Claims Representative or claims adjuster

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111 W Travis Street Apt 208 San Antonio TX 78205 Home phone: 210-607-4221, Cell phone no.: 210-288-7451 E-mail Address: [email protected] or [email protected] Daniel M. Osier Objective: I would like to return to the Insurance Adjusting Field, as an Independent or a staff adjuster, my passion for this industry has not been extinguished. However customer service is also a passion of mine. Summary: Being a licensed Independent Adjuster for the State of Washington, I believe my knowledge, expertise, moral character, ability to function in stressful situations, investigating and settling complex multi-line claims of all complexities and my personal beliefs would make me an outstanding candidate for this position with your company. Education: University of Saskatchewan Regina, SK Canada Education Major/Teaching Certificate Graduated High School Campbell Collegiate Regina, SK, Canada, attended Bellingham High School for 2 years, Bellingham Washington, USA. Professional Experience: 02/02/2010 - 09/30/2010 Baptist Health System I assist with parking assignments, cashier duty, and safekepping of 4 parkades. The hospital decided to outsorce the parking so we were laid off. 01/05/2009 - 02/2010 Food Team I accepted various assingments for working in the hospitality field. 11/03/2009 - 12/2009 Walmart FM 78 San Antonio, TX Cashier-I was laid off due to slow sales 10/2009 - 10/31/2009 Conn's Appliance Sales San Antonio, Texas

11/2008-09/2009 Ministerial study/Staff Victory Outreach San Antonio TX. I volunteerded for one year to assist addicts in returning to a normal fully fun ctional life. 09/2007 - 10/20008 Marriott Global Reservations I was a customer care sales specialist, I made reservations for customers from around the world at locations all over the world. 07/01/2007 - 10/31/2008 Smittys Pancake House Prep Cook - I prepared food for Chefs, cooked, waited tables, and bartended. This was a full time and second job. 01/2004 - 05/2004 North Thurston School District I was a substitute teacher for the district teaching grades K - 12 05/2004 - 06/2007 Washington State Department of Labor & Industries: I was a workers compensation adjudicator for injured workers within the Washingt on state. I was responsible for adjudicating simple to complex injury claims for citizens of the state. 09/1999 - 01/2004 Evergreen Adjustment Service. I investigated and settled claims of various complexities for property, casualty , City General Liability, and commercial losses. Arson investigation and storm claims are my fields of expertise. Prior to this employment I had worked for other insurers, Foremost Insurance (Claims Representative), Interstate Distributors (Accident Claims Specialist), Farmers Home Group (Claims Representative), and I had spent the pror 14 years as the branch manger for Allied Adjusters & Co LTD. Professional Designation: Washington State Independent Adjusters License Memberships: Washington State Adjusters Association and the Saskatchewan Association of Insurance Adjusters Language: English References: Will be provided upon request.

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