Best Books For CSS Preparation

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Best Books For CSS Preparation

ENGLISH ESSAY 1- Paragraphs & Essays (Prof. Manzoor Mirza) RS 300/2- Dogar¶s Unique Latest Essays (Prof. Mohammad Asif Qadri) RS 175/ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1- Precis Writing (Abdul Basit Jasra, Naimatullah Khan Joyia) RS 60/2- A Practical English Grammar (A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet) RS 600/3- Practical English Usage (Michael Swan) RS 1600/4- English Grammar & Composition (Nawaz Khalid, Mohammad Baqir Hussain) RS 250/5- English Grammar & Composition (Shabbir Hussain Chaudhry) RS 350/6- Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms (Prof. Tariq Ali Khan) RS 80/7- Oxford Idioms RS 800/900/ CURRENT AFFAIRS 1- International Affairs (Dr. Safdar Mahmood) RS 500/2- Strategic Studies //Quarterly// RS 50/3- Contemporary Affairs (M. Imtiaz Shahid) //Quarterly// RS 300/4- Daily DAWN RS 13/PAKISTAN AFFAIRS 1- EXAM CRAM Pakistan Affairs (Adeel Niaz) RS 300/2- Pakistan Affairs (M. Ikram Rabbani) RS 375/3- Pakistan¶s Foreign Policy: A Reappraisal (Shahid M. Amin) RS 495/4- Pakistan¶s Foreign Policy 1947-2005 (Abdul Sattar) RS 595/5- Pakistan Political Roots & Development 1947-1999 (Safdar Mahmood) RS 395/6- The Military & Politics in Pakistan (Hasan Askari Rizvi) RS 350/7- The Idea of Pakistan (Stephen Philip Cohen) RS 600/EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1- Encyclopedic Manual of Everyday Science (Dr. Rab Nawaz Samo) RS 350/ISLAMIAT (URDU) 1- Islamiat (Zahid Hussain Anjum) RS 135/2- Islamiat Advance bray CSS (Muhammad Imtiaz Shahid, Attiya Bano) RS 300/3- Islam Ka Nizam-e Hayat (Dr. Liaqat Ali Khan Niazi) RS 350/PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1- EXAM CRAM Public Administration (Asif J. Mir) RS 225/2- Public Administration (S. M. Shahid) RS 180/3- Pricples of Public Administration (Dr. Muhammad Hassan Sheikh) RS 375/-

SOCIOLOGY 1- Sociology (John J. Macionis) RS 350/2- Social Problems of Pakistan (Dr. Mohammad Khalid) RS 400/3- Sociology (M. Iqbal Chaudhry) RS 250/4- Pakistani Society (M. Iqbal Chaudhry) RS 175/5- EXAM CRAM Sociology MCQs (Syed Salman Hameed Kazmi) RS 90/JOURNALISM 1- A-One Exploring Journalism (Mirza Muhammad Yousaf) RS 200/2- Mass Communication (M. S. Shahid) RS 150/3- Mass Communications MCQs (Muhammad Asif Malik) RS 60/4- Journalism for CSS (Mian Muhammad Asghar) RS 120/GEOGRAPHY A 1- Physical Geography of the Global Environment (H. J. Deblij, Peter O. Muller) 2- EXAM CRAM Geography (Mohammad Jahangir Sanpaal) RS 225/GEOGRAPHY B 1- Pakistan: Geograohy, Economy & People (Fazle Karim Khan) RS 310/2- Geography of Pakistan (Prof. Nazir Ahmad Khalid) 3- The New Oxford Atlas for Pakistan RS 335/4- Fundamentals of Human Geography (Prof. Mian Mohammad Anwar) RS 125/5- World Economic and Commercial Geography (Prof. Nazeer Ahmad Khalid) RS 150/INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1- International Relations (Joshua S. Goldstein) RS 350/2- International Relations (Dr. Sultan Khan) RS 180/3- International Relations & Political Theory (Kamran Shahid) RS 295/4- International Relations (Parkash Chander) 5- International Relations (Muhammad Asif Malik, Raja Mansoor Ahmad) RS 135///objective// MISCELLANOUS 1- Encyclopaedia of General Knowledge (Adeel Niaz) RS 400/2- General Knowledge Advance MCQs (M. Imtiaz Shahid, Attyia Bano) RS 325/3- General Knowledge Advance (M. Imtiaz Shahid) RS 400/Pakistan Affairs 8- Early Phase of Muslim Political Movement (Jamil-ud-Din-Ahmad) 9- Middle Phase of Muslim Political Movement (Jamil-ud-Din-Ahmad) 10- Final Phase of Muslim Political Movement (Jamil-ud-Din-Ahmad) 11- Military, State and Society in Pakistan (Hasan Askari Rizvi) RS 695/12- The Political System of Pakistan (Khalid B. Sayeed) 13- Struggle for Pakistan (I. H. Qureshi) 14- Towards Pakistan (Waheed-uz Zaman)

