Barron 800

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CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United States by Demigod

Barron 800

Word List 1
abate aberrant abrasive abridge absolute abstemious abstract abstruse accessible acclaim [əˈbeit] [æˈberənt] [əˈbreisiv] [əˈbridʒ] [ˈæbsəlju:t] [æbˈsti:mjəs] [ˈæbstrækt] [æbˈstru:s] [ækˈsesəbl] [əˈkleim] V.减轻,缓和 subside or moderate. ADJ.异常的,脱轨的 abnormal or deviant. ADJ.粗糙的,磨损的 rubbing away; tending to grind down. V.删节,消减,精简 condense or shorten ADJ.完全的,无限制的,绝对的 complete; totally unlimited; certain. ADJ.有节制的,适度的 sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. ADJ.抽象的,理论的 theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational. ADJ.难以理解的,深奥的 obscure; profound; difficult to understand. ADJ.易接近的, 易得到的 easy to approach; obtainable. V.喝彩,称赞 applaud; announce with great approval.

Word List 2
accolade acknowledge acquiesce acrimonious acute address adherent adjacent adroit adulation [ˈækəleid] [ˈækəleid] [ˌækwiˈes] [ˌækriˈməunjəs] [əˈkju:t] [əˈdres] [ədˈhiərənt] [əˈdʒeisənt] [əˈdrɔit] [ˌædjuˈleiʃən] N.荣誉 award of merit. V.承认 recognize; admit. V.默许,默认 assent; agree without protesting. ADJ.(言词、 态度等)尖刻的 bitter in words and manners. ADJ.敏锐的,急性的,剧烈的 quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe. V.对…发表演说; 处理 direct a speech to; deal with or discuss. N.追随者,拥护者 supporter; follower. ADJ.临近的,接近的 neighboring; adjoining. ADJ.熟练地,机敏的 skillful; nimble. N.奉承,阿谀 flattery; admiration.

Word List 3
adversary adverse advocate

[ˈædvəsəri] [ˈædvə:s] [ˈædvəkeit]

N.敌手,对手 opponent. ADJ.不利的, 敌对的 unfavorable; hostile. V.提倡,鼓吹 urge; plead for.

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Barron 800



affable affinity affirmation

[ˈæfəbl] [əˈfiniti] [əfə:ˈmeiʃən]

aggressor alienate alleviate

[əˈɡresə] [ˈeiljəneit] [əˈli:vieit]

ADJ.艺术的;审美的 artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. ADJ.和蔼的,亲切友善的 easily approachable; warmly friendly. N.密切关系;相似 natural liking; kinship; similarity. N.断言,肯定 positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge be one who refuses to take an oath. N.侵略者,攻击者 attacker. V.离间,使孤立 make hostile; separate. V.减轻 relieve.

Word List 4
aloof altruistic ambiguous ambivalence [əˈlu:f] [ˌæltruˈistik] [æmˈbiɡjuəs] [æmˈbivələns] ADJ.孤零零的,冷漠的 apart; reserved; standoffish. ADJ.无私心的,利他的 unselfishly generous; concerned of others. ADJ.暧昧的,含糊其辞的 unclear or doubtful in meaning. N.矛盾情绪或态度 the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes. V.改进,改善 improve, make more satisfactory. V.改正,改进 correct; change, generally for the better. ADJ.无组织的;不定形的 formless; lacking shape or definition. ADJ.充足的 abundant. N.类似,类推 similarity; parallelism. N.无政府主义者 person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority.

ameliorate amend amorphous ample analogy anarchist

[əˈmi:ljəreit] [əˈmend] [əˈmɔ:fəs] [ˈæmpl] [əˈnæ lədʒi] [ˈænəkist]

Word List 5
anecdote animosity antagonistic antidote antiquated

[ˈænikdəut] [ˌæniˈmɔsiti] [ænˌtæɡəˈnistik] [ˈæntidəut] [ˈæntikwitid]

N.轶事,趣闻 short account of an amusing or interesting event. N.仇恨,憎恶 active enmity. ADJ.反对的,敌对的 hostile;opposed. N.解毒剂 medicine to counteract a poison or disease. ADJ.陈旧的 old-fashioned; obsolete.

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antithesis apathy apocryphal appease appreciate

[ænˈtiθisis] [ˈæpəθi] [əˈpɔkrifəl] [əˈpi:z] [əˈpri:ʃieit]

N.对立,对立面 contrast; direct opposite of or to. N.无兴趣,冷漠 lack of caring; indifference. ADJ.伪的,假冒的 untrue; made up. V.平息,安抚 pacify or soothe; relieve. V.感激;增值;领会 be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of.

Word List 6
apprehension [ˌæpriˈhenʃən] arable arbitrary [ˈærəbl] [ˈɑ:bitrəri] N.忧惧;理解;拘捕 fear; discernment; capture. ADJ.适合耕的 fit for growing crops. ADJ.武断的,专横的 unreasonable or capricious; randomly selected without any reason; based solely on one’s unrestricted will or judgment. ADJ.古老的 antiquated. N.炽热,激情,热情 heat; passion; zeal. ADJ.干旱的,贫瘠的 dry; barren. N.傲慢 pride; haughtiness. ADJ.善于表达的,发音清晰的 effective; distinct. N.人造制品 object made by human beings, either hand-made or mass produced. N.工匠,技工 manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist.

archaic ardor arid arrogance articulate artifact

[ɑ:ˈkeiik] [ˈɑ:də] [ˈærid] [ˈærəɡəns] [ɑ:ˈtikjulit] [ˈɑ:tifæ kt]



Word List 7
ascendency ascetic aspire assuage [əˈsendənsi] [əˈsetik] [əsˈpaiə] [əˈsweidʒ] N.优势,支配地位 controlling influence. ADJ.修道的,苦行的 practicing self-denial; austere. V.有志于;渴望 seek to attain; long for. V.减轻(痛苦) ;满足(食欲) ;平息(怒 气) ease or lessen(pain); satisfy(hunger); soothe(anger). ADJ.机敏的,狡猾的 wise; shrewd. V.废弃 waste away. ADJ.注意的, 留心的; 体贴的 considerate; thoughtful; paying attention. V.归结于;解释 ascribe; explain. ADJ.大胆的,鲁莽的 daring; bold.

astute atrophy attentive attribute audacious

[əsˈtju:t] [ˈætrəfi] [əˈtentive] [əˈtribju:t] [ɔ:ˈdeiʃəs]

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V.增加,扩大 increase; add to.

Word List 8
austerity authentic authoritarian autonomous aversion banal bane belie belittle belligerent [ɔsˈteriti] [ɔ:ˈθentik] [ˌɔ:θɔriˈtɛəriən] [ɔ:ˈtɔnəməs] [əˈvə:ʃən] [bəˈnɑ:l] [bein] [biˈlai] [biˈlitl] [biˈlidʒərənt] N.严厉;简朴 sternness; severity; strict economy; lack of luxuries. ADJ.真正的 genuine. ADJ.独裁的,专横的 favoring or exercising total control; nondemocratic. ADJ.自治的 self-governing. N.厌恶 firm dislike. ADJ.陈腐的,平庸的 hackneyed; commonplace; trite. N.祸根,灾星 cause of ruin. V.与…矛盾;掩饰;给人错觉 contradict; give a false impression. V.轻视,使显得渺小 disparage; make fun of. ADJ.好战的 quarrelsome.

Word List 9
benevolent benign bequeath biased bland blasphemy bolster braggart brawn brevity [biˈnevələnt] [biˈnain] [biˈkwi:ð] [ˈbaiəst] [blæ nd] [ˈblæsfimi] [ˈbəulstə] [ˈbræɡət] [brɔ:n] [ˈbreviti] ADJ.乐善好施的 generous; charitable. ADJ.和蔼的;仁慈的 kindly; favorable; not malignant. V.遗留给 leave to someone by a will; hand down. ADJ.有偏见的 slanted; prejudiced. ADJ.温和的,柔和的;乏味的 soothing; mild; dull. N.亵渎,咒骂 irreverence; sacrilege; cursing. V.支持,巩固 support; reinforce. N.吹牛的人 boastful person. N.强壮 muscular strength; sturdiness. N.简洁 conciseness; briefness.

Word List 10
buttress cacophonous cajole calculated candor capricious

[ˈbʌtris] [kæ 'kɑfənəs] [kəˈdʒəul] [ˈkælkjuleitid] [ˈkændə] [kəˈpriʃəs]

V.支持 support; prop up. ADJ.不悦耳的;不和谐的 discordant; inharmonious. V.哄骗 coax; wheedle. ADJ.有计划的;很可能的 deliberately planned; likely. N.坦白 frankness. ADJ.变化无常的 fickle; incalculable.

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caricature censorious censure certitude

[ˌkærikəˈtjuə] [senˈsɔ:riəs] [ˈsenʃə] [ˈsə:titju:d]

N.讽刺画,漫画 distortion; burlesque. ADJ.挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 critical. V.责备,批评 blame; criticize. N.确信 certainty.

