Addiction Avoider

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ABSTRACT:   About About half half the peo people ple around  around  the world are addicted to one or more addictive substances. Addiction is one of the the ch chro roni nicc diso disord rder erss that hat are charac cha racte teri rized zed by the the repeat repeated ed use of    substa substances nces or behavi behaviors ors despite despite clear  clear  evide evi dence nce of morbi morbidi dity ty second secondar aryy to  such use. It is a combination of genetic, biological/ biolog ical/pharmac pharmacologic ological al and social    factors. factors. Example: Example: Overeating, Overeating, Having    sex sex,, Gamb Gambli ling ng,, Alco Alcoho holl drin drinki king ng,, Taki Ta king ng Narcot Narcotic ic Drug Drugss and Certa Certain in   Man Manne neri rism sms. s. In this this pape paperr we are are   going to see about a design of device that can entirely avoid addiction. The device Addiction Avoider is based upon th thee princi principl plee of cont control rolli ling ng “Brai “Brain n waves”. INTRODUCTION: Before going on to details we are supposed to know the basic terms that This paper is based upon. These are the terms terms ‘The ‘The Brain’ Brain’,, ‘Brain ‘Brainwave waves’ s’ and ‘Addiction’.

1) The Brain: It is well known that brain is an electrochemical organ. The Brainwaves are produced by the temporal lobe of the   brain. brain. It processes processes auditor auditor informatio information n from the ears and relates it to Wernicke's

Area of the parietal lobe and the motor  cortex of the frontal lobe. The amygdala is located within the temporal lobe and controls social and sexual behavior and other oth er emotio emotions. ns. The li limbi mbicc system system is im impo port rtan antt in emot emotio ional nal be behav havio iorr an and d controlling movements.

Resear Rese arch cher erss have have speculated that a fully functional brain ca can n ge gene nera rate te as much much as 10 watt wattss of  el elec ectr tric ical al powe power. r. Even Even th thou ough gh th this is electrical power is very limited, it does occur in a very specific ways that are characteristic of the human brain. 1) Br Brai ainw nwav aves es:: Electr Ele ctrica icall activi activity ty emanat emanating ing from the brain is displayed in the form of   brainwaves. There are four categories of 

these the se brainw brainwave aves, s, rangin ranging g from from most most


activity to least activity. activity activity. These are delta waves wav es,, th thet etaa waves waves,, alph alphaa waves waves an and d  beta waves. Delta waves are waves with high amplitude. It has a frequency of 0.5  – 4 Hertz. They never go down to zero  because that would mean that you were   brain brain dead. dead. But, But, deep dreaml dreamless ess sleep sleep woul wo uld d take take you you do down wn to the the lowe lowest st freq freque uenc ncy. y. Typi Typica call lly, y, 2 to 3 Hert Hertz. z. Theta waves are waves with amplitude lesser than that of delta waves and have a greater frequency of 5 – 8 Hertz. A   person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. Alpha waves are waves with amplitude lesser than that of  theta waves and have a greater frequency of 9-14 Hertz. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in a alpha state. Beta waves are the waves that have the lowest amplitude and have the highest frequency of 15 – 40 Hertz. Thesee waves Thes waves are again again classi classifie fied d into into low lo w be beta ta waves waves and high high beta beta wave wavess according to their range of frequencies. The low beta waves have a frequency of  15 – 32 Hert Hertz. z. A pe pers rson on maki making ng an active conversation would be in the low  beta state. The high beta waves have a frequency of 33 – 40 Hertz. A person in a stress, pain or addiction would be in the high beta state. S.No.


Frequency range (Hertz)



0.5 - 4






9 – 14


Low Beta

15 – 32


High Beta

32 - 40

Low beta wave and High beta Wave

3) Addic icttion: on: Ther Th eree ar aree two two type typess of  ad addi dict ctio ion: n: Phys Physic ical al de depe pende ndenc ncy y and Psychological dependency. a) Ph Physi ysical cal depen dependen dency cy : Physical Physi cal dependence on a substa sub stance nce is define defined d by appeara appearance nce of  ch char arac acte teri rist stic ic wi with thdr draw awal al symp sympto toms ms when the drug is suddenly discontinued. Some So me dr drug ugss such such as co cort rtis ison one, e, be beta ta

  bloc ock kers etc are better kno known as ‘Antidepres ‘Anti depressants sants’’ rather rather than addictive addictive substances. subst ances. Some drugs induce physical physical dependence or physiological tolerance   but but not addictio addiction n - for example example many many laxati lax atives, ves, which which are not psycho psychoact active ive;; nasal nas al deconge decongesta stants nts,, which which can cause cause rebound congestion if used for more than a few days in a row; and some antidepress antid epressants, ants, most notably notably Effexor, Effexor, Paxil and Zoloft, as they have quite short half-l hal f-live ives, s, so stoppi stopping ng them them abrupt abruptly ly ca caus uses es a mor more rapid apid ch chan ange ge in the neurot neu rotran ransmi smitte tterr balanc balancee in the brain brain


