CAT paper

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INSTRUCTIONS – Please read these carefully before attempti ! the test 1. 2. This test is based on pattern of previous years’ CAT papers. There are four sections Section I – English !" #uestions$ Section II – %eading Co&prehension !" #uestions$ Section III – #uantitative Ability !" #uestions$ Section I' – (ata Interpretation ) (ata Sufficiency !" #uestions$ The total time allotted is " hours e#actly$ +lease note your start ti&e and end ti&e on the ans,er sheet. (o not ta-e &ore than 2 hours. or you ,ill get a ,rong assess&ent. Please fill all the details. as as-ed on top of the ans,er sheet. Please try to &a0i&i1e your atte&pt overall. but you sectio s$ eed to do %ell i all


!. /. &$ 2. 3.

There is ' mar( for e)ery ri!ht a s%er a d *$"+ e!ati)e mar(s for e)ery %ro ! o e$ There are four sections in this test do first t,o sections in first hour and second t,o sections in second hour. Since it is a ti&e constrained test and you have 2 hours. and all 4uestions carry e4ual &ar-s. please do not get stuc- on any 4uestion. &ove fast to try and do easier ones. +lease do all scratch %or( o paper o ly, o e#tra sheets to be used$ +ut all your ans,ers on the ans,er sheet. %ela#$ You are competi ! a!ai st yourself$

5. 1".

CAT Sample Paper Sol



Number of .uestio s/ 0*
1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s ' to '*/ %ead each of the short passages given belo, and ans,er the 4uestion that follo,s it. 1. Three airlines 6 IA. 7A and SA 6 operate on the (elhi68u&bai route. To increase the nu&ber of seats sold. SA reduced its fares and this ,as e&ulated by IA and 7A i&&ediately. The general belief ,as that the volu&e of air travel bet,een (elhi and 8u&bai ,ould increase as a result. 9hich of the follo,ing. if true. ,ould add credence to the general belief: ;1< Increase in profitability of the three airlines. ;2< E0tension of the discount sche&e to other routes. ;*< A study that sho,s that air travellers in India are price6conscious. ;!< A study that sho,s that as &uch as 3"= of air travel in India is co&pany6sponsored. According to 8c>eill. a ?rah&in priest ,as e0pected to be able to recite at least one of the 'edas. The practice ,as essential for several centuries ,hen the 'edas had not yet been ,ritten do,n. It &ust have had a selective effect. since priests ,ould have been recruited fro& those able or ,illing to &e&orise long passages. It &ust have helped in the disse&ination of the ,or-. since a &e&orised passage can be duplicated &any ti&es. 9hich one of the follo,ing can be inferred fro& the above passage: ;1< %eciting the 'edas ,as a ?rah&in’s obligation ;2< The 'edic priest ,as li-e a recorded audio cassette ;*< 8c>eill studied the behaviour of ?rah&in priests ;!< 'edic hy&ns had not been scripted (eveloped countries have &ade ade4uate provisions for social security for senior citi1ens. State insurers as ,ell as private ones$ offer &edicare and pension benefits to people ,ho can no longer earn. In India. ,ith the collapse of the @oint fa&ily syste&. the traditional shelter of the elderly has disappeared. And a State faced ,ith a financial crunch is not in a position to provide social security. So. it is advisable that the ,or-ing population gives serious thought to build a financial base for itself. 9hich one of the follo,ing. if it ,ere to happen. ,ea-ens the conclusion dra,n in the above passage the &ost: ;1< The investible inco&e of the ,or-ing population. as a proportion of its total inco&e. ,ill gro, in the future. ;2< The insurance sector is underdeveloped and trends indicate that it ,ill be e0tensively privatised in the future. ;*< India is on a path of develop&ent that ,ill ta-e it to a developed country status. ,ith all its positive and negative i&plications. ;!< If the ,or-ing population builds a stronger financial base. there ,ill be a revival of the @oint fa&ily syste&. 'arious studies have sho,n that our forested and hilly regions. and. in general. areas ,here biodiversity 66 as reflected in the variety of flora 66 is high. are the places ,here poverty appears to be high. And these sa&e areas are also the ones ,here educational perfor&ance see&s to be poor. Therefore. it &ay be sur&ised that. even disregarding poverty status. richness in biodiversity goes hand in hand ,ith educational bac-,ardness. 9hich one of the follo,ing state&ents. if true. can be said to best provide supporting evidence for the sur&ise &entioned in the passage: ;1< In regions ,here there is little variety in flora. educational perfor&ance is seen to be as good as in regions ,ith high variety in flora. ,hen poverty levels are high. ;2< %egions ,hich sho, high biodiversity also e0hibit poor educational perfor&ance. at lo, levels of poverty. ;*< %egions ,hich sho, high biodiversity reveal high levels of poverty and poor educational perfor&ance. ;!< In regions ,here there is lo, biodiversity. at all levels of poverty. educational perfor&ance is seen to be good.




CAT Sample Paper Sol




Cigarettes constitute a &ere 2"= of tobacco consu&ption in India. and fe,er than 1/= of the 2"" &illion tobacco users consu&e cigarettes. Aet these 1/= contribute nearly 5"= of the ta0 revenues to the E0che4uer fro& the tobacco sector. The punitive cigarette ta0ation regi&e has -ept the ta0 base narro,. and reducing ta0es ,ill e0pand this base. 9hich one of the follo,ing best bolsters the conclusion that reducing duties ,ill e0pand the ta0 base: ;1< The cigarette &anufacturers’ association has decided to indulge in aggressive pro&otion. ;2< There is a li-elihood that tobacco consu&ers ,ill shift to cigarette s&o-ing if cigarette prices ,ere to reduce. ;*< The cigarette &anufacturers are lobbying for a reduction on duties. ;!< An increase in duties on non6cigarette tobacco &ay lead to a shift in favor of cigarette s&o-ing. Tho&as 8althus. the ?ritish clergy&an turned econo&ist. predicted that the planet ,ould not be able to support the hu&an population for long. Cis e0planation ,as that hu&an population gro,s at a geo&etric rate. ,hile the food supply gro,s only at an arith&etic rate. 9hich one of the follo,ing. if true. ,ould not under&ine the thesis offered by 8althus: ;1< +opulation gro,th can be slo,ed do,n by the voluntary choices of individuals and not @ust by natural disasters. ;2< The capacity of the planet to feed a gro,ing hu&an population can be enhanced through biotechnological &eans. ;*< Cu&an syste&s. and natural syste&s li-e food supply. follo, natural la,s of gro,th. ,hich have re&ained constant. and ,ill re&ained unchanged. ;!< Cu&an beings can colonise other planetary syste&s on a regular and on6going basis to acco&&odate a gro,ing population. The co&pany’s coffee crop for 1553655 totalled 3"25 tonnes. an all ti&e record. The increase over the previous year’s production of /3*" tonnes ,as *3./3=. The previous highest crop ,as B"35 tonnes in 152"621. The co&pany had fi0ed a target of 3""" tonnes to be realised by the year 2"""6"1. and this has been achieved t,o years earlier. than-s to the e&phasis laid on the -ey areas of irrigation. replace&ent of unproductive coffee bushes. intensive refilling and i&proved agricultural practices. It is no, our endeavour to reach the target of 1"""" tonnes in the year 2""16"2. 9hich one of the follo,ing ,ould contribute &ost to &a-ing the target of 1"""" tonnes in 2""16"2 unrealistic: ;1< The potential of the productivity enhancing &easures i&ple&ented up to no, has been e0hausted. ;2< The total co&pany land under coffee has re&ained constant since 15B5 ,hen an estate in the >ilgiri Cills ,as ac4uired. ;*< The sensitivity of the crop to cli&atic factors &a-es predictions about production uncertain. ;!< The target6setting procedures in the co&pany have been proved to the sound by the achieve&ent of the 3""" tonne target. Ani&als in general are shre,d in proportion as they cultivate society. Elephants and beavers sho, the greatest signs of this sagacity ,hen they are together in large nu&bers. but ,hen &an invades their co&&unities they lose all their spirit of industry. A&ong insects. the labours of the bee and the ant have attracted the attention and ad&iration of naturalists. but all their sagacity see&s to be lost upon separation. and a single bee or ant see&s destitute of every degree of industry. It beco&es the &ost stupid insect i&aginable. and it languishes and soon dies. 9hich of the follo,ing can be inferred fro& the above passage: ;1< Cu&an-ind is responsible for the destruction of the natural habitat of ani&als and insects. ;2< Ani&als. in general. are unable to function effectively outside their nor&al social environ&ent. ;*< >aturalists have great ad&iration for bees and ants. despite their lac- of industry upon separation. ;!< Elephants and beavers are s&arter than bees and ants in the presence of hu&an beings. In a recent report. the gross enrol&ent ratios at the pri&ary level. that is. the nu&ber of children enrolled in classes one to five as a proportion of all children aged B to 1". ,ere sho,n to be very high for &ost statesD in &any cases they ,ere ,ay above 1"" percentE These figures are not ,orth anything. since they are based on the official enrol&ent data co&piled fro& school records. They &ight as ,ell stand for Fgross e0aggeration ratios’. 9hich of the follo,ing options best supports the clai& that the ratios are e0aggerated: ;1< The definition of gross enrol&ent ratio does not e0clude. in its nu&erator. children belo, B years or above 1" years enrolled in classes one to five.





CAT Sample Paper Sol



;2< A school attendance study found that &any children enrolled in the school records ,ere not &eeting a &ini&u& attendance re4uire&ent of 3" percent. ;*< A study esti&ated that close to 22 percent of children enrolled in the class one records ,ere belo, B years of age and still to start going to school. ;!< (e&ographic surveys sho, shifts in the population profile ,hich indicate that the nu&ber of children in the age group B to 1" years is declining. 1". S1y&ans-i suggests that the proble& of racis& in football &ay be present even today. Ce begins by verifying an earlier hypothesis that clubs’ ,age bills e0plain 5"= of their perfor&ance. Thus. if players’ salaries ,ere to be only based on their abilities. clubs that spend &ore should finish higher. If there is pay discri&ination against so&e group of players 66 fe,er tea&s bidding for blac- players thus lo,ering the salaries for blac-s ,ith the sa&e ability as ,hites 66 that neat relation &ay no longer hold. Ce concludes that certain clubs see& to have achieved &uch less than ,hat they could have. by not recruiting blac- players. 9hich of the follo,ing findings ,ould best support S1y&ans-i’s conclusions: ;1< Certain clubs too- advantage of the situation by hiring above6average shares of blac- players. ;2< Clubs hired ,hite players at relatively high ,ages and did not sho, proportionately good perfor&ance. ;*< (uring the study period. clubs in to,ns ,ith a history of discri&ination against blac-s. under6 perfor&ed relative to their ,age bills. ;!< Clubs in one region. ,hich had higher proportions of blac- players. had significantly lo,er ,age bills than their counterparts in another region ,hich had predo&inantly ,hite players.

