Application Form

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D.No.ll-7-188, HUDA Complex, Saroornagar, Hyderabad-500035. A.P PH : +91-40-24142413, 20060061/3 TELEFAX : +91-40-24044195 Email: [email protected] URL:

Organised by : EAC & IPEMA

(IPEMA) Indian Poultry Equipment Manufacturers Association

Company’s Name : ________________________________________________ Address : ______________________________________________ City: ___________________ Pin Code: __________ Phone: __________________ E Mail: __________________ Country : __________

Fax : ___________________ Website: ___________________

Contact Mr./Ms: __________________________________________________ Personal E Mail: ________________________ Mobile: ___________________
Name as you want it on stall Fascia Board
Max .26 Letters, Fascia height : 30cm, Letters : Helvetica 7.5cm Fascia colour : White, Letters colour: Blue

Space Requirement Particulars Stall Size ____________ Sq. M. Stall Preference No : 1st ________ 2nd ________ 3rd ________

Stall Cost Particulars

Units Required

Rate per sq mt Rs EURO USD


Amount in EURO USD

Stand Space (minimum 9 Sq. M) Raw Space (minimum 36 Sq. M) Registration Fee per Exhibitor (Add Service Tax 10.3%)
Payment Terms : 25% Till March 2011. Along with application form & Balance payment will be due on or before 30th August 2011 Remittence commission / charges should be paid by Exhibitor only.

6750 5800 6000

135 120 125

195 175 170

Total Amount __________________
Advance/ Full Payment Particulars
We hereby apply for participation and will abide by the terms and conditions of the trade fair as stated in this Application Form. We enclose DD / Cheque payable at par to “POULTRY INDIA” payable at Hyderabad as participation fee.

DD / Cheque Number _____________________ Dated :



For Rs / EURO ______________________ (in words) ______________________________ Drawn on (Banker’s Name) ____________________________ towards advance (min. 50%) / full payment for our stand(s). Name Designation Date
Currency Euro USD Indian Rs

___________________________ ___________________________ / 20
Swift Code CHASDEFXXXX CHASUS33 AXISINBB115 Bank Account Number I BAN DE 81501108006231605392 0011407376


(Stamp & Signature)
Credit To AXISINBB115 AXISINBB115 115010100313070 Poultry India A/C No.


NEFT / RTGS IPS Code : UTI B0000115

Payments by Bank Transfer :

Exhibitors making payments by telegraphic bank transfer should arrange payment direct to the bankers Axis Bank Limited, Malpani Pride, Sharanpur Road, Nasik, Maharashtra, India. 422002. Tel +91 253 2318297 Fax : + 91 253 2318298





1. THE EXHIBITION 10. Exclusions of Liability
The Organizers, their servants or agents shall not be liable for the safety of Exhibitors, their servants, agents, contractors or invitees during the exhibition nor for any exhibits, articles or other property of whatever kind brought into the exhibition by Exhibitors, their servants, agents contractors or invitees or members of the public. The Organizers shall not in any event be held responsible for any restriction or conditions which prevent the construction, erection, completion, alteration or dismantling of stands or the entry, sitting or removal of exhibits, or for the failure of and services or amenities provided by the hail landlords or other third parties.

17. Raw Space Stall Site
The minimum size for a Raw Space Stall Site is 36 Sq.m. No restrictions are placed upon Raw Space Stall designs provided they meet the following criteria : (a) Stall designers are particularly requested to avoid designs which block or box-in other exhibitor’s stalls, gangways, fire points, extinguishers or emergency exits. (b) No stall should be designed to go beyond 2.4 M in height without specific consent of the Organizers. Exhibits and display should not exceed this limit. (c) Mezzanine Floor will not be allowed and will only be considered in exceptional circumstances but a surcharges of 25% of the stall charge will apply for the total surface of upper floor area. (d) Exhibitors without a platform are required to ensure that free access is given for the running of necessary cable across their stalls. (e) The exhibitors must ensure that aisles are not blocked during erection of their stalls, and that the contractor removes his off-cuts and debris from the hall and the stall is completed by 12 noon on 22nd November 2011. (f) All electrical work must be carried out by the official contractor. (g) Spray painting of stand panels with oil based paints and any inflammable materials inside the halls are strictly prohibited. (h) Welding is strictly prohibited. (i) No plaster of Paris (POP), brick work, melamine polishing or carpentry work will be allowed inside the halls. (j) The area of the booth must not exceed the allotted area (1 inch within the marked area)

