Adams Media Spring 2012 Frontlist Titles

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spring 2012
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Previously Released Fall 2011


• The only level-based word search series on the market • Everything® word search puzzle books have sold more than 460,000 copies!

The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Series
Charles Timmerman, Founder of

The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle series is the newest addition to the bestselling Everything® line of word search and crossword puzzles. With this 3-level series, beginners can get an easy workout—and more experienced puzzlers can go the distance. Lightweight puzzles are for novices, Middleweights are for those at an intermediate level, and the Heavyweights are for advanced puzzlers who love a challenge. There’s a level for everyone—and once puzzlers have mastered the easier games, they can come out swinging for the next round!

lightweight round 1
Get into the ring with 125 easy puzzles
The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Lightweight Round 1 features 125 easier puzzles, perfect for a quick break or a relaxing way to unwind at the end of the day.

middleweight round 1
Get into the ring with 125 intermediate puzzles
The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Middleweight Round 1 features 125 moderately challenging puzzles. These puzzles are both satisfying and stimulating, ideal for a coffee break or an afternoon at the beach.

heavyweight round 1
Get into the ring with 125 challenging puzzles
The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Heavyweight Round 1 features 125 expert-level puzzles. These puzzles are both fun and challenging, and they help readers improve their memory and problem-solving skills.

Charles Timmerman (South Pasadena, CA) is the founder of, a word game website that was selected as a Yahoo! Pick of the Year, and the author of more than fifty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Word Search Book, The Everything® Easy Large-Print Word Search Book, and The Everything® Giant Book of Word Searches (Volumes I–IV).
Ships: December Publication: January Games, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 160 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50) Rights: World Rights

ISBN 10: 1-4405-3308-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3308-2 EAN: 9-78144053308-2 UPC: 0-4507953308-0

ISBN 10: 1-4405-3309-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3309-9 EAN: 9-78144053309-9 UPC: 0-4507953309-7

ISBN 10: 1-4405-3310-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3310-5 EAN: 9-78144053310-5 UPC: 0-4507953310-3


The 100 Best Exchange-Traded Funds You Can Buy 2012
Peter Sander and Scott Bobo

The 100 Best Technology Stocks You Can Buy 2012
Peter Sander and Scott Bobo

The Afterlife Survey
Maureen Milliken

Ships: December Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 336 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3281-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3281-8 EAN: 9-78144053281-8 UPC: 0-4507953281-6

Ships: December Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 336 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3273-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3273-3 EAN: 9-78144053273-3 UPC: 0-4507953273-1

Ships: November New Age, Hardcover with Jacket 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $18.95 (Canada $19.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: December ISBN 10: 1-4405-1254-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1254-4 EAN: 9-78144051254-4 UPC: 0-4507951254-2

The Everything® Guide to a Healthy Home
Kimberly Button

Ships: January Home, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: February ISBN 10: 1-4405-3057-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3057-9 EAN: 9-78144053057-9 UPC: 0-4507953057-7

The Everything® Job Interview Book, 3rd Edition
lin Grensing-Pophal, SPHR

The Everything® Large-Print Bible Word Search Book
Ships: october Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 352 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights

Charles Timmerman, Founder of

Ships: November Careers,Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: December ISBN 10: 1-4405-3132-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3132-3 EAN: 9-78144053132-3 UPC: 0-4507953132-1

Publication: November ISBN 10: 1-4405-3071-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3071-5 EAN: 9-78144053071-5 UPC: 0-4507953071-3

The Everything® Small-Space Gardening Book
Catherine Abbott

Happiest You Ever

Meera lester, Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, and Susan B. Townsend

I Hate Everyone.

Matthew DiBenedetti, author of I Hate Everything.

Ships: January Gardening, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: February ISBN 10: 1-4405-3060-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3060-9 EAN: 9-78144053060-9 UPC: 0-4507953060-7

Ships: November Self Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 384 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: December ISBN 10: 1-4405-3055-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3055-5 EAN: 9-78144053055-5 UPC: 0-4507953055-3

Ships: December Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 6¼, 400 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3359-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3359-4 EAN: 9-78144053359-4 UPC: 0-4507953359-2


The Organized Kitchen
Brette Sember

The Please Stop Laughing at Me . . . Journal
Jodee Blanco, Author of the New York Times Bestseller Please Stop Laughing at Me . . .

Por qué los hombres aman a las cabronas
Sherry Argov

Ships: December Home organization/Time Management, Trade Paperback, 2-color interior 7 x 9⅛, 240 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3056-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3056-2 EAN: 9-78144053056-2 UPC: 0-4507953056-0

Ships: December Self-Help, Paper-overBoard with Jacket 5½ x 8½, 160 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-2809-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2809-5 EAN: 9-78144052809-5 UPC: 0-4507952809-3

Ships: January Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: United States only

Publication: February ISBN 10: 1-4405-3602-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3602-1 EAN: 9-78144053602-1 UPC: 0-4507953602-9

Pourquoi les hommes adorent les chieuses
Sherry Argov

The Soul Mate Myth
Jean Cirillo, PhD

Style & Circumstance
Phineas J. Caruthers

Ships: January Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: Canada only

Publication: February ISBN 10: 1-4405-3603-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3603-8 EAN: 9-78144053603-8 UPC: 0-4507953603-6

Ships: December Self-Help/Relationships, Hardcover with Jacket 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $21.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-1271-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1271-1 EAN: 9-78144051271-1 UPC: 0-4507951271-9

Ships: January Reference, Hardcover 4¾ x 8¾, 208 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: February ISBN 10: 1-4405-3062-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3062-3 EAN: 9-78144053062-3 UPC: 0-4507953062-1

There’s a new game in Town!
All readers need to master these puzzles is a black marker—and a little creativity!
sage to form Use the words in the following pas fortune cookie: a profound statement worthy of a

a looking at me I says, ‘Here’s the boy again, you there a many see whiles I eats and drinks!’ I r I see you on them misty times, as plain as eve I says each time, marshes. ‘Lord strike me dead!’ to say it under the —and I goes out in the air I gets liberty and open heavens,—’but wot, if a gentleman!’ And I money, I’ll make that boy r boy! Look at these done it. Why, look at you, dea a lord! A lord? Ah! here lodgings o’yourn, fit for ds for wagers, and You shall show money with lor umph, and in his beat ‘em!” In his heat and tri fainting, he did rly knowledge that I had been neaall this. It was the not remark on my reception of one grain of relief I had. ectations From Charles Dickens’s Great Exp

• The only games book on the market
that challenges readers to get in touch with their inner poet

• Adams knows games—with more than
2.1 million copies sold in the games and puzzle category!

• The perfect gift for puzzle fans tired
of solving the same old puzzles

BlackouT games
Finally—a word game that encourages readers to scribble outside the lines! Combining the simplicity of word search with the creativity of magnetic poetry, Totally Blacked Out™ is bringing imagination back to the games shelf. The web is already buzzing about blackout poetry, inspiring countless bloggers and commenters to share their blackout poems. Totally Blacked Out™ is the first series to take the Internet hit to the next level by challenging readers to think outside the puzzle. Through blacking out words and phrases, readers can transform classic pieces of literature into outrageous, poetic, or truly bizarre messages. They’ll feel like kids again as they black out words in the shape of a dagger in a passage from The Tell-Tale Heart or create a fortune-cookie message with words plucked from Cinderella. Each featuring more than 100 one-of-a-kind puzzles, readers are sure to get Totally Blacked Out™—all they need is a marker.

ToTa l l y B l ack e d ou T


Previously Released Fall 2011

SerieS SpecS: Games, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 240 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50) Rights: World Rights

adventure taleS blackout gameS™
Ships: November ISBN 10: 1-4405-3275-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3275-7 Publication: December EAN: 9-78144053275-7 UPC: 0-4507953275-5

Horror blackout gameS™
Ships: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3277-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3277-1 Publication: February EAN: 9-78144053277-1 UPC: 0-4507953277-9

claSSic lit blackout gameS™
Ships: November ISBN 10: 1-4405-3259-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3259-7 Publication: December EAN: 9-78144053259-7 UPC: 0-4507953259-5

romance blackout gameS™
Ships: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3276-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3276-4 Publication: February EAN: 9-78144053276-4 UPC: 0-4507953276-2

Fairy taleS blackout gameS™
Ships: November ISBN 10: 1-4405-3274-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3274-0 Publication: December EAN: 9-78144053274-0 UPC: 0-4507953274-8

SHakeSpeare blackout gameS™
Ships: January ISBN 10: 1-4405-3278-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3278-8 Publication: February EAN: 9-78144053278-8 UPC: 0-4507953278-6

Fall 2011 Late Additions from
The sequel to Getting Sassy.

getting lucky
DC Brod

When a young reporter is killed in a hit-and-run accident, freelance writer Robyn Guthrie agrees to finish one of the stories the reporter had been writing for the local newspaper. But nothing is as simple as it seems when she uncovers shady land deals, encounters an old high school nemesis, and attempts to fend off her aging mother's latest notion.

Ships: November Publication: December Mystery 5½ x 8½, 336 pages Rights: World Rights Hardcover with Jacket $24.95 (Canada $25.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3198-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3198-9 EAN: 9-78144053198-9 UPC: 0-4507953198-7 Trade Paperback $15.95 (Canada $16.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3195-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3195-8 EAN: 9-78144053195-8 UPC: 0-4507953195-6

“Surprisingly intense characterization propels Brod’s likable sequel to Getting Sassy.”
—Publisher’s Weekly, starred review

Immigration and murder in small-town America

El gavilan
Craig McDonald

The news is full of it: escalating tensions from illegal immigration, headless bodies hanging off bridges and bounties placed on lawmen on both sides of the border. New Austin, Ohio, is a town grappling with waves of undocumented workers who exert tremendous pressure on schools, police and city services. In the midst of the turmoil, three very different kinds of cops scramble to maintain control and impose order. But the rape-murder of a Mexican-American woman triggers a brutal chain of events that threatens to leave no survivors. El Gavilan is a novel of shifting alliances and whiplash switchbacks. Families are divided and careers and lives threatened. Friendships and ideals are tested and budding love affairs challenged. With its topical themes, shades-of-gray characters and dark canvas, El Gavilan is a novel for our charged times.

Ships: November Publication: December Mystery 5½ x 8½, 432 pages Rights: North American Rights Hardcover with Jacket $24.95 (Canada $25.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3194-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3194-1 EAN: 9-78144053194-1 UPC: 0-4507953194-9 Trade Paperback $15.95 (Canada $16.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3191-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3191-0 EAN: 9-78144053191-0 UPC: 0-4507953191-8

“As sobering and as urgent as tomorrow’s headlines, this searing novel traces the struggle of the residents of fictional New Austin, Ohio, to cope with out-of-control illegal Latino immigrants. McDonald deftly balances his ‘now’ against the ‘then’ backstory as he dissects one of America’s most tormenting social problems.”
—Publisher’s Weekly, starred review


Tyrus is an imprint of F+W Crime.

Fall 2011 Late Additions from
The seventh Moe Prager mystery.

hurt machine
Reed Farrel Coleman

At a pre-wedding party for his daughter Sarah, Moe Prager is approached by his ex-wife and former PI partner Carmella Melendez. It seems Carmella’s estranged sister Alta has been murdered, but no one in New York City seems to care. Why? Alta, a FDNY EMT, and her partner had months earlier refused to give assistance to a dying man at a fancy downtown eatery. Moe decides to help Carmella as a means to distract himself from his own life-and-death struggle. Making headway on the case is no easy feat as no one, including Alta’s partner Maya Watson, wants to cooperate. Moe chips away until he discovers a cancer boiling just below the surface, a cancer whose symptoms include bureaucratic greed, sexual harassment, and blackmail. But is any of it connected to Alta’s brutal murder?

Ships: November Publication: December Mystery 5½ x 8½, 320 pages Rights: North American Rights Hardcover with Jacket $24.95 (Canada $25.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3202-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3202-3 EAN: 9-78144053202-3 UPC: 0-4507953202-1 Trade Paperback $15.95 (Canada $16.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3199-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3199-6 EAN: 9-78144053199-6 UPC: 0-4507953199-4

“Razor-edged contemporary whodunits don’t get much better than Shamus-winner Coleman’s seventh Moe Prager mystery.”
—Publisher’s Weekly, starred review

Now in paperback!

innocent monster
Reed Farrel Coleman

Seven years have passed since the brutal murder that tore Moe Prager’s family apart and it’s been six years since Moe’s brushed the dust off his PI license. But when his estranged daughter Sarah comes to him with a request he cannot refuse, Moe takes a deep breath and plunges back into the icy, opaque waters of secrets and lies. Sashi Bluntstone, an eleven-year-old art prodigy and daughter of Sarah’s dearest childhood friend, has been abducted. Three weeks into the investigation, the cops have gotten nowhere and the parents have gotten desperate. Desperation, the door through which Moe Prager always enters, swings wide open. Just as in Sashi’s paintings, there’s much more to the case than one can see at a glance. With the help of an ex-football star, Moe stumbles around the fringes of the New York art scene, trying to get a handle on where the art stops and the commerce begins. Much to Moe’s surprise and disgust, he discovers that Sashi is, on the one hand, revered as a cash cow and, on the other, reviled as a fraud and a joke. Suspects abound beyond the usual predators and pedophiles, for it is those closest to Sashi in life who have the most to gain from her death.

Ships: December Publication: January Mystery, Trade Paperback 6 x 9, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: North American English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3609-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3609-0 EAN: 9-78144053609-0 UPC: 0-4507953609-8

“This sixth Moe Prager novel is pretty much note-perfect. Coleman’s take on the art world as a den of iniquity is priceless, as is Moe himself— intelligent, street smart, and tough, especially for a sixtysomething. He’s also sophisticated, despite seeing himself as a ‘poor schmuck from Brooklyn.’ He’s a mensch, and his bone-deep world weariness and mordant sense of humor should enthrall lovers of old-school, toughtalking, loner private eyes (think Loren D. Estleman’s Amos Walker).”
—Booklist, starred review 7


All of readers' wholesome favorites . . . exposed!
• This follow-up to 1,001 Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You

and Attack of the Killer Facts! reveals the dark underbelly of seemingly-innocuous places and things

• From After Lately to TMZ, readers’ obsession with the dark side of

everything continues to increase of Big F*#k Ups

• This book is the quasi-sequel to the authors’ successful The Little Book • Adams Media’s reference books have sold more than a million copies!

The dark Side of Apple Pie, Baby Food, and Bunnies
220 Scary Facts about the Things You Thought You loved
Ken lytle and Katie Corcoran lytle, MA; Foreword by Bob Carney, founder of Stump! Trivia

Everything is not always as it seems—and it’s usually worse. The Dark Side of Apple Pie, Baby Food, and Bunnies shines a light on the evil underbelly that corrupts even the most innocuous places and things. From a cute and cuddly kitten carrying parasites to the cotton gin sealing the fate of American slaves, this fascinating look into the flippin’ flip side of life is as hilarious as it is horrifying. The Dark Side of Apple Pie, Baby Food, and Bunnies: Because real-life villains are hard to identify without the evil laugh.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to college, humor, men’s

interest, pop culture, geek, and alternative media (including mental_floss, io9,, Wired/ • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion

Ships: February Publication: March Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3344-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3344-0 EAN: 9-78144053344-0 UPC: 0-4507953344-8

Ken Lytle (Whitman, MA), is by day a mild-mannered accountant and by night a passionate trivia jockey who hosts bar trivia. He is the coauthor of The Little Book of Big F*#k Ups. Katie Corcoran Lytle, MA (Whitman, MA), loves any and all trivial pursuits and put her love of arcane knowledge to use by earning her master’s degree in nineteenth-century American literature. The coauthor of The Little Book of Big F*#k Ups, Katie currently works as a publishing professional. Foreword writer Bob Carney (West Roxbury, MA) is the founder of nationwide bar trivia machine Stump! Trivia, which operates in hundreds of bars in states from New Hampshire to Hawaii. Check him out at






Play ball!