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '' to '+/ Gor the ,ord given at the top of each table. &atch the dictionary definitions on the left A. ?. C. ($ ,ith their corresponding usage on the right E. G. H. C$. Iut of the four possibilities given in the bo0es belo, the table. select the one that has all the definitions and their usages correctly &atched. 11. E0ceed (ictionary (efinition A. To e0tend outside of. or enlarge beyondD used chiefly in strictly physical relations ?. To be greater than or superior to C. ?e beyond the co&prehension of (. To go beyond a li&it set by as an authority or privilege$ Ans,er choicesL ;1< A C ;2< A ? G ? C E C ( H ( 12. Infer (ictionary (efinition A. To derive by i&plication ?. To sur&ise C. To point out (. To hint reasoning or Jsage E. 9e see s&o-e and infer fire G. Hiven so&e utterance. a listener &ay infer fro& it things ,hich the utterer never i&plied H. I ,aited all day to &eet hi&. fro& this you can infer &y 1eal to see hi& C. She did not ta-e part in the debate e0cept to asa 4uestion inferring that she ,as not interested in the debate Jsage E. The &ercy of god e0ceeds our finite &inds. G. Their acco&plish&ents e0ceeded our e0pectation H. Ce e0ceed his authority ,hen he paid his brotherKs ga&bling debts ,ith &oney fro& the trust C. If this rain -eeps up. the river ,ill e0ceed its ban-s by &orning C E G H ;*< A ? C ( H G E C ;!< A ? C ( G H C E

CAT Sample Paper Sol



Ans,er choicesL ;1< A ? C ( 1*. 8ello,



A ? C (



A ? C (



A ? C (


(ictionary (efinition A. Ade4uately and properly ages so as to be free of harshness ?. Greed fro& the rashness of youth C. If soft and loa&y consistency (. %ich and full but free fro& stridency Ans,er choicesL ;1< A E ;2< A ? H ? C G C ( C ( 1!. %elief (ictionary (efinition A. %e&oval or lightening of so&ething distressing ?. Aid in the for& of necessities for the indigent C. (iversion (. %elease fro& the perfor&ance of duty Ans,er choicesL ;1< A G ;2< A ? C ? C E C ( H ( 1/. +urge A. %e&ove a stig&a fro& the na&e of ?. 8a-e clean by re&oving ,hatever is superfluous. foreign C. Het rid of (. To cause evacuation of Ans,er choicesL ;1< A ? C ( E H G C ;2< A ? C ( G E C H

Jsage E. Ce has &ello,ed ,ith age G. The tones of the old violin ,ere &ello,. H. So&e ,ines are &ello, C. 8ello, soil is found in the Hangetic plains E G H C ;*< A ? C ( H E C G ;!< A ? C ( C H G E

Jsage E. A cere&ony follo,s the relief of a sentry after the &orning shift G. It ,as a relief to ta-e off the tight shoes. H. The only relief I get is by playing cards C. (isaster relief ,as offered to the victi&s. G C H E ;*< A ? C ( C G H E ;!< A ? C ( H E C G

E. The opposition ,as purged after the coup. G. The co&&ittee heard his atte&pt to purge hi&self of a charge of heresy. H. (rugs that purge the bo,els are often bad for the brain C. It is reco&&ended to purge ,ater by distillation ;*< A ? C ( C G H E ;!< A ? C ( G C E H

CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '& to "*/ In each of the follo,ing sentences the &ain state&ent is follo,ed by four sentences each. Select the pair of sentences that relate logically ,ith the given state&ent. 1B. Either Sita is sic- or she is careless. A. Sita is not sic?. Sita is not careless. ;1< A? ;2< A( ;*< ?A C. Sita is sic;!< (A (. Sita is careless.


%a& gets a s,ollen nose ,henever he eats ha&burgers. A. %a& gets a s,ollen nose. ?. %a& does not eat ha&burgers C. %a& does not get a s,ollen nose (. %a& eats ha&burgers. ;1< A? ;2< (C ;*< AC ;!< ?C Either the e&ployees have no confidence in the &anage&ent or they are hostile by nature. A. They are hostile by nature ?. They are not hostile by nature. C. They have confidence in the &anage&ent (. They have no confidence in the &anage&ent. ;1< ?A ;2< (C ;*< AC ;!< ?C 9henever %a& reads late into the night. his father beats hi& up. A. Cis father does not beat %a&. ?. %a& reads late into the night. C. %a& reads early in the &orning. (. %a&’s father beats hi& in the &orning. ;1< C( ;2< ?( ;*< A? ;!< >one of the above. All irresponsible parents shout if their children do not cavort. A. All irresponsible parents do not shout. ?. Children cavort C. Children do not cavort. (. All irresponsible parents shout. ;1< A? ;2< ?A ;*< CA ;!< All of the above.




1IR-CTIONS for .uestio "' to "+/ In each of the follo,ing sentences. parts of the sentence are left blan-. ?eneath each sentence. four different ,ays of co&pleting the sentence are indicated. Choose the best alternative fro& a&ong the four. 21. ?ut MMMMMMMMMMM are no, regularly ,ritten to describe ,ell6established practices. organisations and institutions. not all of ,hich see& to be MMMMMMMM a,ay. ;1< reports. ,ithering ;2< stories. trading ;*< boo-s. dying ;!< obituaries. fading The (ar,in ,ho MMMMMMMMMMM is &ost re&ar-able for the ,ay in ,hich he MMMMMMMMMthe attributes of the ,orld class thin-er and head of the household. ;1< co&es. figures ;2< arises. adds ;*< e&erges. co&bines ;!< appeared. co&bines Since her face ,as free of MMMMMMMMMM there ,as no ,ay to MMMMMMMMMM if she appreciated ,hat had happened. ;1< &a-e6up. realise ;2< e0pression. ascertain ;*< e&otion. diagnose ;!< scars. understand In this conte0t. the MMMMMMMMMM of the ?ritish labour &ove&ent is particularly MMMMMMMMMMM . ;1< affair. ,eird ;2< activity. &oving ;*< e0perience. significant ;!< at&osphere. gloo&y Indian intellectuals &ay boast. if they are so inclined. of being MMMMMMMMMM to the &ost elitist a&ong the intellectual MMMMMMMMMMM of the ,orld. ;1< subordinate. traditions ;2< heirs. cli4ues ;*< ancestors. societies ;!< heir. traditions





CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s "& to 2*/ Arrange sentences A. ?. C. ( bet,een sentences 1 and B to for& a logical se4uence of si0 sentences. 2B. 1. ?uddhis& is a ,ay to salvation. A. ?ut ?uddhis& is &ore severely analytical. ?. In the Christian tradition there is also a concern for the fate of hu&an society conceived as a ,hole. rather than &erely as a su& or net,or- of individuals. C. Salvation is a property. or achieve&ent of individuals. (. >ot only does it dissolve society into individuals. the individual in turn is dissolved into co&ponent parts and instants. a stea& of events. B. In &odern ter&inology. ?uddhist doctrine is reductionist. ;1< A?C( ;2< C?A( ;*< ?(AC ;!< A?C( 1. The proble& of i&proving Indian agriculture is both a sociological and an ad&inistrative one. A. It also appears that there is a direct relationship bet,een the si1e of a state and develop&ent. ?. The issues of Indian develop&ent. and the proble&s of India’s agricultural sector. ,ill re&ain ,ith us long into the ne0t century. C. 9ithout i&proving Indian agriculture. no liberalisation and delicensing ,ill be able to help India. (. At the end of the day. there has to be a fer&ent and &ove&ent of life and action in the vast seg&ent of rural India. B. 9hen it starts &arching. India ,ill fly. ;1< (A?C ;2< C(?A ;*< AC(? ;!< A?C( 1. Hood literary &aga1ines have al,ays been good because of their editors. A. Gurther&ore. to edit by co&&ittee. as it ,ere. ,ould prevent any &aga1ine fro& finding its o,n identity. ?. The &ore 4uir-y and idiosyncratic they have been. the better the &aga1ine is. at least as a general rule. C. ?ut the nu&ber of editors one can have for a &aga1ine should also be deter&ined by the nu&ber of contributions to it. (. To have four editors for an issue that contains only seven contributions is a bit silly to start ,ith. B. Co,ever. in spite of this ano&aly. the &aga1ine does ac4uire &erit in its atte&pt to give a co&prehensive vie, of the Indian literary scene as it is today. ;1< A?C( ;2< ?C(A ;*< A?(C ;!< C?A( 1. It’s the success story of the Indian e0patriate in the JS ,hich today hogs &uch of the &edia coverage in India. A. East and 9est. the t,ain have &et 4uite co&fortably in their person. than- you. ?. Especially in its &ore recent ro&ancing6the6>%I phase. C. Seldo& does the price of getting there 6 &ore li-e not getting there 6 or ,hat’s going on behind those sunny s&iles get so &uch &edia hype. (. 9ell groo&ed. ,ith their perfect Colgate s&iles. and hair in place. they appear the picture of confidence ,hich co&es fro& having arrived. B. The festival of feature fil&s and docu&entaries &ade by A&ericans of Indian descent being screened this fortnight goes a long ,ay in filling those gaps. ;1< AC?( ;2< (A?C ;*< ?(AC ;!< A?C( 1. The ,ind had savage allies. A. If it had not been for &y closely fitted hel&et. the e0plosions &ight have shattered &y eardru&s. ?. The first clap of thunder ca&e as a deafening e0plosion that literally shoo- &y teeth. C. I didn’t hear the thunderD I actually felt it 66 an al&ost unbearable physical e0perience. (. I sa, lightning all around &e in every shape i&aginable. B. 9hen very close. it began raining so torrentially that I thought I ,ould dro,n in &id6air. ;1< ?CA( ;2< CA(? ;*< C?(A ;!< AC(?





CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 2' to 2+/ Choose the gra&&atically correct sentence fro& a&ong the four options given. *1. ;1< I a& not one of those ,ho believe everything they hear. ;2< I a& not one of these ,ho believes everything I hear. ;*< I a& not one of those ,ho believes everything he hears. ;!< I a& not one of those ,ho believes in everything one hears. ;1< Cannot one do ,hat one li-es ,ith one’s o,n: ;2< Cannot one do that one li-es to do ,ith his o,n: ;*< Cannot one do that one li-es ,ith his o,n: ;!< Cannot one do ,hat he li-es ,ith his o,n: ;1< There’s 8r. So&. ,ho& they say is the best singer in the country. ;2< There’s 8r. So&. ,ho they say is the best singer in the country. ;*< There is 8r. So&. ,ho& they say is the best singer in the country. ;!< There is 8r. So& ,ho. they say is the best singer in the country. ;1< Each of the students has done ,ell. ;*< Each of the students have done ,ell. ;2< Each of the student has done ,ell. ;!< Each of the student have done ,ell.



*!. */.

;1< Today ,e love. ,hat to&orro, ,e hateD today ,e see-. ,hat to&orro, ,e shun. today ,e desire. ,hat to&orro, ,e fear. ;2< Today. ,e love ,hat to&orro, ,e hate. today. ,e see- ,hat to&orro, ,e shun. today. ,e desire ,hat to&orro, ,e fear. ;*< Today ,e love ,hat to&orro, ,e hate. today ,e see- ,hat to&orro, ,e shun. today ,e desire ,hat to&orro, ,e fear. ;!< Today ,e love ,hat to&orro, ,e hateD today ,e see- ,hat to&orro, ,e shunD today ,e desire ,hat to&orro, ,e fear.

