Career Management

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The career management process involves career exploration, development of career  goals, and use of career strategies to obtain career goals. The relationship between differe diff erent nt aspects aspects of the career career manageme management nt process process and employe employee e develop development ment beha be havi viou ourr and and perf perfor orma manc nce e was was exam examin ined ed in this this stud study y. Empl Employ oyee ees s prov provid ided ed information concerning their personal characteristics, career management strategies, theirr manage thei manager's r's support support for career career develop development ment,, and willing willingness ness to particip participate ate in development activities. Managers provided ratings of each employee's job performance and an d

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environmental environ mental exploration, and distance from career goal explained significant variance in employees' willingness to participate in development activities and developmental behavior. behavio r. areer areer manageme management nt was not signific significant antly ly related related to performa performance nce ratings ratings.. !esearch and practical implications of the study findings are discussed.






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MEANING OF CAREER:A MEANING CAREER:A Career Career has been defined defined as the sequence sequence of a person's person's experiences experiences on different jobs oer the period of ti!e" It is ie#ed as funda!enta$$% a re$ationship bet#een one or !ore or&aniations and the indiidua$" (o so!e a career is a carefu$$% #or)ed out p$ans for se$f adance!ent to others it is a ca$$in&*$ife ro$e to others it is a o%a&e to se$f discoer% and to sti$$ others it is $ife itse$f" A career is a sequence of positions+jobs he$d b% a person durin& the course of his #or)in& $ife" Accordin& to Ed#in ," F$ippo- .A career is a sequence of separate but re$ated #or) actiities that proide continuit%- order and !eanin& to a person/s $ife0" Accordin& to Garr% 1ess$er 1ess$er-- .(he occupationa$ occupationa$ positions positions a person has had oer !an% %ears0 %ears0 "Man% of  toda%'s e!p$o%ees hae hi&h expectations about their jobs" (here has been a &enera$ increase in the concern of the qua$it% of $ife" 2or)ers expect !ore fro! their jobs than just inco!e" A further i!petus to career p$annin& is the need for or&aniations to !a)e the best possib$e use of  their !ost a$uab$e resources the peop$e in a ti!e of rapid techno$o&ica$ &ro#th and chan&e"

What is Career Management Career !ana&e! Career !ana&e!ent ent is define defined d as: 34$annin 34$annin& & and shapin shapin& & the pro&re pro&ressi ssion on or !o !oe!e e!ent nt of  indiidua$s #ithin an or&anisation b% a$i&nin& e!p$o%ee preferences- ta$ent and potentia$ #ith or&anisationa$ resourcin& needs both no# and in the future"



Oer the past t#o decades the notion of 3career/ has chan&ed dra!atica$$%" As the shape of  or&anisations has chan&ed- so has the pattern of careers" Fro! a $ar&e$% or&anisation*drien 3route/ throu&h the hierarchica$ run&s of !ana&e!ent- career paths in !an% or&anisations hae !orphed into ta$ent pipe$ines #ith the e!phasis on capabi$it%*bui$din& and broadenin& s)i$$s to dee$o de e$op p f$exib f$exibi$i i$it% t%-- enab$i enab$in& n& peop$e peop$e to be redep$ redep$o% o%ed ed quic)$ quic)$% % in respons responsee to eer* eer*chan chan&in &in& & !ar)et conditions" Concepts such as the 3boundar% $ess career/- 3i&a& careers/ and 3project*  based careers/ hae beco!e a rea$it% and career decisions are no# $ar&e$% drien b% indiidua$s and their desire to achiee their potentia$ rather than a paterna$istic e!p$o%er offerin& a 3crad$e to &rae/- #e$$*si&nposted career !ap" (he research reported in this pub$ication #as desi&ned to &ie an insi&ht as to ho# career  !ana&e !an a&e!en !entt can be used used as a too$ too$ to !ana&e !ana&e chan&echan&e- dri drie e capabi$ capabi$it% it% and or&ani or&anisat sation iona$ a$ f$exibi$it% and contribute to perfor!ance throu&h enhanced en&a&e!ent and productiit%" It a$so identifies a nu!ber of issues and potentia$ contradictions around career !ana&e!ent #ith re&ard to both practice and attitudes- #hich are discussed #ith i!p$ications for practitioners"

Chapter 1



CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career dee$op!ent- both as a concept and a concern is of recent ori&in" (he reason for this $ac)  of concern re&ardin& career dee$op!ent for a $on& ti!e- has been the care$ess- unrea$istic assu!ption about e!p$o%ees functionin& s!ooth$% a$on& the ri&ht $ines- and the be$ief that the e!p$o%ees e!p$o% ees &uide the!se$es the!se$es in their careers" careers" 5ince the e!p$o%ees e!p$o%ees are educated- trained for the  job- and appraised- it is fe$t that the dee$op!ent fund on is oer" Modern personne$ ad!inistration has to be futuristic- it has to $oo) be%ond the present tas)s- since neither the require!ents of the or&anisation nor the attitudes and abi$ities of e!p$o%ee share constant" It is too cost$% cost$% to $eae $eae 'caree 'career' r' to the t%rann% t%rann% of ti!e ti!e and casua$t% casua$t% of cir circu! cu!sta stances nces-- for it is so!ethin& so!et hin& #hich requires to be hand$ed hand$ed carefu$$% carefu$$% throu&h s%ste!ati s%ste!atisatio sation n and professiona$ professiona$  pro!otin&" Fortunate$%Fortunate$%- there has $ate$% been so!e appreciation of the a$ue of career p$annin& and acceptance of a$idit% of career dee$op!ent as a !ajor input in or&anisationa$ dee$op!ent Career dee$op!ent refers to set of pro&ra!s desi&ned to !atch an indiidua$/s needs- abi$itiesand career &oa$s #ith current and future opportunities in the or&aniation" 2here career p$an sets career path for an e!p$o%ee- career dee$op!ent ensures that the e!p$o%ee is #e$$ dee$oped  before he or she !oes up the next hi&her $adder in the hierarch%"

 The purpose of Career Management 6o# ca 6o# care reer erss are are !ana& !ana&ed ed in $a $ar& r&ee or&a or&ani nisa sati tion onss has has a fa far* r*re reach achin in& & ef effe fect ct on bo both th th thee or&anisations and their e!p$o%ees" ,ut career dee$op!ent is a prob$e!atic subject for !ana&ers and 6R professiona$s" 2h%7 Or&anisations are er% nerous of raisin& expectations around pro!otion- and a$so fee$ uncertain about #hat the future ho$ds" (he resu$t is that !ost $ar&e or&anisations &ie their staff no c$ear or   positie !essa&e about careers" 'Career dee$op!ent' is not a sin&$e interention %ou can i!p$e!ent easi$%" It re$ies on a ran&e of actiities- ino$in& seera$ core 6R processes- and requires these to be carefu$$% inte&rated" As a resu$t- considerab$e confusion preai$s about #hat career dee$op!ent rea$$% is- #ith a consequent $ac) of confidence in ho# to de$ier it" Career  dee$op!ent is seen b% 6R peop$e and !ost !ana&ers as 'nice to hae' rather than as an essentia$  part of peop$e !ana&e!ent8 it is a$#a%s the aspect of 6R that the% are &oin& to &et round to #hen the% hae the ti!e" (he recent CI41 sure% on 3Mana&in& E!p$o%ee Careers/ 9;;<= supports this rather &$oo!% ie#" (he respondents to this sure% 9#ho #ere 6R professiona$s= sho#ed a desire to i!proe career dee$op!ent for a$$ e!p$o%ees- but in practice !ost of the effort #ent into re$atie$% s!a$$ &roups of senior or hi&h potentia$ e!p$o%ees" On$% a quarter of  respondents had a strate&% for career dee$op!ent coerin& a$$ e!p$o%ees- and on$% a third fe$t that senior !ana&ers #ere fir!$% co!!itted co!!itted to career !ana&e!ent !ana&e!ent actiities" actiities" In this report #e #i$$ ar&ue that: 7


>"2e need to be c$ear about #hat #e !ean b% 'career dee$op!ent'- and #h% it !atters ? both to indiidua$s and or&anisations" "2e need to understand the context in #hich #e $oo) at careers ? not just the or&anisationa$ context- but #ider econo!ic and socia$ trends " <"2e need to send c$earer and !ore positie !essa&es about careers and career dee$op!ent for  a$$ e!p$o%ees throu&h a career dee$op!ent strate&% " @" 2e need better #a%s of thin)in& thin)in& about and i!p$e!entin& i!p$e!entin& career dee$op!ent processes processes and  practices " " 4art of i!proin& practice is about c$arif%in& #ho does #hat in career dee$op!ent ? the issue of ro$es and responsibi$ities" B" (he fina$ section of the paper offers so!e su&&estions for i!proin& practice- and hi&h$i&hts so!e future cha$$en&es" E$een or&anisationa$ case studies underpin this paper and i$$ustrate stra strate te&i &ies es an and d prac practi tices ces"" A$$ the the ca case se st stud% ud% or&a or&ani nisa sati tion onss ha hae e a #i #ide de ra ran&e n&e of ca care reer  er  dee$op!ent dee$o p!ent initiaties initiaties and actiities actiities"" (he i$$ustrations i$$ustrations &ien here are b% no !eans a co!p$ete co!p$ete description of #hat the% are doin&" (he% are intended as se$ected i$$ustrations of interestin& pro&ressie or unusua$ approaches"

CAREER PLANNIN Career 4$annin& is a re$atie$% ne# personne$ function" Estab$ished pro&ra!s on Career 4$annin& are sti$$ sti$$ rare rare except except in $ar&er $ar&er or !ore !ore pro&re pro&ressi ssie e or&ani or&aniat ation ions" s" Career Career 4$anni 4$annin& n& ai!s ai!s at identif%in& persona$ s)i$$s- interest- )no#$ed&e and other features8 and estab$ishes specific p$ans to attain attain specif specific ic &oa$s" &oa$s" Ai!s Ai!s and Object Objectie iess of Career Career 4$anni 4$annin&: n&: Career Career 4$anni 4$annin& n& ai!s ai!s at !atchin& indiidua$ potentia$ for pro!otion and indiidua$ aspirations #ith or&aniationa$ needs and opportunities" Career 4$annin& is !a)in& sure that the or&aniation has the ri&ht peop$e #ith the ri&ht s)i$$s at the ri&ht ti!e" In particu$ar it indicates #hat trainin& and dee$op!ent #ou$d be necessar% for adancin& in the career a$terin& the career path or sta%in& in the current position" Its focus focus is on future future needs needs and opportu opportunit nities ies and re!oa$ re!oa$ of st sta&na a&natio tionn- obs obso$e o$esce scence nce-dissatisfaction of the e!p$o%ee"



O!"ECTIVE O# CAREER PLANNIN (o attract attract and retain the ri&ht t%pe of o f person in the or&aniation" (o (o !ap !ap ou outt caree careerr of e!p$ e!p$o% o%ees ees su suit itab$ ab$ee to thei theirr ab abi$ i$it it% % an and d thei theirr #i #i$$ $$in in&n &nes esss to be trained and dee$oped for hi&her positions" (o hae a !ore stab$e #or)force b% reducin& $abour turnoer and absenteeis!" It contributes to !an po#er p$annin& as #e$$ as or&aniationa$ dee$op!ent and effectie achiee!ent of corporate &oa$s" (o increasin&$% increasin&$% uti$ie the !ana&eria$ ta$ent aai$ab$e at a$$ $ee$s #ithin the or&aniation" (o i!proe e!p$o%ee !ora$e and !otiation b% !atchin& s)i$$s to job require!ent and b%  proidin& opportunities for pro!otion" It he$ps e!p$o%ee in thin)in& of $on& ter! ino$e!ent #ith the or&anisation" (o proide proide &uidance and encoura&e e!p$o%ees to fu$$ fi$$ their potentia$s" (o achiee hi&her productiit% and or&aniationa$ dee$op!ent" d ee$op!ent" (o ensure better use of hu!an resource throu&h !ore satisfied and productie e!p$o%ees" (o !eet the i!!ediate and future hu!an resource needs of the or&anisation on the ti!e$% basis"




(o desire to &ro# and sca$e ne# hei&hts" Rea$ie and achiee the &oa$s" 4erfor!ance !easure" 6i&h e!p$o%ee turnoer" (o educate the e!p$o%ees It !otiates e!p$o%ees to &ro#" It !otiates e!p$o%ees to aai$ trainin& and dee$op!ent" It increases e!p$o%ee $o%a$t% as the% fee$ or&aniation care/s about the!"