Forex secrets only the pros know!

• The wildly popular Everything® Kids’ Baseball Book is back in its seventh edition, complete with updates from the world series, as well as new and notable players, teams, rule changes, and trades! • Everything® Kids’ Books have sold more than 2.8 million copies!

• The only Forex/currency trading book that separates and evaluates trading strategies and specific currencies based on readers’ unique budgets and risk appetites • Daily average volume in the Forex market is now over the $3 trillion mark (Wall Street Journal)

The Everything® Kids’ Baseball Book, 7th Edition
From baseball’s history to today’s favorite players—with lots of home run fun in between!
Greg Jacobs, Reporter/Statistician, STATS, llC

The Everything® guide to currency Trading
All the tools, training, and techniques you need to succeed in trading currency
David Borman, Author of The Everything® Guide to Day Trading

From the ballpark to the backyard and beyond, all the action, fun, and excitement of America’s favorite pastime is captured in The Everything® Kids’ Baseball Book, 7th Edition! Completely revised and updated, kids will learn everything they ever wanted to know. Most importantly, this guide will show aspiring major leaguers the importance of teamwork and motivate them to stay active and healthy. This new edition from reporter Greg Jacobs is sure to be a grand-slam hit with young readers!

Currency trading can be perilous or profitable—depending upon the expertise of the trader. In this no-nonsense guide, beginners will learn the basics of currency investing, from global macroeconomics and technical analysis, to buying ETFs and back-testing trades. With unique trading strategies designed for investors at various levels of budget and risk, The Everything® Guide to Currency Trading is all readers need to cash in on the ever-expanding Forex market, no matter how new they are to the challenging game of currency trading.

Greg Jacobs (Woodberry Forest, VA) is the author of The Everything® Kids’ Baseball Book, 5th and 6th Editions. He has worked as a reporter/statistician for STATS, llC’s baseball division since 1997, keeping a detailed scorecard for nearly forty games each year. Mr. Jacobs teaches at Woodberry Forrest School, where he broadcasts the school’s varsity games on Internet audio.

David Borman (Chicago, Il) has worked at Deutsche Bank’s Scudder Mutual Funds, the Federal Home loan Bank, and in high-net-worth public accounting. He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Southern Illinois University and a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul University. He is the author of The Everything® Guide to Day Trading.

Ships: February Publication: March Juvenile, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 176 pages $8.95 (Canada $9.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2843-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2843-9 EAN: 9-78144052843-9 UPC: 0-4507952843-7

Marketing: • National PR outreach to parenting media (including Parenting, Parents, Junior Baseball Magazine,, • Targeted outreach to baseball-related fan sites • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog

Previous Edition: 978-1-60550-641-8

Ships: February Publication: March Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3139-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3139-2 EAN: 9-78144053139-2 UPC: 0-4507953139-0

Marketing: • National PR outreach to business/investment media (including Forbes, Money, Fortune, MarketWatch, SmartMoney, Worth, The Motley Fool)



300 delicious and nourishing recipes for the health-conscious cook

The ultimate guide to shopping smart and saving big!

• The most family-friendly whole foods recipes in one cookbook • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.6 million copies!

• Features multiple tried-and-true couponing game plans—specifically designed for varying budgets and weekly time commitments • The author’s website,, receives more than 500,000 page views from 160,000 unique visitors each month!

The Everything® Whole Foods cookbook
Includes: Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie • Spicy Bison Burgers • Zucchini-Garlic Chili • Herbed Salmon Cakes • Pineapple Ice Pops . . . and hundreds more!
Rachel Rappaport

The Everything® couponing Book
Clip your way to incredible savings!
Karen Wilmes, Creator,

Fad diets and trendy food plans don’t promote good health and long-lasting weight loss. But eating a whole-food diet can—whole foods decrease inflammation, prevent disease, and increase energy, all without excess sugar, fat, and artificial additives. Minimally processed foods like fresh produce, lean meats and seafood, and whole grains are packed with both nutrients and flavor. From easy weeknight meals to indulgent special-occasion treats, the recipes in The Everything® Whole Foods Cookbook will give readers the confidence they need to start cooking with whole foods every day.

With more and more families struggling to make ends meet, coupons have become the en vogue way to cut costs in the household budget. But couponing can also be bewildering—that’s where The Everything® Couponing Book comes in! This book teaches readers how to find incredible deals and stretch their purchasing power with coupons, rebates, rewards points, and in-store sales. With a focus on the rise of internet and social media deals, The Everything® Couponing Book is the most comprehensive resource available for readers who never want to pay retail again!

Rachel Rappaport (Baltimore, MD) writes a column for Taste of the Bay magazine about using local seasonal ingredients, and her recipes have been featured in the Baltimore Sun, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Sun. Her blog, Coconut & lime, was named one of the top fifty food blogs in the world by MSN’s

Karen Wilmes (Ashaway, RI) is the creator of She’s been featured in media segments on Fox News Boston, ABC News Providence, and is a member of the Blogger Advisory Board for

Ships: February Publication: March Cooking, Trade Paperback with 8-page, 4-color photo insert 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3168-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3168-2 EAN: 9-78144053168-2 UPC: 0-4507953168-0 10

Marketing: • National PR outreach to cooking, parenting, and health/fitness media • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach • Mommy Blog tour

Ships: February Publication: March Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3142-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3142-2 EAN: 9-78144053142-2 UPC: 0-4507953142-0

Marketing: • National PR outreach to consumer finance and parenting/family media (including Consumer Reports,,,, • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion • Mommy Blog tour


From the author of the original bestseller Toxic People™
• The author of the original bestseller Toxic People™ sets her sights on • Adams has a strong presence on this shelf, with such perennial best-

Toxic Men—and gives readers what they really need to deal with them

sellers as The Verbally Abusive Relationship, The Verbally Abusive Man: Can He Change?, and Controlling People
• The media-genic Dr. Glass has appeared on Oprah, Larry King Live, The

Tyra Banks Show, The O’Reilly Report, Chelsea Lately, The Nancy Grace Show, Showbiz Tonight, Headline News, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, Court TV, The Early Show, the Today Show, MSNBC, and is the Dancing with the Stars body language expert

Toxic men

10 Ways to Identify, Deal with, and Heal from the Men Who Make Your life Miserable
lillian Glass, PhD, Bestselling Author of Toxic People™

N ow in p a p e rb a c k!
Marketing: • National PR outreach to women’s interest and
relationship media (including Cosmopolitan, Self, Your Tango, • Targeted social media outreach • Promotional “Is Your Relationship Toxic?” quiz • Promotion on Jane on Top blog

“Dr. Glass has done a great service in educating women how to identify toxic relationships and what to do if you are involved in such a relationship.”
— Michael “Mickey” Sherman, renowned criminal defense attorney and legal analyst for CBS News Toxic relationships can involve men of all shapes, sizes, and dysfunctions. In Toxic Men, bestselling author and body language and communication expert Dr. Lillian Glass shows readers how to identify, effectively handle, and heal from men who make these women miserable. From the “Sneaky, Passive-Aggressive, Silent-But-Deadly Erupting Volcano” to the “Instigating, Backstabbing Meddler,” Dr. Glass offers ten practical ways to deal with every type of Toxic Man. Her psychologically sound, practical strategies provide a range of solutions for dealing with a Toxic Man. For each toxic situation that readers find themselves trapped in within their relationship, Dr. Glass provides them with the answers they need in order to discover the Nontoxic Man capable of maintaining a healthy, supportive, and loving relationship.

Ships: February Publication: March Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: English Language Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3167-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3167-5 EAN: 9-78144053167-5 UPC: 0-4507953167-3

Dr. Lillian Glass (Beverly Hills, CA), a world-renowned, well-respected body language expert and foremost authority in the field of communication, is known as “The First lady of Communication.” She has written more than a dozen books, including the bestseller Toxic People™; He Says, She Says; and a body language book, I Know What You’re Thinking. In her private practice in Beverly Hills, she has helped countless clients, including celebrities, politicians, and world leaders. For more information about Dr. Glass and her services, go to






Discover the insanity of creativity
• The artists profiled span time and medium—covering everyone from

Dante to Dali to Disney, with insight on working creatives like James Cameron, J. K. Rowling, and Madonna
• True Hollywood Story meets IFC in this highbrow take on exposing

these artists’ behind-the-scenes demons get the full picture of each tortured artist

• Each profile includes a striking sketch of the subject so readers can

Tortured Artists

From Picasso and Monroe to Warhol and Winehouse, the Twisted Secrets of the Most Creative Minds
Christopher Zara; Illustrations by Robbie lee

Great art comes from great pain. At least, that’s the impression readers will be left with after reading Tortured Artists. Each profile is an engaging and entertaining look at the lives of our most celebrated creatives. It brings together artistic luminaries from a variety of disciplines who have all channeled their darker sides into brilliant works. From Mary Shelley showing what a monster teenage pregnancy can be to Charles Schultz projecting his own unrequited love onto innocent child characters—each profile examines the deep-rooted troubles that lie just beneath the surface of our favorite films, books, and paintings. Tortured Artists proves that an artist’s work is best viewed from the shrink’s couch.

culture, geek, and alternative media (including mental_floss,, Wired/, Alternative Press), art/music/entertainment media (Rolling Stone, Spin, Juxtapoz, Hi-Fructose, Variety, Entertainment Weekly), and psychology (Psychology Today) • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion

Marketing: • National PR outreach to college, humor, pop

Ships: February Publication: March Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 272 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3003-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3003-6 EAN: 9-78144053003-6 UPC: 0-4507953003-4

Christopher Zara (New York, NY) is a writer, critic, and journalist with more than ten years’ experience covering arts and culture. He is the managing editor of Show Business, a trade magazine for New York City’s performing arts community. Robbie Lee (orlando, Fl) is a freelance artist and middle school art teacher, specializing in robots, people, and the sky. In addition to illustrating books, he also illustrates for companies and designs graphics for T-shirt retailers.





Drink the rainbow for whole body wellness!
• More than 300 smoothie recipes organized by color for relative vitamin and

mineral benefit
• “Eat Right With Color” was the theme of the 2011 National Nutrition Month

campaign in March
• Government health experts say that people should get a minimum five

servings of fresh produce a day. As many as 50 percent of Americans don’t eat a piece of fruit all day long (CBS Early Show)
• Among the chief reasons for our low intake of fresh produce are the time

required and difficulty in preparation. Smoothies are an easy way to maximize your fruit and vegetable consumption. (Huffington Post)

What color is Your Smoothie?

From Red Berry Roundup to Super Smart Purple Tart—300 Recipes for Vibrant Health
Britt Allen Brandon, CFNS, CPT, Author of The Everything® Green Smoothies Book with Nicole Cormier, RD, lDN

It’s no secret that Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. However, even if we did eat the recommended five servings a day, we still might not be getting the array of vitamins we need. In order to get a wide range of vitamins and minerals, we have to “eat the rainbow.” Each color group of fruits and vegetables offers different beneficial effects and with What Color is Your Smoothie? eating the rainbow has gotten even easier! Inside readers will find delicious, easy-to-make recipes such as: • Strawberry Guava Smoothie—bright red guava is packed with vitamins A and C. It also contains heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and belly-filling fiber • clever carrots with Spice—orange carrots are full of beta-carotene which prevents cancer, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease • Pineapple Banana cream—yellow bananas are rich with carotenoids which can decrease the likelihood of lung cancer • Spicy Spinach Smoothie—dark green veggies contain phytochemicals which can protect our eyes by keeping your retina strong • Blueberry Blast Smoothie—blue and purple foods contain flavonoids which help prevent short-term memory loss With more than 300 colorful, vitamin-packed smoothies to choose from, readers will blend, smooth, and shake their way to a healthy, new body!

Ships: February Publication: March Cooking, Trade Paperback 7½ x 7½, 256 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3616-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3616-8 EAN: 9-78144053616-8 UPC: 0-4507953616-6

Britt Allen Brandon (Jensen Beach, Fl) is an ISSA-certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. She is a competitive athlete, award-winning competitive runner, and author of The Everything® Green Smoothies Book and The Everything® Eating Clean Cookbook. As a mother of three, she prepares smoothies daily to promote the health of herself and her family, and attests to the dramatic improvement they can have on pregnancy, athletic performance, children, and even pets. Nicole Cormier, RD, LDN (Middleboro, MA) is a registered dietician and owner of the nutrition counseling company Delicious living Nutrition. She is certified in adult weight management from the Commission of Dietetic Registry. Cormier often advocates juicing as a beneficial tool to nourish bodies and increase energy levels.





The (real) down low on American tough guys
• Essays and articles featuring Clint Eastwood, Reggie Jackson, Larry

Flynt, Pistol Pete Maravich, Lee Marvin, Robert Mitchum, Elvis Presley, and others!
• Contains the infamous SPORT magazine piece that threatened to destroy

the 1977 New York Yankees and was part of the inspiration for the ESPN mini-series The Bronx is Burning
• Introduction written by author and humorist Roy Blount, Jr. • As a journalist, Ward wrote for Rolling Stone, New Times, Sport, GQ,

Esquire, and others. As a television writer, he was a lead writer for Hill Street Blues and Miami Vice Arts award

• Author’s debut novel, Shedding Skin, won a National Endowment for the • Author’s novel, Red Baker, won a PEN West award for best novel in 1985


My Wild Trip from Professor to New Journalist with outrageous Visits from Clint Eastwood, Reggie Jackson, larry Flynt, and other American Icons
Robert Ward with an Introduction by Roy Blount Jr.

