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Manager Communication

• They are arrogant. They don’t listen. They tell. They don’t communicate. They dictate. • They are the smartest ignorant people you will ever meet. They are extremely bright, and know all about technology, but they don’t have a clue about what I do or what the customers need. • They are not of this world. They can tell me every feature of every program on my computer, but they can’t seem to tell me what I need it for. Everything is an ideal case. These stereotypes are not universal, but they do exist in many organizations. They are a symptom of poor communication and actions taken without effective efforts at promoting support and buy-in. They have nothing to do with the level of technical competence, commitment to hard work, or intelligence of the members of the IT department.

Your Communications Plan When Do I Need a Communications Plan? Anatomy of a Communications Plan Making Your Communication Persuasive Making Your Case 2.2 Getting It In Writing Tips for Business Writing Tips For Writing E-mail 2.3 Speaking Your Mind 89 Explore Alternatives to Face-to-Face Meetings How To Hold A Stellar Off-Site Meeting Mastering the Art of Conference Calling Public Speaking A Guide to Killer Boardroom 80

While communication skills are valuable for all IT professionals, it is the IT manager who must take the lead as he or she is the chief link between the department and the rest of the organization. In terms of internal communications, the manager must also be able to clearly and articulately state goals, directions, and rationale to their subordinates. To the stereotypes above you can add the following statement about managers:

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Presentations Communication skills are not among the many abilities for which information technology professionals are known. IT professionals pride themselves on being doers, not talkers. But a “do first, explain later” attitude can doom a project as surely as faulty technology.













Assemble Evidence: Costs, Benefits and ROI


Yet in spite of the critical necessity of strong communication skills, one of the chief knocks against IT in many organizations relates to a perceived lack of communication skills. Consider these negative stereotypes about IT departments and IT professionals.

Persuasion vs. Negotiation Communication Starts With Listening Formal Listening: Focus Groups Doing the Rounds What Are You Listening For?



Communication skills are absolutely crucial to being an effective manager of any business unit. As much as 50 to 80 percent of manager time is spent in some form of communication.

2.1 Communicating To Persuade Persuasion vs. Command



In This Chapter




Manager Communication


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My manager used to be a pretty decent colleague but now he(she) is completely absorbed into manager land.. We have no idea what goes on in those meetings he(she) has with the other managers. We only get the latest set of edicts, many of which make no sense. P To move your projects ahead you must be able to build consensus and develop relationships with other business units, with a client base, with senior management, and with your own staff. You must be able to communicate what you are doing and why it matters. This chapter covers the following: 1. Communicating to Persuade: The primary reason for communication is to prompt action. This section reviews the anatomy of persuasion and provides templates for creating communication plans and case documents. These documents are key tools in formal communications and should be the basis for all major communications initiatives. 2. Getting It In Writing: Whether it is an e-mail, memo, or formal report, you need your written communications to be clear and meaningful. This section provides valuable tips on business writing as well as templates for the most common types of written communications. 3. Speaking Your Mind: Often you do not have the luxury of sitting down and putting your thoughts on the page. This section addresses oral communications, both in meetings and formal speaking engagements. Information Technology is critical for individual workers, business units, and the overall organization to meet goals. If you do not understand the goals, and cannot properly communicate how IT relates to the goals, you will never achieve alignment.













Chapter Tools
2.1 Communicating To Persuade 2.1a Meeting Notes Template 2.1b Communication Plan Template 2.1c Case Document Template 2.2 Getting It In Writing 2.2a Memo Template 2.2b Letter Writing Best Practices 2.2c Short Report Template 2.2d E-Mail Best Practices 2.3 Speaking Your Mind 2.3a Agenda Template 2.3b Speakers Notes Template 98 99
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Manager Communication

2.1 Communicating To Persuade
Key Section Take-Aways
The ultimate goal of all communication is to prompt others to take action.
1. Persuasion, Negotiation, and Command: These are the three ways that you can

2. It Starts With Listening: Everybody has needs, but not all needs are regularly spoken. Through careful listening, you can identify the real needs of the person, or persons, with whom you are communicating. 3. Build A Plan: Use the communications planning and case building tools in this section to build communications plans. Make sure to address the needs of your audience in formulating key messages. Good communications skills are some of the most important skills that a manager can develop. If you don’t do a good job of communication, you ultimately will not achieve goals. Why? Because at some point your are going to need the understanding, cooperation and help of clients, your own staff, and senior decision makers.

• Persuade All three areas listed above require communication skills. Any military officer can tell you that even command is not as simple as saying “Do this”. If the order is not precisely and correctly worded then there can be disastrous results. Of the three methods listed we will focus primarily on being persuasive.

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• Negotiate


• Command


There are three ways to get somebody else to take an action:


The purpose of communication is to prompt others to take action. The action could be as simple as formally approving a project but in every case there should be some expectation of action. Even the “FYI” message that begins “I don’t need you to do anything about this right now, but . . . .” implies that the recipient will need to do something at some point.



Why do you need to be a good communicator? Many would respond that it is important to “be open” and to “keep people in the loop”. They might also say that being close and secretive leads to low morale. All of these are correct, but they don’t really state the purpose of communication.









get somebody to do something. All three require communication but the first, persuation, is perhaps most important.




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Persuasion vs. Command
As a manager, you are going to have to issue instructions and tell people what to do. In this context, however, “command” means literally to issue orders with no corroborating or contextual information. It makes no reference to authority outside of the issuer. It is strictly “Do this because I say so”. On the Tannenbaum & Schmidt Leadership Continuum mentioned in Chapter 1, command communications would only be issued at the extreme boss-centered end of the leadership continuum. A decision is made and orders are given. For all other styles listed on the continuum, there are various degrees of persuasion and explanation involved. Of course, in relations with other managers and superiors, a pure command model simply will not work. The bottom line is that you can’t issue commands to people who are your peers or out rank you. Yet getting buy-in and support from other managers, staff outside your department, and senior executives is crucial. Here are a few examples of where your powers of persuasion are critical: • Getting departments to accept a new application and pave the way for migration. • Getting enterprise-wide buy-in for policies, such as a security policy. • Getting head office assent to new enterprise initiatives, such as a major operating system or network infrastructure upgrade. P E S E A R C H G R O U

Persuasion vs. Negotiation
Persuasion and negotiation are similar in that they both involve convincing somebody to do something that they might not have otherwise wanted to do. In practice, however, the two are very different. • Negotiation is, by definition, adversarial in that two parties engage in a give-and-take dialog, each with the aim of advancing or defending their position. The best outcome is a win-win situation where both parties can claim that they got something they wanted with reasonable sacrifice. • Persuasion involves one party getting other parties to support a proposition as if it were their own. The ideal outcome is enthusiastic buy-in (i.e. “Yes, let’s do that”) and a commitment to action by the persuaded parties. Negotiation and persuasion are not mutually exclusive. Individuals and groups will always have interests that they will want to defend and advance. It is unrealistic to think that your powers of persuasion will ever be so good that people will just drop their interests and slavishly follow your lead. We are talking about persuasion, not mass hypnosis. On the other hand, successful upfront persuasion leads to positive acceptance of your idea, and can make subsequent negotiations a lot smoother. Consider these two statements:











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• The IT department has informed us that we are going to be using a new application for billing. They say that this is a very powerful application with a lot of features that will help our department. This will mean a major change in our operations and a lot of disruptions. We need some people to work with IT to make sure this doesn’t overwhelm us. • We all know that our current billing application has some serious limitations, such as (put your favorite pet peeve here). The IT department has proposed a solution that will directly address these problems. This is a great opportunity for us to fix some long-standing problems. However, no project like this can proceed without disruption. We need some people to be on the implementation team with IT to work on the transition. Notice emphasis in the first statement on “them”. The IT department is imposing a new system. It’s their idea. They are going to cause us headaches and we need to defend our interests. In the second example, there is more emphasis on “us” statements. IT is helping us solve problems that we all agree need to be solved. We need to participate in the process to work out the details. In both cases, there is planning and negotiation ahead. But in the second example, the recipients of the solution (or at least their decision maker) have been persuaded that this is a good idea worth taking action on.