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 2& to 0*/ In each of the follo,ing 4uestions a part of a paragraph or sentence has been underlined. Gro& the choices given. you are re4uired to choose the one ,hich ,ould best replace the underlined part. *B. 'ictory is everything in the Indian universe and Tendul-ar ,ill be e0pected to translate his genius to that effect. To conte&plate any other option is to conte&plate the ris- of failure. ;1< To conte&plate any other action is to conte&plate the ris- of failure. ;2< Gailure is not an action that can be conte&plated. ;*< Any other action has the potential of failure. ;!< Gailure is not an option. In 8artin A&is’ ne, novel. the narrator is trapped 66 and hurtling to,ards a terrible secret. Its resolution. and the dreadful revelations it brings. ally to give an e0cruciating vision of guilt. ;1< ally to give an e0cruciating vision of guilt. ;2< to us give a vivid picture of guilt. ;*< is a painful picture of a guilt6ridden ,orld. ;!< does not really solve all the 4uestions in the narrator’s &ind. Co, &any ti&es have I as-ed &yselfL ,hen is the ,orld going to start to &a-e sense: There is a &onster out there. and it is rushing to,ards &e over the uneven ground of consciousness. ;1< There is a &onster out there ;2< It is as if the ,orld is on &y shoulders ;*< The ans,er is out there so&e,here ;!< There is a sea of sensibility in &e. Conte&plating ,hether to e0ist ,ith an insatiable ro&antic te&pera&ent. he ,as the author and largely the sub@ect of a nu&ber of &e&orable novels. ;1< Conte&plating ,hether to e0ist ;2< Co&bining realistic detail ;*< 8iscegenating a brilliant &ind ;!< A,are that he had been born




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In a penetrating study. C?S6T' focuses on those people ,ithout hope. ,hose bodies are cared for by ,elfare aid. but ,hose spirit is often neglected by a disinterested society. ;1< ,hose bodies are cared for by ,elfare aid;2< ,ho do not have enough to eat ;*< ,hose hopelessness &ay be alleviated ;!< ,ho &ay be physically satiated S-CTION – II

Number of .uestio s/ 0* 1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 0' to 3*/ %ead the passages and ans,er the 4uestions based on the&. PASSA4- – I I ,ant to stress this personal helplessness ,e are all stric-en ,ith in the face of a syste& that has passed beyond our -no,ledge and control. To bring it nearer ho&e. I propose that ,e s,itch off fro& the big things li-e e&pires and their ,ars to little fa&iliar things. Ta-e pins for e0a&pleE I do not -no, ,hy it is that I so seldo& use a pin ,hen &y ,ife cannot get on ,ithout bo0es of the& at handD but it is so. and I ,ill therefore ta-e pins as being for so&e reason specially i&portant to ,o&en. There ,as a ti&e ,hen pin&a-ers could buy the &aterial. shape it. &a-e the head and the point. orna&ent it. and ta-e it to &ar-et or to your door and sell it to you. They had to -no, three tradesL buying. &a-ing. and sellingD and the &a-ing re4uired s-ill in several operations. They not only -ne, ho, the thing ,as done fro& beginning to end. but could do it. ?ut they could not afford to sell you a bo0 of pins for a farthing. +ins cost so &uch that a ,o&an’s dress allo,ance ,as calling pin &oney. ?y the end of the eighteenth century Ada& S&ith boasted that it too- eighteen &en to &a-e a pin. each &an doing a little bit of the @ob and passing the pin on to the ne0t. and none of the& being able to &a-e a ,hole pin or to buy the &aterials or to sell it ,hen it ,as &ade. The &ost you could say for the& ,as that at least they had so&e idea of ho, it ,as &ade. though they could not &a-e it. >o, as this &eant that they ,ere clearly less capable and -no,ledgeable &en than the old pin&a-ers. you &ay as- ,hy Ada& S&ith boasted of it as a triu&ph of civilisation ,hen its effect ,as so clearly a degrading effect. The reason ,as that by setting each &an to do @ust one little bit of the ,or- and nothing but that. over and over again. he beca&e very 4uic- at it. The &en. it is said. could turn out nearly five thousand pins a day eachD and thus pins beca&e plentiful and cheap. The country ,as supposed to be richer because it had &ore pins. though it had turned capable &en into &ere &achines doing their ,or- ,ithout intelligence and being fed by the spare food of the capitalist as an engine is fed ,ith coals and oil. That ,as ,hy the poet Holds&ith. ,ho ,as a farsighted econo&ist as ,ell as a poet. co&plained that F,ealth accu&ulates. and &en decay’. >o,adays Ada& S&ith’s eighteen &en are as e0tinct as the diplodocus. The eighteen flesh6and6blood &achines are replaced by &achines of steel. ,hich spout out pins by the hundred &illion. Even stic-ing the& into pinpapers is done by &achinery. The result is that ,ith the e0ception of a fe, people ,ho design the &achines. nobody -no,s ho, to &a-e a pin or ho, a pin is &adeL that is to say. the &odern ,or-er in pin &anufacture need not be one6tenth so intelligent and s-ilful and acco&plished as the old pin&a-erD and the only co&pensation ,e have for this deterioration is that pins are so cheap that a single pin has no e0pressible value at all. Even ,ith a big profit stuc- on to the cost6price you can buy do1ens for a farthingD and pins are so rec-lessly thro,n a,ay and ,asted that verses have to be ,ritten to persuade children ,ithout success$ that it is a sin to steal a pin. 8any serious thin-ers. li-e 7ohn %us-in and 9illia& 8orris. have been greatly troubled by this. @ust as Holds&ith ,as. and have as-ed ,hether ,e really believe that it is an advance in ,ealth to lose our s-ill and degrade our ,or-ers for the sa-e of being able to ,aste pins by the ton. 9e shall see later on. ,hen ,e co&e to consider the (istribution of Neisure. that the cure for this is not to go bac- to the old ,aysD for if the saving of ti&e by &odern &achinery ,as e4ually divided a&ong us. it ,ould set us all free for higher ,or- than pin&a-ing or the li-e. ?ut in the &eanti&e the fact re&ains that pins are no, &ade by &en and ,o&en ,ho cannot &a-e anything by the&selves. and could not arrange bet,een the&selves to &a-e anything even in little bits. They are ignorant and helpless. and cannot lift their finger to begin their day’s ,or- until it has all been

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arranged for the& by their e&ployers ,ho the&selves do not understand the &achines that buy. and si&ply pay other people to set the& going by carrying out the &achine &a-er’s directions. The sa&e is true of clothes. Gor&erly the ,hole ,or- of &a-ing clothes. fro& the shearing of the sheep to the turning out of the finished and ,ashed gar&ent ready to put on. had to be done in the country by the &en and ,o&en of the household. especially the ,o&enD so that to this day an un&arried ,o&an is called a spinster. >o,adays nothing is left of all this but the sheep shearingD and even that. li-e the &il-ing of co,s. is being done by &achinery. as the se,ing is. Hive a ,o&an a sheep today and as- her to produce a ,oollen dress for youD and not only ,ill she be 4uite unable to do it. but you are as li-ely as not to find that she is not even a,are of any connection bet,een sheep and clothes. 9hen she gets her clothes. ,hich she does by buying the& at a shop. she -no,s that there is a difference bet,een ,ool and cotton and sil-. bet,een flannel and &erino. perhaps even bet,een stoc-inet and together ,eftsD but as to ho, they are &ade. or ,hat they are &ade of. or ho, they ca&e to be in the shop ready for her to buy. she -no,s hardly anything. And the shop assistant fro& ,ho& she buys is no ,iser. The people engaged in the &a-ing of the& -no, even lessD for &any of the& are too poor to have &uch choice of &aterials ,hen they buy their o,n clothes. Thus the capitalist syste& has produced an al&ost universal ignorance of ho, things are &ade and done. ,hilst at the sa&e ti&e it has caused the& to be &ade and done on a gigantic scale. 9e have to buy boo-s and encyclopaedias to find out ,hat it is ,e are doing all dayD and as the boo-s are ,ritten by people ,ho are not doing it. and ,ho get their infor&ation fro& other boo-s. ,hat they tell us is fro& t,enty to fifty years out of date. and i&practical at that. And of course &ost of us are too tired of our ,or- ,hen ,e co&e ho&e to ,ant to read about itD ,hat ,e need is a cine&a to ta-e our &inds off it and feed our i&agination. It is a funny place. this ,ord of Capitalis&. ,ith its astonishing spread of ignorance and helplessness. boasting all the ti&e of its spread of education and enlighten&ent. There stand the thousands of property o,ners and the &illions of ,age ,or-ersD none of the& able to &a-e anything. none of the& -no,ing ,hat to do until so&ebody tells the&. none of the& having the least notion of ho, it is that they find people paying the& &oney. and things in the shops to buy ,ith it. And ,hen they travel they are surprised to find that savages and Es4ui&au0 and villagers ,ho have to &a-e everything for the&selves are &ore intelligent and resourcefulE The ,onder ,ould be if they ,ere anything else. 9e should die of idiocy through disuse of our &ental faculties if ,e did not fill our heads ,ith ro&antic nonsense out of illustrated ne,spapers and novels and plays and fil&s. Such stuff -eeps us aliveD but it falsifies everything for us so absurdly that it leaves us &ore or less dangerous lunatics in the real ,orld. E0cuse &y going on li-e thisD but as I a& a ,riter of boo-s and plays &yselfD I -no, the folly and peril of it better than you do. And ,hen I see that this &o&ent of our ut&ost ignorance and helplessness. delusion and folly. has been stu&bled on by the blind forces of Capitalis& as the &o&ent for giving votes to everybody. so that the fe, ,ise ,o&en are hopelessly overruled by the thousands ,hose political &inds. as far as they can be said to have any political &inds at all. have been for&ed in the cine&a. I realise that I had better stop ,riting plays for a ,hile to discuss political and social realities in this boo- ,ith those ,ho are intelligent enough to listen to &e. !1. A suitable title to the passage ,ould beO ;1< Aou can’t hear a pin drop no,adays. ;2< Capitalis& and labour disintegrationL pinning the bla&e. ;*< The saga of the non6safety pins. ;!< %eaching the pinnacle of capitalistic success. 9hich of the follo,ing is true as far as pins are concerned: ;1< The cost of pins is &ore no,adays to produce. ;2< Earlier. ,or-&en &ade pins ,ith a lot of love and care. ;*< +inball &achines are the standard pin producing gadgets no,adays. ;!< It too- far longer to &a-e a pin earlier. 9hy do you thin- that the author gives the e0a&ple of Ada& S&ith: ;1< ?ecause he thin-s that Ada& S&ith ,as a boaster ,ithout any facts to bac- his utterance. ;2< ?ecause he ,ants to give us an e0a&ple of so&ething undesirable that Ada& S&ith ,as proud of.



