Published on February 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 33 | Comments: 0 | Views: 443
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Mr so and so, a world renowned alternative dispute something, conducted a seminar with the second
year law students of the Univerity of San Carlos School of Law and Governance.
The event was headed by no other than the very active, talented and (insert other adjectives, dapat
appropriate adjectives gamiton) dean of the University of San Carlos School of Law and Governance.
It was a two-day event full of activities, learnings and insights.
It was also fun.
The seminar started at eight o'clock in the morning. Like any other, the event was started with a
healthfelt prayer followed by an introduction by the speaker. it is through this that we learned a lot
about our speaker as to who he was, where he came from, what he does and how he arrived at his
current endeavor.
the seminar was attened by second year law students who took

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