Word List 11
charlatan chronicle civil [ˈʃɑ:lətən] [ˈkrɔnikl] [ˈsivl] N.庸医;假内行 quack; pretender to knowledge. V.记录,记载(按年月日顺序) report; record(in chronological order). ADJ.公民的,有礼貌的 having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite. N.喧闹 noise. N.温和,仁慈 disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather. N.强迫 use of force to get someone’s compliance. V.纪念 honor the memory of. ADJ.强迫的,强制的 overpowering; irresistible in effect. V.汇集,聚集 assemble; gather; accumulate. N.顺从 readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements.

clamor clemency coercion

[ˈklæmə] [ˈklemənsi] [kəuˈə:ʃən]

commemorate [kəˈmeməreit] [kəmˈpeliŋ] compelling compile compliance [kəmˈpail] [kəmˈplaiəns]

Word List 12
composure comprehensive concede conciliatory concise conclusive concur condone confirm conflagration [kəmˈpəuʒə] [ˌkɔmpriˈhensiv] [kənˈsi:d] [kənˈsiliətəri] [kənˈsais] [kənˈklu:siv] [kənˈkə:] [kənˈdəun] [kənˈfə:m] [ˌkɔnfləˈɡreiʃən] N.镇定 mental calmness. ADJ.全面的 thorough; inclusive. V.承让;退让 admit; yield. ADJ.抚慰的 reconciling; appeasing; amiable. ADJ.简明的 brief and compact. ADJ.决定性的,确实的 convincing; decisive. V.同意 agree in opinion. V.宽恕,容忍 overlook voluntarily; forgive. V.证实,加强 corroborate; verify; support. N.大火 great fire.


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Word List 13
confound confront conscientious consensus consistency [kənˈfaund] [kənˈfrʌnt] [ˌkɔnʃiˈenʃəs] [kənˈsensəs] [kənˈsistənsi] V.使困惑,使混淆 confuse; puzzle. V.面对,对抗 face; challenge. ADJ.尽责的,谨慎的 scrupulous; careful. N.一致同意 general agreement. N.一致性, 连贯性, 可靠性; 密度 absence of contradictions; dependability; uniformity; degree of thickness. N.强制,约束 compulsion; repression of feelings. N.传染 infection. N.同时代的人 person belonging to the same period. V.斗争,竞争;声称 struggle; compete; assert earnestly. ADJ.好争吵的 quarrelsome.



[kənˈteidʒən] contagion contemporary [kənˈtempərəri] contend contentious [kənˈtend] [kənˈtenʃəs]

Word List 14
contract converge conviction cordial corroborate corrosion credibility credulity criterion cryptic [kənˈtrækt] [kənˈvə:dʒ] [kənˈvikʃən] [ˈkɔ:djəl] [kəˈrɔbəreit] [kəˈrəuʒən] [ˌkrediˈbiliti] [kriˈdju:liti] [kraiˈtiəriən] [ˈkriptik] V.收缩;订约;感染 compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch a disease. V.会聚,聚合 approach; tend to meet; come together. N.深信,信念 strongly held belief. ADJ.热忱的 gracious; heartfelt. V.确证,支持 confirm; support. N.侵蚀,腐蚀 destruction by chemical action. N.可信性 believability. N.轻信,易受骗 belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete.. N.标准 standard used in judging. ADJ.神秘的, 隐藏的, 秘密的 mysterious; hidden; secret.

Word List 15
cursory curtail cynic daunt dawdle debilitate [ˈkə:səri] [kə:ˈteil] [ˈsinik]
[dɔ:nt] [ˈdɔ:dl]


ADJ.粗略的; 仓促的 casual; hastily done. V.缩减,减少 shorten; reduce. N. 愤世嫉俗者 one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives. V.威吓 intimidate; frighten. V.虚度,游手好闲 loiter; waste time. V.使虚弱 weaken; enfeeble.


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debunk decorum defame deference

[di:ˈbʌŋk] [diˈkɔ:rəm] [diˈfeim]


V. 揭 穿 , 揭 露 expose something as nonsensical or false. N.得体,合宜,彬彬有礼 propriety. V.诽谤, 中伤 harm someone’s reputation; malign. N. 顺 从 , 尊 重 courteous regard for another’s wish.

Word List 16
defiance degenerate degrade deliberate delineate denounce deny depict deplore depravity [diˈfaiəns] [diˈdʒenəreit] [diˈɡreid] [diˈlibərit] [diˈlinieit] [diˈnauns] [diˈnai] [diˈpikt] [diˈplɔ:] [diˈpræviti] N.违抗,蔑视 refusal to yield; resistance. V.衰退,堕落,变坏 become worse; deteriorate. V.降级, 使受屈辱 lower in rank or dignity; debase. V.熟虑,仔细地想 consider; ponder. V.描绘,描写,勾勒 portray; depict; sketch. V.谴责,公然抨击 condemn; criticize. V.否认,拒绝 contradict; refuse. V.描述,描写 portray; describe. V.哀叹,表示悲痛;不满 regret strongly; express grief over. N.堕落,道德败坏 corruption; wickedness.

Word List 17
deprecate deride derivative despondent despot detached deterrent detrimental devious devise [ˈdeprikeit] [diˈraid] [diˈrivətiv] [diˈspɔndənt] [ˈdespɔt] [diˈtætʃt] [diˈterənt] [ˌdetriˈmentl] [ˈdi:vjəs] [diˈvaiz] V.反对;轻视,蔑视 express disapproval of; protest against; belittle. V.嘲弄,嘲笑 ridicule; make fun of. ADJ.引申的,推论的 unoriginal; derived from another source. ADJ.苦恼的;泄气的, 失望的 depressed; gloomy. N.暴君,专制者 tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler. ADJ.独立的, 超然的, 公正的 emotionally removed; calm and objective; indifferent. N.威慑力量,制止物 something that discourages; hindrance. ADJ.有害的,不利的 harmful; demaging. ADJ.迂回的;不坦率的;欺诈的 roundabout; erratic; not straightforward. V.想出; 发明; 设计 think up; invent; plan.

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Word List 18
didactic diffuse digression diligence diminution disband discerning disclose discordant discount [diˈdæktik] [diˈfju:s] [daiˈɡreʃən] [ˈdilidʒəns] [ˌdimiˈnju:ʃən] [disˈbænd] [diˈsə:niŋ] [disˈkləuz] [disˈkɔ:dənt] [ˈdiskaunt] ADJ.教学的,教导的 teaching; instrcuctional ADJ.(文章等)冗长的;弥漫的,散射的 wordy; rambling; spread out. N.离题,偏离 wandering away from the subject. N.勤勉,勤奋 steadiness of effort; persistent hard work. N.减少, 降低 lessening; reduction in size. V.解散,遣散 dissolve; disperse. ADJ.有眼力的;有洞察力的 mentally quick and observant; having insight. V.使…显露,揭露 reveal. ADJ.不协调的,不和的 not harmonious; conflicting. V.不考虑;不信;漠视 disregard.

Word List 19
discredit discrepancy [disˈkredit] [disˈkrepənsi] V.败坏…的名声,诽谤;怀疑 defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve. N.不符合,不同之处 lack of consistency; differences. ADJ.有识别力的;有偏见的 able to see differences; prejudiced. ADJ.离题的,东拉西扯的 digressing; rambling. V.鄙视 view with scorn or contempt. N.不愿,厌恶 unwillingness. ADJ.公正的,无私的 unprejudiced. V.拆开;解散 take apart. V.不再考虑;不接受 put away from consideration; reject. V.贬低;轻视 belittle.

discriminating [disˈkrimiˌneitiŋ] discursive disdain disinclination disinterested dismantle dismiss disparage [disˈkə:siv] [disˈdein] [ˌdisinkliˈneiʃn] [diˈsintristid] [disˈmæntl] [disˈmis] [diˈspæridʒ]

Word List 20
[disˈpæriti] disparity dispassionate [diˈspæʃənət] [disˈpel] dispel disperse [disˈpə:s] N.不平等,差异 difference. ADJ.冷静的,不带偏见的 calm; impartial. V.驱散;消除 drive away; scatter; cause to vanish. V.(使)散开,疏散 cause to break up; scatter.

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disputatious disseminate dissent dissipate dissonance dissuade

[ˌdispju:ˈteiʃəs] [diˈsemineit] [diˈsent] [ˈdisipeit] [ˈdisənəns] [diˈsweid]

ADJ. 爱争论的,好辩的 argumentative; fond of arguing. V.散播(种子等) ;散布,传播 distribute; spread; scatter(like seeds). V.不同意,持异议 disagree. V.浪费,挥霍;消磨;使消散 squander; waste; scatter. N.不和谐的声音 discord. V.劝…不要做某事 advise against.

Word List 21
distant divergent diverse divulge doctrine [ˈdistənt] [daiˈvə:dʒənt] [daiˈvəs] [daiˈvʌldʒ] [ˈdɔktrin] ADJ.冷漠的,疏远的 reserved or aloof; cold in manner. ADJ.有分歧,分叉的 differing; deviating. ADJ.不同的,多种多样的 differing in some characteristics; various. V.泄露 reveal. N.教义,信条;学说,理论 teachings, in general; particular principle(religious, legal, and so on)taught. V.为…提供文件(或证据等) provide written evidence. ADJ.固执己见的;武断的;教条的 opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal ADJ.睡着的;休眠的;潜伏的 sleeping; lethargic; latent. ADJ.引起怀疑的,疑惑的 doubtful; questionable. N.口是心非,两面派 double-dealing; hypocrisy.

document dogmatic dormant dubious duplicity

[ˈdɔkjumənt] [dɔɡˈmæ tik] [ˈdɔ:mənt] [ˈdju:bjəs] [dju:ˈplisəti]

Word List 22
duration dutiful ebb eccentric eclectic eclipse effervescent [djuəˈreiʃən] [ˈdju:tifl] [eb] [ikˈsentrik] [ekˈlektik] [iˈklips] [ˌefəˈvesnt] N.持续时间 length of time something lasts. ADJ.恭敬的, 顺从的 respectful; obedient. V.衰退;逐渐减少 recede; lessen. ADJ.怪异的,古怪的 odd; whimsical; irregular. ADJ.兼收并蓄的, 博采众长的 selective in choosing from a variety of sources. V.遮住…的光, 使黯然失色, 盖过 darken; extinguish; surpass. ADJ.兴奋地,狂喜的;起泡的 exuberant; bubbly and excited.

