Althea Minor Thesis Guidelines Rev 2012

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Minor Thesis guidelines based on Althea thesis format. Used in Universitas Padjadjaran for Medical Faculty (Bandung, Indonesia). This is the revision for 2012.



1.1. Definition
The minor thesis is an original researh st!"# arrie" o!t !sing
sientifi a$$roahes that are a$$ro$riate to the researh %!estions to
generate ne& fats an" a$$l# one$ts an" metho"s from one or more
'ranhes of me"ial an"(or health sienes rele)ant to the $o$!lation
health $ro'lems* an" is $resente" in a sholarl# format.
1.+. O',eti)es
The minor thesis is om$!lsor# for the aom$lishment of the
omm!nit# researh $rogram I-. It re$resents the !lmination of the
.ahelor Degree Program /0n"ergra"!ate in Me"iine1* an" an
o$$ort!nit# to integrate an" a$$l# the one$ts in me"ial siene an"
researh metho"olog# learne" "!ring the $rogram.
0$on om$leting the minor thesis* the st!"ent &o!l" 'e a'le to2
• selet an" ,!stif# an iss!e or $ro'lem of me"ial or health
• arr# o!t an effeti)e searhing* a ritial re)ie& an" an e)al!ation
of the $!'lishe" literat!re
• gras$ the $rini$le of researh metho"s* s$eiall# to selet* "esri'e*
an" ,!stif# an a$$ro$riate researh "esign in aor"ane &ith
$ro'lem i"entifiation an" researh %!estion/s1
• selet an" ,!stif# an a$$ro$riate sam$le thro!gh $ro$er sam$le si3e
al!lation an" sam$ling tehni%!e seletion
• selet an" ,!stif# a$$ro$riate metho"s for "ata olletion inl!"ing
"e)elo$ an" $retest rele)ant instr!ments as neessar#
• "emonstrate s4ills in !sing a$$ro$riate metho"s to anal#3e a set of
me"ial or health "ata
• "emonstrate s4ills in "e)elo$ing a &ritten researh $ro$osal
• i"entif# the $otential ethial iss!es of the researh an" om$lete an
ethial learane form
• "emonstrate s4ills in inter$reting the anal#sis of me"ial or health
"ata in s!h a &a# that it has rele)ane for me"ial or health
4no&le"ge an"(or $ratie
• "emonstrate s4ills in omm!niating the researh res!lts an"
1.5. Feasi'le "esigns
6e)eral "ifferent t#$es of $ro,ets ma# f!lfill the thesis re%!irement2
a. Desri$ti)e st!"ies2
A %!alitati)e or %!antitati)e st!"# meas!res magnit!"e* )aria'ilit#
of a nee" or $ro'lem an" to e7$lore assoiate" fators. Desri$ti)e
st!"ies are often g!i"e" '# %!estions rather than formal h#$otheses*
an" are often the first ste$ in more "irete" researh.
'. Anal#ti st!"ies
An anal#ti st!"# ma# ta4e the form as either a ase ontrol or
ohort st!"#* altho!gh other a$$roahes ma# fit into this ategor#.
Anal#ti st!"ies !tili3e %!antitati)e metho"s* an" are often g!i"e"
'# h#$otheses. For "oing s!h st!"#* a st!"ent is strongl#
reommen"e" to ,oin(in)ol)e in a olla'orati)e researh &ith
his(her s!$er)isor/s1.
. E7$eriments
A st!"# &ith ran"omi3e" or other&ise highl# ontrolle" alloation
of t&o or more i"entifia'le inter)ention strategies &hih test a
h#$othesis regar"ing a!sation or treatment effeti)eness(effia#.
Feasi'ilit# of on"!ting an e7$eriment is !s!all# limite" &ithin the
time frame an" reso!res a)aila'le to the st!"ent* gi)en that the
st!"ent m!st ta4e signifiant initiati)e in the st!"# "esign an"
e7e!tion. As &ith the anal#ti st!"#* in on"!ting this st!"#* the
st!"ent is also strongl# s!ggeste" that he(she attah him(herself &ith
a $arti!lar researh $ro,et.
". Case st!"ies
A "etaile" re)ie& of a !ni%!e or im$ortant linial ase or $!'li
health $rogram that a$t!res the 'a4gro!n"* $roess* o!tomes*
s!esses* fail!res an" lessons learne". The ase st!"# ma# inl!"e
either %!alitati)e or %!antitati)e "ata or 'oth. The ase st!"#
$ro)i"es an o$$ort!nit# to e7$lore a single or small n!m'er of
linial ase or $!'li health $rogram in "e$th.
e. Poli# anal#sis
A s#nthesis of e7isting an" ne&l# ollete" "ata 'ro!ght together in
an organi3e"* str!t!re" an" tho!ghtf!l manner to ans&er a $oli#
%!estion or $resent an" e)al!ate the strengths an" &ea4nesses of
$oli# o$tions for "eision ma4ers. A $oli# anal#sis !s!all#
em$lo#s m!lti$le so!res an" t#$es of information /e.g.* literat!re*
"o!ments* inter)ie&s* an" seon"ar# "ata.
f. Inter)ention or $rogram e)al!ation.
A str!t!re" st!"# &hih assesses &hether a $rogram* inter)ention
or tehni%!e is effeti)e in ahie)ing its goals /effeti)eness or
effia# for inter)entions1. A $rogram e)al!ation a""resses e7$liit
%!estions* an" the metho"s an" meas!rement ma# 'e om$le7.