Communication Starts With Listening
The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. — Dr. Ralph Nichols It may sound contradictory, but good manager communication begins with the ability to shut up and listen. Listening isn’t about being passive. Active listening involves working hard to get quality information from somebody and retaining that information for future use in communication and planning. Why are listening skills important? Consider these facts: • Listening Is A Job Requirement. Where an average employ has to spend 30 percent of his or her time listening, a manager might spend 60 percent of each day interacting with people and 80 percent of that interaction involves listening. • We Are Wired to Daydream and Forget. We listen at 125 words a minute, but we think at 1,000 words per minute. On average we forget 50 percent of a 10-minute presentation within 24 hours. • Listening Builds Trust. Most people will not listen or hear a point of view until they become convinced that the speaker at least appreciates (not necessarily agrees with) their own point of view. Whether you are in conversation with a superior, subordinate, or one of your management peers, always practice the following active listening techniques:

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• Be Encouraging/Don’t Contradict. Even if you disagree with what is being said, let them talk. Be positive, but non-committal. You don’t have to say “I agree” or “You’re right”. Say instead “That’s interesting,” or “I see.” • Ask Questions. Ask brief questions to make sure that you understand what the speaker is saying. This kind of interruption is okay as it will keep you focused on the speaker. If you are not asking questions, you are probably daydreaming. • Repeat and Summarize. Repeat what you think the speaker is saying in your own words. This takes two forms: • Restating: This is where you state the speaker’s main points and key facts in your own words. Begin with phrases like “If I understand you correctly, you want” or “In other words, you think”.
While excessive note taking can get in the way of listening, this is not to say that you shouldn’t take any notes. Right after an important meeting you should write down the key pieces of information you want to retain. Use the Note Taking Tool on page 73.







• Reflecting: Is where you state your impressions of the speaker’s feelings on the topic. Begin with phrases like “I can see your are pretty upset that” or “You are anxious to see action on this issue”. • Don’t Take Excessive Notes. If necessary, jot down a few quick reminder notes, but don’t be a stenographer. When you are busy writing you may not be listening.





What Are You Listening For?
If you understand the needs of your audience you can craft persuasive messages in your communications. Needs assessment is something deeper than just asking somebody what he or she wants. If you ask anybody what they want, they will likely provide you with a shopping list of items and actions. These are the most obvious conscious needs, but these needs are only the beginning. A good listener “hears” needs that may not be overtly verbalized. Consider the Six Hat decision-making model posited in the first chapter. In that model, there were a number of different approaches to a problem that would each require a different kind of information.
In White Hat inquiry, the focus is on facts and figures. You are looking for quantifiable data and historical facts (how much, how often, how long, how many) that contribute to the decision. For this, you need to listen for information, like the Dragnet cop who wants “just the facts”. (See Assembling Evidence below).











For Red Hat inquiry, you need to examine the feelings of others. For this, you need to listen beyond the facts to the motivation of the speaker. In formulating your plans (blue hat) you have to take into consideration all of the information available.



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Norbert Aubuchon, in the influential book, The Anatomy of Persuasion, makes the distinction between conscious needs and basic needs. • Conscious needs are usually talked about, written about, and discussed openly and freely by those involved. • Basic needs never change. They are innate and identical for all human beings; basic needs are our psychological underpinnings. They are not usually talked about, written about, or discussed openly and freely by the people involved. People almost never talk about their own need for self-esteem, freedom from fear, love, strength, adequacy, and status. Such needs are highly personal, very private, and deeply seated. Conscious needs are always manifestations of basic needs. A basic need becomes active only after those below it in the hierarchy — that is, of greater rank — have been satisfied. Psychologist Abraham Maslow posited the idea of a hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s hierarchy looks like this: P I N F O T What does something as academic as Maslow’s hierarchy have to do with IT projects? Plenty, once you realize that the hierarchy of needs is a powerful source of human motivation. Going up the scale, each of these basic needs require fulfillment of the need below it. Going down the scale, an unfulfilled need will always trump the need above it. Illustrative Example #1: Post 9/11 World Consider the increased importance of security in the light of the World Trade Center disaster. Suddenly, everybody wants to know how secure the network is against malicious attack as well as natural disasters. Safety is a basic need. The events of last September left us feeling vulnerable. We need assurance about safety (personal safety first, but also the safety of our critical systems) before we are going to satisfy higher needs.
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SelfActualization (Fulfillment) Esteem Needs (Recognition, Status)

Social Needs (Love, Sense of Belonging, Community) Safety Needs (Security, Protection) Physiological Needs (Food, Clothing, Shelter)
















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Illustrative Example #2: The Apple Macintosh Back in the 1980s and early 90s, Apple marketed the Macintosh as a self-actualization tool. The Mac would help you “Be Your Best”. This approach worked very well with certain individuals – artists, creative professionals, and educators. For the larger population, however, a computer is simply a tool that lets us get our jobs done (and get paid so we can pay for food, clothing, and shelter). For the majority, the needs were more basic. Illustrative Example #3: Winning the Power User If you ask a power user what they need, they might produce a laundry list of software and hardware. But deeper than that, what a disgruntled power user really “needs” is respect. This need is deeper (more basic) than an expressed need for a particular program. By involving the power user, you satisfy that deeper need and win an important ally. If you can tap into basic needs that motivate users, influencers, and decision makers, you will be able to greatly increase the persuasiveness of your proposals. On the other hand, if you don’t get a handle on these needs, you will encounter resistance. Apparently “unreasonable” resistance to an idea can be traced to a hidden, unspoken need that you have not addressed. Professional salespeople know that fear to commit to a sale usually results from customer uneasiness that their basic needs have not been satisfied.










Formal Listening: Focus Groups
A focus group is an in-depth feedback mechanism for evaluating your IT product, service, or technical resource. It is more than just a circle of randomly selected individuals invited to chew the fat about your product or service. The key to a successful focus group process is focus. The steps that go into this process will provide you with a good quality control checklist for your own focus group exercise. 1. Define clear research objectives. Key in on specific issues that you want to learn more about from participants. Define objectives around resolving these issues. Have a sample group of six to twelve people. More than twelve is too hard to control. The sample must be of the target market, unbiased, and randomly selected. Source out an experienced and effective moderator. The moderator must have excellent communications skills, be well trained in psychology, and be able to lead and control the conversation. The quality of the moderator can make or break the results. Prepare a moderator script that precisely determines the order of questions. Previous research results also need to be gathered for comparison purposes. The moderator’s job is to create a relaxed atmosphere, to make sure that everybody participates, and above all to make sure that no “opinion leaders” dominate the discussion. He or she should begin with introductions and a clear explanation of what is going to happen. The main discussion process works this way: The moderator asks a question.

















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The participants write down their initial gut reaction answers. The matter is opened for discussion. The moderator makes sure that attention stays on the questions. It is more likely that you will retain a focus group consultant than actually manage the process yourself. The costs, which include room, refreshments, sourcing of participants, script writing, moderation, analysis and a report range between US $3,500 and US $5,000. Make sure you are getting value for your focus group dollar. Your job at a focus group is to be invisible and to listen. Though a formal analysis report will be forthcoming, there is much to be gleaned just by Building keeping your own impressions in check and listening to Empathy what is being said in the group. In future communications, use the people in the focus group as a model audience.
Getting to know your audience is about more than analysis of user data, though that information will be useful. It is also about developing rapport and developing your abilities to empathize with the audience. You and your subordinates must reach out. 1. Reach Out to Decision Makers. Meet by “doing the rounds” with decision makers one on one. Ask lots of questions. Find out about what business processes they are responsible for and the challenges they face. Reach Out to Users. These are the people most directly affected by the decisions you will be calling for from the decision maker. Find out what their needs are. Touch base through service calls, user surveys, and support followup interviews. Reach Out to Influencers. Ask yourself who the decision maker might go to for advice before approving your course of action. One possible influencer noted above is the departmental power user. By reaching out to and involving this person in your efforts, you will create a powerful ally.

If you are new to your IT manager position, or are looking to renew your communications efforts. Schedule a series of brief meetings with decision makers in various departments of your organization. Call it a “getting to know each other” meeting. In the meeting, do the following: 1. Ask a Lot of Questions. Ask questions about business processes. Ask about who does what. Give them a chance to express their vision. “How is it going?” “How do you do that?” “What does it cost to do that?” “Have you considered any “technology” alternatives in the past?” “What is your biggest beef with my department?” “Where do you see your department going?” “How do you see my department helping your department in the future? “Do you have any questions about my department and what we do?” “What kind of technology do you find most exciting? What kind do you find most frustrating?”



In all the efforts of yourself and your department, remember that getting to know the audience is about something deeper than developing a shopping list of technology. It is about trying to understand the more basic needs that are rarely talked about, yet influence every decision.

Don’t treat this list as definitive. These are just some examples. The key here is not to drill the individPage 65
















Doing the Rounds








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ual with a set of questions. Rather, you need to ask open-ended questions and then carefully listen to the responses.