Throughout the ‘70s and ‘80s, author Robert Ward lived a whirlwind life. After publishing Shedding Skin in 1972, a novel that won a National Endowment for the Arts Award and that Publishers Weekly called, ““The quintessential hippie ’60s novel,” Robert Ward decided to give journalism a try. What followed were two decades of assignments for New Times, GQ, SPORT, Rolling Stone, and other publications, covering the biggest stars of the sporting, music, art, and film worlds. This collection includes Ward’s celebrated story on Reggie Jackson that nearly tore the New York Yankees apart (and was later brought to life in an ESPN mini-series The Bronx is Burning), a profile of the “outlaw” country music movement of Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Jerry Jeff Walker, and David Allan Coe, and an insightful feature on Hustler publisher Larry Flynt as a young pornographer that almost cost Ward his life. Also included are essays about the former premier of Vietnam Nguyen Cao Ky trying to adjust to life in California; an aging Lee Marvin dealing with the survivor’s guilt from his time in World War II; an unsigned Bruce Springsteen playing his legendary showcase show; and profiles of Dr. J, LeRoy Nieman, Richard Pryor, Robert Mitchum, Tom Waits, and a variety of fringe characters on the American scene. In addition to the articles, Ward has written an essay tying these stories and the story of his life together.
Robert Ward (los Angeles, CA) is the author of eight novels, including Shedding Skin; Four Kinds of Rain, which was nominated for the Hammett Award and was a New York Times Notable Book; and Red Baker, which won the PEN West Award for Best Novel. Ward is a former writer and producer of Hill Street Blues, Miami Vice, and New York Undercover.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to men’s interest, pop • • • • •

culture, music, sports, and literary media Potential excerpts in Esquire, GQ, and Rolling Stone Blog tour eBook promotion Targeted social media outreach Sweepstakes promotion

Ships: February Publication: March Biography, Hardcover with Jacket 5½ x 8½, 420 pages $24.95 (Canada $25.99) Rights: English Language Rights Only ISBN 10: 1-4405-3314-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3314-3 EAN: 9-781440533143 UPC: 0-4507953314-1





A Harry Stein soft-boiled murder mystery
• Second book in the Harry Stein Soft-Boiled Murder Mystery series • The first book in the series, Stein, Stoned was a 2010 Best of the Year

staff pick at The Poisoned Pen

• “Just when you thought you’d seen everything in detective fiction,

along comes PI Harry Stein, a shambling, abstaining dope connoisseur, trying to make a living and be a good father against the oddest of odds. This book is so funny, surprising, and compelling that, dare I say it, it practically gets you high.” —John Lithgow (on Stein, Stoned)
• “Harry fits comfortably into that delightfully comic line of slacker

sleuths—a tradition that runs from the Fletch novels through Newton Thornburg’s . . . Cutter and Bone and, of course, The Big Lebowski ” —Booklist (on Stein, Stoned)

Stein, Stung
Hal Ackerman

Last time it was stolen weed and knockoff designer shampoo. This time it is the seemingly trivial occurrence of a few pilfered honeybee colonies that propel former hippie and merry prankster, Harry Stein into the multi-trillion dollar world of the honeybee industry. In the presence of six trillion bees to pollinate millions of acres of almond trees, Stein, who is deathly allergic to bee stings, discovers the natural catastrophe of colony collapse, and a corrupt grab by organized AGROBIZ for all of the available water in Southern California. In his absence, Harry’s daughter Angie and Lila’s very attractive 17 year-old stepson find an elephant tusk that has seeped into Lila’s pool from the la Brea tar pits. When the rest of the skeleton emerges, it turns out not to be the prehistoric mammoth they’d hoped it would be, but a human being who just might have been murdered in the 1920s. The perpetrator of the 80 year-old murder is still alive and the most powerful man in Los Angeles will do anything necessary to keep the secret hidden.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to mystery and literary media • Blog tour • Targeted outreach to environmental media/blogs • eBook promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Sweepstakes promotion

Ships: February Publication: March Mystery 5½ x 8½, 256 pages Rights: US/Canadian Rights Hardcover with jacket: $24.95 (Canada $25.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3307-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3307-5 EAN: 9-78144053307-5 UPC: 0-4507953307-3 Trade Paperback: $15.95 (Canada $16.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3306-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3306-8 EAN: 9-78144053306-8 UPC: 0-4507953306-6

Hal Ackerman is the author Stein, Stoned. He has been on the faculty of the UClA School of Theater, Film and Television for the past twenty-four years. His book Write Screenplays That Sell . . . The Ackerman Way, is in its third printing.





A Loon Lake mystery
• The twelfth book in the popular Loon Lake mystery series • Victoria Houston and the Look Lake series were previously featured

in the Wall Street Journal
• “Houston does an outstanding job of crafting a good plot and

entangling her rural protagonists in real-life situations. Fans of . . . regional mysteries will want to read.” —Library Journal

dead Tease
Victoria Houston

A hot August afternoon and Midwest Clinic CEO John McNeil has been working late. Working on his latest conquest, that is. Jen Williams is twenty-six, in charge of graphics for the hospital’s PR division—and quite attractive in a healthy, athletic kind of way. She is quick to laugh and a little too quick to fall for guys. She is no virgin. And she is one of three women—including his wife—intimately familiar with McNeil. When Jen’s youthful body is found with a single stab wound through the heart, suspicion falls on both McNeil’s wife, who insists she is being stalked, and the striking hospital physician with whom he had just ended an affair. Pressure to find the killer falls on Loon Lake Police Chief Lewellyn “Lew” Ferris and Dr. Paul “Doc” Osborne, the retired dentist and forensic dental expert whom she has deputized to help with the investigation—when they are not taking a break for fishing and other personal pursuits. When the Mayor demands Lew take early retirement and Doc has to babysit his teenage granddaughter who won’t stop texting, the frustrations mount.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to mystery and literary media • Blog tour • eBook promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Sweepstakes promotion

Ships: February Publication: March Mystery 5½ x 8½, 208 pages Rights: US/Canadian Rights Hardcover with jacket: $24.95 (Canada $25.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3312-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3312-9 EAN: 9-78144053312-9 UPC: 0-4507953312-7 Trade Paperback: $15.95 (Canada $16.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3311-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3311-2 EAN: 9-78144053311-2 UPC: 0-4507953311-0

In her teens and 20s, mystery author Victoria Houston was the classic hometown girl who couldn’t wait to leave her small Wisconsin town. Now, more than 30 years later, she has not only returned to her hometown, Rhinelander, but she has based her popular mystery series in the region’s fishing culture.





A novel of the Civil War at sea
• The third book in the Civil War at Sea trilogy • “In the exciting first of a projected trilogy featuring real-life

Confederate naval hero Cmdr. Rafael Semmes, mystery author Peffer (Old School Bones) spends as much time ashore as at sea . . .” Publishers Weekly on book one in the trilogy, Southern Seahawk
• “Peffer paints a convincing portrait of the destruction and desperation

felt on both sides and of the many small, heroic actions (or inactions) that might turn the tide of war.” Publishers Weekly on book two, Seahawk Hunting
• “Peffer bases his tale on well-researched facts, brought to life by his

novelist’s imagination.”—SAIL magazine

Seahawk Burning
Randall Peffer

This final volume in the Raphael Semmes Trilogy of Civil War Naval Thrillers, Seahawk Burning follows the real-life adventures of Confederate Captain Raphael Semmes and his ship the C.S.S. Alabama on the final legs of their reign of terror on the high seas. The novel chronicles Semmes’ rise to mythic stature as he becomes Lincoln’s public enemy number one, seizing and burning scores of Yankee ships in the Caribbean Sea, the south Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea before heading to France for sanctuary . . . all the while dodging scores of Federal Navy ships pursuing him. Enemy vessels, spy games, mutinies, storms, and loneliness stock Semmes’ cruise during 1863-64. Meanwhile, back in the Lincoln White House, Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles tries to marshal his warships to catch Semmes and simultaneously protect his president from spies and assassins, one of whom is Semmes’ mistress. In addition to the main characters, the cast of Seahawk Burning includes historical figures from the governments and navies of the North and South as well as the Black Moses Harriet Tubman, John Wilkes Booth, and his fellow conspirators. All of the threads in this saga come together in a final showdown off Cherbourg, France, when Semmes decides to take the Alabama into battle against the U.S.S. Kearsarge, captained by his old friend John A. Winslow. It is one of the greatest naval battles in history.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to mystery and literary media • Blog tour • Targeted outreach to naval associations • eBook promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Sweepstakes promotion

Ships: March Publication: April Fiction 5½ x 8½, 320 pages Rights: World English Rights Hardcover with jacket: $24.95 (Canada $25.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3316-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3316-7 EAN: 9-78144053316-7 UPC: 0-4507953316-5 Trade Paperback: $15.95 (Canada $16.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3315-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3315-0 EAN: 9-78144053315-0 UPC: 0-4507953315-8

Randall Peffer is an instructor at Philips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. He is the author of Southern Seahawk and Seahawk Hunting about Confederate raider Rafael Semmes. He is also the author of the Cape Islands Mystery Series, including Killing Neptune’s Daughter, Provincetown Follies/Bangkok Blues, Old School Bones, Bangkok Dragons/ Cape Cod Tears, and Listen to the Dead. His nonfiction books include Logs of the Dead Pirate Society and Watermen.





An axed-out adventure for the bea(s)t generation
• Forget the played-out mash-up. This is a straight-up parody as

Kerouac’s classic gets re-spun as a cross-country bro-trip
• Jack K. still beasts—he and his book have over 400,000 Facebook

Likes and a movie adaptation hitting the screens at the end of the year
• Perfect for recent college grads on the road to their brofessional lives

On the Bro’d
Mike lacher

A Parody of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road

We posted up at a sports bar and threw down the game plan—we were gonna party together and get wild forever. Dean kept checking his phone a bunch, sending texts and looking at Facebook to see what’s good. “Looks like I’ve got some solid dudes chilling in Denver. We gotta go hang with those dudes. They’re probably up to some real crazy shit. You feel me?” Fuck yeah. We were gonna get wilder now than we’d ever gotten before. Set in the tumultuous era that was 2010, On the Bro’d tells the story of one restless bro shot-gunning Nattie Light, maxing out his biceps, and smashing honeys across the American night. He drifts from state to state, hoping that somewhere along the line he will achieve a greater plane of existence as a solid badass player, while getting totally hammered along the way. Whether readers are excited (or incited) as true Keroauc fans or killing time waiting for Snooki’s latest literary masterpiece to drop, they’ll know what’s up when they can't put down On the Bro’d.

Marketing: • National PR to college, literary, humor, men’s

• • • • •

interest, pop culture, and alternative media, (including mental_floss, Maxim, Laughing Squid, Boing Boing, Flavorwire) and literary outlets (Publishers Weekly, Mediabistro’s GalleyCat) Promotion on Daily Bender blog Promotion on A**holeology blog and Twitter (1,500+ followers) Targeted social media outreach eBook promotion College market events Ships: March Publication: April Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 304 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: North American English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2906-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2906-1 EAN: 9-78144052906-1 UPC: 0-4507952906-9

Mike Lacher (New York, NY) writes and builds funny things on the Internet. His work has been featured in McSweeney’s, The New York Times Magazine, New York Magazine, and on WIRED.CoM. But that doesn’t matter ‘cuz he has a totally weak alcohol tolerance and can only hold a kegstand for like two seconds.





Everything parents need to know times two—or three!

Insider tips from investment pros!

• Features quick chapter shortcuts that lay out key points • Contains more than 75 recipes for optimal pregnancy nutrition • Everything® parenting titles have sold 1.6 million copies!

• Offers specific strategies based on readers’ individual budgets and risk appetites • Features a unique chapter on utilizing physical ownership of commodities to beat inflation

The Everything® Twins, Triplets and more Book, 2nd Edition
From pregnancy to delivery and beyond— all you need to enjoy your multiples
Pamela Fierro, Guide to Parenting Twins and Multiples at

The Everything® guide to commodity Trading
All the tools, training, and techniques you need to succeed in commodity trading
David Borman, Author of The Everything® Guide to Day Trading

It can be a surprise and even a shock for parents-to-be to learn that they’re not just having one baby but two, three, or more! These new mom and dads are unsure of what they should expect and what they need to do. From what to anticipate in pregnancy and delivery to surviving those first sleepless nights—readers will find all the answers they need in an easy-to-access, concise manner. The Everything® Twins, Triplets, and More Book, 2nd Edition is the accessible and comprehensive guide parents need for preparing their homes—and their lives—for their new bundles of joy!

Over the past two decades, no investment has returned more profits than commodities, but these assets can also be perilous for the uninitiated. The Everything® Guide to Commodity Trading demystifies this dynamic market, and gives the clear guidance necessary to make a killing! Readers will learn how to conduct analysis of commodities, build a portfolio, and anticipate movements in the markets. With trading strategies crafted for various levels of budget and risk, and featuring a unique chapter on numismatics and collectibles, The Everything® Guide to Commodity Trading is all readers need to cash in on this red-hot market!

Pamela Fierro (Virginia Beach, VA) is a parenting writer, blogger, and mother of identical twin girls. She has served as the Guide to Parenting Twins and Multiples at for more than ten years, where she dispenses information and advice to thousands of readers each week. Pamela has been featured as a multiple birth expert for CNN, ABC News, the New York Times, and other news outlets.

David Borman (Chicago, Il) has worked at Deutsche Bank’s Scudder Mutual Funds and in high-net-worth public accounting. He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Southern Illinois University and a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul University. He is the author of The Everything® Guide to Day Trading.

Ships: March Publication: April Parenting, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 320 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3290-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3290-0 EAN: 9-78144053290-0 UPC: 0-4507953290-8

Marketing: • National PR to parenting and pregnancy media (including American Baby, Birth, The Bump, Fit Pregnancy, Today’s Parent, Parents, Parenting) • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog

Previous Edition: 978-1-59337-326-9

Ships: March Publication: April Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3600-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3600-7 EAN: 9-78144053600-7 UPC: 0-4507953600-5

Marketing: • National PR to business/investment media (including Forbes, Money, Fortune, MarketWatch, SmartMoney, Worth, and The Wall Street Journal)



What type of gun does Dirty Harry use to clean up the streets and display his general badassness?* Which beer is the product of the oldest, active brewery in the United States?* Who’s the only player to pull off the improbable feat of a walk-off inside-the-park grand slam?*
• He knows the how-to. He knows how to act. But does he know the

necessary stats and facts that make a guy a man?
• Set up as a 900 question multiple-choice quiz, it’s a perfect pick-up/

put-down bathroom book
• Tackles everything from sports and movies to cars and women

man Enough?
Max Brallier and Geoff Baker

The Facts and Stats Every Real Guy Should Know

The last time a guy felt like a tool had nothing to do with his inability to tie the perfect Windsor, select the correct fork for the second course, or fight off a bear (that guy’s dead). He did feel like a dumb-ass when he didn’t know who said, “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”, referred to a nickel D as a dime, and thought the Enzo was a Porsche. That’s the stuff he’s supposed to know. Proper man-iquette, useful know-how, and ridiculous survival scenarios all have their place in the man-lit library. But now it’s time to add the essential facts into the mix. So whether he’s testing his own knowledge or busting his buddies on their lack-of, Man Enough? lays down some serious schooling so he doesn’t get seriously schooled.

Marketing: • National PR to college, humor, men’s interest, pop • • • • •
culture, and alternative media, (including Maxim, Playboy,, Promotion on Daily Bender blog Promotion on A**holeology blog and Twitter (1,500+ followers) Promotional “Are You Man Enough?” quiz Targeted social media outreach Targeted Father’s Day promotion

Ships: March Publication: April Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 304 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3338-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3338-9 EAN: 9-78144053338-9 UPC: 0-4507953338-7

Max Brallier (New York, NY) is a videogame designer and author of the horror/humor novel Can YOU Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?, along with guy classics like Reasons to Drink, Reasons to Smoke, and The All-Star Bathroom Sampler. Geoff Baker (Northeast, USA) is a seeker of facts and information, sometimes even finding truth.



*Smith and Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum; Yuengling; Roberto Clemente



The illustrated primer every guy needs
• Reveals the complicated science behind a man’s most important

decisions—from firing up the grill to avoiding taking out the trash
• Includes detailed illustrations on how men accomplish their

most stupefying feats
• The one gift every guy needs

Physics for men
P. R. Kelt

The Science Behind Being a Guy

Who would’ve known there was so much thought behind a guy’s every move? Sure, he’s impressed bystanders with the lengths he’ll go in order to reach the remote without getting out of the recliner. But his mission’s success is just dumb luck . . . right? Better go to the replay. Whereas a simpleton might think his foot kicking down on the magazine and sending the clicker sailing through the air and into his outstretched hand is a fluke—it’s actually a very calculated move. The angles of impact and trajectory were carefully thought out. Drag and resistance were factored in. And velocity was figured in order to time the catch perfectly. Not as easy as first thought. Physics for Men shows readers that there’s a science behind being that awesome.

