Human Resources Employee Appraisal Form Template. This template is useful to make Appraisal Forms. The HR department can use this to evaluate the performance of their employees using this template.
Company Name Performance Evaluation
Employee Name: Emp ID: Designation: Date of Joining: Evaluation Period: Appraisee P oto: Department: Process Name: Immediate Supervisor: Manager: Department Head: Appraisal !E":
#$% State t e main understanding of your tas& and your responsi'ilities(
#)% ! at do you consider to 'e your most important ac ievement of past year(
#*% ! at do you consider to 'e your most important tas& in t e year(
#+% Indicate t e facilitating and t e indering factors in your overall performance round t e year(
Facilitating Factor Hindering Factor
Organization Perspective
Personal Perspective
,ist 'elo- t e essentials functions of t e position. and/or pro0ects for - ic t e employee is evaluated:
1esponsi'ility 21A3s
1ating Standards
Not Applica'le 7naccepta'le Improvement Needed Meets E8pectations E8ceeds E8pectations 9utstanding 4 $ ) * + : 5 e employee is not re6uired to perform in a specific rating factor. and it cannot 'e measured% !or& performance is inade6uate and inferior to t e standards of performance for t e position% Performance at t is level cannot 'e allo-ed to continue% !or& performance does not consistently meet t e standards of performance for t e position% Serious efforts is needed to improve performance% !or& performance consistently meets t e standards of performance for t e position !or& performance consistently a'ove t e standards of performance for t e position !or& performance consistently superior to standards re6uired for t e 0o'%
5ec nical S&ills ;Effectiveness -it - ic t e employee applies 0o' &no-ledge and s&ill to 0o' assignments<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' )o* +no,ledge &o((ents
Anal-zes Pro*le(s
Provide s.ggestions /or ,or0 I(prove(ent
E(plo-s $ools o/ t1e 2o* &o(petentl-
Follo,s Proper 'a/etProced.res
4 #uality of !or& ;Manner in - ic t e employee completes 0o' assignments<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' Acc.rac-/Precision $1oro.g1ness/Neatness &o((ents
#esponsiveness to #e3.ests /or 'ervice
).dg(ent / 4ecision Ma0ing
Interpersonal S&ills ;Effectiveness of employee=s interactions -it ot ers and as a team participant<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' 5it1 &o-,or0ers 5it1 '.pervisors 5it1 Ot1er sta//s and Managers &o((ents
$ea( Participation
$ea( &ontri*.tions
&o((it(ent to tea( s.ccess
5 Communication s&ills ;If applica'le to t e 0o'<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' 5ritten E6pression Oral E6pression &o((ents
'1are In/or(ation 5illingl-
$act and 4iplo(ac-
7oice and Accent 8I/ re3.ired9
Approac to !or& ;C aracteristics t e employee demonstrate - ile performing 0o' assignments<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' Activel- 'ee0s ,a-s to 'trea(line Processes Open to ne, Ideas and Approac1es Initiative &o((ents
Planning and Organization
Follo,s Instr.ctions 'ee0s Additional training : develop(ent Attendance 4iscipline and 4ecor.( Positive Honest- and Fairness
6 #uality of -or& ;Employee=s success in producing t e re6uired amount of -or&<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' Priorit- 'etting A(o.nt o/ 5or0 &o(pleted &o((ents
5or0 &o(pleted on 'c1ed.le
Supervisory/,eaders ip S&ills ;Apply only to employee - o is a Manager. Supervisor. or lead<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' '.pport o/ 7&&I E//orts/Progra(s $rains and develops sta// Properl- Aligns #esponsi*ilit-; Acco.nta*ilit-; A.t1oritEval.ates 'ta// #eg.larlFaces Per/or(ance Pro*le(s '3.arel'.pports responsi*le #is0 ta0ing &ontrol &osts and (a6i(izes #eso.rces Instills pride in Per/or(ance service; Innovation : <.alit'ets Hig1 standards /or 'el/; As 5ell as Ot1ers '.pports Use/.l 4e*ate : 4isagree(ent 5elco(e &onstr.ctive &riticis( Fosters #espect /or Facts; 4ata; and O*2ective Anal-sis Uses Anal-tical $ools and Models /or Process I(prove(ents '.pports E6peri(entation : =rainstor(ing $1at >eads to Innovation and >earning &o((ents
Actions Plans/5raining and development >oals
(If applicable, summarize any specific projects, performance objectives, or training and development for the next revie period!
H1 Manager Comments
Employee Signature:
I have read and discussed this evaluation ith my supervisor and I understand its contents. "y signature means been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily imply that I agree ith either the appraisal or the contents.
Ne8t Appraisal -ill 'e due on: Supervisor Signature: Date: