Brought to you by: C.Lab
Version 0.8.0
for APC40
Hello Everyone! My name is C.Lab. Over the last two years I
have been working on the Collision Mapping for the APC40 and
Traktor. I’m thrilled that you have an interest in DJ’ing with the
APC40, and hope that this mapping will get you headed in the
right direction!
The Backstory
I began writing the Collision Mapping out of necessity. I owned
an APC40 that I used for music production in Ableton Live. One
day i stumbled across DJTT and was instantly intrigued. DJ’ing,
Traktor, and Controllerism seemed all too exciting, but i didn’t
have any extra cash laying around for a DJ controller. (since i
just spent it all on the APC40) So i set out to design my control-
ler mapping. This would allow to me design the controller to cus-
tom fit my needs. I started off by listing out all of the features I
wanted to have control over. Then, for each of the these con-
trols i decided how i wanted to interact with it (ex. Knob, Fader,
Button etc.). Then the only thing left to do was group the con-
trols into sections and determine how to lay them out across the
You Can Too!!!
When i began this project i knew next to nothing about DJ’ing or
midi mapping. If you have any interest in editing or writing map-
pings for your controllers check out these articles. They taught
me everything I know!
• This article is CRUCIAL! It explains modifier basics in easy to
learn way.
• This is more of the same modifier stuff. Just a little more in
• Here you can learn about writing “Super Combos”. Even if
you don’t plan on using them, this is a GREAT read for midi
• Everything you ever need to know about Mapping Outs to
LEDs is right here.
Section 1
General Layout
There are basically two kinds of controls in the Collision Map-
ping. There are “Global” Controls that will all stay the same. By
this, i mean that whatever parameter that is currently being con-
trol will never change. (Ex. Knob 1 controls high EQ, and will AL-
WAYS control high EQ.) Aside from Globals, there are parame-
ters that i refer to as Pages, or Banks. They are pretty much the
same. Pages refers to groups of buttons, and Banks refer to
groups of knobs, but the concept is similar with both. Depend-
ing on which modifier key is selected, the group of controls will
function differently. Ex. FX unit 1&2 modifier key is pressed.
This will cause the lower bank of eight knobs to control FX 1&2.
However, pressing the FX unit 3&4 modifier will cause the same
group of knobs to control FX 3&4. The concept works exactly
the same for groups of buttons also known as Pages.
Basic Steps
1. Download CollisionMapping.Zip from DJTT Maps.
This will include the demo mapping, link to
upgrade to full version, and this manual.
2. Connect APC40 to the computer and turn on.
NOTE: if the APC40 has been connected to Ableton if must be turned off once
before connecting to Traktor. Otherwise you will experience erratic behavior.
3. Open Traktor and navigate to Preferences>
Controller Manager.
4. Click the large import button at the bottom of the
window and select the provided .TSI file.
5. Click OK when prompted.
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 exactly. DO NOT SKIP THIS
7. Make sure both the Inputs and Outputs in the
controller manager are set to APC40.
Section 1
Browsing through tracks...
In your normal view a small box at the bottom of the screen con-
tains all your tracks. This can be scrolled through by using the
cue level knob. For more efficient browsing i created “Browser
Mode”. Lets see how it works...
Browser Mode- Toggles browser mode on and off. When in
browser mode the tracks list will be made full screen.
Cue Level- Allows you to scroll through the list of tracks.
Up & Down- Allows you to move up and down in the list of mu-
sic folders to the left of the track list.
Close & Open- Pressing these buttons while a music folder is
selected will either expand or collapse the folder.
Fullscreen- Toggles Traktor fullscreen mode.
Load A & B- These buttons will load the currently selected
song into each respective deck.
Section 1
Basic Controls
The top two rows of the 8x5 grid contain all the transport con-
trols for decks A and B. They look something like this...
Play- Works just like any other play button. When the track is
stopped it will light up RED. While the track is playing the button
will display GREEN. Holding SHIFT and Play will send the play-
head to the beginning of the track.