EAC - Exhibition Advisory Committee & IPEMA - Indian Poultry Equipment Manufacturers’ Association E -36, “D” Road, MIDC Satpur, Nashik, Maharashtra 422007, India. E-Mail : [email protected] URL:

Dates : November 23 -24 - 25, 2011 Timings : 10.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs Venue : HITEX Exhibition Centre, NAC Campus, Near Madhapur, Hyderabad 500084, INDIA. Tel +914023112121/22/23 Fax : +914023112124 URL:

11. Exhibitor’s Insurance
Exhibitors shall make sure that they are fully covered by insurance including, but not restricted to, all risks on their property, exhibitors or articles of any kind, public liability and comprehensive protection against any loss or damage caused by any circumstance. Whatsoever whether by reason of fire, water, theft, accident or any other cause, the Exhibitor shall insure against, indemnify and hold the Organizers harmless in respect of all cost, claims, demands and expenses to which the Organizers may in any way be subject as result of any loss or injury arising to any person (including members of the public or the Organizer ’s staffs, agents or contractors) or property howsoever caused as a result of any act or default of the Exhibitor, his servants, agents or contractors or invitees. If the Organizers so demands the Exhibitor shall provide proof to the Organizers that the Exhibitors has adequate insurance cover. Exhibitors must ensure that their temporary staff and the staff servants, agents or contractors are insured against claims for workman’s compensation. The period for which such insurance shall be maintained shall run from the time the Exhibitor, or any of his servants, agents or contractors first enters the exhibition grounds, and to continue until he has vacated the exhibition grounds and all his exhibits and property have been removed.

BARE/ RAW Space Exhibitors : The BARE/RAW Space exhibitors can move in and commence their stall erection/decorations as per the timings below : To commence : Nov 21, 2011 from 10.00 AM To complete before Nov 22, 2011 by 6.00PM. Shell/ Built-up Space Exhibitors : The shell/ Built-up Space exhibitors can move in from November 22, 2011 12.00 noon.

18. Built-up Stall
The minimum size for a Built-up stall is 9 Sq.m. The built-up stall contractor will put-up the Exhibitor’s name and stall number on the fascia board. It is not allowed to attach any additional texts, logos, etc. on the fascia board.

For Indoor Display Built up space: Indoor display Build up space booths will be provided with Octonorm System Construction, Fascia Name Board with Stall Carpeting. For every 9 Sq.m stall, the following are the complimentary booth amenities: One Information Counter/Table, Two Chairs, Three Spotlights, One 15A Power Point (500 Watts Max.) and One Waste Paper Basket. Any additional requirements of furniture, electrical, carpeting etc. may be ordered as per Furniture and Electrical Requisition Form. For Indoor Display Bare Space Stall (Min. Size 36 Sq.m.) This exhibit space is considered as FREE DESIGN space without any carpeting, furniture, Power or electrical fittings provided by the organizers. Any requirements of furniture, Power, electrical, carpeting etc. may be ordered as per Furniture and Electrical Requisition Form.

19. Electrical Installation
All on-site electrical installation MUST be carried out by the officially appointed Electrical Contractor. All prefabricated electrical fittings will be subject to an inspection by the official contractor before connection to the mains supply. Payment for extra electrical load and consumption should be made to the Organizers.

12. Group Stands
The Exhibitor must not transfer, dispose of, part with or otherwise sublet the whole or any part of his site, whether for financial consideration or otherwise. The Exhibitors must, if he is an agent distributor or lieensee-should-state at the-time-of-contract the names of the principals to be represented. This dose not prohibit an Exhibitor displaying the products of a principal for whom he becomes agent, distributor of licensee after the time of contract, with the prior written permission from the Organizers.

20. Equipment Interference
No equipment can be operated which makes excessive noise or causes electrical interference or annoyance to other exhibitors. In this matter the decision of the Organizers will be final.

21. Damage to Stand Structure and Exhibition Premises
No person under any circumstance shall cut into or through any floor covering or wall nor alter any stand service structure except when authorized in writing by the Organizers.

Exhibitor’s requirement of extra furniture/fixtures and Ancillary services must be ordered along with duly filled-up Furniture and Electrical Requisition Form before 15th Sept., 2011 with the electricity requirements.