2. U P

Shut Up. Okay. That is putting it rather bluntly, but the bottom line is that you need to avoid talking about your ideas even if you are very enthusiastic about them. Keep your ego in check. You are not there to tell, but to listen. As You Listen, Be Supportive and Positive. When you do speak, build on what he or she is saying using mirror and paraphrase statements. Show the individual that you understand what he or she is saying. Try not to get defensive or argumentative if you disagree. Make Notes. These may provide important insights later when you begin to build a case for a particular idea. Be Flexible. Chances are that you already have some ideas in mind when you go to the meeting. As various issues are raised, think of how your ideas might be adapted to suit the needs of the constituency. Later, when you pitch a solution to the decision maker, you will get a lot of mileage if you can say “I was thinking you might need A, but after talking with you I realize that B is what you’re after.”

3. O R


4. 5.





Assemble Evidence: Costs, Benefits and ROI
Making your case in light of the needs – both spoken and hidden – of your audience is crucial to persuasive communication. However, you will need to provide hard evidence that your proposal will yield real benefits. Showing empathy is one thing, but if you can’t back up your proposal with facts and figures you will find yourself in trouble. For example, let’s say you make a bang-on case for why a department would need to upgrade to Windows XP. But if you go in not knowing how many workstations would need to be upgraded to handle XP, you could find yourself headed straight for embarrassment. At this early stage of the game, you can’t know every source of cost for the project, or even all of the potential benefits. But a clear positing of what you can know will bolster your case. Here are some steps you can take: 1. 2. Catalog Assets. Make sure you have a current and up-to-date listing of the affected department’s assets. Match Benefits With Features. A features list by itself, no matter how long or detailed, won’t sell an idea. The benefit is what the feature will do for the client. Order your list of features, not by technical strength, but by the strength of their benefits. Quantify Benefits. If a feature will save time, make an estimate of how much labor cost will be saved (cost per hour multiplied by the number of hours saved). If an infrastructure solution will lead to less downtime, calculate the cost of downtime in currently lost productivity. Quantify Costs. The cost of a piece of hardware or software is only the beginning
















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of the costs you need to consider. Calculate the likely total cost of ownership (TCO) for a given solution (hardware, software, installation, maintenance, training, and ongoing support). Make no mistake: you will always need to provide this kind of information in order to get a project approved. An important additional consideration is that this information should be presented in the context of the identified needs of those for whom you are proposing the project. Do a Preliminary Return on Investment Calculation. This is a preliminary calculation in that it is a rough estimate based on incomplete data. (Long term benefits versus costs). At this stage, you are looking for buy-in. A more detailed return on investment (ROI) calculation will come when the proposal is approved and you sit down to do a detailed project plan. 1. 2. 3. Build a worksheet that lists current assets and practices. Include asset inventory information if applicable.
Return on investment is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3: Governance and Performance Measures. Do do your quick ROI calculation, use the ROI Tool on page 124.

Create a benefits worksheet that details the benefits (in quantifiable terms) that the proposal holds.

4. Create a rough ROI calculation, with benefits over costs. Recognize that the “real” ROI calculation won’t be done until the detailed project plan. Even then, ROI will have to be re-calculated as the project progresses.

Your Communications Plan
One of the problems with corporate communications is that everybody tends to see communications in terms of outputs. Communications is a newsletter, a memo, a business letter, a power point presentation, or a Web page. In truth these are only the tools of communication. They are used most effectively when the communicator has done some precommunications work. We talked above about the importance of listening, about gathering not only factual information, but also information about emotional motivation and unspoken needs of an audience. To turn that knowledge into effective communications, take time to plan your messages. IT initiatives can fall short of expectations if you don’t gain understanding and buy-in from your end users or from decision makers. Overcome these obstacles by developing a clear and concise communications plan for every new project. “Communicate” Your Way to the Top: A good communications plan is just one part of the overall corporate communications picture. Use these three communications tips to help pave your way to success. 1. Plan: Know what you want to say before you say it. This way you can stay on topic, pack your words with punch, and cut the excess. C I N F O T E H

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Create a cost worksheet that lists all the total cost of ownership numbers you have been able to come up with.









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2. Know your audience: The CEO has different concerns than the average end user. Make sure any communication, be it oral or written, addresses the respective concerns of the different echelons in your organization. Ask for feedback: Too many corporate communications aren’t interactive. Make your communications two-way by always providing a feedback mechanism - be it a Q&A session or an e-mail response form - and encouraging its use. Important perspectives and accidental oversights will often come to light in this way.


3. U O


Your organization may be large enough to employ professional communications staff. Remember, their job is not to communicate on your behalf: it is to help you communicate. Use this guide to evaluate their services. Are they asking the right questions?


When Do I Need a Communications Plan?
It should only take a few hours to draft a communications plan. First, you have to ask yourself whether the issue that needs communicating is worth the time investment. Here are just some possible initiatives that might warrant a communications plan. • Major Software/Service Roll-out. Maximize awareness and acceptance of a new application or service. “Build it and they will come” is not enough. • Department/Organization Wide Desktop Upgrade. Do some advance legwork to help clients see the value of a change to their desktop workstation. This should reduce service-calls after the fact. • New Policy Initiatives. Communication is crucial to encouraging compliance with policy, such as a new security policy. • Introduction of New Communications Vehicle. A new communication vehicle - such as a newsletter, regular e-mail, or intranet page - should itself be given maximum introductory exposure to encourage its use. It is also important to note that if you have a range of existing communications vehicles, this does not mean you don’t need to do communications plans. A newsletter or a Web site is only a tool, you need to plan how to make effective use of that tool. Saying “we’ll put something in the newsletter or on the Web site” is not enough. A communication plan will help you identify the how, when, what, and why of using these media.














Key Point: Start with the Audience
A major failing of many communications initiatives is that they begin with output products - such as a distributed e-mail, a newsletter, or a memo - without appropriate consideration of the audience or what you would like that audience to do. If you have ever been in a meeting where somebody said, “We should have a newsletter” or “Let’s e-mail everybody about it”, then you have witnessed this thinking. Before you commit anything to paper, it is a good idea to sit down with those involved in a particular project and brainstorm about your audience. Consider these questions: 1. Who is our audience? This seems like a “no-brainer”, but it can be more complicat-





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ed than you think. If a newsletter is being done solely to “make the head office happy”, then the audience is the head office, not the people reading the newsletter. Does your audience read newsletters or do they line budgie cages with them? Do they read and respond to e-mail? Do they use the Internet/intranet? 2. What do we want our audience to know? Information Technology is complex, however you should be able to state the benefits of a particular technology in simple terms. Focus on creating a list of key messages. If you can’t put what it is you want to communicate into three or four simple bullet points, your communication effort is in serious trouble. What do we want our audience to do? The best communication plans encourage an action on the part of the audience. During Y2K initiatives, for example, communication of Y2K issues to clients was part and parcel of encouraging due diligence steps that needed to be taken. The action encouraged by your plans might be as simple as attending an open meeting or going to a Web page for more on a new application.

The considerations prompted by the above questions should be interlocking. For example, the nature of your audience and how they receive information will guide your choice of communications vehicle. Your key messages will provide the “why” for what you want that audience to do.

Anatomy of a Communications Plan
Your communications plan will lay out how key considerations - such as audience, message, and action - fit together and with other considerations such as budget and timeline. The goal is to have a simple, one or two-page document that lays out your plan to achieve clear communications goals. Here then are the components of your communications plan and what each of them means.
A Communication Plan is a powerful tool for getting your message across to a targetted audience. To get started on a Communication Plan for your own initiative, see the Communication Plan Template on page 75.

• Key Messages: This is where you list the gist of what you want to communicate. You should be able to boil down your messages into two or three bullet points. • Potential Barriers: You know who your audience is and what you want to say to them. Now ask what possible barriers stand between your message and your audience. Be realistic, ask yourself why they should care about your message. • Suggested Actions: Now comes the fun part. Given all of the possible barriers that may exist, what are the best ways of carrying your message to your audience to help you move them toward a particular goal? This part lends itself well to a brainstorming session: start with all the options regardless of how unusual or expensive.

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• Objectives: Break down your overall goal into two or three discrete objectives.


• Overall Goal(s): Begin with a statement of what you hope to achieve with this communications effort. In essence you are stating your conclusion first. This should be a brief statement, no more than one short paragraph.

















