Search Engine Optimization Company with a Difference We develop, extend and deliver out of the box Search Engine Optimization solutions Our Search Engine Optimization processes as well as website development and !" enabled solutions are designed in accordance with the SEO guidelines by #oogle White hat SEO techni$ues are stringently adhered to ma%e sure that our domestic as well as global clients get the finest SEO services possible in this industry &oost 'our (an%ings with SEO Service )rovider Extraordinaire Search Engine Optimization is a modern techni$ue for optimizing website in an efficient way in order to improve the visibility of that website on all ma*or search engines "his method ensures that the website gets a higher ran% in addition to getting higher traffic to it
!nternet +ar%eting Services we offer ,
-ull range of !nternet +ar%eting services .part from Search Engine Optimization/SEO0, we also offer a range of services that will aid you triumph your long term online ob*ectives "hese services include the following1 • • • • • • • • • • • SEO S+O #oogle .dwords )ay )er Clic% .dvertising 2ocal .dvertising Content Writing Social +edia +ar%eting /-aceboo%, "witter, 2in%ed!n, &logs and more0 "rac%ing, +easurement 3 .nalysis Website business barding Search Engine +ar%eting &usiness Competitors analysis
(O! Enhancement
)romotion Strategies
Online Presence
All the major search engines allows to list your business, so apart from the geographic location and contact details when someone searches for your business/type of business and town or city. It’s Good to be on Google Places,Bing and ahoo.
!ur "ebsite will be well#optimi$ed for local searches by using the name of your town, city or region in the page description, page title and in the content of the page. %an&ing on 'op of (earch )ngine results will helps you to get clients online especially who are searching for any particular ser*ices we are offering.
(ocial +etwor& Presence with 'witter/,aceboo&/Interest pages promote our business, Apart from -reating a brand we can get our Business Promoted !nline.
Press Releases
Getting your business mentioned in Press %eleases is not only free publicity, but also helps to build business profile within the local community.
Business directories
ellow pages and 'homson .ocal directories are updated and distributed to millions of households e*ery year, but they also ha*e online e/ui*alents and offer small businesses discounts for buying ad*ertising in both.'here are also plenty of free and paid#for local directories, plus local and trade organi$ations and publications may ha*e directories you can join.
Online Advertising
Google Adwords, PP- -ampaigns, Banner ad*ertisements are few tactics which can be followed in order
to promote our website/ser*ices online.
Printed materials
It0s important for business to be *isible online and one way of doing this is by distributing printed materials li&e flyers, postcards and brochures or e*en ,ree ()! reports and analytics
Email Marketing
Sending 4ewsletter and promotion emails to various e,tailers who can be benefited with our services in terms of revenue and promotion
Direct Marketing
(earching for people who are already ha*ing ()! ser*ices and offering them some Promotional offers and gi*eaways can be a great way of bringing in new customers.
Freelancing Websites
#etting )ro*ects from -reelancing websites and wor%ing on them
+ore )romotion via !nternet
Our businesses can benefit from free online promotion. Few resources for promoting our business on the web.
1. People’s Guide
One of the newest sites, but notable for being the cleanest and simplest way to add a free business listing. As these 100+ cities have just gone live, our advice is to get in early to pick up the most traffic.
2. Google Local
Any land based business should be on !oogle "ocal.
3. HotFrog
Another strong # multi national business listing site.
HotFrog is a nice simple business listing site (no reviews), active in several countries round the world, including the UKand Australia.
4. Windows Live
$he %indows "ive "ocal "isting &enter is also free with reasonable reach.
5. Ya oo! Local
'ahoo "ocal is a combined business listing and community review site, organi(ed by location and category.
". Yellow Pages.co#
)eeds no introduction for most people. *trong brand recognition. ellow !ages is certainl" big in the U# and UK. $he big U# site does offer a free listing.
$. %est o& t e We'.co#
Offers free advertising for the first +0 days only.
(. )dland Pro
Adland,ro has apparently been offering free and paid advertising services to small businesses since 1--+.
*. +,uidoo
A good number of lenses on the *.uidoo network offer the opportunity to add a link to your site, free.