13. Force Majeure
The Organizers shall not be liable to the Exhibitors by reason of any cancellation or part time opening of the exhibition, either as a whole or in part, for any non-performance of their obligations under this contract of for any amendments or alterations to all or any of the Rules and Regulations of the Exhibition in each case to the extent that such occurrence is due to any circumstances not within their control.

22. Stand Cleaning
During the exhibition days, the Organizers will be responsible for the daily cleaning of the stand carpets and gangways. During the build-up/dismantling periods, independent contractors appointed by Exhibitors are responsible for the removal of the stand building/ dismantling materials and rubbish.

The electric power supply available at the Exhibition is as follows: 3 Phase : 400 Volts ±10% Single Phase: 230 volts ±10% Frequency : 50 CPS± 3% The functions mentioned above are only for reference. However, variation could be expected on some occasions. The organizers will not be responsible for any fluctuations in electricity.

14. Promotion during the Exhibition
Exhibitors are reminded not to place stickers, signs or posters anywhere in the hall other than within their own stand. Likewise, Exhibitor’s representative (s) may not distribute brochures, invitations, etc. along the gangways or near the entrances. This is unfair to other Exhibitors and an inconvenience to visitors.

23. Cancellation Terms
If any Exhibitor cancels his booking before August 15, 2011, 25% of the total stall charges will be forfeited. In case the cancellation is made after August 15, 2011 Exhibitors will have to pay 100% of the total stall charges.

Additional Power required by the exhibitor will be made available at extra cost as under : Power connection charges (Load requirement) shall be Rs.1250/- Per KVA. Power consumption charges (Unit Charges) Rs.15/- per KW per hour. Electricity will be provided through IPEMA mains and distribution network. The above rates include wiring up to the main Switch board provided in the stall. Note : Exhibitors can draw up to max 500W from the plug socket provided in their stall. Any additional power drawn more than 500W will be charged at Rs. 15/- per KW per hour. Exhibitors requiring heavy electrical load for their exhibits should submit such requirements to the organizers by 15th Sept., 2011.

15. Security
a) Exhibitors and their staff will not be allowed in the exhibition hall after the show hours. If Your displays are very valuable or sensitive and you wish to hire security personnel to attend to your stand exclusively during off show hours, please contact the Organizers for security services. Please note that you are requested not to use personnel from other security agency. b) All personnel in the exhibition halls must wear identification badges at all times. Exhibitor Badges and Contractor / Service Badges are available from Organizers office. c) For security and safety reasons, exhibit movement in or out of the halls during show hours is not permitted. d) Our Security Agency will guard the exhibition site in general, but their duties will not include specific attention to individual stands.

24. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Disputes if any, shall be governed and construed in accordance with Indian Laws and shall be subject to the Jurisdiction of Hyderabad Courts.

25. Sales Tax/VAT
In case of counter sales, the payment of the Sales Tax / VAT as applicable, to the concerned authorities will be the direct responsibility of the Exhibitors.

26. Unforeseen Occurrences
In the event of any occurrence not foreseen in these Rules & Regulations, the decision of the Organizer shall be final.

27. Acceptance of Rules
The very fact that an Exhibitor participates in the Exhibition as an Exhibitor, it will be presumed without any dispute that he/she, his/her company/organization has read the Rules & Regulations formulated by the organizers and as printed above and irrevocably confirms to abide by them. This is applicable to each and every participant irrespective of the amount or percentage of payment made to the organizers and includes participants, exhibitors / coexhibitors as well as companies / organizations of complimentary stalls, irrespective of the fact if they have signed or not signed the registration form or any other document.

9. Failure to Exhibit
Any organization which, having signed a contract for exhibition space, fails to exhibit whether or not for any reason of the Exhibitor’s own choosing and has not been released from the Contract by the Organizers shall be liable for the full amount stated in the contract plus any additional costs incurred by the Organizers as a result of such failure to exhibit, these terms cannot be varied under any circumstances.

16. Payment Terms and Conditions
The Payment schedule is as follows: a) 25% with duly filled-up *Application for Space* Contract Form. b) Balance by August 31, 2011 Exhibitors will not be allowed to occupy their space or stands if the payment terms specified on the contract are not followed. These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances.

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