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Situation 1: A group of mothers were present during your lecture on high risk pregnancy. Discuss comprehensively the following concepts: a. When will you consider a pregnancy high risk? Although every pregnancy has some risk some have more risks than others and each pregnancy is uni!ue. A pregnancy is considered to "e high risk when a pro"lem is more likely to occur. Such a pro"lem could "e caused "y a health condition that the mother had "efore she was pregnant or it may arise during pregnancy or at delivery. In either case a threat is posed to the health of the mother or fetus or "oth.

#or this reason a woman with a high$risk pregnancy must "e checked carefully "y a doctor. %hese are some of the symptoms of high risk pregnancy that we should never ignore. Severe or sharp upper- to mid-abdominal pain %his symptom with or without nausea or vomiting could indicate severe indigestion a stomach "ug food poisoning or pre$eclampsia $$ a serious condition that re!uires immediate attention. Fever

If your temperature is a"ove &'.( degrees ) * 1++ degrees # "ut with no flu or cold symptoms call your doctor on the same day. If it,s more than &- degrees ) * 1+. degrees # call your doctor

immediately. /ou pro"a"ly have an infection. /our doctor may prescri"e anti"iotics and rest. If your temperature rises higher than &- degrees ) * 1+. degrees # for a prolonged amount of time it could "e harmful to your "a"y.

Vision disturbances

0ision pro"lems such as dou"le vision



flashing spots or lights that last for more than two hours are symptoms that can "e a sign of pre$eclampsia. Swelling or puffiness of the hands, face and eyes A"out four out of five women get some swelling or puffiness or edema in pregnancy. In most cases it is not a cause for

concern. 1ut if these symptoms are severe or sudden and accompanied "y a headache or pro"lems with your vision they may "e symptoms of pre$eclampsia. Severe headache If you have a severe headache that lasts for more than two or three hours accompanied "y vision distur"ances and sudden swelling in your hands eclampsia. Vaginal bleeding eyes and face you may have pre$

Spotting without pain may "e a normal sign of implantation when the em"ryo attaches itself to the uterus early in the pregnancy or "reakthrough "leeding. 1ut you should still call your doctor if you "leed during pregnancy "ecause it could indicate a serious complication:

2 1leeding that is different from your normal period 3heavier or lighter and often darker4 with severe persistent one$sided pain in the a"domen can "e a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

2 5eavy "leeding especially when it,s com"ined with persistent "ack or a"dominal pain can "e associated with a potential or actual miscarriage. "leeding may indicate

2 In the later stages of pregnancy

placenta previa placental a"ruption which happens when the placenta starts to separate from the wall of the uterus premature la"or 3la"or that "egins "efore &' weeks4. or

Leaking fluid from the vagina 6eaking of fluid from the vagina "efore &' weeks means that your mem"ranes have ruptured prematurely. /our doctor will want you to "e admitted to hospital so that you can have treatment to prevent an infection and to prepare your "a"y for possi"le premature "irth. After &' weeks you are pro"a"ly

a"out to go into la"or. )all your doctor to discuss your options if your la"or does not start within .7 hours. A sudden increase in thirst accompanied by little or no urination %his could "e a sign of dehydration or gestational dia"etes which increases the risk of complications for you and your "a"y. Painful or burning urination If this is accompanied "y a temperature shivering and

"ackache you may have a urinary tract infection which should "e treated with anti"iotics. Severe vomiting Watch out for severe vomiting that is more than two to three times a day in the first trimester the onset of vomiting later in pregnancy temperature. 0omiting more than a couple of times a day could dehydrate and weaken you although it won,t hurt your "a"y. /ou need to speak to your doctor a"out severe and persistent vomiting 3hyperemesis gravidum4 as you may need to "e admitted to hospital. 0omiting which starts later in pregnancy accompanied "y pain 8ust "elow the ri"s may "e a sign of pre$eclampsia. 0omiting accompanied "y pain and a temperature could indicate an infection $$ contact your doctor. or vomiting accompanied "y pain and*or a

Fainting or di


%his may "e a sign that you haven,t eaten enough that day "ut it could also mean that you have low "lood pressure. 9any women feel light$headed during pregnancy. In the event of fainting talk to your doctor to rule out any other causes. Severe lower abdominal pain Watch out for pain on either or "oth sides. /ou could have pulled a ligament miscarriage or it may "e a sign of an ectopic pregnancy premature la"or a fi"roid degenerating and

