Automobile dashboard: the control panel of a car. Contains gauges used to measure speed,
distance traveled, etc. It is generally located in front of the driver.
11-Turn signal level: control that operates the turn signals. ( nivel de intermitente)
2-Mirror: polished glass object that reflects an image. (espejo-)
12-Windshield wiper controls: hand lever controlling the windshield wiper.(control del
1- Rearview mirror: mirror used for looking backward.(espejo retrovisor)
5-Glove compartment: storage compartment at the front of the passenger
6- Radio controls: button used to control the radio.(control de radio)
8-Accelerator pedal: foot-operated control that accelerates a vehicle. (Pedal del acelerador)
4-Vent: opening that allows air to circulate in the passenger compartment. (conducto de
9-Brake pedal: foot-operated control that slows and stops a vehicle. (Pedal de freno)
7-Heating controls: button used to control the different heating systems of a car. (Control de
13-Instrument panel: set of dials and pictograms that give information on the state of a vehicle.(
panel de instrumentos)
10-Steering column: set of mechanisms used for steering a car. (columna de direccion)
3-Cigarette lighter: device used for lighting cigarette.(encendedor)
14-Sun visor: movable device that shields against the sun. (visor del sol)