Bodily Injury Claims Adjuster

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Mary E. Curran 6008 Mission Drive Lakeland, Florida 33813 (863) 409-7224 [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position as a bodily injury claims adjuster. . EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND LICENSES: Bachelor of Arts - Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Double Major: Sociology/History. Dean's List, Student Government Representative. 1990 - Juris Doctorate - Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Clevel and State University, Cleveland, Ohio. G.P.A. in courses of interest 3.59. 2003 - Florida Insurance Claims Adjuster's License 6-20 All Lines 1990 - Law License in Ohio 1989 - Real Estate License in Ohio PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Oct. 2003 - Sept. 2010 - Geico Insurance Company, Lakeland, Florida Claims Representative: responsible for investigating, negotiating, and resolvin g the claim process for liability claims which involved property injury protecti on with insured motorists. Planned and managed all claims and coverage investig ations, negotiated settlements with individuals and attorneys, on first and thir d party injury claims to resolution and determined the payments of claims consis tent with company policies and state regulations. Evaluated coverage, determine d liability, and documented records for all cases. Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2003 - Department of Children and Families, State of Florida, Lakeland, Florida Social Worker: worked with children and families in dependency cases. Duties i ncluded, but not limited to interviewing and investigating all clients, parties, and witnesses; representing the Department in dependency court hearings; counse ling children and families to determine the most appropriate way to resolve thei r particular issues and working with them independently and with other county ag encies to help resolve the issues. 1996 - 2000 - Curran Transportation, Incorporated, Elyria, Ohio Owner/Manager: long haul trucking company, so hired and supervised eight employ ees; handled all Human Resource responsibilities, including payroll, administrat ion of benefits, and insurance, controlled performance, negotiated contracts wit h other trucking and leasing companies for our services; purchased and maintaine d all the equipment. March 1991 - March 1996 - Guardian Ad Litem, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court, Cl eveland, Ohio Attorney: represented the best interests of children in dependency, neglect, ab use and/or criminal cases in juvenile court. Duties included, but not limited t o interviewing and investigating of all clients, parties, and witnesses; represe nted children at all case management hearings, court hearings and/or trials; han dled all written documentation, and all activities, including preparation of doc uments for litigation. PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS: 2009 - Geico Insurance Company - top rating for file productivity (over 18 clo sures/month); 4.8 out of 5.0 in feature productivity with over 90 closures per m onth; 100% in Customer Service; 2009 overall result was 93%.

2008Geico Insurance Company - award for investigating a fraudulent file tha t in which claims were withdrawn and saving Geico over $500,000; most first call settlements in the first three quarters of 2008; 100% booking ARX for April, 2 008; MVA for third quarter; TA adjuster of the month 2 times in 2008. 2007 - Geico Insurance Company - 75 First Call Settlements in 2007; went over t he ARX goal of 65% and achieved a 65.4% capture ratio; rating was 3.76 ( first quartile) for 2007. STRENGTHS AND QUALIFICATIONS: Strong working knowledge of Florida automobile insurance laws Indispensable understanding of the legal process Effective analytical skills Able to see the "big picture" when there is a problem and work toward a viable solution Significant communication and negotiation skills Ability to work well in a team environment

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