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egotistical elated eloquence

[,egəu'tistikəl] [iˈleitid] [ˈeləkwəns]

ADJ.自大的,自负的 excessively self-centered; self-important; conceited. ADJ.兴高采烈的。欢欣鼓舞的 overjoyed; in high spirits. N.能言善辩的 expressiveness; persuasive speech.

Word List 23
elusive embellish emulate endorse enduring enervate engender enhance enigma enmity [iˈlu:siv] [imˈbeliʃ] [ˈemjuleit] [inˈdɔ:s] [inˈdjuəriŋ] [ˈenəveit] [inˈdʒendə] [inˈhɑ:ns] [iˈniɡmə] [ˈenmiti] ADJ.难以表述的,难懂的 evasive; baffling; hard to grasp. V.装饰,修饰 adorn; ornament. V.效仿,模仿 imitate; rival. V.赞同,认可 approve; support. ADJ.持久的,持续的 lasting; surviving. V.削弱,使无力 weaken. V.导致(某种情绪或感觉) cause; produce. V.提高,改进,增强 advance; improve N.费解的事,迷 puzzle; mystery. N.仇恨,怨恨 ill will; hatred.

Word List 24
enumerate ephemeral epic epicure episodic [iˈnju:məreit] [iˈfemərəl] [ˈepik] [ˈepikjuə] [ˌepəˈsɔdik] V.列举,枚举 list; mention one by one. ADJ.短暂流行的, 短期存在的 short-lived. N.史诗;长篇叙事性小说(诗歌、电影等) long heroic poem, or similar work of art. N.美食家 connoisseur of food and drink. ADJ.有许多片段组成 loosely connected; divided into incidents; occurring at intervals. N.平和;镇静,沉着 calmness of temperament; composure. ADJ.模棱两可的,含糊的 ambiguous; intentionally misleading. ADJ.古怪的;反复无常的;不稳定的 odd; unpredictable; wandering. ADJ.错误的,不正确的 mistaken; wrong. ADJ.博学的,学问精深的 learned; scholarly.

equanimity equivocal erratic erroneous erudite

[ˌekwəˈnimiti] [iˈkwivəkəl] [iˈrætik] [iˈrəunjəs] [ˈeru:dait]

Word List 25
esoteric [ˌesəuˈterik] ADJ.深奥的,只有内行才懂的 hard to understand; known only to the chosen few.

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espouse esteem ethereal eulogy

[isˈpauz] [isˈti:m] [iˈθiəriəl] [ˈju:lədʒi]

euphemism euphonious euphoria

[ˈju:fəmizəm] [ju:ˈfəuniəs] [ju:ˈfɔ:riə]

evanescent exacerbate

[ˌi:vəˈnesnt] [eksˈæ səbeit]

V.支持,拥护 adopt; support. V.敬重, 尊重; 判断 respect; value; judge. ADJ.轻飘的;天国的;超凡的 light; heavenly; unusually refined. N.颂词;颂文(尤指葬礼上的悼词和悼文) expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone’s death. N.委婉语,委婉说法 mild expression used in place of an unpleasant one. ADJ.悦耳的,动听的 pleasing in sound. N.狂喜,异常兴奋 feeling of great happiness and well-being(sometimes exaggerated). ADJ.短暂的,渐渐消失的 fleeting; vanishing. V.使恶化,使加重 worsen; embitter.

Word List 26
exacting exalt execute exemplary exemplify exhaustive exhilarating exonerate expedient [iɡˈzæktiŋ] [iɡˈzɔ:lt] [ˈeksikju:t] [iɡˈzempləri] [iɡˈzemplifai] [iɡˈzɔ:stiv] [iɡˈziləreitiŋ] [iɡˈzɔnəreit] [iksˈpi:djənt] ADJ.严格要求的 extremely demanding. V.提拔,赞扬 raise in rank or dignity; praise. V.实行,执行 put into effect; carry out. ADJ.典范的, (可作)楷模的 serving as a model; outstanding. V.是…的范例 serve as an example of; embody. ADJ.全面的,彻底的 thorough; comprehensive. ADJ.令人极度兴奋的,使兴高采烈的 invigorating and refreshing; cheering. V.免除,证明无罪 acquit; exculpate. ADJ.适宜的; 权宜之计的; 上策的 suitable to achieve a particular end; practical; politic. V.促进,加快(进程) hasten.



Word List 27
expertise explicit exploit exploit

[ˌekspəˈti:z] [iksˈplisit] [iksˈplɔit] [iksˈplɔit]

N.专业知识(技能) specialized knowledge; expert skill. ADJ.清楚明确的,直截了当的 totally clear; definite; outspoken. N.英勇业绩,英勇行为 deed or action, particularly a brave deed. V.利用,剥削 make use of, sometimes

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expository extant extol extraneous extricate exuberance

[iksˈpɔziˌtəri] [ekˈstænt] [iksˈtɔl] [ikˈstreiniəs] [ˈekstrikeit] [iɡˈzju:bərəns]

unjustly. ADJ.解释的,批注的 explanatory; intended to explain. ADJ.尚存的,现存的 still in existence. V.赞美,颂扬 praise; glorify. ADJ.无关的,无直接联系的; 额外的,附加 的 not essential; superfluous. V.使摆脱,使脱离 free; disentangle. N.丰富,充沛;兴高采烈,精神焕发 overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness.

Word List 28
facile [ˈfæsail] ADJ.容易的;肤浅的 easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial. V.有助于, 使容易 help bring about; make less difficult. ADJ.谬误的,虚妄的 false; misleading. N. (对政治、 宗教等) 狂热, 盲信 excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a brief or cause. ADJ.挑剔的,过分讲究的 difficult to please; squeamish. ADJ.可行的,行得通的 practical. N.热情,热烈,炽热 glowing ardor; intensity of feeling. ADJ.变化无常的;薄情的 changeable; faithless. ADJ.比喻的,修辞丰富的 not literal, but metaphorical; using a figure of speech. ADJ.罪恶昭著的,明目张胆的 conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous.

facilitate fallacious fanaticism

[fəˈsiliteit] [fəˈleiʃəs] [fəˈnæ tisizəm]

fastidious feasible fervor fickle figurative flagrant

[fæ sˈtidiəs] [ˈfi:zəbl]

[ˈfə:və] [ˈfikl] [ˈfiɡjurətiv] [ˈfleiɡrənt]

Word List 29
flippant florid fluctuate foolhardy foresight [ˈflipənt] [ˈflɔrid] [ˈflʌktjueit] [ˈfu:lhɑ:di] [ˈfɔ:-sait] ADJ.轻浮的,无礼的 lacking proper seriousness. ADJ.红润的,绚丽的 ruddy; reddish; flowery. V.变动,动摇 waver; shift. ADJ.愚勇的,莽撞的 rash; heedless. N.远见性,深谋远虑 ability to foresee future happenings; prudence.

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forestall forsake forthright fortuitous foster

[fɔ:ˈstɔ:l] [fəˈseik] [ˈfɔ:θrait] [fɔ:ˈtju:ɪtəs] [ˈfɔstə]

V.先发制人,预防 prevent by taking action in advance. V.掘弃,抛弃,放弃 desert; abandon; renounce. ADJ.直接的,坦白的 outspoken; frank. ADJ.偶尔发生的,巧合的 accidental; by chance. V.抚育;鼓励 rear; encourage; nurture.

Word List 30
founder founder frail frivolous [ˈfaundə] [ˈfaundə] [freil] [ˈfrivələs] V.失败;沉没 fail completely; sink. N.创建者,缔造者 person who establishes(an organization, business). ADJ.虚弱的 weak. ADJ.轻率的, 敷衍的; 无关紧要的 lacking in seriousness; self-indulgently carefree; relatively unimportant. N.节俭,俭省 thrift; economy. V.基础的, 基本的, 根本的 basic; primary; essential. ADJ.偷偷摸摸的,隐秘的 stealthy; sneaky. ADJ.无用的,无效果的 ineffective; fruitless. V.刺激,激励 stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize. ADJ.混淆的,歪曲的 mixed up; jumbled; distorted.

frugality fundamental furtive futile galvanize garbled

[fru(:)ˈɡæ liti] [ˌfʌndəˈmentəl] [ˈfə:tiv] [ˈfju:tail] [ˈɡæ lvənaiz] [ˈɡɑ:bld]

Word List 31
garrulous genre germane glacial glib glutton gorge [ˈɡæ rələs] [ʒɑ:r] [dʒə:ˈmein] [ˈɡleisjəl] [ɡlib] [ˈɡlʌtən] [ɡɔ:dʒ] ADJ.饶舌的,多嘴的 loquacious; wordy; talkative. N.类型,流派,体裁 particular variety of art or literature. ADJ.恰当的,贴切的;有密切关系的 pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand. ADJ.冰的,冰冷的 like a glacier; extremely cold. ADJ.口齿伶俐的,油腔滑调的 fluent; facile; slick. N.暴食者,贪食者 someone who eats to much; greedy person. N.山峡,峡谷 small, stell-walled canyon.

