Dr. Harold J. Miller Counseling Psychologist
4313 Garnet Street Regina, SK S4S3H4 306-584-1084 (Home) 306-779-1033 (Work) Email:
[email protected] Country of Citizenship: U.S. WORK EXPERIENCE: Lebell and Associates Dates Employed: 04/2000 to Present 2114 College Ave. Regina, SK Canada S4S-3H5 Clinical Psychologist General duties: *conduct individual intake interviews for new clients. *assess client functioning. *develop individual treatment plans * provide marriage counseling. *refer clients to community agencies or to other professionals. *conduct follow-up Teaching. *taught a health and wellness class at the Courtside Sports Medicine and Rehabi litation Center for patients who have been injured at work or in automobile acci dents *taught a weight management class for Lebell and Associates Psychotherapy. * psychotherapy with patients *. conducted specialized therapy for sexual abuse survivors. * conducted therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder *administer psychological tests. * score psychological tests. * interpret test results * write psychological reports for government agencies and for insurance compani es. * use tests daily to diagnose client problems and to monitor client progress. Marriage counseling. *conduct marriage counseling sessions. Testing. * Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2 *Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test - III *Strong Interest Inventory *Burns Depression Checklist, *General Aptitude Test Battery *Burns Anxiety Inventory *Thematic Apperception Test. Vocational Assessment. *conducted vocational assessments for Saskatchewan Government Insurance, the Sas
katchewan Worker's Compensation Board and the Manitoba Worker's Compensation Boa rd * The vocational assessments are designed to evaluate the client's educational a nd vocational needs. I prepare reports for these agencies and interpret the repo rts to clients. Consultation. *consult with other psychologists in our firm. *consult with a variety of businesses and government groups regarding patient w elfare * member of the Regina Police Service Critical Incident Stress Team Addictions: * assess patients. *make referrals for treatment. *conduct follow-up therapy for individuals addicted to alcohol, drugs, food and gambling. Obesity: *provide individual psychotherapy with food addicted individuals to help them ac hieve their goals. *assist them with their weight management. *teach basic information about calories, diet, self-talk and lifestyle changes. Critical incident debriefing *provide critical incident debriefing and follow up therapy with clients Canadian Pacific Railroad Adoption. * interviewed prospective adoptive parents * provided psychological reports for governments in various countries. (Supervisor's Name: Dr. Rick Lebell. Phone: 306-359-6111.) COURTSIDE SPORTS MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION 3615 Pasqua Street Regina, Saskatchewan Canada S4S 6W8 Telephone 306-584-5053 I work about 50% of my time with Courtside. The remainder is with Lebell & Assoc iates Dates Employed (04 2000 to present) Every patient who has a tertiary diagnosis is required to have a psychologist as part of the treatment team: medical doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist an d a psychologist. * Taught classes in pain management * Goal setting for individuals changing jobs or requiring job duty modification * Therapy for individuals requiring psychological intervention * Multi testing and assessments o The Chronic Pain Coping Inventory o The Personality Assessment Screen o The Beck Depression Inventory * Report Writing - multi-assessment reports * Consulting with team members and appropriate others (Owners names: Lee Cowan, Sue Ann Farthing, Chris Washenfelder and Alistair Wil son) Par Consultants of Canada Limited Dates Employed: 06/1987-04/2002 126 Rose Street
Regina, SK S4P-2P7 Canada Clinical Psychologist Psychotherapy. *intake interviews *diagnosed client problems *developed an individualized treatment plan *provided psychotherapy *did psychological testing *consulted with other professionals * wrote psychological reports *.conducted therapy for sexual abuse survivors Marriage Counseling * conducted marriage counseling sessions Adoption *interviewed prospective adoptive parents *provided psychological reports for governments in various countries Testing *Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 * Strong Interest Inventory *Burns Depression Checklist *Burns Anxiety Inventory * Thematic Apperception Test. (Supervisor's Name): Scott Henders. Phone: 306-569-2158.) University of Regina 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina, Saskatchewan Canada. S4S OA2 Dates Employed 09/1971-06/1998 *Associate Professor Educational Psychology *Administration subject area chairman for 4 years *Teaching I taught undergraduate and graduate classes from 1971 1998 *The graduate class size ranged from 13-20 students *The classes I taught were; Personality Theories, Graduate Practicum in Psycholo gy ,Group Counseling and Aptitude and Achievement Test Analysis * I taught undergraduate psychology to classes with 30-50 students. The classes I taught were: adolescent psychology, statistics, psychology of individual diffe rences, introduction to counseling and guidance and counseling strategies. *supervised graduate student practicum *supervised guidance counseling student teachers * served on faculty and university committees *supervised M.Ed. thesis projects EDUCATION: University of Northern Colorado Doctor of Education in Psychology, Counseling and Guidance 1971