Marketing: • National PR to college, humor, men’s interest,
pop culture, and alternative media, (including mental_floss, Maxim, Laughing Squid, Boing Boing, Flavorwire) Promotion on Daily Bender blog Promotion on A**holeology blog and Twitter (1,500+ followers) Targeted social media outreach Targeted Father’s Day promotion eBook promotion

• • • • •

Ships: March Publication: April Humor, Trade Paperback 60 black and white illustrations 5½ x 7½, 192 pages $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1279-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1279-7 EAN: 9-78144051279-7 UPC: 0-4507951279-5

As a kid, P. R. Kelt (Salt lake City, UT) got a huge magnifying glass for his birthday and promptly set the yard on fire. He has been a physicist for the past ten years and a guy all his life. A PhD candidate, he thinks about the intricacies of quantum coherence as he scales fifty foot cliffs, rides backcountry, and teaches salsa.





A complete planner, journal, and keepsake— packed full of Disney secrets!
• The first Disney vacation planner to take readers inside the

story behind Disney World by offering detailed, interactive ride descriptions and hidden secrets about the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom!
• Walt Disney World receives 30 million guests each year (The

Travel Channel)
• An easy-to-carry, spiral bound package filled with maps, pockets,

journal pages, and more!

The hidden magic of Walt disney World Planner
Susan Veness and Simon Veness

A Complete organizer, Journal, and Keepsake for Your Unforgettable Vacation

More Than 100 all new SecreTS!


Marketing: • National PR to travel, parenting/family, and
Disney-enthusiast media

Planning for a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth is part of the fun! However, The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World Planner is more than just a place to keep important phone numbers and schedules. It prompts readers to look for the hidden magic scattered throughout the parks that tell the secret tales behind their favorite attractions. With plenty of room to record their own magical moments, readers not only immerse themselves in the Disney World story, but also create their own account of an unforgettable vacation. Inside, they’ll find out: • • • • The best places to stay and eat for every budget Why Main Street in Magic Kingdom smells like home-baked cookies Scheduling strategies to cut your waiting time in long lines Where to listen for Walt Disney’s opening day speech tapped out in Morse Code in Frontierland • The Prime viewing spots for parades • How to try two versions of The Great Movie Ride at Disney’s Hollywood Studios Complete with journal pages, fold out maps, and pockets, The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World Planner helps readers step into their own “Once Upon a Time” and make their Disney dreams come true!

• Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog • Targeted social media

Ships: March Publication: April Travel, Semi-concealed Wirobound 6 x 8½, 352 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2810-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2810-1 EAN: 9-78144052810-1 UPC: 0-4507952810-9

Susan Veness (orlando, Fl) is the author of The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World and the coauthor of A Brit’s Guide to Orlando and Walt Disney World and A Brit’s Guide to Disneyland Resort Paris. A travel writer, researcher, and itinerary planner specializing in Disney, Susan has been visiting The Mouse since it opened in 1971 and continues to tour the parks on a regular basis. Simon Veness (orlando, Fl) is the founding author of the best-selling Brit Guide series with UK publishers Foulsham. He has authored three titles in the series as well as co-authoring a book on Internet travel his with wife Susan.





Muffin tins—they’re not just for muffins any more!
• The first cookbook to exclusively feature muffin tin recipes! • Muffin tin cooking fans include Martha Stewart, the Today Show,

Rachael Ray, and websites such as,,,, and

• Along with blogging for The Huffington Post, the author served as a

judge for the Bert Greene Awards for food writing for the International Association of Culinary Professionals

The muffin Tin cookbook
Brette Sember with Melinda Boyd, MPH, MHR, RD

200 Fast, Delicious Mini-Pies, Pasta Cups, Gourmet Pockets, Veggie Cakes, and More!

There’s nothing readers can’t make in a muffin tin—from quickserve appetizers and sides to gourmet entrees and desserts! All readers need is a muffin tin, paper liners, and this ingenious, one-of-a-kind cookbook, and they can whip up such delicious dishes as: • • • • • • • Shrimp Cakes with Cilantro Lime Dipping Sauce Egg Crescent Pockets Deep Dish Pizza Cups Cornmeal Crusted Mustard Chicken with Sweet Potato Coins Duchess Potatoes Zucchini, Corn, and Tomato Cups Mini Ice-Cream Cakes

Easy m E a l s w it h B u ilt-i n P o rt io n Control !

Marketing: • National PR outreach to cooking, parenting, and
health/fitness media

• Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion tied to Mother’s Day

The best part (besides the tasty goodness!): It’s fast, easy, mess-free, and provides built-in portion control. Kids love to help make them—like cupcakes, only better for readers!—and leftovers are as easy as popping the muffin-meal into the microwave. It just doesn’t get any better than The Muffin Tin Cookbook . . . who knew?

Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback 7 x 9⅛, 224 pages with 8-page, 4-color photo insert $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3216-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3216-0 EAN: 9-78144053216-0 UPC: 0-4507953216-8

Brette Sember (Buffalo, NY), the author of The Organized Kitchen and The Parchment Paper Cookbook, is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals and the American Society of Journalists and Authors. She was also the recipient of a Mothers at Home Media Award. Her website is Melinda Boyd, MPH, MHR, RD (Baltimore, MD) is a dietitian with more than seven years of experience working in the clinical and food service settings. Her interests are in weight management and chronic disease prevention, incorporating home cooked foods to help people achieve healthy lifestyles.






The only level-based word search puzzle series!
• A new round of our latest word search series • Word search puzzles are growing in popularity! • Everything® games books have sold more than

2.2 million copies!

word search PUZZle series
Charles Timmerman, Founder of

Finally—a word search series for all levels of puzzlers! The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle series provides word search fanatics with round after round of new and satisfying puzzles. With this 3-level series, beginners get an easy workout— and more experienced puzzlers can go the distance. Lightweight puzzles are for novices, Middleweights are for those at an intermediate level, and the Heavyweights are for advanced puzzlers who love a challenge. With these addictive word games, anyone can be a champion! Round 2 features 125 brand-new puzzles for each level, with popular themes like: • • • • • Favorite Books Nature and Animals Popular TV Shows Big Cities and Tourist Attractions Hollywood Movie Stars
Series Specs: Games, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 160 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.50)

There’s a level for everyone—and once puzzlers have mastered the easier games, they can come out swinging for the next round!
Charles Timmerman (South Pasadena, CA) is the founder of, a word game website that was selected as a Yahoo! Pick of the Year, and the author of more than fifty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Word Search Book, The Everything® Easy Large-Print Word Search Book, and The Everything® Giant Book of Word Searches (Volumes I-IV).


978-1-4405-3308-2 978-1-4405-3309-9 978-1-4405-3310-5


The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: lightweight round 2
Get into the ring with 125 easy puzzles
The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Lightweight Round 2 features 125 easier puzzles, perfect for a quick break or a relaxing way to unwind at the end of the day.
Ships: March Publication: April ISBN 10: 1-4405-3525-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3525-3 EAN: 9-78144053525-3 UPC: 0-4507953525-1

The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: middleweight round 2
Get into the ring with 125 intermediate puzzles
The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Middleweight Round 2 features 125 moderately challenging puzzles. These puzzles are both satisfying and stimulating, ideal for a coffee break or an afternoon at the beach.
Ships: April Publication: May ISBN 10: 1-4405-3526-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3526-0 EAN: 9-78144053526-0 UPC: 0-4507953526-8

The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: heavyweight round 2
Get into the ring with 125 challenging puzzles
The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Heavyweight Round 2 features 125 expert-level puzzles. These puzzles are both fun and challenging, and they help readers improve their memory and problem solving skills.
Ships: June Publication: July ISBN 10: 1-4405-3527-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3527-7 EAN: 9-78144053527-7 UPC: 0-4507953527-5



Who says popsicles are just for kids?
• The only cookbook to feature booze-infused frozen treats! • The Food Network is reporting frozen desserts as a buzz-worthy food

trend in 2012—and it only gets better with booze!
• Jessie Cross started her nationally recognized food blog, The Hungry

Mouse ( in 2008 and now gets 160,000 visitors a month. Her recipes and photography have been featured in Better Homes & Gardens, Bon Appetit, Serious Eats, Foodgawker, and Tastespotting

Jessie Cross

More than 150 Frozen, Boozy Treats for the Coolest Happy Hour Ever

In the sweltering, summer heat, everyone wants a quick way to cool down but keep the party going. Here, in this one-of-a-kind volume, readers will find a unique collection of more than 150 booze-infused frozen desserts such as: • • • • • Blackberry Limoncello Sorbet Tangerine Rum Popsicles Mojito Ice Cream Sandwiches Frozen Kahlua Milkshakes Tequila Sunrise Slushies

drinking media (Liquorious, Chow, Rachael Ray), women’s interest/entertaining media (CafeMom, Babble, US Weekly, People), and men’s interest (Playboy, Maxim) • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion timed to summertime parties

Marketing: • National PR publicity targeted to cooking/

With full-color photos and tips for outdoor parties, Slushed! guarantees an absolutely intoxicating summer!

Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback with flaps 2-color with two 8-page, 4-color photo inserts 8 x 8, 176 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3218-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3218-4 EAN: 9-78144053218-4 UPC: 0-4507953218-2

Jessie Cross (Salem, MA) started her nationally recognized food blog The Hungry Mouse in 2008. An avid home cook, her recipes and photography have been featured on websites for Better Homes & Gardens, Bon Appetit, Saveur, and on Foodgawker. She won the Kraft Breakstone’s Triple Churned Challenge in 2010. Currently a copywriter for one of the largest ad agencies in New England, she hopes to turn The Hungry Mouse into a full-time business.





A capacious and quintessential guide
• The only guide that reveals the rules governing how to be

an intellectual
• From bestselling authors Rebecca Skloot, David Brooks, and Alexandra

Horowitz to recent Emmy winners Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, and Downton Abbey, it’s intellectuals’ time to shine
• This book is the how-to follow-up to Adams Media’s successful The Lazy

Intellectual, The Quotable Intellectual, and The Intellectual’s Checklist

how to Become an intellectual
Nick Kolakowski

100 Mandatory Maxims to Metamorphose into the Most learned of Thinkers

Maxims: #1 Always Carry an Intellectual Book (at All Times) #4 Know How to Play at Least One Classical Instrument #12 Never Confuse Famous Painters #64 Be Able to Recite Romantic-Era Poetry on Cue Authentic intellectuals—as opposed to poseurs—follow and practice certain rules in order to maintain their impeccable knowledge. However, these requisite guidelines have never been presented all in one place . . . until now. Enter How to Become an Intellectual—readers’ guide to transforming into and keeping in tip-top brainy shape. Inside they’ll find the prestigious truths necessary to represent what it is to be an intellectual—a meticulous code of behavior that will leave their families inspired, their friends awestruck, and their fellow intellectuals impressed. With this advantageous manual, readers will never worry about being too prepared for any intellectual test that comes their way.

Marketing: • National PR to college, humor, upscale men’s

interest (Esquire, GQ), pop culture, geek, and alternative media (including mental_floss, Wired/ and an “it’s never too late/exercise your brain” angle for boomers (including Spry, AARP, USA Weekend, Parade, Reader’s Digest) • “10 Ways to be an Intellectual” list for viral/social media outreach • Promotion on Daily Bender blog

Ships: March Publication: April Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages Rights: World Rights $14.95 (Canada $15.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-3530-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3530-7 EAN: 9-78144053530-7 UPC: 0-4507953530-5

Nick Kolakowski (Brooklyn, NY) is a magazine editor, ghostwriter, and literary gun-for-hire, who presently is a staff writer for Nick has written for McSweeney’s, Playboy, WebMD, AutoWeek, Washington Flyer, LOST Magazine, AARP the Magazine, and DC Style, and freelanced for The Washington Post and Washington City Paper.






Cocktails good enough to eat!
• Brings fresh ingredients from the garden right to the cocktail glass for

a truly unique mixology book!
• Artisan syrups and garden-grown flavors like fennel, artichoke, and bell

pepper are all the rage this year (Food & Wine Magazine)
• Natalie Bovis is the founder of and a pioneer in the

arena of organic cocktails and Virgin Mixology. She has been featured in Marie Claire, Us Weekly, People, and on

Edible cocktails
Natalie Bovis, a.k.a. The liquid Muse

From Garden to Glass—Seasonal Cocktails to Sip in Style

Look at any menu or cooking show and words such as “local,” “seasonal,” and “homemade” appear with regularity. Everyday home cooks are starting to apply these concepts not just to their recipes, but also while crafting the perfect cocktail. Edible Cocktails is a unique and inspired collection of cocktail recipes made with fresh, healthy, and homemade ingredients. Readers will find out how to: • • • • • Create their own “cocktail garden” Utilize seasonal, fresh farmer’s market finds or pluck tasty treasures in the wild Infuse spirits and make homemade liqueurs Create homemade syrups, purees, and jams Use eggs, dairy, and even meat in their cocktail for modern mixology explorations

Marketing: • National PR to cooking/drinking (Liquorious, Chow,
Rachael Ray), women’s interest/entertaining (CafeMom, Babble, US Weekly, People), men’s interest (Playboy, Maxim) Promotion on author’s blog The Liquid Muse Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog Targeted Mother’s Day promotion Targeted social media outreach

• • • •

With full-color photographs and tips for entertaining, Edible Cocktails empowers the reader to incorporate healthful and eco-friendly homegrown and homemade ingredients for a more sustainable gourmet lifestyle.

Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback with flaps 7 x 8¼, 224 pages with 4-color photos throughout $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2972-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2972-6 EAN: 9-78144052972-6 UPC: 0-4507952972-4

Natalie Bovis (Santa Fe, NM), a.k.a. The liquid Muse, is a recognized beverage consultant, mixologist, and author of Preggatinis and The Bubbly Bride. She is the spokesperson for Fre® Alcohol-Removed Wine and is the co-creator of a line of pre-bottled organic cocktails called o.M., set to hit high-end supermarket shelves in 2011. Visit her website





Paying for college without breaking the bank
• The book that explains the new rules for how to get into college, how

to pay for it, and how to use college to prepare for employment
• The cost of college doubles every nine years, as tuition rises at a rate

triple that of inflation (Wall Street Journal ). For most families, an education will be out of reach unless they reassess their financial strategy
• Eighty percent of the Class of 2009 failed to find a job upon graduation,

and 80 percent moved back in with their parents ( Students and families need to focus educational plans on job goals

The new college reality
Make College Work For Your Career
Bonnie Kerrigan Snyder, DEd, CCPS

Never before has a college education presented a bigger financial challenge to parents and students. Today, higher education can leave a mountain of debt in its wake—and then, there are no jobs waiting. In The New College Reality, Dr. Bonnie Snyder arms families with the knowledge they need to turn college education into a tool for finding a career that can pay off. Her 22 revolutionary rules show how to integrate job planning and education, along with financial responsibility: • • • • • Make sure the degree has a clear relation to existing or emerging jobs. Resumes, personal brands, and college contacts lead to jobs Shelter assets from the financial aid formula Limit total borrowing to the expected starting first year salary Students should always be prepared to make their own jobs

Marketing: • National PR to college, education, career, consumer
finance, and parenting media (including Careers & Colleges Magazine, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, Wired Campus Blog) eBook promotion timed for graduation Social media “Prepare for College” viral checklist Targeted social media outreach TalentMarks Webinar series

• • • •

Packed with proven strategies for squeezing maximum career value out of every semester of college while scrimping on costs, this book is a lifeline for families looking for credible and useful advice to make college pay off.