"leeding into itself or placental a"ruption. Absence of, or slowing down, of your baby!s movements after "# weeks If you o"serve this for more than .7 hours your "a"y may "e in distress. If you have noticed that your "a"y is moving a"out less than usual contact your doctor or the hospital. 3:ead more a"out your "a"y,s movements including when to seek help4. All-over itching late in pregnancy Itching with or without 8aundice dark urine and pale stools may indicate hepatitis or another liver$"ased pro"lem such as

o"stetric cholestasis. Some itching is normal as your skin stretches to accommodate your growing "a"y "ut it,s "est to have it checked out particularly if the itching is very intense

worse at night and involves the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. $ou!ve had a fall or a blow to the stomach #alls aren,t always dangerous "ut call your doctor on the same day and e;plain what happened. If you slipped on the stairs and "ruised your tail"one you pro"a"ly don,t need to worry< your "a"y is well cushioned "y the uterus and amniotic fluid.

In rare cases though complications may arise. If you notice contractions leaking fluid or any "leeding call your doctor right away or head to your nearest hospital emergency room. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge, or ulcers, or growths in the genital area /ou may "e having a vaginal infection which if left or the

untreated may lead to preterm la"or and delivery

possi"ility of the "a"y getting infected when she passes through the "irth canal. See your o"stetrician without delay. /our doctor might perform a pap smear and other additional tests to check for vaginal infection 3don,t worry the gentle insertion of a

vaginal speculum and swa"s will not harm your pregnancy or your "a"y4. Prolonged diarrhea

9ost of the time diarrhea is limited to only a day or two and is easily managed "y drinking lots of fluids drinking oral rehydration fluids and following a diet consisting of non$oily and non$spicy foods crackers apples and "ananas. 5owever

prolonged diarrhea may indicate that you may have an infection in the stomach which may need some medication. Diarrhea that is severe can make you dehydrated and cause su"se!uent dehydration in your "a"y eventual fetal distress. %here are also some factors that can make pregnancy high risk such as the lifestyle of pregnant women and some environmental factors. Alcohol %se A pregnant woman,s use of alcohol can "e dangerous to the health of her un"orn child. When the mother drinks alcohol crosses the placenta and enters the "a"y,s "loodstream. %his can cause still"irth miscarriage 3l=st pregnancy4 "irth defects or a premature or low$"irth$weight "a"y 3"a"y weighing less than Smoking When a pregnant woman smokes she risks not only her own health "ut$also that of her un"orn "a"y. Smoking harms the "a"y "efore during and after "irth. A pregnant woman who smokes is more likely to have a miscarriage still"irth or low$ (,*> pounds at "irth4. causing low amniotic fluid and

"irth$weight &rug %se




Any type of drugwhether prescri"ed "y a doctor availa"le over the counter or illicit$can affect the fetus,s well$ "eing when taken during pregnancy. Some drugs not only can harm the health of a pregnant woman "ut also can cause severe "irth defects or other serious pro"lems for the "a"y. ?ven some @over$the$counter@ drugs can cause pro"lems and should not "e taken during pregnancy.

'nvironmental (a ards If you are pregnant the health of you "a"y can "e affected if you work around certain types of chemicals gas dust fumes or radiation. ?;posure to some of these su"stances can cause miscarriage "irth defects or other pro"lems for the "a"y that appear later in life. ". What are your roles and responsi"ilities as a Aurse given the particular situation on high risk pregnancy? AursesB independent roles in high risk pregnancy are pre$ assessment or initial interview to the client to determine the risk involved counsel the importance of "ed rest good eating

ha"its and other health practices that are essential during the whole trimester.

Dependent roles of nurses in situation of high risk pregnancy are o"taining urine e;ams ultrasound and other la"oratory e;ams to determine the e;tent of the risk involved. %he nurse should also advise the high risk pregnant clients to go for prenatal check$up regularly and to follow the doctorBs order religiously. II. A young unmarried woman 1' years old ver"ali>es to you that she is in a dilemma whether to go for a"ortion or not. a. Discuss comprehensively your course of action and response to the situation I will definitely discourage her to do a"ortion. It is a murder of the un"orn child. It is against the Divine 6awC I will advise the woman to accept and face the conse!uences of her actions and have courage to tell it to her parents. %he parents will get upset of course "ut after all parents are

parentsC In the long run they will "e a"le to accept also the reality. When there is an opportunity for her to go "ack to school then finish schooling. And when sheBs already on the right age she can decide whether to marry or not. ". Discuss your professional accounta"ility and lia"ility "y citing concretely same situation that would defend your stand on the issues.