EVERYDAY SCIENCE 2- DOGAR¶S UNIQUE EVERYDAY SCIENCE (Dr. Riaz-ul-Haq) 3- EVERYDAY SCIENCE ADVANCE (M. Imtiaz Shahid) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 4- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Dr. Sultan Khan) SOCIOLOGY 6- SOCIOLOGY (SACHDEVA & GUPTA) 7- EXAM CRAM Sociology MCQs (Syed Salman Hameed Kazmi) ARABIC Tareekh Adab Arabi (By:Ahmed Hassan Zyarat)(Trans by:M.Naeem Siddiqui) (Maktaba e Danial) Rs 275/JOURNALISM Competitive Journalism (By: Abid Tehami) Rs 200/Faridi¶s Objective Mass Communication (By: Javed Iqbal & Mukhtiar Ali Shar) (Maktaba e Faridi) Rs 125/EVERYDAY SCIENCE CSS Everyday Science with Solved Papers(By:Shabbir Hussain Chaudhry) (Majeed Book Depot) Rs 175/Everyday Science (Objective Type) (By:Syed Baqir Raza) (Emporium Publishers) Rs 150/ISLAMIAT Misbah ul Islam (By:Qamar Hasnain Qadri) Rs 150/SOCIOLOGY An Introduction to Sociology (By:Javed Soonhoro Jiskani Baloch) (Maktaba e Faridi) Rs 175/Sociology MCQs (By:Zahid Saeed) (Emporium Publishers) Rs 150/Best Books For CSS more«««««««««««««««.. ENGLISH ESSAY 1- Current Essays (AP Aamer Publications) Rs:200 2- Latest English Essays (AP Aamer Publications)Rs:165

ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1- Precis Writing (Abdul Basit Jasra, Naimatullah Khan Joyia) RS 60/2- A Practical English Grammar (A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet) RS 600/3- Practical English Usage (Michael Swan) RS 1600/4- English Grammar & Composition (Nawaz Khalid, Mohammad Baqir Hussain) RS 250/5- English Grammar & Composition (Shabbir Hussain Chaudhry) RS 350/6- Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms (Prof. Tariq Ali Khan) RS 80/7- Oxford Idioms RS 800/900/ CURRENT AFFAIRS 1- International Affairs (Dr. Safdar Mahmood) RS 500/2- Strategic Studies //Quarterly// RS 50/3- Current Affairs including solved CSS Papers(AP Aamer Publications) Rs 350 4- Daily DAWN RS 13/PAKISTAN AFFAIRS 1- EXAM CRAM Pakistan Affairs (Adeel Niaz) RS 300/2- Pakistan Affairs (M. Ikram Rabbani) RS 375/3- Pakistan¶s Foreign Policy: A Reappraisal (Shahid M. Amin) RS 495/4- Pakistan¶s Foreign Policy 1947-2005 (Abdul Sattar) RS 595/5- Pakistan Political Roots & Development 1947-1999 (Safdar Mahmood) RS 395/6- The Military & Politics in Pakistan (Hasan Askari Rizvi) RS 350/7- The Idea of Pakistan (Stephen Philip Cohen) RS 600/EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1- Encyclopedic Manual of Everyday Science (Dr. Rab Nawaz Samo) RS 350/ISLAMIAT (URDU) 1- Islamiat (Zahid Hussain Anjum) RS 135/2- Islamiat Advance bray CSS (Muhammad Imtiaz Shahid, Attiya Bano) RS 300/3- Islam Ka Nizam-e Hayat (Dr. Liaqat Ali Khan Niazi) RS 350/PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1- EXAM CRAM Public Administration (Asif J. Mir) RS 225/2- Public Administration (S. M. Shahid) RS 180/3- Pricples of Public Administration (Dr. Muhammad Hassan Sheikh) RS 375/SOCIOLOGY 1- Sociology (John J. Macionis) RS 350/2- Social Problems of Pakistan (Dr. Mohammad Khalid) RS 400/3- Sociology (M. Iqbal Chaudhry) RS 250/4- Pakistani Society (M. Iqbal Chaudhry) RS 175/5- EXAM CRAM Sociology MCQs (Syed Salman Hameed Kazmi) RS 90/JOURNALISM 1- A-One Exploring Journalism (Mirza Muhammad Yousaf) RS 200/2- Mass Communication (M. S. Shahid) RS 150/-

3- Mass Communications MCQs (Muhammad Asif Malik) RS 60/4- Journalism for CSS (Mian Muhammad Asghar) RS 120/GEOGRAPHY A 1- Physical Geography of the Global Environment (H. J. Deblij, Peter O. Muller) 2- EXAM CRAM Geography (Mohammad Jahangir Sanpaal) RS 225/3-Geography (AP Aamer Publications) RS 300/GEOGRAPHY B 1- Geography (AP Aamer Publications) RS 300/2- Geography of Pakistan (Prof. Nazir Ahmad Khalid) 3- The New Oxford Atlas for Pakistan RS 335/4- Fundamentals of Human Geography (Prof. Mian Mohammad Anwar) RS 125/5- World Economic and Commercial Geography (Prof. Nazeer Ahmad Khalid) RS 150/INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1- International Relations (Dr. Sultan Khan) RS 180/2- International Relations (Parkash Chander) 3- Understanding International Relations (Aamer Shahzad)(AP Aamer Publications) RS 400/- //objective//New Edition 2009 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1-Political Science (AP Aamer Publications) Rs 500

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