ADVA ADV ANTA NTAE$ E$ O# CARE CAREER ER PLAN PLANNIN NIN AND DEVEL DEVELOPMENT OPMENT In fact both indiidua$s and the or&aniation are &oin& to benefit fro! career p$annin& and dee$op!ent" 5o the adanta&es are described be$o#: For Indiidua$s >" (he process of career p$annin& he$ps the indiidua$ to hae the )no#$ed&e of arious career  opportunities- his priorities etc"" (his )no#$ed&e he$ps hi! se$ect the career that is suitab$e to his $ife st%$es- preferences- fa!i$% eniron!ent- scope for se$f*dee$op!ent etc"<" It he$ps the or&ani or& aniat ation ion identi identif% f% intern interna$ a$ e!p$o% e!p$o%ees ees #ho can be pro!ot pro!oted" ed"@" @" Int Intern erna$ a$ pro!ot pro!otion ionss- up &radat &ra dation ion and transf transfers ers !otia !otiate te the e!p$o% e!p$o%eesees- boost boost up their their !ora$e !ora$e and a$so a$so resu$t resu$t in increased incre ased job satisfact satisfaction"" ion"" Increased job satisfact satisfaction ion enhances enhances e!p$o%ee e!p$o%ee co!!it!en co!!it!entt and creates a sense of be$on&in&ness and $o%a$t% to the or&aniation"B" E!p$o%ee #i$$ a#ait his turn of pro!otion rather than chan&in& to another or&aniation" (his #i$$ $o#er e!p$o%ee turnoer"D" It i!proes e!p$o%ee/s perfor!ance on the job b% tapin& their potentia$ abi$ities and further  e!p$o%ee turnoer"" It satisfies e!p$o%ee estee! needs"

Wh% &areer 'e(e)opment matters to organisations Careers Caree rs are ho# hi&her hi&her*$ *$ee ee$$ and busine business ss*sp *speci ecific fic s)i$$s s)i$$s and )no#$e )no#$ed&e d&e are acquir acquired" ed" E!p$o%ees underta)in& sequences of #or) experiences pro&ressie$% &ro# those s)i$$s" e% #riters on careers in or&anisations see careers and $earnin& as inextricab$% $in)ed " 10


Careers are ho# s)i$$s and )no#$ed&e are dep$o%ed and spread in or&anisations- as e!p$o%ees !oe fro! one job to another in response to #here the% are needed" 5uch dep$o%!ent and )no#$ed&e sharin& is critica$ to or&anisationa$ f$exibi$it%" f$exibi$it%" Car Caree eerr !oe! !oe!ent ent is a$ a$so so ho ho# # cu cu$t $tur uree an and d a a$u $ues es ?t ?the he '&$u '&$ue' e' of th thee or or&a &ani nisa sati tion on ? ar aree trans!itted- and ho# persona$ net#or)s are extended and stren&thened" Corporate cu$ture and net#or)s are often )e% to rapid and effectie action"   Caree Careerr dee$o dee$op!e p!ent nt is a !ajor !ajor too$ too$ for attracti attractin&n&- !otia !otiatin tin& & and retain retainin& in& &ood qua$it% qua$it% e!p$o%ees" 4urce$$ et a$" 9;;<= found that proidin& career opportunities is one of e$een )e%  practices that inf$uence or&anisationa$ o r&anisationa$ perfor!ance" (he Career Innoation Research Group has sho#n the $in) bet#een the extent to #hich hi&h f$%ers experience career support and their  intention to sta% #ith their e!p$o%er 92inter and ac)son- >HHH="

Wh% &areer 'e(e)opment matters to in'i(i'ua)s our career is %our o#n $ife stor%8 ho# %ou !a)e sense of %our #or)in& $ife and ho# %ou achiee so!e sense of direction and pro&ression in #or) and inside %ourse$f" our career is ho# %ou !ana&e %our #or)in& $ife to earn inco!e- and a$so ho# %ou ba$ance #or) #ith %our other interests and responsibi$ities" Career dee$o Career dee$op!e p!ent nt is about about bein& bein& fu$$% fu$$% a#a a#are re of %our %our #or) #or) opport opportuni unitie tiess- and !a)in& !a)in& conscious and proactie choices about the )ind of #or) %ou do" Career dee$op!ent is ho# %ou dee$op %our s)i$$s and CJ- and thereb% i!proe %our chances of future e!p$o%abi$it% and aoid $on&*ter! une!p$o%!ent" 5o- careers !atter and or&anisations shou$d see the! as a centra$ aspect of the e!p$o%!ent re$ationship- not an optiona$ extra" Career  dee$op!ent is of direct benefit to or&anisations- and shou$d not be seen in ter!s of 'bein& nice nice' to staff"



Chapter * 12



 Career p$annin& K 1ee$op!ent process

Identif%in& Identif%i n& indiidua$ indiidua$ needs and aspiration aspirations: s: It/ It/ss necessar% necessar% to identif% identif% and co!!unicate co!!unicate the career &oa$s- aspiration and career anchors of eer% e!p$o%ee because !ost indiidua$s !a% not hae a c$ear idea about these" For this purpose- a hu!an resource inentor% of the or&aniation and e!p$o%ee potentia$ areasconcerned""Ana$%in& career opportunities" (he or&aniationa$ set up up-- futu future re p$an p$anss an and d ca care reer er s% s%st ste! e! of the the e!p$ e!p$o% o%ees ees ar aree ana$% ana$%e ed d to id iden enti tif% f% th thee caree career  r  opportunities aai$ab$e #ithin it" Career paths can be deter!ined for each position" It can a$so necess nec essar% ar% to ana$% ana$%e e career career de!and de!andss in ter!s ter!s of )no#$e )no#$ed&e d&e-- s)i$$s)i$$- experie experience nce-- aptitu aptitude de etc"<"I etc "<"Ident dentif% if%in& in& !atch !atch and !is!a !is!atch tch :A !echani !echanis! s! to identi identif%i f%in& n& con&rue con&ruence nce bet#een bet#een indiidua$ current aspirations and or&aniationa$ career s%ste! is dee$oped to identif% and co!pare specific areas of !atch and !is!atch for different cate&ories of  e!p$o%ees"@"For!u$atin& and i!p$e!entin& strate&ies: A$ternatie action p$ans and strate&ies for  dea$in& #ith the !atch and !is!atch are for!u$ated and i!p$e!ented""Reie#in& career p$ans: A periodic reie# of the career p$an is necessar% to )no# #hether the p$an is contributin& to effectie uti$iation of hu!an resources b% !atchin& e!p$o%ee objecties to job needs" Reie# #i$$ a$so indicate to e!p$o%ees in #hich direction the or&aniation is !oin&- #hat chan&es are $i)e$% to ta)e p$ace and #hat s)i$$s are needed to adapt to the chan&in& needs of the or&aniation 13



CAREER PLANNIN + DEVELOPMENT $TAE$ >"Exp$oration A$!ost a$$ candidates #ho start #or)in& after co$$e&e education start around !id* t#enties" Man% a ti!e the% are not sure about future prospects but ta)e up a job in anticipation of  risin& hi&her up in the career &raph $ater" Fro! the point of ie# of or&aniation- this sta&e is of  no norr e$e& e$e&anc ancee be becau cause se it ha happ ppens ens prio priorr to the the e!p$ e!p$o% o%!e !ent nt"" 5o!e 5o!e ca cand ndid idat ates es #ho #ho co co!e !e fro! better econo!ic bac)&round can #ait and se$ect a career of their choice under expert"" &uidan &ui dance ce fro! fro! parent parentss and #e$$*# #e$$*#is isher hers" s" Estab$ Estab$ish ish!en !entt this this career career sta&e sta&e be&ins be&ins #ith #ith the candidate &ettin& the first job &ettin& ho$d of the ri&ht job is not an eas% tas)" Candidates are $i)e$% to co!!it !ista)es and $earn fro! their !ista)es" 5$o#$% and &radua$$% the% beco!e responsib$e to#ards the job" A!bitious candidates #i$$ )eep $oo)in& for !ore $ucratie and cha$$en&in& jobs e$se#here" (his !a% either resu$t in !i&ration to another job or he #i$$ re!ain #ith the sa!e job because of $ac) of opportunit%" <"Mid*Car <"Mid* Career eer sta&e" sta&e" (his (his career career st sta&e a&e repres represent entss fastes fastestt and &ainfu &ainfu$$ $eap $eap for co!pet co!petent ent e!p$ e! p$o% o%ees ees #ho #ho are are co!!o co!!on$% n$% ca ca$$ $$ed ed .c .c$i $i!b !ber ers0 s0"" (her (heree is co cont ntin inuou uouss i! i!pr pro oe! e!ent ent in  perfor!ance" On the other hand- e!p$o%ees #ho are unhapp% and frustrated #ith the job- there is !ar)ed deterioration in their perfor!ance" In other to sho# their uti$it% to the or&aniatione!p$o%ees !ust re!ain productie at this sta&e" .c$i!bers0 !ust &o on i!proin& their o#n  perfor!ance" Authorit%Authorit%- responsibi$it%responsibi$it%- re#ards and incenties are hi&hest at this sta&e" E!p$o%ees tend to sett$e do#n in their jobs and .job hoppin&0 is not co co!!on" !!on" @"Late*Career sta&e" (his career sta&e is p$easant for the senior e!p$o%ees #ho $i)e to surie on the past &$or%" (here is no desire to i!proe perfor!ance and i!proe past records" 5uch e!p$o%ees enjo% p$a%in& the ro$e of e$der statesperson" (he% are expected to train %oun&er  e!p$o% e!p $o%ees ees and earn earn respect respect fro! fro! the!" the!""1e "1ec$i c$ine ne sta&e" sta&e" (his (his career career sta&e sta&e repres represent entss the co!p$etion of one/s career usua$$% cu$!inatin& into retire!ent" After decades of hard #or)- such e!p$o%ees hae to retire" E!p$o%ees #ho #ere c$i!bers and achieers #i$$ find it hard to co!pro!ise #ith the rea$it%" Others !a% thin) of .$ife after retire!ent0  CURRENT PRACTICE A sound strate&% for career dee$op!ent is on$% the first step" 4ractica$ processes for de$ierin& career dee$op!ent dee$op!ent are a$so crucia$" crucia$" Man% 6R processes processes can be ino$ed in !ana&in& !ana&in& careersand that is part of the prob$e!" (here are a nu!ber of usefu$ reie#s of career dee$op!enti$$ustratin& a #ide ran&e of practices- for exa!p$e Arno$d 9>HHD=- in& 9;;@=- Gratton and 6ai$e% 9>HHH=- I15 9>HHH= and ,aruch 9;;@=" 6o#eer- it is c$ear fro! the recent CI41 sure% 9;;<= that or&anisations !ost$% re$% on: career p$annin& discussions that are supposed to ta)e p$ace as part of for!a$ appraisa$ 9or  so!eti!es dee$op!ent reie#= #ith the $ine !ana&er  14


