Clannad Flowchart

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Opení ng Iííusíonary Woríd Gírí on the hííí 1 - Next fun thíng
Don't do anythíng Dub somethíng over ít
Sunohara bad morníng
Gírí on the hííí 2 - Feííow deíínquent & Confronted by Ryou
Ignore her Apoíogíze to her
Rap fíag
Ryou fíag
Arrí vaí of Sunohara
íf Rap fíag
Afewdífferent ways to ruí n the tape
Engíísh Grammar
Skíp cí ass Take the íesson
Strange geníus
Decííne offer Eat some
Líbrary fíag
Kotomí Deníaí
100 years ín the future
Go down to the courtyard Ignore her
Outsíde noíse
Take refuge See what's goíng on
Nagísa fí ag
Tomoyo fíag
Agírí 's fíght
Thís ínterests me Not ínterested
Appearance of Tomoyo
Víoíent íandíady
Taík to her Ignore her
Crossword Master
If Tomoyo fíag
Gírí ?
Ghosts ín the dorm?
Iííusíonary woríd 2
íf Ryou fíag
Defíance of Fate
Taík to the oíd íady Waík past her
Demon Hag
Bad ís Good
Appearance of Kyou
Investígate Forget about ít
Sped up runní ng
UFO's can be earíy too
í f Tomoyo fíag
Go and see Don' t go
Tomoyo fíag 2
Confrontíng Tomoyo
Sunohara's determí natíon
Confrontíng Tomoyo 2
Fíery encounter
íf Fíery fíag
Gírí on the hííí 4 - Good morníng
íf Tomoyo fíag 2
Gí rí???
Go watch Stay ínsíde the cíass
Tomoyo fíag 2.5
Confrontíng Tomoyo 3
Go aíong Ignore hím
Confrontíng Tomoyo 4
Go wíth hím Ignore hím
Confí rmfíag
Confrontíng Tomoyo 5
Confí rmíng Tomoyo
Waste tíme ín the schooí waste tíme outsíde the schooí
Sunohara's exhaustíon
Comfortabíe pí ace
Go and síeep Spend tíme outsí de the schooí
Víoíent íandíady 2
Taík to her See her off
Mísae' s age
Iííusíonary Woríd 3
Gí rí on the hííí 5 - Contínuíng íífe
íf Confírmfíag
Gí rí??????
Heíp hímout Refuse
Confrontíng Tomoyo 6
Kí ckhím back Dodge
Doubíe the paín
Tomoyo + |udo
Lunch break fortune
íf Ryou fíag
Fortune teíííng usíng breasts Fortune teíííng usíng cards
Greatest fortune teííer ín the woríd
Fortunate Sunohara
Fíndíng Sunohara
Head there to síeep I guess I'í í go back to cíass
Yukíne fíag
Borí ng cíass
íf |udo fíag
|udo predícament
|udo fíag
Heíp her Shake her off
Tomoya vs. |udo captaí n
Cíoudy sky
íf Confírmfíag
Some peopíe never íearn
Stop hím
Ignore hím
Stop fíag
Mysteríous anímaí
As fast as íunch
Fun Saturday Níght' s SaturdayNíght Fever
Go to the oíd schooí buíídíng
Go straí ght home
íf Stop fíag
Great fooís
Dangerous Person Runníng Naked ín the Raín
Iííusíonary Worí d 4
To the dorm
Go there Ignore hím
Wake-up Tug of War
Search for other manga Tryto píay ít
Doí ng nothíng
|ust one more year
Wake up compíeteíy Go to cíass íater
í f Stop fíag
Among the cherry trees
Caí í out to her Ignore her
The 80-yen |uíce
íf Cherry fíag
Síeepíng ís forbídden
I guess so... Is that so?
Food for the runníng
Have patíence Eat ít anyway
Awakí ng the fooí
Footbaíí for the fooí
Games for the fooí
íííusíonary Woríd 5
íf Wakeup fíag
Caught by Tomoyo
I'm goíng home ríght now Keep sííent
Fakíng síckness
Tomoyas morníng weakness
Yeah, you are No, not reaííy
Depressed Tomoyo
I am pretty dog
Return of Botan
íf Fíery fíag
Throw Botan towards Kyou Take hím for now
Outbreak of B0T4N
Gí rí on the hííí - Memory
Ghost í n the Schooí
Improper greetíng
The Modeí
Cyber Up
Caííí ng Sunohara
Taík to her ínstead Don't take ít
The Seaíed Demon
Iííusíonary Woríd 6
Gun Game
Do ít Don't
Ouíck end
Iííusíonary Worí d 7
Contestants Kyou & íf Confírmfíag Tomoyo íf Shock fíag no Tomoyo
Wastíng food ís bad
Look at me?
Ask them Not ínterested
Ghost ín the Schooí 2
Sunohara good morníng
Buíí yíng for chaí rs
In the corrídor
Caímíng down
Dí rtygírí s
Gírí on the hííí 3 - Reasons
Boríng cíass
Skíp cíass Stay ín cí ass
Never mínd, thís í s stupíd Say somethíng fíttíng
íf Rap fíag
Severaí dífferent methods to tease sunohara
íf Líbrary fíag
Traumatízed fooí
To the game center
Prí ntouts
Skíp cíass
Return of Engí ísh grammar
Stay ín cíass
Out of pí ace
Go wíth her Let her go aíone
Try her fortune teíííng Let Sunohara try ít
Loveíífe of a fooí
End of schooí
Fooís road to the staff room
Improper greetíng
Say "Good day" React when you see me as you enter Introduce yourseíf fí rst
Greetíng fíag 1 Greetíng fíag 2 Greetíng fíag 3
íf Greetíng fíag 1
Say ít whííe hoídíng some water ín the mouth
Add "And toíí et seat cover" ín every sentence Say ít ííke Ikkoku Dou
Greetíng fíag 1-1
It's been a whííe
í f Greetíng fíag 2 íf Greetíng fíag 3
Hí there
Líke a íover beíng separated because of home
Líke an astronaut sacrífí cíng hímseíf to save the earth
Líke havíng a fíashback from a prevíous voíume of a manga
Greetíng fíag 3-1
í f Greatíng fíag 3-1
Greetíng fíag 1-2 Greetíng fíag 1-3
Greetíng fíag 3-2 Greetíng fíag 3-3
Fake show
Fí ght fíag
íf fíght fíag
Strange gírí
Decííne offer Eat some
Líbrary fíag
Kotomí Deníaí
Fortune of íove
Confess Start
See her off
Watch her
See her off
Embrace her
Shake her off
Go wíth Steve
Go aíone
Leave ít aíí to Steve
Game over
Fíght too Ignore ít
Open ít
Go straíght
Go íeft
Go ríght
The defeated
Síeep ís ímportant
To the ííbrary To the cíub room
Run off Watch a ííttíe íonger
Stop readíng
Hoíd hím Shake hímoff
Go wíth her Shake her off
|ump to the rí ght Stay stííí |ump to the íeft
Murder Scene?
Run Wake the person up
Strongíy buíít
Fínd the address to bríng ít to Tear ít up and throwít away
The Crímínaí
íf Greetíng fíag 1-1
íf Tomoyo fíag 2
Return of the Weak
Cry of the defeated
Rethínkíng strategíes
íf Heíp fíag
Return of the great traveíer
Cats destructíve power
Heí p out Refuse
Za End
Enemíes ín every corner
íf Confírmfíag
Are we ín a píanetaríum?
í f Greetíng fíag 3-2
Defínetíy a guy
íf Greatí ng fíag 3-3
I'm Sunohara
Versus Tomoyo
Puíí the trígger Gave her advíce
Hostage sítuatíon
I píty you so I'íí make hím stop We must wín thís battíe though
Oníy one íeft
Eat at the cafetería together Make Sunohara go buy somethíng
Don't eat
The schooí grounds The gym
The staff room
íf Draw
Lífe as usuaí
íf Draw íf Confírm fíag
A game of basebaíí
Iííusíon Woríd 8
A game?
The schooí grounds The gym
The staff room
Gatheríng members
The Game
If members míssíng
Oníy one paí r
íf Líbrary fíag
Check to see íf the pages have been cut Ignore í t as íf I don't care
Engíísh books
Fuuko fíag
Carví ng gírí
Leave her aíone
Try and taík to her
Taík to her some more Leave
Yoshíno fíag
Tough work
íf Yoshíno fíag
Fake musíc
Meí fíag
The bíggest staín ín her íífe
í f Greetíng fíag 1-2
and toííet seat cover
Lottery Luck
íf Meí fíag
Run away from ít Take responsí bíí íty
Anpan tíme
Contínue taíkíng Leave now
Lonesome gírí
í f Nagísa fí ag
I' ma bít worríed Don't worry
To the cíubroom
Worry fíag
íf Nagí sa fíag
Cutíet Sandwích
íf Cutíet fíag
íf Tomoyo fíag 2
Make haste and buy There's no need to go that far
Fíght to the íast sandwích
Let her do ít aíone Heíp her out
I decííne
íf Nagísa fíag
Kní fes are dangerous
Everybody can make místakes
íf Nagísa fíag
íf Fuuko fíag
Pokíng tíme
Don't íet her run away Let her run away
Go ínto an empty room Go back to cíass
Leave now Watch her a ííttíe í onger
Líckíng soíves everythíng Píace to síeep
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Stoíen goods
Make her drínk |uíce wíth her nose Contínue to waít
700 carvíngs
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Píay a prank on her Contí nue waítíng
Up to no good
In good shape
Leave ít behínd Keep ít and head back
íf Nagísa fíag
Nagísa - Memory
íf Fuuko fíag 2
No need to thank Fuuko
Varí ous unnecessary thíngs we don't need Was she up cryíng íast níght
Taík 'round the cíock about thíngs she ííkes
The present
íf Fuuko fíag
Síeep Change of mood
íf Yoshí no fíag then you can shoose to ínvíte Yoshíno and Meí
To get choose - stríke hímwíth drama
Basebaí í Good End
Good caíí
Fíery fíag
íf Fíery fíag
Botan fíag
Smeíí of Death
íf Botan fíag
The Letter
Run Foííow her
Letter fíag
íf Letter fíag
íf Greetíng fíag 1-3
Kan|í - Cíannad styíe & Front Garden
Reaííy? Are you seríous Nah, I don't want any
Back to cíass
Goíng home
Go wast tome somewhere Be níce and head to the gates
Dun dun dun dun!!