+.1. Eligi'ilit#
Eligi'ilit# riteria for ommening the minor thesis are2
• Ha)e ta4en at least Comm!nit# Researh Program
/CRP1 1* CRP +* CRP 5* CRP 8* an" or ta4ing CRP 9 enrolle"
in at least thir" #ear lass for +:1: 'ath an" after&ar"
+.+. Time ta'le
6e)eral ste$s sho!l" 'e ta4en in on"!ting a minor thesis2
No. Ati)it# Time
1. To$i "issemination an" seletion 6e$tem'er 1;<Oto'er
9* +:1+
+. 6elete" to$i registration Oto'er =<>* +:1+
5. 6elete" to$i om$ilation Oto'er 1:<1+* +:1+
8. 6!$er)isor?s assignment Oto'er 19<1>* +:1+
9. List of to$i anno!nement Oto'er +@* +:1+
@. To$i s&ithing Oto'er +><No)em'er
+5* +:1+
;. Pro$osal s!'mission Fe'r!ar# +;<+>* +:15
=. Pro$osal $resentation Marh +9<+>* +:15
>. Draft s!'mission Deem'er +<8* +:15
1:. 6orting an" she"!ling Deem'er ><15* +:15
11. 6he"!le re)ision Deem'er 1@<+:* +:15
1+. Reshe"!ling Deem'er +5<+8* +:15
15. 6eminar she"!le anno!nement Aan!ar# 5* +:18
18. Draft "eli)er# Aan!ar# @<1:* +:18
19. 6eminar Aan!ar# 15<1;* +:18
1@. Re)ision
Ao!rnal artile s!'mission
Aan!ar# +8* +:18
+.5. Title seletion
Nomination of tentative topi! fo" mino" t#e!i! $o"% i!!&e' ()
t#e 'epa"tment
• Eah #ear a list of to$is from e)er# "e$artment &ill
'e release" '# 6.P offie /8
#ear offier1.
• The st!"ent m!st hoose three to$is /in $riorit#
or"er1 from the list an" s!'mit those thro!gh 6ATPT /on line1
as time she"!le".
Re*&e!t fo" tentative topi! fo" mino" t#e!i! $o"% not i!!&e' ()
t#e 'epa"tment
+.8. Title a$$ro)al
• In an# ase &here the to$i is selete" '# t&o or more
st!"ents* then "eision &ill 'e arrange" 'ase" on time of
a"mission /first $riorit# &ill 'e gi)en to the first st!"ent
s!'mitte" the same to$i1.
• 6ho!l" all the s!'mitte" to$is alrea"# 'een assigne" to other
st!"ents* the $arti!lar st!"ent &ill 'e gi)en other hoies
$ro)i"e" '# the minor thesis oor"inator
• Bhen a to$i ha" to 'e hange"* 'oth s!$er)isors ha)e to gi)e
a &ritten a$$ro)al in the log 'oo4 $rior to $ro$osal
$resentation* an" the hange sho!l" 'e re$orte" to the minor
thesis oor"inator thro!gh the gro!$ oor"inator
+.9. 6!$er)isor assignment
• De$artment &ill assign s!$er)isors 'ase" on the fiel" of st!"#
• First s!$er)isor omes from the "e$artment from &hih the
to$i is originall# s!'mitte"
• The "e$artment of seon" s!$er)isor is meant to enrih or
'roa"en the st!"ent?s insight from linial or $re<linial
• List of to$is an" st!"ents &ill 'e "eli)ere" to the Hea" of
selete" "e$artment in or"er to finali3e the s!$er)isors
• 6!$er)isors? %!alifiation2
o Le4tor Ce$ala* or
o a Master "egree hol"er* or
o a 6$eialist "egree hol"er
• 6!$er)isor assignment letter &ill 'e iss!e" '# Dean of the
Fa!lt# of Me"iine &hih is )ali" for 1 #ear
• In ase* a s!$er)isor is $ermanentl# a'sent /more than +
onse!ti)e months1* a re$laement sho!l" 'e $ro)i"e" '# the
hea" of the $arti!lar De$artment &hih &ill 'e re$orte" to
the Dean thro!gh 6.P
• A s!$er)isor an 'e s!'tit!te" !$on a )er# s$eial ase
assesse" '# the gro!$ oor"inator in oor"ination &ith the
assigne" "e$artment. The s!'tit!te is assigne" '# the hea" of
the "e$artment or .ahelor Degree E"!ation oor"inator of
eah "e$artment.
