April 2013

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Volume 19, Issue 5


April 2013

2013 Glyndon Lutheran Senior Recognition On Wednesday, May 22nd the following Graduates will be honored at a potluck dinner at 5:30 and during the worship ser vice at 6:15.  Winter Christine Brendemuhl is the daughter and step-daughter of Paul & Chris Brendemuhl and Claudia Brendemuhl.

Nicole Marie Jondahl, is the daughter of Raeane Veralrud and Mark Jondahl. Carolyn Jean Oberg is the daughter of Barry & Lori Oberg. Danielle Eileen Peterson, is the daughter and step-daughter of John & Wanda Peterson and Tracy Peterson.  Tyler Mylin Schumann is the son of  Jerald & Sheri Schumann.

Bailey Jenèe Fuchs is the daughter of Joe Sierra Sheyenne Senske is the daughter & Kelli Fuchs. Ethan Patrick Fuchs is the son of Pat & of Steele & Sherry Senske. Stephanie Fuchs. Please pray for these exceptional young Madison Dale Geiser is the daughter of people as they begin the next chapter in Dale & Janelle Geiser. their lives. And please join us in honoring Casey Randall Henriksen, is the son of Randy & Cindy Henriksen.

     h   c   r   u    h    C     n   a   r   e    h    t   u    L     n   o    d

and blessing them.

Thank You Glyndon Cub Scouts! Inside this issue:   The Glyndon Cub aScouts  Troop #641 held Food Drive on Saturday, March 23rd.

  s  They collected food items  which were then donated to   e Community Food    l Glyndon Pantry.   c    i  Thank you again.   n  And Thank you to all the Community for your   o Glyndon donations.   r Please checkpantry our white board by the food to see what   n   y    l    h other items are needed.    G   C  Thanks!

Living the Story Over Coffee


Council Minutes


Council Minutes Continued, Memorials, and Sacks Newsletter


Servant Schedule, Messages, & Calendar


Prayers & Birthdays


Income & Expense


Save the Date...



Page 2

Living the Story with Pastor Jeni For me the most powerful words on Easter Sunday are: "Why do you look for the living l iving among the dead. He is not here. He is risen."

 The central image of our faith is the cross; a powerful image of the depths of God's love for us, a place in time and history where we can point to God in suffering. This image comes along side our lives and shows us who we are and who God is. The cross reminds us that we cannot save ourselves, and in fact our best religious intentions do not merit us grace. Grace is given by God in abundance, even, or especially, in death. God is present in all situations of life, even, or especially, in death.

child's laughter. A grandmother's touch. Fresh homemade bread. The smell of new grass. The first cannonball into the pool. The inevitable ketchup and mustard stains from the Spring's first BBQ. The crack of the bat and the dirt that flies up at BRRP. Jesus is in our everyday life, calling us to live and love.  The poet and farmer Wendell Berry compels us to Practice Resurrection, to see Jesus among the living. Maybe that can be our task together as Spring opens up. Resurrection is so foreign, so strange that we have to practice it; it's in the ordinary, but is truly extraordinary. So, friends, every day do something that won't compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love someone who does not deserve it.

 We should never rid ourselves of the cross as our central image--it's far too powerful for us. Yet I  wonder if another image might serve well in this Easter Season: the places where there is life and living. Jesus  _Wendell Berry, isn't in the tomb, he is not there, he is risen, he lives Mad Farmer Liberation Front (Practice Resurrection) among the living. In the life of the Risen Christ,  Where is your life? Do you see Jesus there? JePastor Jeni   sus is at church, but Jesus is also in our everyday life. A

Over Coffee Coffee with  with Kris  It is resolution time. The time of year around my birthday when I decide what I want to try, take on, or give up. My resolution for for my 32nd year of life was to ride a bike (with two wheels) and I did it! I have a list of items that will always be on my list; write letters/

be all that he has made you to be. When we know what  we have been designed for and called to do, we can save ourselves a lot of striving in areas we were not built for. If we know how God has made us to be, we can stop trying to be someone we are not and let go of the stress

postcards to family andBefore friends.You GoDie to a(USA new place in my 1,000 Places to See & Canada  version) which I did when I went to Halifax with my dad. And be healthier in mind, body and soul; which of course is an important one, and always one to work on.  This year my added resolution is to try one Pinterest idea a week. If you are not not familiar with Pinterest it is a social networking site that you can “pin” things on a  virtual board. The pins are connected to websites that explain where to get the item, the recipe, or the “how –   to”. There are funny funny videos, home home decorating, organiorganization, and healthy living ideas. So, I will give it at least 52 of them a try. I invite you to ask me how it is going.

that comes livingplace that where kind ofyou life.can God hashim made you to fit inwith a certain serve best, where he can shower you with grace.” I think that it is important to be the person that God has created you to be, to use the gifts that God has given to us, all different. So, I may never feel like I can “cross everything off” my list, but I need to be okay  with that. Despite whether I am able to accomplish  what I want to do or not –  one thing thing is for for certain. “If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; everything old has passed away; see everything has become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In a book “A Passionate Life” by Walt Kallestad and Mike Breen there is a quote that is a good reminder for me at this time of year, it says says “God does not expect you to be who you are not, but he does want you to

Blessings on the rest of your day, Kris


Page 3

Council Minutes  Minutes 

Glyndon Lutheran Church Council Meeting March 13, 2013 Members Present:  Jeff Wallin, Pam Rudolf, , Kris Johnson, Pastor Jeni ,Wanda Peterson and Cindy Henriksen Devotion/Check-in/GLC Mission Statement Secretary’s Report: Read and Passed  Treasure’s Report: Report: Read and Passed Pastor’s Report:  Worship, Preaching, Preparation  + Preached and/or presided pr esided at Worship 2/3, 2/13, 2/17, 2/20, 2/24, 2/27 + Picked hymns, organized Ash Wednesday, Lent Liturgy Pastoral Tasks  + Baptism Visit with Tad and Kyla Walker for an upcoming baptism + Attended to the daily prayers of the church  Visits  + Attended Esther Circle + 3 Home Visits + Visited 4 people at Eventide + Many young family visits at Sporting Events + Visited one person in a care facility + Met with young adults at coffee shops + 4 Hospital Visits Faith Formation  + Participated in/Led Faith formation for Pre-K through 4th, 5th and 6th, 7th and 8th, 9th each week ( 

  except for 2/6) Other  + Attended Luther Seminary's Convocation 2/5-2/7 (Continuing Education) + Participated in my own Spiritual Direction + Wrote two articles for an online publication ( boldcafe.org)  boldcafe.org)  Family Minister’s Report:  Faith Formation: Prepared Sunday School and Wednesday School lessons and opening/closings and plotting out the lessons for the rest of the school year. Prepared and executed Connect for 5th and 6th graders. Prepared and executed Fed and Forgiven a new (and great) First Communion curriculum for the 5 th  graders. Helped prepare and executed Faith Formation focusing focusing on the 10 Commandments for the 7th and 8th  graders Made/ate lunch with the 9th graders with Pastor Jeni Prepared and led the Bible Study for the Esther Circle Ran errands  Worship:  Assisted in worship on Sunday mornings and Wednesday W ednesday evenings.  Wrote a sermon and preached on 02/03 and preached and lead worship 02/06 Other “Activities”   Andes Ski Day on 02/17 (prepared, helped other churches, attended and did follow up) Organized the Butter Braids fundraiser for the Houseboat and Camp youth  Attended Quilting (02/05) Lead Area Youthworker Lunch (02/21) Met with my Mutual Ministry Committee (02/26)  Attended Danceline Sections in Hawley (02/02)  Attended a 9th grade and Varsity Boys Basketball game in Barnesville (02/22)  Attended Sections Wrestling in Glyndon (02/23)  Attended a 9th grade, JV and Varsity Girls Basketball Game (02/28)


Page 4

Cluster 6 Spring Gathering  Trinity Lutheran Lutheran Church, Moorhead

Stewardship Workday

 Thursday, April 25, 2013 Registration Registratio n at 5:30 p.m

Server: Cory Miller

 April 2nd

Dinner and Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Cost: $8.00 Pre-registrations Pre-registra tions are requested by