14. Aprí í
15. Aprí í
16. Apríí
17. Aprí í
íf Nagísa fíag
Names are ímportant
íf Kotomí fíag 2
Go to the ííbrary Go back to cíass
Kotomí fíag 2
Who' s there?
Fríghten hím Conceaí my presence
Totaíí yIgnored
Return to the cíassroom Go ínsíde the ííbrary
Compíeteíy ígnored
Fííp the page of the book|
Say her name
Poke her cheek
Kotomí ..... chan
I |ust can't íeave ít as ít ís
I shouídn't get ínvoíved wíth her any more than thís
Kotomí fíag 3 Daybefore yesterdayI sawa rabbít
18. Apríí
19. Apríí
í f Kotomí fíag 3
It's raíníng books
Foííow her í nsíde Ignore her
Hon no |odan
Say goodbye to her Escort her to her home
Corpse ín píeces
íf Kotomí fíag 3
To the schooí
20. Apríí
Leave the í íbrary Ask her íf ít's aí í ríght for me to be here
Are you happy?
Read Don't read
Ouantum theory gets your bíood boíííng
21. Apríí
í f Kotomí fíag 3
Searchíng for Nagísa Food for four
|uíce Buíí yíng
Príntout fíag
I' mnot needed
Heíp fíag
22. Apríí
23. Apríí
24. Apríí
25. Apríí
í f Príntout fíag
íf Tomoyo fí ag 2.5
í f Líbraryfíag
Leave Taík to her some more
Cherry fíag
|uníor gírí
Varíous reasons
Meddíe fíag
í f Meddí e fíag
The strongest cíothes
íf Meddíe fíag
Afooí' s pían
25. Apríí
Battíe fíag
í f Battíe fíag
Let hím stop aíready En|oy ít together wí th Sunohara
Tactícaí retreat
íf Shockfíag
Shock fí ag
How I í earned to íove the fooí
Cyber up - BL versíon
BL end
Fríendshíp ís good
Savíor fíag
íf Savíor fíag
Wakeup caíí & Cuttíng Sakura
íf Savíor fíag
Aíí the anímaís ín the forest shouíd be fríends & Unnaturaí Screen
Fíghtíng ís bad
íf Savíor fíag
Cheeky Sanzu ríver A fíght?
Shock fíag
Kappeí fíag
íf Kappeí fí ag
Heíp hím Don't heíp hím
Wakeup fíag
Kappeí fíag 2
26. Apríí
íf Kappeí fíag 2
Introducíng Kappeí
íf Kappeí fíag 2
Moff Burger
íf Kappeí fíag 3
Aí to Koí
Kappeí fíag 3
Fríends Lovers Marríed
New Bínder
26. Aprí í
28. Apríí
29. Apríí
Mísae +1
Mí sae +1
Drop Kíck
íf Mísae =2
Taík to her See her off
Gí ant Swíng
Mísae +1
íf Mísae =3
íf Mí sae = 3
Ask íf ít's okay to come agaín Don't come agaín
Smeíí of a woman
Mísae +1
íf Confírmfí ag
íf Mísae =4 Breasts
That you scoíd
That you're kínd
That you have fíghtíng spírít
That you worry
That you have a níce bíanket odor
That you're kínd
That you're kínd
That you scoíd
That you scoíd
That you have fíghtíng spírít
That you have fíghtíng spírít
That you have fíghtíng spírít
That you have fíghtíng spírít
That you worry
That you have a níce bíanket odor
That you have fíghtíng spírít
That you have fíghtíng spírí t
That you have a níce bíanket odor
That you have a níce bí anket odor
That you worry
That you worry
Weak reactíon
A match
Fíghtí ng spírí t?
Match fí ag
íf Kotomí fíag 3
In the raín
Gettíng wet
Fíndíng happíness
Responsíbí ííty fíag
Fu|íbayashí Síster Someone eíse
Ask me
Oíder síster Younger síster
Aíternate ííbrary
Go back to cíass Síeep
íf Yukíne fíag
Míyazawa magíc
íf Yukíne fíag
Go Don't go
No fíag
Reaíí yno?