interna$- open job acanc% s%ste!s that a$$o# e!p$o%ees to see and app$% for acant posts  a ran&e of p$annin& !echanis!s and dee$op!ent sche!es for e!p$o%ees re&arded as bein& of   particu$ar a$ue a $ue ? succession p$annin& and hi&h potentia$ or &raduate dee$op!ent pro&ra!!es are the !ost co!!on of these" (his set of processes is a partia$ so$ution to the prob$e! of ho# to !ana&e careers- but it does hae so!e i!portant #ea)nesses:  open job !ar)ets on$% he$p career dee$op!ent if e!p$o%ees a$read% hae a rea$istic career   p$an and )no# the )ind of job the% are $oo)in& for" (he infor!ation and career adice to &et e!p$o%ees to this point are often $ac)in&" One consequence of this is the ris) of so!e e!p$o%ees  beco!in& 3job app$icant jun)ies/ ? e!p$o%ees #ho spend a $ot of their #or) ti!e app$%in& for   jobs for #hich the% are not suited  re$%in& on the i!!ediate $ine !ana&er to &ie career infor!ation and adice in an appraisa$ interie# inter ie# has t#o #ea)nesses: #ea)nesses: firstfirst- the appraisa$ appraisa$ process and second- the indiidua$" For an e!p$o%ee- this is se$f*a#areness of boss" (e$$in& e!p$o%ees to discuss their career once a %ear at the end of a $on& ne&otiation about pa% rare$% does the tric)" In a stud% of effectie career  discussions- on$% D occurred in appraisa$s 96irsh et a$"- ;;>= this stud% a$so sho#ed that oer*re$iance on the boss is a prob$e!" Mana&ers often hae a $i!ited ie# of career options and e!p$o%ees often do not #ish to roc) the boat #ith their o#n !ana&er b% raisin& the possibi$it% of a career !oe" Lots of peop$e hae periods #ithout a bossor the% hae a boss the% hate- or a er% re!ote re!ote boss- or the% hae a rapid succession succession of bossesnone of #ho! the% &et to )no# #e$$"  corporate career p$annin& for 'specia$ &roups' is often better conceied- a$thou&h rare$% #e$$ and consis con sisten tent$% t$% i!p$e! i!p$e!ent ented ed for an% $en&th $en&th of ti! ti!e" e" (here (here is often often ins insuff uffici icient ent dia$o& dia$o&ue ue #ith #ith indii ind iidua$ dua$ss- and dee$o dee$op!e p!ent nt sche!e sche!ess in ear$% ear$% or !id*ca !id*caree reerr can co!e co!e to an end #ithout #ithout  preparin& e!p$o%ees adequate$% for !ana&in& the next sta&e of their careers" Fro! processes to purposes ?&ettin& a c$earer ie# In reie#in& or redesi&nin& redesi&nin& career dee$op!ent dee$op!ent processesprocesses- it can be he$pfu$ he$pfu$ to thin) first about #hat purposes a set of processes needs to address" (he !ode$ is based on si!p$e ideas $on& used in career &uidance that are re$ated to brin&in& to&ether a )no#$ed&e of the indiidua$ and their  career options- for!in& a p$an and then ta)in& action" (he !ode$ is app$icab$e #hether #e are $oo)in& at ho# to support e!p$o%ees in !ana&in& their o#n careers- or at corporate$%*!ana&ed career actiities" (he fie !ain e$e!ents of the !ode$ are as fo$$o#s: E!p$o%ee s)i$$s and aspirations E!p$o%ee aspirations is about understandi understandin& n& the indiidua indiidua$" $" For an e!p$o%ee- this is se$f*a#areness of his or her a$ues and aspirations" (his is supported b% feedbac) fro! the or&anisation on perceied perfor!ance- s)i$$s and potentia$" In or&anisationa$ career p$annin&-



this is about the 'supp$%' of e!p$o%ees and their interests and preferences- as #e$$ as their  capabi$ities and experience" " ,usiness needs and career options are about career paths and $ee$s of opportunit%" For the indiidua$- it is about understandin& the career structure of the or&anisation and the )inds of jobs that !i&ht be open to the!" In or&anisationa$ career p$annin&- it is the 'de!and' side ? the nu!bers and )inds of peop$e needed- and shorta&es or surp$uses" <"Career p$annin& is about usin& the first t#o infor!ation inputs aboe to fra!e career p$ans" For  the e!p$o%ee- the career p$annin& actiit% often ino$es hain& discussions and &ettin& adice fro! fro ! ariou ariouss source sources8 s8 identif% identif%in& in& and required required to brin& a career p$an to fruition fruition exp$or exp$orin& in& option opt ions8 s8 fra!i fra!in& n& p$ans8 p$ans8 and possib possib$% $% ne&oti ne&otiati atin& n& around around so!e so!e thin&s thin&s for #hich #hich the% the% need need or&anisationa$ support 9e& &ettin& so!e trainin&- an interna$ second!ent- a side#a%s career !oe into another depart!ent- etc=" In or&anisationa$ career p$annin&- succession p$annin& inc$udes sh shar arin in& & info infor! r!at atio ionn- fra! fra!in in& & p$an p$anss and ne ne&ot &otia iati tionon- bo both th a!on a!on& & se seni nior or !ana& !ana&er erss an anddincreasin&$%-- #ith the indiidua$ e!p$o%ees ino$ed" increasin&$% @"2or) experiences and job !oes is about the a$$ i!portant processes that !a)e job !oes happen" (hese can be e!p$o%ee* or e!p$o%er*$ed" (he% can a$so inc$ude #a%s of doin& ne# thin&s thin&s #ithout #ithout necessa necessari$ ri$% % !oin& !oin& jobjob- e& job rotati rotationon- #or) #or) shado# shado#in& in&-- project project #or)in #or)in&&second!ents and assi&n!ents" "5)i$$$ dee$o "5)i$ dee$op!e p!ent nt ia for!a$ for!a$ traini trainin& n& and educat education ion-- and a$so a$so #or)*b #or)*base ased d $earni $earnin& n& 9e& co coac achi hin& n&== is often often re requi quired red to brin& brin& a career career p$an p$an to fr frui uiti tion" on" As a ru ru$e $e of th thu! u!bb- an or&anisation needs so!e #a% of attendin& to each of these fie !ain co!ponents" 2ith this fra!e#or) in !ind- #e #i$$ no# $oo) at so!e of the processes that can be used to support careers" < sho#s just so!e of these" 2e can see that quite a fe# processes are used !ost$% for $i!ited  popu$ations #hose careers are bein& !ore corporate$% !ana&ed" E!p$o%ees ta)in& responsibi$it% for their o#n careers use !ost$% #hat #e !i&ht ca$$ 'core 6R processes' ? especia$$% appraisa$trainin& and the job fi$$in& process" (he ne#er processes- i$$ustrated b% seera$ of the case stud% or&anisations- are often ai!ed at i!proin& access to career infor!ation and adice" Re$atie$% infor!a$

Corporate)%,manage' &areers As #e disc discus usse sed d in 5e 5ect ctio ion n <- !u !uch ch ef effo fort rt &o &oes es in into to !ana& !ana&in in& & th thee ca care reer erss of se se$e $ect cted ed  popu$ations- especia$$%: er% senior peop$e- those seen as hain& the potentia$ to reach senior  $ee$s $e e$s-- and so!e so!e entr% entr% &roups &roups 9espec 9especia$ ia$$% $% &raduat &raduatee tr train ainees ees=" =" 5pecia 5pecia$$ career career*! *!ana ana&e! &e!ent ent  processes tend to be used for these &roups" 16


(a$ent (a$ent !ana&e !ana&e!ent !ent (he processes for !ana&in& hi&h potentia$ and senior peop$e need to coer a$$ fie purposes and  be stron&$% inte&rated" (he% often inc$ude specia$ assess!ent processes 9e& assess!ent or  dee$op!ent centres- <B;* de&ree feedbac)= that feed into succession p$annin& and the se$ection of staff for hi&h potentia$ or acce$erated dee$op!ent pro&ra!!es" (he fashionab$e ter! 'ta$ent !ana&e!en !ana&e !ent' t' is used used to descri describe be a co!bin co!binati ation on of succes successio sion n p$anni p$annin& n& and hi&h hi&h potent potentia$ ia$ dee$op!ent actiities- #hi$e the ter! 'ta$ent pipe$ine' is used to cone% the need for 'ta$ented'  peop$e at different career sta&es and often inc$udes &raduate recruit!ent as its start point" Exp$an Exp $anato ator% r% account accountss of suc succes cessio sion n and ta$ent ta$ent !ana&e! !ana&e!ent ent proces processes ses inc$ud inc$udee those those b% the " Corporate Leadership Counci$ 9>HHD=- Charan et a$" 9;;>=- 6o$beche 9>HH=- IR5 9>HHD= and 6irsh 9;;;=" Corporate Corpor ate$% $%*!an *!ana&e a&ed d career career proces processes ses are a$so a$so charact characteri erised sed as a co$$ec co$$ecti tiee proces processs #here #here assess!ent asses s!entss- business business needs and possib$e career p$ans are shared bet#een bet#een &roups of !ana&ers" !ana&ers" (he% often bui$d in considerab$e dia$o&ue #ith indiidua$s to find out their needs and aspirations" Enrich Enr iched ed s)i$$ s)i$$ dee$o dee$op!e p!ent nt is often often part part of the dea$ dea$ for these these &roups &roups-- de$ie de$iered red throu& throu&h h $eadership dee$op!ent pro&ra!!es and- increasin&$%- throu&h the persona$ support of !entors and coaches" (he caree (he careerr !oe !oess of se se$e $ect cted ed indi indii idu dua$ a$ss ar aree us usua ua$$ $$% % en en&i &ine neer ered ed to so so!e !e ex exte tent nt b% th thee or&anisation" Corporate career p$annin& can easi$% beco!e a paper process in #hich the senior !ana&ers ino$ed beco!e bored and disen&a&ed" (he ,arc$a%s case stud% 9pa&e ;= sho#s an exa!p$e of  re*ini&or re*in i&orated ated ta$ent ta$ent !ana&e!ent" !ana&e!ent" Corporate career dee$op!ent dee$op!ent is er% difficu$t difficu$t for so!e or&anisations" In the pub$ic sector- for exa!p$e- career !oes are often fro! one or&anisation to another in nationa$ job !ar)ets" For exa!p$e- this is the case in

The En(ironment- Career Issues an' Tren's In the curren currentt econo!i econo!icc eniron! eniron!ent ent-- educat education ion is beco!i beco!in& n& increa increasin sin&$% &$% cri criti tica$ ca$ to career  career  success" 2hi$e e!p$o%!ent rose for Canadians #ith uniersit% and co$$e&e educations- B>-;;; fe#er jobs existed existed for those peop$e #ithout hi&h schoo$ qua$ificati qua$ifications" ons" ne!p$o%!ent ne!p$o%!ent rates in the "5" exceed >; for those #ith $ess than a hi&h schoo$ dip$o!a and approxi!ate$% " for  co$$e&e &raduates" >" 2hen professio professiona$ na$ desi&nati desi&nations ons 9i"e"9i"e"- accountin&accountin&- en&ineerin&= en&ineerin&= are are ta)en into accountaccount- the data on e!p$o%abi$it% and inco!e is s)e#ed in faour of the professiona$- re$atie to those #ho possess possess on$% a post secondar% educationa$ educationa$ bac)&round" 6o#eer6o#eer- in order to !aintain a co!petitie ed&e- indiidua$s !ust continue to inest in their dee$op!ent throu&h thr ou&hout out their their career careers" s" 5pecif 5pecifica ica$$% $$%-- #ith #ith respec respectt to the future future for busine business ss and accountin& account in& positions positions-- .&ro#th .&ro#th due to the increasin& increasin& nu!ber and co!p$exit% co!p$exit% of business business operati oper ations ons #i$$ #i$$ be offset offset so!e#ha so!e#hatt b% corpor corporate ate restru restructu cturin rin& & and do#nsi do#nsiin& in& of  17


