WEB REFERENCES: Organisation Name: Positively Wellington Tourism T ourism Physical Address: Level !" Gr#n$ Plimmer To%er" Gilmer Gilm er Terr#& err#&e e City City, , Post '()) Code: Wellington Postal Address: P O *o+ )( (), Country: Ne% Ze#l#n$ Controller: Positively Wellington
T/e museum o0 %elling %elling to%n %#s r#n5e$ #s one o0 t/e ;( best museums in t/e %orl$ by T/e Times 7<" t/is .o.ul#r Times museum %ill t#5e you b#&5 # t/ous#n$ ye#rs #n$ le#$ you to # vibr#nt .resent $#y $#y Wellington1 E+.lore t/e
A&&essible Wellington
%oility par&ing permits T/ese #re #re issue$ by --8 Dis#bility A&tion to A&tion to .eo.le %/o use # %/eel&/#ir or mobility $evi&e #n$or #re un#ble to %#l5 (( Wellington has a compact, reasonaly !at metres un#i$e$1 city centre and a city council committed to
pro"iding ser"ices and #acilities thatmobility are Permit /ol$ers #re #llo%e$ to .#r5 in $esign#te$ accessile to e"eryone$ %ost attraction attractions s and .#r5ing s.#&es 0or t/e time in$i&#te$ on t/e .#r5ing meter1 pulic uildings can also e easily accessed$ Bor more%oility in0orm#tion" &ont#&t --8 Dis#bility A&tion on >'C C scooters ;'! (((1 Av#il#ble 0rom v#rious &ity lo&#tions" lo&#tions" mobility
Accessile transport s&ooters &#n be boo5e$ boo5e$ by .eo.le #ge$ )!> )!> 0or u. to Bus >'C C !() ,((( or %%%1metlin51org1nF 0our /ours 0ree o0 &/#rge1 &/#rge1 'rain >'C C !() ,((( or %%%1tr#nFmetro1&o1nF T/e Welling s&ooters #r-ombine$ #re e s#0e #n$ to use? to tr#ine$ 'a(is W ellington ton -ombin e$ T#+is Te#sy #+is >'C C !C CCCCst#@ or %ill s/o% you /o%1 T/e s&ooters #re #v#il#ble to 9utt #n$ -ity T#+is >'C C ;,( ((; #nyone Airport shuttle -#n be boo5e$ #/e#$ o0 time %it/ Wellington -o3o.er#tive -o3 o.er#tive 8/uttles >'C C !, !,!, A&&essible A&&essib le .l#&es To T o /el. you get get out #n$ #bout e+.loring e+.loring Wellington" Wellington" %e2ve &re#te$ &re#te$ # bun&/ o0 lists $et#iling #&&essible
Olive is .#rt o0 t/e 0urniture o0 t/e -#.it#l2s most %on$er0ul" in0#mous #n$ *o/emi#n street1 We love t/e #rt" t/e #ttitu$e #n$ t/e mil$ &/#os t/#t m#5es it" #n$ %e2ve trie$ to bring # bit o0 t/#t s.irit insi$e 3 #long %it/ t/e
Olive %#5es e#rly #n$ st#ys u. rig/t t/oug/ $inner" si+ $#ys # %ee51 On 8un$#y %e2re brun&/ing it u. till t/ree1 As %ell #s bre#50#st" lun&/" brun&/ #n$ $inner" you2ll fn$ #n e&le&ti& mi+ o0 es #n$ s#vouries to e#t in or t#5e #%#y" #n$ #n 2#l%#ys3on2 t#.#s menu t/#t2s not #l%#ys 8.#nis/H Our sunny g#r$en is gro%ing to t%i&e t/e siFe to #&&ommo$#te t/e /#..y olive tree %e .l#nte$ #ll t/ose ye#rs #go1 T/e g#r$en %ill #lso s.ort # ne% grill #n$ b#r" more t#bles" mu&/ ni&er &/#irs #n$" to to. it #ll" # s#il to 5ee. t/e %e#t/er out1
Es&#.e to *e#&/ *#bylon �e rest#ur#nt"" your sli&e rest#ur#nt o0 retro be#&/ .#r#$ise1 At *e#&/ *#bylon" %e #re &elebr#ting t/e &om0ort #n$ style o0 &osmo.olit#n 5its&/" #n$ retros.e&tive be#&/ gl#mour1 Our m#ntr# is sim.le gre#t &o@ee" gre#t 0oo$" gre#t servi&e #n$ 0#nt#sti& times" sunrise to sunset1
E+.erien&e our &#su#l3 &ool $ining" lo&#l beers #n$ retro 0on$ue1 It2s your /#rbour 0rom # /e&ti& li0e" your s/elter 0rom # Wellington sout/erly1 Dine outsi$e or in" %it/ 0ree .#r5ing on Wellington2s most be#uti0ul street
