media • Outreach to Writer’s Digest community • Advertising in Writer’s Digest magazine • Outreach to writer’s associations / groups • Scribd promotion
When it comes to writing bestsellers, it’s all about the plot. Plot is where most writers fall down—and they have no idea how to get back up. But with The Plot Whisperer, celebrated writing teacher and author Martha Alderson shows writers how to breathe life into the most moribund of stories—one scene at a time. Alderson provides a plotting primer that’s as easy to implement as it is to understand. With this foolproof system, writers of all genres can learn to devise a successful storyline that: • • • • • Tells the story in the best way Builds suspense Incorporates effective sub-plots Ties up all the loose ends Keeps the reader turning pages
The Plot Whisperer is the ultimate guide to writing pageturners that sell!
Ships: September Publication: October Writing, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2588-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2588-9 EAN: 9-78144052588-9 UPC: 0-4507952588-7
Martha Alderson (santa Cruz, Ca) has worked with hundreds of writers in plot workshops, retreats, and plot consultations for more than fifteen years. Her clients include bestselling authors, New york editors, and Hollywood movie directors.
Love to Hate This Year
• Amateur haters everywhere can take notes as professional hater Matthew
DiBennedetti teaches daily lessons on how to loathe really, truly everything
• When a title’s sentiment is as strongly received as I Hate Everything, people
Matthew DiBenedetti (Trenton, NJ) is an equalopportunity hater. after working in the advertising industry for more than twenty years, how could he not be? Matthew has worked on corporate marketing campaigns for everything from major sporting good brands and financial institutions to bookstore chains and fine china.
Marketing: • national pr to humor, men’s and women’s interest, and alternative media • postcards • Targeted social media outreach • promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog
will enjoy just about anything that has something to do with it capture the holiday spirit?
• What better way to share that seasonal cheer than with gifts that really
I Hate Everything.
Matthew diBenedetti
s. I hate Christmas picture card I hate how ugly your kids are. hristmas cards. I hate that I don’t get any C
It’s okay. Let it out. Let it all out. Quit shooting rainbows where the sun don’t shine and can the cutesy goody-twoshoes act. It’s time everyone let loose and got everything off their chests. And they’re prompted to do just that with this anti-cheer trio. With a calendar to count the ways they hate every day, a journal to remember what they can’t stand, and the original book to lead the way, they can all bitch and bemoan ’til their twisted little hearts’ desire.
I Hate Everything. The Journal You Hate to Write In. Ships: September Humor, Paperback 5 x 7, 208 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50) Rights: World Rights 30 Publication: October ISBN 10: 1-4405-2862-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2862-0 EAN: 9-78144052862-0 UPC: 0-4507952862-8
I Hate Everything. 2012 Daily Calendar Currently Available Humor, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.99 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2719-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2719-7 EAN: 9-78144052719-7 UPC: 0-4507952719-5
I Hate Everything. Currently Available Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 6¼, 400 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0638-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0638-3 EAN: 9-78144050638-3 UPC: 0-4507950638-1
A miscellany to die for
• The first—and only—reference book that includes quotes, trivia,
lists, and more about all things murder
• From Lizzie Borden to Dexter, it’s obvious that America is obsessed
with killer plots
• More than 4.5 million suspense and mystery books were sold in
2010 (Bookscan)
• Adams kills in the trivia category, with more than 120,000 copies
sold in 2010!
A Miscellany of Murder
The Monday Murder Club
From History and Literature to True Crime and Television, a Killer Selection of Trivia
Marketing: • national pr to literary, horror, and pop culture media • Targeted Halloween outreach • Outreach to MWA groups • E-book promotion
Why do they call Adelaide, Australia the “City of Corpses”? How many people did Agatha Christie kill with her pen? What was Jack the Ripper’s supposed occupation? What did Edgar Allen Poe, America’s first murder mystery writer, really die of? There’s nothing like a little murder to capture a reader’s attention. And in this random shooting of a trivia book, readers find all the gumshoes, guns, and gore they need to explore the sinister side of human nature, including: • • • • • • The worst villains of all time—from Hannibal Lecter to Charles Manson The bloody truth about forensics Weaponry to die for Private dicks, dangerous dames, and dubious characters The most puzzling unsolved mysteries Who’s really gotten away with murder
From amateur sleuths to serial killers, this murderous miscellany of crime—both real and imagined—is just the thing for a dark and stormy night.
Ships: September Publication: October Reference/Trivia, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2593-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2593-3 EAN: 9-78144052593-3 UPC: 0-4507952593-1
The Monday Murder Club (Boston, Ma) is an association of mystery writers including the award-winning short story writer and computer geek stephen d. rogers, litigator and bestselling crime expert andrew s. Mcaleer, award-winning short story writer and Jeopardy! champ Jim shannon, journalist Maureen Walsh, and writer, editor, and publishing executive Paula Munier.
Puzzles, games, jokes, and more for tons of mealtime fun!
Just because kids can’t play with their food doesn’t mean they can’t play at dinner! With The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats, young artists and puzzlers can banish boredom for good, without making a mess at the table. Featuring 36 unique and themed tear-out placemats, these playful packages are bursting with puzzles, games, and activities.
Series specifications: Ships: September Publication: October Juvenile, 12½ x 9 36 4-color placemats $11.95 (Canada $12.50) Rights: World Rights
Fun with Food
Over 2.8 million Everything Kids’ books sold!
The only Themed puzzle placemaT series for kids
The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Super Sports
Featuring puzzles and games devoted to sports like football, baseball, soccer, and more, this collection is perfect for any sports nut.
ISBN 10: 1-4405-2884-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2884-2 EAN: 9-78144052884-2 UPC: 0-4507952884-0
The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Amazing Animals
This set has enough games and puzzles to keep kids swinging through the jungle, diving under the sea, and even going back into the time of the dinosaurs!
ISBN 10: 1-4405-2885-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2885-9 EAN: 9-78144052885-9 UPC: 0-4507952885-7
The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Fun and Games
The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Fun and Games is perfect for a pre-dinner appetizer to work up an appetite for fun!
ISBN 10: 1-4405-2883-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2883-5 32 EAN: 9-78144052883-5 UPC: 0-4507952883-3
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling classic
• The first book to reveal the habits for success practiced by 101 of
Hollywood’s top screenwriters
• Updated edition includes tips from the writers of Shutter Island;
National Treasure; Devil Wears Prada, and more!
• provides insiders’ tips to get scripts in the right hands
The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition
Insider Secrets from Hollywood’s Top Writers
Karl iglesias
Aspiring screenwriters can struggle for years to get a foot in the door with Hollywood producers—or they can take a page from the book that offers proven advice from twentyone of the industry’s best-and-brightest! In this tenth anniversary edition, 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition peers into the lives and workspaces of screenwriting greats—including Terry Rossio (the Pirates of the Carribbean franchise), Aline Brosh McKenna (Morning Glory), Bill Marsilii (Déjà Vu), and Derek Haas and Michael Brandt (Wanted). Readers will learn best practices such as: • • • • Be collaborative Don’t believe in writer’s block Work on several projects at once Never work for free
Marketing: • national pr to film and screenwriting media • Outreach to film schools • Advertising in Writer’s Digest magazine
This indispensable handbook will help soon-to-be-famous writers hone their craft by living, breathing, and scripting the life they want!
Ships: September Publication: October Writing, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 272 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2789-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2789-0 EAN: 9-78144052789-0 UPC: 0-4507952789-8
Previous Edition: The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 1st Edition, $12.95, 1-58062-550-0
Karl Iglesias (Glendale, Ca) is a Hollywood story analyst and former development executive. He teaches screenwriting courses for The Writer’s Program at uCla and Writers university.
Lays down the law on exercising
• Includes instructions for fifty exercises, a dozen
workout plans from actual inmates, and more than 200 instructional photographs
• These guys are legit: one author’s a criminal attorney,
the other’s a NASM certified trainer, and all the models are ex-cons
• Perfect for anyone guilty of ditching their New Year’s
resolution to get in shape
Felon Fitness
How to Get a Hard Body—Without Doing Hard Time
William s. Kroger, attorney at law, and Trey Teufel, NasM Certified Trainer
Forget the fancy equipment, friendly trainers, and cushy gym. This is a workout courtesy of the California Department of Corrections. With the state’s jacked inmates as motivation, counselor Kroger and certified trainer Teufel have locked down an exercise program that’s guaranteed to show real results. And readers can forget all those old excuses. Equipment’s too expensive? Felon Fitness shows how to make dumbbells out of magazines and duct tape. Not enough room? All these exercises are designed to be done in a 6' x 8' cell. Can’t find the time? The inmates scheduled their workout routines around lockdowns and lights out. (So readers can’t complain about meetings and carpools.) It’s the workout of a lifetime—from guys serving twenty-five to life.
Ships: September Publication: October Health and Fitness, Trade Paperback Includes black and white photographs 8 x 9¼, 224 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2659-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2659-6 EAN: 9-78144052659-6 UPC: 0-4507952659-4
William S. Kroger (Los Angeles, CA) is a criminal attorney in Los Angeles. When visiting his clients in prison he noticed they were always in great shape and decided to adopt their workout routines. Trey Teufel (Los Angeles, CA) is a Certified Personal Trainer (NASM). His clients fear him before sessions, hate him during sessions, and love him after sessions.
Work Out with Conviction!
Forget the gym. It really goes down in the yard. Lucky for readers looking for a new routine, they don’t need a sentence to get the real deal. More than 200 instructional photos will show them how it’s done.
Everyone Will Kill for a Workout like This!
• Guys looking to bulk up outside the confines of the gym will appreciate the cease and desist orders for less effective exercises • Women wanting to tone their bodies can lose ten to fifteen with these high-intensity routines • People looking to lose weight without breaking the bank can take advantage of the homebuilt weights and free trainer tips • Anyone interested in seeing how these cons got those guns
Marketing: national pr to men ’s interest, fitness, hu mor, and pop culture med ia • Targeted so cial media outreach • Blog Tour
• • • •
promotion on Daily Bender blog oups
Scribd promotion
E-book promotion
Outreach to MMA gr
Exercise Alongside Ex-cons
Each of the models in the instructional photos are actually former inmates, like Shant. Now as an MMA fighter, he’s gone from the clink to the ring and is helping to kick ass with these workout routines.
The ultimate logic puzzle in large print
150 take-anywhere large-print puzzles
• The only large-print Kakuro book on the market • puzzle books are bestsellers for the Everything series, and large-print puzzle books have sold more than 140,000 copies in the Everything® series
• An all-new collection of large-print word search puzzles in one of our most popular categories • puzzle books are bestsellers for the Everything® series, and large-print puzzle books have sold more than 140,000 copies • Because aging eyes lose elasticity, presbyopia (the inability to focus on objects close up) affects nearly 20 percent of the more than 78 million boomers (Publishers Weekly) • Everything® games books have sold 2.1 million copies!
• Because aging eyes lose elasticity, presbyopia (the inability to focus on objects close up) affects nearly 20 percent of the more than 78 million boomers (Publishers Weekly) • Everything® games books have sold 2.1 million copies!
The Everything® Large-print Kakuro Book
150 new cross-sum puzzles—now easier to read!
Charles Timmerman, Founder of
The Everything® Large-print Travel Word Search Book
Find your way through 150 easy-to-read puzzles
Charles Timmerman, Founder of
The latest puzzle craze from Japan is more challenging than crosswords and more addictive than Sudoku. A blend of number and logic puzzles, Kakuro requires just simple arithmetic and logic to solve, but the puzzles range from simply easy to outrageously difficult. The Everything® Large-Print Kakuro Book is the first Kakuro puzzle book available in large-print, so readers can challenge their brains instead of their eyes! Puzzlers will also get a great mental workout. Kakuro puzzles help to improve deductive reasoning and memory skills. Clever puzzles, easy-to-read numbers, and puzzle-solving tips—it all adds up to fun!
Solving puzzles is a great way to while away time on a train, in an airport, or in the backseat of a car. That’s why young and old puzzlers alike will enjoy this easy-to-read traveling companion. Each puzzle has a fun and clever theme, including: • Road trips • Adventure travel • Museums and tourist attractions • National parks Packed with 150 addictive and entertaining puzzles, The Everything® Large-Print Travel Word Search Book provides vacationers, business travelers, or commuters with large format puzzles that are easy on the eyes, and great entertainment on any trip!
Charles Timmerman (south Pasadena, Ca) is the founder of, a word game website that was selected as a yahoo! Pick of the year, and the author of more than 50 Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Giant Word Search Book and The Everything® Word Search Book. Ships: September Publication: October Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 352 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2736-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2736-4 EAN: 9-78144052736-4 UPC: 0-4507952736-2
Charles Timmerman (south Pasadena, Ca) is the founder of, a word game website that was selected as a yahoo! Pick of the year, and the author of more than 50 Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Easy Kakuro Book and The Everything® Kakuro Challenge Book. Ships: September Publication: October Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2738-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2738-8 EAN: 9-78144052738-8 UPC: 0-4507952738-6 36
No pots, no pans, no mess!
• The first cookbook to exclusively feature parchment paper recipes! • 150 healthy, delicious, fast recipes that speak to cooking’s hottest
new trend
• parchment paper cooking has received media attention including
Martha Stewart Living, Everyday Food, Better Homes and Gardens, and Good Housekeeping
• The author served as a judge for the Bert greene Awards for food
writing for the International Association of Culinary professionals
The parchment paper Cookbook
150 Healthy, Fast, Delicious Dishes!
Brette sember with Nicole Cormier, rd, ldN
What if readers could whip up healthy, mouthwatering meals that their family loved— without making a mess? Well, it’s as easy as parchment paper. Cooking in parchment paper is akin to cooking in foil—if foil were French, fast, and environmentally friendly. In The Parchment Paper Cookbook, award-winning author and food writer Brette Sember shows readers how parchment paper cooking can revolutionize the way they cook—and save them time and money, not to mention the grief that often accompanies dinnertime. With simple instructions on the art of parchment paper folding and preparation, readers will fold their way to their family’s hearts with such nutritious, delicious offerings as: • Swedish Meatballs • Thai Chicken with Lemongrass and Coconut Rice • Stuffed Flank Steak • Scallops Coquilles • Lamb and Yogurt Wraps • Artichoke Pizza • Portobellos with Goat Cheese and Spinach • Quick Baclava • Peach Pie Turnovers
Marketing: • national pr to health, cooking, women’s interest, and parenting media • promotion on Hungry Editor blog • DIY press pitch with parchment paper • Targeted social media – working mom/busy angle • “Fancy on a budget” magazine contest pitch
Readers can forget dirty pots and pans. With The Parchment Paper Cookbook, dinner just got easier, faster, cleaner—and tastier!
Ships: October Publication: November Cooking, Trade Paperback 7 x 9⅛, 224 pages with 8-page, 4-color photo insert $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2859-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2859-0 EAN: 9-78144052859-0 UPC: 0-4507952859-8
Brette Sember (Buffalo, Ny) is the author of more than 35 titles, including Cookie: A Cultural History, from Animal Crackers to Zweiback, and her freelance work has appeared in over 175 publications. she blogs about parchment paper cooking at and her website is nicole Cormier, rD, LDn (Middleboro, Ma), the author of The Everything® Healthy College Cookbook and The Everything® Guide to Nutrition, is the owner of the nutrition counseling company delicious living Nutrition. For more information, visit
A guide to stocks that outperform!
The ultimate guide for bullish investors!
• Stocks picked by the authors of The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy have consistently beat the Dow Jones Average and S&p 500 • The stock market continues to reach levels not seen since 2008, opening numerous opportunities for investors (Wall Street Journal) • previous editions of The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy have sold more than 250,000 copies!
• Stocks picked by The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy have consistently performed above the Dow and S&p averages • After a period of volatility on Wall Street, experts are generally bullish on the market for the coming year ( • This is the first spinoff in the bestselling The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy series—which has sold more than 250,000 copies!
The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy 2012
Peter sander and scott Bobo
The 100 Best Aggressive Stocks You Can Buy 2012
Peter sander and scott Bobo
As the economy recovers, the stock market has soared, and investors are searching for places to put their money. Continuing its tradition of beating the market average, The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy 2012 reveals the recommended list of top 100 stocks smart investors should purchase in 2012. The newest edition includes suggestions about investing in nontraditional assets, such as gold and other precious metals, coins, art, wine, commodities, and hedge funds. Perfect for novice or experienced readers, this easily referenced volume remains an essential and trusted tool for building investment portfolios that yield returns all investors will love.
peter Sander (Granite Bay, Ca) is the author of seventeen books and numerous articles dealing with investment strategies. He is the co-author of The Best 100 Stocks You Can Buy 2011. Scott Bobo (san Jose, Ca) is a professional engineer and researcher in the consumer electronics, personal computer, and semiconductor industries. scott served as lead researcher for the 2010 and 2011 editions of The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy.
A rising market brings out investors more prone to risk-taking. But where should they put their money? Just how safe is aggressive investment, anyway? For investors who want to rebuild their portfolios after the losses of the past few years, here’s the essential guide to investing in highperformance stocks. For those willing to undergo a measure of risk in anticipation of high returns, this guide offers information on potentially top-yielding stocks, along with suggestions on how to balance a portfolio to minimize exposure while at the same time ensuring the best possible returns. Modeled on the bestselling 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, each entry includes a summary of the company’s history and scope; reasons to buy; reasons for caution; and a summary of earnings for the previous eight years. The market is surging to levels not seen since 2008. Investors are watching attentively, ready to jump on the next big thing. The 100 Best Aggressive Stocks You Can Buy 2012 will guide them safely to it.
Ships: October Publication: November Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 368 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0053-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0053-4 EAN: 9-78144050053-4 UPC: 0-4507950053-2 38
Marketing: • national pr outreach to finance and investment media
Ships: October Publication: November Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 336 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2594-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2594-0 EAN: 9-78144052594-0 UPC: 0-4507952594-8
Marketing: • national pr outreach to finance and investment media
Buy this book. Buy this book. Buy this book.
• readers will even be able to brainwash pavlov once they master these
proven coercion techniques
• From the FBI investigating Scientology for brainwashing impoverished
recruits to a commander in Afghanistan ordering a “psychological operations” team to manipulate U.S. senators, brainwashing is a very popular topic (Fox news, MSnBC)
• The three most famous brainwashing movies will soon be celebrating
anniversaries: A Clockwork Orange will celebrate its fortieth anniversary in late 2011; the original The Manchurian Candidate will celebrate its fiftieth in 2012; and Full Metal Jacket will celebrate its twenty-fifth in 2012
Brainwashing for Beginners
Read This Book. Read This Book. Read This Book.
Meghan rowland and Chris Turner-Neal
You will never read a book that is this important. You will care for this book as if it is your own child. You will feel overwhelming anxiety and nausea without this book. You will no longer need any other entertainment after buying this book. You will buy this book for you and your friends. Classical conditioning is just one brainwashing technique in this mind-blowingly awesome book. It provides inexperienced, future mind persuaders with the tools and techniques of the brainwashing trade to achieve their most immediate life objectives. Readers will learn how to: • • • • • Place subliminal messages to get ahead at work Manipulate friends to believe their viewpoints Use paranoia to eliminate enemies Repeat phrases until they are jarred into their families’ thoughts Use Pavlovian reinforcement to persuade significant others to do housework
Marketing: • national pr to women’s/men’s interest, humor, alternative, and pop culture media • Targeted social media outreach • Holiday brainwashing pitch—“Buy this gift.” • Scribd promotion • E-book promotion • promotion on Daily Bender blog
With Brainwashing for Beginners, readers will convince and convert the world around them today.