 April 22, 2013 2013 (sign up sheet in office and  with Circle Presidents)

Esther Circle

Mary Circle 

 April 18th at 1pm Hostess: Shirley Nappe Bible Study: Melva Behrens 

 April 16th at 7:30pm Hostess: Nona Palya Bible Study: Geri Hanson 

Mon 1

Servant Schedule for April Sunday, April 7th  Acolytes: Julia Riegert & Baylie Narum   Ushers: Alyssa Landsem’s Landsem’s Family   Communion Assistant: Darlene Sandal Coffee Servers: Cayla Olson’s Family   Sunday, April 14th  Acolytes:  Alissa Roll & Mikenzie Vinje Reader: Communion Assistants: Bob & Debbie Kinnen Ushers: Braydon Cummings’ Family   Coffee Servers:  Alex Baker & Jake Rames’ Rames’ Family   Sunday, April 21st  Acolytes: Braydon Crompton & Michael Kinnen   Reader: Communion Assistants: Trudi Rehn Ushers: Paige Gieseke & Jordyn Fischer’s Families   Coffee Servers:  Jacob Arends Arends & Jaiden Cutler’s Cutler’s Families  Sunday, April 28th  Acolytes:  Cameron Ash & Alex Dally   Reader: Deb Tollefson Communion Assistants: Deb Tollefson Ushers: Bo Tollefson’s Family   Coffee Servers: Devon Tollefson’s Family  


9:00 Worship  10:30 Faith Formation Kris Gone



9:00 Worship  10:30 Faith Formation Senior High Youth Stock Calling Week



9:00 Worship 10:30 Faith Formation 

Special Messages:  Thank you for all of your prayers.  Mary Hanson


9:00 Worship 10:30 Faith Formation 



Page 5

 April 2013 Tue 2

9:00 Stewardship  Workday 


Wed 3

Thu 4

Fri 5

Sat 6

No Church or Activities Kris is gone for Senior High Synod  Youth Gather April 5-7





12:00 9th Grade Faith Lunch 3:30 Faith Formation 5-6 Pastor Jeni on Vacation 11th-15th

5:30 6:15 Meal Worship 7:00 NO Faith Formation for Pre-K – 4, 4, 7-8 7:30 Council Meeting 16



7:30 Mary Circle

12:00 9th Grade Faith Lunch 3:30 Faith Formation 5-6 5:30 Meal 6:15 Worship 7:00 Faith Formation PK-4 7:00 Faith Formation 7-8

1:00 Esther Circle




12:00 9th Grade Faith Lunch 3:30 Faith Formation 5-6 5:30 Meal 6:15 Worship 7:00 Faith Formation PK-4 7:00 Faith Formation 7-8

5:30 Cluster 6 Gathering @ Trinity Lutheran Church, Moorhead







Page 6

Prayers and Birthdays Please keep Trisha Baker (Afghanistan), Kally Anderson (United States) and Tyler Payla (returned from Kuwait) in your prayers as they serve their country.  country.   Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping

 Eternal rest, grant, O Lord, and light perpetual shine.

George Keeping  John Barsgard

all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in trials and temptations; give courage to face perils that surround them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence p resence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

[our extended family]  family] 

Betsy Anderson, Pelican Rapids MN Iris Barta, Senior Apartments on Riverside Drive Margaret Kingren, Eventide   Orville Muhle, Eventide Lloyd Olson , Emmanuel Assisted Living Detroit Lakes   Monna Lou Leach, Eventide

April Birthdays Birthdays   1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18

Kaila Nygaard LeAnn Cummings, Ryan Hamernik,


Meghan Ellingson, Cindy Henriksen, Morgan Tollefson

 Jessica Lofgren Brittany Blickenstaff, Blickensta ff, Alicia Thompson Malvern Jacobson James Norman Corliss Miller Tom Palya Alex Fuchs, Barry Oberg Emily Behrens, Mariah Henriksen, Nancy Nelson Isaac Dally, Marilyn Lass Nicholas Kosen, Kimberly Sunde Barbara Roelofs Kade Nygaard Sally Tanner Matthew Aakre, Cullen Myhre, Joanne Stine, Roger Wyland Emma Browning, Berna Schultz

