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Specialized certifications



Susan Kang PED 470 – Health and Fitness Professor Wygand January 26, 2013 Certifications Assignment

ACSM Group Exercise Instructor (GEI)

Overview To instruct groups or individuals in exercise activities and the fundamentals of fitness

Cost $219$279

Scope of practice Develop individual lesson plans as well as for groups, are familiar and flexible with various types of exercise techniques, supervise participants, and lead instructional sessions

Requirements High School Diploma or equivalent, current adult CPR/AED, 18 years of age or older

Process Study guides are available, as well as workshops and webinars. Register with Pearson VUE online

Personal Trainer (CPT)

To develop and implement safe, effective exercise programs to help healthy individuals accomplish their fitness goals

See above

Conducts screenings, submax exercise tests, strength, flexibility, and body comp

See above

See above


See above


See above

Current Adult CPR/AED, 18 years of age or older

Assistance, interactive study guide, and add’l resources available

*ACE CPT Health Fitness Specialist (HFS)

See above To evaluate assessments and develop exercise prescriptions for those with medically controlled diseases

$399 See above

See above Performs assessments, develops ex rx’s, and applies behavioral and motivational strategies

See above A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Ex Sci, Ex Phys or Kinesiology, current adult CPR/AED

See above Study guides are available, as well as workshops and webinars. Register with Pearson VUE online

Clinical Exercise Specialist (CES)

To help those coping with cardiovascular, pulmonary and metabolic diseases


Conducts screenings and GXTs, performs strength, flexibility and body comp tests as well as educating clients about testing, exercise program components and other

Bachelor’s Degree in Ex Sci, Ex Phys or Kinesiology from a college or university, practical experience in a clinical exercise program, current certification as a Basic Life Support Provider or CPR, and minimum of 400 hours if a graduate of a CoAES Accredited program OR 500 hours if a graduate of a nonCoAES Accredited program Master’s or Doctorate degree from a college or university in Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, or Kinesiology, current certification as a Basic Life Support Provider or CPR, and 600 hours of preceptor-

See above

ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist

To assist clients being treated by a physician for CV, pulmonary, metabolic, or other disabilities to lead a comfortable lifestyle

See above

Performs screenings, testing, ex rx, counseling, supervision, education and evaluation of exercise outcome

Resources are available. Once RCEP Application has been submitted and approved, you will receive an exam voucher via email. Only then you can either visit or call Pearson VUE to



supervised clinical experience

schedule a time to take your exam

Cancer Exercise Trainer (CET)

To train individuals affected by cancer, using understanding of cancer diagnoses, treatments, side effects and more


Designs and administers assessments and exercise programs specific to one’s diagnosis, treatment and current recovery status

Current ACSM Certification or a current NCCA-accredited, health/fitness related certification, current CPR/AED, and bachelor’s degree with 500 hours of experience training older adults or individuals with chronic conditions OR 10,000 hours of the same experience

Study guides are available, as well as workshops and webinars. Register with Pearson VUE online

Inclusive Fitness Trainer

To lead individuals with physical, sensory or cognitive disabilities through safe, adapted exercise

See above

Utilizes safe, effective training methods, provides recommendations, and instructions to begin and continue healthy lifestyles

Current ACSM Certification or a current NCCA-accredited health/fitness-related certification OR Bachelor’s degree in Ex Sci, Recreation Therapy, OR Adapted Phys Ed, and current adult CPR/AED Bachelor’s degree in a healthrelated field from a college or university OR Bachelor’s degree in any subject with 1,200 hours of experience in health promotion

Study guides are available as well as webinars. Register with Pearson VUE online

Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist

To promote physical activity in public health at national, state and local levels

See above

Conducts assessments and coordinates physical activity interventions provided at local, state and federal levels

Study guides are available as well as online workshops and webinars. Register with Pearson VUE online

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