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[ˈɡræ ndiəus]

gratify gratuitous

[ˈɡræ tifai] [ɡrəˈtjuitəs]

ADJ.浮夸的,夸大的 pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive. V.使满足 please. ADJ.无偿的;无端的 given freely; unwarranted; unprovoked.

Word List 32
gravity gregarious grievance grudging guile gullible hackneyed hallowed hamper harass [ˈɡræ viti] [ɡriˈɡɛəriəs] [ˈɡri:vəns] [ˈgrʌdʒiŋ] [ɡail] [ˈɡʌləbl] [ˈhæknid] [ˈhæləud] [ˈhæmpə] [ˈhærəs] N.严重性 seriousness. ADJ.合群的,爱交友的 sociable. N.委屈,不平 cause of complaint. ADJ.不愿的;勉强的;吝啬的 unwilling; reluctant; stingy. N.狡诈,诡计 deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning. ADJ.易受骗的 easily deceived. ADJ.常见的,陈腐的 commonplace; trite. ADJ.神圣化的,神圣 blessed; consecrated. V.妨碍,牵制 obstruct. V.不断地激怒或折磨 annoy by repeated attack; torment.

Word List 33
hardy [ˈhɑ:di] ADJ.强壮的,坚强的,吃苦耐劳的;能够 忍受恶劣环境的 sturdy; robust; able to stand inclement weather. N.傲慢,不逊 pride; arrogance. N.享乐主义者 one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life. V.注意,留心 pat attention to; consider. N.异端,异教 opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion. ADJ.非正统的,异端的 unorthodox; unconventional. ADJ.异类的,完全不同的;混合的 dissimilar; mixed. N.全盛期,年富力强时期 time of greatest success; prime. N.裂缝,间断 gap; interruption in duration or continuity.

haughtiness hedonist heed heresy

['hɔtɪnɪs] ['hidnɪst] [hi:d] [ˈherəsi]



heterogeneous [ˌhetərəuˈdʒi:niəs] heyday hiatus [ˈheidei] [haiˈeitəs]


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N.等级制度;等级森严的组织 arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks.

Word List 34
hindrance hoard [ˈhindrəns] [hɔ:d] N.妨碍,障碍 block; obstacle. V.贮藏, 贮藏物 stockpile; accumulate for future use. ADJ.同种类的,同性质的 of the same kind. V.用磨刀石磨 sharpen. N.敌意,敌视 unfriendliness; hatred. ADJ.仁慈的, 人道的 marked by kindness or consideration. V.节约使用 use sparingly; conserve; save. N.[修辞]夸张法 exaggeration; over-statement. ADJ.伪善的,矫饰的 pretending to be virtuous; deceiving. ADJ.假定的,基于假设的 based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed.

homogeneous [ˌhɔməˈdʒi:njəs] hone hostility humane husband hyperbole hypocritical hypothetical [həun] [hɔsˈtiliti] [hjuˈmein] [ˈhʌzbənd] [haiˈpə:bəli] [ˌhipəˈkritikəl] [ˌhaipəuˈθetikəl]

Word List 35
iconoclast idiosyncrasy ignominy illicit illuminate illusory imbalance immaculate immune immutable [aiˈkɔnəklæ st] [ˌɪdiəuˈsiŋkrəsi] [ˈiɡnəmini] [iˈlisit] [iˈlju:mineit] [iˈlu:səri] [imˈbæləns] [iˈmækjulit] [iˈmju:n] [iˈmju:təbl] N.偶像破坏者,打破旧习者 one who attacks cherished traditions. N.个人癖好 individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity. N.耻辱, 不名誉 deep disgrace; shame or dishonor. ADJ.违法的,不正当的 illegal. V.照亮;阐明,启发 brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten. ADJ.幻觉的,迷惑人的 deceptive; not real. N.不平衡的,不均衡的 lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion. ADJ.洁净的,没有污点的,完美无瑕的 spotless; flawless; absolutely clean. ADJ.免疫的;豁免的,免除的 resistant to; free or exempt from. ADJ.不可变的,永恒的 unchangeable.


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Word List 36
impair impartial impassive impeccable impecunious impede impel imperceptible imperious impervious [imˈpɛə] [imˈpɑ:ʃəl] [imˈpæsiv] [imˈpekəbl] [ˌɪmpiˈkju:niəs] [imˈpi:d] [imˈpel] [ˌɪmpəˈseptibl] [imˈpiəriəs] [imˈpə:viəs] V.使受损,削弱 injure; hurt. ADJ.公平的,不偏不倚的 not biased; fair. ADJ.冷漠的;冷静的;坚忍的 without feeling; imperturbable; stoical. ADJ.无瑕疵的 faultless. ADJ.没有钱的,身无分文的 without money. V.妨碍,拖延 hinder; block; delay. V.推动,驱使 drive or force onward. ADJ.难以察觉的 unnoticeable; undetectable. ADJ.专横的,傲慢的 domineering; haughty. ADJ.不能渗透的;不为所动的,不受影响的 impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed.

Word List 37
impetuous implausible implement implication implicit impoverished impromptu [imˈpetjuəs] [imˈplɔ:zibl] [ˈimplimənt] [ˈimplimənt] [imˈplisit] [imˈpɔvəriʃt] [imˈprɔm p tju:] ADJ.猛烈的,冲动的 violent; hasty; rash. ADJ.似乎不合情理的;难以置信的 unlikely; unbelievable. V.使生效,执行;向…提供工具 put into effect; supply with tools. N.暗示的东西 something hinted at or suggested. ADJ.含蓄的,暗示的 understood but not stated. ADJ.贫困的,赤贫的 poor. ADJ.即席的, 临场的, 未经准备的 without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the moment. N.轻率,鲁莽,傲慢 impertinence; insolence ADV.不注意地 by oversight; carelessly or unintentionally. ADJ.无意义的,空洞的 silly; senseless.

imprudence inadvertently inane

[imˈpru:dəns] [,inəd'və:təntli] [iˈnein]

Word List 38
inaugurate incense incentive

[iˈnɔ:ɡjureit] [ˈinsens] [inˈsentiv]

V.开始;就职 start; initiate; install in office. V.使…极愤怒,激怒 enrage; infuriate. N.刺激,诱因,动机 spur; motive.

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incessant incidental incisive incite incline inclined inclusive

[inˈsesnt] [ˌɪnsiˈdentl] [inˈsaisiv] [inˈsait] [inˈklain] [inˈklaind] [inˈklu:siv]

ADJ.不断的,不停的 uninterrupted; unceasing. ADJ.非主要的,次要的 not essential; minor. ADJ.锋利的,尖锐的 cutting; sharp. V.刺激,激励,煽动 arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist. N.倾斜,斜坡 slope; slant. ADJ.倾斜的,倾向的 tending or learning toward; bent. ADJ. 包 括 的 , 包 罗 广 泛 的 tending to include all.

Word List 39
incoherent incongruous [ˌɪnkəuˈhiərənt] [inˈkɔŋɡruəs] ADJ.不连贯的;没有条理的 unintelligible; muddled; illogical. ADJ.不调和的,不适宜的 not fitting; absurd. ADJ.无关紧要的 insignificant; unimportant. ADJ.无可辩驳的,不容置疑的 indisputable; not open to question. ADJ.无药可救的,不能被纠正的 uncorrectable. ADJ.不知疲倦的 tireless. V.起诉,控告 charge. ADJ.冷漠的,不关心的 unmoved; lacking concern. ADJ.本土的 native. ADJ.贫乏的,穷困的 poor; destitute.

inconsequential [inˌkɔnsiˈkwenʃəl] incontrovertible [ˌɪnkɔntrəˈvə:tibl] incorrigible indefatigable indict indifferent indigenous indigent [inˈkɔridʒəbl] [ˌɪndiˈfætiɡəbl] [inˈdait] [inˈdifrənt] [inˈdidʒinəs] [ˈindidʒənt]

Word List 40
indiscriminate [ˌɪndisˈkriminit] indolent indomitable indubitable induce indulge industrious ineffectual

[ˈindələnt] [inˈdɔmitəbl] [inˈdju:bitəbl] [inˈdju:s] [inˈdʌldʒ] [inˈdʌstriəs] [ˌɪniˈfektjuəl]

ADJ.不加选择的;混乱的 choosing at random; confused. ADJ.懒惰的 lazy. ADJ.不屈服的,不屈不饶的 unconquerable; unyielding. ADJ.不容置疑的,确实的 persuade; bring about. V.说服;引起 persuade; bring about. V.迁就,纵容 humor; treat leniently. ADJ.勤勉的,刻苦的 diligent; hard-working. ADJ.无效的,无力的 not effective; weak.

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inept inequity

[iˈnept] [inˈekwiti]

ADJ.无能的, 不称职的 unsuited; absurd; incompetent. N.不公正,偏私 unfairness.

