Bio Medical Waste Management

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Hospital Waste Management
Presented by: Group No.- 006

 Hospital waste is some of the most dangerous waste that exists. A legal definition of hospital waste protects the public by eliminating any possible confusion


Any discarded biologic product such as blood or tissue removed from operating rooms, morgues, laboratories, or other medical facilities. The term may also be applied to bedding, bandages, syringes, and similar materials that have been used in treating patients and to animal carcasses or body parts used in research.

Present Scenario in India
‡ Approximately 288.20 tons per day (56.87%) out of 506.74 tons per day wastes generated is being treated either through Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facilities (159 in number), or captive treatment facilities. ‡ There are 602 Bio-medical Waste Incinerators (which include both common and captive incinerators), 2218 autoclaves, 192 microwaves, 151 hydroclaves and 8,038 shredders in the country. ‡ About 424 (70.4%) out of 602 incinerators are provided with air pollution control devices and 178 (29.6 %) incinerators are in operation without air pollution control devices.

What Government say


‡ Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) notified Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules (BMWM Rules), in year 1998 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. ‡ These Rules were amended in 2000 and 2003 so as to fill the gaps as felt necessary at that time. ‡ The State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)/ Pollution Control Committee (PCC) are the prescribed authority for implementing the provisions of these Rules in the respective States/UTs.

Salient features of the Bio-Medical Waste Rules, 1998
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Prescribed Authority. Authorization. Advisory Committee. Annual Report. Maintenance of Records. Accident Reporting. Appeal. Schedule I.

Schedule I

Schedule II

Infrastructure needed for Individual Setup

Issues Involved in Individual Setup

Role of Common Facilities

A Comparative Study of Economics Involved in CBWTF v/s Individual Setup

Capital Cost for Installing and Running Own Facility

Operating & Recurring cost for Running own Facility

Capital and Operating Expenses Analysis

Advantage of Common Facility Over Individual

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