In the Philippines, abortion is, of course, illegal and punishable by imprisonment. This became the subject of a lively debate back in 1999 when ouse !ill "o. #$%$ &An Act Legalizing Abortion on Specific Cases' was introduced &it did not became a law'. The bill sought to allow abortion when( &a' the conception was a result of rape)

&b' the conception was a product of incestuous relationship where the conceived mother was lured into the relationship by force intimidation, or fraud)

&c' the conceiving mother is infected with a disease that shall prejudice to the health of the unborn child)

&d' the conceiving mother is of good health, the unborn child is determined by medical specialists to be infected with a terminal disease or shall be borne abnormal without hope of any medical correction, and

&e' the conception brings danger to the life of e*pectant mother. The +hurch opposed the bill. ,rticle -.# of the /evised Penal +ode states that any person who shall intentionally cause an abortion shall suffer imprisonment and the penalties shall be imposed in their ma*imum period, upon any physician, midwife, nurses, who taking advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill shall cause an abortion or assist in causing the same.

In my view and of the +atholic +hurch, we are born in this world with purpose and not by accident and that we are planned by 0od. 1ong before our parents conceived us, 0od already conceived us in his mind. It is not by fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that we are alive2 3e are alive because 0od wanted to create us. 0od also planned where we4d be born and where we4d live for his purpose. That4s why we have no right to take the life of another person.
III. In all aspects discuss comprehensively the following: a. :oles and responsi"ilities of fathers and mothers regarding child"earing.

5uite often e*pectant fathers get bent out of shape over what they should be doing during the pregnancy. The pregnant woman is often the focus of all attention. owever, there are a few specific things that fathers can and should

do in the 9 months of pregnancy. Get Educated 6nce you find out that your wife is pregnant, the e*pectant father should 7 as soon as possible 7 get educated about what is ahead. The more that you know about pregnancy, the easier the ne*t months will become. Support, Support, Support 8our main role is to support your partner emotionally and physically throughout all stages of the pregnancy.

The first trimester is a key stage. If there are to be any complications, this is the stage at which they are likely to manifest themselves. 9re:uently, the first trimester is the worst in terms of morning sickness and nausea. /emember that your partner;s body is going through a pretty intense period of time 7 she is growing a baby. If she is fit, she will soon have to tone down the intensity of her workouts and switch to yoga or Pilates for the duration of the pregnancy. This is the precise time for you to start doing e*tra things around the house and offering to e*ercise together. +ooking is a great idea, provided that she can keep the food down and has not developed an aversion to the food she used to adore. The second trimester is often referred to as the honeymoon phase since most of the first trimester discomforts will have subsided. 8our partner;s crankiness, fatigue and nausea will likely disappear, thus making this is a great time for a pre7baby vacation. ,irplane flight is usually safe, so a surprise vacation might be in order. The third trimester is generally when the weight becomes burdensome and the discomforts of pregnancy return. !y the end of this trimester, your partner may be suffering from swollen ankles, fatigue, constipation and hemorrhoids. <he may be uncomfortable with how she looks and with her limited mobility. =verything will become tedious( walking, standing and even sitting. !e patient and pick up the slack by helping out around the house more than ever.

This is also the time when nesting begins, which are the powerful urge pregnant women get to clean and prepare the house for the arrival of the baby. !e warned that this urge only intensifies as the due date approaches. <how your partner that you are also e*cited by impending parenthood and offer to help set up the nursery. ,nd don;t forget to attend every prenatal class and play the role of supportive partner. Play An Active Role Throughout The Pregnancy Presuming that you;ve educated yourself and are supporting your partner as described above, you really ought to attend as many prenatal medical appointments as possible. 8our doctor is the e*pert on how your pregnancy is progressing and can answer the :uestions you need or want to know. It is a good idea to get to know your partner;s doctor since he or she will be the one in charge during delivery. !uilding a rapport early will make the later stage that much easier. >en shouldn;t be afraid to ask the :uestions that their partners are afraid to ask. <tudies show that babies in the womb can hear outside noises &and voices' as early as the fourteenth week. 8our baby will be familiar with your partner;s voice because she is carrying the baby. There is no reason why you shouldn;t spend at least five minutes a day speaking to her womb or even reading a book2 This will help you forge a closer bond with your tot months before he or she enters the real world. 8ou;ll also note that by this time junior

