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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division First Semester 2010-2011 Course Handout Course Number Course Title : TA ZC142 : Computer Programming

Course Description Elementary computer organization; introduction to Number Systems; Representation of integers; real numbers and characters on computers; concept of range and accuracy Arithmetic Overflow; Algorithms and algorithm development; Structured program development through stepwise refinement. Introduction to C language; Functions; Recursion; Data Structure and algorithms; File management and file handling; Problem solving using C. Scope of the course This course uses a bottoms approach to teach a beginner what a computer is and how it can be programmed. The course starts with basic building blocks required to understand the structure of a computer: numbers, bits, structures to implement operations on numbers and structures to control the execution of commands by a computer. The course concludes with the introduction of programming as a framework for problemsolving, program constructs as tools for problem solving and programming techniques as strategies for problem solving. Objectives of the course • • • • To understand the logical structure of a digital computer. To understand the concept of an instruction and the concept of programming using instructions. To understand problem solving using computers: arriving at solutions, specifying solutions as algorithms and implementing algorithms as programs. To use programming language (C) as the means of problem solving.

Prescribed Text Book: T1 Yale N. Patt & Sanjay J. Patel, Introduction to Computing System (From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond), Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004

Reference Book(s) R1 R2 R3 E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed., 2007. Kernighan & Ritchie, The C Programming Language, PHI, 2nd Edition, Maureen Sprankle, Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, Pearson, 7th Ed., 2006.

TA ZC142 (Course Handout) PLAN OF SELF-STUDY Week No. 1 2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Topics

First Semester 2010-2011

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Reference to Text book(T1)

Introduction Chapters 1 Bits, Data Types and Operations Chapter 2 Digital Logic Structures Chapter 3 The von Neumann Model Chapter 4 The LC-3 Chapter 5 Programming Chapter 6 Assembly Language Chapter 7 Introduction to Programming in C Chapter 11 Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics covered in week no. 1 to 8 Variables and Operators Chapter 12 Control Structures Chapter 13 Functions Chapter 14 Testing and Debugging Chapter 15 Pointers and Arrays Chapter 16 Recursion Chapter 17 I/O in C Chapter 18 Data Structures Chapter 19 Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book) : All topics given in the plan of study

Evaluation Scheme: EC No. EC-1 EC-2 Evaluation Component & Type of Examination Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book)* Comprehensive Examination (Open Book)* Duration 2 hours 3 hours Weightage 40% 60% Day, Date, Session, Time Sunday, 29/08/2010 (FN)* 10 AM- 12 Noon Sunday. 24/10/2010 (FN)* 9 AM – 12 Noon

* Legend: AN: AfterNoon Session; FN: ForeNoon Session Closed Book Test: No reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall. Open Book Exam: Use of any printed / written reference material (books and notebooks) will be permitted inside the exam hall. Loose sheets of paper will not be permitted. Computers of any kind will not be allowed inside the exam hall. Use of calculators will be allowed in all exams. No exchange of any material will be allowed.

It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as given in the course handout, attend the online/on demand lectures as per details that would be put up in the BITS WILP website and take all the prescribed components of the evaluation such as Mid Semester Test and Comprehensive Examination according to the Evaluation Scheme given in the respective Course Handout. If the student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Examination due to genuine exigencies, the student must refer to the procedure for applying for Make-up Test/Examination, which will be available through the Important Information link on the BITS WILP website on the date of the Regular Test/Examination. The Make-up Tests/Exams will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later.


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