Career Path in Organizational Communication

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Constraints from applicant and then match available candidates with existing jobs, arranging for
interviews in the client organization only if they think a potential match between an application and an
organization is possible. Usually, a search firm will interview you extensively to determine the kind of
person you are and how good the fit between you and an organization will be before reffering you to a
client organization. You should always check the reputation of the searcf firm with both the chamber of
commerce and other people who have used the firm. Be wary of search firms who refuse to identify
their client organization, or at least the type and size of the company, and firms that indicate they will
have to “sell” you to the client. If the search firm lacks substantial information about the company, the
position, and the internal environment, it would be best to avoid using that firm. If you are satisfied that
the search firm is profasional, it may be able to help you negotiate the best possible package for your
A final avenue of assistance in application for a job in organizational communication is to join some of
the major professional communication societies, such as the following:
International Communication Association (Organizational Communication Division), PO Box 9589,
Austin, Texas 78766
Industrial Communication Council, PO Box 3970, Grand Central Post Office, New York, New York 10017
Academy of Management (Organizational Communication Division), PO Box KZ, Mississippi State,
Mississippi 39762
Speech Communication Association (Organizational Communication Division), 5105 Backlick Road,
Annandale, Virginia 22003
American Business Communication Association, 317-13 David Kinky Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana,
Illinois 61801
International Association of Business Communicators, 870 Market Street, Suite 928, San Francisco,
California 94102
Public Relations Society of America, 845 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 OD Network,
Block/Petrolla Associates, 1011 Park Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey 07060.
American Marketing Association, 250 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
In addition to helping you maintain professional and personal contacts, these associations for the most
part maintain placement services which can identify where the jobs of most interest to you are.
Planning Your Career
After you have been hired in your first organizational communication position, you will begin to think
about the eventual career path to follow. The steps involved in successful career planning ussualy
consist of knowing yourself, knowing the choices available to you, and developing yourself for these
jobs. Providing the choices available is usually the function of the personnel department, which should

post job openings, maintain files of employees interested in transfer or advancement (sometimes called
a “ready now” list), and actively communicate job openings to both employees and their immediate
supervisor. In developing yourself, you should identify the training and education required to advance
toward the career you desire. This means enrolling in training programs, taking college courses, joining
community projects, accepting special assignments, and becoming a member of task forces. It may even
mean going back to school full-time or part-time to get a degree. However, no amount of education or
knowledge of available jobs and career paths will help you advance if you are not aware of your own
desires, motivations, and potential. To help, gain such insight, here are a series of short exercises
developed by Sandra O'Connell, noted career counselor in organizational cummunication. Once you feel
you have sufficient insigh. about your own desires, you are ready to begin the search and advancement
toward what promises to be a most rewarding career. Good luck!
Career Analysis
Past accomplishments. Consider your school and work history up to now. Make a list of your peak
accomplishments. A peak accomplishment is defined as something you did or played a major part in
doing, that you especially enjoyed, and that muns something to you. Choose accomplishmenthat gave
you a sense of satisfaction. Include some from each period in your life: childhood, school, early work,
and current position. Accomplishments may be in the area of school, hobbies, volunteer work, and
regular or part-time jobs. A peak accomplishment is not the same as a peak experience. Sharing a sunset
with a friend is a peak experience, but unless you played a major part in seeing this happen, it is not a
peak accomplishment.
Review your list and select the three which are most meaningful to you in that they reflect the but of
your skill and ability. Write about each of the top three accomplishments in detail. Answer the
questions, What spesifically makes this accomplishment important to me?
Factors of Strength and interest. Examine the three top accomplishments and underline the words
(expecially verbs, that indicate what functions or actions you actual, performed. List your major action,
that is, what you do that seems to lead to a peak accomplishment. Rank them in the order of how each
contributes to your sense of accomplishment.
Motivation. The purpose of this section is to identify what seems to motivate you to reach your peak
accomplishment. Note what was Important to you about each: what was the payoff? personally?
professionally? etc. Rank your motivating factors in terms of importance to you in the future.