kicks :uite a bit 7 this is truly a wonderful e*perience that you should take the time to enjoy. 0et interested in baby names. This is a part of the pregnancy that puts mothers and fathers on e:ual footing. If you know the se* of the baby, this makes name choosing a little bit easier. There are several resources that are available through our shop that you should check out. 6ther resources are also available online. D-Day: Delivery 8ou have some relatively big decisions to make regarding your role during childbirth. The days when dad;s role was limited to driving mom to the hospital in the 6ldsmobile are long gone. "ot only can you be in the delivery room, but you are often e*pected to play an active part in the labor process. 9irst, you need to decide if you want to be part of the delivery. If not, you should be prepared to spend a few hours &on average 1. to 1# hours' in the hospital waiting room. !ring snacks, water and some good reading material. 8ou should be able to polish off 9or 3hom the !ell Tolls during this period. If you decide to be in the delivery room, you can take an active or a passive approach. Passively, you;ll stand or sit :uietly while the doctor and your partner take over. Taking an active approach, you could be a labor coach, which involves helping your partner rela* and monitoring her breathing throughout each stage of labor. >any men who have taken this role

recommend active participation since it could be a once in a lifetime e*perience. Postnatal Recovery The real journey begins after the child is born. 0et in the game early because you;ll want to develop your own uni:ue bond with the baby. 8ou will want to establish your own tricks of the trade when it comes to coddling, feeding and changing the baby. These rites of passage lay the groundwork for your future relationship with your child. 3hen it comes to your relationship with your partner, you >?<T learn about the signs, symptoms and remedies for postpartum distress syndrome. !ut remember, you >?<T take it seriously because the conse:uences of inaction can be disastrous and tragic for everyone involved. Get Ready To Be A Dad! !y the time the third trimester rolls around, you will be making a very :uick transition from e*pectant to full7time dad. In the life of the relationship between father and son@daughter, pregnancy is only a small slice. 8our real role in the pregnancy is to get ready to be a major player in the family and show personal leadership when it comes to raising your new child. In the meantime, you should be thinking about the kind of father you want to be, the kind of values you want to instill, the kinds of things you;ll want to teach your child. <pend some time reflecting on these both alone and with your partner.

8ou should also spend some time reflecting on how having a child will change your family dynamics and your relationship with your partner. !y the time your baby is born, you will be different people with a different outlook on life. ,fter all, at the end of this process, two will have become three. >others have also responsibilities that must be taken account during childbearing. <he is carrying another life and must be careful of what she puts in her body as well as her own surroundings. The mother should take care of herself as well as her unborn baby to ensure a good delivery including a healthy child. 3hen a woman becomes aware that she is pregnant, prenatal care should start. , doctor must be seen every single month and during her Ath and 9th month, doctor visits should happen every week. <he must ask her doctor before taking any medicine because it could harm the baby. Buring a pregnancy, a woman should have a blood test along with urine test during the first :uarter to make sure that there are no infections. er weight should also be checked as well as the blood pressure. <he should start to take prenatal vitamins that includes folic acid with of course a prescription from the doctor. 3ell balanced meals should be consumed such as whole grain breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and milk. #7A glasses of water should be taken every day. <he must limit the intake of drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, colas or tea and junk foods should be avoided. <he should stay away from being in a room with people smoking. She

should also steer clear of things like pesticides aerosol sprays or paints. Anyone who is pregnant must avoid ;$rays and any drinks that contain alcohol. )omforta"le clothes are a must during a pregnancy. %his is due to the fact that a woman,s si>e is constantly changing. When a pregnant woman is riding in a car she should wear the seat "elt on her hips.

1ight e*ercise should be done while during a pregnancy such as biking, swimming, or walking for 1. minutes every day. Buring the %th month of pregnancy, a woman should lie down and put her feet up $C minutes every day. The ne*t month would be good to start doing pelvic rock and Degel e*ercises. It is also during this time that a pregnant woman will have an ultrasound to be sure that the baby is doing well and to find out the se* of the baby. , pregnant woman should ask about information in regards to breastfeeding. 3hen the Ath month approaches, daily rela*ation should begin. , pregnant woman should make sure that a budget is already in place because she will need for many baby items. <he should speak with her partner about the responsibilities that will come with a baby. <he should also get in touch with someone who has been pregnant in case of problems that might arise. It,s
also very important that someone is there to help a woman after she has given "irth. ". Societal trends affecting child"earing as to values and "enefits socio$cultural and economic influences.