Ships: October Publication: November Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 224 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2861-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2861-3 EAN: 13: 9-78144052861-3 UPC: 0-4507952861-1
Meghan rowland (Washington, dC) and Chris Turner-neal (New orleans, la), formerly Magda olynoff and Heinrich von Pfalz-von Kessen, are the authors of The Misanthrope’s Guide to Life and writers of the award-winning comedy blog When not writing, they enjoy democracy, baseball, mom’s apple pie, and reporting the names of their former comrades to the proper authorities. They’ve never been so happy.
Features the best of the worst from!
• The book based on the only Bad Austen writing contest to parody
Jane Austen
• Austen’s works are more popular than ever before. In the past ten years
all of her novels have seen at least one film or television adaptation
• The Jane Austen Society of north America has approximately 4,000
members and more than sixty chapters
Bad Austen
The Worst Stories Jane Never Wrote
edited by Peter archer and Jennifer lawler
Imagine Mansfield Park set on the Jersey Shore. Or Mr. Darcy heading up the Starship Enterprise. Or Emma Woodhouse traveling through time to indulge her matchmaking. If you think that sounds like bad Austen, you couldn’t be more right. It is a truth universally acknowledged that an author as popular as Jane Austen should be imitated, expanded upon, and parodied. Now, in the tradition of the Bad Hemingway and Bad Faulkner contests, comes a new collection of hilarious efforts to write the worst excerpt from the novel Jane Austen never wrote. Bad Austen: Because the only thing better than good Austen is bad Austen!
Marketing: • national pr to literary, humor, and pop culture media • Targeted social media promotion • Outreach to Austen groups • Scribd promotion • E-book promotion
Ships: October Publication: November Humor, Trade Paperback with Flaps 5½ x 7½, 224 pages $11.95 (Canada $12.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1185-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1185-1 EAN: 9-78144051185-1 UPC: 0-4507951185-9
peter Archer (Wareham, Ma) is an editor at adams Media and author of The Quotable Intellectual. in his life he has been a college instructor, a convenience store clerk, and a short-order cook, as well as a long-time fan of Jane austen. Jennifer Lawler (eudora, Ks) is a writer and editor and the author or coauthor of more than thirty books. love of Jane austen may have convinced her to earn a Phd in english literature, but it was love of laughter that made her beg to help create Bad Austen.
Brain science readers can really cash in on
• The only book scientifically designed to program readers’ brains for
wealth accumulation
• Studies show that the rich person’s brain is different (University of
Cambridge)—but all readers can learn how to think like a rich person with this book to finances (Scientific American)—and with the exercises in this book, that same creativity can be learned
• Wealthy people are creative people who take an innovative approach
Train Your Brain to get rich
The Simple Program That Primes Your Gray Cells for Wealth, Prosperity, and Financial Security
Teresa aubele, Phd, doug Freeman, Jd, llM, lee Hausner, Phd, and susan reynolds
In Train Your Brain to Get Rich, readers leverage the latest brain research to learn how the rich think—and program their own little grey cells to think in more prosperous ways themselves. With this no-nonsense, practical guide, readers will watch their bank accounts grow and their portfolios blossom when they understand the way the brain it can help them: • Make more money, by reprogramming the brain to identify the best opportunities • Invest more wisely, by short-circuiting the pleasure center that facilitates faulty reasoning • Rebound from financial setbacks, without getting trapped by the brain’s fight-or-flight response • Create more wealth, by focusing the mind on innovation and creativity • Keep more of what you make, by tricking the brain into taking the long view Written by a talented team of experts, Train Your Brain to Get Rich combines the latest research in both science and human behavior to provide readers with the brainchanging program they need to lead a rich life—each and every day!
Marketing: • national pr to personal finance and health media • Targeted social media • E-book freemium promotion
Ships: October Publication: November Business, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2808-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2808-8 EAN: 9-78144052808-8 UPC: 0-4507952808-6
Teresa Aubele (West Bridgewater, Ma) received her Phd in Neuroscience from stony Brook university. she is currently engaged as a postdoctoral researcher at Florida state university. Doug Freeman, JD, LLM (Newport Beach, Ca) provides strategic planning and organizational management advice for business, nonprofit, foundation, and family clients. until retirement, Mr. Freeman was designated a Certified specialist in Taxation under the state Bar of California. Lee Hausner, phD (los angeles, Ca) is an internationally recognized clinical psychologist and business consultant. dr. Hausner co-founded First Foundation advisors, a consulting group dealing with families involved in a family business and/or high net worth families of wealth. Susan reynolds (Boston, Ma) is a journalist, author, and founder of literary Cottage, a literary consulting firm. 41
An authoritative overview of eyewitness accounts, evidence, and theories
• An unbiased, comprehensive, and down-to-earth overview of the UFO
phenomenon around the world
• Bill Birnes is the host of the History Channel series UFO Hunters and
Ancient Aliens and the author of Aliens in America
• In a recent Ap poll, 34 percent of respondents said that they believe
in UFOs, and UFO sightings increased more than 300 percent between 2008 and 2009 (
• Everything® new Age titles have sold more than 800,000 copies!
The Everything® UFO Book
William J. Birnes, author of Aliens in America
An investigation of sightings, cover-ups, and the quest for extraterrestrial life
Marketing: • national pr to new Age media
Are extraterrestrial beings trying to contact us? Is the government covering up evidence? What is the real truth about UFOs, close encounters, and alien abduction? In this fascinating guide, UFO expert Bill Birnes covers everything from theories about the nature of UFOs to where you’re likely to find them; from case studies of alien encounters to the scientific studies of otherworldly visitors. Other topics include: • • • • The beginnings of modern “Ufology” in the age of rockets A history of military and pilot encounters with UFOs Twenty-first-century UFO sightings around the globe Types of equipment needed to capture UFOs on film or video
With photos of UFOs that have stood the test of time and science, reports from credible witnesses, and lists of government documents that actually admit to the existence of UFOs, The Everything® UFO Book is the only book readers need to ground themselves in this exciting subject.
Ships: October Publication: November New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 288 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2513-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2513-1 EAN: 9-78144052513-1 UPC: 0-4507952513-9
William J. Birnes (lambertville, NJ) is the host of History Channel’s UFO Hunters and Ancient Aliens and a New York Times bestselling author. He is the author of Aliens in America, co-author of The Day After Roswell, and the publisher of UFO Magazine.
A lexiphanic bombilation of fatuous foolery!
• The only word game in a book where readers guess which words are
genuine and which are mendacious
• Balderdash, a board game in which players indulge in linguistic
chicanery, is a popular hit for toy manufacturer Mattel
• Adams Media’s word games books have sold 1.5 million copies to
a panoply of wiseacres, anxious to prove themselves smarter than anyone else
William Wilson
A dictionary that’s 1/3 accurate, 2/3 nonsense—and 100% UP TO YOU TO DECIDE
Marketing: • national pr outreach to writing media • Outreach to Writer’s Digest community • Holiday gift pitch • Advertising in Writer’s Digest magazine
Houghmaganday. Barlick. Machonocie. Two out of these three words are real words— and one is fake. (Hint: It’s the one that sounds simplest.) But only the readers of Gobbledygook will know for sure! This fun, fascinating book boasts hundreds of obscure, outdated, and outrageous words. Language aficionados will spend hours of fun debating, shouting, laughing, and mulling over such obtuse gems as “galliardise,” “telestich,” and “quidnunc.” And they’ll have even more fun guessing the lexicographical imposters, scoring points, and outwitting their family and friends. Let the word games begin!
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 272 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2818-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2818-7 EAN: 9-78144052818-7 UPC: 0-4507952818-5
William Wilson (Winston-salem, NC) is fascinated by all things having to do with words. He’s the co-author of several books about words and uses words daily in his communication with others.
The sound advice parents need to help their child recover
• The only book on the market to include a discussion of eating
disorders, positive body image, and treatment for children under the age of twelve, the fastest growing group of sufferers
• The number of eating disorders in children under the age of twelve
has risen 119 percent over the past few years (Medical news Today)
• The national Eating Disorders Association has called this recent rapid
growth of eating disorders “unprecedented”
• Everything® parenting books have sold more than 1.9 million copies!
The Everything® parent’s guide to Eating Disorders
The information you need to see the warning signs, help promote positive body image, and develop a recovery plan for your child
angie Best-Boss, Ma, Content editor,
In a society that is so focused on beauty and appearance, children can easily get swept up in the desire to look perfect. And when that desire turns into an eating disorder, it becomes detrimental for the child and devastating for the parents. But with the professional, accessible advice presented here, parents can get the support they need. The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Eating Disorders helps parents: • • • • • Promote positive body image—at any age Instill healthy eating habits Recognize warning signs Find the right treatments options Stay positive and encourage their child
Marketing: • national pr to parenting and health media
This book provides an all-encompassing look at eating disorders—the symptoms, the causes, and the treatments—so parents can feel confident about the steps they need to take to help their child overcome this illness.
Ships: October Publication: November Parenting, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 288 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2785-7 ISBN 13: 9778-1-4405-2785-2 EAN: 9-778144052785-2 UPC: 0-4507952785-0
Angie Best-Boss, MA (New Palestine, iN) is the content editor for eatingdisordersonline, the internet’s fastest-growing eating-disorders community. an award-winning health-care writer, she is the survivor of an eating disorder, as well as the parent of a teen with an eating disorder. Ms. Boss has a master’s degree in counseling and is a member of the american Medical Writers association and the association of Health Care Journalists.
A daily dose of self-care for body, mind, and soul!
• The easiest-to-use book on self-care that covers all aspects of mind,
body, and spirit!
• The self-care trend is expected to continue, driven by the consumer’s
increasing alienation from the heath-care system and an aging population (Prevention)
• 74 percent of Americans believe that it’s their responsibility to keep
abreast of health-care advances to improve their own self-care (The Philips Index: America’s Health and Well-being Report 2010)
Self-Care for Life
Find Joy, Peace, Serenity, Vitality, Sensuality, Abundance, & Enlightenment—Each and Every Day
skye alexander, Meera lester, and Carolyn dean, Md
The best way to take care of your self is to take care of your Self. With its unique threefold approach, Self-Care for Life helps readers nurture and nourish the mind, body, and spirit within the natural course of every day: mind Take a break from the (bad) news. It’s hard to find spiritual sustenance and renewal in a world rocked by tension. So turn off the television and radio, stay off the Internet, and stop the daylong bombardment of negativity from virtually every media outlet. body Drink a cup of gyokuro tea. Theanine is an amino acid that increases alpha brainwave activity—and gyokuro tea is chock full of it. One cup of this Japanese green tea and you’ll be calmer and wiser for up to four hours. spirit Choose a natural talisman. A talisman is a token chosen to create a certain effect. Crystals, stones, and feathers are natural talismans you can use to protect yourself from anxiety, relieve stress, and remind you who you really are. From alternative medicine and ayurvedic nutrition to chakra healing and tantric sex, Self-Care for Life allows readers to weave self-care into the weft and woof of their lives, transforming their lives—moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day.
Skye Alexander (Kerrville, TX) is a New age enthusiast and educator. she is the author of more than a dozen nonfiction and fiction books, including The Everything® Tarot Book, 2nd Edition. Meera Lester (san Jose, Ca) is the author of more than two dozen books, including 365 Ways to Live the Law of Attraction and The Everything® Law of Attraction Book. Carolyn Dean, MD (City island, Ny) is a medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor. she is also the coauthor of 365 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power.
Marketing: • national pr to health, women’s interest, and new Age media • Targeted social media outreach • promotion on Jane on Top blog
Ships: October Publication: November Self-help, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 384 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2860-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2860-6 EAN: 9-78144052860-6 UPC: 0-4507952860-4
The quintessential comfort food gets a makeover!
• The only casserole book dedicated entirely to healthy renditions of this
popular comfort food
• Casseroles are a relatively quick and easy way to feed a family with
minimal time and effort. As with a slow cooker, most of the cooking time is hands-free. They are also a great way to use leftovers without waste–and to eat well for less (US News & World Report)
• Comfort food, including casseroles, is one of Good Housekeeping’s top
food trends of 2011
• Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.5 million copies!
Includes: Turkey and Summer Squash Moussaka • Bubbly Black Bean and Cheese Dip • Chicken Jambalaya • Seitan Shepherd’s Pie • Harvest Fruit Crisp. . .and hundreds more!
Kristen Widican, Ms, rd, ldN
The Everything® Healthy Casserole Cookbook
Marketing: • national pr to health and cooking media • promotion on The Hungry Editor blog
Casserole—that old weeknight standby—is trendy again! The Everything® Healthy Casserole Cookbook takes the work out of preparing healthy casserole-based appetizers, entrees, and desserts, and shows readers how to create consistently flavorful dishes! The healthy, delicious recipes in this book include: • • • • • Spinach and Broccoli Strata Seafood and Orzo with Feta Coconut and Lime Sweet Potato Casserole Baked Ratatouille Farfalle with Eggplant, Cheese, and Tomato Sauce
With 300 recipes that include nutritional information, tips for lightening up family favorites, and vegetarian, vegan, and special diet options, this fun and fresh cookbook has something for everyone.
Ships: October Publication: November Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2932-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2932-0 EAN: 9-78144052932-0 UPC: 0-4507952932-8
Kris Widican, MS, rD, LDn (Brookline, Ma) is a registered dietitian, chef, and food writer who specializes in culinary nutrition. Kris trained at the Culinary institute of america and honed her skills in award-winning restaurants including Gramercy Tavern in New york City, Ny. she was a senior writer and recipe developer at america’s Test Kitchen and Cook’s Country magazine.
Astonishing facts, trivia, and truths kids won’t find anywhere else!
• The first fact and trivia book from the series that provides “Everything
you’d want in a kid’s book” (Associated press)
• Includes a unique and widespread variety of topics that will make
kids laugh, groan, and giggle, but will also educate them on different aspects and history of their world
• Everything® Kids’ titles have sold more than 2.8 million copies!
The Everything® Kids’ Book of Outrageous Facts
Explore the most fantastic, extraordinary, and unbelievable truths about your world!
Beth l. Blair and Jennifer a. ericsson
Which U.S. president once worked as a professional cowboy? How many trees does it take to make a tissue? What is a “bog mummy”? Kids are always asking a million questions about the world they live in, and the more unbelievable the answer, the better! The Everything® Kids’ Book of Outrageous Facts is an all-in-one collection of the weirdest, most fascinating, and sometimes just icky truths out there! Readers will gasp, gag, and giggle at facts about: • • • • • Sports and famous athletes Animals at home and in the wild Science and chemistry Ancient Egyptians and pharaohs Pirates and buried treasure
Marketing: • national pr outreach to parenting media
Featuring factoids and experiments about almost everything under the sun, The Everything® Kids’ Book of Outrageous Facts is perfect for inquisitive and interested kids—and their inquisitive and interested parents, too!
Ships: October Publication: November Juvenile, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 144 pages $9.95 (Canada $10.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2849-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2849-1 EAN: 9-78144052849-1 UPC: 0-4507952849-9
Beth L. Blair (Cantebury, NH) is an illustrator and graphic designer. she is the author and coauthor of numerous Everything® Kids’ books, including The Everything® Kids’ Gross Mazes Book and The Everything® Kids’ Animal Puzzle and Activity Book. Jennifer A. Ericsson (Concord, NH) is a children’s book writer and coauthor of several Everything® Kids’ books, including The Everything® Kids’ Puzzle Book and The Everything® Kids’ Pirate Puzzle and Activity Book.
The gift that captures the wonder of childhood
• The only treasuries of classic songs,
poems, rhymes, games, and more that are designed specifically for either little girls or boys!
• A beautiful linen-over-board package
that makes an attractive keepsake for parents
• parents are looking for keepsakes
and toys that evoke their own happy childhood and this nostalgic collection fulfills their needs (npD group)
The Little Book of Boys
M. l. stratton
Boys will be boys . . . And we wouldn’t want it any other way! The Little Book of Boys is a celebration of all things boy—a riot of songs, poems, lullabies, rhymes, and games readers will love sharing with their little buddies, including: • Little Jack Horner, Jack and the Beanstalk, Tom Thumb, and Little Boy Blue • How to Paint Rocks and Make a Worm Farm • Hide and Seek and Kick the Can Snips, snails, and puppy dog’s tails—and so much more! That’s what The Little Book of Boys is made of.
Marketing: • national pr to pregnancy, parenting, and gift guide media • promotion on Cereal for Supper blog
Ships: October Publication: November Parenting, Linen-Over-Board 5 x 7½, 128 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50) Rights: World Rights The Little Book of Boys ISBN 10: 1-4405-2895-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2895-8 EAN: 9-78144052895-8 UPC: 0-4507952895-6 The Little Book of Girls ISBN 10: 1-4405-2896-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2896-5 EAN: 9-78144052896-5 UPC: 0-4507952896-3
The Little Book of girls
M. l. stratton
Thank heaven for little girls . . . With their shy smiles and infectious giggles, little girls are some of the most precious creatures on earth. The Little Book of Girls is a celebration of all things girl—a collection of songs, poems, lullabies, rhymes, and games readers will love sharing with their little ladies, including: • Little Miss Muffet, Skip to My Lou, Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella • How to Make Sugar Cookies • Cat’s Cradle and My Little Ponies Sugar, spice, and everything nice—and so much more! That’s what The Little Book of Girls is made of.
M.L. Stratton (raynham, Ma) is a freelance editor and a mother of three—two boys and a girl.
A survival guide for the first year of nursing
Sanity-saver for busy moms!
• Addresses the changing job market for nurses, including the projected nurse shortage • Kathy Quan is a veteran professional nurse and mentor, with more than 30 years of experience, and she maintains the popular resource • The number of nursing students is expected to double over the next few years (national Health Center for Workforce Analysis) • The Everything New Nurse Book has sold more than 23,000 copies!
• The only portable book to feature activities and sections on potty training, bedtime fears, and separation anxiety for children ages 2 to 6 • Features easy-to-make recipes geared to the nutritional needs of growing children—including dishes for picky eaters and on-thego snacks • Everything® parenting books have sold more than 1.9 million copies!
The Everything® new nurse Book, 2nd Edition
Gain confidence, manage your schedule, and be ready for anything!
Kathy Quan, rN, BsN, PHN
The Everything® pocket Mom
Quick and easy solutions for all your parenting problems
vincent iannelli, Md
New nurses must quickly learn how to care for sick and vulnerable patients and handle incredibly stressful situations. The Everything® New Nurse Book, 2nd Edition addresses all this and more. Veteran nurse Kathy Quan teaches readers how to: • Balance a hectic schedule, handle stress, and avoid burnout • Deal with doctors and other medical professionals • Use software, smartphones, and apps to treat patients This revised and updated guide gives readers all the tools they need to get through those first critical months on the job—and beyond.
