Application Form

Published on December 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 43 | Comments: 0 | Views: 535
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Applicants Name


Country/Region/Territory which Franchise application is made for:

(Note: The information submitted on this form will be treated by Global Franchise Architects as strictly private and confidential.) Please help us by completing all sections carefully and thoroughly. This form will help you prepare and present personal information that is essential for our consideration in granting a franchise. The completion of this application form places no continuing obligation on either Global Franchise Architects or you. Specify Brand(s) you are interested in franchising:

Coffee World Pizza Corner The Cream & Fudge Factory The Donut Baker

Global Franchise Architects India Pvt Ltd #15, 2nd Floor, Saraswathi Complex, 5th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 003 Tel: (91) 80 41112111 Fax: (91) 80 42067770 Mobile: + 91 9663627009

P. 1/6

Name (Full legal): Residential Address: City, State & Zip Code :

Phone No: - Office: Phone No: - Residence: Email : Previous address (if less than 3 years at current address):

Nationality: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Spouse's Name:
Names and Ages of Dependan ts:

Nam e

Relation ship

Ag e

Do you have a current driving license?

List any hobbies, community activities or any other interests:

P. 2/6

Level Secondary Technical University Oth er Qualification Period Name & Address of Institution

Business Experience
Please explain your busines s experience or employment till date From T o Employer Name Type of Business Position Details (title/responsi
Reason for


Have you ever been in the food business before? If yes, please give details:



Have you ever had a experience in the Service/Hospitality industry? If yes, please give details:



Have you ever been involved in recruitment, training, a n d /o r p e o pmanagement etc.? le If yes, please give details: How did you hear about GFA Franchises? What features interests you most about GFA? What personal qualities and qualifications you possess that you feel would enable you to operate a successful GFA Franchise?



What do you feel would be the key ingredients for the success of a GFA Franchise?

P. 3/6

In which areas would you have to improve to become a successful franchisee?

Will this business be your sole source of income?

Would you expect to devote your full time to this business? If no, how are you going to manage the business?



Country/Region/Territory which franchise application is being made for :

Have you been involved in a franchise business before? If yes, please give details:



Are you a partner or officer in any other venture? If yes, please give details:



Have you or a company with which you were associated, ever declared bankruptcy? Yes No If yes, please explain:

Have you been convicted with any criminal offence other than minor traffic offences? Yes No If yes, please explain:

P. 4/6

Financial Information
I make the following statement of all my assets and liabilities as of the day month year

Financial Statement
Asse ts Ca sh in hand and banks
Investment Accounts Accounts, Loans, Receivables Shares, Bonds and Debentures Real Estate (market value) Automobile registered in your name Value of other business Interests Other personal property Furniture, machinery and equipment Others Total Assets Total Liabilities


Liabili ties Loans payable to banks
Loans payable to others Accounts Payable Real Estate mortgages Other debts or obligations Other liabilities ( itemized)


S o u rc e o f a n n u a l in c o m e
Salary Bonus & Commissions Dividends & Interests Real Estate income Any business profit Other income (itemized) Total

Amount of Capital available for investment:

Is the Capital amount available for business owned or financed?

If it is financed, what is the proportion and how are you getting it financed?

If you are awarded the Franchise when would you be ready to start?

P. 5/6

Personal References (other than employees and relatives)
No 1 Name Address Phone no. Years of Occupatio acquaintanc n e



I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above statement and particulars are true and complete. I also authorize you to make any enquiries you consider necessary in connection with this application. I undertake to furnish any alterations to the above particulars should I apply for further credit at any future time. I am aware that, should this application be refused, no reason need to be given. I understand that any misrepresentation of factual information requested on this application form may be a cause for removal from Global Franchise Architects system.

( A pplicants Signature
Name in Block Letters


( Witness Signature
Name in Block Letters




P. 6/6

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