+.@. Gro!$ oor"inator
• 6taff from De$artment of E$i"emiolog# an" .iostatistis
• Assigne" aor"ing to t!torial gro!$
• Ao' "esri$tion2
o To monitor minor thesis $roess an" $rogress
o To "is!ss an# arising $ro'lem an" $ros$eti)e
sol!tion the $ro'lem "!ring minor thesis $roess an"
omm!niate &ith s!$er)isor/s1
o To manage a $ro$osal $resentation an" re$ort the fee"
'a4 to the s!$er)isors
+.;. Log 'oo4
• A tool to monitor the $roess of minor thesis $re$aration an"
• Contents 2
o st!"ent<s!$er)isors agreement to 'e agree" at the first
o title a$$ro)al an" re)ision
o $ro$osal $re$aration re$ort
o $ro$osal a$$ro)al an" $resentation
o "ata olletion a$$ro)al "an ,o!rnal
o "raft $re$aration re$ort
o "raft a$$ro)al an" seminar
o re)ision ons!ltation an" a$$ro)al
o final )ersion s!'mission re$ort
• To 'e fille" together &ith s!$er)isors thro!gh o!t the &hole
+.=. Data olletion
• Co!l" 'e starte" after $ro$osal $resentation &ith en%!ir#
$ermit iss!e" '# Dean thro!gh 6.P
• 6ho!l" 'e re$orte" in the log 'oo4
+.>. Re$orts
There are 5 t#$es of re$orts that m!st 'e &ritten '# st!"ents2
1. Pro$osal2
a. .asiall# is the first three ha$ters of the &hole re$ort
'. 6ho!l" 'e $resente" &ith a$$ro)al from 'oth
+. Draft Re$ort2
a. The om$lete re$ort of the st!"#
'. Bill 'e $resente" "!ring minor thesis seminar &ith
a$$ro)al from 'oth s!$er)isors
. 6ho!l" 'e s!'mitte" one month $rior to the minor
thesis seminar
5. Final Re$ort2
a. Re)ise" )ersion of "raft re$ort
'. 6ho!l" 'e s!'mitte" &ithin one month after seminar
'!t at least + "a#s $rior to the "ate of final res!lt
"eision / judicium 1
. Is a $re re%!isite for final res!lt "eision / judicium 1
8. Ao!rnal artile 2
.ase" on letter from Dir,en Di4ti /General Diretor of Higher
E"!ation1 an" Retor "eree 2
Can"i"ate for .ahelor "egree sho!l" at least $!'lish one
artile in a ,o!rnal /researh artile1
5.1 Content
The ontent of the minor thesis sho!l" 'e arrange" as follo&s2
+,-,- P"efae
The $refae onsists of 2
•Title /an" s!'<title1 $age /inner o)er1
•6!$er)isor# Team A$$ro)al $age
•6tatement of Minor Thesis 6eminar
•A'strat $age
•Fore&or" $age
o 6ho!l" 'e &ritten in Doffiial st#le?
•List of ontents $age
•List of ta'les $age /if an#1
•List of $it!res $age /if an#1 E inl!"e gra$h an" "iagram
•List of attahments $age /if an#1
o Lists of $age sho!l" 'e &ritten in "o!'le s$ae line
o 6ho!l" the title onsist of more than 1 line* &rite it in single
A'strat $age2
o 6ho!l" the re$ort 'e &ritten in In"onesian* a'strat sho!l" 'e
$ro)i"e" in In"onesian an" English.
o The a'strat ren"ers onisel#* 'a4gro!n"* researh o',eti)e*
metho"s in 'rief* res!lt* "is!ssion( onl!sion* an" 4e# &or"s.
o The a'strat sho!l" not e7ee" 19:<+:: &or"s for .ahasa In"onesia?s
)ersion an" 1:: &or"s for English )ersion.
o English )ersion of a'strat sho!l" 'e t#$e" in $ast tense.
o Paragra$h la#o!t
< The first line of te7t sho!l" 'e 8 s$aelines from the title
< Ne& $aragra$hs sho!l" 'e t#$e" 1.9 m from the left margin of the
te7t* &ith 1.9 s$aelines
o Referenes to literat!re* itations* ta'les an" fig!res are not 'elong in an
+,-,. C#apte" I/ Int"o'&tion
Cha$ter I sho!l" inl!"e2
1.1 .a4gro!n"2
The $!r$ose is to "esri'e the 'a4gro!n"* the im$ortane
,!stifiation or &h# the st!"# nee"s to 'e on"!te"
1. 6tate the $ro'lem an"* es$eiall#* the onse%!enes of the
$ro'lem<the state<of<affairs 'efore #o!r in)estigation
+. Tell the rea"er &hat is 4no&n
5. 6tate a s$eifi F!n4no&nG that is r!ial to sol)e the $ro'lem
8. Tell the rea"er ho& &e an hel$ to sol)e the $ro'lem '#
learning more a'o!t that s$eifi !n4no&n
1.+ Pro'lem I"entifiation2
I"entif# the $ro'lem/s1(Researh H!estion/s1* arose from the
'a4gro!n" /"isre$ans# 'ete&een theor# an" realit#1
1.5 O',eti)e/s12
The researh o',eti)e res!lting in an o!tline of a lear
researh %!estions on one or more h#$otheses
1.8 Cone$t!al frame&or4
Cone$t!al frame&or4 of the researh sho!l" 'e onstr!te"
/e7e$t for "esri$ti)e st!"#1. It sho!l" e7$lains* either
gra$hiall# or in narrati)e form* the main things* s!h as
one$ts* 4e# fators or )aria'les* to 'e st!"ie" an" the
$re"ite" relationshi$s.
1.9 Researh h#$otheses if a$$ro$riate.
H#$otheses sho!l" 'e $re$are" for anal#tial st!"#
1.@ Researh .enefit2 o!tline the 'enefit/s1 of the st!"# to&ar"2
theoretial an" $ratial 'enefit
5.1.5 C#apte" II/ Lite"at&"e Revie$
The literat!re re)ie& !s!all# starts &ith a short s!r)e# of the most
signifiant fin"ings of $re)io!s researh /re)ie& of e7isting literat!re1
on the same s!',et. An# ontra"itor# researh o!tomes are "is!sse".
The literat!res ite" sho!l" ha)e high rele)ane &ith the fo!s of the
st!"# an" "eri)e" from !$"ate or reent $!'liation. It sho!l" 'e
o'taine" from sientifi(sholar so!res an" not from $o$!lar site s!h
as $o$!lar maga3ine. 6ho!l" a &e'site 'e !se"* !se those &ith a!thor/s1.
Po$!lar &e' s!h as Bi4i$e"ia an" $ersonal 'log sho!l" not 'e !se".