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;*< ?ecause he is proud to be a believer in a tenet of production that even a great &an li-e Ada& S&ith boasted about. ;!< ?ecause he feels that Ada& S&ith ,as right ,hen he said that it too- eighteen &en to &a-e a pin. !!. It &ay be inferred fro& the passage that the authorO ;1< is a supporter of crafts&anship over bul- &echanised production. ;2< is a supporter of asse&bly line production over socialistic syste&s of the sa&e. ;*< is a defender of the faith in capitalistic production. ;!< >one of the above. The reason that children have to be taught that stealing a pin is ,rong is thatL ;1< they have an a&a1ing proclivity to steal the& right fro& childhood. ;2< pins are so co&&on and cheap that ta-ing one ,ould not even be considered stealing by the&. ;*< stealing a pin ,ould lead to stealing bigger things in the future. ;!< stealing an insignificant thing li-e a pin s&ac-s of -lepto&ania. 9hich of the follo,ing is not against the &odern capitalistic syste& of &ass production: ;1< 7ohn %us-in ;2< Holds&ith ;*< Ada& S&ith ;!< 9illia& 8orris 9hich of the follo,ing can be a suitable first line to introduce the hypothetical ne0t paragraph at the end of the passage: ;1< The distribution of leisure is not a ter& that can be e0plained in a fe, ,ords. ;2< If people ,ear clothes they hardly see& to thin- about the &ethod of production. ;*< 8achines are the gods of our age and there see&s to be no atheists. ;!< Cannot be deter&ined fro& the passage. 9hen the author says that a ,o&an no, is not li-ely to -no, about any connection bet,een sheep and clothes. he is probably beingL ;1< vindictive ;2< chauvinistic ;*< satirical ;!< de&eaning Holds&ith’s dictu&. P,ealth accu&ulates. and &en decay.Q in the conte0t of the passage. probably &eansL ;1< the &ore ,ealthy people get. they beco&e &ore and &ore corrupt. ;2< the &ore rich people get. they forget the nuances of individual ability. ;*< people &ay have a lot of &oney. but they have to die and decay so&eday. ;!< the &ore a co&pany gets ,ealthy the less they ta-e care of people. PASSA4- – II >o, let us turn bac- to in4uire ,hether sending our capital abroad. and consenting to be ta0ed to pay e&igration fares to get rid of the ,o&en and &en ,ho are left ,ithout e&ploy&ent in conse4uence. is all that Capitalis& can do ,hen our e&ployers. ,ho act for our capitalists in industrial affairs. and are &ore or less capitalists the&selves in the earlier stages of capitalistic develop&ent. find that they can sell no &ore of their goods at a profit. or indeed at all. in their o,n country. Clearly they cannot send abroad the capital they have already invested. because it has all been eaten up by the ,or-ers. leaving in its place factories and rail,ays and &ines and the li-eD and these cannot be pac-ed into a ship’s hold and sent to Africa. It is only the freshly saved capital that can be sent out of the country. This. as ,e have seen. does go abroad in heaps. ?ut the ?ritish e&ployer ,ho is ,or-ing ,ith capital in the shape of ,or-s fi0ed to ?ritish land held by hi& on long lease. &ustD ,hen once he has sold all the goods at ho&e that his ?ritish custo&ers can afford to buy. either shut up his ,or-s until the custo&ers have ,orn out their stoc- of ,hat they have bought. ,hich ,ould ban-rupt hi& for the landlord ,ill not ,ait$. or else sell his superfluous goods so&e,here elseL that is. he &ust send the& abroad. >o, it is not easy to send the& to civilised countries. because they practise +rotection. ,hich &eans that they i&pose heavy ta0es custo&s duties$ on foreign goods. Jncivilised countries. ,ithout +rotection. and inhabited by natives to ,ho& gaudy calicoes and cheap sho,y brass,are are da11ling and delightful novelists. are the best places to &a-e for at first.


!B. !2.



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?ut trade re4uires a settled govern&ent to put do,n the habit of plundering strangers. This is not a habit of si&ple tribes. ,ho are often friendly and honest. It is ,hat civilised &en do ,here there is no la, to restrain the&. Jntil 4uite recent ti&es it ,as e0tre&ely dangerous to be ,rec-ed on our o,n coasts. as ,rec-ing. ,hich &eant plundering ,retched ships and refraining fro& any officious efforts to save the lives of their cre,s. ,as a ,ell6established business in &any places on our shores. The Chinese still re&e&ber so&e astonishing outbursts of looting perpetrated by English ladies of high position. at &o&ents ,hen la, ,as suspended and priceless ,or-s of art ,ere to be had for the grabbing. 9hen trading ,ith aborigines begins ,ith the visit of a single ship. the cannons and cutlasses it carries &ay be 4uite sufficient to overa,e the natives if they are troubleso&e. The real difficulty begins ,hen so &any ships co&e. that a little trading station of ,hite &en gro,s up and attracts the ,hite ne’er6do6,ells and violent roughs ,ho are al,ays being s4uee1ed out of civilisation by the pressure of la, and order. It is these riffraff ,ho turn the place into a sort of hell in ,hich sooner or later &issionaries are &urdered and traders plundered. Their ho&e govern&ents are appealed to put a stop to this. A gunboat is sent out and in4uiry &ade. The report after the in4uiry is that there is nothing to be done but to set up a civilised govern&ent. ,ith a post office. police. troops. and a navy in the offing. In short. the place is added to so&e civilised E&pire. And the civilised ta0payer pays the bill ,ithout getting a farthing of the profits. If course the business does not stop there. The riffraff ,ho have created the e&ergency &ove out @ust beyond the boundary of the anne0ed territory. and are as great a nuisance as ever to the traders ,hen they have e0hausted the purchasing po,er of the included natives and push on after fresh custo&ers. Again they call on their ho&e govern&ent to civilise a further areaD and so bit by bit the civilised E&pire gro,s at the e0pense of the ho&e ta0payers. ,ithout any intention or approval on their part. until at last. though all their real patriotis& is centred on their o,n people and confined to their o,n country. their o,n rulers. and their o,n religious faith. they find that the centre of their beloved real& has shifted to the other he&isphere. That is ho, ,e in the ?ritish Islands have found our centre &oved fro& Nondon to the Sue1 Canal. and are no, in the position that out of every hundred of our fello,6sub@ects. in ,hose defence ,e are e0pected to shed the last drop of our blood. only eleven are ,hites or even Christians. In our be,ilder&ent so&e of us declare that the E&pire is a burden and a blunder. ,hilst others glory in it as a triu&ph. Aou and I need not argue ,ith the& @ust no,. our point for the &o&ent being that. ,hether blunder or glory. the ?ritish E&pire ,as 4uite unintentional. 9hat should have been underta-en only as a &ost carefully considered political develop&ent has been a series of co&&ercial adventures thrust on us by capitalists forced by their o,n syste& to cater for foreign custo&ers before their o,n country’s needs ,ere one6tenth satisfied. /". It &ay be inferred that the passage ,as ,rittenL ;1< ,hen ?ritain ,as still a colonial po,er. ;2< ,hen the author ,as in a bad &ood. ;*< ,hen the author ,as ,or-ing in the foreign service of ?ritain. ;!< ,hen the author’s country ,as overrun by the ?ritish. According to the author. the &ain reason ,hy capitalists go abroad to sell their goods isL ;1< that they ,ant to civilise the underdeveloped countries of the ,orld by giving the& their goods. ;2< that they have to have ne, places to sell their surplus goods ;*< that they actually ,ant to rule ne, lands and selling goods is an e0cuse. ;!< >one of the above. 9hy do the capitalistic traders prefer the uncivilised countries to the civilised ones: ;1< ?ecause they find it easier to rule there. ;2< ?ecause civilised countries ,ould &a-e the& pay protection duties. ;*< ?ecause civilised countries ,ould &a-e their o,n goods. ;!< ?ecause uncivilised countries li-e the cheap and gaudy goods of bad 4uality all capitalists produce. According to the author. the habit of plundering strangersL ;1< is usually not found in si&ple tribes but civilised people. ;2< is usually found in the barbaric tribes of the uncivilised nations. ;*< is a habit li&ited only to English ladies of high position. ;!< is a usual habit ,ith all ,hite s-inned people.




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9hich of the follo,ing &ay be called the &ain co&plaint of the author: ;1< The race of people he belongs to are looters and plunderers. ;2< The capitalists are ta-ing over the entire ,orld. ;*< It is a ,ay of life for English ladies to loot and plunder. ;!< The English ta0payer has to pay for the up-eep of territories he did not ,ant. PASSA4- – III

Hovern&ents loo-ing for easy popularity have fre4uently been te&pted into announcing give6a,ays of all sortsD free electricity. virtually free ,ater. subsidised food. cloth at half price. and so on. The subsidy culture has gone to e0tre&esL coo-ing gas used &ostly by the top 1"= of inco&e6earners$ has been sold at barely half its cost. The ,ealthiest people in the country have had access for years to subsidised sugar. The richest far&ers in the country get subsidised fertiliser. Jniversity education. typically accessed by the ,ealthier sections. is charged at a fraction of cost. +ostal services are subsidised. and so are rail,ay passengers. ?us fares cannot be raised to econo&ical levels because there ,ill be violent protests. so bus travel is subsidised too. In the past. price control on a variety of ite&s. fro& steel to ce&ent. &eant that industrial consu&ers of these ite&s got the& at less than cost ,hile the losses of the public sector co&panies that produced the& ,ere borne by the ta0payerE Ine study. done a fe, years ago. ca&e to the conclusion that subsidies in the Indian econo&y total as &uch as 1!./= of gross do&estic product. At today’s level. that ,ould ,or- out to about %s. 1/".""" crore. And ,ho pays the bill: The theory 66 and the political fiction on the basis of ,hich it is sold to unsuspecting voters 66 is that subsidies go to the poor. and are paid for by the rich. The fact is that &ost subsidies go to the PrichQ defined in the Indian conte0t as those ,ho are above the poverty line$. and &uch of the tab goes indirectly to the poor. ?ecause the hefty subsidy bill results in fiscal deficits. ,hich in turn push up rates of inflation 66 ,hich. as everyone -no,s. hits the poor the hardest of all. Indeed. that is ,hy ta0&en call inflation the &ost regressive for& of ta0ation. The entire subsidy syste& is built on the thesis that people cannot help the&selves. therefore govern&ents &ust do so. That people cannot afford to pay for a variety of goods and services. and therefore the govern&ent &ust step in. This thesis has been applied not @ust in the poor countries but in the rich ones as ,ellD hence the birth of the ,elfare state in the 9est. and an al&ost Jtopian social security syste&L free &edical care. food aid. old age security. et al. ?ut ,ith the passage of ti&e. &ost of the ,ealthy nations have discovered that their econo&ies cannot sustain this social safety net. that it in fact reduces the desire a&ong people to pay their o,n ,ay. and ta-es a,ay so&e of the incentive to ,or-. In short. the bill ,as unaffordable. and their societies ,ere si&ply not ,illing to pay. To the regret of &any. but because the la,s of econo&ics are harsh. &ost 9estern societies have been busy pruning the ,elfare bill. In India. the lessons of this e0perience 66 over several decades. and in &any countries 66 do not see& to have been learnt. Ir. they are si&ply ignored in the pursuit of i&&ediate votes. +eople ,ho are pro&ised cheap food or clothing do not in &ost cases loo- beyond the gift horses 66 to the 4uestion of ,ho pic-s up the tab. The uproar over higher petrol. diesel and coo-ing gas prices ignored this basic 4uestionL if the user of coo-ing gas does not ,ant to pay for its cost. ,ho should pay: (iesel in the country is subsidised. and if the truc-er or o,ner of a diesel generator does not ,ant to pay for its full cost. ,ho does he or she thin- should pay the balance of the cost: It is a si&ple 4uestion. nevertheless it re&ains unas-ed. The govern&ent has sho,n so&e courage in biting the bullet ,hen it co&es to the price of petroleu& products. ?ut it has been bitten by a &uch bigger subsidy bug. It ,ants to offer food at half its cost to everyone belo, the poverty line. supposedly esti&ated at so&e *3" &illion people. 9hat ,ill this cost: And. of course. ,ho ,ill pic- up the tab: The Andhra +radesh govern&ent has been ban-rupted by selling rice at %s 2 per -g. Should the central govern&ent be ban-rupted too before facing up to the 4uestion of ,hat is affordable and ,hat is not: Already. India is perennially short of po,er because the subsidy on electricity has ban-rupted &ost electricity boards. and &ade private invest&ent ,ary unless it gets all &anner of state guarantees. (elhi’s subsidised bus fares have ban-rupted the (elhi Transport Corp. ,hose buses have slo,ly disappeared fro& the capital’s streets. It is easy to be soft and senti&ental. by loo-ing at progra&&es that ,ill be popular. After all. ,ho doesn’t li-e a free lunch: ?ut the evidence is surely &ounting that the lunch isn’t free at all. So&ebody is paying the bill. And if you ,ant to -no, ,ho. ta-e a loo- at the country’s poor econo&ic perfor&ance over the years.

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If can be inferred fro& the passage that the authorL ;1< believes that people can help the&selves and do not need the govern&ent. ;2< believes that the theory of helping people ,ith subsidy is destructive. ;*< believes in de&ocracy and free speech. ;!< is not a successful politician.