In this chapter, we presented an overview of the types of jobs held by organizational communication
professionals in the variety of organizations in which they are employed. We discusse in detail the
specific skills employed by these proffesionals as they perform their daily duties. Lists of job descriptions
and job advertisements were presented to give further insight into the job of organizational
communicator. Details about the course work and educational training needed to secure many of these
position were given. Information about cover leters, resumes, and interview guides was presented along
with advice on how to confront the search firm. The steps involved in successful career path pathing
were outlined and a series of exercises to help gain insight into motivations, needs, and
accomplishments in your work was presented.

Kendala dari pemohon dan kemudian mencocokkan kandidat yang tersedia dengan pekerjaan yang ada,
mengatur wawancara di organisasi klien hanya jika mereka berpikir pertandingan potensial antara
aplikasi dan organisasi mungkin. Biasanya, perusahaan pencari akan mewawancarai Anda secara
ekstensif untuk menentukan jenis orang yang Anda dan seberapa baik kesesuaian antara Anda dan
organisasi akan sebelum reffering Anda untuk organisasi klien. Anda harus selalu memeriksa reputasi
perusahaan searcf dengan kedua kamar dagang dan orang lain yang telah menggunakan perusahaan.
Berhati-hatilah terhadap perusahaan pencari yang menolak untuk mengidentifikasi organisasi klien
mereka, atau setidaknya jenis dan ukuran perusahaan, dan perusahaan-perusahaan yang menunjukkan
mereka harus "menjual" Anda kepada klien. Jika perusahaan pencari tidak memiliki informasi penting
tentang perusahaan, posisi, dan lingkungan internal, akan lebih baik untuk menghindari penggunaan
perusahaan yang. Jika Anda puas bahwa perusahaan pencarian profasional, mungkin dapat membantu
Anda bernegosiasi paket terbaik untuk karir Anda.
Sebuah jalan akhir bantuan dalam aplikasi untuk pekerjaan dalam komunikasi organisasi adalah untuk
bergabung beberapa masyarakat komunikasi profesional utama, seperti berikut:
International Communication Association (Organizational Communication Division), PO Box
9589, Austin, Texas 78766
Industrial Communication Council, PO Box 3970, Grand Central Post Office, New York, New York
Academy of Management (Organizational Communication Division), PO Box KZ, Mississippi
State, Mississippi 39762
Speech Communication Association (Organizational Communication Division), 5105 Backlick
Road, Annandale, Virginia 22003

American Business Communication Association, 317-13 David Kinky Hall, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois 61801
International Association of Business Communicators, 870 Market Street, Suite 928, San
Francisco, California 94102
Public Relations Society of America, 845 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 OD Network,
Block/Petrolla Associates, 1011 Park Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey 07060.
American Marketing Association, 250 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
Selain membantu Anda mempertahankan kontak profesional dan pribadi, asosiasi ini untuk sebagian
besar mempertahankan layanan penempatan yang dapat mengidentifikasi di mana pekerjaan yang
paling menarik bagi Anda.
Perencanaan Karir Anda
Setelah Anda telah dipekerjakan dalam posisi komunikasi organisasi pertama Anda, Anda akan mulai
berpikir tentang jalur karir akhirnya mengikuti. Langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam perencanaan karir
yang sukses ussualy terdiri dari mengetahui diri sendiri, mengetahui pilihan yang tersedia bagi Anda, dan
mengembangkan diri untuk pekerjaan ini. Menyediakan pilihan yang tersedia biasanya fungsi
departemen personalia, yang harus posting lowongan pekerjaan, menjaga file karyawan yang tertarik
dalam transfer atau kemajuan (kadang-kadang disebut "siap sekarang" daftar), dan secara aktif
berkomunikasi lowongan pekerjaan untuk kedua karyawan dan langsung mereka supervisor. Dalam
mengembangkan diri sendiri, Anda harus mengidentifikasi pelatihan dan pendidikan yang diperlukan
untuk maju ke karir yang Anda inginkan. Ini berarti mendaftar di program pelatihan, mengambil kursus
perguruan tinggi, bergabung proyek masyarakat, menerima tugas khusus, dan menjadi anggota dari
gugus tugas. Bahkan mungkin berarti akan kembali ke sekolah penuh waktu atau paruh waktu untuk
mendapatkan gelar. Namun, tidak ada jumlah pendidikan atau pengetahuan tentang pekerjaan yang
tersedia dan jalur karir akan membantu Anda maju jika Anda tidak menyadari Anda sendiri keinginan,
motivasi, dan potensi. Untuk membantu, mendapatkan wawasan tersebut, berikut adalah serangkaian
latihan singkat yang dikembangkan oleh Sandra O'Connell, konselor karir dicatat dalam cummunication
organisasi. Setelah Anda merasa Anda memiliki insigh cukup. tentang keinginan Anda sendiri, Anda siap
untuk memulai pencarian dan kemajuan terhadap apa yang dijanjikan menjadi karir yang paling
bermanfaat. Good luck!
Analisis Karir
Prestasi masa lalu. Pertimbangkan sekolah dan riwayat bekerja sampai sekarang. Buatlah daftar prestasi
puncak Anda. Sebuah prestasi puncak didefinisikan sebagai sesuatu yang Anda lakukan atau memainkan
peranan utama dalam melakukan, bahwa Anda sangat menikmati, dan bahwa MUNS sesuatu untuk
Anda. Pilih accomplishmenthat memberi Anda rasa kepuasan. Termasuk beberapa dari setiap periode
dalam hidup Anda: masa kanak-kanak, sekolah, pekerjaan awal, dan posisi saat ini. Keberhasilan
mungkin berada di daerah sekolah, hobi, pekerjaan sukarela, dan pekerjaan rutin atau paruh waktu.