The literat!re re)ie& ma# not ontain an# fin"ings or onl!sions from
the researh that the re$ort is a'o!t.
• One $aragra$h in this ha$ter sho!l" onsist of minin!m 9
• One s!'title sho!l" onsist of more than 1 $aragra$h.
• .e&are of $lagiarism.
.e aref!l in iting an# literat!re* fail to "o so &ill 'e
onsi"ere" as $lagiarism* an" onse%!enes &ill 'e a$$lie".
Cee$ it sim$le an" o)er onl# the orrelate" s!',ets.
1. Diret itation /in original lang!age or translation1* &hih om$rise not
more than 5 lines* o!l" 'e t#$e" into the te7t in "o!'le s$aeline*
follo&e" '# n!m'er of referene /-ano!)er st#le1.
+. Diret itation /in original lang!age or translation1* &hih om$rise
more than 8 lines* sho!l" 'e t#$e" se$aratel# from the te7t &ith single
s$aeline an" in"ente" 9 stro4es from the left margin* follo&e" '#
n!m'er of referene /-ano!)er st#le1.
5. 6$ae 'et&een lines of "iret itation as in $oint /+1 a'o)e an" s$ae
'et&een "iret itation an" first line of the ne7t te7t is "o!'le s$aeline.
8. 0sing other?s i"eas or &or4 /fig!res* $hotos* ta'les1 in an# le)el sho!l"
'e refere" to the original so!re as liste" in the DReferene?.
+,-,0 C#apte" III/ Met#o'!
The researh $lan an" metho"s are "esri'e" as follo&s2
• Researh $o$!lation(s!',ets
• 6eletion /inl!sion an" e7l!sion riteria1 an" "ro$$ing o!t of
s!',ets or res$on"ents
• The )aria'les an" o$erational "efinition of )aria'les*
- "esri$ti)e st!"#  "efinition* $roe"!re* referene or stan"ar"*
a$$ro$riate sale of meas!rement
- anal#tial st!"#  in"e$en"ent )aria'leI De$en"ent )aria'leI
onfo!n"ing )aria'le /if an#1 $l!s "efinition* $roe"!re* referene or
stan"ar"* a$$ro$riate sale of meas!rement
• The materials(instr!ments !se"
• The researh $roe"!res
• Data olletion an" anal#sis.
- "esri$ti)e st!"#  "esri$ti)e statisti
- anal#tial st!"#  a$$ro$riate statistial test* H
I* $<)al!e to
re,et H
- a$$ro$riate "ata $resentation  hoose the most a$$ro$riate "ata
$resentation metho"s* /for $ro$osal  "!mm# ta'les* gra$hs* harts1
- soft&are !se" to anal#3e "ata /name* )ersion1
• Ethial iss!e  s$eif# the $otential threats an" ho& to o)erome them*
om$ensation /"!e to $otential loss1* onfi"entialit# /refer to
form$ro)i"e" '# Ethial Committee1
It is im$ortant that the $roe"!re "esri'e" in the metho" is a$$ro$riate
/)ali" an" relia'le1 for the o',eti)e of the Researh an" om$lete" &ith
5.1.9 C#apte" IV/ Re!&1t! an' 'i!&!!ion
In the res!lt* the fin"ings are "esri'e" an"* if a$$lia'le* on"ense" in
ta'les an"(or fig!res. E)er# ta'le or fig!re m!st ha)e an informati)e
a$tion* &hih &ill ena'le the rea"er to !n"erstan" the ontents &itho!t
referring to the r!nning te7t. Eah ta'le or fig!re m!st 'e referre" to in the
te7t. A)oi" re$etition* i.e. &hat has 'een learl# "esri'e" in ta'les or
gra$hs "oes not nee" to 'e re&rite in the narrati)e. F!rther ela'oration is
If statistial anal#sis is a$$lie"* its inter$retation sho!l" 'e "esri'e".
In the "is!ssion* the signifiane of the res!lts of the researh is "is!sse"
in relation to the $ro'lem o!tline" in the intro"!tion* the researh
%!estions an"(or an# h#$otheses.
The main $!r$ose of the "is!ssion is to e7$lain the o!tome of oneJs o&n
researh* to inter$ret the res!lts* to om$are the res!lts &ith res!lts from
other researh an" to "ra& onl!sions. 0ne7$ete" fin"ings* shortomings
in the researh $lan or the &a# the researh &as on"!te" an" a!ses of
an# mista4es or limitation are e7$liitl# "is!sse".
Pro$ose" f!rther researh might 'e ela'orate" in this $art.
5.1.@ C#apte" V/ Con1&!ion an' "eommen'ation
Conl!sion sho!l" orrelate &ith the researh o',eti)e
Reommen"ation sho!l" 'e $!t for&ar" to im$lement the res!lts of the
st!"# to&ar" the 'enefiiar# of the st!"#.
+,-,2 Refe"ene
A minor thesis is an e7erise in aa"emi &riting. Eah aa"emi re$ort
sho!l" a4no&le"ge the $!'lishe" researh &hih it s!$$ort or ref!tes.