20 21

Winter Brendemuhl Brynn Ambuehl, Trent Bekkerus, Brett Meyers, Emily Oppegard, Ashley Oppegard, Gary Wyland Jean Mahlum Michael Myhre, Katie Peterson Dawson Hoban, Korri Olstad, Barry Orvik,  Ashley Richards Olivia Boyd, Teresa Radtke, Kristi Rudolf, Parker Vinje Daniel Olstad James Taves Shane Kosen

23 25 26 27 28 29 30

Happy Birthday


Page 7

Income and Expense Expense   Income and Expense

February 2013 2013  







Net Income



Funds Av Available ailable (as of March 27th, 2013)  General Fund 

$ 14,420.69

Designated Funds: Food Pantry  

$ 1,407.61

Sunday School 


145.82   145.82







Children’s Ministry  





Debit Card



Properties Debit Card 




$ $

535.00 Tables 331.98 Windows


$ 1,078.00 to be paid out

Mission Possible Bucket




Unpaid Bills as of March 27th, 2013  2013   Salaries (Includes staff salaries, organist, custodian, Financial Sec, Sunday Opener)

$ 4,700 (approx.)

Fed. Withholding

$ 1,100 (approx.) includes S.S. 

MN Withholding  

$ 183.00 (approx.)


Glyndon Lutheran Church 414 Parke Ave PO Box 38 Glyndon, MN 56547

Change Service Requested Requested Phone: 218-498-2368 Fax: 218-498-0186 218-498-0186 E-mail: office@glyndonlutheran [email protected] .org

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Glyndon Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered community church, nurturing the faith of all generations.

Worship with us... Sundays at 9 a.m.  Wednesdays  W ednesdays at 6:15 p p.m. .m.

Office Hours:

 Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-4 p.m.  Wednesdays 11-4 p.m.

Save the Date… 

Pathways Day Camp for Kindergarten — 5th 5th Grade  July 15th-18th 15th-18th More Information to come!



Council Minutes Continued & Memorials Memorials  

Synod Work: Prepared for and executed a LYO Board meeting (02/18) Prepared LYO Board financials Preparing for the Synod’s Senior High Gathering (mailings, meetings, contracts, et al)   Prepared and led a workshop at Synod Event in Battle Lake (02/24) Practice Discipleship meeting with Eastern ND team and our shared Synod Staff (02/28)  Topics of Discussion:  Youth  a.Council approved for Lois to be a signer for the GLC youth account and remove Kristina Johnson as a signer. Council approved for Kristina Johnson to have a credit card in GLC name for GLC youth needs. Council approved for the Girl Scouts to have a lock in on April 12 th from 6pm-midnight. Grinnell Insurance:  We had an insurance agent come and expect our buildings. We received a list of recommendations that will be reviewed by council members and discussed at the April Coucil meeting. ELCA Forms: ELCA Malaria Campaign through the Synod was approved by the council. $750 to be paid by May 1, 2015. Yearly paperwork that partners us with the Synod of office fice that required signatures was also taken care of.  Annual Meeting:  Budget Revision: Two revisions in the budget were made at the annual meeting. Line 6200 Youth Ministry other  was changed to $2700. Line 700 Maintence other was changed to $1300. Committees: Education committee will began as soon as possible to begin deciding on the 2013-2014 Faith Formation Education. Offering control is already in place. Parental Leave: Pam and Jeff will meet and discuss Pastor Jeni’s upcoming parental leave and bring a proposal to the council prior to the August council meeting. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer  Next council meeting will be held on Wednesday April 10th at 7:30 pm.

