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Saturday November 06, 2010

$100K/month at

Kim Robbins r she did it. Cli the exclu

EXPOSED: Chevy Chase Mom Makes $6,795 a Month And You Won't Believe How She Does it!

Have You Ever Considered Working Online?

a Johnson of Chevy Chase, MD never thought that she would consider it, until curiosity got st of her and she ordered a membership for a paid survey club called Paid Surveys and Before she knew it, she discovered her secret to beating the recession, and being able to e for her family while at home with her three children.

Melissa's blog last month and decided to feature her story in our weekly consumer report. In one interview she told me her amazing story. "I actually make about $6,000-$7,000 a month g from home. It's enough to comfortably replace my old job income, especially considering I ork about 10-13 hours a week from home right now.

Melissa Johnson is a regu lost her job last year, after unsuccessful job hunt she working online from home. her about her amazing sto

revealed her steps for succ

Step 1 Go to Paid Surveys and M complete the form on the p

Step 2 Follow the simple instructio Surveys and more.

Step 3 Deposit your Earnings by c direct bank transfer. (Maki never been so easy. Get re life to change.) A Check Melissa Recently Received for Taking Surveys.

Offer Expires On Monday, 2010

ng online has been a dream come true for Melissa, who struggled for months to find a decent t kept hitting dead ends. "I lost my job shortly after the recession hit, I needed a steady, e income. I wasn't interested in the "get rich quick" scams you see all over the internet. Those pyramid schemes or stuff where you have to sell to your friends and family. I just needed a ate way to earn a living for me and my family or else we would end up having to sell our The best part of working online is that I am my own boss and only work when I want to."

Weather F

d her about how she started her life-changing journey. "It was pretty easy, I filled out a short nd applied for an online a survey club. Sign up was only $34 for a lifetime membership, which didn't make a difference since within four weeks I was making over $5,000 a month. It's really , I am not a computer whiz, but I can use the internet. I can answer questions, give my n and participate in focus groups. I don't even have to sell anything and nobody has to buy ng. They are constantly recruiting people to take surveys, you should try it." There are over ositions available just for Chevy Chase at the time of this report

billion dollar a year internet giants are the companies you can take surveys or do focus s for. Companies like Yahoo, Wal-Mart and Amazon. These marketing titans generate millions ars a day in revenue. They are always releasing new market research in order to know what e think about their product or service. This information is worth millions to them.

remendous opportunity with a company that has been helping others work from home for over s now. Why not sign on with the worlds biggest and best companies?

are, there are plenty of scams on the internet that claim you can make up to $50,000 a month way! Come on, they are all scams. From talking with Melissa, "I am making a good salary ome, which is amazing to me because under a year ago, I was jobless in a horrible economy. k God every day that I filled out that little form online.

y, Melissa Johnson was able to use the simple Paid Surveys and More to make it out of the ion.

a had never shared her story before, and with her permission, are putting it public.

re are the steps she told us to take:

1 Paid Surveys and More and complete the form on the page.

2 w the simple instructions from Paid Surveys and More

3 sit your earnings by check or direct bank transfer. (Making money has never been so Get ready for your life to change.)

NING: Offer Expires On Monday, November 8, 2010

d links:

urveys and More - Official Website

akes $6,795 Working Online at Home?"

Responses for This Article



s on TV and how she did this. She was very fortunate to have Kim Robbins.

y Says:

on this deal here. You have to have some computer skills, at least be able to use email and such. Then be ok.


d off as well and I am hoping this could be a big help right now. I don't trust anything that's not registered BBB so it seems to be the perfect opportunity!

a Says:

Kim, I started a few weeks ago and already got my first checks totaling $1800, cool.



got my kit and tried it out. It works with all the internet giants and I was able to make about $500 a week m the start. I am working right now to double my efforts and my money I hope. It's easy work but you have a good internet connection.


s be for real? I tried some other thing online and it didn't work out that well for me. I think I made about month but that was years ago. I know the internet giants is making money so I will give it a try.


o too! I am not the best when it comes to computers but, I can do email and surf, I think I can post



ly! thanks for the post with screen shot! you just gave me the inspiration I needed. Thanks!


using it right now and it is doing pretty well actually. it cost about $2 dollars for shipping, it came in a few d I have been doing good ever since. on my first week I was able to make a big $270 but on the second oubled it. it's now rolling along at $300+ a day! I'm gonna keep going and see how much I can make l time at it.



one using this now? very interesting....



nted to tell everyone I got my first check today for $2800!


interesting......I really could use something like this.


did just join. I am working on it when my computer crashed so I had to borrow a friends laptop... but, all is w so I will post back how it goes!

erly Says:

nd I even got my husband helping me in the evenings! We just want to make enough to pay of the debt the phone from ringing at dinner! At this rate we should be feeling major relief by this week.


d.....I almost lost my house but, ended up with a job. I just signed up for this so I'm hoping it works.

y Says:

17 years and I signed up and having some good success. I found this is the best way to make money e internet.

e Says:

s really work???????????? I mean the whole working at home stuff? is anyone making money? I guess i out.


you have to work and use the computer and internet, and if you can do that and dedicate some time y then you can do this with no problem.

een working with this for a month and have made over 5k already. let me know if you need more help.

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