Big Data- Big Intelligence- Big Action

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Hexaware team has expertise in all eminent Big data platforms like Cloudera and IBMBiginsights to deploy and analyze/report through big data to make better decisions.



Big Data- Big Intelligence- Big Action Leveraging Insignts for Business

WHY B3 ? Enterprises are awash with ever-growing data of all types, easily amassing even petabytes of  information. Sometimes 2 minutes is too late for time-sensitive processes such as catching fraud. Big data must be used as it streams into your enterprise in order to maximize its value. Hexaware B3 opens the door to a new approach to engaging customers and making decisions. PAIN POINTS analyzing all types of data • P roblem in analyzing • Increasing volume of data • Slow processing of data

NEED • Gain business insight from every bit of data • Storage of massive volume of data • Speed of information delivery to improve customer interaction

HOW IT WORKS? Hexaware team has expertise in all eminent eminent Big data platforms like Cloudera an and d IBM Biginsights to deploy and analyze/report through big data to make better decisions. The team also has niche skillsets s killsets of Text analytics analytics and P redict redictive ive Modeling which helps the organization organization to take tak e data driven decisions. B 3 work flow: • • • •

WHAT IS B3 B3 is a Big data solution by Hexaware. B 3 represented represent ed as: as : BIG DATA: It’s the data that exceeds the processing and storing capacity of 

conventional database system. The data is too big, moves too fast, or doesn’t fit the rigid structure of databases. Volume, Velocity and Variety characterizes it. The Cloudera and IB IBM M Hadoop distribu distribution tion set up at Hexaware with Map reduce helping massive parallelism make us ready to deal with the three Vs’ of big data.

It acquires all available data Organize and distill big data using massive parallelism Analyze all your data at once with never before insights Helps decide based on real time big data

Hexaware is a proud Clouera partner and working on IBM BigInsight partnership.

Hexaware Big data solution Pack- B 3

BIG INTELLIGENCE: It enables BI professionals to leverage expanded

analytics, creates 360° perspectives and also enables organizations to tackle complex problems that was previously difficult to solve. BIG ACTIONS: Big data and Big Intelligence give raise to domain specific,

problem specific actions that are valuable to business.

©Hexaware Technologies. All rights reserved.

B3-USECASES  The  Th e fo foll llow owin ing g ar are e so som me of the B 3 complex use cases • • • • • • • •

About Hexaware Hexaware is a leading global provider of IT Solutions and BPO services. The company has achieved leadership position in domains such as Travel & Transportat Transportation, ion, Banking, Financial Services, Insuran Insurance, ce, and HR HR-IT -IT solutions. Hexaware focuses on delivering business results leveraging techn technology ology solutions and specializes in Business Intelligence & Analytics, Enterprise Applications, Independent Testing Testing and Legacy L egacy Modernization. Hexaware has been providing business technology solutions for over 21 years and offers world class service delivery, technology leadership and skilled s killed human capital.

Click stream analysis Fraudulent detection C yber Securit S ecurity y detection Modeling true Risk Real time Ad targeting P redicti redictive/Text ve/Text Analytics  Trade  Tra de su surv rvei eill llan ance ce Website analysis.

Ongoing Proof of Concepts Log analysis for an Airlines pricing Solutions Company Replication of BI reporting using Hadoop for a Banking Client

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