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• Budget: Time for a reality check. If you are going to produce anything on paper, make sure you consider the cost of production and distribution. Consider the costs that will be incurred if you outsource the job in whole or in part. Time is also a resource that should be budgeted. • Timeline: By this point you should have a short list of actions that are “do-able”. Now it’s important to plot out a timeline for the proposed actions to take place. Take care to consider maximum impact for each action and a mutually supportive timetable. • Roles and Accountability: Many an exciting communications plan has died because of inadequate follow through. Your plan should be clear about who will be responsible for various actions and who will make sure the timeline is met. • Post Mortem: A firm date should be set for reviewing whether or not the timeline was met and what impact the communication plan had. H






Making Your Communication Persuasive
Don’t believe the famous mousetrap adage: “build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door.” This is pure bunk. You’ll have better luck with a lottery ticket. Norbert Aubuchon, author of The Anatomy of Persuasion. Aubuchon describes persuasion as a learnable and logical process. It isn’t just about selling cars or shoes, but is, rather, “the motivating force behind all human endeavor”. According to Aubuchon, “Nothing happens until someone sells something” whether the “something” is a product, service, or idea. The quote at the top of this section should be of particular interest to IT professionals. IT is, at heart, all about building better mousetraps. The frustration of IT professionals in dealing with other departments and senior management is often the frustration of not having your idea for a better mousetrap appreciated. To employ another cliché, you can build it but they don’t come. Similarly, an IT professional could ask, “Why do I need to learn about selling an idea? Isn’t it enough just to produce a detailed benefits discussion and a well thought out project plan? If the technology is solid, and the plan makes sense, the idea should sell itself.” The answer is, yes, it might, but it is also true that the project plan will have a much greater chance if those it is intended to benefit are already in support of the idea. If you have developed support for an idea from decision makers and users early, your chances of getting approval for, and cooperation with, your project will be that much greater. Making a strong “in a nutshell” argument that hits home will be more powerful than flooding the decision maker with details. The logical process for persuasion, as laid out by Aubuchon, has the following steps: 1. Needs: Start by establishing the needs of your audience. If possible, get agreement that the needs, as you understand them, are accurate. Avoid misunderstandings about the nature of these needs at all costs. Plan: Next, propose a plan of action that will satisfy the established needs. This should be a descriptive statement of twenty-five words or less.


















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3. How It Works: Explain how your proposed plan will be carried out. Include only enough information to ensure that the person understands the workings of your plan in principle. Results: This is the payoff for your audience. Describe how the results, or benefits, of your proposed plan will satisfy each of your audience members’ needs as established at the outset. Next Step: Finally, ask your audience to take the action your plan requires and to do it by a specified time. U I N F O T E C
Figure out what you need to make the case for your next initiative. Use the Case Document Template on page 77.



Making Your Case
A Case Document is a reference tool that you can use to build specific persuasive communications. In all your communication, whether it is a meeting or a formal presentation, your final point must be a call to action. Ask them to take a specific step by a specific time to get your project going. Case Document vs. Communications Plan: Both a case document and a communication plan are pre-communications documents. That is, they are “not for public consumption” documents that you create to help drive your “for public consumption” outputs. They are, however, not the same thing. • A communications plan is a strategic document. It frames your communications efforts by providing key messages, audience identification, communications goals, and a specific action plan. • A case document is a tactical document. It feeds directly into your various communications vehicles by providing a framework for the arguments you will be putting forward. Where the communication plan helps you stay “on message” by relating everything to goals, messages and responsibilities, the case document will provide the raw material for your actual communications. Here, briefly, is a primer on how to use the information and arguments in your Case Document.

• Meeting Notes. If you are meeting with a decision maker about your proposal, print off your case slides and review them before the meeting. Bring them with you on a clipboard for quick reference. In the meeting, focus on the information you have put together. Close by asking for agreement/approval to proceed with a project plan and a set a date when you will meet again to discuss the plan. • Formal Proposal. A meeting might end with a request to “see something in writing”. Build your formal proposal from your case document. All the information you need should be there. In a proposal, you will have more room to discuss benefits in detail. Remember, however, to relate all benefits to needs. End by sketching out what will be required to develop the project plan and a request for approval to proceed.

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• Memos, Letters and E-mails. For short communications about your proposal, focus on the following: • A short statement of the most important needs. • Your plan statement. • Key benefits. • If this is a relatively small project, end with a request for a green light to proceed. A longer project may require a meeting or permission to develop a formal written proposal. In either case, make sure you ask the recipient to do something. The call to action is the most crucial final step in persuasive communications. A well thought out proposal that “hits them where they live” will generate enthusiasm and positive feedback. If you walk out of the room or end the document without asking for something, you are wasting a glorious opportunity. You could, for example, end a project proposal presentation with a statement like the following: “Now I would like to get started on a more detailed proposal. I can have it ready for you next Friday. How is everyone’s schedule looking for next week?” or “I think it would be best if I contacted our hardware supplier tomorrow afternoon. When should we schedule the next meeting to review the detailed proposal?” P I N F O T E C H R E S E A R C H G R O U

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It is natural to retain only 50 percent of what you hear in a ten-minute presentation 24 hours after the event. Use this listening inventory immediately after a meeting with somebody to keep a record of your meeting. You can also use this inventory to record your impression of a focus group discussion or a presentation. My meeting was with _________________________________________ The main things ______________________ wanted to tell me were:
(In point form, list main issues raised in the discussion)

Key facts raised by _______________________________ included:
(If the subject stressed some facts that he/she felt were important to his/her argument, list them here. What have you learned? Try not to judge the information at this point.)

Page 73























2.1a Meeting Notes Template

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_______________________ seemed most concerned about:
(Beyond a factual account of what the individual was saying, use this space to record your impressions of his/her feelings. Did he/she express fear, anxiety, frustration or even joy about something?)








My impressions of what was said are:
(Now is your chance to express your thoughts and feelings on the speaker and what they said. Try to be constructive.)










My next action is:
(What actions, on your part, do you see arising out of this meeting?)







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Enter Title of Plan Here

Your Department or Organization Name Goes Here.

Enter Date H

Draft #Enter Number
Overall Goal(s) State what you hope to achieve with this communications effort. In essence you are stating your conclusion first. This should be a brief statement, no more than one short paragraph. Objectives 1. Break down your overall goal into two or three discrete objectives.

3. Enter Third Objective (if necessary. If not, delete this line.) H I Provide an accounting of the costs of each suggested action and the resources available to execute your plan.
Page 75

Key Messages You should be able to boil down your messages into two or three bullet points. Potential Barriers List the possible barriers that stand between your message and your audience. Be realistic, ask yourself why they should care about your message. Suggested Actions Given all of the possible barriers that may exist, what are the best ways of carrying your message to your audience to help you move them toward a particular goal? Budget









2. Enter Second Objective












2.1b Communication Plan Template

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Timeline Date
Enter Date


Enter Action Enter Action Enter Action (Note: add additional lines to this table if necessary).


Enter Date


Enter Date



Roles and Accountability Your plan should be clear about who will be responsible for various actions and who will make sure the timeline is met.


Post Mortem C
Set a date and time for a follow-up on this strategy.
















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2.1c Case Document Template
Step 1: Pick Your Project Carefully
Before you even pitch an idea, make sure that it is a project that has a reasonable chance of success. Review your research on the needs of a given department. Is there a real need there, or at least a need that can be associated with this project? Is the project idea focused enough to easily communicate in the context of identified needs (e.g. 15 minute competitive advantage)? R I
Page 77

You have given some thought to setting goals and objectives for a given solution. Start by stating your goal for the proposal. State your goals in terms of what it is you want the decision maker to do. Example: Your overall goal might be to roll out Microsoft Outlook calendaring in the sales department. Your stated goals for the case document would be to “Achieve approval in principle for streamlined collaborative scheduling in Sales using Microsoft Outlook.” The goal of this proposal is . . .

Ask yourself, “What problems will my proposal solve? What are the needs that will be satisfied by this solution?” Example: Continuing with the calendaring example, what issues of time management/productivity have been identified by the unit that collaborative calendaring might solve. Does the sales force need more efficient time, task and meeting management? Needs that this proposal will address are . . .






Step 3: Create A List Of Needs












Step 2: State Your Goal





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2. 3. 4. 5.





Step 4: State Your Plan
The plan statement is like the goal statement. In a proposal, having established the need, your next step will be to state what you plan to do about satisfying the needs. Your plan statement should be short and to the point (about 25 or 30 words). Example: We plan to give Sales more time to sell by providing an Outlook Calendaring solution to every desktop. We plan to . . . H H R E S E A R C


Step 5: How Is It Going to Work?
List the key steps that will be involved in executing your plan. Think in terms of steps that are going to affect your audience.
“Purchase the software” is not a step. “Install software on the PCs of a pilot test group” is a step. Implementation Steps: 1.










4. 5.

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Step 6: Results
List how the features of the solution being proposed will satisfy the needs listed in Step 3. Wherever possible, use quantifiable data. If saving time is a need, state how much time this solution will save on the benefit side. Show how much money will be saved long-term through projected timesaving.
Need Benefit

Step 7: Review
Review your document and tighten up the language. The fact that your case development tool is a Power-Point document should help you. • Focus on being concise and declarative. Avoid “wishy-washy” phrasing. • Write benefit statements from the point of view of the user e.g. it will save us time; we can realize an eight percent increase in revenue.