Referenes to literat!re are neessar# &hen original i"eas of a!thors are
!se"* )ie&s of )ario!s a!thors are om$are"* or "ata(fig!res ha)e 'een
ta4en from $!'liations. Referenes to literat!re larif# &hih elements
ha)e 'een ta4en from other $eo$leJs &or4. It ena'les the rea"er to )erif#
&hether a so!re is !se" orretl# an" &hether im$ortant so!res are
missing. A referene ma"e in the te7t m!st 'e liste" in the 'i'liogra$h# as
&ell. Con)ersel#* the 'i'liogra$h# ma# not list a 'oo4 or artile to &hih
no referenes are ma"e in the te7t. Referene &riting formats for minor
thesis is -ano!)er st#le /$lease refer to la# o!t $art1
5.+ La# o!t
General on"ition
1. Pa$er to !se
• The $a$er for minor thesis is $a$er in A8 si3e /=: gram* si3e
+1.97+= m1
• The front o)er nee"s a '!ffalo or linen $a$er* in the form of har"
o)er. The 'ase olor of it is #ello&.
• The inner o)er an" the rest of the $ages !se &hite =: gram A8 si3e
• Light<#ello& olore" $a$ers are inserte" 'et&een t&o $arts or
ha$ters* loall# 4no&n as ‘doorslag’. The $a$er is thin an" may
ontain logo of 0NPAD on eah sheet of $a$er.
+. T#$ing
• 6ho!l" 'e t#$e" onl# on one si"e of $a$er
• Font 2 Times Ne& Roman
• Alignment 2 A!stifie"
• Font si3e 2 1+K 1@ for title
• Colo!r 2 'la4
• Print 2 goo" %!alit#
5. 6$aeline
• + s$aelines* !nless mentione" as otherK no s$ae 'efore or after
• + s$aelines from CHAPTER to TITLE OF CHAPTER
• 8 s$aelines from TITLE OF CHAPTER to the first te7t
• 5 s$aelines 'efore ne7t setion hea"ing
• 1 s$aeline for title* setion hea"ing* ta'le an" $it!re hea"ing
&hih onsist of more than 1 line
• Ne& $aragra$hs sho!l" 'e t#$e" 1*9 m from the left margin of the
• 8 s$aelines from the last te7t to the title of ne7t s!' ha$ter
8. Page la#<o!t
Page la#<o!t sho!l" follo& some r!les* as follo&s2
• The !se of &or" $roessor is strongl# reommen"e".
• This g!i"eline is &ritten 'ase" on Mirosoft Offie &or".
• In"entation for the first line of the $aragra$h is 1.9 m
• Do not lea)e the 'ottom $art of the $age em$t#* e7e$t at the en"
of the ha$ter.
• 6$eial $ages follo& s$eial r!les
9. Page n!m'ering
Page n!m'ering o!nt starts from the inner o)er $age*
• The $age n!m'er is not $rinte" for the first three $ages /inner o)er*
a$$ro)al* an" statement of seminar1.
• The ne7t $age is the Da'strat?* an" starting at this $oint the $age
n!m'ers are $rinte" in roman st#le / i)* )* an" so on 1 !ntil last
$age for the list of attahments /or the last $age* $rior to first $age
of ha$ter 11. Page n!m'ers are $!t in the enter at 'ottom of $age
/in the footer setion1.
• Page n!m'er on the $ages &itho!t setion hea"ing are $!t in the
right orner of to$ of $age /in the hea"er setion1.
• N!m'er of $ages from the Ftitle $ageG to the FList of a$$en"i7
$ageG sho!l" 'e t#$e" &ith small Roman.
• From the $age of FA'stratG to the $age of Flist of a$$en"i7G*
n!m'er of $ages sho!l" 'e t#$e" &ith small Roman st#le* &hih is
ontin!e" from the $age of Finner titleG an" the $age of Fs!$er)isor
• Page n!m'er sho!l" 'e t#$e" on the to$ right of the Page* 5
s$aelines from the first te7t an" the last n!m'er of the $age
n!m'er sho!l" 'e t#$e" in 1 line &ith the right margin of the te7t.
• For eah $age &hih onsist of title* from FA'stratG to the FList of
a$$en"i7 $ageG* an" ha$ter title* n!m'er of $ages sho!l" 'e t#$e"
in enter* 5 s$aelines 'elo& the last te7t.
N!m'er for Cha$ter* 6!' Cha$ter an" $aragra$hs
o N!m'er of ha$ter sho!l" 'e t#$e" in enter &ith Roman
a$ital st#le
o N!m'er of s!' ha$ter an" $aragra$h sho!l" 'e t#$e" in the left
margin &ith Ara'i st#le
o N!m'er of s!' ha$ter an" $aragra$h sho!l" 'e a$$ro$riate
&ith n!m'er of ha$ter
1. Content $age

8 m
5 m
5 m
8 m
+. Co)er $age
@ m
5.9 m
8 m
5 m
9 m
Logo in the
5. A$$ro)al $age for Pro$osal Presentation or
8 m
5 m
8 m 5 m
8. A$$ro)al $age for Final -ersion
8 m
5 m
8 m 5 m
9. 6eminar statement on the final )ersion
8 m
5 m
8 m 5 m
Ta(1e 1a)o&t
Ta'les a$t!re information onisel#* an" "is$la# it effiientl#K the# also
$ro)i"e information at an# "esire" le)el of "etail an" $reision. Title*
hea"ing* referene n!m'er /if a$$ro$riate1 an" !nit of meas!rement sho!l"
'e inl!"e"* !se one line s$aing.
N!m'er ta'les onse!ti)el# in the or"er of their first itation in the te7t
an" s!$$l# a 'rief title for eah.
A!thors sho!l" $lae e7$lanator# matter in footnotes* not in the hea"ing.
E7$lain in footnotes all nonstan"ar" a''re)iations.
For footnotes !se the follo&ing s#m'ols* in se%!ene2
Do not !se internal 'or"ers.