Ships: March Publication: April Education, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3012-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3012-8 EAN: 9-78144053012-8 UPC: 0-4507953012-6

Dr. Bonnie Kerrigan Snyder (lancaster, PA) is a Certified College Planning Specialist. An honors graduate of Harvard, she holds advanced degrees from Virginia Tech and Pennsylvania State University. She has worked as a college admissions officer, a college career counselor, a college professor, and a certified high school guidance counselor.





Crack it. Cook it. Eat it.
• Includes more than 40 dishes that are easy to make and delicious to

eat—from Beer-Buttered Steak to Blueberry Beer Muffins
• Each recipe’s served up with a side of interesting beer trivia so readers

can keep entertained while their food cooks
• The DBV (difficulty by volume) rating system lets at-home cooks know

what they’re getting into before cracking the first beer
• The beer-can shaped package makes this cookbook stand out on the shelf

Beer: A cookbook

Good Food Made Better with Beer
Forget the pretentious brouhaha that goes along with spirited cooking. It’s plain and simple: Food is good, but beer makes it better. And if readers are more used to cracking open a beer than a cookbook—this one’s for them. This collection shows just how fun cooking can be when you use the right ingredient, with simple yet delicious recipes like: • • • • • Spicy Beer-Soaked Shrimp Drunk Cheddar Soup Three-Beer Chili Pub Pork Chops Chocolate Stout Lava Cake

Marketing: • National PR to cooking, college, humor, men’s

• • • •

interest, pop culture, and alternative media, (including Maxim, Playboy, and beer enthusiast outlets (Draft Magazine, Beer Advocate, Beer Connoisseur) Promotion on Daily Bender blog Promotion on A**holeology blog and Twitter (1,500+ followers) Targeted social media outreach Targeted Father’s Day promotion

Armed with a six-pack and an appetite, the serious drinker but occasional cook will truly appreciate Beer: A Cookbook.

Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Board Book 5 x 8½, 48 pages with 4-color photos throughout $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3370-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3370-9 EAN: 9-78144053370-9 UPC: 0-4507953370-7






Every happy chef’s secret—booze!
• Cooking with booze has never been this much fun! • Alcohol clearly hasn’t been sacrificed in a tough economy—

consumption of liquor in the U.S. actually rose for the twelfth year in 2009, totaling 188.6 million 9-liter cases (Commodity Online)
• The author’s website has received 205,000 hits

never cook Sober cookbook
Stacy laabs and Sherri Field

From Soused Scrambled Eggs to Kahlua Fudge Brownies, 100 (Fool) Proof Recipes

The only thing better than a home-cooked meal is a home-cooked meal laced with liquor. In the delicious Never Cook Sober Cookbook, Stacy Laabs and Sherri Field prove that cooking is a lot more fun when readers do it sauced—and we’re not talking Worcestershire. Spiked with the authors’ champagne bubbly, this no-booze-barred guide makes every meal a hangover waiting to happen with such recipes as: • • • • • • Giddy Vodka Granola Yogurt Bottoms-Up Mudslide Smoothie Plastered Bourbon Pecan Waffles Happy-as-a-Clam Beer Bites Tipsy Tequila Lime Chicken Tacos Sassy Salmon in Champagne Sauce • Play-It-Again Gin Scallops • Slap-Happy Lime Rum Shrimp Kabobs • Mixology Cupcakes • Call-Me-a-Cab Kahlua Fudge Brownies

Marketing: • National PR to cooking/drinking (Liquorious, Chow, • • • • •
Rachael Ray), women’s interest/entertaining (CafeMom, Babble, US Weekly, People) Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog Targeted Mother’s Day promotion Targeted social media outreach eBook promotion Promotional aprons for key accounts/media

With one hundred mouthwatering appetizers, entrees, sides, and desserts guaranteed to quench a thirst, readers have all the libation-laden menus they need to drive all their family and friends to drink by breakfast. Never Cook Sober Cookbook: Because liquor really is quicker!

Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 8, 128 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: North American English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3266-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3266-5 EAN: 9-78144053266-5 UPC: 0-4507953266-3

Stacy Laabs (olympia, WA) began a lifelong appreciation for wines and liquors after taking a bartending course at the age of twenty-one, combining her two interests into inventive recipes. Sherri Field (olympia, WA) is an accomplished home brewer and wine maker. She grew up with lively family adventures at restaurants involving the appreciation of great spicy food, family, and great-tasting margaritas.





It will always be a good idea to purchase this book
• The first humorous book that shows readers how their seemingly-

beneficial actions set in motion dangerous consequences
• Fans of movies with butterfly effects, such as Source Code, Back to the

Future, Donnie Darko, Memento, and 12 Monkeys will enjoy this book

• The authors’ blog,, which receives an average of

120,000 hits per month, has been voted best blog by Washington City Paper, Washingtonian Magazine, WTOP radio, and placed in the top 5 in NPR’s 2010 Best of the Web

it Seemed like a good idea . . .
Meghan Rowland and Chris Turner-Neal

A Cautionary Guide to Avoiding 101 of life’s Potentially Most-Regrettable Decisions

“Marty, we’ve already agreed that having information about the future can have disastrous consequences. Even if your intentions are good, it can backfire drastically!”
—Dr. Emmett Brown in Back to the Future Doc was right to caution about the disastrous consequences of one’s actions. However, why wouldn’t readers want to know how their actions affect their future? In It Seemed Like a Good Idea . . ., authors Meghan Rowland and Chris Turner-Neal provide readers with the seemingly beneficial, impulsive choices they could make then show the fallout from that downward-spiraling butterfly effect. Readers will be properly warned that their decisions now have serious repercussions later, such as: • Using a neti pot: Forty-five seconds later, you’re choking on salt water and mucus; forty-six seconds later, you glare down at your corpse, which is wearing Scooby Doo boxers and a torn sports bra • Going on The Real World: Two years later, after unceremoniously being kicked off the show, you agree to go on a Real World/Road Rules Challenge to recoup the money lost from self-producing your acoustic Christian-rock album • Holding a séance: One minute later, you’ve accidentally summoned the demon J’ahnkan-Di, Knight of Wrath and Breaker of the Eight Seals So, readers must discover and contain their ripple effects right away because they don’t have a time machine to save their asses.
Meghan Rowland (Washington, DC) and Chris Turner-Neal (Philadelphia, PA) are the authors of The Misanthrope’s Guide to Life and Brainwashing for Beginners. They also write the award-winning comedy blog,, a collection of crass musings, investigative reporting, and sarcasm; wildly hailed as “The Thinking Man’s Beavis and Butthead,” the blog has been recognized by NPR, the Washington Post, and the Blogger’s Choice Awards.

Marketing: • National PR to humor, pop culture, geek, and

alternative media (including mental_floss, Wired/ • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media outreach • College Market events

Ships: April Publication: May Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 224 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3365-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3365-5 EAN: 9-78144053365-5 UPC: 0-4507953365-3






What is perfect?
• It’s the first book to put perfection right at the reader’s fingertips • Simple and to the point, Perfect. is the ideal trivia book as it collects

just the right amount of information on what’s “perfect” from a complete range of categories including sports, cooking, and academics
• With a perfectly compact package, Perfect. makes the perfect desk

reference or impulse gift for the perfectionist in everyone’s life

Josh Mack

The Encyclopedia of Perfection

It’s a 300 if you’re at the bowling alley. A 2400 if you’re taking the SATs. And firm with a warm, red center if you order your steak medium-rare. While the execution of perfection depends on the task at hand, the result is the same across the board—complete satisfaction. Whether readers are interested in what qualifies as the perfect pour of a pint or the players who pitched perfect games, this handy resource collects information on all things perfect. Complete with interesting anecdotes of perfection in action as well as instructions on how to achieve certain feats of perfection, Perfect. really is the perfect reference.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to women’s interest, pop
culture, and gift media

• Promotion on Jane on Top blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion

Perfect pitch is the ability to identify or reproduce tones without any accompanying context. For instance, when a note is played on a piano, a person with perfect pitch is able to name and/or sing in that key. While perfect pitch is not a prerequisite for musical prowess, many noted composers and musicians—from Mozart to Mariah Carey—have been gifted with this talent.

Ships: April Publication: May Reference, Paper-Over-Board 5 x 7¼, 240 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2985-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2985-6 EAN: 9-78144052985-6 UPC: 0-4507952985-4

Josh Mack (New York, NY) always strives for perfection and has done so in a number of different professions including painting, carpentry, and copywriting. While he’s always looking to perfect perfection, he enjoyed defining it in this book.





It’s pie—all grown up!
• The only cookbook to take pie from homemade to high-class • From January 2009 to January 2010 sales of fresh pies came in at

over $222 million. And pie just keeps getting more popular—and more gourmet! (Information Resources, Inc.)
• Author Kelly Jaggers is the founder of, a

FoodBuzz Blog Award-nominated website

not-So-humble Pies
An Iconic Dessert, All Dressed Up
Kelly Jaggers

Pie used to be an afterthought, a humble dessert baked by grandmothers and small children. But now, with more than 100 sweet and savory pie recipes—and extra recipes for crusts and toppings—Not-So-Humble Pies takes this simple, homemade favorite to a whole new level. With gourmet ingredients like cracked black pepper, figs, lavender, and pomegranate, these peasant-chic pies will fit right in at fancy dinner parties, upscale soirees, and special occasions at home. Even the most discriminating gourmands will find something to suit their fancy with pies like: • • • • • Chocolate Acai Chiffon Pie Green Tea Passion Fruit Mousse Pie Honey Lavender Apple Pie Ancho Chili and Chocolate Toffee Pie Blood Orange Curd Pie

Marketing: • National PR outreach to cooking and
parenting media

• Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Promotion on author’s popular Evil
Shenanigans blog

• Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion • Recipe cards for key accounts/media

With this mouthwatering cookbook it’s as easy as pie to turn modest standbys into not-so-humble standouts.

Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Hardcover with jacket with 4-color photos throughout 7 x 8, 192 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3291-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3291-7 EAN: 9-78144053291-7 UPC: 0-4507953291-5

Kelly Jaggers (Dallas, TX) is a recipe developer, food blogger, and founder of The FoodBuzz Blog Awards nominated She specializes in creating indulgent recipes featuring fresh, seasonal ingredients . . . and lots and lots of butter. Kelly has worked as a caterer and personal chef, and she also creates wedding and specialty cakes. Her recipes have been featured in The Food News Journal and The Cooking Club of America, and she is a member of The learning Channel’s Cake Crew.





A mesmerizing treasury of aquatic lore!
• Farewell bloodsuckers and shapeshifters. Mystical mermaids of the

deep are the next big paranormal hit (USA Today)
• Whether they’re gracing the pages of popular adult and YA fiction, ensnaring

the Pirates of the Caribbean, or being celebrated at MerCon in Las Vegas— these enchanting sea maidens have everyone under their spell!
• This charming collection features enchanting illustrations and is the

perfect gift or keepsake for mermaid lovers

Skye Alexander

The Myths, legends, and lore

“ A mermaid found a swimming lad, Picked him for her own, Pressed her body to his body, Laughed; and plunging down Forgot in cruel happiness That even lovers drown.”
—William Butler Yeats For centuries, people have been fascinated and enchanted by tales of mermaids. These watery temptresses can be found in folklore and mythology from every tradition in the world. From the Irish merrows who come on land to search for human husbands, to the fake Fiji Mermaid made popular by P.T. Barnum, these sea maidens (and sometimes men) have always been shrouded in mystery. Mermaids delves into the numerous myths surrounding these enigmatic beings, explores the common symbols associated with them, and presents tales of merfolk from around the world.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to women’s interest,

pop culture, geek/fantasy, entertainment, and alternative media (including Bust Magazine, io9, Entertainment Weekly) • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion timed for summer reading

Ships: April Publication: May Reference, Hardcover with jacket with 2-color illustrations throughout 5½ x 7½, 224 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3857-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3857-5 EAN: 9-7814405387-5 UPC: 0-4507953857-3

Skye Alexander (Kerrville, TX) is a New Age enthusiast and educator. An artist, interior designer, feng shui practitioner, drummer, and witch, she is the author of more than a dozen nonfiction and fiction books, including The Everything® Tarot Book, 2nd Edition and Naughty Spells, Nice Spells.





The only see-it-and-believe-it guide to whole body self-diagnosis!
• Delivers doctor-approved good news/bad news about real medical

issues to anyone who diagnoses headaches as rare tropical diseases and chalks up hangnails to leprosy
• 80 percent of Internet users self-evaluate their health issues

online (Pew Internet Project)
• Hypochondriacs cost the American healthcare system $20 billion a

year. We’re only charging them $14.95 for this book! (New Yorker)
• Adams Humor titles have sold more than 1 million copies!

head, Shoulders, Pee, and moles
Paul Kleinman, Technical Review by Ed Walker, MD

An Eyes-and-Ears-and-Mouth-and-Nose Guide to Self-Diagnosis

Forget doctor’s visits, questionnaires, and hours online—now readers can just look at themselves in the mirror and understand what’s going on with their insides! Thanks to the help and humor of Paul Kleinman, readers can learn and laugh about what they’ve got and what they’re coming down with, all by looking at their body. Prognoses include: • Dry, brittle hair is a symptom of hypothyroidism. Looks like you’re running low on hormones or moisturizing shampoo. . . • A white tongue is a tell-tale sign of a coming cold. Tonight’s tonsil hockey game with Jane in Accounting has been cancelled. • Swollen hands could mean you have a serious inflammatory, infectious, or autoimmune condition. Or maybe you did put on a few pounds on vacation. Drawn from real tenets of traditional medicine, modern research, and alternative practices like ayurveda, this tongue-in-cheek health guide will scratch any cybercondriac’s itch for information.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to humor, men’s interest,

pop culture, geek, health, and alternative media (including mental_floss, io9, Wired/ • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: April Publication: May Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 224 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3363-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3363-1 EAN: 9-78144053363-1 UPC: 0-4507953363-9

Paul Kleinman (Boston, MA) is a freelance writer, author of two books, and a self-described, neurotic, self-diagnosing hypochondriac. Ed Walker, MD (Atlanta, GA) has maintained a family practice and a sense of humor for twenty years.



Fired up and ready to burn!
• Each tongue-tingling recipe also comes with a side of fiery

facts and trivia
• Every heat-seeker will find dishes to tempt their taste buds with

reipes that use trendy Sriracha, exotic curry, classic Tabasco, and everything in between!
• This sturdy board book stands out on the shelf and is built to take all

the heat a home cook can dish

hot Sh!t

50 Recipes to Set Your Tongue Ablaze
Whether hot-sauce fanatics enjoy tasting fire for the pleasure, the health benefits, or just the bragging rights, they will definitely work up a sweat digging into Hot Sh!t ’s delicious dishes. Featuring heat from across the culinary world, these melt-your-mouth recipes pack quite the punch, with a variety of sauces bringing the burn. It’s perfect for both the pub-grub lover and chili connoisseur as it combines highbrow and lowbrow in one fiery mix with options such as: • • • • Sriracha Bacon Burgers Classic Buffalo Chicken Wings Prairie Fire Shooters Indonesian Rendang Curry Beef
Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Board Book with rounded corners 4-color photos throughout 5 x 8½, 48 pages $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3875-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3875-9 EAN: 9-78144053875-9 UPC: 0-4507953875-7

Finished off with a scorching side of hot-sauce trivia, this masochistic cookbook is perfect for anyone who loves getting sauced and feeling the burn.



