Commodity Futures Trading Through

Published on December 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 86 | Comments: 0 | Views: 625
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Commodity Futures Trading Through “Ventura Commodities Pvt. Ltd” Introduction Commodity Market India has a deep ingrained knowledge in commodity trading (and particularly forward trading in commodities), especially in the interior heartland. For last 40 years or so, such forward (futures) trading was banned in the country for a variety of reasons and it is being revived now. The ban has meant that two generations have lost touch with the trading skills and the related knowledge levels in the commodity space. Fortunately much of the skill sets have migrated to stock exchanges. In these intervening years, some regional exchanges specializing in specific commodities, where the bans were lifted, have carried on the baton. Also large informal trading, primarily by the speculative segment of the universe of market participants has remained. This has led to a mindset in the common man in the country that commodity exchanges are purely speculative in nature. The hedging and price discovery functions that they perform are largely ignored today by the cross section of the population. Our endeavor is to reach to the producers, end-users, and even the retail investors, at a grassroots level. Education and awareness has a key role to play in achieving this vision.

Ventura Securities Ltd. is a leading stock broking organization promoted and managed by professionals having exceptional knowledge of Capital Market. We recognize in our operating philosophy that the key to our business is service which will result in total satisfaction to our clients. Founded in 1994 by Chartered Accountants Sajid Malik and Hemant Majethia. They are the first generation entrepreneurs and are the principal promoters of Ventura. A dedicated and efficient team of senior managers assists Mr. Majethia the CEO of the company. Ventura is a full-service domestic brokerage house providing value-based advisory services to Institutions (Foreign and Domestic), High Net Worth and Retail Investors with its core area of operations being stock-broking. We have considerable strength and domain knowledge in the booming derivatives market. Ventura has achieved a reputation for innovative and unbiased research along with excellent technical analysis and execution capabilities. Not only has Ventura provided value-added services to the gamut of India-based funds, it has also developed the

advice-driven business of high net worth and corporate clients. In India we have started our operations since last 15 years. In India we are into Financial Advisory Services, which include products like Mutual Fund, Insurance, Stock Broking etc. The product that we are offering is Online Broking A/c, a combination of Broking plus Demat A/c, following are certain features of our product Personalized Stock Quote Fully Customizable Display Streaming Intraday, Daily and Weakly Chart (Automatic Refreshed) Sophisticated alert capabilities Real Time Order Tracking Real Time Position Updates Dynamic Buying Power Derivative Chain Lock Terminal Option Comprehensive Technical Analysis & Exchange Calls Secured Environment

Value Added Service
Bulk Trade Action Watch Option Calculator Market Summary All Indices News & research Daily Pointer Open Interest Dashboard

Ventura Securities Ltd Business Profile Ventura Securities Ltd. commenced operations in 1994 as a stock broking house. On its journey from then to now, Ventura has seen the capital markets mature and investors' requirements become more diverse. It has kept up with the times and today, it offers a whole range of investment products and services.

Value Added Services

Online platforms - "Pointer" : Our online equity trading engine. Trade at lightning speed, enjoy a unique investing experience.

Mutual Funds - Invest across various investment plans and also get a detailed online analysis.

Commodities - Browser and exe-based online trading softwares for clients as well as network partners to facilitate seamless execution on MCX and NCDEX.

Newsletters: Daily / weekly / monthly newsletters covering equities / mutual funds / commodities. These are also available on the web.

SMS updates: Regular updates on market happenings and trading / investments calls, trade confirmations.

Research reports: Detailed fundamental analysis on companies / industries at periodic intervals.

Baatein bazaar ke Ventura se: An interactive chat room available to our network partners during trading hours for instant access to news on a real time basis.

In-house training / seminars: Product training / investor conferences covering diverse topics like technical analysis / industry overview / overall financial markets

Ventura Securities is a corporate member of both the BSE and the NSE. This enables us to trade in equities, derivatives, currency products and offer depository services.

Ventura Commodities Pvt. Ltd., an associate company, is a trading member of MCX and NCDEX

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