íf No fíag
Three díffrent nopes
Oníy one paír
Aíternate ííbrary
Yukíne fí ag
No porn
Kyou Ryou
Kyou + no beí t = death
íf Yukíne fíag
Do ít Don't do ít
Fríends are beautífuí
íf Yukíne 2 fíag
Do ít Don't do ít
Try ít Let Sunohara tryí t
Stackíng coíns
Or not...
Lost my píace Normaí ?
íf Yukíne fíag
Lovers on a Sunday morníng
Readíng manga
Coí or code
Kotomí Meí
Sunohara Tomoya
Tomoyo Ryou/Kyou Yukíne
Nagísa Yoshíno
Dokí Dokí Hí ghschooí
Bad ends/Iííusíonary Woríd
Stuff to do
Good ends/Líghts
Scenes Choíces Fíags
Requírements Notes Date/Route
Cíannad Fíowchart
Made by María_Traydor If you have any comments or questíons you can send an e-maíí to da_nerd@hotmaíí.com
Boxer and traíner
íf Nagísa fíag
Lone actress
A bother
Bother fíag
íf Bother fíag
Not comí ng back
A níghtmare
íf Kotomí fíag 3
I don't want to cry
Teíí her "You got ít wrong Try and tease her a ííttíe
íf Kotomí 3 fíag
Ahundred fríends
íf Kotomí fíag 3
Kyou get
íf Kotomí fíag 3
íf Kotomí 3 fíag
Físh names & Announcement
Go to the staff room Waít a ííttíe bít
Loneíy Sunohara
íf Kotomí 3 fíag
Ryou get
Weícome to Meí route
25. Aprí í
25. Aprí í Land of Sheep Traíníng Frí ends wíth theOíd íady Sunohara dísease Skí nshíp
Fuuko fíag 2
Drínkor Move her
Fuuko pranks
Buyíng |uíce
Caíí her Ignore her
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Caíí her Ignore her It became Nagoya
í f Fuuko fíag 2
Caíí her Ignore her
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Coíí ectors souí
Píay a prank on her
An aduí t
Leave her
Drínk, Move her &Change conversatíon partner
Keep fíag
íf Keep fíag
Píay a prank on her
Leave her
Drínk, move her, change conversatíon partners &swítch ítems
Píay a prank on her Leave her
Drínk, move her, change conversatíon partners &swítch ítems
íf you stop doíng pranks once you wíí í not be abíe to do any of the íater ones
Great strategy
Prophecy fí ag
Fíndíng Sunohara Thumbtacks
íf Prophecy fíag
Nagísa fí ag 2
The cíubroom The Furukawas
I want to do that I don't need to do that
íf Nagísa fíag 2
Mysteríous bread
Charm Iííustratíon Coííaboratíon
The Bíg Dango Famííy
Go out and search Keep on waítíng
Peek ín the next cíassroom
Search somewhere eíse
íf Nagísa fíag 2 Wastíng tíme ís bad? & Makíng dango
íf Nagísa fíag 2
Practícíng speeches
íf Nagí sa fíag 2
Why do you ííke drama?
What sort of drama píayare you píanníng
What ís that thíng ín your poster What type of guy do you ííke
Go out wíth me
Goíng home
Waík away fromFurukawa for a whííe Grab Furukawa's hand and run away
Annoyíng fooí
íf Nagísa fíag 3
íf Nagísa fíag 3
Aíone outsíde
íf Nagísa fíag 3
She can't be?
Go and see Don't go
Cryíng ín the raí n
Fíndíng Nagísa
íf Nagísa fíag 3
Checkíng on Nagísa
How's Furukawa doíng Where's Sanae-san
Sanaes bread
íf Nagísa fíag 3
I'm an ídíot
Hurryup and go to the cafeterí a Look outsíde the wíndow
Nagísa fí ag 4
íf Nagísa fíag 4
Negotíate wíth themín Furukawa's píace Let Furukawa taík wíth them one more tí me
Nonetheíess... íet her do her best. Go there for her
Your best
íf Nagí sa fíag 4
Aíí Dangos get aíong
Attack Steaí Magíc
End of íunch
Taík to Fuuko Leave her aíone of course
íf Fuuko fíag 2
I ob|ect
Who to ask?
Taík to the Fu|íbayashí sí sters Ask the homeroomteacher
Fíndíng an advísor
í f Nagísa fíag 4
Choír cíub
íf Nagísa fíag 4
Heí p hím
Don't heíp hím
íf Nagísa 4 fíag
Yeah No way
Woríd covered wíth dangos
íf Nagísa fíag 4
Guys ííke us
Yeah, that must be ít No, that's wrong
Nagísa fíag 5
Footbaíí cíub
Síeep Freshen myseíf
Yeíí for themto stop Leave themaíone
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Buyíng |uíce
í f Nagísa fí ag 4
Practíce practí ce
íf Nagísa fíag 4
Losí ng her voíce
Caíí for her to stop Forget about ít
íf Nagísa fíag 4
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Choír cíubs reasons
Stayí íke thís Embrace her Possíbííítíes
í f Nagísa fí ag 4
í f Fuuko fíag 2
Caíí for her to stop
Leave her aíone
íf Nagí sa fíag 4
Aman wíth reaí guts
íf Nagísa fíag 4
Taíkíng í n the morní ng
íf Nagísa fíag 4
Take her by force Leave her
What's goíng on?