Word List 41
inert inexorable infamous infer infiltrate infinitesimal [iˈnə:t] [inˈesksərəbl] [ˈinfəməs] [inˈfə:] [ˈinfiltreit] [ˌɪnfiniˈtesiməl] ADJ.惰性的;迟钝的,迟缓的 inactive; lacking power to move. ADJ.无动于衷的,无情的 relentless; unyielding; implacable. ADJ.臭名昭著的 notoriously bad. V.推断,推论出 deduce; conclude. V.渗透;偷偷潜入 pass into or through; penetrate(an organization)sneakily. ADJ.极微小的,微不足道的 exceedingly small; so small as to be almost nonexistent. N.违反,侵害 violation(of a rule or regulation); breach. ADJ.机灵的,足智多谋的 clever; resourceful. N.忘恩负义者 ungrateful person. ADJ.固有的,与生俱来的 firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic.

infraction ingenious ingrate inherent

[inˈfrækʃən] [inˈdʒi:njəs] [inˈɡreit] [inˈhiərənt]

Word List 42
inimical initiate injurious innate innocuous innovation inopportune insatiable insightful insinuate [iˈnimikəl] [iˈniʃieit] [inˈdʒuəriəs] [ˈiˈneit] [iˈnɔkjuəs] [ˌɪnəuˈveiʃən] [inˈɔpətju:n] [inˈseiʃiəbl] [ˈinˌsaitful] [inˈsinjueit] ADJ.充满敌意的;有害的,不利的 unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental. V.开始,发起; 接纳…为会员 begin; originate; receive into a group. ADJ.有害的 harmful. ADJ.先天的,天生的 inborn. ADJ.无害的 harmless. N.改革,革新 change; introduction of something new. ADJ.不合时宜的,不合适的 untimely; poorly chosen. ADJ.不知足的,贪得无厌的 not easily satisfied; greedy. ADJ.有洞察力的,有深刻见解的 discerning; perspective. V.暗示,旁敲侧击地说;迂回 hint; imply; creep in.


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Word List 43
insipid insolvent instigate insularity insuperable insurgent intangible [inˈsipid] [inˈsɔlvənt] [ˈinstiɡeit] [ˌinsjuˈlærəti ] [inˈsu:pərəbl] [inˈsə:dʒənt] [inˈtændʒəbl] ADJ.没有味道的, 平淡的 lacking in favor; dull. ADJ.破产的,无法偿还债务的 bankrupt; unable to repay one’s debts. V.激起,怂恿,煽动 urge; start; provoke. N.(思想、观点等的)偏狭;与外界隔绝 narrow-mindedness; isolation. ADJ.难以克服的,不可逾越的 insurmountable; unbeatable. ADJ.起义的 rebellious. ADJ.感觉不到的,不能逾越的 not material; not able to be perceived by touch. ADJ.整体的,构成整体所需要的 complete; necessary for completeness. N.正直。诚实;完整 uprightness; wholeness. ADJ.间歇的,断断续续的 periodic; on and off.

integral integrity intermittent

[ˈintiɡrəl] [inˈteɡriti] [ˌɪntəˈmitənt]

Word List 44
intervene intimidate intractable intransigence intrepid intricate intrinsic introspective intuition inundate [ˌɪntəˈvi:n] [inˈtimideit] [inˈtræktəbl] [inˈtrænsidʒəns] [inˈtrepid] [ˈintrikit] [inˈtrinsik] [ˌintrəuˈspektiv] [ˌɪntjuˈiʃən] [ˈinʌndeit] V.干涉,插入 come between. V.胁迫 frighten. ADJ.难驾驭的,倔强的 unruly; stubborn; unyielding. N.不妥协态度,不让步 refusal of any compromise; stubbornness. ADJ.无畏的,勇猛的 fearless. ADJ.复杂的,难以理解的 complex; knotty; tangled. ADJ.固有的,内在的,本质的 essential; inherent; built-in; natural. ADJ.内省的,反省的 looking within oneself. N.直觉, 直觉力 immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning. V.泛滥,淹没 oberwhelm; flood; submerge.

Word List 45
invert [inˈvə:t] V.使里外反向或上下颠倒 turn upside down or inside out.

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irascible ironic

[iˈræsibl] [aiəˈrɔnik]

irrational irrelevant

[iˈræʃənl] [iˈrelivənt]

irreproachable [ˌɪriˈprəutʃəbl] irresolute irreverence jargon [iˈrezəlu:t] [iˈrevərəns] [ˈdʒɑ:ɡən]



ADJ.易怒的,性情暴躁的 irritable; easily angered. ADJ.讽刺的,啼笑皆非的 relating to a contradiction between an event’s expected result and its actually outcome. ADJ.无理性的,不合理的,荒谬的 illogical; lacking reason; insane. ADJ.不相干的,不切题的 not applicable; unrelated. ADJ.无可指责的,无瑕疵的 blameless; impeccable. ADJ.无决断的,犹豫不决的 uncertain how to act; weak. N.不虔诚, 不尊敬 lack of proper respect. N.行话,难懂的话 language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish. ADJ.爱开玩笑的,滑稽的 said or done in jest; joking.

Word List 46
judicious justification kindle Labyrinth laconic lament lassitude laud lavish legacy [dʒuˈdiʃəs] [ˌdʒʌstifiˈkeiʃən] [ˈkindl] [ˈlæbərinθ] [ləˈkɔnik] [ləˈment] [ˈlæsitju:d] [lɔ:d] [ˈlæviʃ] [ˈleɡəsi] ADJ.明智的,明断的 sound in judgment; wise. N.正当的理由,辩护,开释 good or just reason; defense; excuse. V.点燃;激起 start a fire; inspire. N.迷宫,错综复杂的事物 maze. ADJ.简洁精炼的 brief and to the point. V.为…悲痛, 痛惜 grieve; express sorrow. N.疲倦,疲乏 languor; weariness. V.称赞,赞美 praise. ADJ.过分慷慨的,铺张的 liberal; wasteful. N.遗产,遗赠物 a gift made by a will.

Word List 47
lethargic levity linger list listlessness loathe

[leˈθɑ:dʒik] [ˈleviti] [ˈliŋɡə] [list] ['lɪstlɪsnɪs] [ləuð]

ADJ.没精打采的,昏睡的 drowsy; dull. N.轻率,轻浮 lack of seriousness; lightness. V.逗留,闲荡,继续保留 loiter or dawdle; continue or persist. V.(船)倾侧,倾靠 tilt; lean over. N.倦怠,情绪低落 lack in spirit or energy. V.厌恶,憎恶 detest.

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lofty loquacious lucid lurid

[ˈlɔfti] [ləˈkweiʃəs] [ˈlju:sid] [ˈljuərid]

ADJ.高耸的,崇高的 very high. ADJ.多话的,绕舌的 talkative. ADJ.浅显易懂的,明晰的 easily understood; intelligible. ADJ.可怕的,可憎的 wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome.

Word List 48
magnanimous [mæ ɡˈnæniməs] [ˈmæɡneit] magnate maladroit malevolent malice malign marred martinet materialism meager [ˌmæləˈdrɔit] [məˈlevələnt] [ˈmælis] [məˈlain] [mɑ: d] [ˌmɑ:tiˈnet] [məˈtiəriəlizəm] [ˈmi:ɡə] ADJ.宽宏大量的,有雅量的 generous. N.巨头,富豪,要人 person of prominence or influence. ADJ.不灵巧的, 笨拙的 clumsy; bungling. ADJ.有恶意的,坏心肠的 wishing evil. N.恶意,怨恨 hatred; spite. V.污蔑,中伤 speak evil of; bad-mouth; defame. ADJ. 损坏的 damaged; disfigured. N.严格执行纪律(或规章制度)的人 rigid disciplinarian; strict military officer. N.实力主义,物质主义 preoccupation with physical comforts and things. ADJ.贫乏的, 不足的 scanty; inadequate.

Word List 49
meander medley meek melancholy mercenary mercurial merger methodical meticulous minute [miˈændə] [ˈmedli] [mi:k] [ˈmelənkəli] [ˈmə:sinəri] [mə:ˈkjuəriəl] [ˈmə:dʒə] [miˈθɔdikəl] [miˈtikjuləs] [ˈminit] V.漫步,蜿蜒而流 wind or turn in a course. N.混合物;混杂 mixture. ADJ.温顺的;谦和的 quiet and obedient. ADJ.忧郁的,悲伤的 gloomy; morose; blue. ADJ.惟利是图的 interested in money or gain. ADJ.活泼善变的 capricious; changing; fickle. N.(企业等的)并吞;结合 combination(of two business corporations). ADJ.系统的 systematic. ADJ.小心翼翼的 excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous. ADJ.微小的 extremely small.

Word List 50
misanthrope [ˈmisənθrəup] N.厌恶人类的人 one who hates mankind.

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miserly misnomer mitigate mock mollify momentous monotony morbid

[ˈmaizəli] [misˈnəumə] [ˈmitiɡeit] [mɔk] [ˈmɔlifai] [məuˈmentəs] [məˈnɔtəni] [ˈmɔ:bid]



ADJ.吝啬的;贪婪的 stingy; mean. N.用词不当,误称 wrong name; incorrect designation. V.减轻,使缓和 appease; moderate. V.嘲笑,以模仿的方式嘲笑 ridicule; imitate, often in derision. V.使平息,安抚 soothe. ADJ.重大的,重要的 very important. N.单一,单调 sameness leading to boredom. ADJ.病的,病理的; (心理)变态的 given to unwholesome thought; moody; characteristic of disease. ADJ.脾气差的,孤僻的 ill-humored; sullen; melancholy.

