Alcott August 2012 Newletter

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August 2012


Alcott Enrollment

August 16
Open house picnic

Alcott Wildcats
Simply Exceptional!
WELCOME TO ALCOTT - We Are Simply Exceptional!
By Dr. Dana Morris , Alcott Principal [email protected]

August 17
8th Grade Party

August 18
PTA teacher appreciation breakfast

August 21
Camp Turning Points

August 22
First day of school

August 24
6th grade party

August 28
Purple Pride Day

Welcome to Alcott! Hope your family had a super summer. The first day of school is just around the corner – August 22. We have exceptional faculty, support staff, students, and parents. Alcott provides a wonderful, small learning environment for your child. We are student centered and believe that building relationships with children and families will foster success! Alcott is in the home stretch of renovation. The cafeteria and basketball locker rooms should be completed by the time school starts. New landscaping, signage, sidewalks, and outdoor furniture will give Alcott a stunning exterior. We are looking forward to a spectacular year with your children! Please stay involved with your child’s middle school life. With email, weekly curriculum updates, and teacher websites, we believe that communication is easier than ever. We look forward to working with your family! We can’t wait for the school year to begin. Parents, please help us remind students of a few necessary rules and procedures at Alcott.

August 31
PTA—Golden Ticket Rally

Inside his issue:
Welcome to Alcott 1-2

Welcome Back from 3 Alcott PTA President Media Center News Teacher Apprecia6th Grade Party 8th Grade Party Golden Ticket Spirit Wear Alcott Picnic Volunteer Info PTA Board 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10

Cell phones should be turned off during the school day or inside of the building. Cell phones which disrupt the learning environment will be taken and stored in the office until the phone is released to the student or parent by an administrator. Students should remain outside in grade level areas until 8:30. When inclement weather occurs, or temperatures drop below freezing, arriving students should report to the south gym. Medication must be secured in the office. In order for our nurse, Victoria Brown to dispense medication, the “Request and Release” form must be signed by the parent or guardian. Continued on page 2

Alcott Wildcats
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Welcome to Alcott cont.
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Parents must always sign students in and out on the provided form in the office. Parents who wish to deliver food to students during lunch must do so by checking into the office. After school pick up: Please leave room for buses to access the parking lot. Please pick up in the oval or in the church parking lot, please avoid pick up along the east side of the building if possible. We have a crossing guard at the corner of Boyd and Garrison. Please pick up your child ASAP. Teachers are off contract by 4:00. Clothing should be appropriate for the school day and events. Cheer shorts are not allowed. Shirt straps must be at least 3 fingers wide and shorts must come down to fingertip length. Students should be picked up within 20 minutes of the completion of any school event. Students could forfeit their privilege of attending any future events.

Rules and procedures are a necessary part of every new school year, but our most important mission at Alcott is to develop relationships with students and parents, which elicit mutual respect and understanding. It is important that you remain involved in your child’s education throughout middle school; even though your child may say that he/she no longer needs you to be actively involved. It is important to check email and parent portal and ask your child about his/her day. Volunteer opportunities are available on a regular or one-time basis. Please contact us or the PTA if you are interested. We would love to have you! We work to create smaller learning communities through teaming and administrator-counselor looping. Administrators and counselors at each grade level work together, moving up with students as they progress through middle school. This year, Ms. Allen and Ms. Marvel will work with the 7th grade. Ms. Ray and I will be working with the 6th grade. Mr. Smith and Ms. Miller will work with the 8th grade. If you or your child has a question, or concern, please call, e-mail, or visit us at school. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year with your children. Thank you for sending us your very best to Alcott!!!

