Biomedical Engineering

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Explore Biomedical Engineering Degree and
Career Opportunities
“What is in Biomedical Engineering Degree?”- This might be the question that came
into your mind the moment you have read the course title. As it is known, a lot of
medical issues have been popping out simultaneously and
it objectively calls for immediate responses that only
human can do. Since human’s initiative and action are
what really needed in the field of medicine, you can be one
of the people in synergy who are already engaging
themselves to addressing such issues. By exploring and
taking Biomedical Engineering, your dream to be one of
those people is really possible to happen.
With all of the courses offered by different colleges
and universities nowadays, it is not strange if you are
having a hard time for choosing the course that will really
give you a better future. Actually, there are courses that
produce competitive individuals. But on top of them is the
Biomedical Engineering course. This course is a perfect response to the issues in
medicine, wherein some of them already exist for a long time.
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medicine, wherein some of them already exist for a long time.
Biomedical Engineering is a study combination of medicine, biology and technology.
Its vision is to teach students with necessary knowledge that is very much useful in
the context of medicine. This knowledge has also wide scope which covers the
approaches, methods, techniques and strategies on how to facilitate learning
experience of students. If students are already equipped with this fundamental
knowledge, good job opportunities will definitely come at hand.
What is Biomedical Engineering
This is a course which systematically deals with the study of both biology and
medicine by applying engineering skills. This course also encompasses the study of
biotechnology which plays a vital role for the total biomedical engineering function.
In addition, the study of this course includes the performing of experimentation. This
experimentation tries to obtain better and wider understanding towards the functions
(both normal and abnormal) of the human body. The diagnosis acquired from the
experimentation is forwarded to drawing quantitative analysis. Hence, this type of
analysis is the major base for formulating possible measures which will address the
issues in human body functions.
It is a study that deals with healthcare
and life sciences. By considering the
main areas that compromise it, namely-
the medicine, biology and technology,
Biomedical Engineering course is able to
construct its own field. This field is the
ground of individuals who aspire to be
of great help in the entire industry, not
just in medicine.
This course also deals with the system of experimentation and analysis. This course
will inculcate higher order thinking skills to the mind of students. Through
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experimentation, students will be taught on how to gather information, perform
experimentation, and draw accurate analysis. The analysis will be the basis of
students for formulating unique solution towards a certain issue. A good example of
an issue in medicine is the abnormal body function of human. While students are just
at the onset of this course, they will be trained already on how to identify the causes
of abnormal body function and what is the adequate response that they can do about
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1. Johns Hopkins
2. Duke
Durham, North
3. Georgia
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$7,718 approx
4. Massachusetts
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What Do Biomedical Engineers Do
Biomedical engineers have several roles to perform which are very beneficial to the
entire industry, hospitals, research facilities, and other sectors such as teaching, and
functioning in a regulatory agency operated by the government.
In the entire industry, biomedical engineers are expected to create designs wherein technology
is integrated in order to gain wide scope of understanding regarding the living systems. The
designs to be created may include the evaluation of products which are recently proposed.
As for the job embodied by the government, these engineers are always involved in
the testing of product safety and launching safety standards for tools, machines or
In hospitals, biomedical engineers give advice and suggestion on how to select
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appropriate medical equipment as well as its uses. These people also supervise the
equipment’s performance and maintenance.
While in any research institution, biomedical engineers take charge of the equipment
and laboratories, and join in the research activities through partnership with another
set of researchers who belong to different area. The research done is usually about
the medicine, nursing, and/or physiology.
There are also biomedical engineers who became technical advisors in marketing
departments owned by companies, while some are also placed in positions for
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Biomedical engineers’ duties and tasks are the following:
· Conduct different sets of research in partnership with other scientists. The usual
topic of research is about human and animal system and function.
· Design and improve medical equipment and diagnostic instrumentation.
· Utilize engineering principles through sciences which are bio-behavioural.
· Develop simulations through computer regarding the human systems which are also
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bio-behavioural. The simulations will also measure and control the processes of life.
· Assess if the biomedical equipment are safe to use, efficient, and effective.
· Install and repair biomedical equipment.
· Research for new materials such as artificial organs which are implanted.
· Design or improve hardware and software for computer which can be used for
medical science.
· Advice administrators in hospitals on how to plan, acquire, and use medical
· Analyze procedures in medicine in order to arrive at favourable results.
· Design applications which can be used for sources of energy such as nuclear power.
· Analyze and infer the bioelectric data, using techniques which are signal processing.
· Teach subjects for biomedical engineering in any schools.
· Disseminate knowledge through book writing.
How to Become a Biomedical Engineer
There are several ways on how to become a biomedical engineer. You can be a
biomedical engineer as long as you have already finished any of the science, math or
technology oriented courses. Any of these courses will be your portal towards
biomedical engineering course. These courses are the following:
· Bioinformatics- this is a course that gives students opportunities to gather and
evaluate pieces of information about medicine and biology. For example, students are
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asked to manage databases
for gene search.
· Biomechanics- this course
enables the students to
create non-natural hearts for
the purpose of examination of
motion, flow of fluid, or
deformation of materials.