!ana&e!ent- resu$tin& in aera&e &ro#th for executie- ad!inistratie and !ana&eria$ occupations"",ecause these #or)ers are e!p$o%ed throu&hout the econo!%- differences in rate of expansion for indiidua$ industries #i$$ produce ar%in& rates of e!p$o%!ent chan&e  job see)ers #ith preious #or) experience- specia$ied trainin&- or &raduate stud% hae an adanta&e in co!petition for jobs"0 " Cons Conseq equen uent$ t$% %- a co co!b !bin inat atio ion n of ed educ ucat atio ion n an and d exper experie ienc ncee fi fi&ur &uree pr pro! o!in inen ent$ t$% % in an indiidua$/s abi$it% to co!pete" nti$ recent$%- education preceded practica$ experience"  No#- the popu$arit% of concurrent co!p$etion of education and practica$ experience is &ro#in &ro #in&" &" For exa!p$ exa!p$ee- unier uniersit sities ies offer offer pro&ra pro&ra!s !s #hich #hich co!bin co!binee educati education on #it #ith h  practica$ experience and !an% or&aniations are reco&niin& the i!portance of for!a$ trainin&" (he CMA pro&ra! is an exa!p$e of for!a$ trainin&- co!bined #ith practica$ experience" Considerin& the i!portance of education in an indiidua$/s abi$it% to co!pete in the job !ar)et- $ife$on& $earnin& is critica$"

Ana) an' A'apting to the $hifts in the "o/ En(ironment In addition to a base and experienceeffectie career !ana&e!ent requires ana$%sis of chan&es in of theeducation job eniron!ent and an abi$it% to adapt to !eet the chan&in& needs an of  or&aniations" Gien the or&aniationa$ chan&es that hae occurred in recent %ears 9do#nsiin&de$a%e de$ a%erin rin&&- decent decentra$ ra$ia iatio tionn- reor& reor&ani aniat ation ion-- cost*r cost*reduc eductio tionn- I( innoa innoatio tionn- co!pet co!petenc% enc% !easure!ent- and perfor!ance re$ated !easure!ent=- and their potentia$ ne&atie ps%cho$o&ica$ i!pacts 9anxiet%- $o#ered se$f*estee!- co!petitie behaiours- frustration- stress- $o#ered se$f* efficac%- and $o# trust behaiours=- a positie fra!e#or) is required for approachin& the future"  Nicho$son offers a positie a$ternatie for career !ana&e!ent based on: tea!#or)8 the dee$o de e$op!e p!ent nt of co!pet co!petenci encies8 es8 pa%!ent pa%!ent based based on output outputs8 s8 a contra contract ct of e!p$o% e!p$o%abi$ abi$it% it% and f$exibi$it%8 and a !oe to se$f*!ana&ed careers" Fo$$o#in& Nicho$son/s fra!e#or) fra!e#or) !ini!ies the  ps%cho$o&ica$ i!pacts noted aboe" Four funda!enta$ funda!enta$ trends !ust be unders understood tood in order for CMAs to effectie effectie$% $% !ana&e their  careers: job !ar)ets are beco!in& externa$ to or&aniations8 technica$ exce$$ence is no $on&er  sufficient8 a ne# contract exists bet#een e!p$o%er and e!p$o%ee8 and .safet%0 co!es fro! ris)  ta)in&" Chan&e is no# constant- necessitatin& $ife $on& $earnin&" >" Exte Extern rna$ a$ o ob b Mar) Mar)et etss As or&aniations beco!e $eaner and p$ace &reater re$iance on se!i*per!anent a$$iancesthe the i! i!po port rtan ance ce of .$ .$oc oca$ a$00 )n )no# o#$e $ed& d&ee 9the 9the parti particu cu$a $arr #a%s #a%s in #hic #hich h an% in indi dii idua dua$$ or&aniation #or)s= di!inishes" 1iersit% of experience substitutes for depth #ithin one  particu$ar or&aniation" Or&aniations co!pete b% obtainin& the best expertise for a $i!ited  period rather than the !ost $o%a$ fo$$o#er for their entire career" CMAs cannot $i!it their  understandin& to the particu$ar intricacies of an% one or&aniation" Mer&ers or a$$iance shifts !a% require ne# approaches approaches to contro$ contro$ s%ste!s8 s%ste!s8 or ne# techno$o&ies techno$o&ies !a% supersede supersede and+or  dea$ue dea $ue the )no#$ed )no#$ed&e &e of prior prior s% s%ste ste!s !s"" As or&ani or&aniat ation iona$ a$ hierar hierarchi chies es f$ f$att attenen- career  career  18


!oe!ent #i$$ be $atera$- bet#een functions- bet#een steps and sta&es in processes- and  bet#een or&aniations" (hese trends necessitate a focus on externa$ job !ar)ets b% !ana&e!ent accountants" " (e (echnica chnica$$ Expertise Expertise ,eco!es ,eco!es Outdated Outdated Puic)e Puic)err and Puic)er  Puic)er  (echnica$ expertise- once acquired- beco!es obso$ete #ith increasin& rapidit%" For exa!p$eauto!ated data hand$in& too$s and processes can substitute soft#are for peop$e" Contro$  procedures are increasin&$% auto!ated" Accordin&$% ne# technica$ co!petencies are required in the the areas areas of or&a or&ani nia ati tion ona$ a$ st stru ruct ctur uree an and d desi& desi&n n an and d st stra rate te&i &icc p$ p$an anni nin& n&"" 4e 4ers rson ona$ a$ co!petencies !ust no# enco!pass both interpersona$ and se$f*!ana&e!ent s)i$$s as #e$$ as  prob$e!*so$in& and s%nthesiin& s)i$$s" Indiidua$s !ust !oe be%ond a narro#$% defined ie# of traditiona$ technica$ expertise- and e!brace those areas required  b% the e!er&in& co!petitie eniron!ent" <" (he 4ortfo 4ortfo$io $io Contract Contract Rep$ac Rep$aces es the the .ob0 .ob0 Contra Contract ct 4rojects- tas)s and contracts are rep$acin& the traditiona$$% defined .job0" Indiidua$s !ust unde unders rsta tand nd that that a$ a$th thou ou&h &h the% the% ca can n $ose $ose thei theirr jo jobs bs-- th the% e% do no nott $o $ose se th thei eirr s)i$ s)i$$s $s or  co!petencies" .job0 contract #as contract based onisthe descriptionsa$ar%" Lo%a$t%6istorica$$%#as re#ardedthe #ith tenure" (he ne# based on a$ue position added in and the serices perfor!ed" It is the app$ication of a portfo$io of s)i$$s to the require!ents of a  portfo$io of c$ients

@" 5afet% Co!es Fro! Ris) (a)in& Indiidua$s !ust !oe fro! a traditiona$ contro$ orientation to one that a$ues ca$cu$ated ris)  ta)in&" Ris) ta)in& forces indiidua$s to push the!se$es be%ond co!fortab$e boundaries into ne# $earnin& experiences" Learnin& throu&h repeated atte!pts and fai$ures prior to success #i$$ a$$o# indiidua$s to adapt as the eniron!ent de!ands" (he future re!ains uncertain uncert ain but interpretab$e interpretab$e patterns patterns do e!er&e" e!er&e" Effecti Effectiee career !ana&e!ent !ana&e!ent requires requires an indii ind iidua$ dua$ to decipher decipher the e!er& e!er&in& in& patter patternsns- and adapt adapt their their thin)i thin)in&n&- att attitu itudes des-- s)i s)i$$ $$ssabi$ities- and behaiour in response" "(rends in Or&aniationa$ For!s In addition to the eniron!enta$ trends out$ined aboe- indiidua$/s require an understandin& of specif specific ic or& or&ani aniat ation iona$ a$ trends trends"" One si&nif si&nifica icant nt or&ani or&aniat ation ion trend trend is that that of the ne# or&ani or& aniat ation iona$ a$ for!s" for!s" ob !ar)e !ar)ets ts shift shift in ter!s ter!s of indust industr% r% and de!and de!and for differ different ent serices- but or&aniations are a$so si!u$taneous$% transfor!in& in ne# structures" C$assica$ or&aniation for!s are bein& rep$aced b% te!porar% a$$iances and net#or) or&aniations" Or&aniations are under co!petitie pressures to focus on the actiities the% do best and to outsource the re!ainder" 5upp$ier partnerships a$$o# or&aniations to focus on those tas)s #heree the% #her the% hae hae co!pet co!petit itie ie adant adanta&e a&e"" In order order to re!ain re!ain co!peti co!petiti tiee- !ana&e! !ana&e!ent ent accountants !ust understand the stren&ths and #ea)nesses of these ne# structura$ for!sdee$op needed co!petencies and persona$ stren&ths- and be prepared to faci$itate their use#here appropriate" 19



Chapter 0


QA de$iberate search for a p$an of action that #i$$ dee$op a business's co!petitie adanta&e and co!pound it" For an% co!pan% the search is an iteratie process that be&ins #ith a reco&nition of  #here %ou are and #hat %ou hae no#" our !ost dan&erous co!petitors are those that are !ost 20


$i)e %ou" (he differences bet#een %ou and %our co!petitors are the basis of %our adanta&e" If  %ou are in business and se$f*supportin& %ou a$read% hae so!e )ind of co!petitie adanta&e no !atter ho# s!a$$ or subt$e" Other#ise %ou #ou$d hae &radua$$% $ost custo!ers faster than %ou &ained the!" (he objectie is to en$ar&e the scope of %our adanta&e #hich can on$% happen at so!eone e$se's expense"Q A career in strate strate&ic &ic p$anni p$annin& n& ino$ ino$es es he$pin he$pin& & a corpor corporati ation on desi&n desi&n a path path to &ro#th &ro#th and  profitabi$it% a!idst co!petition and constant chan&e" (he strate&ic p$anner's ro$e consists of  he$pin& the or&aniation to &ather- ana$%e and or&anie infor!ation" (he% trac) industr% and co!pet co! petiti itie e trends trends-- dee$o dee$op p forecas forecastin tin& & !ode$s !ode$s and scenar scenario io ana$%s ana$%sisis- exa!ine exa!ine str strate ate&ic &ic  perfor!ance- spot e!er&in& !ar)et opportunities- identif% business threats- $oo) for noe$ strate&ic so$utions- and dee$op creatie action p$ans" 5trate&ic p$annin& ino$es understandin& #hat the or&aniation/s current strate&% is- #hat has been tried in the past and a$so #hat it #i$$ be in the future 9.5trate&ic intent0=" 5trate&ic 5trate &ic p$anne p$anners rs ana$% ana$%ee and ea$ua ea$uate te intern interna$ a$ busine business ss p$ans" p$ans" (his (his ino$ ino$es es financi financia$ a$ forecastin&- !ar)et ana$%sis- co!petitie inte$$i&ence ana$%sis- $oo)in& at MKA proposa$s and feasibi$it% ana$%sis" (here is a$so substantia$ focus on endor re$ations- $o&istics and supp$% chain issues and &eo&raphic expansion" (here is a $ot of co!!on sense .&ut fee$0 #or) h here ere too" Cou$d an or&aniation i!p$e!ent p$an7 Can oda) shift fro!ban)7 producin& fi$! to di&ita$ ca!eras7rea$$% es" Can es" Mor&ana5tan$e% rea$$% startrea$$% to act !a)e $i)e athe co!!ercia$ ban) 7 Ma%be not" 5trate&% jobs are ie#ed as so!e of the !ost desirab$e in a $ar&e corporation because the%  proide access to the oera$$ picture- the ision and the !ain issues that deter!ine a$ue in an or&aniation" It is not unco!!on for an 5J4 of 5trate&ic 4$annin& to ta)e the CEO job next" o ou u #i$$ be in frequent contact #ith senior !ana&e!ent and #i$$ &et the opportunit% to see ho# decisions rea$$% &et !ade in %our or&aniation" At the entr% $ee$- %ou #ou$d #or) as a strate&ic p$annin& associate or !ana&er"  ou ou #ou$d #or)  on assi&n!ents directed b% !ore senior !e!bers of %our &roup" our #or) #ou$d focus on co$$ect co$ $ectin& in& datadata- puttin puttin& & to&eth to&ether er presen presentat tation ionss- ta$)in ta$)in& & to !e!ber !e!berss of the or&ani or&aniat ation ion to understand a prob$e!" As %ou adance %ou #i$$ &et !ore opportunit% to direct strate&% and to interact #ith senior !ana&e!ent that proides assi&n!ents to %our &roup" 5trate&ic p$anners need to dra# on !u$tip$e discip$ines inc$udin& finance and particu$ar$% the  bud&etin& process" (he hi&h $ee$ bud&etin& process in so!e corporations reports to strate&% and is ca$$ed F4KA 9financia$ p$annin& and ana$%sis=" Another i!portant discip$ine is !ar)etin&" It/s )e% to focus on custo!ers- !ar)ets and techno$o&ies to dee$op ne# strate&ies that capita$ie on the &ro#th opportunities that $ie ahead" And- of course- there is a dee$oped discip$ine of strate&% itse$f" (his is tau&ht #e$$ at top business schoo$s and schoo$s and there are !an% boo)s on corporate strate&% that desere a carefu$ read" 5trate&ic p$anners can often #or) on specific assi&n!ents as interna$ !ana&e!ent consu$tants" It !a% be that the &rain business in China isn/t doin& #e$$ &ien a chan&in& co!petitie d%na!ic" our job #ou$d be to understand the !ar)et carefu$$%- #or)in& #ith $oca$ !ana&e!ent and to reco!!end a strate&% to reita$ie &ro#th" 21