A toddler has a meltdown in the middle of a store A two-year-old is terrified to go to bed at night What’s a busy mom to do when she doesn’t have time to pour over child development books? The Everything® Pocket Mom is the ultimate resource for time-strapped moms who need answers—fast! Inside, parents will find valuable information on: • • • • Potty-training and bed-wetting Diffusing bad behaviors in public Encouraging socialization Recipes for easy-to-prepare meals and take-along snacks
Plus, this handy guide has more than thirty quick activities parents can use to curb an impeding tantrum or entertain little ones when they’re on-the-go with mom. This portable go-to provides answers for any parenting emergency!
Kathy Quan, rn, BSn, pHn (Thousand oaks, Ca) has been a nurse for thirty years. Kathy currently works in home health and hospice nursing, while also mentoring new nurses. she is the former the nursing guide for, and now blogs about nursing on her popular website, Ships: October Publication: November Careers, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2687-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2687-9 EAN: 9-78144052687-9 UPC: 0-4507952687-7 Vincent Iannelli, MD, (Heath, TX) is a board certified pediatrician, a fellow of the american academy of Pediatricians, and an associate professor of pediatrics at the university of Texas southwestern Medical Center. He is also the Pediatrics Guide at and is the president of Keep Kids Healthy, llC, a parenting advice website. dr. iannelli has four children. Ships: October Publication: November Parenting, Trade Paperback 4¼ x 7, 320 pages $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3010-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3010-4 EAN: 9-78144053010-4 UPC: 0-4507953010-2 49
Previous Edition: The Everything® New Nurse Book, 1st Edition, $15.95, 1-59337-532-8
A Flavorful Tribute to the Stinking Rose
• The only book that reveals the myriad benefits of what Alexander
Dumas called the “mystically attractive bulb”
• Demand for garlic is soaring as more people discover its incredible
range of uses (The packer)
• The perfect gift for readers who want to know everything about
garlic—from its aphrodisical powers to its links with the planet Mars!
A Miscellany of garlic
Thomas deBole
From Paying off Pyramids and Scaring Away Tigers to Inspiring Courage and Curing Hiccups, the Unusual Power Behind the World’s Most Humble Herb
From ancient Greek lore to vampire movies and modern medicine, what other herb invokes such strong feelings in people as allium sativum—better known as garlic? Most people know garlic can season food and may even protect from evil spirits but they may not know it can cure colds, attract lovers, and sweeten luck—until now. A Miscellany of Garlic reveals all of the splendors of this amazing plant, including: • To keep them safe and strong, Egyptian slaves chewed on garlic while building the pyramids • Eating garlic can help repair lung damage caused by smoking • Tibetan monks were banned from eating garlic—due to its reputation as an aphrodisiac • Large quantities of raw garlic can prevent roundworm and other parasites • A mixture of crushed garlic and water can rid roses of aphids Packed with hundreds of aromatic facts, trivia, and quick-to-table recipes, A Miscellany of Garlic is an homage to the savory herb no garlic lover can resist.
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Linen-Over-Board 5½ x 7½, 224 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2982-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2982-5 EAN: 9-78144052982-5 UPC: 0-4507952982-3
Thomas DeBole (santa Cruz, Ca) is a food historian and blogger who has written extensively about the history and uses of various fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. He regularly attends the Gilroy Garlic Festival and has been a judge at several of its events.
If they’re already in there, they might as well learn something . . .
• This intellectual spin on the bathroom book is an academic
brain-dump, breaking down lessons so readers build upon their knowledge flush-by-flush
• Reference-lite readers return to the shelf almost as often as
they go to the bathroom and this would be the perfect addition to their toilet-top library
• Holy crap! Adams Media’s last bathroom book—1,001 Facts That
Will Scare the S#*t Out of You—has sold more than 85,000 copies!
A Ton of Crap
Paul Kleinman
The Bathroom Book That’s Filled to the Brim with Knowledge
Marketing: • National PR to men’s interest, humor, pop culture, and college media • Targeted social media • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Blog tour
If Uncle John went to college, he would’ve learned A Ton of Crap. This new addition to the bathroom library takes the reader’s toilet time very seriously. Well, as seriously as one can when their pants are around their ankles. Rather than idle away as they do their business, readers will be treated to a first-class education that finishes when they flush—and picks back up again when they sit back down. Each spread includes five little nuggets in different academic subjects that lead to larger lessons learned over seven sittings so something new is learned every week. (Since the average person visits the bathroom once a day—for more than just a pee-break.) Now readers will leave the bathroom a little lighter and a little more enlightened.
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 352 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2935-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2935-1 EAN: 9-78144052935-1 UPC: 0-4507952935-9
Paul Kleinman (Boston, MA) learned a ton of crap from the University of Wisconsin. He now expands his knowledgebase as a freelance writer, researching and writing about a ton of different crap.
The ultimate guide to naming a new baby!
• This latest edition includes a unique chapter on the sociology of baby
names, as well as a focus on practical names that won’t embarrass your child
• Approximately 4 million babies are born every year in the U.S.—and
they all need names!
• The Everything® Baby Names Book and The Everything® Baby Names
Book, 2nd Edition have sold a combined 239,000 copies, and the first edition has one of the highest sales numbers of any Everything® title
• Everything® parenting titles have sold more than 1.9 million copies!
The Everything® Baby Names Book, 3rd Edition
From classic to contemporary, 50,000 baby names that you—and your child—will love
June Rifkin
Choosing a baby’s name is one of the most important—and difficult—decisions any parents will ever make. Fortunately, The Everything® Baby Names Book, 3rd Edition is here to help! Featuring 50,000 of today’s best names, and brand-new scientific information on the sociology of naming, this guide is the ultimate resource for readers who are getting ready to make this momentous choice. The updated edition features: • • • • Brand-new scientific data on the impact that different names have on a child Complete separate sections for boys’ and girls’ names Meanings and origins of names explained Interesting and unique variations from around the globe
Marketing: • National PR to pregnancy and parenting media • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog
Packed with engaging lists of popular and traditional names, fun facts, and important scientific data, The Everything® Baby Names Book, 3rd Edition gives parents a plethora of possibilities—so they can make the perfect choice for their new bundle of joy!
Ships: October Publication: November Parenting, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10:1-4405-2703-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2703-6 EAN: 9-78144052703-6 UPC: 0-4507952703-4
Previous Edition: The Everything® Baby Names Book, 2nd Edition, $15.95, 1-59337-578-6 ALSO AVAILABLE:
June Rifkin (New York, NY) is the author of The Everything® Baby Names Book, 2nd Edition, and was recently a featured expert in an interview with CNN for a story entitled, “Does Your Name Shape Your Destiny?” She holds a Master’s Degree in Writing and Publishing.
The comprehensive guide to a positive attitude and personal joy
• Features unique and exclusive meditations and relaxation
techniques to promote self-affirming thoughts—complete with a CD of guided meditations
• Self-esteem is at an all-time low for young adults, with the
results stating that they would rather receive a compliment or positive affirmation than engage in sexual intercourse, receive money, or eat a favorite food (New York Times)
• Everything® self-help titles have sold almost 400,000 copies!
Build your confidence, set goals that work, and learn to love yourself
Nanette Burton Mongelluzzo, PhD
The Everything® Guide to Self-Esteem with CD
Marketing: • National PR to health and wellness media
Millions of people suffer from feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness, and their low self-esteem can drastically affect all aspects of their lives: love, work, family dynamics, and their own sense of self-worth. The Everything® Guide to Self-Esteem with CD is an updated and revised resource for boosting confidence and achieving inner strength, showing readers how to: • • • • • • Recognize their own detrimental behaviors Set reasonable and challenging goals that work Build confidence at home and in the workplace Identify and eliminate “contaminated” people who bring only negativity Take positive risks and find happiness in all areas of life Use simple, interactive activities to put things in perspective
Complete with an exclusive section on the benefits of relaxation and wellness for selfesteem, plus a CD of soothing, guided meditations, The Everything® Guide to SelfEsteem with CD is the essential resource for realizing a healthier, happier life!
Ships: November Publication: December Self-Help, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2882-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2882-8 EAN: 9-78144052882-8 UPC: 0-4507952882-6
Nanette Burton Mongelluzzo, PhD (Sedona, AZ) is a practicing psychotherapist who regularly works with individuals and families on understanding, developing, and fostering healthy self-esteem, and assists them in nurturing the esteem needs of those around them. She also offers workshops and community-based activities focused on developing positive self-esteem and growth.
A complete reference for a divine encounter!
• The most comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide for people who
want to communicate with their angels
• More than half of all adults believe that they have been protected by a
guardian angel during their life (Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion)
• Despite the increasing secularization of American society, belief
in an afterlife has actually risen over the past 50 years among the general public (AARP)
101 Ways to Meet Your Angels
Karen Paolino, CHT, ATP
Affirmations and Exercises to Connect with and Learn from Your Angelic Guardians
Angels are everywhere—watching over us and even guiding us without our knowledge. In this inspiring and reassuring guide, readers will learn to communicate with these heavenly messengers, and call upon them for counsel and consideration. Clairvoyant spiritual counselor Karen Paolino, trained by world-famous angel expert Doreen Virtue, teaches readers how to connect with their team of guardians by: • • • • Developing their divine intuition Discovering the power of prayer to invoke angel miracles Using angel-specific meditations and affirmations Performing Angel Card readings
Ships: October Publication: November New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2981-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2981-8 EAN: 9-78144052981-8 UPC: 0-4507952981-6
Featuring special sections on the history and hierarchy of angels, their individual roles as messengers and protectors, and real-life examples of angel miracles, 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels is all readers need to meet the angels that offer love, support, and guidance—each and every day!
Karen Paolino, CHT, ATP (Abington, MA) has integrated her training in mediumship, Angel Therapy, and hypnotherapy with her gifts as a clairvoyant spiritual counselor and teacher. She is a graduate of Doreen Virtue’s intensive Angel Therapy® certificate program and has the ability to communicate and connect with angels and loved ones in the spirit world to express and deliver their healing, loving messages.
300+ words no woman can live without!
• The only dictionary written specifically for the fairer sex—whether
they’re chicks, babes, tomboys, or girly-girls
• Words You Should Know books have sold more than 280,000 copies
and OMG! has sold more than 13,500 copies . . .SRSLY!
• Great gift potential for any BFF, boo, wifey, bestie, lovah, girlfriend,
or biffle
The Chicktionary
Anna Lefler
From A-Line to Z-Snap, the Words Every Woman Should Know
Most ladies know the definitions of “low lights,” “ruching,” and a “tankini.” But do they know an “Efron” when they see one? With The Chicktionary, readers will know just what to do and what to expect when faced with terms like: • • • • S**t Show Denim rage VPL Silpada Party • • • • GNO Zuckerman Batcave Frumping • • • • Martha Trout Pout Ohnoyoudidn’t George Glass
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 240 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2984-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2984-9 EAN: 9-78144052984-9 UPC: 0-4507952984-7
So whether they’re at a Bitch and Stitch or asked to bring crudités to a baby shower, readers will be ready for any situation. At the very least, they’ll know that duck faces and jeggings are never okay.
Anna Lefler (Santa Monica, CA) is an award-winning writer and humorist whose work has appeared online at various humor websites including McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and FunnyNotSlutty. Lefler also writes a popular humor blog,
Finally, a Checklist Worthy of True Intellectuals
• The first-ever checklist book that separates the pseudo-intellectuals
from the real Noam Chomskys
• The aspiring scholar’s complement to Adams Media’s successful The
Lazy Intellectual and The Quotable Intellectual
• Provides readers with 314 checklists designed to track their intellec-
tual accomplishments—and challenge them to achieve more
• The ultimate test for fans of The Checklist Manifesto—who won’t find
it so easy to make the grade with this book
The Intellectual’s Checklist
Alexander Hopkins
314 Esoteric Facts, Figures, and Philosophies Only the Smartest People Know
All five movements of Beethoven’s Missa solemnis. Check. The films that Kurasawa based on Western works. Check. Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell. Check. These are the sorts of elegant erudition every self-respecting intellectual should know— inside and out. In The Intellectual’s Checklist, aspiring pundits, poets, and philosophers find the arcane checklists that reveal whether they are truly well-versed enough in the arts and sciences of the obscure to warrant the esteemed moniker intellectual. From Nietzsche to Newton, Einstein to Eisenstadt, Sappho to Sartre, this elucidating volume gives readers all the esoterica they need to bask in the knowledge that they really do know everything. (Now that they’ve read this book.)
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Paper-Over-Board 5¼ x 7⅛, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3028-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3028-9 EAN: 9-78144053028-9 UPC: 0-4507953028-7
Alexander Hopkins (Boston, MA) is the pseudonym for the author, who often finds himself making references to Fyodor Dostoevsky and John Keats whether it’s socially acceptable (wine tastings, golf courses, book clubs) or not (sports bars, World of Warcraft tournaments, delis).
From Elvish to Klingon— the only comprehensive dictionary of imaginary languages!
• For the first time in one volume: The top 50 made-up languages of all
time! (
• In September 2010 the Washington Shakespeare Company performed
excerpts from Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the original Klingon. majQa’! (Well done!—Klingon)
• A˘ skultu ci tion! (Listen to this!—Esperanto) Adams’ other word books u ˆ
have sold more than 150,000 copies
A Dictionary of Made-Up Languages
Stephen D. Rogers
From Elvish to Klingon—the Anwa, Reela, Ealray, Yeht (Real) Origins of Invented Lexicons
Marketing: • National PR to humor, alternative, film, literary, geek, and pop culture media • Targeted outreach to Gamer community • Scribd promotion • Targeted social media outreach
“taH pagh, taH be!” (“To be or not to be….” in Klingon) “Elen síla lumenn’ omentielvo.” (“A star shines upon the hour of our meeting,” the standard Elvish greeting)) “Ne dankinde.” (“You’re welcome,” in Esperanto) Language buffs will love this one-of-a-kind dictionary of imaginary tongues. From the nineteenth century grammarian’s Anglic (with its perfectly simple syntax) to Tolkien’s fantastical Elvish (with its vaguely Finnish undertones), this intriguing collection of the most popular made-up lexicons offers endless hours of fun for word lovers everywhere. Readers can master the exotic enunciations of Avatar’s Na’vi aliens in one sitting— and take on the intricate phrasings of Vulcan, Venusian, and Volapük in the next (just to name the Vs). This comprehensive volume also includes pronunciation and punctuation guides, as well as must-know conversational terms for every language. With thousands of words in more than 100 languages pulled from history, literature, and pop culture, The Dictionary of Made-Up Languages is the perfect lexicographical companion for ordway overslay (word lovers in Pig Latin) everywhere!
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Linen-Over-Board 5½ x 8, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2817-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2817-0 EAN: 9-78144052817-0 UPC: 0-4507952817-8
Stephen D. Rogers (Buzzards Bay, MA) has taught students in middle school, high school, and college and thus has an intimate familiarity with made-up language. He is the editor of My First Year in the Classroom: 50 Stories That Celebrate the Good, the Bad, and the Most Unforgettable Moments.
The vade mecum readers need to stretch the bounds of vocabulary!
• The only thesaurus for brainiacs, aspiring scholars, and literati • Roget’s is the most respected and widely known name in thesauri • Adams’ word books have sold more than 150,000 copies!
Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals
Synonyms, Antonyms, & Related Terms Every Smart Person Should Know How to Use
David Olsen, Michelle Bevilacqua, and Justin Cord Hayes
Who doesn’t want to impress, dazzle, or engross a casual acquaintance with erudite (or possibly recondite) word stock, lexis, or phraseology? Who wouldn’t like to make impressive conversation, remarks, utterances, observations, or even reflections? For anyone who’s ever surmised, there has to be a better word for this!, here’s the book, tome, volume, treatise, or possibly opuscule to have at their side. Under the time-tested and respected banner of Roget’s Thesaurus, the author presents an array of words and their definitions organized by meaning. Inspired by the topselling The Big Book of Words You Should Know, this thesaurus is essential for students, writers, and anyone who wants to enjoy a complex and sophisticated vocabulary.
Marketing: • National PR to literary and general interest media • Targeted social media – hardest word angle • “Are you an intellectual” quiz
Ships: October Publication: November Reference, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 448 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2898-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2898-9 EAN: 9-78144052898-9 UPC: 0-4507952989-7
David Olsen (Columbia, MD) is the author of the bestselling The Words You Should Know. Michelle Bevilacqua (Avon, MA) is a former editor with Adams Media and the author of More Words You Should Know. Justin Cord Hayes (Winston-Salem, NC) is the author of 101 Things You Didn’t Know About Casino Gambling and 747 Things to Do on a Plane among others.
978-1-55850-018-1 978-1-60550-139-0
WWJD—what would Jimi do?
• The first book to feature wisdom from the likes of Jerry Garcia, John
Candy, Jim Morrison—and those are just the Js
• Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Elizabeth Taylor, Andy Warhol—they were
geniuses when they were alive and have only gotten wiser in death
• The perfect gift for twisted fans of dark humor books like The Book of
Bunny Suicides and Grandma’s Dead
Advice from Dead Celebrities
A.J. Barnes, Illustrated by Aaron Waite
If celebrities that have gone to a better place could come back and give us one piece of priceless advice, what would it be? Karen Carpenter: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. John F. Kennedy: Don’t mess with Texas. Mama Cass: Chew your food thoroughly and carefully. James Dean: Click it or ticket! From presidents to pop stars, Advice from Dead Celebrities imagines what pearls of wisdom the dearly (sometimes darkly) departed would impart to us. Complete with hilarious illustrations of our favorite dead celebs, this one-of-a-kind volume will make readers die laughing.
Ships: November Publication: December Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 240 pages $11.95 (Canada $12.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3002-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3002-9 EAN: 9-78144053002-9 UPC: 0-4507953002-7
A.J. Barnes (Boston, MA) is a freelance writer, who, after graduating from college with a BA in creative writing, spent five years in Los Angeles working on his first novel by day and serving celebrities overpriced entrees by night. While he never wished death on any of the clientele, he often (accurately) predicted who would be the next to go. He now splits his time between London and Boston. Aaron Waite (East Bridgewater, MA) is a longtime artist who, as the illustrator for this book and 501 Things to Do with a Zombie, apparently has a penchant for drawing dead people. He lives with his wife and cats, who are still very much alive.
Who said vegans can’t “pig” out?
• The first and only vegan junk food book! • 26 percent of Americans are consciously striving to reduce the amount
of meat they eat (Cultivate Research Group)
• Vegan bakeries are popping up all over the place proving that while
they might be health-conscious, vegans don’t skimp when it comes to sweets!
Vegan Junk Food
Lane Gold
225 Sweet, Salty, and Scrumptious Treats for the Ultimate Pig-Out! (Pig Not Included)
Marketing: • National PR to health and cooking media • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Blog tour
Oreos, Fritos, Baked Lays—who knew that these junk food favorites were vegan? Going vegan doesn’t mean giving up the good stuff and munching broccoli and tofu every night of the week. Vegans enjoying pigging out like the rest of us when they are craving sugary, salty, and fried goodies. In Vegan Junk Food they can satisfy their jones with 225 yummy (and animal-friendly) recipes like: • • • • • Pumpkin Pancakes with Cinnamon Brown Butter Philly “Cheese” Fakes Barbecue Tempeh Pizza Chicken Fried Tofu with Gravy Root Beer Float Cupcakes
Whether it’s ooey-gooey desserts or deep-fried delicacies, Vegan Junk Food will have readers hungry for more!
Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Trade Paperback 2-color throughout with 8-page, 4-color photo insert 7 x 7, 240 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2897-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2897-2 EAN: 9-78144052897-2 UPC: 0-4507952897-0
Lane Gold (Los Angeles, CA) is a personal chef and caterer who specialized in homestyle vegan food. She has served conscientious meals all over Southern California to a widely varied clientele from inner-city children to rock stars. Her favorite vegan junk foods is anything that can be eaten with a chip or peanut butter and chocolate in any form.
The family that bakes together, “sticks” together!
• The first book that takes the dessert on a stick phenomenon beyond
cakes—to cookies, pies, candy, and more!
• Linda Vandermeer’s blog Bubble and Sweet showcases all of her
creations along with baking and decorating tips
• Bite-sized desserts have made the top five restaurant trends for the
past four years (National Restaurant Association)
Sweets on a Stick
Linda Vandermeer
200 Kid-Friendly Recipes for Cakes, Candies, Cookies, and Pies on the Go!
What’s better than dessert? Dessert on a stick! And now kids can get in on the fun with these scrumdiddlyumptious dessert recipes! Whether it’s mini cakes or candied fruit, Sweets on a Stick offers a variety of treats to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth such as: • • • • Mini Boston Cream Pies Fudge Blasted Brownie Bites Gooey Caramel Candy Apples Deep Freeze Chocolate Bananas
With full-color photos and step-by-step instructions, Sweets on a Stick is guaranteed fun for the whole family!
Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Paperback with flaps 4-color photos throughout 8 x 8, 192 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3005-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3005-0 EAN: 9-78144053005-0 UPC: 0-4507953005-8
Linda Vandermeer (Brisbane, Australia) started cooking with her mother as a child and now encourages her three children to help her in the kitchen. Inspired by their creativity, she started her blog, which features all of her delectable creations. Her recipes have been published in Peekaboo Magazine and Adore Magazine. A stay-at-home mom, she lives with her husband and three children.
What to do before “I do!”
• This portable planner features extensive checklists, charts, and
worksheets for busy brides, plus pockets to hold the most important documents
• The only wedding organizer to feature planning advice on the latest
trends like vegan weddings, unconventional ceremonies, and lowbudget, DIY affairs
• The Everything® Wedding Organizer first and second editions have
sold nearly 400,000 copies!
The Everything® Wedding Organizer, 3rd Edition
Checklists, charts, and worksheets for planning the perfect day!
Shelly Hagen
Booking the reception site. Picking the bridal party. Making the (final draft of the) guest list. For a newly engaged bride, the list of things that have to be done, viewed, picked, tasted, and signed for can be overwhelming. This accessible, portable, and irreplaceable guide helps brides stay organized, prepared, and ready for their big day, with helpful sections on: • • • • • • • Making and sticking to a wedding budget Booking the perfect ceremony and reception sites Creating a useful and realistic gift registry Inviting guests (and dealing with drama!) Keeping track of vendors and vendor payments Invitation and thank you note etiquette Life after the honeymoon and happily ever after!
Marketing: • National PR to wedding media
Packed with worksheets, checklists, and samples, plus new sections on do-it-yourself weddings and specialized menus, The Everything® Wedding Organizer, 3rd Edition makes wedding planning a breeze!
Ships: November Publication: December Weddings, Semi-concealed wire-o with pockets and rounded corners 6 x 8½, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2686-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2686-2 EAN: 9-78144052686-2 UPC: 0-4507952686-0 Previous Edition: The Everything® Wedding Organizer, 2nd Edition, $16.95, 1-59337-640-5 ALSO AVAILABLE:
Shelly Hagen (Saratoga Springs, NY) is the author of several Everything® wedding books, including The Everything® Wedding Organizer, 2nd Edition; The Everything® Destination Wedding Book; The Everything® Groom Book; The Everything® Wedding Etiquette Book; The Everything® Wedding Book, 3rd Edition; and The Everything® Elopement Book.
What goes on in the minds of children?
• Includes information on the latest, up-to-the-minute language studies
that prove babies can hear and process language in the womb, aiding brain development
• More than 10 percent of children are diagnosed with some form of
psychiatric disorder, mystifying parents and other caregivers as to what happens to a child’s brain as they grow (CNN)
• According to a new study from a neurolinguist at the University of
Regina in Canada, babies can hear and process language in utero, and advises parents take an active interest in their child’s development before they are born (Postmedia News)
The Everything® Child Psychology and Development Book with CD
A comprehensive resource on how children think, learn, and play—from their final months before birth to their adolescent years
Kendra Cherry and Elizabeth Saenger, PhD
Marketing: • National PR to parenting and health media
What is the baby thinking? Why does a toddler suddenly throw a tantrum when it’s time to go out? Is that surly teenager just acting her age, or is she suffering from a mood disorder? Questions like these plague parents, teachers, and care providers, and The Everything® Child Psychology and Development Book with CD is the key these readers need to unlock the psyche of children, addressing topics such as: • • • • Brain development in children—starting in the womb Cognitive and behavioral stages from babies to teenagers Helping children deal with today’s unprecedented stress and anxiety The impact that family history and environment have on emotional development • Warning signs and symptoms that should raise red flags Complete with a CD of relaxing, guided meditations and coping techniques for destressing children of all ages, The Everything® Child Psychology and Development Book with CD is the ideal tool for readers struggling to understand what goes on in the minds of children.
Ships: November Publication: December Parenting, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2933-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2933-7 EAN: 9-78144052933-7 UPC: 0-4507952933-5
Kendra Cherry (Terreton, ID) is a writes about psychology, child development, and education for several online magazines, and she is the Guide to Psychology. She has a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology and a Master of Science in Education. Elizabeth Saenger (New York, NY) obtained her PhD from Harvard University and is a licensed psychologist. Dr. Saenger has taught psychology at the college level, worked on federally funded programs to advocate for people with mental illness, and run her own private practice.
Expert advice to help couples heal
• The most up-to-date book to offer psychological exercises, case
studies, and hard-hitting prescriptive advice to help couples deal with sexual addiction
• Sex addiction is estimated to affect 3 to 6 percent of adults in the
United States (Mayo Clinic)—that’s 16 million Americans!
• A former sex addict, George Collins is the founder and director of
Compulsion Solutions, an outpatient counseling service that addresses sexually compulsive behavior. His wife, Paldrom Collins helps women and couples deal with sexual addiction.
A Couple’s Guide to Sexual Addiction
A Step-by-Step Plan to Rebuild Trust & Restore Intimacy
Paldrom Collins and George N. Collins, MA, member of the National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
What are healthy sexual behaviors? How can I learn to trust again? How do I take responsibility for our relationship? Today, many couples are asking themselves these very questions—and A Couple’s Guide to Sexual Addiction provides them with the answers they’re looking for. Complete with stories of people who have been there, this book reassures couples that they can repair their damaged relationships and uses exercises and expert advice to guide them on their way. Recovery from sexual addiction can be a painful process, but readers don’t have to feel ashamed; this couples therapist–in-a-book gives them the tools they need to reconnect, help each other over hurdles, and rediscover the loving relationship they once shared.
Marketing: • National PR to relationship and women’s interest media • Promotion on the Jane on Top blog • Radio tour
Ships: November Publication: December Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1221-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1221-6 EAN: 9-78144051221-6 UPC: 0-4507951221-4
Paldrom Collins (Walnut Creek, CA) helps women and couples work through their sexually addicted relationships at Compulsion Solutions, an outpatient counseling service. Find her online at George Collins, MA (Walnut Creek, CA) is a former sex addict and the founder and director of Compulsion Solutions, an outpatient counseling service that addresses sexually compulsive behavior. George is also a Professional member of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health.
A complete guide to the secrets of healing energy!
• Features new information on using Reiki to treat infertility, chronic
pain, and stress
• Dr. Mehmet Oz called Reiki his “#1 alternative therapy secret” on
The Oprah Winfrey Show
• 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children received a Reiki treatment in
the past year, and that number is expected to rise (National Health Interview Survey)
• Everything® New Age titles have sold 800,000 copies!
The Everything® Guide to Reiki
Phylameana Lila Désy
Channel your positive energy to promote healing, reduce stress, and enhance your quality of life
Marketing: • National PR to New Age media
Drugs aren’t always the answer for pain and illness. The Japanese healing art of Reiki can reduce stress, promote healing, and significantly enhance one’s quality of life. The Everything® Guide to Reiki explains this popular hands-on holistic therapy that anyone can use to improve physical and mental health. Reiki Master Phylameana lily Désy shows readers how to: • Identify and harness the life energy that is within everyone • Channel healing energies through proper hand placement • Alleviate specific ailments, including chronic pain, digestive issues, infertility, and depression • Become certified in Reiki and set up their own holistic practice The Everything® Guide to Reiki puts readers in touch with their inner life-force and provides proven techniques to provide relief for themselves and others.
Ships: November Publication: December New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2787-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2787-6 EAN: 9-78144052787-6 UPC: 0-4507952787-4
Phylameana Lila Désy (Burlington, IA) is a Reiki Master certified in both Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and The Science of Intuition from the Holos Institutes of Health. She is a veteran Guide for the popular holistic healing site at ( and also maintains a Reiki blog at
The long-awaited companion to the bestselling The Verbally Abusive Relationship
• The “Where Do I Go from Here?” follow-up with inspiring affirma-
tions and practices for the millions of readers of The Verbally Abusive Relationship
• The Verbally Abusive Relationship has sold more than 700,000 copies
since its debut in 1992!
• The world’s most acclaimed expert on verbal abuse, bestselling author
Patricia Evans has been featured on Oprah!, CNN, Newsweek and O, the Oprah Magazine
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: Recovery & Renewal
A Healing Guide for Victims Everywhere
Patricia Evans, Bestselling Author of The Verbally Abusive Relationship
“It is my intention that those who are recovering from verbal abuse, whether overt or covert, perpetrated by anyone, in any circumstance, find strength here in these pages. This book is a guide to living life with ever increasing clarity and confidence to overcome any way the reader has been defined by anyone.” —From the introduction In her trademark reassuring and enlightening style, Patricia Evans delivers the book millions of readers have been waiting for since her perennial bestseller The Verbally Abusive Relationship. In The Verbally Abusive Relationship: Recovery & Renewal, Evans gives victims of verbal abuse the tools they need to put their abusive pasts behind them and rediscover who they really are. This groundbreaking guide sets down a path of healing and hope for readers everywhere, regardless of their present circumstances. Divided into two parts, the first explores the nature of the recovery process, provides the positive perspective readers need to reclaim their lives, and analyzes the various treatments and therapies for trauma. The second part consists of a series of 52-weekly affirmations designed to reinforce the lessons of recovery and renewal as readers make their way in the world as happier and healthier new versions of themselves.
Marketing: • Advance bound galley • National PR to women’s interest, relationship, and health media • Radio tour • Blog tour • Author keynote events • Postcards • E-book promotion • Outside publicist to work in tandem with in-house team
Ships: November Publication: December Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2580-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2580-3 EAN: 9-78144052580-3 UPC: 0-4507952580-1
Patricia Evans (San Francisco, CA) is the bestselling author of four books, including The Verbally Abusive Relationship; Verbal Abuse Survivors Speak Out; Controlling People; and The Verbally Abusive Man: Can He Change? A highly acclaimed interpersonal communications specialist, public speaker, and consultant, Evans can be reached via her website at
The proven Knock ’em Dead approach to successful interviewing!
• The flash card format makes interview preparation easier
and more productive
• Includes reasoning behind interview questions, giving
applicants and edge over the competition
• Martin Yate’s Knock ’em Dead series has sold more than
5 million books!
Knock ’em Dead Job Interview Flash Cards
300 Questions & Answers to Help You Land Your Dream Job!
Martin Yate, CPC, New York Times bestselling author
For practical advice to turn job interviews into offers, there’s no wiser counselor than Martin Yate. For twenty-five years he’s brought his expertise to bear on career management. Now, in this set of 300 flash cards, he explains how to answer the most common questions from interviewers and what’s behind each question. Job seekers will find out: • What the interviewer really wants to know • How to handle stress questions gracefully • The way to negotiate salary and benefits This box contains the secrets every candidate needs to ace the interview and land the job. It’s like having Martin Yate there in the interview.
Marketing: • National PR to career and workplace media • Promotion on • Radio tour
Ships: November Publication: December Careers, Boxed cards Box: 3 x 5 x 3½, 300 cards Flashcards: 4½ x 2¾ $19.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights, except for the United Kingdom ISBN 10: 1-4405-2552-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2552-0 EAN: 9-78144052552-0 UPC: 0-4507952552-8
Martin Yate, CPC (Savannah, GA) is a bestselling author of numerous books on career management. A former director of personnel for Bell Industries’ Computer Memory Division, he is also the author of Knock ’em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide and Knock ’em Dead: Secrets & Strategies for Success in An Uncertain World.
A comprehensive resource for every aspiring restaurateur!
150 revitalizing recipes for health, weight loss, and disease prevention
• The only guide to address market opportunities in specialized cuisine and unconventional site approaches • The restaurant industry is lifting out of its prolonged downturn, as shown by macroeconomic indicators ( • The foodie phenomenon has forced the restaurant industry to change rapidly, making older guides obsolete • Everything® career and career guide titles have sold more than 515,000 copies!
• Featuring 150 recipes with nutrition stats, as well as sample meal plans to help readers lose weight—fast! • Modern medical studies show that coconut can improve immune system function, relieve symptoms associated with diabetes, prevent tooth decay, and support thyroid function (Coconut Research Center) • Everything® cookbooks have sold more than 2.5 million copies!
The Everything® Guide to Starting and Running a Restaurant, 2nd Edition
The ultimate resource for starting a successful restaurant!
Ronald Lee
The Everything® Coconut Diet Cookbook
The delicious and natural way to: Lose weight fast • Boost energy digestion • Reduce inflammation • And get healthy for life
Anji Sandage with Lorena Novak Bull, RD
It takes a lot more than top-notch cooking skills to launch and run a successful eatery. Written by veteran restaurant owner and manager Ronald Lee, The Everything® Guide to Starting and Running Your Own Restaurant, 2nd Edition offers solid advice on how to: • Secure financing and find the perfect site • Develop an engaging marketing plan • Operate an offbeat site like a food truck or rotating restaurant • Create an innovative and diverse menu • Hire and manage wait, kitchen, and front-of-house staff Complete with the latest thinking on industry trends and how to make a business plan, this practical resource will turn readers into restaurateurs before they can say “Bon appetit!”
Ronald Lee (Pittsburgh, PA) is the owner of The Spice Island Tea House in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1992 with a BA in Creative Writing and obtained his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Pittsburgh in 1994. Ships: October Publication: November Careers, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2685-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2685-5 EAN: 9-78144052685-5 UPC: 0-4507952685-3 68
Coconut oil contains natural saturated fats that are rapidly digested and help accelerate weight loss, kill viruses and bacteria, boost energy, and nourish skin and hair. This easy-to-use guide and shows readers how to incorporate coconut into their meals with 150 nutritious recipes, including: • • • • Crispy Coconut Potato Skins Coconut and Lime Hawaiian Pulled Pork Orange Roughy with Fruit and Coconut Cream Raw Chocolate Coconut Truffles
Complete with nutrition stats for each recipe and extensive meal plans, dieters will kick-start their weight loss with The Everything® Coconut Diet Cookbook. Better yet, they’ll achieve optimal health while feasting on the fruit of an island paradise!
Anji Sandage (Salt Lake City, UT) is a Chapter Leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit nutrition education foundation. She teaches cooking classes, and attests to the improvement coconut oil has on weight loss and athletic performance. Lorena Novak Bull, RD (Riverside, CA) is a graduate of the Nutrition and Dietetics program at Loma Linda University. She has spent the last fifteen years working as a registered dietitian in public health. Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2902-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2902-3 EAN: 9-78144052902-3 UPC: 0-4507952902-1
Marketing: • National PR to small business media
Marketing: • National PR to cooking, health, and women’s interest media • Targeted social media • Scribd promotion • E-book promotion
Previous Edition: The Everything® Guide to Starting and Running a Restaurant, 1st Edition, $14.95, 1-59337-433-X
The easy way to get ready for baby
• The only pregnancy organizer with a definitive focus on in-utero nutrition • Filled with dozens of writing prompts to guide moms-to-be in
exploring their concerns
• Each year in the U.S., about 6 million women carry out pregnancies
(American Pregnancy Association)
• Everything® parenting books have sold more than 1.9 million copies!
The Everything® Pregnancy Organizer, 3rd Edition
A complete, month-by-month guide for the mom-to-be!
Paula Ford-Martin
Marketing: • National PR to pregnancy media
Getting ready to welcome a new baby into the world is an exciting adventure—but it’s also a lot of work! This helpful guide helps readers enjoy their nine-month journey while keeping everything on track. Monthly charts and checklists make it easy for parents to stay organized, and journaling pages help them reflect on their feelings along the way. This edition includes: • • • • A month-by-month rundown of what readers can expect Ample space each month to record thoughts A user-friendly format with room to take notes and hold necessary papers A ten-month calendar to keep track of appointments and checkups
Ships: November Publication: December Health/Pregnancy, Semi-concealed wire-o with pockets and rounded corners 6 x 8½, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2676-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2676-3 EAN: 9-781440-2676-3 UPC: 0-4507952676-1 Previous Edition: The Everything® Pregnancy Organizer, 2nd Edition, $16.95, 1-59337-639-1 ALSO AVAILABLE:
This edition also features all-new information on optimal pregnancy nutrition and food logs so readers can track their progress. The perfect companion for moms-to-be, The Everything® Pregnancy Organizer, 3rd Edition is the easy way for readers to prepare for their new life with baby!
Paula Ford-Martin (Old Saybrook, CT) is the author of the bestselling The Everything® Pregnancy Book, 3rd Edition and the mother of two daughters. She is a medical writer and editor who has published extensively on topics in traditional and alternative medicine. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) and the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ).
Readers can take charge of their love lives!
• Women who live with their partners for 3 years or longer only have a
58 percent chance of marrying their partners (CDC)
• The author’s course has brought thousands of happy couples together
in the last two decades!
• The author has appeared nationally in The New York Times, Glamour,
New York magazine, Ladies Home Journal, New York Daily News, Atlanta magazine, Self, L.A. Singles, and on CNN, NBC, FOX, The Early Show, and Good Morning America
Get Married This Year
365 Days to “I Do”
Janet Blair Page, PhD, creator of the acclaimed “I Will Be Married In A Year” course
Forget waiting for Mr. Right! Readers won’t waste another minute pining for The One when they follow the Get Married This Year plan. Based on her acclaimed dating class at Emory University, Dr. Janet Blair Page puts her unique program on paper, giving readers access to the exercises, surveys, Q & A, and testimonials that have helped more than 1,000 couples tie the knot. Every reader can find and keep her Perfect Guy when she learns how to: • • • • • Design a “Spouse Shopping List” to guide the search Get real about the deal-breakers—before it’s too late! Conduct a six-month relationship check-up Commit to the right man—and get him to commit, too Get married just twelve months after their first date!
Marketing: • Advance bound galley • National PR to relationship and women’s interest media • E-book promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Radio tour • Blog tour • Promotion on Jane on Top blog
With Dr. Page’s guidance, readers can take charge of their love lives and find love that can last a lifetime.
