Produced by: Information Facilitators Date:July 2005 Version: 1.3 Document status: Acti e Date effecti e from: December 200! Date of re ie": July 200# $%is document is based on &odel 'ac( u) Protocol by 'ec(y *ayler+ ,usse- Do"ns and .eald P/$
0-am)le 'ac( 1) Policy
Document version control 2umber 1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 Date issued Issued to /omments 1st draft for comment Amendments follo"in4 re ie" Add a))ointment bac( u) details Amend details to include n*&, re5uirements
01 December P3I&I, ,teerin4 *rou) 200! 15 December P3I&I, ,teerin4 *rou) 200! A)ril 2005 July 2005
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1.3 July 2005
0-am)le 'ac( 1) Policy
Summary $%is e-am)le )olicy may be ada)ted for use by )ractices to suit t%eir indi idual re5uirements. $%is )rotocol s%ould form )art of your )ractice Information ,ecurity 6 *o ernance Policy. Items in s5uare brac(ets are for com)letion by t%e )ractice.
Pa4e 3 of 11
1.3 July 2005
0-am)le 'ac( 1) Policy
Contents Summary.........................................................................................................................3 Contents .........................................................................................................................4 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................5 2 Frequency and Timing of Backups..............................................................................5 3 Backup ota................................................................................................................5 4 !erification of Backup Status ....................................................................................." 5 Backup #og................................................................................................................." " $ouse%keeping of t&e Backup System........................................................................." ' (anaging Backup Fai)ure............................................................................................" * Storage of Backup Tapes............................................................................................." + !a)idation of Backup Tapes........................................................................................' 1, (anagement of Tapes................................................................................................' 11 -ractice Soft.are.......................................................................................................* /ppendi0 1 Back%1p /ppointment System 2(IS.......................................................* Back%1p /ppointments To F)oppy 3isc........................................................................+ !ie. /ppointments 4n -C............................................................................................+ /ppendi0 2 Back%1p /ppointment System !ision.......................................................+ /ppendi0 3 20amp)e Backup #og..............................................................................11
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1.3 July 2005
Introduction $%e )ractice is res)onsible under t%e Data Protection Act for ensurin4 t%at all )ersonal and identifiable data is reco erable in t%e e ent of accident loss or dama4e. $%e )olicy "as last re ie"ed on 7date8 and "ill be re ie"ed a4ain on 7date8 by t%e )ractice Information ,ecurity 6 *o ernance 9ead 7name8.
Frequency and imin! o" Backups A full bac( u) of )ractice data is ta(en e ery day includin4: • All clinical records and system audit trail: • All files %eld on t%e 7s)ecify8 area of t%e net"or(; $%e bac(u) is sc%eduled to run automatically at 7time8 daily. $%e follo"in4 s%ould also be bac(ed u) "%ere t%ese are %eld on com)uter. <o"e er+ a se)arate bac(u) routine may be re5uired "%ic% s%ould also be detailed in t%is )olicy. • • • • A))ointments Payroll Files %eld else"%ere on t%e net"or( =t%er rele ant soft"are
Backup $ota 7Insert name of )ractice staff8 and 7de)uty8 are res)onsible for : 1. /%an4in4 ta)es: insertin4 ta)e at close of day and remo al of ta)e first t%in4 in t%e mornin4+ from t%e bac(u) unit > see attac%ed instructions? 2. ,torin4 t%e bac(u) ta)es 3. /%ec(in4 t%e bac(u) %as been successful !. &ana4in4 a bac(u) failure 5. &aintainin4 t%e bac(u) lo4. $%e rota s%ould include clear de)utisin4 arran4ements for co er in t%e e ent of staff absence @bot% )lanned and un)lannedA.
:Practice "it% mana4ed ser er system "ill %a e data bac(ed u) centrally by t%e su))lier ;Please c%ec( "%ic% areas of t%e net"or( are included in t%e bac(u) e.4. clinical ser er 6 s%ared directory etc. > t%is "ill de)end on your clinical system. ?Practice to add ste)BbyBste) instructions on %o" to c%an4e ta)es
&eri"ication o" Backup Status $%e desi4nated member of staff must c%ec( t%e bac(u) status on t%e system first t%in4 eac% mornin4 and re)ort any failures to t%e )ractice mana4er and system su))lier.