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The state&ent that subsidies are paid for by the rich and go to the poor isL ;1< fiction ;2< fact ;*< fact. according to the author ;!< fiction. according to the author 9hich of the follo,ing is not true. in the conte0t of the passage: ;1< 9here subsidies are concerned. the poor ulti&ately pay the tab. ;2< Inflation is caused by too &uch subsidies. ;*< E0perts call subsidies the &ost regressive for& of ta0ation. ;!< The dangerous reduction in fiscal deficits is another result of high subsidies. 9hy does the author calls the 9estern social security syste& Jtopian: ;1< The countries’ belief in the efficacy of the syste& ,as bound to turn out to be false. ;2< The syste& follo,ed by these countries is the best available in the present conte0t. ;*< Every thing under this syste& ,as supposed to be free but people ,ere charging &oney for the&. ;!< The theory or syste& follo,ed by these countries ,as devised by (r Jtopia. A suitable title to the passage ,ould beL ;1< There’s no such thing as a free lunch. ;*< The govern&ent and its follies.




;2< The Indian Econo&ic overvie,. ;!< It ta-es t,o to tango.


9hich of the follo,ing is not a victi& of e0tre&e subsidies: ;1< The poor ;2< The (elhi Transport Corporation ;*< The Andhra +radesh govern&ent ;!< All of the above. PASSA4- – I5

The &e&brane6bound nucleus is the &ost pro&inent feature of the eu-aryotic cell. Schleiden and Sch,ann. ,hen setting forth the cell doctrine in the 13*"’s. considered that it had a central role in gro,th and develop&ent. Their belief has been fully supported even though they had only vague notions as to ,hat that role &ight be. and ho, the role ,as to be e0pressed in so&e cellular action. The &e&braneless nuclear area of the pro-aryotic cell. ,ith its tangle of fine threads. is no, -no,n to play a si&ilar role. So&e cells. li-e the sieve tubes of vascular plants and the red blood cells of &a&&als. do not possess nuclei during the greater part of their e0istence. although they had nuclei ,hen in a less differentiated state. Such cells can no longer divide and their life span is li&ited. Ither cells are regularly &ultinucleate. So&e. li-e the cells of striated &uscles or the late0 vessels of higher plants. beco&e so through cell fusion. So&e. li-e the unicellular proto1oan +ara&eciu&. are nor&ally binucleate. one of the nuclei serving as a source of hereditary infor&ation for the ne0t generation. the other governing the day6to6day &etabolic activities of the cell. Still other organis&s. such as so&e fungi. are &ultinucleate because cross ,alls. dividing the &yceliu& into specific cells. are absent or irregularly present. The uninucleate situation. ho,ever. is typical for the vast &a@ority of cells. and it ,ould appear that this is the &ost efficient and &ost econo&ical &anner of partitioning living substance into &anageable units. This point of vie, is given credence not only by the prevalence of uninucleate cells. but because for each -ind of cell there is a ratio &aintained bet,een the volu&e of the nucleus and that of the cytoplas&. If ,e thin- of the nucleus as the control centre of the cell. this ,ould suggest that for a given -ind of cell perfor&ing a given -ind of ,or-. one nucleus can Pta-e care ofQ a specific volu&e of cytoplas& and -eep it in functioning order. In ter&s of &aterials and energy. this &ust &ean providing the -ind of infor&ation needed to -eep flo, of &aterials and energy &oving at the correct rate and in the proper channels. 9ith the &ultitude of en1y&es in the cell. &aterials and energy can of course be channelled in a &ultitude of ,aysD it is the function of so&e infor&ational &olecules to &a-e channels of use &ore preferred than others at any given ti&e. Co, this regulatory control is e0ercised is not entirely clear. The nucleus is generally a rounded body. In plant cells. ho,ever. ,here the centre of the cell is often occupied by a large vacuole. the nucleus &ay be pushed against the cell ,all. causing it to assu&e a lens shape. In so&e ,hite blood cells. such as poly&orphonucleated leu-ocytes. and in cells of the spinning gland of so&e insects and spiders. the nucleus is very &uch lobed. The reason for this is not clear. but it &ay relate to the fact that for

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a given volu&e of nucleus. a lobate for& provides a &uch greater surface area nuclear6cytoplas&ic e0changes. possibly affecting both the rate and the a&ount of &etabolic reactions. The nucleus. ,hatever its shape. is segregated fro& the cytoplas& by a double &e&brane. the nuclear envelope. ,ith the t,o &e&branes separated fro& each other by a perinuclear space of varying ,idth. The envelope is absent only during the ti&e of cell division. and then @ust for a brief period. The outer &e&brane is often continuous ,ith the &e&branes of the endoplas&ic reticulu&. a possible retention of an earlier relationship. since the envelope. at least in part. is for&ed at the end of cell division by coalescing frag&ents of the endoplas&ic reticulu&. The cytoplas& side of the nucleus is fre4uently coated ,ith riboso&es. another fact that stresses the si&ilarity and relation of the nuclear envelope to the endoplas&ic reticulu&. The inner &e&brane see&s to possess a crystalline layer ,here it abuts the nucleoplas&. but its function re&ains to be deter&ined. Everything that passes bet,een the cytoplas& and the nucleus in the eu-aryotic cell &ust transverse the nuclear envelope. This includes so&e fairly large &olecules as ,ell as bodies such as riboso&es. ,hich &easure about 2/ && in dia&eter. So&e passage,ay is. therefore. obviously necessary since there is no indication of dissolution of the nuclear envelope in order to &a-e such &ove&ent possible. The nuclear pores appear to be reasonable candidates for such passage,ays. In plant cells these are irregularly and rather sparsely distributed over the surface of the nucleus. but in the a&phibian oocyte. for e0a&ple. the pores are nu&erous. regularly arranged. and octagonal and are for&ed by the fusion of the outer and inner &e&brane. B1. According to the first paragraph. the contention of Schleiden and Sch,ann that the nucleus is the &ost i&portant part of the cell hasL ;1< been proved to be true. ;2< has been true so far but false in the case of the pro-aryotic cell ;*< is only partially true. ;!< has been proved to be co&pletely false. 9hat is definitely a function of the nuclei of the nor&ally binucleate cell: ;1< To arrange for the gro,th and nourish&ent if the cell. ;2< To hold hereditary infor&ation for the ne0t generation. ;*< To &a-e up the basic physical structure of the organis&. ;!< To fight the various foreign diseases attac-ing the body. It &ay be inferred fro& the passage that the vast &a@ority of cells areL ;1< 8ultinucleate ;2< ?inucleate ;*< Jninucleate 9hy. according to the passage. are so&e fungi &ultinucleate: ;1< ?ecause they need &ore food to survive. ;2< ?ecause they fre4uently lac- ,alls dividing the &yceliu&. ;*< ?ecause the &yceliu& is area6,ise &uch bigger that other cells. ;!< Cannot be deter&ined fro& the passage. 9hy. according to the passage. is the poly&orphonucleated leu-ocyte probably lobed: ;1< ?ecause it is 4uite convoluted in its functions. ;2< ?ecause it is a red blood cell ,hich is the &ost i&portant cell in the body. ;*< ?ecause it provides a greater area for &etabolic reaction. ;!< ?ecause it provides greater strength to the spider ,eb due to greater area. The function of the crystalline layer of the inner &e&brane of the nucleus isL ;1< generation of nourish&ent of the cell. ;2< holding together the disparate structure of the endoplas&ic reticulu&. ;*< helping in transversal of the nuclear envelope. ;!< cannot be deter&ined fro& the passage. ;!< Anucleate.


B*. B!.



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PASSA4- – 5 The second plan to have to e0a&ine is that of giving to each person ,hat she deserves. 8any people. especially those ,ho are co&fortably off. thin- that this is ,hat happens at presentL that the industrious and sober and thrifty are never in ,ant. and that poverty is due to idleness. i&providence. drin-. betting. dishonesty. and bad character generally. They can point to the fact that a labourer ,hose character is bad finds it &ore difficult to get e&ploy&ent than one ,hose character is goodD that a far&er or country gentle&en ,ho ga&bles and bets heavily. and &ortgages his land to live ,astefully and e0travagantlyD is soon reduced to povertyD and that a &an of business ,ho is la1y and does not attend to it beco&es ban-rupt. ?ut this proves nothing that you cannot eat your ca-e and have it tooL it does not prove that your share of the ca-e ,as a fair one. It sho,s that certain vices and ,ea-nesses &a-e us poorD but it forgets that certain other vices &a-e us rich. +eople ,ho are hard. grasping. selfish. cruel. and al,ays ready to ta-e advantage of their neighbours. beco&e very rich if they are clever enough not to overreach the&selves. In the other hand. people ,ho are generous. public6spirited. friendly. and not al,ays thin-ing of the &ain chance. stay poor ,hen they are born poor unless they have e0traordinary talents. Also as things are today. so&e are born poor and others are born ,ith silver spoons in their &outhsL that is to say. they are divided into rich and poor before they are old enough to have any character at all. The notion that our present syste& distributes ,ealth according to &erit. even roughly. &ay be dis&issed at once as ridiculous. Everyone can see that it generally has the contrary effectD it &a-es a fe, idle people very rich. and a great &any hard,or-ing people very poor. In this. Intelligent Nady. your first thought &ay be that if ,ealth is not distributed according to &erit. it ought to beD and that ,e should at once set to ,or- to alter our la,s so that in future the good people shall be rich in proportion to their goodness and the bad people poor in proportion to their badness. There are several ob@ections to thisD but the very first one settles the 4uestion for good. It is. that the proposal is i&possible. Co, are you going to &easure anyone’s &erit in &oney: Choose any pair of hu&an beings you li-e. &ale or fe&ale. and see ,hether you can decide ho, &uch each of the& should have on her or his &erits. If you live in the country. ta-e the village blac-s&ith and the village clergy&an. or the village ,asher,o&an and the village school&istress. to begin ,ith. At present the clergy&an often gets less pay than the blac-s&ithL it is only in so&e villages that he gets &ore. ?ut never &ind ,hat they get at presentL you are trying ,hether you can set up a ne, order of things in ,hich each ,ill get ,hat he deserves. Aou need not fi0 a su& of &oney for the&L all you have to do is to settle the proportion bet,een the&. Is the blac-s&ith to have as &uch as the clergy&an: Ir t,ice as &uch as the clergy&an: Ir half as &uch as the clergy&an: Ir ho, &uch &ore or less: It is no use saying that one ought to have &ore the other lessL you &ust be prepared to say e0actly ho, &uch &ore or less in calculable proportion. 9ell. thin- it out. The clergy&an has had a college educationD but that is not any &erit on his partL he o,ns it to his fatherD so you cannot allo, hi& anything for that. ?ut through it he is able to read the >e, Testa&ent in Hree-D so that he can do so&ething the blac-s&ith cannot do. In the other hand. the blac-s&ith can &a-e a horse6shoe. ,hich the parson cannot. Co, &any verses of the Hree- Testa&ent are ,orth one horse6shoe: Aou have only to as- the silly 4uestion to see that nobody can ans,er it. Since &easuring their &erits is no use. ,hy not try to &easure their faults: Suppose the blac-s&ith s,ears a good deal. and gets drun- occasionallyE Everybody in the village -no,s thisD but the parson has to -eep his faults to hi&self. Cis ,ife -no,s the&D but she ,ill not tell you ,hat they are if she -no,s that you intend to cut off so&e of his pay for the&. Aou -no, that as he is only a &ortal hu&an being he &ust have so&e faultsD but you cannot find the& out. Co,ever. suppose he has so&e faults that you can find outE Suppose he has ,hat you call an unfortunate &annerD that he is a hypocriteD that he is a snobD that he cares &ore for sport and fashionable society than for religionE (oes that &a-e hi& as bad as the blac-s&ith. or t,ice as bad. or t,ice and a 4uarter as bad. or only half as bad: In other ,ords. if the blac-s&ith is to have a shilling. is the parson to have si0 pence. or five pence and one6third. or t,o shillings: Clearly these are fools’ 4uestionsL the &o&ent they bring us do,n fro& &oral generalities to business particulars it beco&es plain to every sensible person that no relation can be established bet,een hu&an 4ualities. good or bad. and su&s of &oney. large or s&all. It &ay see& scandalous that a pri1e6fighter so hard at 9e&bley that he fell do,n and could not rise ,ithin ten seconds. received the sa&e su& that ,as paid to the Archbishop of Canterbury for acting as +ri&ate of the Church of England for nine &onthsD but none of these ,ho cry out against the scandal can e0press any better in &oney the difference bet,een the t,o. >ot one of the persons ,ho thin- that the pri1e6fighter should get less than the archbishop can say ho, &uch less.