To Ibukí Fuuko's exístance
26. Apríí
Beutífuí cí ub presídent
Laugh and cry
News of Nagísa
í f Nagísa fí ag 3
Restíess week
To the reference room
None of my buísness
Greetíng phase 1
íf Greetíng fíag
Greetíng phase 1 Greetíng phase 2
Sorry, but you are not
íf Greetíng fíag
íf Greetíng fíag #-# Greetíng phase 2
Greetíng phase 3
í f Shock fí ag
Mísae convínce
Dokí Dokí híghschooí
íf Kotomí 2 fíag
Waít obedí entíy Make an escape, of course
No can do To the drama cíub Want me to beat you untíí you cry? DreamyAíí Purpose House Robot
26. Apríí
Comíng íate ís forbídden
27. Apríí
Sí eepíng ín
28. Apríí
Nandeyanen In a trance
29. Apríí
Most íuxuríos thíng
Stay ínsíde the house Go outsíde
30. Apríí Amí rací e B-o-n-|-o-u-r-? Home wíth Kyou
Watch the sítuatíon Heí p Kotomí
1. May
Protect fíag
Preparíng for the recítaí Sacrífícíng the fooí Modern musíc Goíng home
2. May 85 poínts Returníng the víoíí n Woríd of tsukkomí Fríends for a week Date í nvítatíon
3. May Hot Uneasy
4. May
To the ííbrary
Spíendíd person
Checkíng on Kotomí
íf Protect fíag Parfaít
íf Protect fíag
I'm|ust her fríend
Not rí ght now but...
Love fíag
íf Love fíag
Dreams of fíre Late
Dríve away the íntruders I guess thí s ís aíso fíne
We'íí defíníteíy have our date together
I guess ít's fíne now
Know-how Ruraí vendíng machíne Crane game Fírst star
5. May
Confess Don't confess
Breakíng and enteríng
Teíí her about the gentíeman's words Leave ít for now
Readíng Dreams Oíd book
6. May
Improvement Iíí omen
7. May
Accídent Paníc
8. May
The oníy thí ng to do Smeíí of grass Memoríes
9. May
Past What I can do
10. May
Hard work
Stop thís now Contínue
Runníng away Contínuíng
11. May
Gardeníng Mísfortunes
Say "There's no choíce but to gíve up." Say "Don't gí ve up."
Changíng píans Stop thís Persevere
Darkness Gíve up
A ííght
12. May
Fíníshí ng the |ob Faíííng asíeep, you The bríefcase Theory of Everythí ng Epííogue
Kotomí Good End
Kotomí Líght GET
íf Nagísa fíag
About how she took a íong break About how she's tryíng to reformthe drama cíub
About howshe eats anpan
A píay
Best thíng to do
íf Píayfíag
I míght have wanted to be wíth Tomoyo I thínk I míght have been kííííng tíme
Tomoyo íove fíag Sí ave of Tomoyo
íf Tomoyo íove fíag
A kí ss
25. Apríí
Acrueí | oke
Keep tryíng to kíss Get ready for schooí
Thís ís |apan
Rehabííítatíon Heavyatmosphere
26. Aprí í
Fareweíí, my fríend
Eat outsíde Eat ín the schooí
Fírst date Kíssíng demon
Sad fooí
27. Apríí
28. Apríí
29. Apríí
30. Apríí
Suspended Forgíve me
1. May
Thís ís cookíng Escape Famííy íssues
2. May
In that case, ríght now... You shouíd ímagíne ít too
Oíd aíbums
Ceíebrítíes Compíícated feeííngs
3. May
Run a sí muíatí on
Don't do ít
Run a símuíatíon Let's stop thís
Yeah... sure No... probabíy not
Amurder scene
4. May
Imagínatí on
Go a bít far Later... and íeave
Do somethíng perverted Do caí ísthenícs
Dírty thoughts
Drí nkíng tea
Símuíatíon fíag
í f símuíatíon faíg
Fun thí ngs
Thínk thíngs wííí remaí n fíne ííke thís Thínk that thís can't contí nue as ít ís
Doubts fíag
5. May
6. May
Return party
Be quíet and íeave ít to Tomoyo Saysomethíng
7. May
8. May
Strongest team
í f Doubts fíag
Basebaíí Yes No Baííboys
Wín fíag
íf Wín fíag
Wínníng streak
í f Wín fíag
9. May
Changes Noríben
10. May
Eíopíng Busy ííves
11. May
Fí írtíng Cute bear
Super Combo Combo wííí íncrease dependíng on how many paths you have fíníshed
Kíck hím back Dodge
Heí píng Furukawa
12. May
13. May
Probí ems
14. May
Anxíety Future Reaíízatíons Habí ts Idíots Losses and gaíns Epííogue
Tomoyo Good End
Tomoyo ííght GET
tch Love íetters Confessíons
Even then, íf you want to... That's why goíng out wíth you ís...
Re|ectíon Out of ííne
27. Apríí
28. Apríí
No wí tnesses
Leave hím|ust ííke that For now, take hímto schooí Puíí a tragíc scene
To the frontyard
I ííke íong haír I ííke short haír
29. Apríí
30. Apríí
Wakíng up earíy Nanny
1. May
Iíí omens
It's deí ícíous It's terríbí e
Botans sacrífíce
Stuffed toy
2. May
Kyou-fu Reíyíng on others
3. May
Símpíe men
Try practící ng Watch Kyou sí íentíy
4. May
Tanzaní te Amethyst
Buyíng for others
5. May
Fríends Lovers Marríed
Kíss her Don't kíss her
Fírst kíss
Goíng home
6. May
Ryou Good End
Ineffectíve bríbe
Kyou +1
Kyou fíag Kyou +1
íf Kyou fíag Three gírí s Number one suspect Accuracy up Thínkíng
7. May Confessíng to the fooí
Caíí out Run away
Confusíon Seíf-deceptíon
8. May
Lunch wíth Ryou Kyou's smííe
9. May
Guíít Crash Meetíng
10. May Changes
11. May
12. May Ramen Desperatíon
13. May Effort Raín Breakíng poínt
Kyou fíag Kyou +1
Awkward Kyou fíag
Kyou +1
Kyou +1
íf Kyou = 5 I'íí be mysí ster
The worst
14. May Expectatíons
15. May
Wheeí of Fortune
16. May Consuítí ng the fooí Decísíons Confrontatíon Gatheríng your feeííngs Teí ííng the truth
Kyou Good End
Kyou Líght GET
Basebaíí Bad End
Depressíon & Iíí usíon Woríd - Bad
Ob| ectíve
Aíarm cíock
íf Worry fíag
Backround musíc
It's about the gírí from yesterday
It's about the past
Cutí et fíag
íf Cutíet fíag
íf Worry fíag
Too íate
Deí ínquent
Changes dependíng on how you ruíned hís tape
íf Ryou fíag
Somethíng fantastíc
íf Tomoyo fíag 2
After schooí
í f Príntout fíag Forgot
Over-cooked pííaf
Eat wíth Kotomí from nowon Keep eatíng wíth Nagísa
íf Nagísa fíag 2
Mentaííy exhausted
Schooí gates íf Kotomí fí ag 3 Someone eí se
Nagísa fíag 3
Doíng your best
íf Tomoyo fíag 2
íf Nagísa fíag 2 Loose |oínts
íf Tomoyo fí ag 2
Part that has been taken out of the fíowchart due to space íssues See íeft of fíowchart
íf Nagísa fíag 3
See you tomorrow
Useíess íunch
íf Worry fíag
íf Tomoyo fíag 2
íf Heíp fíag
íf Shock fíag
íf ???
íf Confírmfí ag
Cherry tree
Taík to tomoyo waík past
Move forward
Tomoyo Bad End
Kotomí Bad End
2. May Dreams Dangerous guy Idíot Faírytaíes
Weíí... can't be heíped Introduce hím to an ínn
An ínn
3. May
Kyuun Fatefuí meetí ng Píatoníc Warmth
4. May
5. May
Broken heart |ob
6. May
Eyes Free bírd Tragíc Past Room 307 Reasons Apoíogízíng
íf Yoshí no fíag
Famíííar voíce Líes Thank you Epííogue
Kappeí Good End
Kappeí Líght GET
Tomoyo Ryou Stubborness Cryíng over breasts
Mísae Bad End
Aí ong dream Epííogue
íf Match fíag
Mísae Good End
To get the Match fíag choose Scoíd - Worry - Bíanket odor
Game of Tag
Curse Bíush
íf Mí sae >= 3
íf Fuuko fíag 2
íf Yukíne fíag
Let's stop thís No matter, íet's vísít Mí sae-san's room
26. Apríí
What no one does Sunohara Coffee
28. Apríí
Cookíng Genkí dama Strange scene
Wake her up Stay ííke that
Afeast Comedíc paír
Yukíne fíag 2
íf Yukíne fíag 2
No, ít's not It's aíí ríght
Fí rst tíme Yukíne fíag 3
íf Yukíne fíag 3
A graín of ríce
Wake her up Let her síeep
Good person Skíppíng Brother Peacefuí Omeíet ríce Specíaí day Cíímatíc speíí Epí íogue
Yukí ne Good End
Yukíne Lí ght GET
25. Apríí Fíndíng happíness
26. Apríí
Rehersaí Meí
27. Apríí
Second try
Spoííed Unbeííevabíe Lost chííd
28. May
Maíí fríend Changes
29. May Oníí-chan
30. May Sunohara síbííngs
Ouestíons APían
1. May
Agíoomy feeííng Crueíty Síbííngs
2. May
Memoríes Epííogue
Meí Good End
Meí Lí ght GET
íf Confírmfí ag Ask Tomoyo
Someone eíse
í f Fuuko fíag 2
Ask Fuuko Someone eíse
A fíght
Try agaín to get the gírí you taíked to on the 24.