How to Use the PowerPoint Tool
To help you create this outline, we have created a Microsoft PowerPoint template which is available on the accompanying CD (pers_outliner.ppt). The PowerPoint tool is a sevenslide file that you can use for the Case Document.. Use it to build an outline for your project proposal. Why PowerPoint? The constraints of the PowerPoint format force the writer to focus on being concise and brief. While this outline is not meant to be presented as is, the PowerPoint format lets you think in terms of the presentation value of your idea. Use the screen preview mode of PowerPoint to review your outline. Have somebody else in your department look at it. Does the language sell the idea well? Go back and revise the slides if they appear too wordy or unfocused. If you do have to present your plan, you should be able to import selected slides directly into your presentation. H I
Page 79

The goal of this project is to . . .




The Title of Your Project


















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2.2 Getting It In Writing

Key Section Take-Away
U The necessity to put your thoughts and desires into written words is an unavoidable part of being a manager. Being good at grammar and punctuation, while very important, are only part of being able to do good business writing. Use inverse pyramid style: Succint writing gets to the point right away. With few exceptions, your written messages should start with the conclusion and follow with the justification. In this section, we will discuss inverse pyramid and offer tips and templates to make your written communications sing. H O G R


Like it or not, putting your ideas into writing is an inescapable part of being an IT manager. Through letters, memos, and reports you will communicate up and down the line as well as to other managers. Use the inverted pyramid approach to give your writing punch. What is Inverted Pyramid? • The facts that best support your argument, or illuminate your idea, are like the wide base of a pyramid. As you go down the pyramid the facts are narrower and support less. • In telling the story, you begin with the base and work your way to the less important stuff. So the bottom of the pyramid is the top of the story (thus the pyramid is inverted).









Most Important Information
Secondary Information
Tertiary Information
Least Important Information








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Consider the following answers to the question “How was the drive home?” 1. 2. “I saw a car accident. I’m not sure if anybody was hurt. It happened close to 3rd and Main. There was this yellow car . . .” “Well, I walked out into the parking lot and it was pretty hot, so I took my jacket off. I got in the car and buckled up the seatbelt because safety is important. I pulled out of the parking lot onto Main. About a block along the way this yellow car passed me . . .”

Which answer was more interesting and engaging? Story number 2 is a chronological narrative. Story 1 is a dramatic narrative told in inverse pyramid order. It starts with the most important thing with each successive bit of information progressively less relevant. Story 1 might end with “It made me glad I wore my seatbelt.” Journalists are the traditional users of the inverted pyramid (“There was a car accident at 3rd and Main yesterday.”). It is also fundamental to writing content for the Web. Your regular business communication can also benefit from this approach. In this section there are templates for letters, memos, and short business reports. Each has details on how to write to that specific format. For all three, however, start by doing the following: 1. Write out all the things you need to say in point form. Some prefer to do this in long hand, but an outline mode in a word processor also works. Read over your points. Make sure every point is clear and germane to an overall conclusion. Cross out the ones that are not.

3. Organize your points from the most important to the least important. 4. 5. Write A Conclusion in a sentence or two that clearly and directly sums up your points.

Start with your conclusion in composing your letter, memo, or report. • In a memo or letter, the conclusion should be the first paragraph of the main body of the document. • In a report, your conclusion statement should be part of an abstract or executive summary at the top of the document.


Use your points to support your conclusion, beginning with the most important.

Page 81


Caveat: While starting with a clear statement of the point will sharpen most business writing, there are some particular areas where being circumspect may work better. Example: In delivering bad news you may want to soften the blow by stating the reasons for a decision first.












For more on how you can apply these practices, see the following: Letter Template on page 85. Short Business Report template on page 86. Memo Template on page 84.












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Power Tip: If you are having a hard time stating your conclusion first, write your piece as a regular pyramid. Build to your conclusion and write it last. Then, using your word processor, move the last paragraph to the beginning. P State you conclusion first is the kind of golden rule that you should print in big letters and tape to your computer monitor. Use the inverted pyramid to sharpen the focus of your writing.



Tips for Business Writing
You’re going to be presenting a new alternative to one of your department’s most pressing security needs. You would like to put together a brief communications letter to give senior management an outline of what will be covered. Ask Yourself This:





When you sit down to write a memo, do the words come too slowly? As you flesh out the first draft of a report, do you continually backtrack to fix grammatical or spelling mistakes? Does your search for better phrasing stop your thinking in its tracks? Writing that never gains momentum and lacks clarity is a common, frustrating problem that, more often than not, wastes large amounts of senior management’s time. Use this writing solution to help you capture your ideas in written form and polish your words. 1. Write to Capture Ideas: • Speed Draft: Allow yourself only twenty minutes in order to put your ideas down in a two-page memo. Time yourself and remember that you just want to blurt out ideas. • Highlight and Move On: Highlight problems with what you are writing, but don’t attempt to fix them. Simply take note. If you can’t think of a word as you are writing, simply use “XXX” or use a word similar in meaning and underline it. • Know Your Purpose: Don’t try to fix your writing at this stage; your goal is to keep the creative juices flowing. • Turn Off Features that Slow Down the Production Process: Turn off your spell-checker and grammar-checker. You’ll have to turn them back on later, but it’s quicker, easier, and more productive to change dozens of misspellings at once than to continually interrupt yourself while composing. 2. Revise for Grammar and Formatting: • Use the Computer Critic: After completing your draft copy, turn the spelling and grammar checkers back on. Be sure to search for mistakes. Too often when ‘revising’ a document, you just scan through it instead of scrutinizing it.
















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• Change Your Interaction with the Document: Print out the document and edit it using pen and paper - you’re much more likely to catch errors. Studies show that even simple tricks like changing the font on the screen will help you find more errors. • Read It Aloud: The best way to catch language errors in a document is to read it aloud. As you do so, you may stumble during certain passages - that’s a red flag indicating a need to rewrite. Most people tend to write with a concern for language and grammar that often kills your ideas and creative flow. When writing corporate memos, start by “killing the editor.” Remember that capturing your ideas and polishing your words are two separate tasks.

Tips For Writing E-mail
Creating high-quality e-mail communications makes it easier for others to read and understand your message. The ability to write effective email may seem like a small skill, but it is nonetheless a critical one for your career. Focus on and implement the following key elements of good e-mail with your staff and the rest of your organization. 1. Enter the E-mail Address Last: Enter the recipient’s e-mail address only after you’ve finished drafting your message. It’s too easy to hit “Send” prematurely. Avoid the embarrassment. Watch the Timestamp: Ensure your computer and e-mail server are set to the right date and time. Otherwise, your message could get lost in the recipient’s inbox.
Due to the instant nature of the medium, e-mail imposes its own set of rules on the writer. Use the E-Mail Best Practices on page 87 to make your e-messages as clear and meaningful as possible.



Use Your Work Address: Send all professional e-mail messages from your work email address, not a personal account. A Hotmail address may not be recognized as work-related. Also (believe it or not) your e-mail address serves as a “status cue,” and your relative importance may be judged on the basis of this alone.

4. Check the Details: Treat your e-mail as you would a hardcopy business document. Proofread! The truth is that if you write intelligently, people are more likely to think that you are intelligent - it’s simple human nature. Don’t sell yourself short - make sure you get heard when you have something to say.

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2.2a Memo Template
TO: (Make sure to include the complete name and title of recipient(s). If the memo is to several people, list them alphabetically. You might also list names by seniority in the company hierarchy if the memo is going upstairs. For a broadcast memo, list the formal name of a department or work group. Example: All Staff, Department of Information Technology Services.) FROM: (Your name and job title) DATE: (Date)





SUBJECT: (Make your subject line informative and concise. Say what the memo is about. For example, “Early closing on Friday – 3 p.m.” will get attention better than “Friday closing time.” Make the subject line bold so it stands out like a headline.) The first paragraph should clearly state the purpose of the memo and what actions you are specifically requesting. In essence, you begin with the conclusion. State the purpose of the memo, the context, and any tasks or other requirements of the reader right up front. Interim paragraphs are for discussion. Talk about your reasons beginning with the most important reasons. Picture yourself explaining a difficult decision to a colleague over the phone. Be careful not to ramble or be too chatty – Be precise about your reasons. Use positive language. If your reasoning is complex, use bullets points or subheadings to break out individual segments of the argument. Final paragraph is a summary of action. Summarize the key points and state what you need the reader to do. Be courteous and invite feedback (example: “If you have any questions, please email me at” or “I’d be happy to discuss this proposal further with you at our meeting Friday.”)