Backup (o! A daily bac(u) lo4 @see attac%ed e-am)leA is issued to (ee) a re)ort of bac(u)s+ t%eir status+ "%ic% ta)es are used and %ouse(ee)in4 of t%e bac(u) system. $%ese lo4s are stored in 7s)ecify location8.
*ouse+keepin! o" t,e Backup System 3e4ular maintenance of t%e bac(u) de ice is carried out to ensure it is (e)t in 4ood "or(in4 order. /leanin4 ta)es are used in accordance "it% manufacturerCs instructions. D9$ ta)e dri es s%ould be cleaned mont%ly or more often if t%e cleanin4 li4%t is illuminated.
.ana!in! Backup Failure In t%e e ent of an unsuccessful bac(u)+ t%e staff res)onsible for c%ec(in4 t%e bac(u) must immediately: 1. 2ote any messa4es 6 information on t%e ser er monitor 2. /ontact 7system su))lier name and %el)line number8 to re)ort t%e failure 3. 3e)ort t%e failure to t%e )ractice mana4er !. 3ecord t%e failure in t%e bac(u) lo4 and any actions ta(en as a result 5. /lean t%e ta)e dri e usin4 t%e manufacturerCs recommended cleanin4 cartrid4e #. /%ec( t%e a4e of t%e ta)e used. Destroy ta)e and re)lace if near or o er its a4e limit D. If t%e bac(u) fails re)eatedly+ it may be necessary to )erform a manual bac(u). $%is ta(es time+ and must be )erformed "%en all users are lo44ed out.
Stora!e o" Backup apes $%e bac(u) ta)es "%en remo ed from t%e ser er are stored securely in a loc(ed fireB)roof media safe in 7s)ecify location8 at t%e )ractice. 0 ery 7s)ecify day@sA of t%e "ee(8 t%e ta)e is ta(en offBsite "%en remo ed from t%e ser er and stored in a fireB)roof media safe at 7name of custodian: ban(+ solicitor+ anot%er )ractice @but not ne-t doorA8. At
t%e same time+ t%e ta)e de)osited 7t"o or t%ree8 "ee(s )re iously "ill be collected and returned to t%e )ractice media safe for reuse t%e follo"in4 "ee(. A s)are (ey 6 combination to t%e )ractice media safe is stored at t%e offBsite location. At any time t%ere s%ould be: • • 7$"o or more+ de)endin4 on ta)e rotation8 com)lete bac(u) ta)es @bot% less t%an four days oldA stored on t%e )ractice )remises 7$"o or more+ de)endin4 on ta)e rotation8 com)lete bac(u) ta)es @bot% less t%an fifteen days oldA stored offBsite at a secure location.
&alidation o" Backup apes A bac(u) ta)e is alidated by 7clinical system su))lier8 e ery 3 mont%s. As )art of t%is )rocess t%e su))lier "ill c%ec( to ensure data can be fully restored from t%e ta)e.
11 .ana!ement o" apes $a)es are clearly labelled "it% a 7number or day of t%e "ee(8 and used in strict rotation to ensure e en "ear and immediate identification of any )roblems "it% a s)ecific ta)e. An e-am)le of a ty)ical bac(u) cycle: All data is bac(ed u) to ta)e on a daily basis o erni4%t &onday to Friday. A cycle of t%ree com)lete "ee(s ta)es are used in rotation @15 ta)esA. 0ac% mont% one ta)e is remo ed from t%e cycle and (e)t for ! mont%s @! ta)esA. $%is means t%at a total of 1E ta)es are re5uired for t%is bac(u) cycle. $a)es must be re)laced at t%e first si4n of deterioration. $a)es are labelled to s%o" a4e+ and date due for re)lacement !+ accordin4 to t%e manufacturerCs recommendations. =ld ta)es are reformatted or )%ysically disru)ted so as to render any data on t%em unreco erable. $a)es left in t%e ser er o er t%e "ee(end are used t%ree times instead of once a "ee(. $%is additional "ear is ta(en into account "%en determinin4 its re)lacement date.