Anger and regret
íf Yoshí no fíag
Rare CD
In that case, that's fíne
It's fíne to watch froma dístance
Work hard
íf Nagísa fíag 2 Ask Furukawa
Someone eíse
íf Nagísa fíag 3
Tríckíng ís bad
The worst
Cyber fíag
íf Cyber fíag
íf Wakeup fíag
Ice cream
íf Mísae Good End fí níshed
Lost cat
Heíp her Refuse A promíse
Mísae Líght GET
If you get fuíí 64-hít combo ít wííí have an effect when Tomoyo kícks Sunohara
Greetíng Phase 1
Greetíng Phase 2
Greetíng Phase 3
Greetíng End
The End
Dokí Dokí Híghschooí
Dokí Dokí Híghschooí End
Mísae convínce
Mísae convínce End
That you have a níce bíanket odor
That you worry
That you're kínd
That you worry
That you have a níce bíanket odor
That you scoíd
That you worry
That you're kínd
That you scoíd
That you have a níce bíanket odor
That you have a níce bí anket odor
That you have a níce bí anket odor
That you worry
That you worry
That you're kí nd
That you scoíd
That you scoíd
That you're kínd
Dokí Dokí Híghschooí Mísae convínce
Decíde to heíp Decíde to íeave
Heípíng Isogaí
27. Apríí
Return ít
Teíí her honestíy Keep ít a secret
Pínch her nose gentíy Stay quíet
|uí ce
That's ríght... No...
Wííí my voíce reach her?
Good at cookíng
28. Apríí
Geníus íeveí Enemy Chaíí enge
Backscratcher Luckycharm A bear wíth a físh ín íts mouth
Moaí Surrounded by ídíots
Have her | oín the conversatíon Put ín a ííttíe effort
War decíaratíon
29. Apríí
Seífí shness
Foííow Nagísa Stay here
Be strong Dango's víctory
Píaya prank Leave her aíone
Sí eep
30. Apríí
Gí víng
Fírst fí oor haííway of the new schooí buíídíng Thírd fíoor haííway of the new schooí buíídíng Reference room
Good resuíts
Massage her shouí ders Massage her nose
Yoínk, yoínk
Dumped Thí rd year
1. May Fan-cíub Aaa Drama cíub
2. May Modest dreams
Try to get someone eíse Insíst that he heíp
3. May
Choosí ng a teacher
Rock Scíssors Paper
Rock Scíssors
4. May
Aíí aíone
5. May
6. May
Hugs Keepíng ííes
7. May
Invítatí on
8. May
Workíng hard
11. May
Leave ít to Pops Take hís píace
Bíackmaí í
Founder's Day Fríends
12. May
Best weddíng ever
13. May
14. May Favoríte phrase Forgettíng
15. May
Desperate Rememberí ng Fuuko
Exístence Accessorízíng Out of tíme
Can we kíss? Can we stay ííke thís
Festíve Fíeetíng dream
Thank you
Fuuko Bad End
Extreme servíce Kíss fíag
Hoíd fíag
íf Hoíd fíag
Starfísh festívaí
Strange questíon Congratuíatíons Epííogue
Píease become Fuuko's fríends
Fuuko Good End Fuuko True End Píease go out wíth Fuuko
íf Kíss fíag
Chopstícks Carved Bear Featuríng A Starfísh
Somethíng to drínk
Oí d woman
Aíí set
Koumura fíag
íf Koumura fíag
Rock Scíssors Paper
Rock Scíssors Paper
Rock Scíssors Paper
Rock Paper
Rock Paper
íf Fuuko fíag 2
May Síck
Nagísa Bad End
íf Nagí sa fíag 5
Nagísa fíag 6
íf Nagísa fíag 6
Sunoharas pían
íf Nagísa fíag 6
Runníng away Cíub actívítíes
íf Nagísa fíag 6
Restaurant Fíndíng members
Contínue searchíng Do ít on Monday
Recruít Koumura ínto the team Don't recruít
Where to go tomorrow?
27. Apríí
Yep, a customer I'm here to heíp out
Iííusí on Woríd 8
28. Apríí Angry?
Where to search?
Search ín the new schooí buíídíng
Search ín the oíd schooí buíídíng
Search the second fíoor Search the thírd fíoor
Search the empty cíassroom Search the Reference room
Ask Don't ask
Expíaín Thís ís reaííy troubí esome...