et- strate&ic p$anners are different than !ana&e!ent consu$tants consu$tants insofar  insofar as the% #or) inside an or&aniation and #i$$ often be responsib$e for brin&in& in externa$ consu$tin& he$p" Another  re$a re $ate ted d ro$e ro$e is busin busines esss dee$ dee$op! op!ent ent or corpor corporat atee dee$ dee$op! op!ent ent"" ,usi ,usine ness ss de dee e$o $op! p!ent ent  professiona$s hae a focus on specific steps required to i!p$e!ent a strate&% #hether it be !er&ers- acquisitions- ne# !ar)et opportunities- $icensin& dea$s or a$$iances" A &ood business dee$o de e$op!e p!ent nt profes professi siona$ ona$ is expert expert at !a)in& !a)in& connect connection ionss #ith #ith extern externa$ a$ potent potentia$ ia$ busine business ss  partners and is stron& in contract discussions and ne&otiations" ne&otiations" obs in strate&ic p$annin& are not eas% to find and often &o to !id*career personne$ or to persons #ho hae had preious strate&ic consu$tin& experience" et- a nu!ber of $ar&e co!panies recruit specifica$$% into strate&ic p$annin& ro$es and #i$$ often tar&et the best and bri&htest students fro! top M,A pro&ra!s" At its best- these entr% $ee$ strate&% positions can be a &reat $ead*in to a successfu$ strate&ic  p$annin& career" ,ut at its its #orst- a strate&ic p$annin& job can !ean %ou:  9>= spend a $ot of ti!e on ideas that neer &et i!p$e!ented9= don/t &et the $ine experience that is often crucia$ for $ater pro!otions and  9<= #or) $on& hours" $ti!ate$%- strate&ic p$anners differ fro! other discip$ines #ithin the or&aniation insofar as the% $ti!ate$%dee$op fra!e#or)s for &ro#th and profitabi$it%" (he% focus on the structure of !ar)ets and the or&aniation/s ro$e in shapin& those !ar)ets rather than on the specific tactica$ steps required to operate in those !ar)ets" 2e inite %ou to $earn !ore about this d%na!ic- cerebra$ business opportunit%" Fee$ free to reie# the !ateria$s be$o# as %ou exp$ore %our opportunit% in a strate&ic p$annin& career"

Career 'e(e)opment ro)es an' organisationa) &apa/i)it% Much has been Much been #ritt #ritten en about about the benefit benefitss to be derie deried d fr fro! o! !axi!i !axi!iin in& & or&ani or&aniat ation iona$ a$ capabi cap abi$it $it% % as a !eans !eans of increa increasin sin& & co!pet co!petiti itie e adanta adanta&e&e- estab$ estab$ish ishin& in& hu!an hu!an resour resource ce functions as a strate&ic strate&ic partner and i!proin& sta)eho$der sat satisfaction" isfaction" 6o#eer- there is is er% $itt$e $itt $e in the research research on ho# or&ania or&aniations tions bui$d their their or&aniat or&aniationa$ iona$ capabi$it capabi$it% %" (his paper  paper   proposes a Mode$ of Or&aniationa$ Capabi$it% based on three do!ains ? the 5trate&ic IntentOr&aniat Or&a niationa$ iona$ 5tructures 5tructures and Indiidua$ Indiidua$ no#$ed&e" no#$ed&e" (he Mode$ exp$ores exp$ores ho# s%ste!s s%ste!s and  processes can be a$i&ned to !axi!ie or&aniationa$ capabi$it%" (he !ode$ can be used b% researcher resea rcherss to exa!ine exa!ine the forces that bui$d or&aniati or&aniationa$ ona$ capabi$it% in or&aniati or&aniationsons- and deter!ine deter! ine critica$ critica$ success factors" factors"

4ractitio 4ractitioners ners #ishin& #ishin& to !axi!ie !axi!ie their or&aniatio or&aniationa$ na$ 22


ca capa pabi bi$i $it% t% ca can n dra# dra# on the the Mode Mode$$ an and d su&& su&&es este ted d st step epss- to as assi sist st th the! e! to ex exp$ p$or oree th thee or&aniationa$ capabi$it% a&enda for their business"

Much has been #ritten about the benefits and i!pacts of or&anisationa$ capabi$it% 9OC= in the #or)p$ace" (he ro$e OC can p$a% in in or&anisations has been descr described ibed as: Increasin& co!petitie Increasin& co!petitie adanta&e adanta&e throu&h throu&h basin& basin& strate&% strate&% on an understandi understandin& n& of the stren&ths stren&ths and #ea)nesses of the #or)force 9,arne% >HH>8 Grant >HH>=" Estab$ishin& the 6u!an Resources 1ee$op!ent function as a strate&ic partner partner"" In this #a% OC actss as a $inchpi act $inchpin n bet#ee bet#een n strate strate&% &% and hu!an hu!an resources resources 96R=96R=- theref therefore ore 6R beco!es beco!es a  proactie source of co!petitie adanta&e- rather than reactie in focusin& on o n perfor!ance &aps 9$ric) and La)e >HH>8 Luo!a ;;;=




1riin& or&anisati 1riin& or&anisationa$ ona$ outco!esoutco!es- such as sta)eho$der sta)eho$der satisfaction and custo!er custo!er satisfaction satisfaction 9$ric) and La)e >HH>8  eun& eun& and ,er!an >HHD=" I!proin& I!pro in& person person*or *or&an &anisat isation ion fit fro! fro! se$ecti se$ection on process processeses- !ore !ore faour faourab$ ab$ee e!p$o% e!p$o%ee ee att attitu itudesdes- and reinforc reinforce!e e!ent nt of approp appropria riate te or& or&ani anisati sationa ona$$ desi&n desi&n 9,o#en 9,o#en-- Ledfor Ledfor et a$" >HH>=Co!!unicatin& a$ued behaiours- raisin& co!petenc% $ee$s and reinforcin& positie a$ues 9Fine&o$d- La#$er III et a$" >HH=" (here is er% $itt$e offered in the $iterature on ho# an or&anisation !a% bui$d its OC" A$thou A$t hou&h &h 4raha$ 4raha$ad ad 9>HH= 9>HH= identi identifies fies that that OC dee$o dee$op!e p!ent nt needs needs to be !ana&e !ana&ed d at the indiidua$- tea! and or&anisationa$ $ee$- he does not offer an approach for dee$opin& desired OC" OC" (his point point is c$ear$% !ade !ade b% Fine&o$dFine&o$d- La#$er La#$er III et a$" 9>HH9>HH- p" >= #ho su&&est that .there are sti$$ no operationa$ s%ste!s that #ou$d a$$o# an or&anisation to &o direct dir ect$% $% fro! fro! a str strate& ate&% % ca$$in ca$$in& & for partic particu$a u$arr co!pet co!petenci encies es to or&ani or&aniati ationa ona$$ s% s%ste! ste!ss in #hich particu$ar co!petencies cou$d be dee$oped0"


Chapter 2 24


Definition of Organi.ationa) Organi.ationa) Capa/i)it%

OC accordin& to Leonard*,ar Leonard*,arton ton 9>HH- p" >><*@= >><*@= .is the )no#$ed&e )no#$ed&e set that distin&uish distin&uishes es and proides proides co!petitie co!petitie adanta&e0" adanta&e0" (his su&&ests su&&ests that pursuit of &reater or&aniati or&aniationa$ ona$ )no#$ed&e )no# $ed&e is a centra$ !otiator !otiator for or&aniation or&aniationss see)in& to dee$op dee$op their OC" Nona)a Nona)a 9;;== defines 9;; defines )no#$ed&e )no#$ed&e as 3justified 3justified true be$ief/" 1e$aha%e 9forthco!in 9forthco!in&= &= su&&ests su&&ests a four  tier hierarch% of )no#$ed&e )no#$ed&e that reinforces the si&nificance si&nificance of the indiidua$ indiidua$ in the bui$din& bui$din& of )no#$ed&e in or&aniations" or&aniations" 6is hierarch% bui$ds fro! data #ith no ! !eanin& eanin& on its o#n8 infor!ation hain& si!p$e !essa&es 9for exa!p$e- #ithin the !anua$ of procedures of an or&aniation=8 inert )no#$ed&e &iin& considered opinion 9for exa!p$e- #ithin textboo)s=8 throu&h to e!bodied )no#$ed&e- he$d #ithin the !inds of indiidua$s- that can be accessed at arious ti!es dependin& on conscious and sub*conscious cues"

(he depth of understandin& of ho# indiidua$ expertise is dee$oped proides usefu$ insi&hts for OC" (axono!ies (axono!ies of ho# indiidua$s $earn proposed b% seera$ #riters 94err% >HD8 ,i&&s and Co$$is Co$$is >H8 5tephenson 5tephenson >HH8 >HH8 5eib% 5eib% >HHD= su&&est su&&est that expertise expertise is at the u$ti!ate $ee$ #hen the )no#$ed&e- s)i$$s and abi$ities of the indiidua$ a$$o# the! to operate in ne# contex con texts ts and ne# #a%s- thus de!onst de!onstrati ratin& n& innoatio innoation n and f$exibi f$exibi$it% $it%""

(he (he &oa$s &oa$s of 

innoation and f$exibi$it% identified for indiidua$s can be app$ied equa$$% to or&aniations"

(herefore- this paper defines OC as the e!bodied )no#$ed&e set that supports co!petitie adant ad anta&e a&e throu& throu&h h innoa innoatio tion n and f$exib f$exibi$it i$it% % &ained &ained b% bui$di bui$din& n& a$i&n!e a$i&n!ent nt bet#ee bet#een n the experti exp ertise se of the strate& strate&ic ic direct direction ion-- the or&ani or&aniati ationa ona$$ structu structure re and the )no#$e )no#$ed&e d&e and

expertise of the indiidua$s in the #or)force"