DD, $a)e Dri es: ta)es s%ould be re)laced after # mont%s of use D9$ $a)e Dri es: /artrid4es s%ould be re)laced e ery 2 years. If t%e )ractice is usin4 t"o "ee(ly sets of ta)es+ time to re)lacement "ill be a))ro-imately double.
11 Practice So"t2are =nly t%e follo"in4 member@sA of staff are aut%orised to load soft"are onto any )art of t%e )ractice net"or(: 7name of staff8. Any ot%er member of staff found to be loadin4 soft"are "it%out aut%orisation may be subFect to disci)linary )rocedures. 7&ember of staff8 "ill ensure t%at all staff are a"are of t%is by 7si4nin4 )olicy+ induction etc8. =ri4inal co)ies of )ractice soft"are and licensin4 a4reements are stored in t%e fire)roof media safe.
3ppendix 1 Back+Up 3ppointment System E.IS
Back+Up 3ppointments o Floppy Disc 0nsure a flo))y dis( is inserted into t%e flo))y dri e of t%e 0&I, ser er. =n 0&I, c%oose o)tions: A= > ad ance o)tions A& > a))ointment maintenance ' B bac(u) a))ointments to flo))y dis( If you "ant to acce)t t%e defaults i.e. bac(u) all clinicians+ all sites for t%e ne-t 3 days c%oose o)tion: A > bac( u) s)ecified a))ointment to flo))y dis( If you "ant to c%an4e of t%e abo e e.4. to c%an4e t%e number of days bac(ed u) c%oose o)tion / > c%an4e a))ointment confi4uration 0nter details you "ant to c%an4e .%en you are satisfied c%oose o)tion A to bac( u) a))ointments to flo))y dis( &ie2 3ppointments 4n PC $o ie" a))ointments on P/+ ta(e flo))y dis( out of t%e ser er and )ut into one of t%e P/s. 0-)lore A dri e Double clic( on a)) Gou may 4et messa4e+ "indo"s cannot o)en file. ,elect )ro4ram from t%e list. /%oose 0-cel
3ppendix 2 Back+Up 3ppointment System &ision
*ESE I5S $UC I45S S*4U(D 45(6 BE USED F4$ S 35D3(45E &ISI45 S6S E.S7 P$3C ICES 45 3 S*3$ED SE$&ICE S*4U(D C45 3C &ISI45 F4$ 3D&ICE7 $%ese instructions bac(Bu) a))ointments onto a P/ or flo))y dis( and could be used in case of ser er failure+ net"or( failure or )o"er failure. ,elect "or(station to run bac(Bu)s on. $%is s%ould be on a P/ t%at is used t%rou4%out t%e day. $%e bac(Bu) "ill not "or( unless someone %as lo44ed onto Vision on t%at "or(station. $%e bac(u) "ill not "or( unless someone %as lo44ed onto Vision on t%at P/. =n selected "or(station start Vision. ,elect a))ointments+ maintenance+ system constants /%oose tab "%ic% says bac(Bu)s. $ic( from t%is "or(station 0nter inter al to bac(Bu) e.4. e ery 5 minutes+ 30 or #0 0nter filename+ t%e default is c:Ha))tIbac(.t-t. Gou could c%oose to bac(Bu) to flo))y dis( so in t%e e ent of a )o"er failure t%e a))ointment system could be )rinted from a la)to) or member of staffs P/. $%is does ta(e a little lon4er to bac(Bu). Gou may "ant to consider settin4 u) one "or(station to bac(Bu) t%e entire a))ointment boo( once or t"ice a day onto flo))y dis(+ "%ilst anot%er "or(station bac(s u) a smaller time frame e.4. t%e ne-t "ee(s a))ointments e ery 10 minutes. $o ie" or )rint t%e a))ointment list+ bro"se to t%e location of file e.4. c:Ha))tIba(.t-t or a dri e. =)en file If you "ant to )rint you s%ould c%an4e t%e font to ma(e it easier to read. From t%e menu c%oose edit+ select all+ format+ font. /%oose courier. From t%e menu c%oose File+ Print
3ppendix # Example Backup (o!
8eek Be!innin! Day Drive Cleaned ape Inserted 9y Date ap e 5o7 ape $emoved 9y Date (ocation o" tape Backup Status :Complete ; Failed< 3ction aken 8,ere Backup Failed