Cue- Your standard cue functionality.
Auto Loop- Auto loop sets and activates the loop function in
Traktor. The loop length will default to the current loop length se-
lection. We will talk more about this later. This button displays
YELLOW while loop is off and flashes RED when loop is on.
Sync- This button toggles the track sync on and off. This button
displays YELLOW for off and RED for on. When SHIFT is
pressed this button will set the track as Master.
Nudges & BeatJumps- The regular old nudge commands.
When SHIFT is pressed these button serve as beatjumps. The
length of the beatjumps are determined by the loop length selec-
Key Up & Down- Probably my favorite new feature, pressing
one of these buttons will transpose the track up or down by one
semitone. This allows for WAY MORE FLEXIBLE harmonic mix-
ing!!! (ex. Need a track in G, but want to play a song in E. Press-
ing the Key Up button 3 times will put the desired track in the
key of G)
Section 1
Upper 8 Knobs
The Upper grouping of knobs is dedicated to the EQ’s and fil-
ters of track Decks A & B. They are arranged as depicted be-
low. Since these controls are global they will never change.
All the EQ knobs function just like the software mixer. All the
way to the left is 0 and all the way to the right is 100. The LED
rings reflect these values.
The Filter knobs at the center position are at zero. Turning to
the left engages a Low Pass Filter, and turning to the right en-
gages a High Pass Filter.
NOTE: The standard setting is the “Z ISO”. This can easily be
changed by navigating to Preferences>Mixer>EQ Type.
The buttons below the 8 knobs function as you might imagine
and have full LED feedback.
Section 2
Track Deck EQ's
The Faders across the bottom of the APC40 have pretty
straight-forward action. Let’s dive in.
Faders 1-4- Each of these have direct control over their respec-
tive decks. Nothing unusual here.
Faders 5-6- These faders control the tempo fader for both
decks A & B. When placed in the middle they send out the
value 0%. Moving them up will lower the track tempo, and Mov-
ing down will raise the track’s tempo.
Fader 7- This fader controls the Dry/Wet of the loop recorder.
When SHIFT is
pressed it will con-
trol the loop length
of the Loop Re-
Fader 8- This single fader gives you control over the Monitor
Mix. When SHIFT if pressed it will give you control over the
Monitor Volume. Both of these controls use Soft Takeover so
their should’t be any erratic value changes.
Loop Recorder
The loop recorder is controlled using the three grey transport
buttons above the crossfader. They function just like they are
label. Play=Play/pause Stop=Stop & Delete Rec=Record. To
pause a playing loop just press play. To delete the current loop
press the Stop button.
Section 3
Faders & Loop
Selecting Pages
The bottom four buttons represent the first four Track select but-
tons on the APC40. When Hotcues is selected the buttons
above will func-
tion as depicted
in this example.
The track select
button will light
up GREEN to
show you what
page you are cur-
rently controlling.
Each hotcue but-
ton will light up
RED initially. This
means there is
not current hotcue set. Pressing a red (empty) hotcue will drop
cue at the current playhead location. This will cause the button
to light up GREEN. Once loaded the hotcue will function like a
normal hotcue. To delete a cue point simply hold down SHIFT
and press the desired hotcue.
Deck Scrolling
Holding down the Deck Scrolling button and turning the Cue
level knob (also know as the browser scrolling knob) will allow
you to scroll the playhead through the track just like you were
turning the jog wheel. This doesn’t allow for scratching, but is
fantastic for seeking through music and setting new cue points.
Releasing the deck scroll button sets the cue level knob back to
controlling browser scrolling.
Flux Mode
This button toggles Traktor’s new Flux mode on and off. The
button will light up YELLOW when off and GREEN when on.