Ta'le sho!l" 'e $rinte" in one $age* !se smaller font if neesar#. If it is
im$ossi'le to $!t a ta'le in one $age* the same hea"ing sho!l" 'e inl!"e"
in the ontin!e" ta'le.
P!t the ta'le in the enter of the line* '!t the title on the left si"e &ith
,!stif# alignment.
The n!m'er of the ta'le sho!l" onsist of + $arts 2
1. First n!m'er is the ha$ter n!m'er &here the ta'le is $lae"
+. 6eon" n!m'er is the n!m'er of the ta'le in se%!ene &ithin that
E7. Ta'le 5.+ sho&e" that the ta'le is in ha$ter 5 an" is the seon" ta'le in
that ha$ter.
P!t 5 s$aelines 'efore an" after a ta'le.
Ta'le +.1. Hemoglo'in Conentrations in =9 Health# Bomen &ith Pro)en
Iron 6tores
Hemo31o(in 435'L6 Nonp"e3nant Mi'p"e3nan) Late
• Less than 1+.:
• Less than 11.:
• Less than 1:.:
11.; >.; >.=
Fi3&"e 1a)o&t
Fig!re sho!l" 'e self e7$lanator#. Title* !nit of meas!rement* legen"s* an"
note sho!l" 'e inl!"e"* !se one s$ae line* 'elo& the $it!re(fig!re(gra$h.
6o!re /if a$$ro$riate1 sho!l" 'e $!t !n"er FnoteG.
Fig!re +.1 A "ar4* lo& %!alit# egg &ith an irreg!lar sha$e from a 81 #ear
ol". The egg is the o)oi" str!t!re in the enter s!rro!n"e" '#
h!n"re"s of o)arian !m!l!s ells.
P!t the $it!re(fig!re(gra$h in the enter of the line* '!t the title on the left
si"e &ith F,!stif#G alignment.
The n!m'er of the fig!re sho!l" onsist of + $arts 2
1. First n!m'er is the ha$ter n!m'er &here the fig!re is $lae"
+. 6eon" n!m'er is the n!m'er of the fig!re in se%!ene &ithin that
If a fig!re has 'een $!'lishe"* a4no&le"ge the original so!re.
P!t 5 line s$ae 'efore an" after a fig!re.
Unit! of Mea!&"ement
Meas!rements of length* height* &eight* an" )ol!me sho!l" 'e re$orte" in
metri !nits /meter* 4ilogram* or liter1 or their "eimal m!lti$les.
Tem$erat!res sho!l" 'e in "egrees Celsi!s.
.loo" $ress!res sho!l" 'e in millimeters of mer!r#* !nless other !nits are
s$eifiall# re%!ire" '# the ,o!rnal.
The !se for re$orting hematologial* linial hemistr#* an" other
meas!rements* a!thors m!st refer to the $arti!lar ,o!rnal an" sho!l" re$ort
la'orator# information in 'oth the loal an" International 6#stem of 0nits
/6I1. Dr!g onentrations ma# 'e re$orte" in either 6I or mass !nits* '!t the
alternati)e sho!l" 'e $ro)i"e" in $arentheses &here a$$ro$riate.
A(("eviation! an' S)m(o1!
0se onl# stan"ar" a''re)iationsK the !se of non<stan"ar" a''re)iations an
'e e7tremel# onf!sing to rea"ers. A)oi" a''re)iations in the title.
The f!ll term for &hih an a''re)iation stan"s sho!l" $ree"e its first !se
in the te7t !nless it is a stan"ar" !nit of meas!rement.
Refe"ene 1a)o&t
Referenes are &ritten in the mo"ifie" -ano!)er 6t#le formats. It is
strongl# reommen"e" to !se En"Note $rogram as referene manager.
The general $rini$les in the mo"ifie" -ano!)er st#le format are2
1. Referenes sho!l" 'e n!m'ere" onse!ti)el# in the or"er in &hih
the# are first mentione" in the te7t.
+. I"entif# referenes in te7t* ta'les* an" legen"s '# Ara'i n!m'ers in
s!$ersri$te" fig!res* after a f!llsto$ sign.
E7am$le2 RRR.."egeneration.
5. Referenes ite" onl# in ta'les or fig!re legen"s sho!l" 'e
n!m'ere" in aor"ane &ith the se%!ene esta'lishe" '# the first
i"entifiation in the te7t of the $arti!lar ta'le or fig!re.
8. The name of a!thor/s1 sho!l" a$$ear first in the list* an" a$$ear in
original se%!ene of the so!re itself.
9. If one referene onsists of t&o lines or more* 4ee$ it left aligne"
&ith the first a$ital in the first line.
Loo4 at the e7am$les on the follo&ing $age.
@. The formats of referenes are lassifie" aor"ing to the so!re.
F!rther e7$lanation on ho& to &rite them is $ro)i"e".
;. 0sing referene manager $rogram s!h as En"Note &ill hel$ in
managing the referene an" its la#<o!t in the referene list* '!t 'e aref!l
"!ring "ata entr# of the 'i'liogra$h#* hoose the a$$ro$iate t#$e of
referene to get a stan"ar" se%!ene of referene list.
A, Jo&"na1!
1. Gleiher N* Cohen CA* Ceren#i TD* et al. A 'lo4ing fator in amnioti
fl!i" a!sing le!4o#te migration enhanement. Am A O'stet G#neol.
1>;> Fe'r!ar# 19K 155/+12 5=@<>:. [3 or more author]
+. Dia'etes Pre)ention Program Researh Gro!$. H#$ertension* ins!lin*
an" $roins!lin in $artii$ants &ith im$aire" gl!ose tolerane.