The next book in Adams’ bestselling Unofficial Cookbook series!
• The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook is a New York Times Bestseller

and has sold more than 145,000 copies! 15 million copies worldwide

• George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series has sold more than • Game of Thrones on HBO caught 5.4 million viewers in its first

season—and the second season begins in Spring 2012!

The Unofficial game of Thrones cookbook
Alan Kistler, co-host of Crazy Sexy Geeks

From Direwolf Ale to Auroch Stew—More than 150 Recipes from Westeros and Beyond

Eat like a Lannister. Brew spirits to warm you in the coming winter. Treat guests to exotic sweets and alchemy-inspired cocktails. With this collection of hearty meals inspired by George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, it’s all possible! Every dish finds its roots in the pages that brought Westeros to life, including: • Arbor Red Wine—the finest spirit in the Seven Kingdoms • The House of Stark’s Venison, Apple, Cheddar Plaits—savory meat pies, fit for any Warden of the North • The Imp’s Wild Strawberry Fool—a dessert light enough to make Tyrion smile • Wilding Grilled Pork Chops with Stir-Grilled Apples—the meal of choice at Craster’s Keep • Tears of Lys—the concoction of choice for bartenders and assassins alike Readers will feast their imaginations on entrees, desserts, snacks, and drinks that will make their fantasies a reality!

Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Paper-Over-Board 7 x 9⅛ , 256 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: US English Language ISBN 10: 1-4405-3872-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3872-8 EAN: 9-78144053872-8 UPC: 0-4507953872-6

Alan Kistler (New York, NY) co-hosts the weekly podcast Crazy Sexy Geeks and writes the Agents of S.T.Y.L.E. column on A pop culture historian focusing on sci-fi/fanstasy, Alan has been featured by CNN, the New York Daily News, and NPR Radio 360.



The only phrase book that covers all three critical aspects of job search!
• Unemployment remains stuck at 9.1 percent and is unlikely to decline

in the near future (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
• Almost all resumes and cover letters are scanned for keywords; the

right words and phrases will move your resume to the top of the pile
• Seventy-one percent of managers in a CareerBuilder survey said they

would hire based on emotional intelligence rather than IQ; learn the words to say to show you get along with other workers
• Adams’s The Job Interview Phrase Book and The Resume and Cover

Letter Phrase Book have sold nearly 40,000 copies!

1,001 Phrases You need to get a Job
Nancy Schuman, CSP, Vice President of lloyd Staffing, and Burton Jay Nadler

The “Hire Me” Words That Set Your Cover letter, Resume, and Job Interview Apart

It’s not enough to have the talent and experience to land the right job—you have to be able to put that talent and experience into words. With just the right phrase, you can highlight your achievements in your resume, make the cover letter pitch that sets you apart from the crowd, and underscore your unique skill set in the interview that lands you the job. In 1001 Phrases You Need to Know to Get a Job, employment gurus Nancy Schuman and Burton Jay Nadler show job seekers how to walk the talk from out of work to gainfully employed—one word at a time.
Ships: April Publication: May Careers, Trade Paperback 8 x 8, 384 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3887-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3887-2 EAN: 9-78144053887-2 UPC: 0-4507953887-0

Nancy Schuman, CSP (East Northport, NY) is a vice president at lloyd Staffing and the author of The Job Interview Phrase Book. She’s the Jobs and Career columnist for the Long Island Press. Burton Jay Nadler (Pittsford, NY) is the Assistant Dean of the College and Director of the Career Center at the University of Rochester. He is the author of The Everything® Resume Book, 2nd Edition.



Helping parents establish boundaries and eliminate power struggles—without conflict!

Hundreds of frozen treats— from classic to cutting edge!

• Positive discipline is proven to help children develop self-discipline—unlike harsh parental control competitive titles recommend • A parent’s response to strong-willed behavior can enhance it or encourage it (Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis)

• Many ice cream shops are reporting increases of 10-25 percent over last year (National Ice Cream Retailers Association) • Everything® cooking titles have sold 2.6 million copies!

The Everything® Parent’s guide to the Strong-Willed child, 2nd Edition
A positive approach to increase self-control, improve communication, and reduce conflict
Ellen Bowers, PhD

The Everything® ice cream, gelato, and Frozen desserts cookbook
Includes: Fresh Peach Ice Cream • Ginger Pear Sorbet • Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato • Green Tea Granita • lavender Honey Ice Cream . . . and hundreds more!
Susan Whetzel

“I won’t go!” “I don’t care!” “You can’t make me!” Every parent hears these words at one time or another, but if every day involves new and intense battles with their child, if punishment has become ineffective and exhausting, then something must be done. The Everything® Parent’s Guide to the Strong-Willed Child, 2nd Edition is a reassuring guide for parents dealing with strongwilled, obstinate children. Featuring a positive approach to discipline and including new techniques to compromise and communicate with children, this allin-one guide has everything parents need to raise capable, happy, and calm kids!
Ellen Bowers, PhD (Glendale, CA) is a psychologist, educator, and mother. She is the owner and director of a preschool focused on nurturing children through positive discipline and has an extensive teaching background with children of all ages. Dr. Bowers has a doctorate degree in psychology and a master’s of science degree in education and psychology.

Everyone has a favorite flavor of ice cream, whether it’s plain old vanilla or something trendy like salted caramel gelato. And with this delightful collection of recipes, anyone can make ice cream anytime—for an afternoon treat or an elegant dessert. Ice cream aficionados will love digging into the ultimate guide to homemade frozen desserts. It’s packed full of delicious, icy recipes for the whole family!

Susan Whetzel (Pearlsburg, VA) is a professional baker, food blogger, and award-winning recipe developer. Her blog, DoughMessTic, has been featured on several high-profile cooking websites, including Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart, and Foodie View. Susan was a participant in The Martha Stewart Show’s First Annual Pie Contest, and she is currently attending the Culinary Institute of America. Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages with 8-page, 4-color photo insert $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2497-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2497-4 EAN: 9-78144052497-4 UPC: 0-4507952947-2 Marketing: • National PR outreach to cooking, parenting media • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: April Publication: May Parenting, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3342-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3342-6 EAN: 9-78144053342-6 UPC: 0-4507953342-4 40

Marketing: • National PR outreach to parenting media (including Parenting School Years, Parents, Family Therapy Magazine, Growing Child, Working Mother) • Promotion on Cereal for Supper blog

Previous Edition: 978-1-59337-381-8


More than 200 delicious alternatives to sugary drinks!
• The most kid-approved, family-friendly smoothie and juice recipes of

any book on the market!
• Children six months and older can drink half of their daily serving of

fruit through 100 percent juice (American Academy of Pediatrics)
• Amy Roskelley’s gets 120,000 unique visitors

every month!

201 healthy Smoothies and Juices for Kids
Fresh, Wholesome, No-Sugar-Added Drinks Your Child Will love
Amy Roskelley, Founder of

Why would parents give their children generic, sugar-filled juice from concentrate when they can give them a glass of Blackberry Banana Blast, Pineapple Tangerine Twister, or Green Veggie Goodness? When study after study shows that store-bought juices can be more trouble than they’re worth, it’s time parents turned to their own kitchens to find sources for the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients growing kids need. In 201 Healthy Juices and Smoothies for Kids, readers find all the essential recipes they’ll need to replace boring, sugary, one-fruit bottled juice with delicious, nourishing combinations that will: • Boost children’s immune system • Balance natural sugars with essential vitamins and nutrients • Sneak in extra servings of fruits and vegetables even the pickiest eaters won’t pick up on • Replace soda and pricey store-bought drinks—for good! With this book, parents will introduce their children to the wonderful flavors of fruits and vegetables with every delightful glass—and the kids will be begging for more!

Marketing: • National PR to cooking, parenting/family, home,
and health/fitness media

• Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: April Publication: May Parenting, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 240 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3364-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3364-8 EAN: 9-78144053364-8 UPC: 0-4507953364-6

Amy Roskelley, Founder of (lehi, UT), is a mom of three and a graduate of Health Education. She counseled Department of Health employees on healthy lifestyles for ten years. won the Jamie oliver Food Revolution Blog of the Month in January 2011.





150 all-new word search puzzles— in large print!

150 living-food recipes for a healthy lifestyle

• Includes the most sprouted grain recipes of any book on the market • An all-new large-print collection of our most popular puzzles • Everything® games books have sold more than 2.2 million copies! • Scientific studies have documented a wide range of health benefits for different sprouted grains including protection against liver disease, reduced cardiovascular disease, and decreased blood pressure

The Everything® large-Print Word Search Book, Volume iV
150 all-new word search puzzles—in large print!
Charles Timmerman, Founder of

The Everything® Sprouted grains Book
A complete guide to the miracle of sprouted grains
Brandi Evans

Word search lovers will strain, squint, and struggle no more! This newest volume from puzzle master Charles Timmerman contains puzzles that readers of all ages enjoy, in a large-print format. With more than 150 brand-new puzzles, this easy-to-read collection will delight puzzlers for hours while helping to boost vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving skills. Now readers can put away those magnifying glasses, and jump straight into the fun!

Sprouted grains are a powerhouse of nutrition. Sprouting activates food enzymes, increases vitamin content, and neutralizes “antinutrients” like phytic acid that can block absorption of minerals. Sprouts are easier to digest, and research indicates that they can help lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and control bloodsugar levels. Sprouts and sprouted grain flours can be used to make healthier versions of many popular and favorite recipes. Step-by-step instructions for sprouting, dehydrating, and grinding flour at home are also included. This complete guide provides everything readers need to maximize health and vitality by adding nutrient-rich living foods to their diet.

Charles Timmerman (South Pasadena, CA) is the founder of, a word game website, and the author of more than fifty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Word Search Book, The Everything® Easy Large-Print Word Search Book, and The Everything® Giant Book of Word Searches (Volumes I-IV).

Brandi Evans (Narrows, VA) creates healthy twists on recipes for her food blog, BranAppetit! and writes a monthly food column in Bella, a regional women’s magazine. She has been featured on The American Chef and, and she served as a whole grains baking Ambassador at the FoodBuzz Festival.

Ships: April Publication: May Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 352 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3885-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3885-8 EAN: 9-78144053885-8 UPC: 0-4507953885-6 42

Ships: May Publication: June Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3343-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3343-3 EAN: 9-78144053343-3 UPC: 0-4507953343-1

Marketing: • National PR outreach to cooking, parenting, men’s/women’s interest (health sections), and health/fitness media • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach


Because all good sheep need a leader
• The only humor book on the market that teaches readers how to start

their very own religion
• With only 21 major religions in the world and hundreds of variations,

there is still plenty of room for a few more crazy doctrines
• In 2006, two self-proclaimed Jedi Knights requested the United Nations

recognize their faith as an official religion; as of 2001, more than 400,000 people practiced the Jedi “faith.” (CNN News). If these people can get others to believe in “the force,” readers’ possibilities are limitless with this book

how to Start Your Own religion
Philip Athans, Founder and Sole Member of the Church of Phil

Form a Church, Gain Followers, Become Tax-Exempt, and Sway the Minds of Millions in Five Easy Steps

“The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion.”
—L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology Who wouldn’t want countless worshippers to hang on their every word? To erect a golden statue that highlights all of their best features? To bask in the adoration of fellow members bowing down at their greatness? Starting a new religion can be fun and profitable. Readers will laugh along with Philip Athans (founder, leader, and sole member of the Church of Phil), as he shows how to: • • • • Gather the flock and keep ‘em coming back for more Organize mysterious and complex rituals Interrogate (or just ridicule) the hell out of nonbelievers Recruit celebrity spokespeople, from Tom Cruise to Uma Thurman
Ships: May Publication: June Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 224 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3858-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3858-2 EAN: 9-78144053858-2 UPC: 0-4507953858-0

For anyone who’s ever felt the need to sacrifice on an altar beneath a blood-red moon, or just make Friday a holy day (three-day weekend, anyone?), this is the only sacred text creed they need.

Philip Athans (Issaquah, WA) is the New York Times best-selling author of Annihilation and twelve other fantasy, science fiction, horror, and non-fiction books. In The Guide to Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction, he offers detailed advice for creating richly realized SF and fantasy settings, including how to craft plausible invented religions.



All about baby—based on star signs!
• A beautiful gift book for moms-to-be and new moms • 67 percent of Americans read astrology reports more than once a week,

and 36 percent believe they are scientific (Understanding the New Age by Russell Chandler, a religion writer for the Los Angeles Times)
• Adams Media’s parenting titles have sold more than 2.5 million copies!

Isabelle Barnes

The Astrological Guide to Your little Star

A Pisces baby will be your little fish. She will love bath time and splashing in the ocean at the beach! A Scorpio baby likes a bit of mischief. Keep an eye on him, but a little trouble will teach him valuable lessons. A Leo baby loves being the center of attention. Encourage her to be the best but make sure she doesn’t get too proud! Every baby is unique in his or her own way—and that uniqueness is mapped out by the stars. Now parents will have a way to find out what kind of child they will have based on the baby’s star sign. Inside readers will find everything they need to know to raise their little stars including personality traits, their special talents, what games they will like to play, what songs will get them to sleep, and how to best parent them if they are a Cancer but their baby is a Taurus. Babystrology: Because every baby is born under a special star!

Ships: May Publication: June Parenting, Hardcover with Jacket 7 x 7, 224 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3888-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3888-9 EAN: 9-78144053888-9 UPC: 0-4507953888-7

Isabelle Barnes (Boston, MA) is a freelance writer, editor, and has been studying astrology for fifteen years. She recently got married to a Scorpio and is expecting her first child—a little lion (leo) boy!



A sarcastic celebration of the decidedly not awesome
• Gives a thumbs up to giving a thumbs down to those people, places,

and things that are overrated, over-hyped, and just plain over
• It gets graphic—with fun black-and-white drawings illustrating just

how un-awesome things can be
• Makes an awesome gift for anyone who likes his or her pop culture

with a sarcastic bite

You Know Who’s Awesome?
(Not Them.)
Ted Fox

Ever think . . . You know who’s awesome? Vegans. Didn’t think so. But you know who has? Vegans. This is their wake-up call. You Know Who’s Awesome? takes on those people, places, and things that have been too busy downing their own Kool-Aid to realize just how un-cool they’ve become. From the Black Eyed Peas (They’re like a Casio keyboard that’s been given the gift of language. Sort of.) to DiGiorno (No sh*t it’s not delivery; it’s been in the freezer since February) to that coworker who offers unsolicited fashion advice (Because reeking of tuna qualifies her to be the next Anna Wintour), no one (or thing) is safe.
Ships: May Publication: June Humor, Hardcover 5½ x 7½, 192 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3726-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3726-4 EAN: 9-78144053726-4 UPC: 0-4507953726-2

Inappropriately dressed mourners. Funeral-Going 101: When the family starts a sentence “In lieu of sending flowers,” it rarely ends “wear your Hawaiian shirt.”
Ted Fox (South Bend, IN) counts being called “the perfect wiseass” by his wife’s uncle as one of his biggest accomplishments. When he’s not pointing out how un-awesome people can be, he tries to maintain employment at his alma mater, Notre Dame.