Attachments: If you have additional documentation to support your memo, list them at the end of the document and attach them. Exceptions to this Structure In the case of delivering bad news, or when the reader has little or no knowledge of the context of the memo, it may be better to begin with your discussion/rationale and work up to a conclusion. However, use this approach sparingly. It could insult the intelligence of the reader. In the case of an announcement of a layoff, for example, getting to the point may be appreciated over lengthy qualification. If you feel the urge to bury the conclusion, ask yourself:






Am I being diplomatic, or just obfuscating? I Who am I trying to protect here?

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2.2b Letter Writing Best Practices
O Insert Date Recipient’s Name Recipient’s Title Recipient’s Street Address City, State(Province) Dear (Address the reader by name), In you’re opening paragraph, get right to the point in the first sentence. State why you are writing this letter and what you would like the reader to do. Be pleasant and business-like in tone (even if the letter is on a negative subject). Bottom line is that you want this letter to be read. In the body of the letter strive to be concise and clear. Avoid passive phrasing such as “a decision has been reached”. Instead say “I have decided” or the “The committee has agreed to”. Passive phrases will often start with “a, the, or it has”. Whenever you can, use pronouns such as I, we, and you. If you are making an argument in your letter, keep your sentences short. Express one idea per paragraph. When you re-read the document cut any phrases or sentences that don’t directly contribute to making your case. Close your letter with a call to action. What do you want the reader to do. If you are proposing an action on your part, ask the reader to do something to demonstrate that he/she understands, and in the case of a superior, approves of what you are going to do. R I
Page 85

Your printed name Your full job title.





[Your signature]


A simple “Sincerely” is usually appropriate.















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2.2c Short Report Template
A short report has two main parts: an executive summary and the report proper. The report proper includes an introduction, a main body of discussion, and a conclusion. Do not, however, use subheadings such as “Introduction”. [Title]




[Author] Rationale/Background: If this report is in response to a formal request from a superior or a committee, quote the request here. If this report is mandated by a policy, quote the policy mandate in this space. Executive Summary: This should be a short (one paragraph no more than a page long) and precise statement of the main conclusion and recommendation of your report. It should mention the most important supporting evidence. Use inverse pyramid style to state your conclusion up front, your main reasons, and the actions you are calling for. Introduction: Identify the purpose for your writing of this report. What is the problem/issue that you are dealing with by writing this report? Repeat from the executive summary, in a single sentence, the conclusion toward which your argument will build. Main Body: The main body is where you make your case. Use the material from your case document to lay out the important facts, the alternatives, and the costs and benefits. Use concise language. If you are presenting a series of facts, break them out into bulleted or numbered lists. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and state your conclusion. Outline an action plan. In addition to stating the conclusion to your arguments, the conclusion should answer the important question ‘what happens next’. Your action plan should include the actions that you would like the reader to take.












Additional Notes: T -

• Carefully read over your report. Check spelling and grammar. O • Have a colleague give it a once over as well. A second set of eyes will often spot additional errors. • Write a second draft. Pay special attention to wordiness and use of pretentious language. For every sentence ask yourself, “Could I say this in fewer words and/or in simpler terms?” • Use a familiar font (such as Times New Roman) printed on white paper. Use liberal spacing between paragraphs and wide margins. Keep it plain and simple. Colored paper, “fancy” type, and a cluttered design will only distract the reader.
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Length: The more brief the e-mail, the more likely it will be read in full. • Stick to one screen (i.e. 25 lines, or 250 words). If you need more space, e-mail may not be the right medium – consider phone, fax, or snail mail instead. • If you absolutely must send a longer e-mail, add the word “Long” to the subject line so that your reader is prepared, or include the bulk of your content in an attachment. Content: Your ultimate goal is to ensure your content is read and understood. • If the recipient doesn’t know you, include your name, occupation, and employer. • Focus on one subject per e-mail. Send several messages if you have multiple topics to cover. • Get to your point by the second sentence. • Use absolute dates and times (e.g. “Monday, December 5 at 2:00” instead of “this afternoon”). If communicating between time zones, set a reference. • If you’re including a URL, type it out in full (i.e. http://…). A URL is also more valuable and bandwidth-friendly than sending a copy of the Web page. • Sign your e-mail and include a signature file with your contact information. With so many viruses, signing assures your recipient that the message is from you. Attachments: Attachments, while a valuable tool, could cause problems at the recipient’s end due to viruses, download time, or poor translation. Use them judiciously. • Only send attachments when absolutely necessary and with the permission of the recipient (especially if the attachment is over 50K). • If you have multiple attachments, send each in a separate message with an appropriate subject line to make them easier for the recipient to track and retrieve. Format: The format or layout of your e-mail serves to maximize readability. • Use numbers and bullets to recap or list agenda and action items. • Write a series of brief paragraphs, and always insert a line between them. S I N F O T E
Page 87











• Avoid exclamation marks and words like “Urgent.” They quickly lose their effect.


• Write “information-rich” subject lines. Say exactly what the e-mail is about.


Subject Line: A poor subject line could cause your e-mail to be dumped in the trash.



2.2d E-Mail Best Practices

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• Avoid all-caps – it comes across as shouting. If you need emphasis, put asterisks on either end of the word or phrase. Conversely, avoid typing in all lower-case. Style: Style is the hardest element to master. Too rigid, and you could come off as humorless and intimidating. Too casual, and you may be dismissed as someone not to be taken seriously. • Know your audience. This will dictate the level of formality required. A “business casual” tone will suit most occasions. Think “khakis and a golf shirt.” • Avoid acronyms like TIA (thanks in advance) or BTW (by the way). A lot of people will have no idea what these mean. • Avoid making jokes – they often misfire. Responding: E-mail communication is a two-way street. Responding to e-mail in a professional manner is just as important as being a good e-mail writer. • Don’t reply unless it is required in some way. Don’t spam the sender’s inbox. • Respond to e-mail messages promptly. If you need more time, send a brief acknowledgement telling the sender when you’ll respond in full. • Always refer back to the content in the sender’s original e-mail. Quote them. • Consider “interweaving” your response within the sender’s original text, especially if they want feedback on multiple issues. This makes it clear what item you are addressing in your response. H I N F O T E C H R E S E A R C P G R O U

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2.3 Speaking Your Mind
Key Section Take-Aways
Some managers have a reputation for being “good on their feet”. This means that in meetings, and in speaking engagements, they never appear to awkwardly search for a word and their verbal communication is concise and to the point. Yet they deliver those communications in a relaxed manner, as if it is all coming off the cuff. While there are a few natural verbal communcators out there, most of the “good on their feet” types only appear to be effortlessly puting their thoughts into words. What you don’t see is extensive preparation work they do. Napolean Bonaparte appeared to be a naturally brilliant tactician, but many did not see the meticulous reconointering and planning he did before his battles. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. There is no such thing as a casual meeting or speech. Always have a plan. This section will show you how. O I • Involved in the discussion. • Brief, relevant, focused and courteous in your interventions. N F • Attentive to the discussion so that your contribution does not repeat someone else's. O T E C • Well prepared and briefed on your contribution. H R E S E A R C “Deadly meetings” - open-ended gabfests that take too long and leave participants’ heads spinning - are usually the results of either a) a lack of an agenda or b) a meeting leader who loses focus on the agenda. • Always distribute your agenda in advance to those attending the meeting. Participants should know well in advance what is to be discussed so they can be prepared to contribute. They should also be invited to add or modify agenda items that pertain to them. • Specify who will be speaking to what issue, as well as how long each issue will be discussed. Your job, as meeting chair, is to act as a facilitator and officiator. Make sure everybody has his or her say, but keep to the schedule. • If you wear a watch, take it off and put it on the table in front of you. This helps you keep an eye on the time while signaling the importance of staying on track to the other participants. H G R U P

Attending Meetings

When you attend a meeting, ensure that you do not waste other people's • Always include a “summing up” section at the end of your time. To this end, you should be: agenda. Briefly review what has been discussed and what actions have been assigned. End on a positive • On time, and present only if note. needed.