#n$ Absolutely -/#r#&terJ 8tunningJ Wort/ # visitJ *e#uti0ul buil$ing" stunning #r&/ite&ture1 A ni&e m#n is
%el&oming you insi$e #n$ e+.l#ins # lot #bout t/e &#t/e$r#l1
'ra"el to Wellington Whether you)re arri"ing y air, train, car or cruising into Wellington By air on oard a #erry harour or cruise ship, you)ll *nd it)s easy to get to Wellington$
Wellington is less t/#n one /our:s Kig/t 0rom Ne% Ze#l#n$2s m#in &ities #n$ Wellington Intern#tion#l Air.ort Air.ort is is #n e#sy ); minute $rive 0rom t/e &ity &entre1 T/ree #irlines #irlines 3 Air Ne% Ze#l#n$"" #nt#s Ze#l#n$ #nt#s #n$ #n$ Virgin Austr#li# 3 Ky $ire&tly 0r#re om.lenti0ul1 Austr#li# #n$ $omesti& servi&es0rom
oppor t uni t yt ovi ew t hese
r ar ebi r ds
api t iI s l andNat ur e T our soffe rhal f day ,f ul l dayand
VERNI GHT Kapi t i I sl and,
s t ay st o
anat ur er eserv ehost i ng s ome meofNe w Zeal and’ s mos tendange r edbi r ds. Ani sl andt ot al l yf r eeofal l i nt r oducedpr edat or s, api t ii shomet or ar e bi r dssuc hasLi t t l e Spot t ed i wi , okako, Saddl ebackandSt i t c hbi r d.
Whe ny o uv i s i t ,y o u' l l hav et heuni que
ee what the animals get up to after the visitors head home. Bed down in either The Archibald, looking over
onkey Island, or in the Living Room with some of cutest creatures.
9ome to Ne% A trip to the is Ze#l#n$2s n#tive a great#n$ da! out. Read tre#sures on to finde+oti& out what en$#ngere$ else the! offer to #nim#ls" you &#n make !our visit even get u. &lose #n$
more special.
.erson#l %it/ %il$li0e #t t/e Zoo
Vi si tWel l i ngt on ZooandKapi t i (( D#niell 8treet" Ne%to%n"
I sl and
Home to over
500 animals animals,,
from the amaing insects, to the onl! bears in "ew #ealand $ the gorgeous A B %ala!an un Bears, as well as lions, tigers, giraffes, Tasmanian &evils, and man! more.
By road
Ne% Ze#l#n$ is t/e i$e#l &ountry to e+.lore by ro#$ #s tr#& is not /e#vy #n$ t/e s&enery is s.e&t#&ul#r1 Wellington is lo&#te$ on Ne% Ze#l#n$2s m#4or /ig/%#ys 3 8t#te 9ig/%#ys ) #n$ 1 I0 you2re loo5ing 0or # rent#l &#r or &#m.erv#n"" t/ere2s .lenty o0 o.tions 0rom &#m.erv#n bu$get to lu+ury1 <ee. #n eye out 0or t/e bro%n ro#$ signs $is.l#ying gr#.es #s you tr#vel #long t/e -l#ss -l#ssi& i& Ne% Ze#l#n$ Wine Tr#il Tr#il11 7se t/is T t/is Time ime #n$ Dist#n&e -#l&ul#t -#l&ul#tor or #s #s # /#n$y tool to /el. .l#n your tri.1
Thevi e wf r om t hel ookout t ake si nt hec i t y' sce nt r al busi nessdi s t r i ct ,Mount Vi ct or i aandoutacr osst he har bourt ot heHut tVal l ey andEas t bour ne
T akear i deont hehi s t or i c Cabl eCar ,o neofWe l l i ng t on' s mostpopul art our i st at t r ac t i ons . Depart i ngev er y10mi nut es , t heshortj our neybegi nson Lambt onQuayi nt hec i t y cent r e,andfini shesi nt he c har mi ngs ubur bofKel bur n. Al ongt hew wa ay ,y ou' l lt r av e l undert hecorpor at et ower sof TheTer r ace,pastKel bur nPar k andVi c t or i aUni v e r s i t yof We l l i ng t on. Emer gi ngatt het op,chec kout t hel ookoutandCabl eCar