Word List 51
mundane munificent mutability muted naivete [ˈmʌndein] [mju:ˈnifisənt] [ˌmju:təˈbiliti] [ˈmju:tid] [nɑ'ivte] ADJ.世界的,世俗的,平凡的 worldly as opposed to spiritual. ADJ.慷慨的 very generous. N.可变性,易变性 ability to change in form; fickleness. ADJ.缄默的;含糊的 silent; muffled; toned down. N.天真,纯洁无邪 quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; artlessness; gullibility. ADJ.邪恶的,穷凶极恶的 very wicked. V.否定,打消 cancel out; nullify; deny. N.冷漠, 漠不关心; 镇定 indifference; lack of concern; composure. N.无足轻重的人;不存在,非实在 person of no importance; nonexistence. N.乡愁, 怀旧之情 homesickness; longing for the past.

nefarious negate nonchalance nonentity nostalgia

[niˈfɛəriəs] [niˈɡeit] [ˈnɔnʃələns] [nɔˈnentiti] [nɔsˈtældʒiə]

Word List 52
notoriety novelty novice nuance [ˌnəutəˈraiəti] [ˈnɔvəlti] [ˈnɔvis] [njuˈɑ:ns] N.恶名,臭名昭著 disrepute; ill fame. N.新奇,新鲜事物 something new; newness. N.新手,初学者 beginner. N.细微差别 shade of difference in meaning or color.

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nullify nurture obdurate objective objective obliterate

[ˈnʌlifai] [ˈnə:tʃə] [ˈɔbdjurət] [əbˈdʒektiv] [əbˈdʒektiv] [əˈblitəreit]

V.使无效,废弃 to make invalid; void; abolish. V.养育,教育,教养 nourish; educate; foster. ADJ.执拗的,顽固的 stubborn. ADJ.客观的,如实的 not influenced by emotions; fair. N.目标,目的 goal; aim. V.彻底毁灭 destroy completely.

Word List 53
oblivion oblivious obscure obscure obsequious obsessive [əˈbliviən] [əˈbliviəs] [əbˈskjuə] [əbˈskjuə] [əbˈsi:kwiəs] [əbˈsesiv] N.遗忘 obscurity; forgetfulness. ADJ.不注意的;忘却的 inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed. ADJ.暗的,朦胧的,模糊的 dark; vague; unclear. V.使暗,使不明显 darken; make unclear. ADJ.奉承的,卑躬的 slavishly attentive; servile; fawning; sycophantic. ADJ.使人着迷的 related to thinking about something constantly; preoccupying. ADJ.倔强的,难以驾驭的 stubborn; hard to control or treat. ADJ.迟钝的,愚笨的 blunt; stupid. ADJ.好管闲事的 meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one’s service. ADJ.不祥的,有威胁的 threatening.

obstinate obtuse officious

[ˈɔbstinit] [əbˈtju:s] [əˈfiʃəs]



Word List 54
opaque opportunist [əuˈpeik] [ˈɔpətju:nist] ADJ.不透明的 dark; not transparent. N.机会主义者 individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances. N.乐观主义者 person who looks on the good side. ADJ.随意的,任选的 not compulsory; left to one’s choice. N.富裕,丰富 extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance. N.演说家 public speaker.. ADJ.装饰华丽的,过分修饰的 excessively or elaborately decorated.

optimist optional opulence orator ornate

[ˈɔptimist] [ˈɔpʃənl] [ˈɔpjuləns] [ˈɔrətə] [ɔ:ˈneit]

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ostentatious pacifist painstaking

[ˌɔstenˈteiʃəs] [ˈpæsifist] [ˈpeinzˌteikiŋ]

ADJ.炫耀的,卖弄的,显眼的 showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention. N.和平主义者 one opposed to force; antimilitarist. ADJ.费尽心思的,小心的 showing hard work; taking great care.

Word List 55
paltry paradigm paradox [ˈpɔ:ltri] [ˈpærədaim] [ˈpærədɔks] ADJ.太少的,微不足道的 insignificant; petty; trifling. N.模型,范例,样式 model; example; pattern. N.自相矛盾;似非而是 something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but actually correct. N.典范,模范 model of perfection. ADJ.地方观念的;教区的 narrow in outlook; provincial; related to parishes. N.诙谐的模仿 humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty. V.回避,避开 ward off a blow; deflect. N.小气,吝啬 stinginess; excessive frugality. ADJ.部分的,偏向一方的 incomplete having a liking for something. ADJ.偏袒的;党派的,派性的 one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party.

paragon parochial parody parry parsimony partial partisan

[ˈpærəɡən] [pəˈrəukjəl] [ˈpærədi] [ˈpæ ri] [ˈpɑ:siməni] [ˈpɑ:ʃəl] [ˌpɑ:tiˈzæn]

Word List 56
passive paucity pedantic penchant pensive [ˈpæsiv] [ˈpɔ:siti] [piˈdæntik] [ˈpentʃənt] [ˈpensiv] ADJ.消极的,被动的 not active; acted upon. N.不足,缺乏 scarcity; lack. ADJ.学究的,书呆子的 showing off learning; bookish. N.嗜好,爱好 strong inclination; liking. ADJ.心事重重的,郁郁寡欢的,沉思的 dreamily; thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness; contemplative. ADJ.洞察力强的,有见地的 insightful; aware; wise. ADJ.肤浅的;敷衍的 superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm.

perceptive perfunctory

[pəˈseptiv] [pəˈfʌŋktəri]

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peripheral perjury pernicious

[pəˈrifərəl] [ˈpə:dʒəri] [pəˈniʃəs]

ADJ.次要的;外围的 marginal; outer. N.伪证(罪) ,伪誓 false testimony while under oath. ADJ.有害的,恶性的 very destructive.

Word List 57
perpetuate perturb pervasive pessimism petty petulant phenomena [pəˈpetʃueit] [pəˈtə:b] [pəˈveisiv] [ˈpesimizəm] [ˈpeti] [ˈpetjulənt] [fiˈnɔminə] V.使长存,使永恒 make something last; preserve from extinction. V.使忧虑,使烦恼 disturb greatly. ADJ.遍布的,无所不在的 pervading; spread throughout every part. N.悲观主义,悲观 belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess. ADJ.小的,不重要的 trivial; unimportant; very small. ADJ.脾气坏的 touchy; peevish. N. PL.现象 observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation. N.慈善家,乐善好施者 lover of mankind; doer of good. ADJ.虔诚的;宗教的 devout; religious. N.隐患,陷阱 hidden danger; concealed trap.

philanthropist [fiˈlænθrəpist] pious pitfall [ˈpaiəs] [ˈpitfɔ:l]

Word List 58
pithy pivotal placate plagiarize platitude plausible [ˈpiθi] [ˈpivətl] [pləˈkeit] [ˈpleidʒəraiz] [ˈplætitju:d] [ˈplɔ:zəbl] ADJ.精练的,简洁的,精辟的 concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty. ADJ.关键的 crucial; key; vital. V.使平静,安抚 pacify; conciliate. V.剽窃,抄袭 steal another’s ideas and pass them off as one’s own. N.老生常谈,陈词滥调 trite remark; commonplace statement. ADJ.似乎是真的,有道理的 having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious. ADJ.顺从的,易弯曲的,易受影响的 flexible; easily influenced. N.情况,困境 condition, state(especially a bad state or condition); predicament. N.心酸,惨痛; (感情)强烈,深刻 quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion.

pliant plight poignancy

[ˈplaiənt] [plait] [ˈpɔinənsi]

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ADJ.抨击的; 论战的 aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious.

Word List 59
pomposity ponderous porous potent pragmatic [pɑm'pɑsətɪ] [ˈpɔndərəs] [ˈpɔ:rəs] [ˈpəutənt] [præ ɡˈmætik] N.自大,傲慢 self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt. ADJ.笨重的,笨拙的 weighty; unwieldy. ADJ.有孔的;疏松的 full of pores; like a sieve. ADJ.有力的,有效的 powerful; persuasive; greatly influential. ADJ.实际的,注重实效的 practical(as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical worth or impact of something. V.唠叨 babble. ADJ.不安全的,危险的 uncertain; risky. N.惯例,先例 something preceding in time that may be used as an authority or guide for future action. ADJ.突如其来的,鲁莽的,匆忙的 rash; premature; hasty; sudden. ADJ.陡峭的,急躁的 steep; overhasty.

prattle precarious precedent

[ˈprætl] [priˈkɛəriəs] [ˈpresidənt]

precipitate precipitous

[priˈsipiteit] [priˈsipitəs]

Word List 60
preclude precocious predator [priˈklu:d] [priˈkəuʃəs] [ˈpredətə] V.避免;排除 make impossible; eliminate. ADJ.早熟的 advanced in development. N.掠夺者, 食肉动物 creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits others. N.前辈,前任 former occupant of a post. N.爱好,偏袒 partiality; preference. ADJ.荒谬的;乖戾的 absurd; ridiculous. N.声望,威望 impression produced by achievements or reputation. ADJ.放肆的,专横的,傲慢的 overconfident; impertinently bold; taking liberties. ADJ.自命不凡的,自夸的 ostentatious; pompous; making unjustified claims; overambitious. ADJ.普遍的,流行的 widespread; generally accepted.

predecessor predilection preposterous prestige

[ˈpri:disesə] [ˌpri:diˈlekʃən] [priˈpɔstərəs] [presˈti:ʒ]

presumptuous [priˈzʌmptʃuəs]





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Word List 61
problematic proclivity procrastinate prodigal prodigious prodigy profane profligate profound Profusion [ˌprɔbləˈmæ tik] [prəˈkliviti] [prəuˈkræstineit] [ˈprɔdiɡəl] [prəˈdidʒəs] [ˈprɔdidʒi] [prəˈfein] [ˈprɔfliɡət] [prəˈfaund] [prəˈfju:ʒən] ADJ.有问题的,有疑问的 doubtful; unsettled. N.倾向,癖性 inclination; natural tendency. V.延迟,耽搁 postpone; delay or put off. ADJ.极浪费的,挥霍 wasteful; reckless with money. ADJ.巨大的,庞大的 marvelous, enormous. N.奇迹,神童 marvel; highly gifted child. V.亵渎,玷污 violate; desecrate; treat unworthily. ADJ.放荡的,不检点的,肆意挥霍的 dissipated; wasteful; wildly immoral. ADJ.深奥的,渊博的,深刻的 deep; not superficial; complete. N.极丰富;挥霍 overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess.

