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Completion Letter
Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Date: September 14, 2000

Student: Joshua Steenmeyer College: Idaho State University School of Applied [email protected] Technology Contact: JoAnn Wren Administrative Assistant II Campus Box 8380 777 Memorial Dr. Pocatello, ID 83209 208-236-3372 [email protected]

This letter certifies that the student named above has completed all requirements for Creating Web Pages, a six-week online course offered by Idaho State University School of Applied Technology. The student received a total of 24 hours of training, and passed the course with a score of 097% on the final exam. Objective 0: Proper sequence and function of HTML tags - Excellent Objective 1: Heading, paragraph, and blockquote tags - Excellent Objective 2: Text color, size, appearance, and alignment - Excellent Objective 3: The IMG tag, The ALT, WIDTH, and HEIGHT parameter, Image formats, background images - Excellent Objective 4: Differences between search engines and directories, using key words to improve your search engine ranking, online marketing strategies - Satisfactory Objective 5: Internal, external, mail, and jump links - Excellent

Objective 6: Table, row, and cell tags and parameters - Excellent Objective 7: Selecting a host, uploading HTML files and images to a server - Excellent Attention student: Please print this page for your records.

Completion Letter
Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Student: Joshua Walter Steenmeyer [email protected] Date: October 24, 2000

College: Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Contact: JoAnn Wren Administrative Assistant II Campus Box 8380 777 Memorial Dr. Pocatello, ID 83209 208-236-3372 [email protected]

This letter certifies that the student named above has completed all requirements for Advanced Web Pages, a six-week online course offered by Idaho State University School of Applied Technology. The student received a total of 24 hours of training, and passed the course with a score of 097% on the final exam. Objective 1: Advanced table techniques - Excellent Objective 2: Improving site navigation with frames - Excellent Objective 3: Forms: text boxes,forms processing programs, submit buttons - Excellent Objective 4: Forms: checkboxes, radio buttons, reset buttons - Excellent Objective 5: Forms: lists, comment boxes - Satisfactory Objective 6: Embedded audio - Excellent

Objective 7: Javascript: scrolling text - Excellent Objective 8: Javascript: hotspots and interactive buttons - Excellent Objective 9: Third party web counters - Excellent Objective 10: Banner ad cooperatives, and search engine front ends - Excellent Objective 11: Third party chat rooms - Excellent Objective 12: Shopping carts and digital cash - Excellent Attention student: Please print this page for your records.

Completion Letter
Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Date: September 17, 2000

Student: Joshua Steenmeyer College: Idaho State University School of Applied [email protected] Technology Contact: JoAnn Wren Administrative Assistant II Campus Box 8380 777 Memorial Dr. Pocatello, ID 83209 208-236-3372 [email protected]

This letter certifies that the student named above has completed all requirements for Creating Web Graphics, a six-week online course offered by Idaho State University School of Applied Technology. The student received a total of 24 hours of training, and passed the course with a score of 094% on the final exam. Objective 1: GIF vs. JPG, the IMG SRC tag - Excellent Objective 2: Keeping your graphics lean - Excellent Objective 3: Text effects - Excellent Objective 4: Advanced text effects - Excellent Objective 5: Color palettes and transparency - Satisfactory Objective 6: Icons and buttons - Satisfactory Objective 7:

Advanced icons and buttons, backgrounds - Excellent Objective 8: Retouching photographs - Excellent Objective 9: Advanced retouching techniques - Excellent Objective 10: Animation - Excellent Objective 11: Advanced animation - Excellent Objective 12: Imagemaps - Excellent Attention student: Please print this page for your records.

Completion Letter
Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Student: Joshua Steenmeyer iplaydu Date: December 16, 2000

College: Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Contact: JoAnn Wren Administrative Assistant II Campus Box 8380 777 Memorial Dr. Pocatello, ID 83209 208-236-3372 [email protected]

This letter certifies that the student named above has completed all requirements for CGI Programming, a six-week online course offered by Idaho State University School of Applied Technology. The student received a total of 24 hours of training, and passed the course with a score of 100% on the final exam.

Attention student: Please print this page for your records.

Completion Letter
Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Date: October 24, 2000

Student: Joshua Steenmeyer College: Idaho State University School of Applied [email protected] Technology Contact: JoAnn Wren Administrative Assistant II Campus Box 8380 777 Memorial Dr. Pocatello, ID 83209 208-236-3372 [email protected]

This letter certifies that the student named above has completed all requirements for Javascript, a six-week online course offered by Idaho State University School of Applied Technology. The student received a total of 24 hours of training, and passed the course with a score of 089% on the final exam.

Attention student: Please print this page for your records.

Completion Letter
Idaho State University School of Applied Technology Date: December 27, 2000

Student: Joshua Steenmeyer College: Idaho State University School of Applied [email protected] Technology Contact: JoAnn Wren Administrative Assistant II Campus Box 8380 777 Memorial Dr. Pocatello, ID 83209 208-236-3372 [email protected]

This letter certifies that the student named above has completed all requirements for Java Programming, a six-week online course offered by Idaho State University School of Applied Technology. The student received a total of 24 hours of training, and passed the course with a score of 100% on the final exam. Objective 0: Fundamental components of Java programs - Excellent Objective 1: Writing, saving, compiling, and viewing applets - Excellent Objective 2: Construction and manipulation of character text in a window - Excellent Objective 3: Drawing outlined and filled shapes in a window - Excellent Objective 4: Acquiring and displaying graphic files in a window - Excellent Objective 5: Basic mechanisms of animated sequencing - Excellent Objective 6:

Graphic file animation and arrays - Excellent Objective 7: Animating small parts of a window - Excellent Objective 8: Reading mouse input - Excellent Objective 9: Activating pushbuttons and linking to other web sites - Excellent Objective 10: Using a layout manager to position Components in a window - Excellent Objective 11: Retrieving data from the server and from inside HTML - Excellent Attention student: Please print this page for your records.

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