Cleaning Stainless Steel

Published on February 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 59 | Comments: 0 | Views: 495
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How To Clean Stainless Steel
Worry not, if you have faced similar ‘rusty’ situations! We offer you easy tips, which are highly efficient in our London cleaning services when cleaning stainless steel. • A simple, regular cleaning regime with hot water and a cloth to wipe out any stains would be ideal to prevent any stains from establishing strong foothold over your stainless steel-ware. • Since contact with water is something that stainless steel cookware sees regularly, proper drying with a clean cloth is essential for preventing the formation of water stains on the stainless steel cookware. Wiping in tune with the polish lines would help retain the look while providing cleanliness. A micro fiber cloth would be most effective in clearing the stainless steel from any residual water, as the cloth itself has a high water-absorbing capacity. • For slightly heavier stains, formed and left over a few days, stronger cleaning agents are to be used. Mild detergents like dishwashing liquid or soap are effective in dissolving any dirt stains from the stainless steel surface, but this must be followed by thorough rinsing and drying using micro-fiber to prevent any water spots. • Home-made remedies to remove stains include a mixture of baking soda and dish wash liquid to scrub away any resilient grime off the surface of the stainless steel. Vinegar would be the next useful cleansing chemical. • While we move about the kitchen, touching this and using that, we often leave visible finger-marks (they’re too dark to be called prints) on the stainless steel surface which is unsightly. These marks can be cleared with a quality glass cleanser or ammonia available in the house! There are alternatives to this routine of ‘marking’, cleaning, rinsing and drying. Newly available print-resistant finishes given to stainless steel surfaces would reduce the unsightly marks. • Over time, with usage, stainless steel surfaces tend to get scratched and stained. For such over-the-years gathering, the milder cleaners are to be replaced with proper stainless steel cleaners or polishes which remove any stains and lend a polished look to the surface. • Using vegetable or baby oil to clean the surface and then wiping with a clean, dry cloth provides all the shine you stainless steel needs, and masks any scratches. • Using harsh abrasives or rubbing against the grain of the stainless steel is to be avoided. Either of them causes permanent scratches to the stainless steel surface. • Avoiding the usage of chlorine and steel brushes in the cleaning is another tip, which helps in preventing any damage to the quality of the stainless steel. No Pain and No Stain!

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