Change of heart Ryou
I beg of you, píease be a member of our team You don' t reaííy have to force yourseíf or anythíng you know
End of the day Nagísa GET
29. Aprí í
30. Apríí
Bread for the exhausted The Game
í f thírd píayer ís : Nagísa Yukíne Ryou Fuuko
Spectacuíar Loss
1. May
Facíng Forward Checkíng on Sunohara
6. May
Taíkíng ín the morníng
If I can heíp Yukí ne GET
Pían countermeasure
Countermeasure fíag
íf Countermeasure fíag
Gívíng up
í f Fuuko route fíníshed
Pray for fuuko You wííí í ose a ííght here íf you haven't aíready
Pray fíag
íf Pray fíag
Teacher Somethíng bíg Thankyou
Koumura Good End
Koumura Lí ght GET
If I'mgood enough
Ryou GET
Tears of |oy
Dependabíe Kyou GET
íf thírd píayer ís: Kyou Mísae Tomoyo
Let Kyou/Mísae/Tomoyo make the íast move I shouíd make the íast move
Loss Wín Ceíebratíon
1. May
Important memory 1% skíí í A píay Career counseííng
Gíve her a present Go on a date wíth her Contínuousíy whísper your íove ínto her ear
I íove you
Dash Cíímbíng
2. May
Movíng Embarrassíng
I do I have Nagísa
Cíassroom Loneíy woríd
Iííusíonary Woríd 9
Agood píííow Fíndíng the story
3. May
4. May
Pígmy Man Secrets
5. May
Ouíet morníng Kíss
Iííusíonary Woríd 10
6. May
Koumura heípíng
Ní e and musíc Sanae and cíothíng
7. May A song
8. May
Ma Mére í 'Oye
10. May
Steaí her scrípt Steaí her ííps Steaí her heart
Maníy appeaí Consuítíng Sunohara Kínd parents Unknown past
11. May
A smaíí back
You're a good father You're an ínexcusabíe father
Leave í t to me
Sacrífíces Asíngíe gírí
Father fíag
Nagí sa Bad End
Let ít come true
íf Father fíag
Yeíí Remaín sííent and watch
Take us away...
Iííusíonary Woríd 11
Begí nníng
12. May
Together Weak
14. May
Hoídíng hands Be happy
Nagísa Good End
Cute date
Mush Muítípí e personaíítíes
Present-íneffící ent
Heípíng out
Put my arms around Nagísa Restraín myseíf
Bad for buísness Learníng
Cream stew
No íuck
Fu|í bayashí fíag
í f Príntout fíag
Tomoyo fíag 2.7
íf Tomoyo fí ag 2.7
You can get a |et Saíto scene here íf thís ís the fourth tíme ín a row you have refused to go wí th Sunohara íf you have the foííowíng fíags Tomoyo fíag 2.5 No fí ag and not the foííowíng fíags Tomoyo fíag 2.7 Confírmfíag íf Fuuko fíag 2 then ít í s ín the haí íway otherwíse ín cíassroom
Línes If there are many fíags to choose from choose fírst the top ííne and so on
íf Worry fíag
If Nagísa was not the víctím of the fírst speíí then you get Akío
í f curse víctím was Akío
Deííveríng the message
íf Heí p fí ag
Víctímmust be the same as ín the fírst speíí or you get Sunohara
íf Fuuko fíag 2
íf Yoshí no fíag
Forget ít Inví te her
Don't have tíme
Ignore hím Stop hím
Gívíng up Fuuko GET
Stríke hímwíth drama
Not my hobby
Watch hímíeave
Makíng memoríes Yoshíno and Meí GET
Gírífríend Nofríends
íf Nagísa fíag 6
íf Meí fíag ...caííed me a weírdo.. Sure Go by yourseíf
End of the woríd
Meí fíag 2
íf Meí fíag 2
Líveíy morníng
Yeah No, ít í snt'
Cute gírís
Look for Mísae-san That won't do eíther
íf Fuuko fíag 2
Yes Reconsíder
Líke a ííttíe boat Fuuko GET íf Mí sae = 3
íf Meí fíag 3
Weírd ídíosyncrasy
Let her do as she píeases Stop her
If aíí optíons tríed
íf Confírmfíag
Meí fíag 4
Meí fí ag 3
íf Meí fíag 4
The Pían
Ask her what she's tryíng to do Ask her to do í t agaín
It'íí work
Thínk through ít agaín once more Make up for ínsuffící ent exercíse
Do somethíng stupíd
Do us a favour
íf Meí fíag 3
íf Meí fíag 3
Mísae GET
Tomoyo GET
Drínk, Move her, Change conversatíon partner &swítch ítems
Drínk, Move her, Change conversatíon partner &swítch ítems
Drínk, Move her, Change conversatíon partner, swítch ítems & Let her eat sanae-san's bread
If you have done the pranks correctíy you wííí get Fuuko Master

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