Our SEO .pproach
5 -ramewor% for , Search Engine Optimization 6 )urpose1 to present an overview of the Search Engine mar%eting and overall process and how this process can benefit your business in ac$uiring new customers searching for your product 7 Stages , 8 Stage 51 &usiness .ssessment 8 Stage 61 9eyword (esearch 8 Stage 71 Site Structure 3 (ich Snippets 8 Stage :1 Onsite optimization 8 Stage ;1 Content )ublishing Opportunities 3 Distribution 8 Stage <1 Social (eferences 3 =isibility 8 Stage >1 !nbound 2in%s 8 Stage ?1 @ser &ehavior 8 Stage A1 2ocal visibility 8 Stage 5B1 "rac%ing and (efinement : 8 Determine current search positioning 8 Determine Customer and product profile 8 Cighlight 9ey business issues 8 Establish &usiness #oals 3 ob*ectives 8 !dentify 9ey )layersDcompetitive .nalysis
8 Examine Current +etrics 8 Conduct Site (eview 8 9eyword &rainstorming ; 8 Study search and interest levels and seasonality of your brand, product and category 8 Determine possible %eyword niches that your service or product could be categorize 8 Determine %eyword relevancy based on Esearch modesF, (an%ing possibilities and 9eyword difficulty 8 Discover global and local monthly search volumes on words and phrases related to your brand and category < 8 .ccess #oogle Webmaster Central 8 Determine how #oogle sees your website 8 @tilize #oogle Diagnostics for Crawl errors 8 Crawl stats and C"+2 suggestions 8 Determine Site configuration /Sitemaps, crawler access, duplicate meta descriptions and title tags 8 2ocate Duplicate Content 8 7B5 redirect Setup > 8 !ntegrate %eywords "itle "ags 8 Optimize +eta Data
8 Optimize .lt,tags 8 C5 tags 8 Create silo themed pages or multi,theme pages based on product categories, service niches etc 8 !ntegration of rich snippets /structured data0 into the website to help people ma%e decisions before they clic% Structuring data li%e review, video, location, product and photo based data 8 !ntegrate related %eywords into content ? 8 &logsDnewsletter 8 !nterviewsDpodcasts 8 )ress release creation and distribution 8 White papersDcase studies 8 )roduct feed distribution 8 )ower,point presentationDpdfs 8 =ideo optimization and distribution 8 )ictures distribution 8 2anding page and micro,sites creation A 8 Signup for all relevant social networ%s 8 Create an editorial calendar that blends and integrate all social media and %eywords 8 !ntegrating sharing capabilities into website li%e #oogle plus 8 @se #oogle alerts to discover product and company mentions and lin% 8 Create a lin% wheel for all social networ%s and %eywords
5B 8 4ational Directory Submissions 8 -orm 2in% )artnerships with relevant sites 8 Comment 2in%s 8 Social networ%s 8 2in% &aiting 8 Evaluate the bac%lin%s of your competitors and get site listed 8 Discover lin% opportunities for related businesses 55 8 Decreasing the bounce rate for %eywords by ma%ing the site more relevant to the end user 8 !ncreasing page loading time 8 !ncreasing #oogle plus recommendations 8 !ncreasing site engagement with relevant content 56 8 #et placements on local directories and +a*or @ S Data )roviders 8 #et listed on #)S directories 8 2ocations listed on &ing, 'ahoo &usiness and #oogle )laces 8 !ntegrating sharing capabilities into website li%e #oogle plus 8 #et local citations on local search engines, &logs, 2ocally, focused directories and !ndustry,focused directories or blogs 8 Create a lin% wheel for all social networ%s and %eywords
57 8 "ag pages with #oogle .nalytics 8 Determine which %eywords drive conversions for each niche product or service 8 (emove %eywords that drive high bounce rates 8 Determine which %eywords are the most profitable Determine bac%,lin% lin% growthDSEO positionDtraffic volumeD%eyword referrals for organic sources 8 (eport on -indings 8 Discover what %inds of content is share the most and engaged 8 +a%e ad*ustments then re,launch cover