Meetings have a bad reputation for being ineffective and a waste of time. They don’t have to be if you follow these four simple guidelines: • Don’t call a meeting to ask your staff ’s opinion if the decision has already been made: If their recommendation is different from what is going to happen, they will feel more resentment and anger than if they had never been asked in the first place. If you want to announce a decision, send a memo. Meetings should be dialogues. If they turn into monologues, eyes will quickly glaze over.
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• Head off Interruptions: Be sure that the room will be free for the duration of the meeting. If there is a phone in the meeting room, it should be unplugged or messages should be forwarded. P • Do the Brainstorming First: Don’t use meeting time for brainstorming. Brainstorm before the meeting via e-mail in order to develop approaches to the issue at hand. • Establish a Clear Time Frame—and Keep It Short: Meetings show diminishing returns after the first half hour. Establish a clear time frame for the meeting and to encourage quick decisions, meet in a room without chairs. You must realize that the meetings you attend have a clear cost- the opportunity costs involved with your time and the time of the other attendees. You should determine whether the benefits of the meeting exceed the time invested in both the meeting and the preparation required for it to have taken place. Ask yourself whether what you took away was worth the cost of attending the meeting. 1. C R Hold Meetings Only When Trigger Events Occur: • The Problem: Regular meetings are often little more than a security blanket, where the presenter is communicating in order to achieve buy-in and other viable ideas. Time is routinely made available for discussion, and the discussion will fill the time, whether this is cost-effective or not. • The Solution: In many cases it is much more effective to agree to hold meetings only when specific trigger events show them to be necessary. As an example, a manager may propose a meeting when he is about to encounter resource difficulties and needs to discuss a contingency plan. By scheduling meetings to occur only for trigger events, you can ensure that time is invested in the solution of a problem only when it is needed. 2. H Use the Agenda Effectively • The agenda of the meeting shows the aim of the meeting, and the points for discussion in a prioritized order. Do a To-Do list for the meeting. • Allot specific time periods to each agenda item, and remind participants of these throughout the meeting. • Using an agenda helps to focus the meeting and stops it from drifting off-topic. If you circulate the agenda far in advance, it allows people to prepare fully so that the meeting does not stall for lack of information. • Where many people are to attend the meeting, it may be beneficial for a small expert subcommittee to meet and prepare the agenda.
Always have an agenda prepared for a meeting. The agenda provides focus and will keep the discussion from wandering off topic. Use the Agenda Template on page 98 as the basis for your meeting agendas


















Additional Useful Techniques: Using these techniques can also improve the overall effectiveness of a meeting.


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• Always Minimize: You should only bring the minimum number of attendees to a meeting. More people necessarily mean that more views will be expressed, taking up time. • Previous Decisions: Ensure that decisions taken at previous meetings have been acted on. This ensures that the meeting will not just be seen as a ‘talking shop’. • Summarize Points: At the end of the meeting, summarize the points discussed, and make an action plan out of the decisions taken. This ensures that everyone understands what has been decided, and who will do what. • Stop as Stated: Stop the meeting on time, even if every agenda item was not covered completely. This emphasizes the need to use meeting time efficiently. • Controlled Breaks: If breaks are given, state a precise time for participants to return. Start the meeting again at this time, even if everyone has not returned. • Curb Discussion: If discussions get long, remind participants of the time remaining and the number of agenda items left. • Record Minutes: Decisions and assignments made during a meeting are usually critical for success, yet they can be easily forgotten. It’s important for a designated ‘recorder’ to document key events, allowing others to listen attentively and participate actively throughout the meeting. P I N F O T E C H R E An in-person meeting is preferred by many simply because it is the one type people are most comfortable with. However, with a little forethought and planning, alternative methods can be just as effective in achieving a meeting’s goals. Agenda: First of all, the type of meeting you choose will depend largely on the objectives and purpose of the meeting itself. • Disseminating information: This is a meeting where a manager or executive delivers a message of relative importance to a large group. Progress reports, new policy enactments, or mass layoffs would be typical examples. • Gathering information: This type of meeting generally involves the free exchange of information, as requested by each party involved. A weekly or monthly manager’s meeting is an example, where each team leader gives a status report of his or her department. • Brainstorming: Here the presentation of ideas, not facts, is absolutely mandatory. Brainstorming sessions necessitate a broad spectrum of attendees, but not so many as to lose solid ideas in the creative flood. • Problem solving: This comes after brainstorming because brainstorming should only be used to identify potential solutions, not definitive answers. Problem-solving meetings are meant to utilize the accumulated knowledge and experience of your esteemed colleagues in order to find the best solution to a problem.
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Explore Alternatives to Face-to-Face Meetings











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Once you have identified the purpose of your meeting, it is time to select how, and in what medium, it will be conducted. • Web meeting: This type of technology can be a powerful tool for information exchange provided that each participant is thoroughly prepared and comfortable with the format. • When: Brainstorming with remote users, or when anonymity is desired. • Why: Provides low-cost real-time interaction at a distance. • Conference calls: Conference calls are popular due to their accessibility, but they need to be facilitated with a high degree of care. . • When: Gathering information from individuals in separate locales. H • Why: People are very comfortable using phones. • Video conferencing: VC is one of the most expensive methods due to the high costs of the equipment, and should only be used when all participants have reasonable access. • When: Problem solving and gathering information, especially where graphicintense presentations are concerned. • Why: Visually powerful, body language is also a communication method. • Face-to-face: The meeting types listed above are meant to augment or support faceto-face meetings, not replace them entirely. • When: Problem solving, relaying confidential one-on-one information, or simply when no other format will do. • Why: In-person meetings are fundamental to business processes and employee relations. They will always be necessary. Tip: E-mail is the most basic and non-confrontational kind of meeting and will garner results if properly done. E-mail is best for disseminating information where minimal feedback is required, and it doesn’t book everyone’s time. See the E-Mail Communications Best Practices tool to get you started. The success or failure of a meeting is directly proportionate to the method in which it was carried out. People will most likely opt for a face-to-face gathering given the choice, but this is not always an option. P F O T E C H R E S E A R C G R O U

How To Hold A Stellar Off-Site Meeting
Off-site meetings are valuable for brainstorming new ideas, realigning with business strategy, and building teamwork. However, many off-sites are seen by participants as a waste of valuable time. Here is how to create an off-site event that is exciting, energizing, and memorable.



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On-Site Versus Off-Site: • On-Site Benefits: Low cost; familiar business facilities are close by. • Off-Site Benefits: Reduce distractions; promote “big picture” issues. Ask yourself what was involved in the best meeting you ever attended. With these factors in mind, use the following tips to help you plan your event. • Set Strategic Goals: You need to set a tangible outcome for your event well before you start planning the details. Answer the following questions and build in quantifiable goals: Is an off-site necessary in the first place? H I
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What problem is this event meant to solve? Need for innovation? Realignment? What do you measure to decide if the event was a success? • Involve the Right Participants: Attendees should be from all walks of corporate life, especially those from the front lines since they’re the ones who do the hands-on work. If the off-site is for your department, invite individuals outside your department, your company, and even your industry to help bring in fresh perspectives. Keep executives out of the limelight - it isn’t a boardroom presentation. • New Idea: Consider asking employees to fill out an application in order to attend your off-site event. Have applicants tell you why they want to attend and what they’ll do with what they learn. • Pick the Right Location: Physical surroundings can have a big impact on frame of mind and energy levels. If you want creativity, pick a creative location, not a hotel conference room. Your location should match the theme of your event - only decide on a location after you’ve defined the nature of your event. • Get a Professional Facilitator: Facilitators not only help design your event and keep it focused, but they also bring a sharp and unbiased ear to any discussions. • Team-Building Alone Is Not Enough: An event focused exclusively on team building is a waste of your people’s time, and they will resent you for it. In most cases, all team-building gains are quickly forgotten upon return to the office. Team building and motivation is an ongoing process (see “Building Your Team” above). • Follow Up: Immediately after your event, you need to put it back into context and integrate the results into the day-to-day experience of the company. There are two things that you must do: 1. Circulate copies of all action plans decided upon at the event to all participants. 2. Distribute a feedback questionnaire to gather ideas for further improvement.





















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Mastering the Art of Conference Calling
Despite the increasing availability of videoconferencing and Web-casting technologies, the good old telephone conference call is still the preferred way for many companies to bring long-distance colleagues together due to its simplicity, accessibility, and low cost. Get more out of your conference calls with these tips: 1. H It’s Still a Meeting: Assign a leader. Always create, distribute, and follow an agenda. Keep it Down: Find a location that cuts out extraneous noise, and avoid eating, typing, and rustling papers. Be sure to turn off cell phones and pagers. Specify: Eye contact isn’t an option. If you want a specific person to address a comment or question, say so. If you’re looking for general comments, ask people to respond in sequence to avoid a free-for-all. Always identify yourself before you speak, even if you think that everyone should recognize your voice. Exercise Restraint: Don’t cut anyone off. Beyond being a point of courtesy, some conference bridges or speakerphones only allow one person to talk at a time. Distribute Visuals in Advance: This helps keep the call interesting and ensures that all participants have access to the same information. Tape the Call: Those who can’t participate in real time can still get the information.