Memorials: General Fund: In Memory of Leroy Muhle, from Roger Stenerson In Memory of Jeff Sams, from Daniel Skolness

Muhle, Betty Sjostrom & Harland Hamm, Jack &  Audrey Summers, Janice & Paul Gorder, Dennis & Sandy Stulz, Mark & Shirley Nokken, Shirley Manston,

In Memory of Hazil Harstao, from Kenneth & Derald & Willa Hiltwein, Bill Davis, Roy Davis, Duane Lois Muhle Opatril, Ken & Lois Muhle, Gordon & Lois Wyland, In Honor of Ken Muhle, from Russell & Lois Bekkerus Ray & Ardythe Stempf, John & Linda Seter, Mike & Carol Jaeger, Becky & Gary Olson, Darrel & Claudia Quilters: Fjelstad, Mike Muhel & Karen Berg, Shirley Nappe, In Memory of Leroy Muhle, from Duane Baker, Ger- Kenny & Fay Schelack, Gary & Penny Schelack, Randy aldine Payne, Laurine Muhle, James Litch, & family Schelack, Jerry & Dila Bierdeman, Margaret & and Darlene Sandal  John Harkness, Diane & Warren Moore, Gene & MarIn Memory of Dale Olson, from Beverly Fike lene Nelson, Marilyn Christianson, Rick Olsen, Carol, Dale, & Irene Anderson, Carol & Jerome Fjelstad, Improvements for Window Fund: Ernie & Doris Larson, Gina Tang, Glen Kuehl, Wayne In Memory of Leroy Muhle: & Kathy Kuehl, Harry & Darlene Eckdahl, Dave & Russell & Lois Bekkerus, Patsy Fuchs, Milton & Sandy Nona Palya, David & Teresa Braaton, David & Linda

Opatril, Dorothy Tangen, Leroy Babolian, B.L. Kuehl, John & Andrea Rootham Sjostrom, Dila Bierdman, Marlene Nelson, John Rooth- In Memory of Milford Rokke, from Archie & Sally am, David Braaten, Russell & Jean Tweten, Vernon  Tanner



  March 6, 2013 Dear Sponsoring Congregations:  A newsletter from the Sacks is long overdue and we apologize for the delay. The beginning of each year is extremely busy with numerous entrance exams and thesis defenses for both undergraduates and graduate students, as well as graduations and ordinations. On Sunday we had an ordination service for four graduates from the Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary and we would like to share a little about that event. In America where you have so many seminary students graduating, you are having numerous ordinations. However here in Japan the Lutheran Church is very small and having 4 new pastors in the church is a very exciting event. Nationally we have 120 churches with 95 pastors and a total membership of around 22,000 people. The graduates ranged from age 24 to 59. The national church is comprised of 5 districts. The ordination of all 4 pastors took place at the same time at Tokyo Lutheran Church, the biggest church in Tokyo that acts as the location of all major meetings and events. It was a very festive event with a few hundred people in attendance. It was so uplifting to have that many voices singing with vigor the hymns for the service. An average sized congregation is only about 20-30 members, so having such a large “choir” was really inspiring to all who were in attendance. a ttendance.   After the ordination we had a communion service where the newly ordained pastors were involved in distributing distrib uting the elements. Family members as well as members from the both the churches where the pastors are being sent and those churches that helped in their training (internship) (internship) are able a ble to receive communion from “their new pastor.” After the service all gathered in the fellowship hall where family members of the newly ordained were introduced and light snacks were served. Many years ago in the States pastors often got married right after graduation and before starting their ministries. Two of the four pastors are getting married right away, away, so it kind of feels similar to the situation back in the States a number of decades ago. In fact Rev. Miyakawa got married the day before his ordination. Of course his  wife was introduced and received a roaring reception by those in attendance. We think it would be interesting for you to meet some of these pastors and learn how they became Christian and decided to become become pastors. In the near future we would like to interview interview some of these new pastors and tell you their stories. We think you will find the stories meaningful and inspiring. Please look forward to that. Please pray for the new pastors: Rev. Ito, Rev. Okamura, Rev. Nagayoshi and Rev. Miyakawa, and their families and the churches they are being sent to serve. On a personal note, our daughter Emily will transfer to International Christian University as of September, which is just next door to us. It will be great to have her in in Tokyo for her last two years years of college. For those interested please go to : http://www.jelc.or.jp/e/index.htm http://www.jelc.or.jp/e/index.htm    This is the English website for the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Grace and peace to you,  Jim and Carol Sack, Tokyo Missionaries

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