August 2012
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Just Dive Right In!!!
Hello Alcott Family! I am so excited to be getting ready for that first day of school!!! I love the way that both the kids and parents get a fresh start with every academic year. This year is going to be a great one here at Alcott. This is my second year of being the PTA president, and I have loved every minute of it. I will have two kids at Alcott this year, so that makes my life a little easier. One aspect of being president that I enjoy, is working with other parents. I have met the most amazing people that volunteer their time for the PTA. I hope that many of you decide to get involved this year at Alcott. We have opportunities galore for you to lend a helping hand: Office volunteer-helping out at the front desk in the office 2 hours a week, every other week. This is a great way to get to know the staff as well as the students. It can be fun too!! - Contact Katy Powers if you are interested. [email protected]. Fundraising - We will be selling the golden tickets this year. Each student will be asked to sell 5 tickets which are a chance to win a 1000 dollar gift card. We then have to enter the tickets into a database every morning for about 3 weeks in September. We need people to help with the database and the sign up sheets for this will be at enrollment. It is easy, I promise! Teacher Appreciation - We are so lucky to have such wonderful teachers at Alcott, and to show them our appreciation, we like to feed them amazing meals once a month. Chelle Breedlove and Brandi Rambo are taking on this large task this year, and will be having sign up sheets at enrollment for food donations. If you love to cook or shop for food , we would love your help! We do have PTA meetings once a month, and this is another way to get involved and lend a helping hand at Alcott. Our first PTA meeting is on August 16th, which is also the open house picnic. This is a great time to eat dinner with your family at the school, go to a quick PTA meeting and meet your children's teachers. The district decided to do this before school starts so more people could attend. I highly recommend going, it is very informative. If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please don't ever hesitate to call me. I am not the over achiever president, I love to delegate and get new ideas from other people. So get involved, dive right in, take a leap, volunteer, help out! Sincerely, Ana Deaton Alcott PTA President 556-0114

Alcott Wildcats
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Greetings from the Media Center
Greetings from the Media Center! I look forward to meeting all our new students and catching up with all our returning (good looking) Wildcats. Currently, I’m trying to put the library back to something resembling a library again since our WONDERFUL custodians had to tear it apart to give it a thorough cleaning this summer. Because of assorted construction projects, it’s been awhile since they were really able to clean it but now the library is just sparkling. (Yes, I know, it will only be that way for about a week but I’ll revel in its sparkle until then!) Thanks to a spring NPSF grant, I was able to buy several new Advisory class book sets at the end of the school year and I’m looking forward to putting them on the shelves for teachers to check out. And thanks to the Alcott PTA which gives the library a line item in their budget every year, I also picked up several sequels to hot series while I was out shopping at our local book stores. Having the PTA money allows me to buy stuff as I see it (and want it) instead of having to go through the rather lengthy P.O. (purchase order) process plus obviously, it extends the money I get from the district. So PTA parents, I loooooove and thank you! We will still have lunch recess in the library for every grade (most days) but I may start offering some mini classes for the kids on Fridays. They get bored with the same old, same old recess activities and so do I! I’d like to offer traditional library moments like book clubs but I’d also like to offer lunch time mini classes like one that will lead to them discovering new, interesting websites and offering some short, inexpensive craft moments. Since it’s the first PTA newsletter of the year, I won’t nag you all about encouraging your kids to read, read, read whatever they’d like to read as often as possible but be warned that’s my #1 theme for these articles. (Wait, does the previous sentence count as nagging??) August and the opening day of school is fast approaching and I just know it’s going to be a great year! Until next time, happy reading. (Ummm, that sign off is my traditional newsletter goodbye and therefore does not count as nagging.)

August 2012
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SHOW YOUR ALCOTT Wildcat LOVE and Support for our TEACHERS and ADMINISTRATORS APPRECIATION Meals by VOLUNTEERING any time or donating a meal item THROUGHOUT SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013! Prizes awarded to best tasting donations!

AUGUST 20TH/BREAKFAST AROUND THE WORLD Olympic theme: nice breakfast before school begins

NOVEMBER 8TH CHILI COOKOFF meal before conferences


FEBRUARY 14TH SUPER SWEETs available all day for staff

MARCH 14TH EVERYTHING GREEN and GOOD meal before conferences

APRIL 25TH/Rest and Relaxation BEACH theme! Sign up at enrollment or email Chelle Breedlove ([email protected]) or Brandi Rambo ([email protected]) for specifics. We welcome any and all help!