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9hat the pri1e6fighter got for his si0 or seven &inutes’ bo0ing ,ould pay a @udge’s salary for t,o yearsD and ,e are all agreed that nothing could be &ore ridiculous. and that any syste& of distributing ,ealth ,hich leads to such absurdities &ust be ,rong. ?ut to suppose that it could be changed by any possible calculation that an ounce of archbishop or three ounces of @udge is ,orth a pound of pri1e6fighter ,ould be sillier still. Aou can find out ho, &any candles are ,orth a pound of butter in the &ar-et on any particular dayD but ,hen you try to esti&ate the ,orth of hu&an souls. the ut&ost you can say is that they are all of e4ual value before the throne of Hod. And that ,ill not help you in the least to settle ho, &uch &oney they should have. Aou &ust si&ply give it up. and ad&it that distributing &oney according to &erit is beyond &ortal &easure&ent and @udge&ent. B2. B3. 9hich of the follo,ing is not a vice attributed to the poor by the rich: ;1< Idleness ;2< (rug addiction ;*< Ha&bling ;!< Alcoholis& According to the passage. ,hich -ind of people are not &entioned as li-ely to get rich 4uic-ly: ;1< Selfish people ;2< Hrasping people ;*< Card ,or-ing people ;!< A&bitious people 9hat. according to the author. do the generous and public6spirited people need to beco&e rich: ;1< A cri&inal &ind ;2< To be born ,ith silver spoons ;*< E0traordinary talents ;!< Strength of character 9hich of the follo,ing about the author’s thin-ing &ay be inferred fro& the passage: ;1< The poor should ,or- harder to beco&e rich. ;2< The present syste& of distribution of ,ealth is based in favour of the rich. ;*< The honest &en should resort to tric-ery if they ,ant to beco&e rich. ;!< The present syste& of govern&ent should give ,ay to a &ore progressive one. 9hat. according to the author. is the &ain proble& in distributing ,ealth according to the goodness or badness of hu&an beings: ;1< ?ecause the bad people ,ill as al,ays. cheat the good people of their fair share of the &oney. ;2< ?ecause there are too &any people in the ,orld and it ,ill ta-e a long ti&e to categorise the& into good or bad. ;*< ?ecause there are no standards by ,hich to @udge good or bad in relation to &oney. ;!< >one of these This passage is &ost probably a part ofL ;1< A ne,spaper article. ;2< An anthropological docu&ent. ;*< A letter to so&eone. ;!< An ecclesiastical liturgy. The author gives the e0a&ple of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the pri1e6fighter toL ;1< prove that there cannot be any division of ,ealth based on &oral standards. ;2< prove that in this day and age. &ight al,ays scores over religion and love. ;*< prove the e0istence of a non6discri&inating Hod. ;!< prove that a pound of butter in ,orth &ore than any a&ount of candles any day. The ,ord Fi&providence.’ in the conte0t of the passage. &eansL ;1< e0travagance ;2< lasciviousness ;*< corruption ;!< indelicacy PASSA4- – 5I This is an issue6less election. There is no central personality of ,ho& voters have to e0press approval or disli-eD no central &atter of concern that &a-es this a one6issue referendu& li-e so &any elections in the pastD no central party around ,hich everything else revolves 66 the Congress has been displaced fro& its custo&ary pole position. and no one else has been able to ta-e its place. Indeed. given that all6seeing video ca&eras of the Election Co&&ission. and the detailed pictures they are putting together on ca&paign e0penditure. there isn’t even &uch electioneeringL no slogans on the ,alls. no loudspea-ers blaring forth at all hours of the day and night. no cavalcades of cars heralding the arrival of a candidate at the local ba1aar. Gorget it being an issue6less electionL is this an election at all:







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+erhaps the PfunQ of an election lies in its featuring so&eone ,ho you can love or hate. ?ut even the general election. involving nearly B"" &illion voters. has been reduced to a boring non6event. After all. the >ehru6 Handhi clan has disappeared fro& the political &ap. and the &a@ority of voters ,ill not even be able to na&e +' >arasi&ha %ao as India’s +ri&e 8inister. There could be as &any as a do1en pri&e &inisterial candidates ranging fro& 7yoti ?asu to %a&a-rishna Cegde. and fro& Chandra She-ar to believe it or not$ R% >arayanan. The sole personality ,ho stands out. therefore. is none of the players. but the u&pireL T.>. Seshan. As for the parties. they are li-e the blind &en of Cindoostan. trying in vain to gauge the contours of the ani&al they have to confront. ?ut it doesn’t loo- as if it ,ill be the &andir &as@id. nor ,ill it be Cindutva. or econo&ic nationalis&. The Congress ,ould li-e it to be stability. but ,hat does that &ean for the &a@ority: Econo&ic refor& is a non6issue for &ost people and ,ith inflation do,n to barely !=. prices are not top of the &ind either. In a strange t,ist. after the ha,ala scandal. corruption has been pushed off the &ap too. ?ut ponder for a &o&ent. Isn’t this state of affairs astonishing given the conte0t: Consider that so &any &inisters have had to resign over the ha,ala issueD that a governor ,ho ,as a cabinet &inister has also had to 4uit in the ,a-e of @udicial displeasureD that the pri&e &inister hi&self is under investigation for his involve&ent in not one scandal but t,oD that the &ain pri&e &inisterial candidate fro& the opposition has had to ho, out because he too has been charged in the ha,ala caseD and that the head of the Pthird forceQ has his o,n little or not so little$ fodder scandal to face. 9hy then is corruption not an issue 66 not as a &atter of co&petitive politics. but as an issue on ,hich the contenders for po,er feel they have to offer the prospect of genuine change: If all this does not &a-e the parties al&ost all of ,ho& have bro-en the la, in not sub&itting their audited accounts every year to the inco&e ta0 authorities$ realise that the country both needs 66 and is ready for 66 change in funda&ental ,ays. ,hat ,ill: Thin- also. for a &o&ent. of the change in the functioning and attitude of the Supre&e CourtD the assertiveness of the Election Co&&ission. giving ne, life to a &odel code of conduct that has been ignored for a 4uarter centuryD the independence that has been thrust upon the Central ?ureau of InvestigationD and the fresh 1eal on the part of ta0 collectors out to nab corporate no6gooders. Thin- also that at no other point since the E&ergency of 152/622 have so &any people in po,er been hounded by the syste& for their &isdeeds. In this @ust a case of a fe, individuals outside the political syste& doing their @ob. or is the country heading for a fe, era: The seventies sa, the collapse of the national consensus that &ar-ed the >ehruvian era. and ideology too- over in the Indira Handhi years. %a@iv Handhi and his technocratic friends too buried that. And no,. ,e have these issue6less elections. Ine possibility is that the country is heading for a period of constitutionlis&. as the other ar&s of the state reclai& so&e of the po,ers they lost. or yielded. to the political establish&ent. Econo&ic refor& freed one part of Indian society fro& the clutches of the political class. >o,. this could spread to other parts of the syste&. Against such a dra&atic bac-drop. it should be obvious that people voters$ are loo-ing for accountability. for ,ays in ,hich to &a-e a corrupted syste& ,or- again. And the astonishing thing is that no party has sought to ride this particular ,aveD instead. all are on the defensive. desperately evading the real issues. >o ,onder this is an Pissue6lessQ election. 2/. A suitable title to the passage ,ould beL ;1< ElectionsL A over,ie, ;*< T.>. Seshan 6 the real hero. ;2< The country’s issue6less elections. ;!< Nove or hate the&. but vote for the&.


9hich of the follo,ing are not under scrutiny for alleged corruption. according to the passage: ;1< The opposition pri&e &inisterial candidate. ;2< +.'. >arasi&ha %ao. ;*< The leader of the Fthird force’. ;!< %a&a-rishna Cegde. 9hy does the author say that the sole personality ,ho stands out in the elections is T. >. Seshan: ;1< ?ecause all the other candidates are very boring. ;2< ?ecause all the other candidates do not have his charis&a. ;*< ?ecause the shado, of his strictures are loo&ing large over the elections. ;!< >one of the above. According to the passage. ,hich of the follo,ing is not &entioned as even having the potential to be an issue in the elections: ;1< The &andirS&as@id issue. ;2< The e&po,er&ent of ,o&en ;*< Econo&ic >ationalis& ;!< Cindutva 9hy does the author say that al&ost all parties have bro-en the la,: ;1< ?ecause they all indulge in corrupt electoral practices.




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;2< ?ecause they all have &ore inco&e than recorded sources. ;*< ?ecause they are all indicted on various charges. ;!< ?ecause they have failed to sub&it audited accounts to ta0 authorities. 3". 9hich of the follo,ing has not been responsible for the ,inds of change blo,ing through the country. according to the passage: ;1< Hreater a,areness of the part of the general public ;2< Enforce&ent of a &odel code of conduct by the Election Co&&ission ;*< Hreater independence to the Central ?ureau of Investigation. ;!< Gresh 1eal on the part of ta0 collectors. S-CTION – III Number of .uestio s/ 0* 1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 3' to 6*/ The follo,ing 4uestions are independent of each otherL 31. Gro& a circular sheet of paper ,ith a radius of 2" c&. four circles of radius /c& each are cut out. 9hat is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion: ;1< 1 L * ;2< ! L 1 ;*< * L 1 ;!< ! L * T,o li4uids A and ? are in the ratio / L 1 in container 1 and in container 2. they are in the ratio 1 L *. In ,hat ratio should the contents of the t,o containers be &i0ed so as to obtain a &i0ture of A and ? in the ratio 1 L 1: ;1< 2 L * ;2< ! L * ;*< * L 2 ;!< * L ! Iut of t,o6thirds of the total nu&ber of bas-et6ball &atches. a tea& has ,on 12 &atches and lost * of the&. 9hat is the &a0i&u& nu&ber of &atches that the tea& can lose and still ,in three6fourths of the total nu&ber of &atches. if it is true that no &atch can end in a tie: ;1< ! ;2< B ;*< / ;!< * A closed ,ooden bo0 of thic-ness "./ c& and length 21 c&. ,idth 11 c&. and height B c&. is painted on the inside. The cost of painting is %s 2". 9hat is the rate of painting in rupees per s4. c&: ;1< ".2 ;2< "./ ;*< ".1 ;!< ".2 If a nu&ber 22!5/3A5B? is to be divisible by 3 and 5. the values of A and ?. respectively. ,ill beL ;1< 2.3 ;2< 3." ;*< /.3 ;!< >one of these Ince I had been to the post6office to buy sta&ps of cler- %s 2". and since he did not have change. he nu&ber of sta&ps of each type that I had ordered nu&ber of sta&ps that I bought: ;1< 1" ;2< 5 ;*< 12 five rupees. t,o rupees and one rupee. I paid the gave &e three &ore sta&ps of one rupee. If the initially ,as &ore than one. ,hat ,as the total ;!< 3




3/. 3B.


