Business Website Design

Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 20 | Comments: 0 | Views: 158
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Over the past few years the rapid growth of internet popularity and globalization has allowed a web page or website emer ge as a dynamic tool in the market to acquire and service your clients globally. Indeed many business owners are focusing more on their online presence and turn ing their websites into business websites. Besides this many owners are now cons idering business websites as a new tool to promote their corporate identity. Tur ning towards a business website has further created a platform where you can sha re information about services and products you plan to offer. It doesn't matter whether you have a small business or big corporate hou se, with a business website you are available 24X7 hours and can interact millio ns of potential customers globally. If your business sells products then you can even sell them online. Besides this, the cost and maintenance for a website is even low in comparison to money it makes. Certainly without online business webs ite you are losing out your business everyday without realizing it. An effective business website can help you establish global business identity. Impact of proper web design on business websites Though a business website can open up a huge new world with immense busi ness potential, but a well designed website has different impact. Having the rig ht kind of professional business website layout plays a vital role. If your visi tors are leaving your site hurriedly then there is a very high possibility that your web design is not appealing them or it is too difficult to navigate. It won 't matter how great your content is or how much advertising you do, if your busi ness website looks terrible no one will visit and those who do may not stay long or buy anything. Therefore the web designs must clean and easy to follow. Tips to make your website a business website There are several factors which make the website look professional and b usiness oriented. Here are some of the vital points that you need to consider ve ry carefully Design of a corporate logo- Make sure you have a good professional corpo rate logo. This is because your corporate logo acts as a brand logo and help peo ple identify or remember you. Generally in any web design, it appears at the top and so it's the first thing people see. With the passage of time a well-chosen professional logo becomes synonymous with your company and will take you a long way. A logo design can say a lot about you so you need to consider this point ve ry seriously. If you have recently started your company and looking to gain expo sure into the business world, a good logo design may be a better choice to sum u p your business. Alignment of proper and clear image- If you have a website that provides the facility of online purchasing then you must also focus on image quality and its placement. In fact images are important feature of web design and good qual ity shots of a product can say a thousand words. In addition to this, avoid plac ing heavy graphics and big image as it takes long time to download and might irr itate online visitor. Relevant professional content with proper placement- Text on each page m ust be relevant and need to have keywords about your product or service. Apart f rom this, make sure you place your web text in proper manner. In most of the cas es, users generally analyze a web page and scan the page for information going u n-sequentially from one site section to another. As soon as they find a text tha t seems like it might lead to the goal, there is a very good chance that it will be immediately read. This small understanding of business website design can br

ing profitable sales. Selection and placement of important links- Keeping your user and target market in mind while designing business website make sure select and place link s from your pages to other internal pages properly. As selection of main and sub links might help you promote other products or services. Moreover, it may also make it easier for a user to find other things on your site. However, again you have to be very sure that you don't overdo this too much. Title Every Web Page- For any corporate or small business website must h ave following pages like - Company Profile, Product Page, Achievement Page and C lientele Page. Now the point that you must be aware of is to ensure each page ha ve its own page title, meta descriptions and meta keywords. Web page title, meta description and keywords play a very important part in building your website. Build a Sitemap- A sitemap is the most vital web page and very essential for any business website design. It helps user to navigate your site more easil y. In addition, it gives fast glimpse of entire website and can further user get information easily in single click without surfing entire site. Moreover, it ev en makes it simple for search engines to index all pages on your site. Looking at the present scenario if you own big or small business then it 's really hard to say that you don't need any website. Actually when it comes to global marketing there is nothing more cost effective than having a business we bsite. Depending on your business and resources, you may have a website that con sists of few or hundreds of pages. Hence you must communicate your business info rmation more effectively. This is where a proper business website design plays i ts role. A proper website design in turn can enable you to decide the number of pages and any other functionality that can be helpful for your online visitors.

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