"owadays, a lot of adolescents get pregnant. ,nd because adolescent mothers often end up in poverty but are from low7income families to begin with, :uestions of cause and conse:uence began to emerge. <tudies have shown that girls raised in poverty, in single7parent homes, and by parents with lower levels of education are more likely to become adolescent mothers. The Dids +ount in >ichigan 199. Bata !ook states that low income is Ethe single most important factorE in the increased risk for adolescent pregnancy. 0irls who are poor students with low educational aspirations are more likely to become pregnant and have children during adolescence. 6ne study found that one in three adolescent mothers had already dropped out of school before becoming pregnant. , disturbing number of adolescent mothers have a history of se*ual or physical abuse. /ape can directly cause pregnancy in young women, with pregnancy occurring in #F of reproductive age rape victims. +onversely, -1F of rape7related pregnancies occur in children ages 1- to 1.. <e*ual abuse can indirectly increase the risk of adolescent pregnancy because young women who e*perience se*ual abuse may be more likely to initiate consensual se*ual intercourse at a young age. In one study, G%F of se*ually active girls under 1% and #CF of se*ually active girls under age 1. reported a history of involuntary se*ual activity. 6ne study of semiurban adolescent mothers found that %%F reported a history of physical abuse and 1$F reported a history of childhood neglect. The relationship between intimate partner violence and rapid repeat pregnancy in teens has been demonstrated in several studies. +learly, adolescent

parenthood is often EcausedE by limited life options, the e*perience of poverty, poor educational aspirations, and violence. , report from the +enters for Bisease +ontrol and Prevention &+B+' "ational +enter for ealth <tatistics issued an in7depth report on childbearing and the se*ual and reproductive lives of ,merican women. The report contains data from a nationally representative sample of women 1.7%% years of age, who were interviewed as part of the "ational <urvey of 9amily 0rowth. The study produced a number of interesting findings, including(

The leading method of contraception remains female steriliHation &1C.G million women', followed by the oral contraceptive pill &1C.% million', the male condom &G.9 million', and male steriliHation &%.- million'.

"ew contraceptive methods were used by small proportions of women in 199., such as hormonal injectables &used by - percent of women', hormonal implants &1 percent', and female condoms &less than 1 percent'.

Ten percent of births between 199C and 199. were unwanted by the mother at the time of conception, compared with 1- percent between 19A%7AA. 9or black women, the decrease in unwanted births between these two periods was particularly large 77 from -9 to -1 percent.

,bout #.1 million women had impaired fecundity in 199., compared with %.9 million in 19AA. <ome of this increase is due to the aging of

the baby boom generation. The percent with impaired fecundity was A.% in 19AA and 1C.- in 199..

,ppro*imately - percent of women &1.- million' had an infertility visit in the past year, and another 1$ percent &G.# million' reported an infertility visit at some point earlier in their lives.

In 199., eight percent of women reported that they had been treated for pelvic inflammatory disease &PIB' at some time in their lives, down from 11 percent in 19AA and 1% percent in 19A-.

The percent of women who were douching regularly declined from $G percent in 19AA to -G percent in 199..

>edicaid was used to help pay for about one out of three deliveries in 199179. &$% percent'. ,mong unmarried mothers and teenage mothers, two7thirds &#A7#9 percent' were paid for, at least partly, by >edicaid, compared with -C percent of births to married mothers.

3omen;s average e*pected family siHe was -.- children per woman in 199., -.- in 19AA, and -.% in 19A-.

forty7four percent reported that, because of the economy, they want to reduce or delay childbearing. >ost of these women want to get pregnant later &$1 percent', want fewer children than planned &-A percent' or now do not want any more children &G percent'.

I"early half of those who want no more children reported that, because of the economy, they are thinking more about steriliHation.

I,mong women using the birth7control pill, 1A percent reported inconsistent use as a way to save money.

c. 9odern family in todayBs society and cite situations wherein couples can "e guided to have family in the present situation.

/elationships take time, energy, and care to make them healthy. This is a guide to help us understand different kinds of relationships, what makes each relationship special, and how to communicate in a positive way. I have included common stories and fun ways to work on many kinds of relationships. In order for a relationship to be healthy there should be co unication

and sharing which is the most important part of any healthy relationship between two people is being able to talk and listen to one another. 8ou and the other person can figure out what your common interests are. 8ou can share your feelings with the other person and trust that they will be there to listen and support you. In healthy relationships, people don;t lie. +ommunication is based on honesty and trust. !y listening carefully and sharing your thoughts and feelings with another person, you show them that they are an important part of your life.

There should also !e respect and trust" In healthy relationships, you learn to respect and trust important people in your life. Bisagreements may still happen, but you learn to stay calm and talk about how you feel. Talking calmly helps you to understand the real reason for not getting along, and it;s much easier to figure out how to fi* it. In healthy relationships, working through disagreements often makes the relationship stronger. In healthy relationships, people respect each other for who they are. This includes respecting and listening to yourself and your feelings so you can set boundaries and feel comfortable. 8ou will find that you learn to understand e*periences and feelings of others as well as having them understand your e*periences and feelings.

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