Hiven the 4uadratic e4uation 02 6 A 6 *$ 0 6 A 6 2$ T ". for ,hat value of A ,ill the su& of the s4uares of the roots be 1ero: ;1< 6 2 ;2< * ;*< B ;!< >one of these I sold t,o ,atches for %s. *"" each. one at a loss of 1"= and the other at a profit of 1"=. 9hat is the percent loss 6 $ or the percent profit U$ that resulted fro& the transaction: ;1< U$ 1" ;2< 6$ 1 ;*< U$ 1 ;!< " The price of a 8aruti car rises by *"= ,hile the sales of the car ca&e do,n by 2"=. 9hat is the percent change in the total revenue: ;1< 6 ! ;2< 6 2 ;*< U ! ;!< "



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In triangle A?C. angle ? is a right angle. If AC is B c&. and ( is the &id6point of side AC. the length of ?( isL A ( ? ;2< √B c& C ;*< * c&

;1< ! c&

;!< *./ c&

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 6' a d 6"/ Ans,er the 4uestions based on the follo,ing infor&ationL6 A. S. 8 and ( are functions of 0 and y. and they are defined as follo,sL A 0. y$ T 0 U y S 0. y$ T 0 6 y 8 0. y$ T 0y ( 0. y$ T 0Sy. ,here y ≠ ". 51. 52. 9hat is the value of 8 8 A 8 0. y$. S y.0$$. 0$. A y. 0$$ for 0 T 2. y T * ;1< /" ;2< 1!" ;*< 2/ ;!< 2" 9hat is the value of S 8 ( A a. b$. 2$. ( A a. b$.2$$. 8 ( S a. b$. 2$. ( S a. b$.2$$$ ;1< aV U bV ;2< ab ;*< aV 6 bV ;!< aSb

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 62 to 6+/ The follo,ing 4uestions are independent of each otherL 5*. In the figure FI’ is the center of the circle and +T is the tangent to the circle at T. If +C T ! c& and +T T 3 c&. find the radius of the circle. T ? I C +

;1< /./ c& 5!.

;2< B./ c&

;*< B c&

;!< 2 c&

9hich of the follo,ing value of 0 do not satisfy the ine4uality 0V 6 *0 U 2 W "$ at all: ;1< 1 ≤ × ≤ 2 ;2< 6 1 ≥ 0 ≥ 6 2 ;*< " ≤ 0 ≤ 2 ;!< " ≥ 0 ≥ 6 2 A &an travels three6fifths of distance A? at a speed of *a. and the re&aining at a speed of 2b. If he goes fro& ? to A and bac- at a speed of /c in the sa&e ti&e. thenL ;1< 1Sa U 1Sb T 1Sc ;2< a U b T c ;*< 1Sa U 1Sb T 2Sc ;!< >one of these


1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 6& a d 67/ Ans,er the 4uestions based on the follo,ing dataL A sales&an enters the 4uantity sold and the price into the co&puter. ?oth the nu&bers are t,o6digit nu&bers. Ince. by &ista-e. both the nu&bers ,ere entered ,ith their digits interchanged. The total sales value re&ained the sa&e. i.e. %s. 11!3. but the inventory reduced by /!. 5B. 52. 9hat is the actual price per piece: ;1< 32 ;2< !1 ;*< /B 9hat is the actual 4uantity sold: ;1< 23 ;2< 1! ;*< 32 ;!< 23 ;!< !1

CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s 63 a d 66/ In a locality. there are five s&all to,ns. A. ?. C. ( and E. The distances of these to,ns fro& each other are as follo,sL A? T 2-& AC T 2 -& A( W 2 -& AE W * -& ?C T 2-& ?( T ! -& ?E T * -& C( T 2 -& CE T *-& (E W * -& 53. 55. If a ration shop is to be set up ,ithin 2 -& of each city. ho, &any ration shops ,ill be re4uired: ;1< 2 ;2< * ;*< ! ;!< / If a ration shop is to be set up ,ithin * -& of each city. ho, &any ratio shops ,ill be re4uired: ;1< 1 ;2< 2 ;*< * ;!< !

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '** to '*2/ Choose the best alternativeL 1"". The cost of a dia&ond varies directly as the s4uare of its ,eight. Ince. this dia&ond bro-e into four pieces ,ith ,eights in the ratio 1 L 2 L * L !. 9hen the pieces ,ere sold. the &erchant got %s. 2".""" less. Gind the original price of the dia&ond. ;1< %s. 1.! la-h ;2< %s. 2." la-h ;*< %s. 1." la-h ;!< %s. 2.1 la-h A cube of side 12 c& is painted red on all the faces and then cut into s&aller cubes. each of side * c&. 9hat is the total nu&ber of s&aller cubes having none of their faces painted: ;1< 1B ;2< 3 ;*< 12 ;!< 2! The points of intersection of three lines. 2X U *A 6 / T ". /X 6 2A U 2 T ". and 5X 6 /A 6 ! T "L ;1< for& a triangle. ;2< are on lines perpendicular to each other. ;*< are on lines parallel to each other. ;!< are coincident. If n is any odd nu&ber greater than 1. then n nV 6 1$ is ;1< divisible by !3 al,ays ;2< divisible by 2! al,ays ;*< divisible by ! al,ays ;!< >one of these




1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '*0 to '*3/ Each ite& has a 4uestions follo,ed by t,o state&ents. 8ar- ;1< if the 4uestion can be ans,ered ,ith the help of state&ent 1 alone 8ar- ;2< if the 4uestion can be ans,ered ,ith the help of state&ent 2 alone. 8ar- ;*< if the 4uestion can be ans,ered ,ith the help of both state&ents but not ,ith the help of either state&ent alone. 8ar- ;!< if the 4uestion cannot be ans,ered even ,ith the help of both the given state&ents. 1"!. 1"/. 1"B. 9hat is the radius of the inscribed circle of triangle A?C: I. The area of the triangle is 2" c&V II. The peri&eter of the triangle is 2" c&. 9hat is the value of R: I. 50V U -0 U 2/ is the perfect s4uare. II. Y-Y T 6 -

Is the area of triangle A?C e4ual to that of triangle (EG: The triangles are inscribed in the sa&e circle. I. Their peri&eters are e4ual. II. The angles of triangles A?C are respectively e4ual to the angles of triangle (EG. A?C is a right triangle. ,ith the right angle at ?. ?( is the bisector of angle ?. Is A( W (C: I. C T !"Z II. Cypotenuse AC T 1/ c&. 9hich has the greater areaL rho&bus A?C( or s4uare +#%S: I. +eri&eter of rho&bus T 3 and one angle &easures *"Z. II. +eri&eter of s4uare T !.

1"2. 1"3.

CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '*6 to ''2/ Choose the best alternative 1"5. The figures sho,s a circle of dia&eter A? and radius B./ c&. If chord CA is / c& long. find the area of triangle A?C. C

A ;1< B" s4.c&. 11". ;2< *" s4.c&

? ;*< !" s4.c&. ;!< /2 s4.c&.

In a locality. t,o6thirds of the people have cable6T'. one6fifth have 'C%. and one6tenth have both. ,hat is the fraction of people having either cable T' or 'C%: ;1< 15S*" ;2< *S/ ;*< 12S*" ;!< 2*S*" If A?C( is a s4uare and ?CE is an e4uilateral triangle. ,hat is the &easure of the angle (EC: A ? E ( ;1< 1/" ;2< *"o C ;*< 2"" ;!< !/"



I bought / pens. 2 pencils and ! erasers. %a@an bought B pens. 3 erasers and 1! pencils for an a&ount ,hich ,as half &ore than ,hat I had paid. 9hat percent of the total a&ount paid by &e ,as paid for the pens: ;1< *2./= ;2< B2./= ;*< /"= ;!< >one of these (istance bet,een A and ? is 22 -&. T,o &en started ,al-ing fro& A and ? at the sa&e ti&e to,ards each other. The person ,ho started fro& A travelled unifor&ly ,ith average speed ! -&ph. 9hile the other &an travelled ,ith varying speeds as follo,sL In first hour his speed ,as 2 -&ph. in the second hour it ,as 2./ -&ph. in the third hour it ,as * -&ph. and so on. 9hen ,ill they &eet each other: ;1< 2 hours ;2< 1" hours ;*< */ -& fro& A ;!< &id,ay bet,een A ) ?


1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s ''0 a d ''+/ Jse the follo,ing infor&ationL A ,atch dealer incurs an e0pense of %s 1/" for producing every ,atch. Ce also incurs an additional e0penditure of %s. *".""". ,hich is independent of the nu&ber of ,atches produced. If he is able to sell a ,atch during the season. he sells it for %s. 2/". If he fails to do so. he has to sell each ,atch for %s. 1"". 11!. If he is able to sell only 12"" out of the 1/"" ,atches he has &ade in the season. then he has &ade a profit ofL ;1< %s. 5".""" ;2< %s. 2/.""" ;*< %s. !/.""" ;!< %s. B".""" If he produces 1/"" ,atches. ,hat is the nu&ber of ,atches that he &ust sell during the season in order to brea- even. given that he is able to sell all the ,atches produced: ;1< /"" ;2< 2"" ;*< 3"" ;!< 1."""


CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s ''& to '"*/ The follo,ing 4uestions are independent of each otherL 11B. A &an travels for& A to ? at a speed of 0 -&ph. Ce then rests at ? or 0 hours. Ce then travels fro& ? to C at a speed of 20 -&ph and rests at C for 20 hours. Ce &oves further to ( at a speed t,ice as that bet,een ? and C. Ce thus reaches ( in 1B hours. If distances A6?. ?6C. C6( are all e4ual to 12 -&. the ti&e for ,hich he rested at ? could beL ;1< * hours ;2< B hours ;*< 2 hours ;!< ! hours Instead of a &etre scale. a cloth &erchant uses a 12" c& scale ,hile buying. but uses an 3" c& scale ,hile selling the sa&e cloth. If he offers a discount of 2" percent on cash pay&ent. ,hat is his overall percent profit: ;1< 2"= ;2< 2/= ;*< !"= ;!< 1/= A &an has nine friends. four boys and five girls. In ho, &any ,ays can he invite the&. if there have to be e0actly three girls in the invitees: ;1< *2" ;2< 1B" ;*< 3" ;!< 2"" In a ,atch. the &inute hand crosses the hour hand for the third ti&e e0actly after every * hrs 13 &in 1/ seconds of ,atch ti&e. 9hat is the ti&e gained or lost by this ,atch in one day: ;1< 1! &in 1" seconds lost ;2< 1* &in /" seconds lost ;*< 1* &in 2" second gained ;!< 1! &in !" second gained. In a &ile race A-shay can be given a start of 123 &etres by ?hairav. If ?hairav can given Chin&ay a start of ! &etres in a 1"" &etres dash. then ,ho out of A-shay and Chin&ay ,ill ,in a race of one and half &ile. and ,hat ,ill be the final lead given by the ,inner to the loser: Ine &ile is 1B"" &etres$. ;1< A-shay. 1S12 &iles ;2< Chin&ay. 1S*2 &iles ;*< A-shay. 1S2! &iles ;!< Chin&ay. 1S1B &iles





CAT Sample Paper Sol



Sectio I5 1irectio s for .uestio s '"' to '"+/ Hhosh ?abu surveyed his co&panies and obtained the follo,ing data.Inco&e ta0 is paid fro& +rofit ?efore Ta0 and the re&aining a&ount is apportioned to (ividend and %etained Earnings.The %etained Earnings ,ere accu&ulated into %eserves.The reserves at the beginning of 1551 ,ere %s.3" la-h.

89i!$I Rs$la(h: Share capital Sales +rofit ?efore ta0 (ividends %etained earnings

'660 *1" B!*/ 25" 11" !""