H#$ertension. +::+K8:/912@;><=@. [the author is an organization]
5. -allanien G* Em'erton M* Har)ing N* )an Moorselaar RAK Alf<One
6t!"# Gro!$. 6e7!al "#sf!ntion in 1*+;8 E!ro$ean men s!ffering from
lo&er !rinar# trat s#m$toms. A 0rol. +::5K1@>/@12++9;<@1. [personal
and organization as author]
8. +1st ent!r# heart sol!tion ma# ha)e a sting in the tail. .MA.
+::+K5+9/;59;121=8. [no author]
7, 7oo%! an' Ot#e" Mono3"ap#!

1. M!rra# PR* Rosenthal C6* Co'a#ashi G6* Pfaller MA. Me"ial
miro'iolog#. 8th e". 6t. Lo!is2 Mos'#K +::+. [book with personal
+. Gilstra$ LC 5r"* C!nningham FG* -anDorsten AP* e"itors. O$erati)e
o'stetris. +n" e". Ne& Sor42 MGra&<HillK +::+. [editor as author]
5. Ro#al A"elai"e Hos$italK 0ni)ersit# of A"elai"e* De$artment of Clinial
N!rsing. Com$en"i!m of n!rsing researh an" $ratie "e)elo$ment*
1>>><+:::. A"elai"e /A!stralia12 A"elai"e 0ni)ersit#K +::1.
[organization as author]
8. Melt3er P6* Callioniemi A* Trent AM. Chromosome alterations in h!man
soli" t!mors. In2 -ogelstein .* Cin3ler CB* e"itors. The geneti 'asis of
h!man aner. Ne& Sor42 MGra&<HillK +::+. $. >5<115. [book section]
C, Di!!e"tation an' T#e!i!

+9. .or4o&s4i MM. Infant slee$ an" fee"ing2 a tele$hone s!r)e# of His$ani
Amerians T"issertationU. Mo!nt Pleasant /MI12 Central Mihigan
0ni)ersit#K +::+.
D, Ot#e" P&(1i!#e' Mate"ia1
Ne$!pape" a"ti1e
+@. T#nan T. Me"ial im$ro)ements lo&er homii"e rate2 st!"# sees "ro$
in assa!lt rate. The Bashington Post. +::+ A!g 1+K6et. A2+ /ol. 81.
Le3a1 Mate"ia1
+=. -eterans Hearing Loss Com$ensation At of +::+* P!'. L. No. 1:;<
>* 119 6tat. 11 /Ma# +8* +::11.
+>. Health# Chil"ren Learn At* 6. 1:1+* 1:;th Cong.* 1st 6ess. /+::11.
5:. Car"io$!lmonar# .#$ass Intraar"ia 6!tion Control* +1 C.F.R.
6et. =;:.885: /+::+1.
51. Arseni in Drin4ing Bater2 An 0$"ate on the 6iene* .enefits an"
Cost2 Hearing .efore the 6!'omm. on En)ironment* Tehnolog#
an" 6tan"ar"s of the Ho!se Comm. on 6iene* 1:;th Cong.* 1st
6ess. /Ot. 8* +::11.
5+. Pratt .* Fli4 P* -#nne C* artogra$hers. .io"i)ersit# hots$ots Tma$U.
Bashington2 Conser)ation InternationalK +:::.
Ditiona") an' !imi1a" "efe"ene!
55. Dorlan"Js ill!strate" me"ial "itionar#. +>th e". Phila"el$hia2 B...
6a!n"ersK +:::. FilaminK $. @;9.
Jo&"na1 a"ti1e on t#e Inte"net
5@. A'oo" 6. H!alit# im$ro)ement initiati)e in n!rsing homes2 the ANA
ats in an a")isor# role. Am A N!rs Tserial on the InternetU. +::+ A!n
Tite" +::+ A!g 1+UK1:+/@12Ta'o!t 5 $.U. A)aila'le from2
Mono3"ap# on t#e Inte"net
5;. Fole# CM* Gel'an" H* e"itors. Im$ro)ing $alliati)e are for aner
Tmonogra$h on the InternetU. Bashington2 National Aa"em# PressK
+::1 Tite" +::+ A!l >U. A)aila'le from2
Homepa3e58e( !ite
5=. Caner< Thome$age on the InternetU. Ne& Sor42 Assoiation
of Caner Online Reso!res* In.K +:::<:1 T!$"ate" +::+ Ma# 1@K
ite" +::+ A!l >U. A)aila'le from2 htt$2((&&&.aner<$
More information on referene an 'e o'taine" from International
Committee of Me"ial Ao!rnal E"itors National Li'rar# of Me"iine. <
0niform Re%!irements for Man!sri$ts 6!'mitte" to .iome"ial
Ao!rnals.html . A)aila'le from 2 htt$2((&&&.im,
8.1. 6!$er)ision
A 1o3 (oo% is $ro)i"e" for eah st!"ent an" m&!t (e fille" in '# st!"ents
an" s!$er)isor after e)er# ons!ltation. The log 'oo4 is also a tool to
monitor eah ste$ of minor thesis $roess starting from the title a$$ro)al to
$ro$osal $re$aration an" $ro$osal $resentation* from "ata olletion
a$$ro)al to seminar an" re)ision.