Greeley, Colorado 80630 Education Doctorate, 1971 86.67 Quarter Hours Minor: Higher Education Administration Eastern New Mexico University Education Specialist-Sixth Year Certificate in Counseling and Guidance 1969 Portales, N.M. 88130 38 Semester Hours Major: Counseling and Guidance Eastern New Mexico University Master of Arts in Psychology and Personnel Services 1967 Portales, New Mexico 88130 U.S. M.A..1967 33 Semester Hours Major: Psychology/Pers onnel Services The College of Idaho Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Education 1965 Caldwell, Idaho 83605 B.A.,1965 130 Seme ster Hours Major: Psychology Minor: Education JOB-RELATED SKILLS: Hypnosis-Used for pain management, stop smoking programs and weight management. Pain Management: progressive relaxation, meditation, visualization, thought stop ping. GENERAL APTITUDE TEST BATTERY CERTIFICATION-2006 Micro soft Word Internet skills: marketing, research and e-mail JOB-RELATED CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES: *Saskatchewan College of Psychologists-Registered Doctoral Psychologist #111 *Louisiana # 917 Counseling Psychology *New Jersey # 35S100480100 2010. * Certification of Professional Qualifications in Psychology # 3340 *Canadian Register of Health Care Providers in Psychology Health Canada; First N ations and Inuit Branch # 5911 *Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology April 2002- #3340 Assoc iation of State and Provincial Psychology Boards *International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy, Inc . Diplomate in Professional Psychotherapy-Certificate number 2099 -April 2007 CONTINUING EDUCATION CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION CE CLASSES *Comprehending and Utilizing Forensic Risk Assessment (5.5 hours Credit) (8/10/1 005) Canadian psychological Association * Neurobiology and Pharmacology of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (5.5 hours Cre dit) (8/11/2005) Canadian Psychological Association
*Pharmacological Treatment of Depression and Anxiety(5.5 hours credit) (08/12/2 005) Canadian Psychological Association) *Self-Worth Enhancement in Psychotherapy (3/16/07) (6.5 hours credit) Cochrane P sychological Services-CPA continuing Education Provider APA CE AND ONLINE CLASSES * Couple Power: Building Couple Commitment, Cooperation, Communication and Commu nity (8/10/06) (7 hours credit) American Psychological Association * General Aptitude Test Battery certified (5/24/06) * A Forensic Approach to Fitness for Duty Evaluation (8/12/06) (7 hours Credit) APA * Pre-employment Evaluations for High Risk Professions (8/13/06) (7 hours credit ) APA * Ethical Dilemmas in Providing Forensic Testimony in the Courtroom (8/11/06) AP A *Self-Worth Enhancement in Psychotherapy (3/16/07) (6.5 hours credit) Cochrane P sychological Services-CPA continuing Education Provider * Use and Abuse of Psychological Tests in Forensic Evaluations (7 hours credit) (6/3/07) APA * Ethical Conflicts in Psychology , Third (3rd Ed) (18 hours credit) (08/21/2005 ) American Psychological Association ..Online course AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY CE CLASSES * Violence Risk Assessment and Management Using Structured Professional Judgment (7hours credit)( 5/31/07 American Academy of Forensic Psychology. American Acade my of Forensic Psychology * Ethics in Forensic Psychology (7 hours credit) (5/30/07) American Academy of F orensic Psychology * Forensic Applications of the MMPI-2 (7 hours credit) (6/1/07) American Academy of Forensic Psychology *Forensic Applications of the MMPI-2 (7 hours credit) (03/24/2010) *Malingering & Forensic Practice: Conceptual Issues and Clinical Methods (7hours credit) (3/25/2010) *Ethical Issues in Forensic Practice (7hours credit) (3/26/2010) *Expert Testimony and Report Writing: (7 hours credit) (3/28/2010) SEAK CE CLASSES * SEAK 17TH Annual National Expert Witness Conference (13.3 hours credit) (06/19 -20/08) * SEAK 17th Annual National Expert Witness Workshop The Biggest Mistakes Experts Make and How to Avoid Them (6.5 ho ur credit) (06/18/08) * SEAK 18TH Annual National Expert Witness Conference(11.5 hours credit(06-25-26 -09) * SEAK 18TH Annual National Expert Witness Conference((6.5 hours credit( 06-23-0 9) Law School for Expert Witnesses * SEAK 18TH Annual National Expert Witness Conference(6.5 hours credit) (06-24-0 9) Testifying Skills Workshop
CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT C E CLASSES * Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support (September 28, 2006) (13.5 cre dits) International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
* Group Crisis Intervention (October 1, 2006) (13.5 credits) International Criti cal Incident Stress Foundation * Law Enforcement Perspectives for CISM Enhancement (14 CE credits) (November 13 -14, 2008) International Critical Incident Stress Foundation * Advanced Group Crisis Intervention: Strategies and Tactics for Complex Situati ons (14 CE credits (November 15-16, 2008) International Critical Incident Stre ss Foundation. INTERVIEW SKILLS I have 18 years of conducting psychotherapy interviews. I have worked an average of 15-25 hours per week conducting psychotherapy interviews. I have interviewed a wide range of individuals from ages 6-90. I am a very effective interviewer. *My Master's Degree training was in Client Centered Therapy. *My Education Specialist Degree training was in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. *My Education Doctorate Degree training was in Existential Therapy. *I predominantly use Cognitive Behavior Therapy in my private practice.