'662 2"/ !22/ /2/ B" 2!/

'66" 53 2B2" 12" *" 2"

'66' 53 *22" *1/ *" 1!"

121. 122. 12*.

In ,hich year ,ere the sales per rupee of share capital highest: a$1551 b$1552 c$155* d$155! In ,hich year ,as the percentage addition to reserves over previous years reserves the highest: a$1551 b$1552 c$155* d$155! In ,hich year ,as the ta0 per rupee of profit before ta0 lo,est: a$1551 b$1552 c$155* d$155!


In ,hich year the profit before ta0 per rupee of sales ,as the highest: a$1551 b$1552 c$155* d$155!


A&ount of the reserves at the end of 155! is a$ 5*/ b$ 51/ c$ 2*" d$ >one of these

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '"& to '2*/ Ans,er the 4uestions based on the follo,ing table. ,hich gives data about certain coffee producers in IndiaL +roduction Capacity Sales F""" Total Sales F""" tones$ Jtilisation =$ tonnes$ 'alue %s. Cr.$ ?roo-e ?ond 2.52 2B./" 2.// *1.1/ >estle 2.!3 21.2" 2."* 2B.2/ Nipton 1.B! B!.3" 1.2B 1/.2/ 8AC 1./! /5.*/ 1.!2 12.!/ Total incl. Ithers$ 11.B" B1.*" 1".B2 1*2.3" 12B. 122. 9hat is the &a0i&u& production capacity in F""" tonnes$ of Nipton for coffee: ;1< 2./* ;2< 2.3/ ;*< 2.2! ;!< 2."2 The highest price of coffee per -g is for

CAT Sample Paper Sol



;1< >estle 123$ 125. 1*".

;2< 8AC

;*< Nipton

;!< ?ro-e ?ond

9hat percent of the total &ar-et share by Sales 'alue$ is controlled by PIthersQ: ;1< B"= ;2< *2= ;*< B2= ;!< Insufficient data. 9hat appro0i&ately is the total production capacity in tonnes$ for coffee in India: ;1< 13. 1"" ;2< 2". *"" ;*< 13.5"" ;!< Insufficient data. 9hich co&pany out of the four co&panies &entioned above has the &a0i&u& unutilised capacity in F""" tonnes$: ;1< Nipton ;2< >estle ;*< ?roo-e ?ond ;!< 8AC

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '2' to '2+/ Jse the follo,ing dataL 8ulaya& Soft,are Co.. before selling a pac-age to its clients. follo,s the given scheduleL 8onth 162 *6! /63 561" 1161/ Stage Specification (esign Coding Testing 8aintenance Cost %s. F""" per &an6&onth$ !" 2" 1" 1" 1"

The nu&ber of people e&ployed in each &onth isL 8onth >o. of e&ployed 1*1. people 1 2 2 * * ! ! * / ! B / 2 / 3 ! 5 ! 1" 1 11 * 12 * 1* 1 1! 1 1/ 1

(ue to overrun in (esign. the (esign stage too- three &onths. i.e. &onths *. ! and /. The nu&ber of people ,or-ing on (esign in the fifth &onth ,as /. Calculate the percentage change in the cost incurred in the fifth &onth. due to i&prove&ent in PCodingQ techni4ue. the stage ,as co&pleted in &onths B6 3 only$. ;1< 22/= ;2< 1/"= ;*< 22/= ;!< 2!"= 9ith reference to the above 4uestion. ,hat is the cost incurred in the ne, PCodingQ stage: Jnder the ne, techni4ue. ! people ,or- in the si0th &onth and / in the eighth$. ;1< %s. 1.!".""" ;2< %s. 1./".""" ;*< %s. 1.B".""" ;!< %s. 1.2".""" Jnder the ne, techni4ue. ,hich stage of Soft,are (evelop&ent is &ost e0pensive for 8ulaya& Soft,are co&pany: ;1< Testing ;2< Specification ;*< Coding ;!< (esign 9hich five consecutive &onths have the lo,est average cost per &an6&onth under the ne, techni4ue: ;1< 16 / ;2< 5 6 1* ;*< 11 6 1/ ;!< >one of the these 9hat is the difference in the cost bet,een the old and the ne, techni4ues: ;1< %s. *".""" ;2< %s. B".""" ;*< %s. 2".""" ;!< %s. !"."""



1*!. 1*/.

1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '2& to '0*/ Ans,er the 4uestions based on the follo,ing infor&ationL The a&ount of &oney invested in rupees crore$ in the core infrastructure areas of t,o districts. Chittoor and Rha&&a&. Andhra +radesh as follo,sL Chittoor 1istrict Core Area 155/ Electricity 31/.2 Che&ical *35./ 155B 1"/!.2 !2B.2 ;hammam 1istrict Core Area 155/ Electricity Area 2"B/.3 Che&ical 2!/./ 155B 2*B/.1 53B.!

CAT Sample Paper Sol



Ther&al Solar >uclear Total '2&$ 1*2.

B5".! !B3.1 B12.5 "63'$'

/B/.5 /35.B 3"*.1 2036$+

Ther&al Solar >uclear Total

12*2.2 1*B*./ 1B2!.* 7*3'$&

1"2B.* 1252.1 2132.1 32+"$*

?y ,hat percent ,as the total invest&ent in the t,o districts &ore in 155B as co&pared to that in 155/: ;1< 1!= ;2< 21= ;*< 2!= ;!< 13= Appro0i&ately ho, &any ti&es the total invest&ent in Chittoor ,as the total invest&ent in Rha&&a&: ;1< 2.3 ;2< 2." ;*< 2.! ;!< 1.2 The invest&ent in Electricity and Ther&al Energy in 155/ in these t,o districts for&ed ,hat percent of the total invest&ent &ade in that year: ;1<$ !1= ;2< !2= ;*< /2= ;!< //= In Rha&&a& district the invest&ent in ,hich area in 155B sho,ed the least percent increase over the invest&ent in that area in 155/: ;1< Electricity ;2< Che&ical ;*< Solar ;!< >uclear If the total invest&ent in Rha&&a& sho,s the sa&e rate of increase in 1552. as it had sho,n fro& 155/ to 155B. ,hat appropriately ,ould be the total invest&ent in Rha&&a& in 1552 in %s. crore$: ;1< 5.3/" ;2< 1".""" ;*< 5.12" ;!< 3./!"




1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '0' to '0+/ %efer to the follo,ing graphL
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan Mar May Jun

Cost Sales Em ployees



1!1. 1!2. 1!*. 1!!. 1!/.

9hich &onth has the highest profit per e&ployee: ;1< Septe&ber ;2< 7uly ;*< 7anuary 9hich &onth records the highest profit: ;1< Septe&ber ;2< 7uly ;*< 8arch

;!< 8arch ;!< 8ay

In ,hich &onth is the percentage increase in Sales over the Sales t,o &onths before. the highest: ;1< 8arch ;2< Septe&ber ;*< 7uly ;!< 8ay In ,hich &onth is the total increase in the Cost highest as co&pared to the Cost t,o &onths ago: ;1< 8arch ;2< Septe&ber ;*< 7uly ;!< 8ay Assu&ing that no e&ployee left the @ob. ho, &any &ore people did the co&pany ta-e on in the given period: ;1< !.B"" ;2< /.1"" ;*< /. 3"" ;!< B. !""

CAT Sample Paper Sol



1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '0& to '+*/ Ans,er the 4uestions based on the follo,ing dataL The first table gives the percentage of students in the class of 8.?.A ,ho sought e&ploy&ent in the areas of Ginance. 8ar-eting and Soft,are. The second table given the average starting salaries of the students per &onth. in these areas.
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 92 93 94 95 96 Students Passing out

1552 155* 155! 155/ 155B

Ginance 12 12 2* 15 *2 Ginance /.!/" B.*3" 2.//" 3.52" 5.31"

8ar-eting *B !3 !* *2 *2 8ar-eting /.12" B.*5" 2.B*" 3.5B" 1".22"

Soft,are 15 2* 21 1B 2" Soft,are /.25" B.!!" 2."/" 2.2B" 3.B!"

Ithers ** 12 1* 23 1B

1552 155* 155! 155/ 155B 1!B.

The nu&ber of students ,ho got @obs in finance is less than the nu&ber of students getting &ar-eting @obs. in the five years. by ;1< 32B ;2< B/" ;*< 22/ ;!< /!3 In 155!. students see-ing @obs in finance earned %s. MMMMM &ore than those opting for soft,are in la-hs$ ;1< !* ;2< **.3 ;*< 23.! ;!< *3.3 9hat is the percent increase in the average salary of Ginance fro& 1552 to 155B: ;1< B" ;2< *2 ;*< 5B ;!< 3" 9hat is the average &onthly salary offered to a &anage&ent graduate in the year 155*: ;1< B!** ;2< B**" ;*< B*** ;!< Cannot be deter&ined. The average annual rate at ,hich the initial salary offered in Soft,are. increases ;1< 21= ;2< **= ;*< 1B.*= ;!< B/=


1!3. 1!5.


1IR-CTIONS for .uestio s '+' to '&*/ In each 4uestion. you are given certain data follo,ed by t,o state&ents. Gor ans,ering the 4uestionsL 8ar- ;1<. if both the state&ents together are insufficient to ans,er the 4uestion. 8ar- ;2<. if any one of the t,o state&ents is sufficient to ans,er the 4uestion. 8ar- ;*<. if each state&ent alone is sufficient to ans,er the 4uestion. 8ar- ;!<. if both the state&ents together are sufficient to ans,er the 4uestion. but neither state&ent alone is sufficient.

CAT Sample Paper Sol




9hat is the Cost +rice of the article: I. After selling the article. a loss of 2/= on Cost +rice incurred. II. The Selling +rice is three6fourths of the Cost +rice. If a. b. c are integers. is a 6 b U c$ W a U b 6 c$ : I. b is negative II. c is positive. 9hat is the Selling +rice of the article: I. The profit on Sales is 2"=. II. The profit on each unit is 2/= and the Cost +rice is %s. 2/". A tractor travelled a distance of / &. 9hat is the radius of the rear ,heel: I. The front ,heel rotates P>Q ti&es &ore than the rear ,heel over this distance. II. The circu&ference of the rear ,heel is PtQ ti&es that of the front ,heel. 9hat is the ratio of the t,o li4uids A and ? in the &i0ture finally. if these t,o li4uids -ept in three vessels are &i0ed together: The containers are of e4ual volu&e$ I. The ratio of li4uid A to li4uid ? in the first and second vessel is. respectively. * L /. 2 L *. II. The ratio li4uid A to li4uid ? in vessel * is ! L *. If α. β are the roots of the e4uation a0V U b0 U c T "$. then ,hat is the value of αV U βV$: I. α U β T 6 bSa$ II. 2αβ T cSa$ 9hat is the nu&ber of type 2 ,idgets produced. if the total nu&ber of ,idgets produced is 2".""": I. If the production of type 6 1 ,idgets increases by 1"= and that of type62 decreases by B=. the total production re&ains the sa&e. II. The ratio in ,hich type 6 1 and type 6 2 ,idgets are produced is 2 L 1. Co, old is Sachin in 1552: I. Sachin is 11 years younger than Anil ,hose age ,ill be pri&e nu&ber in 1553. II. Anil’s age ,as a pri&e nu&ber in 155B. 9hat is the total ,orth of Na-hira&’s assets: I. Co&pound interest at 1"= on his assets. follo,ed by a ta0 of != on the interest. fetches hi& %s. 1/""" this year. II. The interest is co&pounded once every four &onths. Co, &any different triangles can be for&ed: I. There are 1B coplanar. straight lines in all. II. >o t,o lines are parallel.

1/2. 1/*.








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