Ships: November Publication: December Self-help/Relationships, Hard Cover with Jacket 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $21.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: North American English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2206-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2206-2 EAN: 9-78144052206-2 UPC: 0-4507952206-0
Janet Blair Page, PhD (Atlanta GA) is a psychotherapist with more than thirty years experience in private practice in New York and Atlanta. She teaches at Emory University and has been in The New York Times, Glamour, and on CNN, FOX, Good Morning America, and The Early Show.
What is perfect?
• It’s the first book to put perfection right at the reader’s fingertips • Simple and to the point, Perfect. is the ideal trivia book as it collects
just the right amount of information on what’s “perfect” from a complete range of categories including sports, cooking, and academics
• With a perfectly compact package, Perfect. makes the perfect desk
reference or impulse gift for the perfectionist in everyone’s life
Tom Moynihan
The Encyclopedia of Perfection
It’s a 300 if you’re at the bowling alley. A 2400 if you’re taking the SATs. And firm with a warm, red center if you order your steak medium-rare. While the execution of perfection depends on the task at hand, the result is the same across the board—complete satisfaction. Whether readers are interested in what qualifies as the perfect pour of a pint or the players who pitched perfect games, this handy resource collects information on all things perfect. Complete with interesting anecdotes of perfection in action as well as instructions on how to achieve certain feats of perfection, Perfect. really is the perfect reference.
Ships: November Publication: December Reference, Hardcover 5 x 7, 240 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2985-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2985-6 EAN: 9-78144052985-6 UPC: 0-4507952985-4
Tom Moynihan (Boston, MA) has been a freelance writer for the past ten years and a perfectionist all his life.
Resume Do-Overs that Really Work!
• The only resume makeover book on the market! • With U.S. unemployment remaining high, a competitive resume
remains key to jobseekers
• The average employer spends no more than 10 seconds looking at a
resume. It’s essential to get it right (NRI
Before and After Resumes with CD
How to Turn a Good Resume Into a Great One
Katherine McLaughlin
Marketing: • National PR to workplace and career media
The right resume is more than a calling card—it’s a secret password that allows job candidates behind the closed doors of the best companies. But getting it right means giving it a makeover. Now, in this book, readers can review before and after examples side by side to see how a run-of-the-mill resume can be transformed into a game-changing document. Job seekers and career changers can discover how to integrate formatting, key words, and work history. They’ll learn how to de-age their resumes, so as to avoid the trap of too little or too much experience. And they’ll create a document that: • Carves out a niche and sells their unique qualifications • Presents themselves as young, hip, and Web-savvy • Emphasizes their readiness to contribute on Day One With practical, step-by-step advice, this book will change the way readers look at resumes forever.
Ships: November Publication: December Careers, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 256 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2507-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2507-0 EAN: 9-78144052507-0 UPC: 0-4507952507-8
Katherine McLaughlin (Newton, MA) has more than twenty years experience in executive human resource roles across many industries. Now the head of her own career consulting firm, Katherine works with clients at all stages of career development.
An all-in-one resource for an ethical, earth-friendly affair!
• Finally, the first book devoted completely to planning a vegan wedding! • There are an estimated 4.4 million female vegans and vegetarians in the
U.S. alone (Vegan Times)
• Celebrities like Chelsea Clinton, Alicia Silverstone, Ellen DeGeneres, and
Emily Deschanel have all had vegan-inspired weddings that were featured in style magazines and on TV
• Everything® wedding titles have sold more than one million copies!
The Everything® Vegan Wedding Book
Holly Lefevre
From the dress to the cake, all you need to know to have your wedding your way!
Marketing: • National PR to wedding and natural health media • E-book promotion • Scribd promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Blog tour
Because veganism affects every part of their lives, including what they eat, wear, and use, vegan brides are faced with a number of difficulties as they plan their nuptials. The number of vegan women is at an all-time high and still rising, and celebrity vegan weddings are showing brides-to-be that they don’t have to sacrifice their ideals to have the perfect day. The Everything® Vegan Wedding Book, the only wedding guide devoted entirely to all-vegan affairs, shows brides how to make their weddings earthfriendly, animal-friendly, and even guest-friendly, offering valuable tips on how to: • • • • • Tell family and friends about wedding plans and field questions Buy an organic vegan dress and headpiece (no silk!) Plan a menu that will make carnivorous guests hungry for seconds Create DIY, sustainable wedding favors Find a scrumptious vegan wedding cake
Featuring extensive information on how to make any vegan wedding a hit with even the most doubtful attendee, this is the ideal guide for the ethical bride!
Ships: November Publication: December Weddings, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2786-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2786-9 EAN: 9-78144052786-9 UPC: 0-4507952786-7
Holly Lefevre (Pacific Grove, CA) is a sought-after wedding expert who has guided many vegan and green brides to the altar, planning their ethical affairs from beginning to end. She is the author of several wedding-planning books and articles, and has appeared on The I Do Diaries: My Best Friend’s Wedding and NBC’s The Other Half.
It’s Dear Diary… all grown up
• Way racier than the Desire Journal (180,000+ sold), it contains sex
advice that’ll make even the most adventurous blush
• Illustrated position guides act as prompts throughout so there’s always
something new to write about
• A great Valentine’s Day gift that can be put to use the morning after
An Erotic Journal
Includes Tips and Trick s for Sex So Goo d, You’ll Want to Write them Down
Marketing: • National PR to sex media • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on Jane on Top blog
While it’s not polite to kiss and tell, this attractive journal is meant for the owner’s eyes only—so anything goes and all is welcome. Those taking pen to paper are urged to take it even further in the bedroom (and elsewhere) with plenty of sexy tips and tricks strewn throughout the pages. Amateur erotica writers will be able to relive their steamiest of trysts whenever they open this hardcover journal. It’s daring. It’s edgy. And now it’s documented.
Ships: November Publication: December Self-help/Sex, Trade Paperback with rounded corners 5½ x 8½, 208 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2592-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2592-6 EAN: 9-78144052592-6 UPC: 0-4507952592-4
From little princess to self-reliant, self-assured young woman!
• The only book to address the Princess Syndrome—a double whammy
of self-absorption and low self-esteem—suffered by girls growing up in America today
• Researchers at Pepperdine University found that girls as young as
three are anxious about body weight (Mother & Baby)
• Cinderella Ate My Daughter uncovered the truth and spread the word; • Dr. Jennifer Hartstein has appeared as a mental health expert on
Princess Recovery gives parents practical action plan they can use now
The Early Show, The Today Show, Headline News, and Fox News
Princess Recovery
A Parent’s Guide to Raising a Daughter Who Can Create Her Own Happily Ever After
Jennifer Hartstein, PsyD, Psychologist and CBS’s The Early Show Contributor
Raising independent, confident girls today is not easy—but concerned parents can curb the outside world’s influence on their daughters. With expert child psychologist’s Dr. Hartstein’s unique program, parents can counteract society’s pressure without making their girls live in a bubble. Princess Recovery will help parents raise strong, sweet daughters when they • • • • Encourage them to pursue their passion with industry and intelligence Establish high but realistic expectations of themselves and their future Provide context for problematic influences—from the media to prissy peers Build a mutual trust that will withstand adolescent growing pains
Marketing: • National PR to parenting, news, and women’s interest media • Advance bound galleys • Radio tour • Blog Tour • E-book promotion • Scribd promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog
Ships: November Publication: December Parenting, Hardcover with Jacket 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $21.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10 : 1-4405-2795-4 ISBN 13 : 978-1-4405-2795-1 EAN: 9-78144052795-1 UPC: 0-4507952795-9
With this plan, parents can bring balance, confidence, and self-sufficiency into their daughters’ lives without denying them a modern, vibrant childhood.
Jennifer Hartstein, PsyD (New York, NY), child and adolescent psychologist, is a regular correspondent for The Early Show. She has also appeared on Fox News, The Today Show, and Headline News. Dr. Hartstein uses a variety of treatment approaches that promote strong self-awareness, distress tolerance, and acceptance.
Professional and reassuring advice for patients and families
A complete resource for coping with one-way relationships
• The only guide that addresses potential causes of the disease and provides safer alternatives for adults, children, and expectant mothers • A new study reveals that certain typical household objects contain chemicals that make the user twice as likely to develop the disease (Environmental Protection Agency) • More than 13 million Americans have been diagnosed with thyroid disease ( • Everything® health titles have sold more than 300,000 copies!
• The only guide on narcissism to feature exclusive sections on social media narcissism and its repercussions • 92 percent of those surveyed state the main drive behind social media is “attention-seeking” (San Diego State University) • Everything® self-help titles have sold more than 350,000 copies!
The Everything® Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Cynthia Lechan Goodman, MEd and Barbara Leff, LCSW
The Everything Guide to Thyroid Disease
Professional, reassuring advice for coping with the disorder—at work, at home, and in your family
From potential causes to treatment options, all you need to know to manage your condition and improve your life
Theodore C. Friedman, MD, PhD and Winnie Yu Scherer
Thyroid disease affects millions of patients every year. The Everything® Guide to Thyroid Disease is an authoritative, updated resource for all readers, offering helpful and professional guidance on: • How the thyroid functions (and malfunctions!) • Who is at risk for thyroid disease • Well-known thyroid disorders like hyper and hypothyroidism • Thyroid disease in pregnant women and young children • Treatment options and living with the disease The Everything® Guide to Thyroid Disease is the reassuring guide readers need, whether they are a patient, spouse, or parent.
Theodore C. Friedman, MD, PhD (Los Angeles, CA) is an Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA School of Medicine and Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. He is the Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Molecular Medicine, and Metabolism. Winnie Yu Scherer (Voorheesville, NY) is a health writer who has coauthored several books and articles, and has been featured numerous national magazines such as Weight Watchers, Fitness, Healthy Kids, Cooking Light, and Natural Health. Ships: November Publication: December Health, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2853-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2853-8 EAN: 9-78144052853-8 UPC: 0-4507952853-6 76
Narcissistic personality disorder is a severe psychological condition that ruins marriages, social relationships, work environments, and the sufferer’s own sense of self. The Everything® Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a comprehensive resource for readers who need guidance on: • Identifying the symptoms in themselves and their loved ones • Different types of narcissists • Treatment options and methods • Preventing narcissism in children and young adults • Recovering from a narcissistic relationship The Everything® Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the complete guide to a misunderstood disorder that impacts millions everyday.
Cynthia Lechan Goodman, MEd, (Hollywood, FL) received her Master of Education degree from Columbia University in Counseling Psychology. She has worked intensively with patients suffering from personality disorders, assisting with life skills, family and relationships, and psychological issues. Barbara Leff, LCSW (New York, NY) has been a licensed and nationally credentialed social worker for over 20 years. She trained at the Institute for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and works with patients on controlling their narcissism and establishing positive, healthy relationships. Ships: November Publication: December Self-Help, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2881-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2881-1 EAN: 9-78144052881-1 UPC: 0-4507952881-9
Communication tools couples need to adapt to change
• The first book to uniquely focus on unspoken agreements between
married couples—and how to adapt them to life changes
• 50 percent of first marriages end in divorce. As well, 67 percent of second
marriages and 74 percent of third marriages result in divorce (Jennifer Baker, Forest Institute for Professional Psychology)
• A significant cause of divorce is changing expectations by both
partners, which they fail to adjust to (
Renegotiate Your Marriage
Balance the Terms of Your Relationship As It Changes
Bonnie Jacobson, PhD
Between every married couple there’s an unwritten, often unspoken, contract. Not the one signed in church or at City Hall. It’s the one that sets the terms of the relationship, for better or worse. But for a marriage to last, that contract must change as life changes, such as when: • • • • One spouse loses a job The first child is born The kids leave home One partner cheats
Marketing: • National PR to relationship and women’s interest media • E-book promotion • Targeted social media • Radio tour • Blog tour • Promotion on Jane on Top blog
Big changes in life mean big changes in marriage as well. In this guide to a happy, healthy marriage readers will learn how to refashion their marriage during the ups and downs of life so that it can survive as a strong, healthy, happy relationship.
Ships: November Publication: December Self-help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2793-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2793-7 EAN: 9-78144052793-7 UPC: 0-4507952793-5
Bonnie Jacobson, PhD (New York, NY), co-author of Choose to Be Happily Married and Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes a Day, has been happily married for twenty-five years. In addition to running her own private practice, Dr. Jacobson is a member of the American Psychological Association, American Group Psychotherapy, and Eastern Group Psychotherapy.
A Daily Dose of Good Health!
• The first book to empower readers to achieve all of their health goals
in one year!
• Losing weight and developing healthy habits are two of the top three
resolutions Americans have made for the past three years running (FranklinCovey)
• 9 out of 10 Americans make resolutions—but only 1 in 10 keep them (CNN)
Healthiest You Ever
Meera Lester and Carolyn Dean, MD
365 Ways to Lose Weight, Build Strength, Boost Your BMI, Lower Your Blood Pressure, Increase Your Stamina, Improve Your Cholesterol Levels, and Energize from Head to Toe!
Good health means making good choices every day—and with Healthiest You Ever, readers everywhere can get fit and happy, one choice at a time. With daily advice, tricks, and tried-and-true tactics for every aspect of health, readers reach their optimum level of well-being—from head to toe: monday: Go meatless on Mondays. Tuesday: Do push-ups to strengthen your core. Wednesday: Sign up for a foreign language class—and stimulate your brain. Thursday: Incorporate interval training into your run to build endurance. Friday: Take a yoga class to build flexibility. Saturday: Play a game of pick-up basketball with your best buds. Sunday: Take a nap on the afternoon for some much-needed Zs. With Healthiest You Ever, readers have the advice they need to make this the year that they truly do get healthier every day in every way!
Ships: November Publication: December Self-Help, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 384 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3004-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3004-3 EAN: 9-78144053004-3 UPC: 0-4507953004-1
Meera Lester (San Jose, CA) is the author of more than two dozen books, including 365 Ways to Live the Law of Attraction and The Everything® Law of Attraction Book. Carolyn Dean, MD (City Island, NY) is a medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor. She is also the coauthor of 365 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power.
Hundreds of guilt-free recipes the whole family can enjoy!
• While other cookbooks focus on cutting the calories even if it means
using artificial ingredients, 500 Under 500 provides recipes with wholesome, nutritious ingredients for healthy meals
• Contains meals and snacks the whole family will love! • Studies show that you can lose up to 5 pounds a month on 1,500
calories a day. 500 calories can be the total of one of your three meals a day while still letting you lose weight (Fitness Magazine)
• A smart buy for New Year’s resolutions!
500 Under 500
Lynette Rohrer Shirk
From 100-Calorie Snacks to 500-Calorie Entrees—500 Balanced and Healthy Recipes the Whole Family Will Love!
Studies have shown that watching the intake and output of calories is the most consistent way to lose weight in a healthy way. Taking into account the rest of the calories you consume in a day, 500 calories is still appropriate for your big meal be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 500 Under 500 provides readers with hundreds of recipes for delicious, balanced, and choices the whole family will enjoy, such as: • • • • • Jerk Chicken (177 calories) Asian Sesame Crusted Scallops (272 calories) Blueberry Cornmeal Pancakes (373 calories) Squash Pumpkin Pie (437 calories) Smoked Salmon, Eggs, and Cheese Puffed Casserole (478 calories)
From 100-calorie snacks to 500-calorie entrees, readers will create recipes that satisfy their cravings—without the guilt!
Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Trade Paperback Includes 8-page 4-color insert 7 x 9⅛, 384 pages $18.95 (Canada $19.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2973-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2973-3 EAN: 9-78144052973-3 UPC: 0-4507952973-1
Lynette Rohrer Shirk (Flower Mound, TX) is a classically trained chef from the California Culinary Academy’s Professional Chef Program. She has worked in Wolfgang Puck’s Postrio and Masa’s and has cooked at the James Beard House in New York City. Ms. Shirk is the author of The Everything® Classic Recipes Book and The Everything® Tapas and Small Plates Cookbook.
The purest purees for growing babies!
• No other organic puree book offers this many recipes! • Homemade baby food has become so popular that the FDA has
recently released food safety guidelines specifically for preparing baby food (Food Safety News)
• Nearly three out of four of U.S. families buy organic products (Organic
Trade Association)
201 Organic Baby Purees
Tamika Gardner, founder of
The Freshest, Most Wholesome Food Your Baby Can Eat!
Marketing: • National PR to parenting and cooking media • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog • Blog tour
Baby food should be made of the freshest, healthiest ingredients on the planet! Brimming with the biggest variety of purees sure to expand baby’s palate, 201 Organic Baby Purees teaches readers to blend, well-balanced meals right in their own home. As easy-to-prepare as they are nutritious, these recipes include: • • • • Basic fruit and veggie blends from apricots to zucchini Classic combinations such as turkey, sweet potato, and corn Superfoods like avocado, blueberries, and spinach Puree-based transition recipes including soups, biscuits, frozen deserts, and more!
Free of pesticides, hormones, GMOs, and additives, these delicious purees promote strong immune systems and healthy growth—designed to protect tiny tummies!
Ships: December Publication: January Parenting, Trade Paperback 7 x 7, 240 pages 2-color throughout with 8-page, 4-color insert $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2899-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2899-6 EAN: 9-78144052899-6 UPC: 0-4507952899-4
Tamika Gardner (Raleigh, NC) began crafting homemade baby food when her daughter was born in 2007. She created to provide resources for moms on a mission to feed their babies the best food. The blog has been featured on The Stir and reaches 80 million readers worldwide.
Mindfulness Is Just a Moment Away!
• The only mindfulness guide organized by 5-minute meditations,
practices, postures, and exercises
• Studies show that mindfulness can be instrumental in alleviating
symptoms of stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and ADD, among other ailments. It’s also tied to happier relationships, both familial and romantic (Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Psychology and Psychotherapy, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine)
• In a study sponsored by the VHA, yoga was shown to decrease body
pain and depression, and increase energy and quality of life (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine)
5-Minute Mindfulness
Simple Daily Shortcuts to Transform Your Life
Victor M. Parachin, MDiv, CYT
You don’t need to hide yourself away on a mountaintop for decades to achieve enlightenment. You can do it right in your own home, at work, even in the car on the your daily commute. All it takes a 5 minutes—and an open mind. With 5-Minute Mindfulness, readers find quick and easy ways to calm their minds, soothe their psyches, and sustain their spirits. These potent, portable practices, meditations, postures, and exercises can be done anywhere, anytime—minienlightenments that can create a lifetime of joy, peace, and serenity.
Ships: November Publication: December New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7⅛, 224 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2979-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2979-5 EAN: 9-78144052979-5 UPC: 0-4507952979-3
Victor M. Parachin, MDiv, CYT, (Tulsa, OK) is an acclaimed expert on meditation, yoga, and Pilates, as well as both Eastern and Western religious traditions. Currently the yoga trainer for the Tulsa Rampage Hockey Team, Parachin is also an ordained minister, meditation teacher, yoga teacher trainer, and co-founder of the Yoga Spirit Academy. The author of over a dozen books, his writing on meditation, health and wellness, self-help, and spiritual inspiration has appeared in such publications as The Washington Post, Good Housekeeping, and Spiritual Life.
The definitive manual on this destructive illness
• Features extensive information on therapy options, including mindful-
ness meditation and behavioral therapies
• BPD is 50 percent more common than Alzheimer’s disease and nearly
that of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia combined (National Institute of Mental Health)
• BPD patients make up 20 percent of the inpatients in the mental
health system and is the fastest growing population as more attention is given to it (BPD Central)
• Everything® self-help titles have sold more than 350,000 copies!