Word List 62
proliferation prolific prologue prophetic propitious propriety prosaic protract provincial [prəuˌlifəˈreiʃən] [prəˈlifik] [prəˈlifik] [prəˈfetik] [prəˈpiʃəs] [prəˈpraiəti] [prəˈzeiik] [prəˈtræ kt] [prəˈvinʃəl] N.增长,扩展 rapid growth; spread; multiplication. ADJ.多产的,丰富的 abundantly fruitful. N.序言 introduction (to a poem or play). ADJ.预言的 foretelling the future. ADJ.吉祥的, 有利的 favorable; fortunate, advantageous. N.适当,得体 fitness; correct conduct. ADJ.乏味的;事实的 dull and unimaginative; matter of fact; factual. V.延长 prolong. ADJ. 省的; 偏狭的; 守旧的 pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated. ADJ.临时的 tentative.



Word List 63
provocative proximity prudent [prəˈvɔkətiv] [prɔkˈsimiti] [ˈpru:dnt] ADJ.煽动的; 刺激的 arousing anger or interest; annoying. N.接近,亲近 nearness. ADJ.谨慎的 cautious; careful.

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pugnacity pungent purse qualified quandary quell querulous

[pʌɡˈnæ səti] [ˈpʌndʒənt] [pə:s] [ˈkwɔlifaid] [ˈkwɔndəri] [kwel] [ˈkweruləs]

N.好斗 combativeness; disposition to fight. ADJ.(指气味、味道)刺激性的; 尖锐的 stinging; sharp in taste or smell. V.皱起;皱缩 pucker; contract into wrinkles. ADJ.有限制的,有条件的 limited; restricted. N.窘境,进退两难 dilemma. V.镇压,平息;使安静 extinguish; put down; quiet. ADJ.发牢骚的,暴躁的 fretful; whining.

Word List 64
quiescent ramble rancor rant [kwiˈesənt] [ˈræmbl] [ˈræŋkə] [ræ nt] ADJ.休止的,休眠的;暂时停止活动的 at test; dormant; temporarily inactive. V.漫游 wander aimlessly(physically or mentally). N.深仇,怨恨 bitterness; hatred. V.咆哮,激昂地说在;大声责骂;夸夸其 谈 rave; talk excitedly; scold; make a grandiloquent speech. V.批准,认可 approve formally; verify. ADJ.沙哑 (声) 的; 嘈杂的 harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous. V.夷平,拆毁 destroy completely. N.辩驳,举反证 refutation; response with contrary evidence. ADJ.顽抗的,桀骜不驯的 obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly. V.撤回,放弃;撤回声明;公开承认错误 disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error.

ratify raucous raze rebuttal recalcitrant

[ˈrætifai] [ˈrɔ:kəs] [reiz] [riˈbʌtəl] [riˈkælsitrənt]



Word List 65
receptive recluse recount rectify redundant [riˈseptiv] [riˈklu:s] [riˈkaunt] [ˈrektifai] [riˈdʌndənt] ADJ.善于接受的,能接纳的 quick or willing to receive ideas, suggestions, etc. N.隐遁者 hermit; loner. V.详细描述 narrate or tell; count over again. V.纠正,改正 set right; correct. ADJ.多余的; 累赘的; 冗长的 superfluous; repetitious; excessively wordy.

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refute relegate relevant relinquish relish

[riˈfju:t] [ˈreliɡeit] [ˈreləvənt] [riˈliŋkwiʃ] [ˈreliʃ]

V.驳斥,驳倒 disprove. V.把…降级;托付或分配 banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign. ADJ.相应的,相关联的 pertinent; referring to the case in hand. V.放弃,交出 give up something with reluctance; yield. V.爱好;喜欢 savor; enjoy.

Word List 66
remorse renegade renounce repel replete [riˈmɔ:s] [ˈreniɡeid] [riˈnauns] [riˈpel] [riˈpli:t] N.懊悔,自责 guilt; self-reproach. N.背叛者,变节者 deserter; traitor. V.放弃,抛弃 forswear; repudiate; abandon; discontinue. V.击退;使厌恶 drive away; disgust. ADJ.充分供应的; 饱足的 filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied. ADJ.应受谴责的 deserving blame. V.抑制;忍住;镇压 restrain; hold back; crush; suppress. V.严责;惩戒 reprove severely; rebuke. V.责备;谴责 express disapproval. V.训斥,谴责 censure; rebuke.

reprehensible [ˌrepriˈhensibl] [riˈpres] repress reprimand reproach reprove [ˈreprimɑ:nd] [riˈprəutʃ] [riˈpru:v]

Word List 67
repudiate rescind reserve resigned resolution resolve resolve respite resplendent restraint [riˈpju:dieit] [riˈsind] [riˈzə:v] [riˈzaind] [ˌrezəˈlu:ʃən] [riˈzɔlv] [riˈzɔlv] [ˈrespait] [risˈplendənt] [risˈtreint] V.拒绝;断绝关系 disown; disavow. V.废除 cancel. N.保守;矜持 self-control; formal but distant manner. ADJ.顺从的,听天由命的;能容忍的 unresisting; patiently submissive. N.坚定,决心 determination; resolve. N.决心,决定 determination; firmness of purpose. V.决定,解决 decide; settle; solve. N.延期, 暂缓; 判刑 interval of relief; time for rest; delay in punishment. ADJ.辉煌的,灿烂的 dazzling; glorious; brilliant. N.克制;限制;约束 controlling force; control over one's emotions.


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Word List 68
reticent retiring retract reverent rhetorical [ˈretisənt] ADJ.保留的; 沉默寡言的 reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to be silent. ADJ.谦虚的,羞涩的 modest; shy. V.缩进;收回 withdraw; take back. ADJ.尊敬的,虔诚的 respectful. ADJ.修辞学的; 华丽的; 浮夸的 pertaining to effective communication; insincere in language. ADJ.严格的,严厉的,严酷的 severe; harsh; demanding; exact. ADJ.精力充沛的;强壮的 vigorous; strong. ADJ.未充分发展的;基本的;初步的 not developed; elementary; crude. ADJ.无情的,残忍的 pitiless; cruel. ADJ.有洞察力的;精明的;有远见的 perspective; shrewd; having insight.

[riˈtrækt] [ˈrevərənt] [riˈtɔrikəl]

rigorous robust rudimentary ruthless sagacious

[ˈriɡərəs] [rəuˈbʌst] [ˌru:diˈmentəri] [ˈru:θlis] [səˈɡeiʃəs]

Word List 69
sage sanction sanctuary sarcasm satirical saturate savory [seidʒ] [ˈsæŋkʃən] [ˈsæŋktʃuəri] [ˈsɑ:kæ zəm] N.圣人 person celebrated for wisdom. V.批准,同意 approve; ratify. N.避难所,庇护;圣堂 refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place. N.挖苦,讽刺 scornful remarks; stinging rebuke. ADJ.挖苦的,讽刺的 mocking. V.浸透,使充满 soak thoroughly. ADJ.风味极佳的,可口的;怡人的;有益 身心的 tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable. ADJ.缺乏的, 不足的 meager; insufficient. ADJ.小心谨慎的,严格认真的 conscientious; extremely thorough. V.细察 examine closely and critically.

[ˈsætʃəreit] [ˈseivəri]

scanty scrupulous scrutinize

[ˈskænti] [ˈskru:pjuləs] [ˈskru:tinaiz]

Word List 70
seclusion sectarian [siˈklu:ʒən] [sekˈtɛəriən] N.隔离;隐居 isolation; solitude. ADJ.宗派的, 派系的; 思想狭隘的 relating to a religious faction or subgroup; narrow-minded; limited. ADJ.久坐的,坐惯的 requiring sitting.



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sequester serenity servile sever severity shrewd singular

[siˈkwestə] [siˈreniti] [ˈsə:vail] [ˈsevə] [siˈveriti] [ʃru:d] [ˈsiŋɡjulə]

V.使隔绝;隐遁的;使分离 isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude. N.平静 calmness; placidity. ADJ.奴性的;卑屈的;奉承的 slavishly submissive; fawning; cringing. V.切断,分开 cut; separate. N.严肃,严格,严重 harshness; intensity; austerity; rigidity. ADJ.机灵的,精明的 clever; astute: ADJ.独特的,非凡的,异常的 unique; extraordinary.