Expert advice for creating a successful nonprofit

Easy to read and a cinch to solve!

• Features a full case study of a prominent nonprofit that can guide readers to similar success • There are almost 1.6 million nonprofits in the United States today, accounting for 9 percent of all wages and salaries in the country (National Center for Charitable Statistics)

• An all-new large-print collection of our most popular crossword puzzles • Puzzle books are bestsellers for the Everything® series, and large-print puzzle books have sold more than 230,000 copies

The Everything® nonprofit Toolkit with cd
The all-in-one resource for establishing a nonprofit that will grow, thrive, and succeed



The Everything® Easy large-Print crosswords Book, Volume iV
150 brand-new, quick and easy puzzles
Charles Timmerman, Founder of

Jim Goettler, Author of The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Nonprofit

Many people dream of starting their very own organization that promotes a meaningful cause. But in this volatile and unpredictable economy, where does one begin this adventure? The Everything® Nonprofit Toolkit with CD is the ultimate guide for any aspiring nonprofiteer. Nonprofit advisor Jim Goettler guides the reader through the process from beginning to end, even providing a new, proven case study that’s a living example of nonprofit success. Complete with a CD chock-full of every tax, budget, and incorporation document that a nonprofit needs, The Everything® Nonprofit Toolkit with CD takes the dream of a nonprofit to reality.

Everything is bigger in this all-new puzzle book—the clues, the numbers, the grids—even the answers! And each of these brandnew crosswords helps readers improve vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving skills. With clues ranging from beloved books and classic TV shows to favorite foods and popular vacation spots, these light and easy puzzles are perfect for taking a break—without having to use a dictionary! Beginners and experienced puzzlers will enjoy the satisfaction of quickly solving these entertaining crosswords.

Jim Goettler (Suquamish, WA) is a nonprofit consultant, community organizer, and national political activitist. For more than twenty years, he has advised a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, ranging from local arts organizations to major musical festivals to long-term care facilities. He is the author of The Everything® Guide to Starting and Running a Nonprofit with CD.

Charles Timmerman (South Pasadena, CA) is the founder of, a word game website, and the author of more than fifty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Word Games Challenge Book, The Everything® Easy Crosswords Book, and The Everything® Giant Book of Crosswords (Volumes I-IV).

Ships: May Publication: June Business, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 336 pages $21.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3878-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3878-0 EAN: 9-78144053878-0 UPC: 0-4507953878-8 46

Ships: May Publication: June Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10⅞, 352 pages $15.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3886-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3886-5 EAN: 9-78144053886-5 UPC: 0-4507953886-3


Better than your average pickle
• A fresh take on the emerging pickling trend that features recipes on

what to pickle as well as what to do with pickled ingredients (including tasty cocktail ideas)
• Taps into a major movement in the culinary world. Fermented foods,

whether ethnic or domestic, are now a large-scale trend in gourmet restaurants, gastro-pubs, and home kitchens
• Vibrant, four-color photos showcase the pickling process and finished

products, setting it apart from the competition

Kelly Carrolata

From curing lemons to fermenting cabbage, the gourmand’s ultimate guide to the world of pickling

While once a dreary necessity, pickling has turned into a culinary art form with pickled components popping up in trendy restaurant dishes and drinks. Now at-home epicures can create and experiment with their own gourmet pickled ingredients and explore the flavor-packed potential of fermentation. Pickled features a range of pickling ideas as well as recipes that highlight pickled ingredients like: • • • • Quick-pickled Kimchi Mixed Greens with Pickled Beets and Goat Cheese Spicy Green Coriander Chutney Pickled Ramp Martinis
Ships: June Publication: July Cooking, Trade Paperback with flaps 4-color photos throughout 8 x 8, 160 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3873-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3873-5 EAN: 9-78144053873-5 UPC: 0-4507953873-3

With asides that delve into the science and history of this previously humble practice, this cookbook is a deliciously hip entry into the world of gourmet pickling.

Kelly Carrolata (San Francisco, CA) is a locavore with more than 20 years of pickling expert experience.



The path to perfect language skills
• Contains the most grammar exercises of any other workbook

in the market!
• Technology has impaired writing and grammatical skills in students

and working adults (Department of Labor)
• Among the most common attributes employers look for in prospective

hires are good grammar and clear communication ( )
• The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need and The Everything®

Grammar and Style Book have sold 150,000 copies!

The Only grammar and Style Workbook You’ll Ever need
A one-Stop Practice and Exercise Book for Perfect Writing
Susan Thurman

Marketing: • National PR outreach to writing and literary media
(including The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Harper’s, Grammar Girl Blog, Writer’s Chronicle, The Writer) • Outreach to Writer’s Digest community • Outreach to writers’ associations/groups • Social Media viral Grammar Quiz

Whether it’s searching for the right phrase to complete a simple sentence or struggling to put a complicated thought into words, everyone wants to produce writing that is clear, concise, and grammatically excellent. In this collection of 150 exercises—the most in any other workbook on the market— grammar savant Susan Thurman guides readers through the complexities of spelling, usage, and style in the English language. Through these comprehensive drills, she shows how to: • • • • • Find the right words Identify the parts of speech Recognize elements of a good sentence Avoid common grammatical and punctuation mistakes Write clearly and directly

For anyone who wants to write like a professional, whether in professional documents or letters and e-mails, this workbook is the doorway to success.

Ships: June Publication: July Language, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 256 pages $12.95 (Canada $13.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3006-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3006-7 EAN: 9-78144053006-7 UPC: 0-4507953006-5

Susan Thurman (Henderson, KY) has taught English grammar from junior high school level to college level. She edits and publishes Class Act, a national magazine of grammar, writing, and ideas for English teachers. She teaches at Henderson Community College.





A working history of working girls (and guys)
• As the first pop-history book focused specifically on prostitution, the

world’s oldest profession finally gets its due
• Lays to rest myths about storied strumpets like the Whore of Babylon

and Mary Magdalene while uncovering the hooker-pasts of famous faces like Cary Grant, Al Pacino, Roseanne, and more
• Word on the street is Tyler Stoddard Smith’s a funny guy; he’s been

pimped as an “up-and-coming humorist” by Esquire, crowned as a winner of Opium’s Literary Death Match, and included in McSweeney’s Joke Book of Book Jokes

Whore Stories
Tyler Stoddard Smith

A Revealing History of the World’s oldest Profession

Whore Stories is an entertaining and revealing look at the men and women who have blazed the bawdy trail of prostitution since the dawn of time, along with some folks you didn’t know began as whores but who have managed to make a dent in the public consciousness through more “reputable” occupations. This book’s aim is not to pass judgment on the morality of prostitution, nor whether or not it should be legalized, although it does shed light on a cultural phenomenon that’s gaining ground all over the world: a renewed interest in and novel attempts to make sense out of one of our more stigmatized icons: The Prostitute.

Marketing: • National PR to sex, humor, men’s interest, pop

culture, and alternative media (including mental_ floss, io9, Crushable) • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion

Ships: June Publication: July History, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3605-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3605-2 EAN: 9-78144053605-2 UPC: 0-4507953605-0

Tyler Stoddard Smith (Austin, TX) is not, nor has he ever been, a prostitute. He has, however, written for a variety of the top humor magazines and sites in the country including McSweeney’s, Monkeybicycle, Pindeldyboz, and The Big Jewel, among others.





What goes on in the minds of children?
• Includes information on the latest studies that prove babies can

process language in the womb, aiding brain development
• More than 10 percent of children are diagnosed with some form of

psychiatric disorder (CNN)
• Babies can hear and process language in utero, and parents should

take an active interest in their child’s development before they are born (Postmedia News)

The Everything® child Psychology and development Book
A comprehensive resource on how children think, learn, and play—from their final months before birth to their adolescent years
James Windell, MA

What is the baby thinking? Why does a toddler suddenly throw a tantrum when it’s time to go out? Is that surly teenager just acting her age, or is she suffering from a mood disorder? Questions like these plague parents, teachers, and care providers, and The Everything® Child Psychology and Development Book is the key these readers need to unlock the psyche of children, addressing topics such as: • • • • • Brain development in children—starting in the womb Cognitive and behavioral stages from babies to teenagers Helping children deal with today’s unprecedented stress and anxiety The impact that family history and environment have on emotional development Warning signs and symptoms that should raise red flags

Marketing: • National PR to parenting and health media

The Everything® Child Psychology and Development Book is the ideal tool for readers struggling to understand what goes on in the minds of children.

Ships: June Publication: July Parenting, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.99 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2933-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2933-7 EAN: 9-78144052933-7 UPC: 0-4507952933-5

James Windell, MA (Royal oak, MI) is a clinical psychologist, family counselor, and parent trainer who has worked with children and families for more than forty years. He is a court clinical psychologist with the oakland County Circuit Court’s Psychological Clinic where he conducts group therapy sessions with adolescents and their families. Articles about his work with parents have appeared in the New York Times, the Chicago Sun-Times, The Detroit News, Working Mother magazine, Child magazine, Parent magazine, and Parents Digest.



The first crowd-sourced how-to book on the market!
• LIKE! The entry topics come from the fingertips of the masses, who’ve

posted, tweeted, and messaged their opinions
• From throwing a Frisbee to knowing the Preamble to the Constitution,

people want other people to know a lot of (random) stuff
• Built by the people, there will be a built-in audience

What You need to Know
According to Everyone Else
Tom Moynihan

If you ask, they will tell. In a world where 200 million Tweets are sent per day and half a billion Friends are letting readers know what’s happening, everyone thinks they know what’s up. And sometimes, they actually do. What You Need to Know collects the definitely useful, but occasionally random things that fellow humans think readers need to know. Each entry gives a short explanation as to why people think it’s particularly important and then the actual how-to. From being able to say hello in five languages to mixing the perfect Bloody Mary to juggling three objects in the air, the information (and reasoning) will run the gamut. Now readers will know what everyone else expects them to know without having to ask.

Marketing: • National PR outreach to general consumer

interest (USA Today, Spry, USA Weekend, Parade, Reader’s Digest), men’s interest, pop culture, and alternative media (including mental_floss, Cracked. com, Wired/, and social media industry outlets (Mashable) • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Targeted social media outreach • eBook promotion

Ships: July Publication: August Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2934-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2934-4 EAN: 9-78144052934-4 UPC: 0-4507952934-2

Tom Moynihan (Boston, MA) is a freelance writer who’s always interested to hear what other people think—regardless of what he thinks of them.





For when the facts are too confusing
• There’s no scientific formula for geek appeal—it just happens.

And it’s happened for Fake Science, which has received props from Mental_Floss, Nerdesque, NPR, io9, and more as Senior Fake Scientist Phil Edwards has created a whole –ology of awesomeness includes Jon Stewart’s America and The Elements of F*cking Style

• It’s way more than a collection of fake posters from the Tumblr

• Fits perfectly in any student-of-humor’s faux-text library, which already

Fake Science 101
Phil Edwards

A less-Than-Factual Guide to our Amazing World

Though the scientific community may sneer at its complete lack of data, any sort of experimentation, and any information at all, Fake Science 101 remains a handy tool to understand the scientific phenomena we encounter every day. The well-informed reader will finish his study session with a crisp delusion of knowledge and head full of plausible sounding facts. Organized like a traditional textbook, Fake Science 101 covers: Geology: Some people spend their lives studying rocks Chemistry: The spills, explosions, and terrible smells that make our world Physics: What the government wants you to believe about gravity Biology: The only way to get nudity in a textbook Astronomy: A whole universe of things that readers will never actually be affected by True to form, this textbook isn’t just a dry recitation of facts: it’s a visually-varied, graphically-packed guide to our amazing world.
▲ The discovery of microscopes aided science significantly.

Ships: July Publication: August Humor, Trade Paperback 7 x 9⅛, 256 pages with 4-color photos and illustrations throughout $16.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2701-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2701-2 EAN: 9-78144052701-2 UPC: 0-4507952701-0


Phil Edwards (Chicago, IL) received his Bachelor of the Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. But don’t worry—while his degrees are in English and History, he has plenty of scientific knowledge. In college, he took Physics of the Arts and Zoology 101, for which he attended exactly one lecture and received a solid B.





The facts might be wrong, but the humor’s spot on—so say the 20,000 Twitter followers and 20,000 Facebook Fans

Fake Science, Real Buzz:
“Sure, [it’s] completely inaccurate and ridiculous in every way. But what they lack in ‘facts’ they more than make up for in absurdist hilarity.” —Mental_Floss “Fake Science is a tumblr that makes hilariously erroneous informational factoids that are made to look like posters you’d typically find hanging in elementary school science classrooms while simultaneously managing to seem as if they were written by Ron Burgundy.” —nerdesque “Fake Science Tumblr Is Doing Science Wrong (And It’s Funny!)” —urlesque

▲ Rover, the second Space God, is the reason we call space robots “rovers” today. Sadly, Rover died due to an ejector seat malfunction.

National PR to college, humor, men’s interest, pop culture, geek, and alternative media (including NPR, mental_floss, io9,, Urlesque, Wired/ • Promotion on Daily Bender blog • Promotion on author’s popular Fake Science blog • Targeted social media • eBook promotion

▲ Soda pops because it contains as much corn as popcorn.


One-of-a-kind shots that bring something new to the bar
• The only drinking guide exclusively featuring the most obscure—and

potent—shots ever created!
• From college kids playing King’s Cup before they go out to Don

Draper’s ubiquitous scotch glass, drinking is more popular than ever
• Adams Media’s drinking guides Bartender’s Guide and The Everything®

Bartender’s Guide are both strong performers for the cocktails category

The Best Shots You’ve never Tried
100+ Intoxicating oddities You’ll Actually Want to Put Down
Andrew Bohrer

Flaming Flamingo. Lava Lamp. Coffee Calypso.

Liquid Wetsuit, Tequila’d Pickled, Juice Dirty Shirley, or 100 Other Shooters of Mystery

Ditch Your Kamikaze for a:

With The Best Shots You’ve Never Tried, readers will discover the untapped potential of alcoholic concoctions and, in the process, make tequila shots a thing of the past. Readers are ready for unusual yet delicious shots that will leave them thirsting for more (and giving into that urge again and again). Along with full-color photos, each of the more than 100 all newly-invented recipes comes with step-by-step mixing directions and little-known tips and trivia. Armed with this drinker’s guide, readers will create lus(h)cious, previously-unthoughtof shots and immediately chug them for quick satisfaction.

Ships: July Publication: August Cooking, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 224 pages with 4-color photos throughout $14.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3617-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3617-5 EAN: 9-78144053617-5 UPC: 0-4507953617-3

Andrew Bohrer (Seattle, WA) is a former bartender at Vessel and opening bar manager at both Naga Cocktail lounge and Mistral Kitchen (all listed in Food and Wine’s top 100 bars in the world). Along with being the Co-Founder and Secretary of the Washington State Bartender’s Guild, Bohrer is currently a ronin for spirit companies and a Senior Mixology Consultant with Kathy Casey’s liquid Kitchen; he also can be found behind the bar at the Rob Roy in Seattle. He blogs at





From the outlandishly oddball to the seriously creepy!
• 100 percent of Americans believe the United States is getting

stranger by the day
• Just in time for Election Day promotions! • More than a third of Americans believe our planet has been visited

by aliens (Scripps poll); less than half believe in evolution (Gallup); 39 percent take the prophecies of Nostradamus seriously (
• Adams Media’s fact reference books such as 1,001 Facts That Will

Scare the S#*t Out of You have sold more than 87,000 copies!