(o assist or&aniations to bui$d their OC- this paper proposes a Mode$ of Or&aniationa$ Capabi$it% 9MOC=- based on a reie# of the $iterature" A !ode$ can be a po#erfu$ ehic$e for  dee$opin& &reater understandin& of the critica$ do!ains and enab$ers that constitute OC"

Three Domains of Organi.ationa) Capa/i)it%

(he MOC su&&e su&&este sted d in this this paper paper is based based on three do!ain do!ainss or spheres spheres of inf$uenc inf$uencee ?  strate&ic strate& ic intent- or&aniation or&aniationa$ a$ structure and indiidua$ indiidua$ )no#$ed&e" )no#$ed&e" 5i!i$ar 5i!i$ar do!ains hae a$so been identified as necessar% for bui$din& )no#$ed&e and or&aniationa$ perfor!ance 9,o%atis >H8 Leonard*,arton >HH8 4raha$ad >HH=" $trategi& Intent Domain

(he 5trate& 5trate&ic ic Intent 1o!ain 1o!ain is the first do!ain do!ain of the MOC" (his (his do!ain do!ain exp$or exp$ores es the strate&ic direction of the or&aniation in ter!s of the Resource ,ased (heor% of the Fir! 9R,(F= perspectie of strate&% dee$op!ent 9,arne% >HH>8 Grant >HH>="

(he traditiona$ traditiona$ approaches approaches to strate&ic strate&ic p$annin& assu!e resources #i$$ be readi$% sourced sourced in the !ar)et- #hereas the R,(F p$aces an unequioca$ a$ue to the or&aniation/s hu!an capita$- and sees the stren&ths of the #or)force as the startin& point for strate&% dee$op!ent" R,(F ac)no#$ed&e ac)no#$ed&ess the strate&ic a$ue of the intan&ib$e intan&ib$e resources of the or&aniationor&aniation- and  bases strate&% dee$op!ent on the characteristics and qua$ities of these resources 96a%es

>H8 4raha$ad and 6a!e$ >HH;8 $ric) and La)e >HH>8 (eece- 4isano et a$" >HH8 Luo!a ;;;="

(he focus on hu!an hu!an resourc resources es and intan&ib intan&ib$e $e assets assets is suppor supported ted b% researc research h on $ar&e $ar&e innoatie fir!s" (his research has sho#n that successfu$ or&anisations #ere ab$e to id identif% entif% their core stren&ths- and then use this understandin& to deter!ine a iab$e strate&ic direction 26


94raha$ad and 6a!e$ >HH;8 4aitt 4aitt >HH>8 (eece(eece- 4isano et a$" >HH=" (he chan&e in thin)in& thin)in& about the strate&% strate&% dee$op! dee$op!ent ent approach is c$ear$% stated b% 6a%es 9>H- p" >> >>= = .1o not dee$op p$ans and then see) capabi$ities- instead- bui$d capabi$ities and then encoura&e the dee$op!ent of p$ans for exp$oitin& the!0"

(he R,(F offers the fo$$o#in& desired characteristics for the 5trate&ic Intent 1o!ain:

Exp$icit direction

Or&aniatio Or&an iations ns need to !a)e exp$icit state!ents state!ents about their direction- or at $east describe de$ierab$es in strate&ic p$ans 96and% >HH@8 eun& eun& and ,er!an >HHD8 5chn ;;=" In !ost strate&ic p$ans this exp$icit direction is proided b% the !ission state!ent 91aidson and Griffin ;;<="

Pua$ities of #or)force

(his requires an understandin& of a #or)force/s qua$ities- rather than !ere$% bud&etar% focused profi$in& infor!ation 9Grant >HH>8 4aitt >HH>8 (eece- 4isano et a$" >HH=" 5uch an under understa standi ndin& n& cou$d cou$d be found found in a )no#$e )no#$ed&e d&e audit audit report report-- or indirec indirect$% t$%-- in job


Infor! or&aniationa$ processes

(his inc$udes !ana&e!ent processes such as or&aniationa$ structures and hierarchiestechnica$ s%ste!s and the a$ues and nor!s of the or&aniation 9Leonard*,arton >HH="

Infor! future direction



C$ear$% definin& probab$e future direction enab$es focused infor!ation*sharin& across  boundaries- and tri&&ers the dee$op!ent of future expertise that indiidua$s !a% need to dee$op to &ie the or&aniation opti!u! f$exibi$it% and direction for innoation 96a%es >H=" 5uch future direction shou$d be proided in the strate&ic p$an- especia$$% in the exp$icit strate&ies and the strate&ic objecties"

In su!!ar% su!!ar%-- the 5trate 5trate&ic &ic Intent Intent 1o!ain 1o!ain shou$d shou$d c$ear$% c$ear$% define define the capabi capabi$iti $ities es of the #or)force- infor! or&aniationa$ processes and infor! future direction

Organisationa) $tru&tures Domain

(he second second do!ain do!ain ref$ects ref$ects the Or&ani Or&aniati ationa ona$$ 5truct 5tructure ures" s"

(his (his do!ain do!ain represent representss the

traditiona$ 6R strate&ies and processes" (he MOC identifies the fo$$o#in& characteristics characteristics of  the or&aniationa$ structures do!ain:

Meanin&fu$ job ro$es

ob ro$es need to be sufficient$% a$i&ned #ith the strate&ic intent to anticipate chan&es" (his a$$o#s both the or&anisation and indiidua$s to be !ore f$exib$e in ho# the% respond to !oe!ents in the do!ains 9Nan)eris- Co!pton et a$" >HH<8 6and% >HH@8 5hipp!ann- Ash Ash et a$" ;;;8 ,rannic) and Leine ;;="

S Guided perfor!ance !ana&e!ent exp$icit$% describes ho# jobs and or&anisationa$  processes support the strate&ic intent- and can be used as a ehic$e for or&anisationa$ chan&ee and $earnin& 9Mohr!an nr and 6ohr!an >HH8 (urner chan& (urner and Cra#ford Cra#ford >HH8 >HH8 5cotts >HHH8 1e$aha%e ;;;=" 28


In'i(i'ua) 3no4)e'ge Domain (he third do!ain of the MOC MOC is the Indiidua$ no#$ed&e no#$ed&e 1o!ain" Eer% indiidua$ #ho is  part of the or&aniation has their o#n unique )no#$ed&e- s)i$$s and abi$ities 95A= that the%  brin& to the or&aniation" (hese 5A ref$ect the #ho$e person- of #hich their #or) ro$es are ar e  but on$% one facet" (hese 5A are seen as bein& context free- #ith a specific attribute hain& a fixed !eanin& in itse$f- and thus can be adopted in a ran&e of #or) actiities actiities 95andber& 95andber& >HH@=" For exa!p$e- co!!unication co!!unication s)i$$s can re$ate to a ariet% of #o #or) r) contexts"

(he characteristics of the Indiidua$ no#$ed&e 1o!ain are as fo$$o#s:

C$ear$% defined core 5A

(his assists the or&anisation to dee$op the opti!u! #or)force for the future b% creatin& &reater stabi$it% and career opportunities 95andber& >HH@8 5eib% >HHD="

Current and future )no#$ed&e net#or)s

no#$ed&e net#or)s need to support both current job contexts and future potentia$ innoation inno ations" s"

Attention Attention to supportin& supportin& both proides proides the or&anisatio or&anisation n #ith added

f$exibi$it% in respondin& to chan&es in the defined core capabi$ities" (hese are seen as inc$udin& both tacit and exp$icit )no#$ed&e net#or)s 9Leonard*,arton >HH="

Mo'e) of Organi.ationa) Capa/i)it%

(he !ode$- as sho#n in Fi&ure >- has three !ajor sections ? the three do!ains of strate&ic intent- or&aniationa$ structures and indiidua$ )no#$ed&e- a$read% discussed8 three enab$ers 29


that are for!ed b% the intersection of the three do!ains8 and Core OC- at the centre of the !ode$ and for!ed b% the intersection of the three enab$ers"

Fi&ure >: Mode$ of Or&aniationa$ Capabi$it%

Organisationa) Capa/i)it%

(he interse intersecti ctions ons of the three three do!ain do!ainss of strate& strate&ic ic intent intent-- or&ani or&aniat ation iona$ a$ structu structures res and indiidua$ )no#$ed&e identif% the enab$in& s%ste!s and processes that bui$d the s%ner&% and a$i&n!ent bet#een the do!ains" (he three enab$ers of or&aniationa$ s%ste!s- )no#$ed&e net#or)s and job context beco!e the basis for bui$din& OC" (hese enab$ers are: 30


Organisa Org anisationa tionall Systems Systems Enablers Enablers

fro! fro ! the 5trate 5trate&ic &ic Intent Intent and Or&ani Or&aniat ation iona$ a$

5tructures 5truct ures 1o!ains" (hese are the or&anisationa or&anisationa$$ s%ste!s s%ste!s that i!bed the strate&ic strate&ic intentt into the or&anisati inten or&anisationa$ ona$ structures 9Leonard*,ar 9Leonard*,arton ton >HH8 5eib% 5eib% >HHD=>HHD=- and inc$ude: •

!ana&e!ent processes such as business p$annin& and #or)force p$annin&8

technica$ processes that support the business8

or&anisationa$ a$ues and nor!s8 and

inert )no#$ed&e s%ste!s- such as career path p$annin&"

For exa!p$e- in uniersit% facu$ties- the #or)force p$annin& process cou$d be seen as an

or&anisatio or&a nisationa$ na$ s%ste! enab$er" (his enab$er enab$er inc$udes inc$udes infor!ation infor!ation about the profi$e profi$e and expertise of the #or)force that $in)s the strate&ic direction of the uniersit% #ith the or&anisationa$ structures"


 Knowledge Networks Enablers fro! the 5trate&ic Intent and Indiidua$ no#$ed&e 1o!ains"

(he no#$ed&e Net#or)s Enab$ers ref$ect the 5A an indiidua$ possesses that can direct$% direct$ % contribute contribute to the or&anisation or&anisation/s /s strate&ic strate&ic purpose" (hese are the 5A a person has that a$i&ns !ost c$ose$% to the strate&ic intent of the or&aniation- #ith the sie of this oer$ap oer$a p a stron& stron& indicator indicator of of the suitabi$i suitabi$it% t% or fit of the #or)fo #or)force" rce" It is ref$ected ref$ected b%  processes that encoura&e !u$ti*discip$inar% exchan&es of tacit and exp$icit infor!ation sharin& shar in& 9,arne 9,arne% % >HH>8 >HH>8 Grant Grant >HH>8 >HH>8 5eib% 5eib% >HHD=" >HHD=" For exa!p exa!p$e$e- unier uniersiti sities es co$$ect co$$ect info infor! r!ati ation on on th thee resear research ch in inte teres rests ts an and d &ran &rants ts pr prof ofi$ i$ee of ac acad ade! e!ic ic staff staff""

(his (his



infor!ation $in)s the strate&ic focus of the uniersit% #ith the )no#$ed&e of indiidua$ acade!ics"


 Job Context Enablers fr fro! o! the the Or&a Or&ani niat atio iona$ na$ 5tru 5truct ctur ures es an and d In Indi dii idu dua$ a$ no#$ed&e 1o!ains"