Word List 71
skeptical [ˈskeptikəl] ADJ.怀疑论的 doubting; suspending judgment until one has examined the evidence supporting a point of view. V.放慢,松弛 slow up; loosen. N.诽谤 defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements. ADJ.偷懒的 lazy. ADJ.行动缓慢的,懒散的 slow; lazy; lethargic. N.严肃,庄严 seriousness; gravity. V.恳求,寻求 request earnestly; seek. N.孤独,独居 state of being alone; seclusion. ADJ.可溶解的;可解决的 able to be dissolved; able to be explained. ADJ.忧郁的,郁闷的;昏暗的,阴暗的 gloomy; depressing; dark; drab.

slacken slander slothful sluggish solemnity solicit solitude soluble somber

[ˈslækən] [ˈslɑ:ndə] [ˈsləuθfəl] [ˈslʌɡiʃ] [səˈlemniti] [səˈlisit] [ˈsɔlitju:d] [ˈsɔljubl] [ˈsɔmbə]

Word List 72
sparse spendthrift spontaneity sporadic spurious spurn squalor squander stagnant

[spɑ:s] [ˈspendθrift] [ˌspɔntəˈni:ɪti] [spəˈræ dik] [ˈspjuəriəs] [ˈskwɔlə] [ˈskwɔndə] [ˈstæɡnənt]

ADJ.稀少的,稀疏的 not thick; thinly scattered; scanty. N.挥霍者 someone who wastes money. N.自发性; (举止等的)自然 lack of premeditation; naturalness. ADJ.偶发性的 occurring irregularly. ADJ.伪造的,假造的 false; counterfeit. V.轻蔑地拒绝;唾弃 reject; scorn. N.肮脏,悲惨,贫穷 filth; degradation; dirty, neglected state. V.浪费 waste. ADJ.停滞的,迟钝的 motionless; stale;

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dull. N.(诗的)节 division of a poem.

Word List 73
static steadfast stoic strident strut stupefy subdued submissive subordinate subside [ˈstætik] [ˈstedfɑ:st] [ˈstəuik] [ˈstraidnt] [strʌt] [ˈstju:pifai] [səbˈdju:d] [səbˈmisiv] [səˈbɔ:dinit] [səbˈsaid] ADJ.静态的; 固定的 unchanging; lacking development. ADJ.忠实的,坚贞不屈的 loyal; unswerving. ADJ.坚忍的;无动于衷的 impassive; unmoved by joy or grief. ADJ.刺耳的,尖锐的 loud and harsh; insistent. N.昂首阔步,神气活现地走路 pompous walk; swagger. V.使恍惚;使茫然 make numb; stun; amaze. ADJ.缓和的;柔和的 less intense; quieter. ADJ.顺从的 yielding; timid. ADJ.次要的; 下级的; 顺从的 occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive. V.平息,消退;下沉 sttle down; descend; grow quiet.

Word List 74
substantial substantiate subtlety succinct supercilious superficial superfluous supplant suppress surmount [səbˈstænʃəl] [səbˈstænʃieit] [ˈsʌtlti] [səkˈsiŋkt] [ˌsju:pəˈsiliəs] [ˌsju:pəˈfiʃəl] [sju:ˈpə:fluəs] [səˈplɑ:nt] [səˈpres] [səˈmaunt] ADJ. 大 量 的 ; 坚 固 的 ; 实 质 的 ample; solid. V.证明; 证实; 支持 establish by evidence; verify; support. N. 微 妙 ; 精 明 ; 巧 妙 perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy. ADJ. 简 洁 的 ; 压 缩 的 brief; terse; compact. ADJ. 自 大 的 , 傲 慢 的 , 目 空 一 切 的 arrogant; condescending; patronizing. ADJ.表面的,肤浅的 trivial; shallow. ADJ. 过 多 的 ; 不 必 要 的 ; 多 余 的 excessive; overabundant; unnecessary. V.代替,排挤 replace; usurp. V.抑制, 克服, 约束 crush; subdue; inhibit. V.战胜,克服 overcome.

Word List 75


V.超越,胜过 exceed.

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surreptitious susceptible

[ˌsʌrəpˈtiʃəs] [səˈseptəbl]

sustain swindler sycophant symmetry taciturn taint

[səˈstein] [ˈswindlə] [ˈsikəfæ nt] [ˈsimitri] [ˈtæsitə:n] [teint]



ADJ. 秘密的, 偷偷摸摸的 secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden. ADJ.易受影响的,易感动的;易感染的 impressionable; easily influenced; having little resistance, as to a disease; receptive to. V.承受;支撑,维持 experience; support; nourish. N.骗子 cheat. N.拍马屁的人,谄媚者,奉承者 servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man. N.对称,匀称 arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity. ADJ.沉默寡言的 habitually silent; talking little. V.玷污; 败坏; 腐蚀 contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad. ADJ.略微有关系的;离题的 peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing.

Word List 76
tangible tantamount tedious temper [ˈtændʒəbl] [ˈtæntəmaunt] [ˈti:diəs] [ˈtempə] ADJ.可触知的;真实的 able to be touched. ADJ.(在效果或价值上)与。 。 。相当的 equivalent in effect or value. ADJ.单调乏味的的;冗长的;沉闷的 boring; tiring. V.调和,调节;调音; (冶金)回火,锻炼 moderate; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel). N.坚持,顽强 firmness, persistence. ADJ.临时的;试验性的;不确定的 provisional; experimental; doubtful. N.结束,终止 end. ADJ.简洁的,扼要的 concise; abrupt; pithy. ADJ. (衣服) 磨薄的, 破旧的 worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor. V.兴旺,繁荣 prosper; flourish.

tenacity tentative termination terse threadbare thrive

[tiˈnæsiti] [ˈtentətiv] [ˌtə:məneiʃən] [tə:s] [ˈθredbɛə] [θraiv]


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Word List 77
tirade [taiˈreid,tiˈrɑ:d] N.长篇的激烈演说;长篇的攻击性演说 extended scolding; denunciation; harangue. N.不活泼;迟钝;冬眠 lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy. ADJ.易驾驭的,驯良的 docile; easily managed. N.宁静 calmness; peace. ADJ.卓越的,出众的 surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits; superior. ADJ.短暂的,瞬时的 momentary; temporary; staying for a short time. ADJ.显然的,明晰的;透明的 easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely. N.战栗,惶恐 fear; nervous apprehension. ADJ.琐碎的,无关紧要的 trivial; unimportant. ADJ.过时的;陈腐的 hackneyed; commonplace.

torpor tractable tranquility transcendent transient transparent

[ˈtɔ:pə] [ˈtræktəbl] [træŋˈkwiliti] [ˈtɔ:pə] [ˈtrænziənt] [trænsˈpɛərənt]

trepidation trifling trite

[trepiˈdeiʃən] [ˈtraifliŋ] [trait]

Word List 78
trivial turbulence turmoil tyranny undermine uniformity universal unkempt [ˈtriviəl] [ˈtə:bjuləns] [ˈtə:mɔil] [ˈtirəni] [ˌʌndəˈmain] [ˌju:niˈfɔ:məti] [ˌju:niˈvə:səl] [ʌnˈkempt] ADJ.不重要的;琐碎的 unimportant; trifling. N.骚乱,动荡 state of violent agitation. N.骚动,混乱 great commotion and confusion. N.暴政,专制 oppression; cruel government. V.削弱或损害;逐渐损坏、侵蚀 weaken; sap. N.同样,一致 sameness; monotony. ADJ.普遍的,通用的 characterizing or affecting all. ADJ.不整洁的, (头发)蓬乱的 disheveled, uncared for in appearance. ADJ.空前的,没有前例的 novel; unparalleled. ADJ.无保证的;无理的,无根、据的 unjustified; groundless; undeserved.

unprecedented [ʌnˈpresidəntid] unwarranted [ʌnˈwɔrəntid]

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Word List 79
usurp vacillate venerate veracity verbose viable [juˈzə:p] [ˈvæsileit] [ˈvenəreit] [vəˈræ siti] [və:ˈbəus] [ˈvaiəbl] V.篡夺,篡位 seize another's power or rank. V.摇摆不定,犹豫不决 waver; fluctuate. V.崇敬,崇拜 revere. N.诚实,说真话 truthfulness. ADJ.罗嗦的,唠叨的 wordy. ADJ.可行的,可实施的;能养活的 practical or workable; capable of maintaining life. N.精力,活力 active strength. V.诽谤,诋毁 slander. V.证明无罪;为。 。 。辩护,支持 clear from blame; exonerate; justify or support. ADJ.报复性的,怀恨的 out for revenge; malicious.

vigor vilify vindicate vindictive

[ˈviɡə] [ˈvilifai] [ˈvindikeit] [vinˈdikətiv]

Word List 80
virtuoso virulent volatile [ˌvə:tjuˈəuzəu] [ˈvirjulənt] [ˈvɔlətail] N.艺术名家,艺术大师 highly skilled artist. ADJ.剧毒的;恶毒的,充满敌意的 extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter. ADJ.易变的;易爆发的;易挥发的 changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly. ADJ.流利的, 健谈的 fluent; glib; talkative. ADJ.巨大的。体积大的 bulky; large. ADJ.易受攻击的,易伤的 susceptible to wounds. ADJ.反复无常的, 异想天开的 capricious; fanciful. ADJ.故意的;固执的,任性的 intentional; headstrong; stubbornly set on going one’s way. V.据给,保留 refuse to give; hold back. N.狂热者 fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal.

voluble voluminous vulnerable whimsical willful

[ˈvɔljubl] [vəˈlju:minəs] [ˈvʌlnərəbl] [ˈhwimzikəl] [ˈwilful]

withhold zealot

[ˈwiðhəud] [ˈzelət]


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