· Biosignal Processing- it
allows the students to extract information from any of biological signals. The
information extracted is used as a diagnosis for detecting signals of brain, which is
used for controlling a computer.
· Biotechnology- this course makes use of living organisms for creating products,
develop microorganisms, and improve animals and plants organisms. This can be
used in the process of degradation in order to support the living organism.
· Clinical Engineering – this course teach students all about taking care of patients by
using managerial skills as well as engineering that includes the technology for health
· Imaging and Imaging Processing- the students of this course are taught and
expected to review x-rays, ultrasound, computerized tomography or CT, and
magnetic resonance imaging or MRI.
· Rehabilitation Engineering- it trains and prepares students for helping people to
improve or achieve quality life despite their disabilities.
· Proteomics- it teaches students on how to examine set of different proteins which
can be of great help for explaining the spreading manner of infections.
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Before taking any steps to become a biomedical engineer, you have to think first if
this course is what you really like and if this is what will really bring you to success.
Besides, you can only become successful in life if you love what you are doing.
Below are the steps on how to become a Biomedical Engineer:
· Complete a degree in any field of engineering, such as chemical, electrical, or
mechanical. These fields in engineering will train and give you corresponding
knowledge which is needed in biomedical engineering course. These fields will also
prepare you to become a pre-skilled person in the context of biomedical engineering.
· Aside from engineering areas, you can have completion of other courses which are
science, math and/or technology based.
Online Biomedical Engineering Degree Is it Possible
Biomedical Engineering degree can be
acquired and finished not only through direct
schooling; it can be attained via online as
well. Students who prefer to study online
acquire the same length of knowledge
taught in colleges or universities. They are
provided with the same subjects and
coursework. But it is the learning
experiences that vary. Students who really
attend schools are endowed with learning
experience, unlike students who just study
online. It is because online studying of
Biomedical Engineering still requires
students to take laboratory performance and hands-on tasks which might seem to be
difficult if not done in a class setting.
Of course, online studying of Biomedical Engineering is possible too. You will acquire
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the same knowledge just what like the students in classroom acquire. You will have
the same subjects and same coursework. However, the only difference is that the way
you will be learning is different from the way students in the classroom learn. To give
you an example, there is a hands-on activity which can be performed only in the
laboratory. You can still do the hands-on activity but it is actually difficult not only to
your part, but as well as to the part of your professors. Since tangible performance
and evaluation is very much better than doing the activity without the company of
professor/s and collaboration of other students. According to some studies, an
individual will best learn if there are people who collaborate with him or her.
Nevertheless, biomedical engineering degree online has its own advantages too. Such
as you can research fast for needed information and you can be more updated with
the changes that might have something to do with your studies.
Specializations (concentration) Available to Biomedical Engineers
There is a number of specialization or concentrations for Biomedical Engineers. Below
are the following:
· Bioinstrumentation- it refers to the techniques and principles of electronics
application and measurement, in order to create or enhance devices for diagnosing
and treating diseases.
· System Physiology- it encompasses the tools, techniques and strategies of
biomedical engineering. These are used to comprehend and understand the living
organisms function.
· Biomechanics- these are the mechanics applied to problems which are related to
medicine or biology.
· Biomaterials- it describes the living tissue as well as the materials which are used
for the process of implantation.
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· Clinical Engineering- it pertains to the technology application intended for hospital’s
health care.
Salary Potential and Future of Biomedical Engineers
For each year, Biomedical Engineers can have a medium income of $77, 400. It can
even increase if master or doctoral degree is already acquired. If so, these engineers
can land to higher positions wherein a higher salary is given. Engineers in this field
can also have other related works aside from creating designs for medicine and
making a research about organisms.
As a matter of fact, there is an increasing need for biomedical engineers in the
industry today because of the continuous demand brought by issues in medicine and
other related areas.
Biomedical Engineers can have as much as $116,040 per year while their highest
hourly pay can be up to &55.79. This kind of opportunity is usually offered by top-
performing companies in the United States. Of course aside from being biomedical
engineers in field, you can work in other areas such as in medicine, research centers,
and government projects.
With all of the portals offered by Biomedical Engineering course, your dream to
become a product of this field will really help you all throughout your life.
Below are some of the specializations or concentrations which are available
to Biomedical Engineers:
· BioMEMS- microelectromechanical systems or MEMS incorporates elements and
sensors in silicon chip so as to develop devices such as micro robots.
· Genomics- it pertains to genomes which can map, analyze, and sequence new
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· Information Technology- through this specialization, students are being taught on
how to develop virtual applications which may be useful in the field of medicine.
· Micro and Nanotechnology- while microtechnology pertains to creating of devices
and using it in micrometer scale, nanotechnology on the other hand pertains to
developing of devices and utilizing it in nanometer scale which can identify properties
of microscopic tissues.
· Bioinformatics- this is where the tools for computer are developed and used to
gather information about medicine and biology.
· Clinical Engineering- students in this course are taught with skills which are
necessary for managing healthcare through the aid of technology.

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