than many other antidepressants. Many non-addictive prescription drugs should not be su sudde ddenl nly y stopp stopped ed,, so a docto doctor  r  sh shoul ould d be consu consult lted ed be befo fore re ab abru rupt ptly ly discontinuing them. b) Psychol Psychologic ogical al depende dependency: ncy: Psychologi Psyc hological cal addictions addictions are a dependency of the mind, and lead to psychological withdrawal symptoms. Addicti Addi ctions ons can theore theoretic ticall ally y form form for  any rewarding behavior, behavior, or as a habitual habitual means mea ns to avoid avoid undesir undesired ed activi activity ty,, but typically they only do so to a clinical level in individuals who have emotional, social soc ial,, or psycho psycholog logica icall dysfu dysfunct nction ions, s, taki taking ng the the pl plac acee of no norm rmal al po posi siti tive ve stimuli not otherwise attained. Psychologi Psych ological cal addiction, addiction, as opposed to   physio physiolog logica icall addicti addiction, on, is a person person's 's ne neeed to use a drug or engage in a  behavior despite the harm caused out of  desire for the effects it produces, rather  than to relieve withdrawal symptoms. As the drug is indulg ulged, it becomes associated with the release of pleasureindu induci cing ng en endo dorp rphi hins ns,, an and d a cy cycl clee is start sta rted ed that that is simil similar ar to physio physiolog logica icall ad addi dict ctio ion. n. This This cy cycl clee is ofte often n ve very ry difficult to break. We are going to solely consider  the psychological addictions in

designing the addiction avoider device.

sound whe when two tones at slight htlly di diff ffer eren entt fr freq eque uenc ncie iess ar aree pr pres esen ente ted d se sepa para rate tely ly,, on onee to ea each ch of a su subj bjec ect' t'ss ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone tone wi will ll be pe perc rcei eive ved, d, as if th thee tw two o tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. Thee fr Th freq eque uenc ncy y of th thee to tone ness must must be  below about 1,000 to 1,500 hertz. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (below about 30 Hz) for  the effect effect to occur; occur; otherw otherwise ise the two tones will be distinguishable and no beat will be perceived. Bina Binaur ural al be beat atss ca can n in infl flue uenc ncee func functi tions ons of th thee br brai ain n be besi side dess th thos osee related to hearing. This phenomenon is called   freque frequency ncy follow following ing respons responsee. The concept is that if one receives a stimulus with a frequency in the range of brain waves, the predominant brain wave frequency is said to be likely to move mo ve towa towards rds the freque frequenc ncy y of the process called   stimulus (a entrainment ). Directly using an infrasonic auditory stimulus is imposs imp ossibl ible, e, sin since ce the ears ears cannot cannot hear  hear  sounds low enough to be useful for brain stimulation. Human hearing is limited to the range of frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 20,00 ,000 0 Hz, Hz, whil whilee th thee fr freq equen uenci cies es of  human brain waves are below about 40 Hz. To account for this, binaural beat

PRINCIPLE: The principle behind this device is ‘Binaural Beats’. Binaural beats or    binaur binaural al tones tones are audito auditory ry proces processin sing g artifacts, which are apparent sounds, the  perception of which arises in the brain inde in depen pende dent nt of ph phys ysic ical al stim stimul uli. i. The The   brain brain produce producess a simila similarr phenome phenomenon non intern internall ally, y, result resulting ing in low-fr low-frequ equenc ency y

frequencies must be According toused. this view, when the  perceived beat frequency corresponds to the delta, theta, alpha or beta range of    brainwave brainwave frequencies frequencies,, the brainwaves brainwaves en entr trai ain n to or move move to towa ward rdss th thee be beat at frequency. For example, if a 315 Hz sine wave is played into the right ear and a 325 Hz one into the left ear, the brain is suppos sup posed ed to be entrai entrained ned toward towardss the  b bea eatt fr freq eque uenc ncy y (1 (10 0 Hz, Hz, in th thee al alph phaa ra range nge). ). Si Sinc ncee al alpha pha ra rang ngee is us usual ually ly as asssoci ociat ated ed wi witth rel elax axat atio ion, n, th thiis is

 pulsations in the loudness of a perceived

supposed to have a relaxing effect. Some



 people find pure sine waves unpleasant, so a pink noise or another background

(e.g. natural sounds such as river noises) can also be mixed with them.


Head Band Sensor 1

Filter 1

Amplifier 1 Atmel 8515 µC

Oscillator 1 (1000 Hz)

Oscillator 2 (1010 Hz)

Sensor 2

Filter 2

Right Side Stereo Phone

Left Side Stereo Phone

Amplifier 2

EXPLANATION OF WORKING: Thee bloc Th block k diagr diagram am co cons nsis ists ts of  the following parts whose operation is as  below:

The sensor sends the analog brainwave signal into the 8515 microcontroller.