Monito"in3 &ill 'e 'ase" on the ahie)ement on the log 'oo4. The 'est
&a# to o$timise the &ritten $ro"!t an" limit the stress that man# st!"ents
e7$eriene in the $roess of &riting is to start &riting /$arts of1 the thesis as
earl# as $ossi'le. Man# st!"ents s$en" too little time ritiall# re)ie&ing
their te7t /&hih onsists of more than orreting mista4esV1 an" as a res!lt
their &or4 "oes not reflet their tr!e a'ilities. .# $ost$oning the &or4 an"*
onse%!entl#* "!e to la4 of time* there is often ins!ffiient time for
re)ision. 6t!"ents &ho $ro"!e a goo" minor thesis are !s!all# the ones
&ho $lan the $roess of &riting &ell in a")ane an" therefore "onJt r!n o!t
of timeK also* these st!"ents often $a# more attention to J$olishing an"
refiningJ their te7t. It is a")isa'le to lea)e a finishe" "raft for a fe& "a#s.
This allo&s the a!thor to ta4e a fresh loo4 at his(her &ritten &or4* &hih
often res!lts in onsi"era'le im$ro)ements. R!nning a s$ell<he4 o)er the
te7t ma# hel$ to $re)ent anno#ing /t#$ing1 errors in the final )ersion.
8.+. Pro$osal $resentation
The aim of $ro$osal $resentation is to sho& the st!"ent?s rea"iness to
on"!t the researh. The $ro$osal $resentation &ill also 'e !se" to assess
the st!"ent an" the researh for grant $romotion.
The $ro$osal $resentation &ill 'e g!i"e" '# the gro!$ oor"inator an"
$artii$ate" '# all of gro!$ mem'ers. 6!$er)isors are )er# &elome" to
$artii$ate '!t not o'ligator#. The $ro$osal man!sri$t sho!l" 'e s!'mitte"
to the gro!$ oor"inator 1 &ee4 $rior to the she"!lle" "a#. Eah st!"ent
&ill $resent his(her $ro$osal &hih has alrea"# 'een a$$ro)e" '# .OTH
s!$er)isors /as signe" in the log 'oo4 AND in the a$$ro)al $age of the
$ro$osal1. Eah st!"ent &ill 'e gi)en 1: min!tes for $resentation an" 5:
min!tes of "is!ssion.
Fee" 'a4 arise "!ring the "is!ssion &ill 'e re$orte" in the log 'oo4 to 'e
informe" to the s!$er)isors.
8.5. 6eminar
1. A"ministration
6eminar &ill 'e hel"* as she"!le" in aa"emi she"!le* in 9
onse!ti)e "a#s* 8 st!"ents in 8 onse!ti)e time in eah room
$er "a#.
Eah st!"ent sho!l" register one month $rior to the arrange" &ee4
'# s!'mitting @ o$ies of final "raft a$$ro)e" '# s!$er)isors an"
a$$ro)al for seminar on the log 'oo4 to 6.P.
Fail to register at the $arti!lar time* +n" seminar &ill 'e arrrange"
one &ee4 'efore ne7t ,!"ii!m &ith ma7im!m mar4 .W.
+. E7aminers
One &ee4 $rior to she"!le" seminar* eah e7aminer sho!l"
reie)e a o$# of the minor thesis "raft han"e" '# the st!"ent.
6ho!l" an# of the e7aminer fail to $resent at the time of the
seminar* the seminar ommittee &ill fin" a re$laement. 6ho!l"
'oth s!$er)isors fail to $resent at the time of the seminar* the
seminar &ill 'e $ost$one"* !nless a re$laement a$$ointe" '# the
hea" of the "e$artment of the s!$er)isor is informe" to the
ommittee at least + &ee4 'efore han".
D!ring the seminar* a st!"ent has to "efen" his or her minor thesis
'efore 5 e7aminers an" + s!$er)isors from at least 5 "ifferent
"e$artments. E)er# st!"ent has the o$$ort!nit# to $resent his(her
minor thesis in 1: min!tes !sing $o&er $oint $resentation. 5:
min!tes "is!ssion an" larifiation &ill follo&.
5. Mar4
Mar4s sho!l" 'e gi)en 'ase" on a form $ro)i"e" '# the
ommittee. .asiall#* assessment is 'ase" on the $roess of
researh an" re$ort &riting. Ninet# $erent of the mar4 are on
those $roesses* the other 1:Q are gi)en "!ring the seminar itself.
The mean of s!$er)isors mar4 &ill 'e @:Q of the final mar4*
&hile the mean of e7aminers mar4 is 8:Q of it.
6ho!l" all e7aminers onsi"er that the minor thesis is not &ell
$re$are" or not satisfator#* the# are allo&e" to $ost$one the
seminar !ntil the ne7t she"!le. In s!h on"ition* the mar4 sho!l"
'e D at most.
All mar4s &ill 'e 4e$t an" not a)aila'le for ,!"ii!m !ntil
a$$ro)e" re)ise" )ersion as a har" o$# an" soft o$# /in CD1*
aom$anie" '# the log 'oo4 are s!'mitte" to 6.P.
8.8. 6ore an" soring s#stem
Assessment &ill 'e 'ase" on st!"ent ati)it# /log 'oo41* the %!alit# of
the thesis* st!"ent $resentation* an" "is!ssion.
The final gra"e &ill 'e 'ase" on the follo&ing ta'le2
6ore Gra"e In"e7 H!alifiation
=: X 1:: A 8.::
;@ < ;> .WW 5.9:
;+ < ;9 .W 5.+9
@= < ;1 . 5.::
@8 < @; CWW +.;9
@: < @5 CW +.9:
9@ < 9> C +.::
89 < 99 D 1.:: !oor
Y 89 E : ail

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