United States of Strange
Eric Grzymkowski

1,001 Frightening, Bizarre, outrageous Facts about the land of the Free and the Home of the Frog People, the Cockroach Hall of Fame, and Carhenge

Almost no one knows that: • In Erwin, Tennessee, an elephant was once hanged for murder • Richard Milhouse Nixon was the first U.S. president whose name contains all the letters from the word “criminal” • Seven percent of Americans don’t know the first nine words of the American national anthem but do know the first seven words of the Canadian anthem • There are more plastic flamingos in the U.S. than there are real ones In the spirit of the bestselling 1,001 Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You, here are 1,001 new facts that will highlight the weirdness that is America. From the number of ridges a dime has around the edge (118) to the fact that the average American will spend six months waiting at red lights, these tidbits will amaze and astound readers living in the United States of Strange!
Ships: July Publication: August Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3614-7   ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3614-4 EAN: 9-7814405614-4 UPC: 0-4507953614-2

Eric Grzymkowski (Somerville, MA) is a humor writer and amateur trivia expert. When not writing, he can be found shouting out the answers to Jeopardy! questions and increasing his knowledge base by aimlessly surfing the Internet. He frequents bar trivia nights, and one time almost won. Almost.





Finally, calendars worthy of desk space!


Tuesday/New Year’s Day

Live in an Airport
The biggest problem you’ll face when bumming around in an airport is security. Short of wearing an invisibility cloak, there’s not much you can do to avoid the surveillance cameras and security guards. You need to buy time by looking like a passenger who hasn’t checked in yet. Carry a large suitcase stuffed with changes of clothes and various disguises, such as fake beards, glasses, and wigs. Every morning, dress up in a different disguise so that the security guards don’t realize you are planning on becoming a semi-permanent fixture.

If you took all the beer consumed in the United States in one year, you could fill one out of every twenty-five residential in-ground pools in the country. If you were to put that same beer in a single keg, that keg would measure 1,429 feet tall and 870 feet wide. If you were then to put it in standard twelve-ounce cans, it would amount to one can for every American over the age of twenty-one, each day of the week (except Sunday), for an entire year.

Tuesday/ New Year’s Day

January 1

• This is the only calendar of facts, jokes, and quotations for and about drinkers • The only calendar that provides the type of education only the Forbidden Knowledge series could offer • Adams Media’s Forbidden Knowledge books have sold more than 100,000 copies • Perfect for the Spencer’s Gifts and Urban Outfitters audience • Breweries sold more than $101 billon (or 200 million barrels) of beer in 2010; in particular, craft beer sales rose 3.8 percent in 2010 (Brewers Association) • There’s a growing popularity of bar quizzes, drinks trivia, and other alcohol-related games from groups such as Geeks Who Drink

Forbidden Knowledge 2013 daily calendar
A Year's Worth of Things NoT Everyone Should Know How to Do
Michael Powell

365 days of Beer 2013 daily calendar
Jess lebow

Readers took to the original edition of the book like a Molotov cocktail to an empty car, and now we’re back with the eyebrow singeing, nerve shaking, possible assault-charge causing Forbidden Knowledge 2013 Daily Calendar. Where the rest of the series pushed the limits and put the pedal to the metal, this followup explodes through boundaries and sets the reader in a tailspin of danger, temptation, and fun every day of the year.

There’s finally a calendar that can satisfy readers’ thirst for beer throughout the entire year! Featuring craft microbrews, beer history and facts, bar jokes, and fun quotations about the joy beer brings to everyone’s life, 365 Days of Beer 2013 Daily Calendar is perfect for anyone who doesn’t wait for happy hour to enjoy a cold one.

Ships: July Publication: August Humor, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3724-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3724-0 EAN: 9-78144053724-0 UPC: 0-4507953724-8 56



Ships: July Publication: August Cocktails, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 368 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3723-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3723-3 EAN: 9-78144053723-3 UPC: 0-4507953723-1





By the time you’re an adult, you’re likely to have about five million hairs growing out of your skin—the same number as a gorilla. Or Robin Williams.
❯ Human Hair,” Discovery Channel,

January 1
You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
—Walt Disney

tuesday/ new year’s day

January 1

Tuesday/New Year’s Day

• A sequel to the most horrifying—and humorous—trivia calendar ever released! • Authored by an Emmy-winning TV writer and producer who has written comedy for Mike Myers, Chris Tucker, and Fred Willard • 1,001 Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You has sold more than 100,000 copies!

• The quote book wanna-be a**holes have been waiting for, featuring more than 1,200 comments, comebacks, and sayings from both arrogant asses and normally nice guys throughout history • Today’s a**hole is celebrated and revered—think Ari Gold, Tucker Max, or Barney Stinson—this calendar provides readers with a year’s worth of sharp remarks they wish they had thought of first • Readers love a**holes—and quotes! A**holeology has sold more than 30,000 copies and Adams Media’s reference books have sold more than 750,000 copies

365 more Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You 2013 daily calendar
Cary McNeal

The Quotable A**hole 2013 daily calendar
Eric Grzymkowski

There are “just the facts”—and then there are just the facts that will frighten the bejeezus out of even the toughest crowd. A sequel to the popular 365 Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You 2012 Daily Calendar, this little gem is packed with hundreds of new and undeniably horrifying facts guaranteed to make readers uneasy every day of the year!

Who cares about all those saccharine sweet sayings out there when the outright cruel stuff is much more interesting! Now, with a year’s worth of in-your-face quotes pulled from both from the usual suspects like Mae West and Mark Twain and such unexpected figures as Beatrix Potter, Abraham Lincoln, and Audrey Hepburn, enlightened readers will laugh, gasp, and educate themselves about the not-sonice things famous people have gotten away with saying.

Ships: July Publication: August Trivia, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 368 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3722-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3722-6 EAN: 9-78144053722-6 UPC: 0-4507953722-4



Ships: July Publication: August Reference, Boxed Calendar 4½ x 4½, 320 pages $13.95 (Canada $14.50) Rights: World English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3725-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3725-7 EAN: 9-78144053725-7 UPC: 0-4507953725-5





The new Nordic cuisine— simple, healthy, and fresh

Everything entrepreneurs need to get their business started

• The only introductory-level guide to Nordic cooking, with US substitutions for difficult-to-find Scandinavian ingredients • Nordic cuisine was named as one of the “Top 2011 Food Trends to Watch” (National Association for the Specialty Food Trade)

• Includes new sections on pop-up business, mobile business, and rotating businesses, with tax and insurance information • Features updated information on starting a traditional or unconventional business in a distressed economical climate, with case studies

The Everything® nordic cookbook
Includes: Spring Nettle Soup • Norwegian Flatbread • Swedish Pancakes • Poached Salmon with Green Sauce • Cloudberry Mousse . . . and hundreds more!
Kari Schoening Diehl

The Everything® Start Your Own Business Book, 4th Edition with cd
New and updated strategies for running a successful business
Judith B. Harrington



The “New Nordic Cuisine” is having its moment in the spotlight. The Danish restaurant NOMA was recently named the world’s number one restaurant in the annual Pellegrino survey. Scandinavian products—like smoked salmon, hearty rye and sourdough breads, and lingonberry jam—are increasingly popular with U.S. consumers. And Nordic cooking incorporates many of today’s most popular food trends: local/seasonal foods, smoking, home preserving, and “slow food” preparation. Packed with hundreds of recipes, from simple breakfasts to elaborate smorgasbords, this comprehensive cookbook introduces American cooks to the healthful benefits of the Nordic lifestyle using fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients.
Kari Schoening Diehl (Bellingham, WA) is a seasoned food writer, editor, and photographer. She is’s Guide to Scandinavian Food and a feature writer for The Viking Magazine.

For would-be entrepreneurs with the next great idea, starting their own business and following their passion can be a very appealing venture. The Everything® Start Your Own Business Book, 4th Edition with CD is the perfect introduction to the world of small business. With a handy CD with every form from business plans to accounting templates, this all-in-one manual is the only thing budding entrepreneurs need to see their dream flourish and grow!

Judith B. Harrington (Newton, MA) is the author of The Everything® Start Your Own Business Book, second and third editions. She is the president of Print Management Commercial Printing Brothers, a company she cofounded in 1987. Prior to launching this business, she was an executive at several for-profit and not-for-profit businesses.

Ships: July Publication: August Cooking, Trade Paperback with 8-page, 4-color photo insert 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $17.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3186-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3186-6 EAN: 9-78144053186-6 UPC: 0-4507953186-4 58

Marketing: • National PR to cooking, travel, men’s interest and health/fitness media • Promotion on The Hungry Editor blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: July Publication: August Business, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $19.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-3877-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3877-3 EAN: 9-78144053877-3 UPC: 0-4507953877-1

Previous Edition: 978-1-59337-326-9


5-Minute Mindfulness .........................................................................................81 100 Best Exchange-Traded Funds You Can Buy 2012 ............................................2 100 Best Technology Stocks You Can Buy 2012 ....................................................2 201 Healthy Smoothies and Juices for Kids ........................................................41 365 Days of Beer 2013 Daily Calendar ................................................................56 365 More Facts That Will Scare the S#*t Out of You 2013 Daily Calendar .......57 1,001 Phrases You Need to Get a Job .................................................................39 Adventure Tales Blackout Games™ .......................................................................5 Afterlife Survey ......................................................................................................2 Babystrology.........................................................................................................44 Beer: A Cookbook .................................................................................................30 Best Shots You’ve Never Tried.............................................................................54 Classic Lit Blackout Games™.................................................................................5 Dark Side of Apple Pie, Baby Food, and Bunnies ..................................................8 Dead Tease...........................................................................................................16 Edible Cocktails ....................................................................................................28 El Gavilan ...............................................................................................................6 Everything® Child Psychology and Development Book........................................50 Everything® Couponing Book ...............................................................................10 Everything® Easy Large-Print Crosswords Book, Volume IV ................................46 Everything® Guide to a Healthy Home...................................................................2 Everything® Guide to Commodity Trading............................................................19 Everything® Guide to Currency Trading..................................................................9 Everything® Ice Cream, Gelato, and Frozen Desserts Cookbook .........................40 Everything® Job Interview Book, 3rd Edition.........................................................2 Everything® Kids’ Baseball Book, 7th Edition ........................................................9 Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Heavyweight Round 1 ...........1 Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Heavyweight Round 2 .........25 Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Lightweight Round 1 .............1 Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Lightweight Round 2 ...........25 Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Middleweight Round 1 ..........1 Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Middleweight Round 2 ........25 Everything® Large-Print Bible Word Search Book .................................................2 Everything® Large-Print Word Search Book, Volume IV ......................................42 Everything® Nonprofit Toolkit with CD ................................................................46 Everything® Nordic Cookbook ..............................................................................58 Everything® Parent’s Guide to Strong-Willed Child, 2nd Edition.........................40 Everything® Sprouted Grains Book ......................................................................42 Everything® Small-Space Gardening Book ............................................................2 Everything® Start Your Own Business Book, 4th Edition with CD.......................58 Everything® Twins, Triplets and More Book, 2nd Edition ....................................19 Everything® Whole Foods Cookbook ...................................................................10 Fairy Tales Blackout Games™ ................................................................................5 Fake Science 101 .................................................................................................52 Forbidden Knowledge 2013 Daily Calendar.........................................................56 Getting Lucky..........................................................................................................6 Happiest You Ever ..................................................................................................2 Head, Shoulders, Pee, and Moles........................................................................36 Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World Planner .....................................................22 Horror Blackout Games™ .......................................................................................5 Hot Sh!t ................................................................................................................37 How to Become an Intellectual............................................................................27 How to Start Your Own Religion ..........................................................................43 Hurt Machine .........................................................................................................7 I Hate Everyone. .....................................................................................................2 Innocent Monster ...................................................................................................7 It Seemed Like a Good Idea . . . ..........................................................................32 Man Enough? .......................................................................................................20 Mermaids .............................................................................................................35

Muffin Tin Cookbook ............................................................................................23 Never Cook Sober Cookbook................................................................................31 New College Reality ............................................................................................29 Not-So-Humble Pies.............................................................................................34 On the Bro’d .........................................................................................................18 Only Grammar and Style Workbook You’ll Ever Need .........................................48 Organized Kitchen ..................................................................................................3 Perfect. .................................................................................................................33 Physics for Men....................................................................................................21 Pickled ..................................................................................................................47 Please Stop Laughing at Me . . . Journal...............................................................3 Por qué los hombres aman a las cabronas ............................................................3 Pourquoi les hommes adorent les chieuses ..........................................................3 Quotable A**hole 2013 Daily Calendar...............................................................57 Renegades............................................................................................................14 Romance Blackout Games™ ..................................................................................5 Seahawk Burning .................................................................................................17 Shakespeare Blackout Games™ ............................................................................5 Slushed! ...............................................................................................................26 Soul Mate Myth .....................................................................................................3 Stein, Stung..........................................................................................................15 Style & Circumstance.............................................................................................3 Tortured Artists ....................................................................................................12 Toxic Men .............................................................................................................11 United States of Strange .....................................................................................55 Unofficial Game of Thrones Cookbook ................................................................38 What Color is Your Smoothie? .............................................................................13 What You Need to Know .....................................................................................51 Whore Stories ......................................................................................................49 You Know Who’s Awesome? ...............................................................................45


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1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6

The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Lightweight Round 1 The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Middleweight Round 1 The Everything® Knock Out Word Search Puzzle Book: Heavyweight Round 1 The 100 Best Exchange-Traded Funds You Can Buy 2012 The 100 Best Technology Stocks You Can Buy 2012 The Afterlife Survey The Everything Guide to a Healthy Home

1-4405-3308-3 1-4405-3309-1 1-4405-3310-5 1-4405-3281-8 1-4405-3273-7 1-4405-1254-X 1-4405-3057-2 1-4405-3132-3 1-4405-3071-8 1-4405-3060-2 1-4405-3055-6 1-4405-3359-8 1-4405-3056-4 1-4405-2809-8 1-4405-3602-3 1-4405-3603-1 1-4405-1271-X 1-4405-3062-9 1-4405-3275-3 1-4405-3259-1 1-4405-3274-5 1-4405-3277-X 1-4405-3276-1 1-4405-3278-8 1-4405-3198-6 1-4405-3195-1 1-4405-3194-3

$10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $15.95 $15.95 $18.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $16.95 $14.95 $10.95 $16.95 $14.95 $15.95 $15.95 $21.95 $14.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $24.95 $15.95 $24.95

The Everything® Job Interview Book, 3rd Edition The Everything Large-Print Bible Word Search Book

The Everything® Small-Space Gardening Book Happiest You Ever I Hate Everyone. The Organized Kitchen The Please Stop Laughing at Me . . . Journal Por qué los hombres aman a las cabronas Pourquoi les hommes adorent les chieuses The Soul Mate Myth Style & Circumstance Adventure Tales Blackout Games™ Classic Lit Blackout Games™ Fairy Tales Blackout Games™ Horror Blackout Games™ Romance Blackout Games™ Shakespeare Blackout Games™ Getting Lucky (HC) Getting Lucky (PB) El Gavilan (HC)







6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 25 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
40 41

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