Sebuah prestasi puncak tidak sama sebagai pengalaman puncak. Berbagi matahari terbenam dengan
teman adalah pengalaman puncak, tetapi jika Anda memainkan peranan utama dalam melihat hal ini
terjadi, itu bukan prestasi puncak.
Periksa daftar dan pilih tiga yang paling berarti bagi Anda dalam bahwa mereka mencerminkan tetapi
keterampilan dan kemampuan. Menulis tentang masing-masing dari tiga prestasi secara rinci. Jawablah
pertanyaan-pertanyaan, apa spesifically membuat prestasi ini penting bagi saya?
Faktor Kekuatan dan bunga. Memeriksa tiga prestasi atas dan menggarisbawahi kata-kata (expecially
verba, yang menunjukkan fungsi apa atau tindakan yang sebenarnya, dilakukan. Daftar aksi utama Anda,
yaitu, apa yang Anda lakukan yang tampaknya mengarah pada prestasi puncak. Urutkan mereka dalam
urutan bagaimana masing-masing memberikan kontribusi untuk rasa prestasi.
Motivasi. Tujuan dari bagian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi apa yang tampaknya memotivasi Anda
untuk mencapai prestasi puncak Anda. Catatan apa yang penting bagi Anda tentang masing-masing: apa
imbalannya? pribadi? profesional? dll Urutkan faktor motivasi Anda dalam hal penting bagi Anda di
masa depan.

Dalam bab ini, kita disajikan gambaran tentang jenis pekerjaan yang dipegang oleh para profesional
komunikasi organisasi di berbagai organisasi di mana mereka bekerja. Kami berdiskusi secara rinci
keterampilan khusus yang diterapkan oleh profesi ini karena mereka melakukan tugas sehari-hari
mereka. Daftar deskripsi pekerjaan dan iklan lowongan kerja disajikan untuk memberikan wawasan
lebih lanjut ke tugas komunikator organisasi. Rincian tentang program kerja dan pelatihan pendidikan
yang dibutuhkan untuk mengamankan banyak posisi ini diberikan. Informasi tentang leters penutup,
resume, dan pedoman wawancara disajikan bersama dengan saran tentang bagaimana menghadapi
perusahaan pencari. Langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam sukses karir pathing dituangkan dan
serangkaian latihan untuk membantu mendapatkan informasi tentang motivasi, kebutuhan, dan prestasi
dalam pekerjaan Anda disajikan.

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