(hee ob (h ob Cont Contex extt Enab Enab$e $ers rs repr represe esent nt th thee e$e!e e$e!ent ntss of an in indi dii idu dua$/ a$/ss jo job b th that at ar aree reinforced b% the or&aniation/s structure" 6o# the or&aniation defines the #or) ro$es and or&aniationa$ structures- &uides staff as to #hich of their 5A are !ost a$ued" Indiidua$s natura$$% brin& a #ide ran&e of 5A to the ro$es the% perfor! * on$% a sub* set of these #i$$ re$ate direct$% to the strate&ic context at an% &ien ti!e" (herefore$earnin& and dee$op!ent pro&ra!s need to use job contexts to bui$d the !ost re$eant expertise of the indiidua$" Extensie research sho#s that job contexts that support $earni $ea rnin& n& and dee$o dee$op!e p!ent nt pro&ra pro&ra!s !s increas increasee the $earni $earnin& n& of staff staff 9Gonc 9Goncii >HHH8 >HHH8 Chappe$$Chap pe$$- Gonci Gonci et a$" ;;;8 5andber& 5andber& ;;;a8 ;;;a8 5andber& 5andber& ;;;b8 ;;;b8 5chn ;;=" ;;=" For  exa!p$eexa!p $e- uniersitie uniersitiess define the ro$es and co!petencie co!petenciess required required of senior acade!ics" acade!ics" (his defines for the acade!ic #hich of their 5A !ost direct$% re$ate to their job ro$eand as such- are ref$ected in the or&anisationa$ structure"

In su!!ar% su!!ar%-- the three three enab$e enab$ers rs of or&ani or&anisat sation iona$ a$ s%ste!s s%ste!s-- )no#$e )no#$ed&e d&e net#or net#or)s )s and job contextconte xt- support the or&anisation or&anisation to bui$d its or&anisationa or&anisationa$$ capabi$it% capabi$it%"" ,rin&in& ,rin&in& the three do!ains to&ether proides the co!p$ete MOC" OC is bui$t in or&anisations b% a$i&nin& the or&anisationa$ s%ste!s and processes represented in the !ode$- to !axi!ie the a$i&n!ent of  32


the enab$ers" enab$ers" C$ear$%C$ear$%- the &reater the oer$ap bet#een bet#een these three do!ains- the stron stron&er &er the

!atch bet#een the expertise of the indiidua$ and the or&anisationa$ structures that support and reinforce the strate&ic direction"

Core Organisationa) Capa/i)it%

(he or&anisation/s core capabi$ities  capabi$ities   are represented represented at the union of the three enab$ersenab$ers- and  proide the centra$ focus for the MOC" (he intersection of the three enab$ers for!s the Core OC- #hich is supported b% the dee$op!ent of or&anisationa$ capabi$it% throu&h the three enab$ers"

App$%in& 4raha$ad and 6a!e$ 9>HH;- p" <*@= tests for or&anisationa$ core co!petence and capabi$it% capabi $it%-- #hich re$ates direct$% to the Core OC discussed discussed in this paper- he$ps he$ps to c$arif% the difference bet#een OC and a Core OC" (heir criteria are as fo$$o#s:

 proide potentia$ access to a #ide ariet% of !ar)ets !a)e a si&nificant contribution to the custo!er's perceied benefit of the product are difficu$t for co!petitors to i!itate- and

are broad$% based across the or&anisation and are !ore isib$e to custo!ers than co!petitors 96a!e$ and 4raha$ad >HH="

(o c$arif% the difference bet#een OC and Core OC- the uniersit% exa!p$es of enab$ers- can sho# ho# s%ste!s and processes can differentiate bet#een those aspects that are part of   broader OC- and those that !ore direct$% he$p to bui$d the Core OC of the or&anisation" (he exa!p$es be$o# focus on a Core OC of securin& fundin& for uniersit% research pro&ra!s:



Or&anisationa$ 5%ste!s Enab$ers ? 2or)force p$annin& infor!ation is i!portant to uniersities- #ho can spend in the icinit% of ; of their bud&et on staff  re$ated costs" (he estab$ish!ent $istin& sho#in& sho#in& staff nu!bers nu!bers b% $ee$ is part part of  this infor!ation- and assists facu$ties prepare bud&ets- but does not support the Core OC" 6o#eer- the staffs/ experience and perfor!ance in securin& research fundin& and estab$ishin& strate&ic a$$iances #ith industr%- support the Core OC"

no#$ed&e Net#or)s Enab$ers ? (he uniersit% database of staff's/ research interest can he$p to support infor!ation*sharin& on issues of co!!on interest to acade!i acad e!icscs- but does does not support support the Core OC"

6o#ee 6o#eerr- records records of curren currentt

research pro&ra!s #i$$ support sharin& of )no#$ed&e bet#een discip$ines that  bui$d Core OC"

ob ob Cont Contex extt Enab Enab$e $ers rs ? A$$ or or&a &ani nisa sati tion onss ne need ed to de defi fine ne th thee ro ro$e $ess an and d expectation expect ationss of indiidua$ indiidua$s" s" (hese ro$es ro$es are then reinforced reinforced b% or&anisati or&anisationa$ ona$ structures and defined in job descriptions and ro$e state!ents" Most acade!ics need to underta)e underta)e teachin& teachin& and $earnin&- and conduct conduct research" 6o#eer6o#eer- the Core OC re$ates to an acade!ic's abi$it% to bui$d a$$iances to secure on&oin& fundin&"

(his does not i!p$% that the broader OC processes and s%ste!s are not i!portant- but the% do not direct$% bui$d bui$d the co!petitie co!petitie adanta&e adanta&e to the sa!e extent as the Core OC s%ste!s s%ste!s and  processes 9Leonard*,arton >HH="

A$thou&h the Core OC is the intersection of a$$ three 1o!ains- the need for innoation and f$exibi$it% requires the supportin& enab$er/s s%ste!s and processes to be !ore broad$% based" ,% hain& supportin& s%ste!s and processes- the or&anisation can fine*tune their ie# on Core OC #ith !ini!a$ chan&e in focus to the or&aniation/s s%ste!s and processes" (he 34


adanta&e of an OC a&enda is the added f$exibi$it% of bein& ab$e to respond to these chan&es  b% incre!enta$ !oe!ents in the enab$in& s%ste!s and processes that support the MOC" (his !iti&ates the need for !ore radica$ chan&es that !i&ht other#ise be required if !ore quantu! chan&es in )no#$ed&e #ere seen as required b% the or&anisation"

Imp)i&ations for !ui)'ing Organisationa) Capa/i)it%

An or&anisation #ith an effectie MOC &ies indiidua$s a c$ear !essa&e of #hat 5A the or&anisati or&a nisation on a$ues no#no#- and in the foreseeab$e future" future" ,% stren&thenin stren&thenin& & the enab$ers to support the Core OC- at $east three additiona$ benefits can be achieed:

5tron&er co!petitie adanta&e and reduced ris)s * &reater f$exibi$it% and innoation to respond to chan&in& externa$ inf$uences. inf$uences. 

(he )no#$ed&e )no#$ed&e net#or)snet#or)s- job contexts contexts and or&anisationa$ or&anisationa$ s%ste!s can be a$i&ned a$i&ned to dee$op dee$ op an appropriate appropriate depth of Core OC- based on a &reater &reater $ee$ of or&anisati or&anisationa$ ona$ )no#$ed&e"

Greater stabi$it% * or&anisations are better p$aced to !a)e !easured chan&es #hen their do!ains are #e$$ a$i&ned"

2hen the enab$ers are oert$% a$i&ned- adjust!ents that !a% be necessar%- due to ch chan an&e &ess in Core Core OC can be !ore !ore re read adi$% i$% !ade !ade""

It is fa farr ea easie sierr to !odi !odif% f% the

a$i&n!ent of existin& processes and s%ste!s than to create ne# ones"

Indiidua$s are !ore infor!ed and e!po#ered" (he #or)f #or)forc orcee can ta)e ta)e respons responsibi ibi$it% $it% for their their o#n careerscareers- as expect expectatio ations ns are

exp$icit" 35


(he MOC offers researchers and practioners a fra!e#or) for definin& and dee$opin& OC" (he MOC can be used b% researchers to exa!ine the forces that bui$d OC in or&anisationsand co!pare the approaches approaches of different different or&anisations or&anisations-- to deter!ine critica$ success factors" factors" 4ractioners #ishin& to adopt an OC a&enda can dra# on the MOC to assist the! to:

1efine their Core OC to proide a c$ear focus for dee$opin& the enab$in& s%ste!s and processes"

1efine 1ef ine their their 1o!ains 1o!ains of 5trate 5trate&ic &ic Intent Intent-- Or&ani Or&anisati sationa ona$$ 5truct 5tructure uress and Indiidua$ no#$ed&e"

Exa!ine the a$i&n!ent of enab$in& s%ste!s and processes to bui$d their OC"

(o !axi!ie !axi!ie their Core OC- or&anisations need to focus on the fo$$o#in&:

desired Core OC based on an understandi understandin& n& of the qua$ities qua$ities of the three $tep 15  1efine the desired 1o!a 1o !ain inss of th thee st strat rate& e&ic ic in inte tent nt-- or or&a &ani nisa sati tion ona$ a$ str struc uctu tures res an and d )n )no# o#$e $ed& d&ee of  indiidua$s indi idua$s in the #or)force" #or)force" (his can be achieed achieed in a nu!ber nu!ber of #a%s- dependin& dependin& on the nature of the or&anisatio or&anisation" n" 5ta)eho$de 5ta)eho$derr foru!s- ana$%sis ana$%sis of strate&ic p$ansfocus &roups #ith senior !ana&ers- and eniron!enta$ ana$%sis can proide usefu$ sources sou rces of infor!ati infor!ation" on"

4raha$ 4raha$adK adK 6a!e$'s 6a!e$'s 9>HH; 9>HH;== criteri criteriaa is a usefu$ usefu$ &uide &uide to

distin dis tin&ui &uishi shin& n& bet#een bet#een OC and Core Core OC" Once Once identi identifie fiedd- these #i$$ need to be reie#ed to acco!!odate chan&es in the three 1o!ains"

$tep *5  Reie# the characteristics of the three 1o!ains and the de&ree of oer$ap in current

s%ste!s and processes" processes" Maxi!u! oer$ap can be achieed b%:

5trate&ic p$annin& processes based on R,(F perspecties for!u$atin& strate&ies that  bui$d on the intan&ib$e assets of the #or)force" 36


,ui$din& or&anisationa$ processes that support a con&ruent !essa&e of the future direction of the or&anisation- for exa!p$e:

 perfor!ance !ana&e!ent processes focusin& on Core OC8

#or)force p$annin& processes based on Grant's 9>HH>= !ode$8

 pro!ote a cu$ture- a$ues and a nd nor!s of the t he or&anisation based on perfor!ance- open sharin& of infor!ation and se$f e!po#er!ent8 and

)no#$ed&e !ana&e!ent approaches that i!bed the Core OC b% bui$din& the tacit and exp$icit )no#$ed&e of the or&anisation"

1ee$o 1e e$opin pin& & the opti!u opti!u! ! #or)fo #or)force rce b% en&a&i en&a&in& n& and pro!o pro!otin tin& & staff staff #ith #ith the ex expe perti rtise se ne need eded ed no no# #- an and d in th thee fu futu ture re"" 1efin 1efinin in& & jo job b ro ro$e $ess th that at supp suppor ortt th thee dee$op!ent of 5A to bui$d an or&anisation/s or&anisation/s co!petitie co!petitie adanta&e" (his can be achieed b% behaioura$ co!petenc% based recruit!ent and se$ection- and tar&eted $earnin& and dee$op!ent strate&ies"  