The Everything® Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder
Constance Dolecki, MS, PhDc
Professional, reassuring advice for coping with the disorder and breaking the destructive cycle
Affecting more than five million people in the United States, borderline personality disorder, also called emotional regulation disorder, has become more common than Alzheimer’s, and nearly that of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia combined. Marked by bouts of violence and anger coupled with desperate and fixated love, this disorder is just now being recognized as a true mental illness. The Everything® Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder is the professional yet compassionate guide that readers need to explore and understand the tumultuous world of BPD, offering information on: • • • • • Experiences, trauma, and heredity as causes of BPD Warning signs and red flags from an early age Monitoring and recognizing extreme symptoms Different treatment options and therapies Maintaining safety in a relationship that involves BPD
Featuring the latest therapy information on mindfulness meditation and behavioral relaxation, The Everything® Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder is the comprehensive resource for families, spouses, and friends dealing with this psychological epidemic.
Ships: November Publication: December Self-Help, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2970-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2970-2 EAN: 9-78144052970-2 UPC: 0-4507952970-0
Constance Dolecki, MS, PhDc, (Bemus Point, New York) is a therapist, educator, and mental health writer. She has developed life skills and career readiness programs for individuals with borderline personality disorder, and she created, coordinated, and supervised therapy and support groups for their families and loved ones.
300 whole-food recipes for improved health and weight loss
A celebration of hot sauce
• The most recipes of any hot sauce book • Includes the most recipes, shopping lists and meal plans, of any eating clean book • The “eat clean” diet was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, and Live! with Regis and Kelly • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.5 million copies! • A spicy guide to choosing, making, and cooking with hot sauce • Sales of hot sauces are growing 10 percent a year (The Sun) and consumer demand for fiery foods is on the rise (The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation) • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.5 million copies!
The Everything® Eating Clean Cookbook
Includes: Green Go-Getter Smoothie • Garlic Chicken Stir-Fry • Tex-Mex Tacos • Mediterranean Couscous • Blueberry Almond Crumble…and hundreds more!
Britt Brandon, CFNS, CPT
The Everything® Hot Sauce Book
From growing to picking and preparing—all you need to add some spice to your life!
Angela Garbes
Americans spend billions of dollars annually chasing health and beauty only to be let down by trend diets that come and go from year to year. In The Everything® Eating Clean Cookbook, readers will learn the tremendous benefits of eating clean, natural foods—healthy, gradual weight loss, vastly increased energy, and decreased risk of disease. The book contains 300 accessible, delicious, and wholesome recipes, including: • Blueberry-Almond Crumble • Garlic Chicken Stir-Fry • Homemade “Power Bars” This helpful primer also features tips on incorporating changes into the reader’s lifestyle to help their bodies get the most out of their nutritious new diet. The benefits of a clean eating lifestyle are only a few delicious recipes away!
Add some real flavor to foods with the magic of hot sauce! Hot sauce is more than just the red sauce that gets sprinkled on tacos or eggs; it can be a featured player in all kinds of dishes from breakfasts and snacks to cocktails and desserts (that’s right, desserts!) Plus, this all-encompassing guide explains the many health benefits of hot sauce like how it can improve digestion, help combat the common cold, battle the blues, and even relieve the pain of arthritis! In The Everything® Hot Sauce Book readers will learn how to grow and cultivate hot pepper plants and how to prepare delicious dishes with hot sauces. With so many scrumptious and spicy meals, it easy to see why readers are ready to get hot for hot sauce!
Britt Brandon, CFNS, CPT (Jensen Beach, FL) is an ISSA-certified personal trainer, triathlete, and nutritional counselor. As part of her personal training and nutritional counseling practice, she develops and promotes clean eating recipes. Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2999-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2999-3 EAN: 9-78144052999-3 UPC: 0-4507952999-1
Angela Garbes (Seattle, WA) is a featured food blogger on Seattle Weekly’s popular Voracious site, and has created dozens of recipes for homemade hot sauces. Her work has been featured in The Seattle Times and Seattle Weekly, as well as on Leite’s Culinaria and NPR. Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3011-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3011-1 EAN: 9-78144053011-1 UPC: 0-4507953011-9 83
Everything readers need to jumpstart— and monitor—their new lifestyle
• More than just a cookbook, this is the only resource for tracking
vegan nutrition, day-by-day
• User-friendly format shows readers how they can start living
• A 2009 study shows that the more complicated the habit, the longer
it took to form—but average adoption time is 66 days or nearly 10 weeks (University College London)
• Veganism may be all the rage, but many new vegans become over-
whelmed and struggle with nutritional deficiencies (Vegan Outreach)
The Daily Vegan Planner
12 Weeks to a Complete Vegan Diet Transition
Jolinda Hackett, author of The Everything® Vegan Cookbook, with Amy Reid, RD
Eating nutritionally balanced, all-vegan meals can be a tough task—after all, broccoli doesn’t come with food labels. Now, vegan readers don’t have to question how wholesome their healthy food really is or how they’ll add sufficient protein to their diet. The Daily Vegan Planner pairs twelve weeks of meal plans with journaling space to help new vegans follow a clear-cut strategy as they transition into their new lifestyle. Each day, readers will: • • • • Eat four practical, nutritious, and tasty vegan meals Track essential nutrients—from carbs and protein, to calcium and B12 Record types of food they ate on a vegan food pyramid Journal about food discoveries, daily challenges, and kitchen notes
From the moment they write their vegan mission statement to the time they debrief themselves on Week 12, readers will find themselves fully engaged in making a difference in their lives—and the world—one meal at a time.
Ships: November Publication: December Cooking, Trade Paperback 7 x 9⅛, 240 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2998-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2998-6 EAN: 9-78144052998-6 UPC: 0-4507952998-4
Jolinda Hackett (Santa Barbara, CA) has been a vegetarian for nearly twenty years, and a plant-based vegan for ten. She wrote The Everything® Vegetarian Cookbook and Cookouts Veggie Style! Hacket counsels new vegetarians online as the Guide to Vegetarian Food. Amy Reid, RD (Tampa, FL) holds BS in dietetics and completed an internship at County General Hospital in Chicago. She is a member of the American Dietetic Association.
A mindful guide to finding meaningful love!
• The first book to open reader’s eyes to the enlightened path to
lasting love!
• “Spiritual not religious” singles are looking for like-minded
significant others everywhere—a evidenced by beliefnet’s dating site and
• Author is a mediagenic intuitive and speaker who conducts conscious
dating workshops at conferences across the country
The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating
Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soulmates
Amy Leigh
The ConsCious DaTer’s ToolkiT!
There’s love—and then there’s the love of your life, your soul mate, your one true partner you were destined to share this journey with. But in a world of online hookups and speed dating, singles may wonder how they can find that special someone that destiny has promised them. In The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating, readers everywhere will learn the Art of Conscious Dating—an inspired approach to attracting your true soul mate. In this one-of-a-kind Conscious Dater’s Toolkit, acclaimed healer Amy Leigh lays out her spiritual yet sensible strategies for finding and keeping the love of your life, including how to: • • • • • • Empower the Heart Live the Natural Law Separate Karmic Attraction from True Connection Identify the Four Men to Avoid Harness Sexual Energy Know Soulmates: Twin Flames and Divine Complements
Ships: December Publication: January Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2980-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2980-1 EAN: 9-78144052980-1 UPC: 0-4507952980-9
With Leigh’s perceptive and prescriptive advice, singles everywhere will find themselves on the soulful journey of a lifetime—to lasting love!
Amy Leigh (Denver, CO) is a Water Element Therapy™ and Element Therapy™ healer and inventor, medical intuitive, channel, author, psychic, sound healer, Reiki Master Teacher, artist, and shaman. She has more ten years of experience facilitating positive change and healing for people internationally.
The book that proves women can have it all!
• Features all of life’s essential know-how—when female intuition
isn’t enough!
• Listography encourages readers to journal about their life; The Best Life
List is a reminder of the little essentials that will make a good life great this book puts every aspect of the good life within reach
• From fashion and friendship to career and finance to sex and love—
The Best Life List
Lauren Wilson and Rebecca Carroll
Your Itemized Guide to the Good Life
What books belong on every woman’s bookshelf? When should you buy that winter coat? What makes the most thoughtful hostess gift? Finally, life’s essential decisions and directions are gathered in one place. In this all-purpose guide to everything, readers will find sage advice, practical tips, and fun solutions boiled down into 298 lists including: • • • • • • • 10 Things to Keep in Your Purse at All Times 10 Mantras to Breathe By 10 Ways to Seduce your Man 10 Unforgettable Girls’ Nights Out 10 Tips for Dark Parking Lots You Can’t Avoid 10 Meals that will Help You Live Longer and so many more!
No matter her job, lifestyle, or fashion taste, any woman can finally have all the secrets to living the good life in one book!
Ships: December Publication: January Self-Help, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 304 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3007-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3007-4 EAN: 9-78144053007-4 UPC: 0-4507953007-2
Lauren Wilson (Philadelphia, PA) is a freelance writer with a BFA in Writing. She has written for many local and national publications. Her published feature articles have included topics as varied as yoga, friendship, urban homesteading, relationships, office stress, and personal finance. Rebecca Carroll (New York, NY) is a journalist whose work has been seen in women’s magazines and blogs about pop culture, apartment living, modern motherhood, minimalist cooking, and technology. She has a MA in Journalism.
A practical and authoritative guide to kind but firm parenting
A complete resource on raising and supporting gifted children
• Features end-of-chapter takeaways—quick and easy alternatives that sum up the chapter—perfect for working moms and dads! • Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has prompted parenting experts to extol the virtues of positive discipline • Time-outs and other non-confrontational methods of positive parenting were deemed the most effective forms of discipline (Journal of Child and Family Studies) • Everything® parent’s guides have sold more than 500,000 copies!
• Features extensive exercises to determine whether a child is gifted • There are three million academically gifted children in grades K-12, a great number of whom are having difficulty adjusting (National Association for Gifted Children) • Gifted children can be terrified of failure, and thus are more prone to suffer from mental disorders (
The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Positive Discipline, 2nd Edition
A constructive approach to raising a kind, cooperative, and respectful child
Ellen Bowers, PhD
The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising a Gifted Child
All you need to know to meet your child’s emotional, social, and academic needs
Sarah Herbert Robbins, MEd
A child talks back to her mother. A teenager slams doors and gives dirty looks. A naughty toddler seems to enjoy the negative response he gets. The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Positive Discipline, 2nd Edition is a reassuring resource for parents struggling to find a positive balance with their kids, featuring guidance on how to: • Set priorities for children of any age • Open the lines of communication • Enforce punishments • Cultivate an environment of mutual respect The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Positive Discipline, 2nd Edition is the only resource parents need to raise a well-behaved child!
When a child displays talents far beyond their age, parents can quickly become elated. But these children need so much more than challenging courses and extracurricular activities—gifted children need strong parental guidance to keep them healthy, happy, and well-adjusted. The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising a Gifted Child is the comprehensive resource on raising gifted children from birth to adolescence, offering information on: • • • • • How to determine if a child is gifted Options for school programs and activities Dealing with perfectionism and stress Ensuring proper socialization and friendship Coping with jealousy and bullying from other children
The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising a Gifted Child is a reassuring guide for parents who want their gifted children to grow, thrive, and develop their talents.
Sarah Herbert Robbins, MEd (Raleigh, NC), is a curriculum development specialist, specializing in designing programs for gifted children. She provides training workshops and counseling services for parents of gifted children and teaching professionals. Sarah shares her methods for parenting gifted children on her website, Ships: December Publication: January Parenting, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2983-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2983-2 EAN: 9-78144052983-2 UPC: 0-4507952983-0 87
Ellen Bowers, PhD (Glendale, CA) is a psychologist, educator, mother, and owner and director of a preschool focused on nurturing children through positive discipline. Dr. Bowers has a doctorate degree in psychology and a master’s of science degree in education and psychology. She is also the author of The Everything® Guide to Raising a Toddler. Ships: December Publication: January Parenting, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2850-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2850-7 EAN: 9-78144052850-7 UPC: 0-4507952850-5
Marketing: • National PR to parenting media
Previous Edition: The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Positive Discipline, 1st Edition, $14.95, 1-58062-978-4
Projects to keep families gardening all year long!
• The only month-by-month book of quick and entertaining gardening
projects guaranteed to bring families together
• An estimated 81 million U.S. households participate in garden-related
outdoor activities each year (National Gardening Association)
• American families spend more than $400 a year on gardening
(National Gardening Association)
• Author Stacy Tornio is an editor of Birds & Blooms, North America’s
number one birding and gardening magazine with 1.7 million subscribers
Project Garden
Stacy Tornio, Master Gardener
A Month-by-Month Guide to Planting, Growing, and Enjoying ALL Your Backyard Has to Offer
Marketing: • Advance blad • National PR to parenting and green media • Scribd promotion • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog • E-book promotion
How does a garden grow? A backyard full of fresh vegetables and blooming flowers isn’t just for families with green thumbs! Project Garden offers a simple, kid-friendly plan to get a garden growing at any time of year. Each month is filled with exciting possibilities that take less than 20-minutes to finish, including projects in four fun categories: • Grow It: from illustrated garden plans to secrets for planting and tending 100+ flowers, vegetables, shrubs, and herbs year-round • eat It: recipes that rely on the month’s backyard harvest • recycle It: crafty ways to keep the world beautiful with nature-inspired creations • make It: season-related garden projects—complete with difficulty rating, estimated completion time, and supply lists so there are no surprises Parents don’t need to be expert gardeners to make sure their kids’ projects are successes: every task is broken down into clear, concise instructions. Whether families are tending flower beds in spring, stewing July’s tomatoes, or coaxing bulbs to bloom mid-winter, they’ll be doing it together.
Ships: December Publication: January Gardening, Trade Paperback with 4-color photos and illustrations throughout 8 x 8, 192 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2772-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2772-2 EAN: 9-78144052772-2 UPC: 0-4507952772-0
Stacy Tornio (Milwaukee, WI) an editor of Birds & Blooms and a certified Master Gardener. Stacy teaches gardening classes at the University of Wisconsin, and she is constantly developing new projects to try with her own children, ages 6 and 4.
A complete guide to learning Portuguese—rapidamente!
• The only Brazilian Portuguese practice book available! • Portuguese is the sixth most popular language in the world, with over
212 million speakers (Ethnologue: Languages of the World)
• Portuguese is the language with the highest possibilities for growth as
an international language (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)
• Everything® language titles have sold 700,000 copies!
The Everything® Brazilian Portuguese Practice Book with CD
Improve your language skills with interactive lessons and exercises
Fernanda Ferreira, PhD
More than 200 million people worldwide speak the beautiful and alluring language of Brazilian Portuguese. Tapped as a language with the highest possibility for growth internationally, beginners everywhere have begun to study Portuguese, making it one of the most popular languages in the world! The Everything® Brazilian Portuguese Practice Book with CD is the ideal workbook for beginning and intermediate students looking to learn the basics of the language, with interactive exercises and lessons that help readers: • • • • • Study nouns, conjugate verbs, and perfect pronunciations Learn common words and phrases Have a conversation with a native speaker Read and write the language Master past, present, and imperfect tenses
Ships: December Publication: January Language, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 336 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2854-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2854-5 EAN: 9-78144052854-5 UPC: 0-4507952854-3
Complete with a CD of audio exercises and prompts, Portuguese-English glossary, and arsenal of useful vocabulary, The Everything® Brazilian Portuguese Practice Book with CD will have readers of all skill levels speaking Portuguese in no time!
Fernanda Ferreira, PhD, (Brockton, MA) is a native speaker of Portuguese and has been teaching the language at the college level since 1993. Dr. Ferreira has been teaching at Bridgewater State University since 2001, where she is a tenured professor and Chair of the Foreign Languages department.
A guide for using dreams to inspire creativity and promote self-understanding
• A complete package for learning the basics of lucid dreaming, this
guide includes a guided meditation CD and journaling pages
• CD of guided meditation preps the brain for lucid dreaming • Everything® New Age titles have more than 800,000 copies!
The Everything® Lucid Dreaming Book with CD
Richard Kennedy, PhD
Use your dreams to solve problems, improve creativity, and understand yourself
Is it possible to navigate the world of dreams? A practice rooted in Tibetan Buddhism, lucid dreaming is the ability to control dreams by becoming an active participant without waking. Lucid dreamers can explore their inner selves, improve creativity, fulfill fantasies, and gain deeper spiritual insight. The Everything® Lucid Dreaming Book with CD shows readers how to: • • • • • • Use breathing techniques to quiet the mind Navigate their dreams and interpret clues and symbols Revisit nightmares to face fears Develop beneficial dream recall skills Gain confidence and solve nagging problems Master techniques like astral projection and out-of-body experiences
Marketing: • National PR to New Age media • Promotion on Beyond Here blog
The guide includes a CD of guided meditations to prepare and relax the mind before sleep, plus space for keeping a comprehensive sleep journal. This complete package makes it easy for anyone to examine, understand, and even change the outcome of their dreams.
Ships: December Publication: January New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2855-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2855-2 EAN: 9-78144052855-2 UPC: 0-4507952855-0
Richard Kennedy, PhD (Chicago, IL) is a clinical psychologist, consciousness researcher, and certified hypnotherapist. Dr. Kennedy has written hundreds of articles for professional psychology journals. In his private practice, he combines lucid dreaming training with psychotherapy to treat anxiety, clinical depression, and sleep disorders.
A step-by-step plan for turning writers into published authors
• Written by a seasoned publishing professional who provides advice
on the best ways to build a platform, research publishers, and, most importantly, get a manuscript noticed
• Readers will receive a free link to the Writer’s Digest webinar, “How
Do I Get My Book Published?” conducted by Jane Friedman
• Everything® writing books have sold more than 390,000 copies!
The Everything® Guide to Getting Published
Expert advice for building a successful writing career
Randy Ladenheim-Gil
Eighty percent of Americans believe that they could write a book. But getting that manuscript written and published is not so easy. In The Everything® Guide to Getting Published, readers will find the expert advice of industry insiders—editors, agents, and successful authors. They’ll learn tips and tricks about submissions, how to write a killer query, and even how to navigate the uncertain waters of self-publishing and e-books. New and experienced writers alike will find everything they need to take an idea to the printed page, including • • • • Guidance on planning a writing career and building a platform Surefire ways to get a submission taken seriously Contract negotiation tips from the pros An in-depth exploration of self-publishing and e-books
Marketing: • National PR outreach to writing media • Outreach to Writer’s Digest community • Advertising in Writer’s Digest magazine
This essential guide also includes an exclusive link to a FREE get-published webinar, sponsored by the prestigious writing magazine, Writer’s Digest. This multimedia package is loaded with insider tips and professional techniques—all readers need to turn writing from a hobby into a profession!
Ships: December Publication: January Writing, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2844-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2844-6 EAN: 9-78144052844-6 UPC: 0-4507952844-4
Randy Ladenheim-Gil (New York, NY) is a thirty-year veteran of the publishing industry. At several major publishing companies, including Penguin, Ballantine, William Morrow, and Kensington, she acquired, edited, and marketed hundreds of successful books. Most recently, Randy worked as Executive Editor at Alpha books, overseeing the acquisition and development of series and single-title books. Randy appeared regularly as a guest on the Today show and Good Morning America as the “face” of the Complete Idiot’s Guides.