1) SENSORS: Thes Th esee se sens nsor orss consi consist st of a 0.7 inch in ch diam diamet eter era pre-jelled ha hard rd plas plasti ticc ou oute terr disc disc housing with Silver chloride snap snap st styl ylee post post pe pell llet et inse insert rt.. Thes Thesee sens sensor orss do no nott conta contain in any latex latex an and d don’t need any conductive gel.


Basically the amplitude of analog  brainwaves is in terms of 10 – 15 micro volts. But the Atmel 8515 microcontroller has an operating voltage


of about 2.7V – 6.0V. So we are using amplifiers.

A = 2, 00, 000 Therefore,

Gain (A) = (-R 2/R 1) Where, negative sign represents change in phase by 90◦

Vo = Vi * A V = 15 * 10-6 * 2, 00, 000 V =3V Here we have amplified an 15uV signal to an 3 V signal so that the signal is in the operational range of the microcontroller. There are four negative signs in the gain equation which add up to give 360◦ phase shift.

It is designed in such a way that it ampl amplif ifie iess 15 micr micro o volt voltss to ab abou outt 3.5V. Here we are using basic cascaded invert inv erting ing amplif amplifier ier using using operati operational onal amplifier with a gain of about 2, 00,000, embe em bedde dded d in a smal smalll Prin Printe ted d Ci Circ rcui uitt Board (PCB). Here we are using four inverting amplifier cascaded with each other. So let the gain of each inverting amplifier  from left to right be A 1, A2, A3 and A4. And let Vi and Vo be the input and output voltages of the amplifier.  Now, A1 = (-R 2/R 1) = (-2/1) = -2 A2 = (-R 4/R 3) = (-10/1) = -10 A3 = (-R 6/R 5) = (-100/1) = -100 A4 = (-R 8/R 7) = (-100/1) = -100  Now Total Gain of the amplifier (A), A = A1 * A2 * A3 * A4 A = (-2)*(-10)*(-100)*(-100)

3) MICROCONTROLLER:  The Atmel 8515 microcontroller  is a 40 pin, 4 MHz 8bit microcontroller  and has 8K FLASH, 512 EEPROM, 512 SRAM. The AT90S8515 is a low-power  CMOS 8-bit microcontroller. It has an inte intern rnal al an anal alog og to di digi gita tall co conv nver erte ter  r  (ADC) and internal battery. Thee si Th sign gnal al th that at is se sent nt by th thee se sens nsor orss is co conv nver erte ted d fr from om an anal alog og to digital digit al signal. signal. The microcontr microcontroller oller has a  pre-defined program, which analyses the digital signal and compares it with the digit dig ital al signal signal equival equivalent ent of the analog analog signal having the frequency range of 32  – 40 Hz which is already stored in the memory mem ory of the microc microcont ontrol roller ler.. If on comparison the analyses on two signals are nearly same then the microcontroller  acknowledges and triggers the oscillator  1 and oscillator 2.

4) OSCILLATORS: The oscillator is basically a Wein  bridge audio oscillator. The oscillator is designed in such a way that it produces a   particular audio wave below 1500 Hz. The oscillator will be designed such that it has 10 – 13 Hz difference in frequency with wit h oscilla oscillator tor 1.

This This differ differenc encee in


frequency creates Binaural Beats. Thus if the brain of an individual individual produces 32  – 40 Hz (High Beta waves) i.e. if he/she is in stress or addicted to some substan subs tance, ce, the binaur binaural al beats beats having having a frequency of about 10-13 Hz creates a st stim imul ulus us maki making ng the the brai brain n to move move towards the stimulated frequency.

1) The The head headba band nd used used is made made of  rubber is easy to use. 2) The The whole whole devic devicee is light light wei weigh ghtt and can be carried anywhere we want. 3) The whole device including se sens nsor orss micr microc ocon ontr trol olle lerr an and d he headp adpho hone ne is cheap cheap an and d costs costs only about Rs.1000 – 3000.


This Th is is done done by se sendi nding ng au audi dio o waves from one oscillator to one of the two sides of the headphone and another  oscillator to another side of the headphone. CONCLUSION: Addict Add iction ion Avoide Avoiderr is the safest safest and simplest device to use in prevention of Addiction. It is used for any type of  addiction like addiction caused by taking narcot nar cotic ic drug drugss or alco alcohol hol and simp simple le addi addict ctiions ons like ike over overea eati ting ng,, sexua exuall intercourse and mannerisms.   FUTURE PROSPECTS: Addiction avoider can be used to cure stress or tension on any individual. The concept of binaural waves can be furt fu rthe herr rese resear arche ched d an and d us used ed to find find a device for communication with deaf and dumb individuals. It can be further used to study the resonance of brain during  brain diseases.


REFERENCES: [1] ‘Detection of seizures in epileptic and non-epileptic patients using GPS and Embedded Systems’  by Abhiram Chakraborty – Ukranian Journal of Telemedicine and medical Telematics (TOM 3 No.2 Pg 211) [2] [3] Ercim_News/enw51/bielikova.html [4] Binaural  beats [5] ency/article/003931.htm [6] [7] ction [8] serpentis666/Brainwaves.html

[9] PageGrant.asp? grant_id=383  

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