The Perfect Voice Mail
“Um uh . . . hi, this is . . . uh . . . Bob in IT? Umm . . . “ We all hate long and awkward voice mail messages. Don’t let it happen to you. Your professionalism and authority are reflected in the kinds of messages you leave. Consider this checklist before you make your next telephone calls. • Be Brief and Concise: It might help to have your key points written down in front of you before you pick up the phone. This will help even if you actually speak to a human. Don’t try to “do it all” in the message - your main objective is to get a return call. Be Specific. You are more likely to get a call back in response to a specific question. “I need to know how much we spent on surge protectors last year” is more likely to get a response than “I want to talk about our capital budget”. Go Slow with the Return Number. Drop your talking speed down a notch when giving number. Speak slowly and clearly, and repeat the number. Give Your E-mail Address. Some people are phone centric while others are Netcentric. The Net centric ones will be more likely to e-mail a reply than to pick up the phone and call you back.















4. H



6. O 7.

Voice mail can be a pain. Still, solid professional communication is important, whether it be on the phone or in person. Use these tips for your own calls and draft a brief memo encouraging everybody in your department to use them also.





Limit the Size: Conference calls are most manageable with three to six people. Keep a list of everyone’s name in front of you so that no one gets left out.

Public Speaking
Being the IT manager often means that you are the technical point person for the organization. While you may well prefer burying your head in code or networking hardware, you are


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going to have to stand up and explain things, often to a non-technical audience. What follows is the basics for being a better speaker and presenter. Great speeches are written, but not always read. You need to invest time first on writing a speech that best conveys your key points and, second, on a method of delivery that is natural, relaxed and makes contact with the audience. Follow these steps to first write your speech and then deliver it to an audience. 1. Writing Your Speech: • Write the key points you want to talk about in bullet point form. Use a word processor so that you can re-order you points as the speech takes shape. • Talk through your points (i.e. read them out loud). Flesh out each point, adding as much concise detail in writing as you will need to explain it orally. Add additional points if something does not come out clearly when you speak it aloud. • Add personal anecdotes and stories. If you can illustrate an important point with a story then do so. Again, write down as much detail as you think you will need to convey the story. In front of an audience, you could blank out even on an old familiar tale. • Write the bookends. Order your points and write down your introductory and closing remarks. Use the “10 O’clock News” approach: This is what I am going to say. This is what you need to know. This is what I just said. The first and last points are your introduction and conclusion. If possible, make your conclusion upbeat. Sum up your points as part of a positive, forward-looking statement. 2. Prepping for Delivery: • Format your notes for printing. Your written speaker’s notes should be printed in bullet format, in large readable text, with plenty of white space between points. If possible, print your speech on index cards, one per card. • Practice, practice, practice. Don’t just read your notes to yourself, practice your speech out loud. Read to the mirror. Ask family members or friends to be a test audience. • Time your speech. Make sure your remarks are an appropriate length for your allotted time. R
We’ve saved you the trouble of formating your speakers notes by creating a Speaker’s Notes Template. See an image of the template on page 99 and download it from the CD.
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3. Delivering Your Speech: • Talk to the audience. Your speaking notes are a backup, meant for quick reference to keep you on track. If you have invested appropriate time in steps 1 and 2, you should be able to talk to your audience with only occasional glances at your notes. • Take your time. This is not an auction. Speak in a clear, measured voice. Stand straight and relaxed. Keep in mind that you have been asked to speak - the audience wants you to succeed. • What About Visuals? Visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides, can enhance your message, but they are a support mechanism. Focus on your words first. A speaker who just reads his or her notes is boring. A speaker who just reads his or her PowerPoint is worse. (See Tips for Building Blockbuster Presentations below). As the person charged with establishing the tech vision and actions for your organization, you are going to be asked to stand up and explain yourself to a group of people.






Tips For Building Blockbuster Presentations
With Microsoft PowerPoint, a laptop computer, and an LCD projector anybody can put together an effective presentation. When the CEO invites you to make a presentation to the senior management group, you need to knock, not bore, their socks off. Here are some tips to help make your presentations sing. Organize Your Information. You should be able to state the goal of your presentation in fifteen words or less. Consider not only the information you must present, but also the questions that you are likely to be asked. Presentation technology won’t save poorly organized material. • Use Slides to Hammer Home Key Points: The most boring presentations feature a speaker reading the content of his or her own slides to the audience. Speak to the audience and have the slides support, not repeat, your words. • Balance Words With Images. Wordy slides are dull and distracting. Use short bulleted information nuggets complemented by photos and graphics. Limit yourself to 20 words per slide. For stock images, check out Make Effective Use of Sound. Judiciously adding sound clips to your presentation can really enhance a message or add a touch of humor. A short audio testimonial by a customer/client can be very effective. The Daily.Wav Web site ( is an excellent source of free sound clips. •







A Guide to Killer Boardroom Presentations
Giving a presentation on the best of days is a nerve-wracking experience, but confronting a team of cynical executives is the ultimate presentation stress test. Use these tips to help you master the art of boardroom presentations. 1. Presentation Best Practices:





• Plan Your Time: Allot one minute per slide, and two minutes for those with graphs, charts, or tables that require explanation. When planning your presentation, follow this time management rule of thumb: • To decide on the total number of slides you should have, take the total time allowed, subtract 10% of that time, and round down to the nearest five. • For example, you have 30 minutes to present. Subtract three (10%) from 30 to get 27, and round down to 25. This means that you should have no more than 25 slides for a 30-minute presentation. 2. Maintain Readability: Projections aren’t as clear as on- screen visuals.








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• Use Arial or Times New Roman fonts only and a minimum 18-point size. • Master the 5x5 rule - no more than five lines per slide and five words per line. • Stay within your presentation software’s default title and text blocks. 3. Don’t Use Technology Just Because You Can: Technology cannot replace creativity. Other media – such as handouts – are sometimes more appropriate, especially for detailed or complex visuals. If you do present an electronic slide show, always have print copies of it available (note: conserve paper by printing multiple slides per page). 4. Bring Two of Everything: Assume that your technology will fail. Double, or triple, up. For starters, bring an extra laptop, modem, cables, and backup copies of your presentation saved to CD-ROM or Zip drive (floppies are not reliable enough). 5. Avoid Real-Time Visits to the Internet: The risk of technology failure is too high. Instead, store a copy of the site on your hard drive and use your browser to open the file. 6. Hone Your Style: The only way to improve is to practice, practice, practice. • Focus on perfecting the first 30 seconds and last 15 seconds of your presentation. These moments are where lasting impressions are made. • Practice holding eye contact with individual audience members for upward of five seconds. Quick left to right scanning of the audience is less likely to engage them. • Finish early. Be brief and candid. This shows respect for your audience’s time. P I
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2.3a Agenda Template
Sticking to a set agenda for a meeting may seem “bureaucratic” and antithetical to an open exchange of ideas. In fact, the opposite is true - any meeting more formal than a quick announcement or coffee break discussion should have an agenda.




Start Time: End Time:
(Be specific about the length of your meeting. Either state start and end times or a start time and length as in ”Start: 10 a.m. Length: 1 hour”)




Please Read: (List any items that participants should read before attending the meeting. If there is a specific report that requires comment, you can attach the report to the agenda if it has not been circulated previously.) Please Bring: (It may seem like stating the obvious, but if you are going to be discussing a particular document, remind everyone to bring it. This point, and the one above, serve as gentle reminders to all participants to come prepared.)





Person Topic
Opening Remarks (Always start with a brief review of why the meeting is being held. Review past meetings, if applicable, and state what this meeting is supposed to accomplish.)

5 minutes







Report 1. (In addition to a title, include some detail about what each speaker will be addressing. Make sure each speaker has ample opportunity to review/update the agenda in advance.)

Estimated time




Report 2 (Act as judge and referee for each report, encouraging questions and keeping the discussion going .Try to have each report and discussion end with a “next step” commitment.)

Estimated time



Ten Minute Brainstorm: Topic (If you or a member of your team has a problem or issue on which they would like general feedback, pitch it as a “ten minute brainstorm”. Make sure everybody knows the topic in advance and make sure to hold to a strict time frame. Sum Up/Actions (Your opening remarks and closing remarks should bookend the meeting. Focus on the commitments and actions coming out of the meeting. Always try to end on a positive, upbeat, note.)

10 minutes




10 minutes

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2.3b Speaker’s Notes Template
Your written speaker’s notes should be printed in bullet format, in large readable text, with plenty of white space between points. If possible, print your speech on index cards, one idea per card. A speaker’s notes Microsoft Word file, formatted as appears below, is included in the accompanying CD. O I
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