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6th Grade

Friday, August 24th 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Westwood Pool $5 Admission includes food and drinks Please complete the form below. Checks need to be made out to Alcott PTA. You may turn in at Enrollment, Camp Turning Points or have your student bring it to their 6th Grade Advisory Teacher. ************************************************************************* 6th Grade Party and Volunteer Form Student’s Name:_____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s):____________________________________________ Phone: ______________Email address:_________________________________
_____ Yes, I would like to purchase a party ticket for my son or daughter @ $5 _____ Please count on me to bring iced downed sodas or water for the party (24 drinks) _____ Please count on me to bring individually bagged chips _____ Please count on me to bring a dessert (cookies, brownies, etc…) _____ Please count on me to volunteer as a chaperone the evening of the party (No siblings please!)

August 2012
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Attention Alcott 8th Graders!!
Start the Year with a SPLASH!

The 8th Grade Party is Friday, August 17 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at Andy Alligator’s Water Park (PTA party is until 12:30, but you’re welcome to stay, the price gets you all day admission!) Cost: $10 - Please Pay at enrollment 8/07 or Open House 8/16 “Other info to be in the know”
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Water and Lemonade will be provided at the Picnic Pavilion during the party. No outside food or beverage is allowed. Food is available for purchase at the water park. Lockers are available inside the park for $5 plus a $3 deposit. $3 is returned when returning your locker key. Larger lockers are $7 plus a $3 deposit For more information on the 8th grade party call Dawn Sullivan at 595-7047. For more information about the water park go to

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Oompa loompa, do-ba-dee-do.... Alcott PTA's got somethin' special for you! Oompa loompa, do-ba-dee-dee... We've got Golden Tickets, just wait and you'll see! Oompa loompa, do-ba-dee-dar.... Buy the winning ticket and you could go far! Alcott PTA holds only one major fundraiser each school year called The Golden Ticket lottery. Students will begin selling tickets to the public at the beginning of September for a price of $10 each. If you buy the winning ticket you will win a $1000 gift card!! There will also be prizes for students that sell the most tickets including an iPad! So, get ready for another exciting trip to Alcott-land, where dreams can come true if you're the lucky winner!

Alcott PTA Spirit Wear!
Sport a neon Alcott t-shirt and your school spirit is BOLD! Neon colors on pink, purple and black are now available in tanks, t's, sweatshirts and beanie hats. Just pick up an order form at the front desk and turn it in with check or cash by Monday, September 17th. Prices range from $10 to $20.

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Annual Cook-out/PTA Meeting/Open House
Mark your calendars for Thursday evening, August 16 from 5:00— 7:45! This is a fun, family event to kick off the new school year. From 5:00 to 6:00 pm we'll have Chick-Fil-A meals provided for $5 per person. Families will be able to pre order their meals at enrollment or in the office by Friday, August 10th. We would prefer that families pre order their meals because we will have a very limited supply of extra meals available. We will be asking for families to donate chips, desserts and coolers with drinks. There will be sign ups at enrollment for food donations as well. At 6:00 we will have the first Alcott PTA meeting, followed by an opportunity to tour the school and meet your student’s teachers.

Calling All Volunteers!!
If you are interesting in volunteering in the office, please contact me. We rotate our 2-hour shifts every 2 weeks. It is a great way to support our wonderful Alcott staff! Thank you, Katy Powers, Office Volunteer Coordinator [email protected]

Alcott Middle School is a community which values academic excellence, encourages respect, addresses the needs of young adolescents, and promotes life-long learning and service.

Alcott Middle School 1919 West Boyd Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-5845 Fax: (405) 447-6572 Dana Morris, Principal Todd Smith, Assistant Principal Carla Allen, Assistant Principal Susan Ray, Counselor Peggy Stephens, Counselor Vicki Marvel, Counselor

President—Ana Deaton Vice President—Dallas Chapman Co-Treasurer—Susan Austin Co-Treasurer—Deborah Fisher Secretary—Shannan McCutchen 6th grade parties—Helen Parker 7th grade parties—Kris Abbey, Susan Austin, Shannon McCutchen 8th grade parties—Dawn Sullivan Enrollment—Dana Anderson, Lisa Lawter Open House Picnic j– Ana Deaton Honor Roll Breakfast—Carrie Mitchell Direct Donation—Jenny Brannon Office Volunteers—Katy Powers Directory—Dedra Redwine Teacher Appreciation— Chele Breedlove Fundraising— Spirit Wear—Jenny Brannon, Vicky Bratoon Newsletter—Ally Audas Supply Closet—Jennifer Garn

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