62"d Short Course on Water Management and
Climate Change Adaptation (SC62)
Water IS a f1Me resource be1ng partiCularly influenced by
climate change. Water is essent1al to the v1abJiity of all the
world's ecosystems. Their health in turn is crucial to both the
quality & quantity of water supply. In spite of the considerable
progress since 1990, one third of the global population lives
under water stress conditions and - without change in the
present trends - by the year 2025 two thirds will face serious
water problems as demand still increases exponentially. The
problem is aggravated by a h1gher likelihood of extreme
hydrological events as a consequence of climate change.
In the nmth year of the UN Decade "Water for Life: 2005 -
2015". this course constitutes a contnbution to environmental
capacity bU1Id1ng for the protection and sustamable use of the
available water resources m the light of climate change The
course addresses both water quantity & quality 1ssues with1n
an Integrated water management. Therefore the curriculum
compnses lectures, seminars. s1te v1s1ts and excursions on
aspects like: meteorology (climate, water cycle); hydrology
(water balance, basic hydraulics, catchment hydrology,
hydrology of extremes); groundwater (groundwater flow. water
extraction and safe yields, artificial groundwater recharge, salt
water Intrusion); surface water (irrigatiOn, principles of reservoir
des1gn, sediment transport and eros1on. flood protection.
rehabilitation of rivers and lakes, ecology of 1nland waters,
mechanisms of eutrophication). urban water (urban water
infrastructure. water purification and distribution. waste water
treatment); and decision support systems to list some of them.
Part1c1pants are expected to adapt new concepts for a
sustainable water management. After the completion of this
course they should be able to actively contribute to the
conservation of water resources in their respective countries in
general and with respect to climate change adaptation in particular.
Target Groups:
Th1s course 1s especially des1gned to meet the professional
demand of experts working m environment protection with
special focus on urban water management and climate change
adaptation. A corresponding profess1onal background (geology.
geography, hydrology, hydro engineering) is a prerequisite.
Participants successfully completing this course are awarded a
Certificate of Proficiency in Water Management.
EUR 450.-. sufficient to cover all basic living expenses during
the course and additional allowances of Euro 50.- to settle in, as
well as Euro 50.- to send home books. etc
Duration: 3rd September- 26'" September 2014
63'd Short Course on Sustainable
Transportation (SC63)
More than 50% of the world's population are urban residents,
often m rapidly expanding mega-c1ties. This implicates serious
negative effects, mainly caused by traffic, such as congestion.
pollution, noise. land use and energy consumption etc ..
Worldwide, the number of motor vehicles is estimated to grow
further. Already now transportation is responsible for dominant
parts of health damages due to NOx, PM and other local
emissions. and for about 1/3 of greenhouse gas emission,
affecting global climate. For the EU-27. external costs from
transport vehicles are est1mated at about 500 billion € per year
Th1s situation is not sustainable.
On the other hand, traffic is essent1al for society to prov1de
access. Sustainable transport has to put the needs of present
and future populatiOns into ~ r s t place, considering all groups of
soc1ety, and to allow them to satisfy their location change
needs. Everybody, now and 1n the future, has a right to obtain
access to jobs, shops, doctors. or leisure facilities.
The course deals with developing strategies to integrate
transport into the concept of sustainable development.
Participants will share and discuss their experience. present
national traffic polic1es, and develop sustainable processes and
measures for their countnes. Professors of Technische
Universitat Dresden as well as experts from industry and the
German Federal Environmental Agency will elaborate on
approaches to holistic traffic planmng and to concepts for
sustainable transport development. Topics include Current
Situation, evaluation procedures and manuals, alternative fuels
and engines, transport plannmg, reg1onal planning, pollution and
noise. fuel consumption and climate change. public transport,
walking, biking, and methods to measure access and the needs
of the population with regard to transports.
Participants are expected to acqwe professional skills in order
to efficiently support the environmental policy of the1r
respect1ve countries with regard to transportation aspects and
to be able to initiate own projects on all administrative levels.
Target Groups:
Th1s course is designed chiefly for experts at upper managerial
level with a professional background in transport.
Participants successfully completing this course are awarded a
Certificate of Proficiency in Sustainable Transportation.
EUR 450.-, sufficient to cover all basic living expenses during
the course and additional allowances of Euro 50.- to settle in, as
well as Euro 50.- to send home books. etc
Duration: 8'' October- 31
October 2014
h Short Course on Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy Sources (SC64)
Today around one th1rd of the world's population has limited
access to energy supplies, and taking population and econom1c
growth rates into consideration. world energy demand will nse
by an est1mated two thirds in the next three decades requiring
huge investments for energy-supply infrastructure world-w1de.
But already now, the energy sector accounts for 50 % of the
man-made green-house effect, caused by emissions of carbon
dioxide and emissions of methane, nitrogen oxide, carbon
monoxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds.