Chapter 6

#a&ing the future

Impro(ing Pra&ti&e Is an A&hie(a/)e

Goa$ as this paper has out$ined- career dee$op!ent practice in !an% $ar&e or&anisations is sti$$ re$atie$% !udd$ed and consequent$% #ea)" ,ut thin&s are on the !oe" (he case stud% exa!p$es sho# the benefits of adoptin& a c$earer and !ore positie approach" (he% a$so sho# thatt co!par tha co!parati atie$% e$% s!a$$ s!a$$ a!ount a!ountss of concen concentrat trated ed att attent ention ion can ast$% ast$% i!pro i!proee career  career  dee$op!en dee$ op!entt support support in or&anisations" or&anisations" I!proin& I!proin& practice is both about #hat %ou do 9ie the content of strate&% and the desi&n of processes= and ho# %ou do it 9ie the approach %ou ta)e to !ana&in& this for! of or&anisationa$ chan&e=" Top tips for impro(ing &areer 'e(e)opment •

5tart #ith an audit of the processes %ou a$read% use for !ana&in& careers- and an ana$%sis of business needs for career dee$op!ent and %our e!p$o%ees/ )e% career  issues"

2or) #ith business $eaders to co!!it the or&anisation to a rea$istic and positie

!essa&e for a$$ staff about career dee$op!ent" Exp$ain the dea$ ? #hat e!p$o%ees hae to do and #hat %ou offer the!" •

4roide a si!p$e exp$anation of the t%pes of #or) in the or&anisation and the broad career paths aai$ab$e"

Gie one- fair$% senior- person at the corporate centre the c$ear responsibi$it% for  career dee$op!ent strate&%- and the dee$op!ent of career support for a$$ staff" (he% shou$d #or) c$ose$% #ith business $eaders and a ran&e of e!p$o%ees"

,e c$ear and rea$istic about the $ine !ana&er/s ro$e in career dee$op!ent and train a$$ !ana&ers for it" Ensure the% a$$ understand the processes the% are bein& as)ed to use" 6e$p !ana&ers #or) co$$ectie$% on the career issues of their staff"



4roide so!e for! of off*$ine career adice on request for a$$ e!p$o%ees and proide !ore in*depth trainin& for those ta)in& !ore expert ro$es- e& as career adisers- career  #or)shop faci$itators- career coaches or !entors"

E!po#er and encoura&e e!p$o%ees to see) infor!a$ career adice fro! an%one the% fee$ can he$p" As) senior !ana&ers to ro$e !ode$ &iin& infor!a$ career support- and tr% $eain& the 6R office door open"

Ensure opport Ensure opportuni unitie tiess ? throu& throu&h h nor!a$ nor!a$ job fi$$in fi$$in& & or intern interna$ a$ second! second!ent entss ? for  e!p$o%ees #ho are see)in& to !a)e $atera$ !oes into #or) the% hae not done  before- but #hich the% can $earn quic)$%" quic)$%"

,e a#are that so!e &roups of e!p$o%ees 9e& #o!en returners- part*ti!ers- !inorit%

ethnic &roups= are often disadanta&ed in interna$ $abour !ar)ets just as the% are in the externa$ $abour !ar)et" 4rocesses need to be desi&ned to ensure that these &roups can pro&ress their careers a$on&side their #or) co$$ea&ues"

If %ou identif% peop$e for corporate career dee$op!ent throu&h succession p$ans or  dee$op!en dee$ op!entt sche!essche!es- !a)e sure this process process is ri&orous- ensure the% &et the career  experience %ou identif% for the! and trac) their careers" 4ic) a s!a$$ 4ic) s!a$$ nu!ber nu!ber of career career dee$o dee$op!e p!ent nt process processes es and chec) the% are #e$$* #e$$*  ba$anced across the fie under$%in& purposes: e!p$o%ee s)i$$s+feedbac)8 business needs+career options8 adice and p$annin&8 job !oe!ent and experience8 and s)i$$ dee$op!ent" Ai! to i!p$e!ent a fe# thin&s #e$$ rather than atte!pt too !an%

interentions" •

5tic) #ith it" C$arif% an approach that fits %our business- co!!unicate it re$ent$ess$% and a$$o# it to adjust and eo$e- but don't &ie it $ess than fie %ears to #or)"

Thorn% issues

5o!e )e% cha$$en&es #i$$ be about i!p$e!entin& thin&s #e can a$read% see as $i)e$%: 5ustainin& a se&!ented 5ustainin& se&!ented career strate&% strate&%" 6o# successfu$ #i$$ or&anisati or&anisations ons be in supportin& supportin& se$f !ana&ed careers for the !ajorit% of e!p$o%ees a$on&side !ore corporate$%*!ana&ed careers for se$ected &roups7 (his co!bination is probab$% a rationa$ response to the career context and see!s un$i)e$% to &o a#a%- but different career dea$s for different #or)force &roups present cha$$en&es of both co!!un co! !unicat ication ion and i!p$e! i!p$e!enta entatio tion n 9Jin 9Jine% e% et a$" a$"-- >HHD=" >HHD=" In practic practica$ a$ ter!ster!s- operati operatin& n& !ana&ed job !oes for the fe# in an open- interna$ job !ar)et for the !an% is a tric)%  business" ,ein& a re$iab$e career partner" Or&anisations see)in& to de$ier hi&her productiit% throu&h &reaterr or&anisati &reate or&anisationa$ ona$ co!!it!ent #i$$ be dra#n to#ards stron&er career partnership partnershipss #ith their e!p$o%ees" ,ut ho# #i$$ or&anisations $earn to !a)e and )eep career pro!ises- een oer short periods of ti!e- #hen $ine !ana&e!ent !ana&e!ent re$ationships re$ationships are often so frai$ and short* $ied7 2ho exact$% can indiidua$s 'stri)e their career dea$' #ith7



Re!ote career adice" (he next fe# %ears #i$$ see or&anisations $earnin& ho# to !a)e the  best use of re!ote e$ectronic and te$ephone career support a$on&side face*to*face career  adice" Infor!ation proided inside or&anisations #i$$ be co!petin& #ith hu&e a!ounts of  e$ectronic e$ectro nic infor!ation infor!ation fro! outside ? !ost of it pitched at attractin& attractin& e!p$o%ees e!p$o%ees to #or) for  so!eone e$se"   p s)i$$in& career support" Ne# ro$es for proidin& career adice and &uidance inside e!p$ e! p$o% o%in in& & or&a or&ani nisa sati tion onss ar aree e! e!er er&i &in& n&-- #i #ith th di diff ffer eren entt pu purp rpos oses es an and d a ar% r%in in& & s) s)i$ i$$$ require!ents" ,etter trainin& is c$ear$% needed for those in such ro$es- but #i$$ the fu$$  parapherna$ia of ne# professiona$ bodies- standards- qua$ifications and accreditation he$p or  stif$e the dee$op!ent of the capabi$it% to offer better career support7 2i$$ pub$ic po$ic% eer  subsidise the cost of in*depth career &uidance for e!p$o%ed adu$ts7

 #uture &ha))enges As raised in 5ection - chan&es in business- de!o&raph% and socia$ attitudes #i$$ raise !ore funda!enta$ cha$$en&es for !ana&in& careers in or&anisations: Mana&in& !obi$it% as the &eo&raphica$ !oe!ent of #or) to peop$e and peop$e to #or) #i$$ increa inc rease" se" (he (he freer freer f$o# f$o# of peop$e peop$e intern internatio ationa$ na$$% $% and increas increasin& in& &$oba$ &$oba$isat isation ion of $ar&e $ar&e

co!panies #i$$ present indiidua$s and e!p$o%ers #ith ne# opportunities- but a$so !an% cha$$e cha $$en&e n&ess- especi especia$$% a$$% as $ar&e $ar&e or&ani or&anisat sation ionss reach reach for &$oba$ &$oba$ rather rather than than co$oni co$onia$ a$ career  career  !ode$s 9(ro!penaars- >HH<=" It see!s $i)e$% that or&anisationa$ careers #i$$ contain ar%in&  periods of &eo&raphica$ !obi$it% rather than the 'a$$ or nothin&' !obi$it% co!!it!ents that or&anisations hae often as)ed for in the past" 2or)*$ife ba$ance is un$i)e$% to &o a#a% as a tension" In !an% or&anisations- it is possib$e to access !ore f$exib$e #or)in& patterns- but on$% if %ou sacrifice career a!bition" (ac)$in& the ti!e de!ands of senior ro$es is $on& oerdue 9od et a$"- ;;="(he careers of o$der peop$e see! $i)e$% to present both the bi&&est cha$$en&es and bi&&est opportunities 9Moc)$er- ;;=" (he unspo)en career dea$ for senior peop$e in !an% $ar&e or&anisations is that %ou #or)  unreasonab$% hard- but &et out in %our ;s #ith a &ood pension- and then '&et a $ife'" 1e!o&raphics- s)i$$ shorta&es and the state of pension funds #i$$ see this dea$ d%in& a#a% for  a$$ but the hi&hest*paid" Lar&e or&anisations hae a hu&e opportunit% to pace careers betterredesi&n jobs and offer f$exib$e #or)in& options to o$der #or)ers as a !eans of both retainin& and dee$opin& their s)i$$s" 1iersit% is the essentia$ cha$$en&e of the future" (his is not just in conentiona$ ter!s of a&e&ender &en der-- ethnic ethnicit% it%-- disabi$ disabi$it% it%-- socia$ socia$ bac)&r bac)&roun oundd- re$i&i re$i&ionon- sexua$ sexua$ orient orientatio ationn- etc" etc" (he #or)force #i$$ a$so be increasin&$% dierse in ter!s of educationa$ and career experiencesattitudes and aspirations" Ri&id career assu!ptions about #hat )inds of peop$e hae access to #hat t%pes of job and at #hat a&es are not sustainab$e" sustainab$e" An i!portant i!portant part of the response to these chan&es is around around dee$opin& dee$opin& !ore f$exib$e f$exib$e career and e!p$o%!en e!p$o%!entt opportuni opportunities" ties" E!p$o%ers #ou$d &ain enor!ous$% in ter!s of e!p$o%ee co!!it!ent and a$so retain scarce s)i$$s fro! !a)in& f$exib$e #or)in& arran&e!ents !ore #ide$% aai$ab$e" F$exibi$it% inc$udes ti!e and p$ace of #or) and a better #or)*$ife ba$ance 9e& f$exiti!e- #or)in& fro! ho!eannua$ ann ua$ hourshours- etc= etc= but a$so f$exib f$exibi$i i$it% t% in !obi$it !obi$it% %- the pace pace of career career pro&re pro&ressio ssion n and a$ternatie career paths"



 (his f$exib$e career !ana&e!ent is a$$ about continuous$% adjustin& the #or) that e!p$o%ees underta)e oer ti!e to !eet chan&in& business and indiidua$ needs" It is in !ar)ed contrast to the /s !uch*di !uch*discus scussed sed 'f$exib 'f$exib$e $e $abour $abour !ar)et !ar)et'' that that re$ies re$ies on hirin& hirin& and firin& firin& to resource chan&in& business needs" 5uch f$exibi$it% !a% be crucia$ in so!e circu!stances- but can a$so be an inefficient and $a% #a% of dep$o%in& the #or)force/s s)i$$s and ta$ents"  If diersit% and f$exibi$it% are the require!ents of future careers- then the or&anisations that can rea$$% respond to the ar%in& needs of each e!p$o%ee oer ti!e #i$$ attract and retain the  best peop$e- and a$so &et the best fro! the!" 4ositie career dee$op!ent #i$$ be about a bout this abi$it% to respond to #hat each indiidua$ can offer- and e!p$o%ee co!!it!ent #i$$ be the  prie for or&anisations that rise to this cha$$en&e"



LIMITATION$ O# CAREER MANAEMENT 1espite p$annin& the career- e!p$o%ees face certain career prob$e!s" (he% are: >"1ua$ Career Fa!i$ies:*2ith the increase in career orientation a!on& #o!en- nu!ber of  fe!a$e e!p$o%ees is on increase" 2ith this- the dua$ career fa!i$ies hae a$so been on increase" Consequent$%- one one of those fa!i$% !e!bers !i&ht face the prob$e! of transfer" (his

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