Recipes Any Tribute, Sponsor, or Reader Will Love!
• The first cookbook to feed the voracious fans of The Hunger Games! • The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook has sold more than 100,000 copies since October and reached number five on The New York Times Bestseller list! • Published in time for the 2012 release of The Hunger Games movie
The Unofficial hUnger Games cookbook
From Lamb Stew to “Groosling”—More Than 150 Recipes Inspired by The Hunger Games Trilogy
Emily Ansara Baines
“Here’s some advice. Stay alive.”—Haymitch Abernathy
When it comes to The Hunger Games, staying alive means finding food any way possible. Katniss and Gale hunt live game, Peeta’s family survives on the bread they make, and the inhabitants of the Seam work twelve-hour days for a few handfuls of grain. For the first time, fans will be able to create recipes found in all three books of the series such as: • • • • • The Mellark Family’s Warm Raisin and Nut Bread Katniss’s Favorite Lamb Stew Rue’s Radish Salad Gale-Approved Deer Jerky Haymitch’s Coconut Rum Cake
Ships: December Publication: January Juvenile Nonfiction, Paper-Over-Board 7 x 9⅛, 256 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: U.S. English Language Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2658-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2658-9 EAN: 9-78144052658-9 UPC: 0-4507952658-7
This book is unofficial and unauthorized. It is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Suzanne Collins, her publishers, or Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation.
Fans are starving for more from Katniss, Peeta, and Gale and The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook is sure to whet their appetites!
Emily Ansara Baines (New York, NY) is a writer and in-house baker at a post-production audio facility in New York. When Emily isn’t busy writing, baking, or sharpening her keen survival skills on the streets of New York City, she’s reading her favorite series, The Hunger Games, in hopes of one day becoming as self-reliant and cool as Katniss.
Katniss’ Favorite Lamb Stew With Dried Plums
In Book One of The Hunger Games, when Caesar Flickerman asks Katniss what’s impressed her the most about the Capitol, she instantly answers, “the lamb stew . . . with dried plums.” While her fans laugh, Katniss is smart to appreciate the stew—it’s both healthy and filling. Dried plums, or prunes, contain plenty of antioxidants and aid in digestion . . . not that Katniss needs any help in eating, once she has food to actually eat! (The Hunger Games, Chapter 9) • 5 pounds lamb, cut into 2-inch pieces • 2 teaspoons salt • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper • ½ cup all-purpose flour • 3 cloves garlic, minced • 1 large onion, chopped • ½ cup water • 4 cups beef stock • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 teaspoons white sugar • 3 teaspoons brown sugar • 3 cups diced carrots • • • • • • • • • • 1 cup diced zucchini 1½ cups diced celery 5 cups dried plums 2 large onions, cut into bite-size pieces 3 potatoes, cubed 2 teaspoons dried thyme 3 teaspoons chopped fresh Rosemary 2 teaspoons chopped fresh basil 1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley 2 bay leaves
Tips from Your Sponsor
One of the many great things about this recipe is that it’s super easy, as long as you aren’t daunted by the long list of ingredients and possess some of Peeta’s patience. To simplify this recipe even more, you can make it in a slow cooker. All you have to do is throw all of the ingredients listed above into a slow cooker on the low setting for at least ten hours before you want to eat the stew. About half an hour before you plan to eat, stir in the flour and put the slow cooker on high. Let the stew sit for five minutes to allow the stew to thicken. Ladle into bowls and serve with a hunk of crusty bread.
1. Put lamb, salt, pepper, and flour in a large mixing bowl. Toss to coat meat evenly. Heat olive oil in a large pan and brown the meat, working in batches if you have to. 2. Remove lamb to a side plate. Pour off fat, leaving ¼ cup in the pan. Add the garlic and yellow onion and sauté until the onion becomes golden. Deglaze frying pan with ½ cup water, taking care to scrape the bottom of the pan to stir up all of the tasty bits of meat and onion. Reduce slightly, then remove from heat. 3. Place the lamb and garlic-onion mixture in a large stock pot. Add beef stock and sugar, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Bring mixture to a boil, cover, and simmer for one and a half hours. 4. Add the vegetables, dried plums, and spices to the pot. Simmer for thirty to forty five minutes, or until meat and vegetables pierce easily with a fork.
Marketing: • National PR to cooking, literary, and teen media • Advance blads • Blog tour
• Concentrated outreach to The • E-book promotion Hunger Games fan groups • Scribd promotion • Library market outreach • Targeted social media outreach
The Diary of a Mad Man
• It’s like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind—except rather than • There’s definite geek and hipster appeal as it’s a more deranged
forgetting Kelly Donahue, Mark Svartz plans to fight her to the death version of Scott Pilgrim and (500) Days of Summer
• It’s sick, it’s twisted, and it’s wicked funny
I Hate You, Kelly Donahue
This journal belongs to Mark Svartz
DO NOT OPEN! Nothing to See Here, Just Boring Stuff or Empty Pages.
Marketing: • National PR to pop culture, relationship, humor, and college media • Targeted social media outreach • Vendor promo partnerships • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Four Square partnership • Kelly Donahue app • E-book promotion • Scribd promotion
Ships: December Publication: January Humor, Semi-concealed Wire-o 5½ x 7½, 112 pages Four-color throughout $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: North American English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2754-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2754-8 EAN: 9-78144052754-8 UPC: 0-4507952754-6
As a little kid, a boy would pinch the girl he liked. As a grown-up, Mark Svartz plans her ultimate demise through a number of twisted murder plots that involve lead pipes, escape routes, and David Hasselhoff. Some guys never grow up. I Hate You, Kelly Donahue chronicles the eight months, sixteen days, and some-odd hours since Mark first laid eyes on the despicable, wretched wench that he’s destined to fall for, date, and get dumped by fight to the death. Every note, thought, IM, email, Post-It, and craiglist ad looking for a crime-scene clean-up is meticulously catalogued in Mark’s journal. Is it a diary of a mad man? Or a man madly in love? Who cares? It’s seriously messed up. And seriously funny.
Marc Svartz (New York, NY) is an award winning advertising copywriter with nearly a decade of experience building irreverent brands like Axe, Virgin, and Sprite, using both mainstream and viral, grassroots tactics. About Kelly Donahue Height: 5’7”-ish (?) Weight: Normal girl weight Strengths: Athletic; Able to reproduce and breed future generations of enemies Weaknesses: T.B.D. (And oh yeah, she’s actually a real person.)
The must-have guide for a healthy, happy, and well-informed pregnancy
• The only general pregnancy book to feature new information on eating
for a healthy womb and proper fetal development
• Each year in the U.S., about 6 million women carry out pregnancies
(American Pregnancy Association)
• The Everything® pregnancy books are series bestsellers and have
grossed a combined 326,000 copies!
• Everything® parenting books have sold more than 1.9 million copies!
The Everything® Pregnancy Book, 4th Edition
All you need to get you through the most important nine months of your life!
Paula Ford-Martin
Congratulations, you’re pregnant. Now what? The Everything® Pregnancy Book, 4th Edition is a comprehensive guide for soon-tobe parents who are unsure of what to do after they get that positive test. Completely revised and packed with even more information, this month-by-month resource walks parents through the different phases of pregnancy and offers practical advice on: • • • • • Understanding physical and emotional changes Selecting the right diet for mom and baby Understanding prenatal tests and screenings Choosing the best labor and delivery options Budgeting for the new addition to the family
Marketing: • National PR to pregnancy media
This new edition also includes the latest information on diets and nutrition, finding alternative care and treatments (yoga anyone?), and checklists and worksheets to help parents-tobe plan for any occasion. This indispensable guide will give new moms the inspiration, support, and advice they need to get throughout their pregnancy—and beyond!
Ships: December Publication: January Health/Pregnancy, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 352 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2851-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2851-4 EAN: 9-78144052851-4 UPC: 0-4507952851-2
Previous Edition: The Everything® Pregnancy Book, 3rd Edition, $14.95, 1-59869-286-0 ALSO AVAILABLE:
Paula Ford-Martin (Old Saybrook, CT) is the author of the bestselling The Everything® Pregnancy Book, 3rd Edition and the mother of two daughters. She is a medical writer and editor who has published extensively on topics in traditional and alternative medicine. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) and the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ).
A reference for planning a perpetual bounty
• The only year-round gardening book that features both preserving and
canning as well as root cellaring for the colder seasons (Food Channel)
• Food preservation tops Food Channel’s Top Ten food trends for 2011 • Farmers’ markets and eating locally grown produce are still hot trends
The Year-Round Harvest
Catherine Abbott and Alison Woitunski
A Seasonal Guide to Growing, Eating, and Preserving the Fruits and Vegetables of Your Labor
Marketing: • Promotional blad • National PR to cooking, health, and women’s interest media • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach
In The Year-Round Harvest, readers will be prepared to grow and store an abundance of delicious food, even in the depths of winter. This one-stop, 12-month-planning guide features step-by-step methods for planting a garden ready to be preserved! Along with 150 easy and delectable recipes, readers will learn how to: • • • • • Grow enough food to sustain their families Work succession planting and season extenders into their year-round plan Preserve fresh foods by drying, freezing, canning, and pickling Create and organize root cellars Dry herbs and spices from the garden for year-round use
With this guide, readers can forget the grocery store and instead enjoy delicious, nutritious homegrown produce that’s in season—every season!
Ships: December Publication: January Gardening, Trade Paperback 7½ x 9⅛, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2816-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2816-3 EAN: 9-78144052816-3 UPC: 0-4507952816-1
Catherine Abbott (British Columbia, Canada), the author of The Everything® Grow Your Own Vegetables Book and The Everything® Root Cellaring Book, grew vegetables in her suburban backyard until 2000, when she decided to make a lifestyle change and started a small-scale vegetable farm. Her website is Alison Woitunski (Beverly, MA) is a writer with three years of professional gardening experience at a leading agricultural and gardening organization, The Food Project. Alison writes and teaches curriculum about backyard gardening, agriculture, food preservation and food culture.
Love is in the stars!
• This new edition includes quizzes and surveys to help readers identify
their best loves matches
• Sixty-seven percent of Americans read astrology reports more than
once a week, and 36 percent believe they are scientific (Los Angeles Times)
• Americans spend more than $200 million annually consulting astrologers
• The Everything® Love Signs Book has sold more than 45,000 copies!
Use astrology to find your perfect partner!
Jenni Kosarin
The Everything® Love Signs Book, 2nd Edition
Dress conservatively to attract a Pisces. Impress a Sagittarian with good wine and ethnic food Want to know if a Scorpio is interested? Flirt with his friend! Every sun sign has its own preferences, quirks, and emotional profile. With The Everything® Love Signs Book, 2nd Edition, readers will learn which one is the perfect match to their own. And they’ll also learn the secrets of attracting and pleasing any sign, including how to: • • • • Find the best (and worst) sun-sign matches Act and dress to be irresistible to any sign Predict a lover’s habits and pet peeves Make a partner a better lover
Marketing: • National PR to women’s interest and New Age media
With in-depth quizzes and descriptions of the relationship characteristics, dating habits, and compatible matches of each sign, this entertaining guide promises a truly cosmic love life!
Ships: December Publication: January New Age, Trade Paperback 4¼ x 7, 304 pages $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2819-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2819-4 EAN: 9-78144052819-4 UPC: 0-4507952819-2
Previous Edition: The Everything® Love Signs Book, 1st Edition, $9.95, 1-59337-040-7 ALSO AVAILABLE:
Jenni Kosarin (New York, NY) is an internationally celebrated astrology expert She has written about astrology for television (USA Networks) and for magazines including Cosmopolitan, YM, Reader’s Digest, First for Women, and Glamour. When US Weekly and OK! magazine want the scoop on celebrity couples, and if it’ll last, Jenni is the one they call to predict it. She has also been a guest astrologer for Seventeen magazine.
Lovely spiritual keepsakes for bird lovers!
• A truly unique approach that helps readers not only identify the most spiritually significant birds, but also decipher the divine messages they deliver as well • A lovely hardcover package including 75 full color illustrations makes it a beautiful keepsake! • Perfect gift for birders, New Age enthusiasts, and the billions of people around the world for whom birds are symbols of compassion, divinity, and eternal happiness
Arin Murphy-Hiscock (Montreal, Canada) has always felt a spiritual connection to birds, especially owls. She is a third-degree Wiccan High Priestess in the Black Forest Clan and the author of Power Spellcraft for Life, Solitary Wicca for Life, The Way of the Green Witch, and The Way of the Hedge Witch. She lives and bird-watches with her husband and son.
Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Explore the Symbology & Significance of These Divine Winged Messengers
Since ancient times, birds have been seen as messengers of hope, symbols of peace, and even harbingers of death. Middle Eastern and Asian cultures believed birds were symbols of immortality. In East Indian myth, every bird in the world represents a departed soul, and in Christian art, birds often appear as saved souls. This lovely illustrated field guide highlights a specific bird and its corresponding symbolism such as: • • • • • The Crane represents long life and immortality The Eagle typifies power, resurrection, and generosity The Nightingale suggests love and longing The Owl is the symbol of wisdom, insight, and virtue The Peacock heralds spring, birth, and new growth
From physical description and behavior to folklore and divination, Birds covers everything essential and esoteric about 75 of the most popular species in North America. With this enlightening volume as their inspiration, readers will steep themselves in the world of nature’s most mystical creatures.
Ships: December New Age, Flexibound Trade Paperback 4¾ x 8¼, 240 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights 98 Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-2688-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2688-6 EAN: 9-78144052688-6 UPC: 0-4507952688-4
• National PR to New Age, women’s interest, and nature media • Targeted social media outreach • Scribd promotion • Outreach to bird watching groups
Birds: A spirituAl JournAl
Record the Symbology & Significance of These Divine Winged Messengers
Arin Murphy-Hiscock
For the first time, birdwatchers can record the type of bird they see and the sacred message it holds especially for them. This lovely journal helps readers identify a specific bird, identify its corresponding symbolism, and record their impressions by asking questions such as: • • • • What kind of bird visited you today? Did the sighting evoke any immediate emotions? Were your feelings or mood transformed once you had the encounter? In what way does the bird’s message resonate with you?
Complete with a key to 75 of the most popular species in North America, Birds: A Spiritual Journal turns a hobby into divine providence!
Ships: December New Age, Paper-Over-Board 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights
Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-2936-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2936-8 EAN: 9-78144052936-8 UPC: 0-4507952936-6
Make peace and quiet part of the daily routine
• Starting now, even mothers-on-the-go can find time to meditate! • A preschooler requires mom’s attention once every 4 minutes (that’s
210 times every day)! (
• Stress is a factor in more than 75 percent of sickness today—and
when mom’s out of commission, everyone feels it! (American Medical Association)
Meditations for Moms with CD
Rayna Olsen
How to Relax Your Body. Refresh Your Mind, and Revitalize Your Spirit in Minutes a Day
It’s no secret: mothers are stressed! Moms tend to be the busiest members of the house—and the most in need of a breather—whether “work” is the office or the car, kitchen, home office, and soccer field. Meditations for Moms is the only guide to working mindfulness into every mother’s life—one time out at a time. Organized hourby-precious-hour, this book teaches readers how to turn stolen moments and stressful scenes into unlikely retreats and breaks, including: • • • • • • The few minutes before everyone is awake The office lunch room The after-school carpool The shower The dinner table The family vacation
From anxiety-busting breathing exercises to tantrum-diffusing techniques, this book will help any woman regain her sense of self and balance in a hectic world—starting now.
Ships: December Publication: January Parenting, Paperback 6 x 8, 224 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3027-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3027-2 EAN: 9-78144053027-2 UPC: 0-4507953027-0
Rayna Olsen (Naples, NY) completed her yoga teacher certification at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts before opening the Lakeside Restorative Meditation Retreat Center in rural Naples, New York. Rayna’s mastery in restorative yoga and meditation is tested daily as she is mother to three boys and their preteen baby sister.
Stimulating and fun activities parents and toddlers will enjoy!
• Features new strategies parents can use to quell on-coming melt-
downs and tantrums, including Instant Activities for the car, running errands, or on the go
• Activities that stimulate a toddler’s senses can lead to positive and healthy
brain development and motor skills (National Network for Child Care)
• Research has found that the availability of play materials (like toys and
games) is one of the most consistent predictors of intelligence (CNN)
• Everything® parenting titles have sold over 1.9 million copies!
Over 400 games and projects to entertain and educate
Joni Levine, MEd
The Everything® Toddler Activities Book, 2nd Edition
You play with your toddler but is she learning? You teach your toddler, but is he having fun? Now parents can play and teach their toddlers at the same time with The Everything® Toddler Activities Book, 2nd Edition. Written by an experienced child-care expert, this informative and fun guide shows parents how to stimulate their child’s development with age-appropriate, enjoyable, and educational activities such as: • • • • • • • • Making Puppets Margarine Tub Jellyfish Smelly Tacky Paintings Dinosaur Eggs Flower Crowns Story in a Bag Camping “Out” Plus rhymes and songs, holiday fun, and crafts galore!
Ships: December Publication: January Family/Parenting, Paperback 8 x 9¼, 320 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2978-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2978-8 EAN: 9-78144052978-8 UPC: 0-4507952978-6
This new edition also includes quick and easy activities for busy parents and new activities parents can use to curb their child’s tantrums. So if keeping their toddler busy is a challenge—and it usually is—here’s the answer readers have been waiting for.
Previous Edition: The Everything® Toddler Activities Book, 1st Edition, $15.95, 1-59337-588-3 ALSO AVAILABLE:
Joni Levine, MEd (Pittsburgh, PA), has cared for children from infancy through school age since 1981. Levine manages and writes articles for both parents and child care professionals on the site. She is also the author of The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Tantrums and the mother of a child with special needs.
Raw + Awesome! = Rawsome
• The comprehensive cookbook raw vegans have been waiting for! • The only thing better for you than vegetables are raw vegetables • 2011 is “The Year of the Vegetable” (Wall Street Journal) • Sayward Rebhal’s socially conscious/totally fabulous blog,, commands 40,000 monthly unique visitors
The Ultimate Raw Vegan Recipe Book
Edited by Sayward Rebhal, founder of
Raw vegan readers know their diets are anything but SAD—they’re RAD! Raw foodies know cooking food zaps it of all that makes it groovy to begin with—beneficial bacteria, easily digestible nutrients and natural enzymes and proteins that aren’t found anywhere else on earth. There’s no need to get bogged down with food that’s been heated into oblivion and robbed of its “life force.” When folks eat the way their ancestors ate, they feel light, carefree, and fabulous! How can you knock it when the recipes are this yummilicious? • • • • Myan Chocolate Shake-Down Shake Oceanic Greens with Orange Sesame Dressing Nut Crackers with Garlic Woah Banana Vanilla Ice with Blueberry Drizzle
Marketing: • National PR to health and cooking media • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Blog tour • E-book promotion
This super reference full of need-to-know nuggets will inspire readers to hold a funeral for their stove, make the blender their new best friend, and get Rawsome!