Therefore any senous action programme to combat climate
change has to concentrate on measures which lead to
improved energy effic1ency as well as to expans1on of
renewable energy such as solar power. wind power. b1omass.
geothermal power and hydropower.
The course will focus on renewable energy technologies. their
implementation and impact on the environment. Engineering as
well as social, economic and legal aspects will be covered.
Professors of Technische Universitat Dresden as well as
experts from industry, Dresden Municipality and the Federal
Environmental Agency of Germany will present the latest
developments in the renewable energy sector. Site visits to a
large wind farm. a short rotation biomass plantation for
electncity production. solar power installations as well as
manufacturing plants for renewable energy convers1on
components are to demonstrate the potential and feasibility of
a sustainable energy supply, based on ~ renewables".
After the course partiCipants will have acquired profess1onal
skills and knowledge on assessing the energy demand and
supply situation in their countries. They will be able to actively
contribute to the drafting of appropriate national energy
strategies, taking the renewable energy potential of their
countries into account.
Target Groups:
The course will be most beneficial to specialists at upper
managerial level with a profound professional experience 1n
energy management, urban Infrastructure development, public
utilities as well as the power industry
Participants successfully completing this course are awarded a
Certificate of Prof1c1ency Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy Sources.
EUR 450.-, sufficient to cover all basic living expenses during
the course and add1tionafallowances of Euro 50- to settle in. as
well as Euro 50.- to send home books. etc.
Duration: 12'" November- 1 o· December 2014
38th International Postgraduate Course on
Environmental Management for Developing
and Emerging Countries (EM 38)
This 6-month course covers environmental management as an
integrated interdisciplinary field. Therefore a broad range of
topics is offered. The curriculum is organized in modules
compns1ng issues of global sustainable development,
environmental governance, environmental security,
environmental economics and accounting, environmental
awareness and public participation, applied ecology and
ecosystem management, conservation of biodiversity, water
management, recycling and waste management, energy for
sustainable development, environmental assessment and
environmental management systems, cleaner production and
products and eco-efficiency, sustainable mobility, sustainable
tourism as well as rural and urban land use planning. To provide
survival knowledge of the German language a crash course is
part of the programme. The lectures are held by professors of
Technische Universitat Dresden as well as experts from various
national and international institutions.
A multitude of excursions to protected areas, industrial plants,
public utilities for energy, water supply, waste water treatment,
as well as waste recycling and disposal plants, environmental
agencies and administrations etc. round off the course. They
illustrate environmental problems and give ideas of successfully
applied integrated environmental management practices.
Participants are required to carry out a profound research on a
specific environment related subject and present the results of
this research in a symposium at the end of the course.
Participants acquire the abi lity to develop interdisciplinary
strategies for sustainable development and to take appropriate
measures for an environmental protection that takes ecological,
socio-economic and cultural aspects into account.
Target Groups:
This course is particularly designed for decision-makers of
public administration both at national and local level requiring an
overall-competence in environmental matters. To gain the
optimum from this training course, a first university degree (BA,
BSc, e.g.) is absolutely indispensable.
Participants having successfully completed this course are
awarded a Diploma of Environmental Management.
Euro 450.- per month, sufficient to cover all basic living
expenses during the course and additional allowances of Euro
100.- in January to settle in, as well as Euro 150.- in July to
send home books, etc.
Duration: 13
h January - 16
h July 2015
I General Aspects I
All courses are jointly organized and sponsored by:
• United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP);
• United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO);
• Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,
Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUBl. Germany;
• Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), Germany;
• Technische Universitat Dresden (TU Dresden). Germany.
Candidates selected by the International Steering Committee
are awarded a fellowship granted by the Federal Ministry for
the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,
Each fellowship includes:
• A non-re-routable, economy return air ticket from a major
airport in the country of residence to Dresden;
• Accommodation in a single study bedroom with telephone
and computer, private shower, kitchenette with cooking
utensils and refrigerator;
• Registration and tuition fees for the course;
• Health and accident insurance;
• Allowance according to the duration of the course, but
sufficient to cover all basic living expenses.
All courses will be held in English. Therefore, a good command
of the English language is a prerequisite for attending the
programme. The preferable age of participants is between 25
and 45 years. Participants must possess valid travel
documents. Immediately after being awarded a stipend they
should contact the German Embassy to obtain the necessary
visa. The visa application procedure may take up to 10 weeks.
Applications for any of the above courses have to reach the
course secretariat by 16th May 2014.
For further information or application documents, please visit
our homepage (www.tu-dresden.de/cipsem) or contact the
Course Secretariat
Mailing Address:
Technische Universitat Dresden
UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB International Training Programme on
Environmental Management
D-01062 Dresden
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: ++49 - 351 - 4979910, -11 , -1 2,-13
Fax: ++49- 351 -495 12 15
[email protected]
URL: www tu-dresden.de/cipsem
Centre for International Postgraduate Studies
of Environmental Management
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Foderal Minislly fer dle
Environment Nature Conservation.
Building and Nuclear Safety