Section 1
Hotcues Page
The Loops page gives you control over the respective deck’s
loop controls. These button plus the Auto Loop button will have
you looping tracks in no time! Simply select a loop length by
pressing the desired YELLOW button as shown in the picture
below. Once selected the button will light up GREEN. Then sim-
ply press the Auto Loop button to engage the loop. Pressing the
Auto Loop button again will disengage the loop. If you want to
set unusual sized loop thats easy too! While the track is playing
press the Loop In button to drop a marker. This will be the begin-
ning of your loop. Then press the Loop Out button to drop a
marker for the end of your loop. This button will drop a marker
and activate the loop at the same time. This kind of loop can be
disengaged using the Loop Out button or by pressing the Auto
Loop button.
Section 2
Loops Page
This section gives you the
same functions as the fa-
mous DJTT Instant Gratifica-
tion Mapping. Once this page
is selected simply hold down
a button and you will hear the
desired effect. Each effect
and its value are written into
the mapping, but can be
changed with some basic
mapping know-how. We will
talk more about this later.
Try using this page on both decks at the same time for some ex-
tra fun. Also, try turning the dedicated FX knobs while holding
an I.G. button to change the FX’s value in realtime. Remember,
this value will reset every time the I.G. button is pressed.
Section 3
Play- This button control the play function for the entire deck.
Holding SHIFT and pressing play will activate the Decks Loop
Loop Up&Down-
These two button
move the loop length
selector up and
Sync- The sync but-
ton functions just like
Decks A&B. Holding
SHIFT and pressing
Sync with set the
Deck as a master
tempo source.
Playback Type- The
second row of but-
tons toggle each sam-
ple between loop and one-shot playback. They show solid yel-
low for loops and flashing yellow for One-Shots.
Cap/Trigger/Mute- These buttons function just like the sample
buttons on a S2 or S4. Pressing while the slot is empty will cap-
ture a sample from the playing deck. The sample’s length will
be the same as the loop length of the deck is being captured
from. Once a sample is loaded, pressing the same button again
will cause the loop to start playing. Pressing again while the
sample is playing will mute the selected sample.
Holding SHIFT while pressing one of these buttons changes its
functions to Stop/Delete/Load From List. Press while a clip is
playing to actually stop the sample. Press again to delete the
same from the slot. Pressing while a slot is empty will load a
sample from the browser list instead of capturing from the track
Section 4
Remix Decks
Banked Knobs
Track slection buttons 1&2 will cause the lower bank of knobs
to control either FX1&2 or 3&4. The knobs work as depicted
above. The eight buttons below the knobs function the same as
what you see in the software.
Holding SHIFT and turning one of the Dry/wet Knobs will switch
the FX unit between group and Single FX panel modes.
In group mode: Holding SHIFT and turning one of the FX knobs
will allow you to scroll through and select a different effect.
In Single Mode: Holding SHIFT and turning just the first FX
knob will scroll through all the single FX choices.
Section 1
FX Controls
Track selection buttons 7&8 control either Sample Deck C or D.
The controls are laid out as depicted above. These are pretty
straight forward. No surpises here.
Section 2
Sample Decks
Track selection button 6 will activate the EQ section for the sam-
ple decks. These function exactly like the normal EQ setup with
the addition of a few extra kill switches.
Section 3
C & D Mixer
Editing Controls
Midi Messages
Here is a figure that tells you what midi value is assigned to
every control on the APC40. You are gonna need this...
When mapping LED’s in traktor (also known as OUT com-
mands) you are going to need this. These codes only apply to
the APC40.
Section 1
Useful Info
Above you can use the chart to determine what each modifier
value does. These modifier are the heart and soul of the colli-
sion mapping. If you plan to edit or change any part of the map-
ping i strongly suggest having a firm grasp of whats going on
Section 2
0 1 2 3
Mod1 off SHIFT
Mod2 Deck
Hotcues Loops Intsa. Grat.
Deck C
Mod 3
Mod 4 Deck
Hotcues Loops Intsa. Grat.
Deck C
Mod5 off
Deck A
Deck B
Thank You!