Ships: December Publication: January Cooking, Hardcover w/ Jacket 7 x 9⅛, 304 pages 2-color with 8-page, 4-color insert $21.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2900-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2900-9 EAN: 9-78144052900-9 UPC: 0-4507952900-7
Sayward Rebhal (Portland, OR) is a vegan, raw-food enthusiast, urban farmer, scientist, and writer. She graduated with a degree in biology form the College of Creative Studies at University of California-Santa Barbara. She blogs about all things “Socially Conscious/Totally Fabulous” at She and her husband are currently taking a crash-course in parenthood.
The only nutrition plan that repairs damage, boosts metabolism, and controls cravings
• Contains the most meals of any recovery diet book on the market,
including dishes to help the body repair after addiction
• Author Renée Hoffinger has worked in the substance abuse field for
twenty years and is the American Dietetic Association’s substance abuse resource professional
• Recovering alcoholics can repair the body through nutrition to reverse
some of the negative affects of heavy consumption (
The Recovery Diet
Renée Hoffinger, MHSE, RD
A Ground-Breaking, Scientific Approach to a Healthy Life While Recovering from Alcoholism
Latest research indicates that with the right nutrition, recovering alcoholics can reverse the physical effects of alcoholism such as cirrhosis of the liver and manage their path out of addiction. Renée Hoffinger, MHSE, RD has developed a landmark new plan that empowers readers in recovery to undo the damage their addiction has inflicted— through the natural power of food. Twelve weeks of meal plans will ease readers into newfound empowerment as they battle dependence, mend damage to their bodies, and maintain balance for a long, healthy life. Readers will learn: • • • • Which foods help repair liver and other organ damage What to eat to rid their bodies of toxins How to manage a diet and extend that control to their cravings When to turn to food—and when to seek outside help
Ships: December Publication: January Self-Help, Trade Paperback 7 x 9⅛, 256 pages $15.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3026-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3026-5 EAN: 9-78144053026-5 UPC: 0-4507953026-3
The Recovery Diet combines reassuring guidance with appetizing, nutritionally-dense meals that put readers on a clear path to a bright, addiction-free future.
Renée Hoffinger, MHSE, RD (Gainesville, FL) has worked in the Veterans Administration’s substance abuse division for nearly twenty years. She is also the Substance Abuse Resource Professional for the ADA’s Behavorial Health Nutrition group.
Everything readers need to run for fitness and fun!
An informative and practical resource for families embracing the Ayurvedic lifestyle!
• The only general running book to include cutting-edge information on natural running, barefoot running, and Chi running • Running is “recession-proof” and has been growing in popularity over the past 5 years(Seattle Times) • The first two editions of The Everything® Running Book have sold 43,000 copies!
• The only complete Ayurvedic guide for the entire family • The United States of America National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is actively pursuing Ayurvedic medicinerelated research (National Institutes of Health) • Ayurvedic treatments can improve diet, health, sex life, and happiness (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha) • Everything® health titles have sold over 300,000 copies!
The Everything® Running Book, 3rd Edition
The ultimate guide to running for fitness, weight loss, and competition
Art Liberman, Randy Brown, and Eileen Myers, MPH, RD, LDN
The Everything® Guide to Ayurveda
Improve your health, develop your inner energy, and find balance in your life
Heidi E. Spear, Hilary Garivaltis, and Sudha Carolyn Lundeen, RN, RYT-500
More than 19 million Americans regard themselves as regular runners, and with good reason: running is a healthy, fun hobby— and anyone can do it. With The Everything® Running Book, 3rd Edition, avid and amateur runners alike will gain the knowledge and tools they need including: • Cutting-edge information on hugely influential trends in natural running • How to select the right gear and manage nutrition, including a discussion of the superfoods and raw foods diets favored by many endurance athletes • A dedicated section on running for women Whether readers are beginners or seasoned veterans, The Everything® Running Book, 3rd Edition has everything they need to maximize their running potential—from start to finish!
Art Liberman (Charleston, SC) is the founder of, and coauthor of The Everything® Running Book, 2nd Edition. Randy Brown (Chico, CA) is a physical therapist who has previously coached men’s and women’s NCAA Division 1 cross country teams. Eileen Myers MPH, RD, LDN (Charleston, SC) is a nutritional consultant to several college athletic teams and healthcare organizations. Ships: December Publication: January Sports & Recreation, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 320 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2971-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2971-9 EAN: 9-78144052971-9 UPC: 0-4507952971-7 104
Combining the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (knowledge), Ayurveda is an ancient Indian practice for living that dates back thousands of years. Ayurveda promotes a mind-consciousnessbody balance that, when in perfect alignment, will result in improved health, outlook, and attitude. The Everything® Guide to Ayurveda is the optimal guide for families interested in Ayurveda, with information on: • • • • The history of Ayurvedic medicine in India Incorporating Ayurvedic foods into everyday diets Yoga and exercise techniques for each dosha Meditation and relaxation tips for the whole family
The Everything® Guide to Ayurveda is the perfect resource for families looking to transition into a healthy, balanced way of living!
Heidi E. Spear (Lenox, MA) is on the teaching faculty at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, where she works with Ayurvedic medicine. Hilary Garivaltis (Stockbridge, MA) is the Dean of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda. She received advanced training from the Rishikesh College of Ayurveda and the Jiva Institute. Sudha Carolyn Lundeen, RN, RYT-500 (Lenox, MA) is an Ayurvedic Health and Lifestyle Coach and certified holistic-health nurse. Ships: December Publication: January Health, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2996-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2996-2 EAN: 9-78144052996-2 UPC: 0-4507952996-0
Previous Edition: The Everything® Running Book, 2nd Edition, $15.95, 1-59869-506-1
300 hearty and healthy one-pot meals
Vegan readers can have their cake—and eat it, too!
• Contains most recipes of any title on the market, 100 more than the closest competitor! • 80.6 percent of American households have a slow cooker (Betty Crocker Kitchens) • Vegetarianism was a top trend of 2010 and flexitarianism is a top trend of 2011 ( • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.5 million copies!
• Featuring 300 recipes with nutritional information, more recipes than any other vegan baking cookbook on the market! • The popularity of vegan bakeries like BabyCakes in New York City prove that vegans everywhere are looking for delicious desserts • Vegan diets are credited with lowering the risk of colon cancer, heart attack, high blood cholesterol, and more (Journal of the American Dietetic Association) • Everything® cookbooks have sold more than 2.5 million copies!
The Everything® Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook
Includes: Tofu Noodle Soup • Fajita Chili • Chipotle Black Bean Salad • Mediterranean Chickpeas • Mixed Berry Cobbler…and hundreds more!
Amy Snyder and Justin Snyder
The Everything® Vegan Baking Cookbook
Includes: Chocolate Peppermint Bundt Cake • Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcakes • Southwest Green Chile Corn Muffins • Rosemary Olive Oil Bread • Cherry Almond Oatmeal Bars…and hundreds more!
Lorena Novak Bull, RD
Who wouldn’t want a delicious, healthy, all-veggie meal that’s ready to eat as soon as they walk in the door? In today’s hustle and bustle world, it can be difficult for vegetarians to find the time to create meatless meals that don’t take hours to prepare. But with The Everything® Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook they’ll find simple, satisfying recipes for hundreds of meals, including: • • • • Spicy Seitan Buffalo Strips Vegan Spinach and Artichoke Dip Slow-Roasted Garlic and Tomato Sauce Peanut Butter Cup Cake
When considering a vegan lifestyle, readers may think that the egg and dairy free diet won’t allow them to enjoy savory breads, decadent brownies, and sweet, flaky pies. And not every Vegan wants to shell out $8 for a cupcake when they’re even lucky enough to find a vegan bakery. Now they can make their own delicious desserts with The Everything® Vegan Baking Cookbook! With 300 irresistible recipes, readers will prepare everything from chocolate chip cookies to red velvet cupcakes, including: • Sourdough Wheat Bread • Strawberry Crumble Bars • Cracked Pepper Italian Loaf • German Chocolate Cupcakes
Complete with an array of vegan options and substitutions, this versatile cookbook has everything vegetarians need to create healthy, delicious meals—without spending the day in the kitchen!
Amy Snyder (Atlanta, GA), creator of the VegCooking blog, worked at Real Food Daily in Los Angeles and Georgia’s famous meat-free restaurant, The Grit. Justin Snyder (Atlanta, GA) has worked in kitchens professionally for the past 16 years. He is sauté chef at Café Intermezzo in Atlanta, GA. The Snyders are authors of The Everything® Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook.
Whether readers choose to be vegan for health, ethical, or earthfriendly reasons, they won’t have to sacrifice the delectable foods they love. With fresh, easy to find recipes and step-by-step instructions, readers will be like kids in a vegan candy shop!
Lorena Novak Bull, RD (Riverside, CA) is a graduate of the Nutrition and Dietetics program at Loma Linda University. She has spent the last fifteen years working as a registered dietitian in public health, and has more than twenty-five years of experience with vegetarian, vegan, and raw vegan lifestyles. Ships: January Publication: February Cooking, Trade Paperback Includes 8-page, 4-color photo insert 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2997-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2997-9 EAN: 9-78144052997-9 UPC: 0-4507952997-7 105
Ships: January Publication: February Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2858-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2858-3 EAN: 9-78144052858-3 UPC: 0-4507952858-1
Marketing: • National PR to cooking and health media
5-Minute Mindfulness .........................................................................................81 100 Best Aggressive Stocks You Can Buy 2012 ..................................................38 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy 2012 .....................................................................38 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition ..............................33 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels ...........................................................................54 201 Organic Baby Purees .....................................................................................80 365 Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You 2012 Daily Calendar ...................1 500 Under 500 ......................................................................................................79 Advice from Dead Celebrities ..............................................................................59 Before and After Resumes with CD .....................................................................72 Bad Austen ...........................................................................................................40 Best Life List.........................................................................................................86 Big Bag of Weed ....................................................................................................8 Big Black Calendar of Very Dirty Words 2012 Daily Calendar...............................1 Birds .....................................................................................................................98 Birds: A Spiritual Journal .....................................................................................99 Bottom of the Glass Trivia: Beer ..........................................................................26 Bottom of the Glass Trivia: Wine .........................................................................26 Brainwashing for Beginners.................................................................................39 Chicktionary..........................................................................................................55 Complete Sun Tzu for Business Success .............................................................28 A Couple’s Guide to Sexual Addiction .................................................................64 Daily Vegan Planner .............................................................................................84 Danktionary ............................................................................................................9 Deadly Dictionaries ....................................................................................... 12–13 A Dictionary of Made-Up Languages...................................................................57 Elf Off the Shelf....................................................................................................18 Envy: A Dictionary for the Jealous.......................................................................12 Everything Baby Names Book, 3rd Edition...........................................................52 Everything Brazilian Portuguese Practice Book with CD .....................................89 Everything Child Psychology and Development Book with CD ............................63 Everything Coconut Diet Cookbook ......................................................................68 Everything Eating Clean Cookbook ......................................................................83 Everything Guide to Ayurveda............................................................................104 Everything Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder ..........................................82 Everything Guide to Getting Published ................................................................91 Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder ........................................76 Everything Guide to Preventing Heart Disease....................................................22 Everything Guide to Reiki .....................................................................................65 Everything Guide to Self-Esteem with CD ...........................................................53 Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Restaurant, 2nd Edition .......................................................................................................68 Everything Guide to the Middle East ...................................................................22 Everything Guide to Thyroid Disease ...................................................................76 Everything Healthy Casserole Cookbook .............................................................46 Everything Hot Sauce Book ..................................................................................83 Everything Kids’ Book of Outrageous Facts .........................................................47 Everything Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Amazing Animals ............................32 Everything Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Fun and Games ...............................32 Everything Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats series ...............................................32 Everything Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Super Sports ...................................32 Everything Large-Print Kakuro Book.....................................................................36 Everything Large-Print Travel Word Search Book ................................................36 Everything Large-Print Word Search Book, Volume III...........................................4 Everything Love Signs Book, 2nd Edition .............................................................97 Everything Lucid Dreaming Book with CD ...........................................................90 Everything New Nurse Book, 2nd Edition ............................................................49 Everything Panini Press Cookbook .......................................................................10 Everything Parent’s Guide to Eating Disorders ....................................................44
Everything Parent’s Guide to Positive Discipline, 2nd Edition .............................87 Everything Parent’s Guide to Raising a Gifted Child............................................87 Everything Pie Cookbook ......................................................................................10 Everything Pocket Mom .......................................................................................49 Everything Pregnancy Book, 4th Edition ..............................................................95 Everything Pregnancy Organizer, 3rd Edition .......................................................69 Everything Psychic Book 2nd Edition, with CD ....................................................11 Everything Running Book, 3rd Edition ................................................................104 Everything Theodore Roosevelt Book ....................................................................5 Everything Toddler Activities Book, 2nd Edition ................................................101 Everything UFO Book ............................................................................................42 Everything Vegan Baking Cookbook...................................................................105 Everything Vegan Pregnancy Book.........................................................................6 Everything Vegan Wedding Book .........................................................................73 Everything Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook..................................................105 Everything Wedding Organizer, 3rd Edition .........................................................62 Fact. Fact. Bullsh*t! .............................................................................................21 Felon Fitness ................................................................................................. 34–35 Ga$ Smart$ ............................................................................................................4 Get Married This Year ..........................................................................................70 Gluttony: A Dictionary for the Indulgent ........................................................12, 13 Gobbledygook.......................................................................................................43 Greed: A Dictionary for the Selfish ......................................................................12 Healthiest You Ever ..............................................................................................78 I Hate Everything. .................................................................................................30 I Hate Everything. 2012 Daily Calendar ...........................................................1, 30 I Hate Everything. The Journal You Hate to Write In. .........................................30 I Hate You, Kelly Donahue ...................................................................................94 Intellectual’s Checklist .........................................................................................56 Joy of the Quickie ................................................................................................15 Knock ’em Dead 2012 ..........................................................................................24 Knock ’em Dead Job Interview Flash Cards ........................................................67 Little Book of Boys ...............................................................................................48 Little Book of Girls................................................................................................48 Lust: A Dictionary for the Insatiable ..............................................................12, 13 Meditation for Moms with CD ...........................................................................100 Misanthrope’s Guide to Life...................................................................................7 A Miscellany of Garlic..........................................................................................50 A Miscellany of Murder .......................................................................................31 Mix-and-Match Baby Names Book ......................................................................20 Negotiation Phrase Book .....................................................................................23 Parchment Paper Cookbook .................................................................................37 Perfect. .................................................................................................................71 Plot Whisperer .....................................................................................................29 Pregnancy Sucks, 2nd Edition ..............................................................................14 Pregnancy Sucks for Men, 2nd Edition ................................................................14 Pride: A Dictionary for the Vain ...........................................................................12 Princess Recovery ................................................................................................75 Project Garden......................................................................................................88 Quotable A**hole ................................................................................................27 Quotable Stoner .....................................................................................................9 Rawsome! ..........................................................................................................102 Recovery Diet .....................................................................................................103 Renegotiate Your Marriage..................................................................................77 Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals......................................................58 Royal Wisdom ........................................................................................................4 Self-Care for Life ..................................................................................................45 Sexploits...............................................................................................................74 Sloth: A Dictionary for the Lazy .....................................................................12, 13
Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating ............................................................................85 Sweets on a Stick ................................................................................................61 A Ton of Crap........................................................................................................51 Train Your Brain to Get Rich .................................................................................41 Unofficial Harry Potter Sweet Shoppe Kit ........................................................ 2–3 Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook ............................................................. 92–93 Vegan Junk Food ..................................................................................................60 Verbally Abusive Relationship: Recovery & Renewal .........................................66 Weed ......................................................................................................................9 Weed 2012 Daily Calendar ....................................................................................1 What Your Birthday Reveals about Your Sex Life................................................17 Word Lover’s Journal ...........................................................................................16 Words You Should Know to Sound Smart 2012 Daily Calendar ...........................1 Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged .............................................................12, 13 WTF? 2012 Daily Calendar.....................................................................................1 A Year of Living Sinfully .......................................................................................25 Year-Round Harvest .............................................................................................96
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The Everything® Theodore Roosevelt Book The Everything Vegan Pregnancy Book
The Misanthrope’s Guide to Life The Big Bag of Weed The Everything® Pie Cookbook The Everything Panini Press Cookbook
The Everything® Psychic Book 2nd Edition, with CD Pride: A Dictionary for the Vain Greed: A Dictionary for the Selfish Envy: A Dictionary for the Jealous Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged Lust: A Dictionary for the Insatiable Gluttony: A Dictionary for the Indulgent Sloth: A Dictionary for the Lazy Pregnancy Sucks, 2nd Edition Pregnancy Sucks for Men, 2nd Edition The Joy of the Quickie
16 17 18 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 33 34 36 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 49 50 51
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The Word Lover’s Journal What Your Birthday Reveals about Your Sex Life The Elf off the Shelf The Mix-and-Match Baby Names Book Fact. Fact. Bullsh*t! The Everything Guide to Preventing Heart Disease
1-4405-2890-X 1-4405-0596-9 1-4405-2791-1 1-4405-2755-5 1-4405-2553-6 1-4405-2820-9 1-4405-2901-9 1-4405-2863-2 1-4405-2572-2 1-4405-1253-1 1-4405-2904-3 1-4405-2815-2 1-4405-2565-X 1-4405-2880-2 1-4405-2588-9 1-4405-2862-4 1-4405-2719-9 1-4405-0638-8 1-4405-2593-5 1-4405-2884-5 1-4405-2885-3 1-4405-2883-7 1-4405-2789-X 1-4405-2659-1 1-4405-2738-5 1-4405-2736-9 1-4405-2859-4 1-4405-0053-3 1-4405-2594-3 1-4405-2861-6 1-4405-1185-3 1-4405-2808-X 1-4405-2513-7 1-4405-2818-7 1-4405-2785-7 1-4405-2860-8 1-4405-2932-9 1-4405-2849-7 1-4405-2895-0 1-4405-2896-9 1-4405-2687-7 1-4405-3010-6 1-4405-2982-5 1-4405-2935-3 1-4405-2703-2 1-4405-2882-9
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The Everything® Guide to the Middle East The Negotiation Phrase Book Knock ’em Dead 2012 A Year of Living Sinfully Bottom of the Glass Trivia: Beer Bottom of the Glass Trivia: Wine The Quotable A**hole The Complete Sun Tzu for Business Success The Plot Whisperer I Hate Everything. The Journal You Hate to Write In. I Hate Everything. 2012 Daily Calendar I Hate Everything. A Miscellany of Murder The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Super Sports The Everything Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Amazing Animals
The Everything® Kids’ Fun with Food Placemats: Fun and Games The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition Felon Fitness The Everything® Large-Print Kakuro Book The Everything® Large-Print Travel Word Search Book The Parchment Paper Cookbook The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy 2012 The 100 Best Aggressive Stocks You Can Buy 2012 Brainwashing for Beginners Bad Austen Train Your Brain to Get Rich The Everything® UFO Book Gobbledygook The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Eating Disorders Self-Care for Life The Everything® Healthy Casserole Cookbook The Everything® Kids’ Book of Outrageous Facts The Little Book of Boys The Little Book of Girls The Everything® New Nurse Book, 2nd Edition The Everything® Pocket Mom A Miscellany of Garlic A Ton of Crap The Everything® Baby Names Book, 3rd Edition The Everything® Guide to Self-Esteem with CD
PAGE # 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 83 84 85 86 87 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95
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