comparative study on hospital employees

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Ms.Taranjit a!r Ra"# Ms.S$i%a Ma&i'(

Organization comprises of people, it is their satisfaction which can make or mars the performance of an organization. Employee satisfaction is important in determining how far an organization achieves its goals. Job satisfaction leads to life satisfaction. Job satisfaction is generally regarded as an employee’s attitude toward the job and job situation. pector !"##$% defines job satisfaction simply as &the degree to which people like their jobs.' ome people therefore enjoy work and consider it a central part of their lives while others do so only because they have to. (obbins !)**+% defines job satisfaction as &a collection of feelings that an individual holds towards his or her job.' ,his implies that a person with a high level of job satisfaction will hold positive feelings towards the job and a person who is dissatisfied will hold negative feelings about the job. -ocke !"#$.% as cited by /ooper and -ocke !)***% offers a further definition of job satisfaction as a &pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job e0periences.' Job satisfaction is also defined in terms of e1uity. (obbins et al. !)**2% define job satisfaction as &the difference between the rewards employees receive and the reward they believe they should receive.' ,he higher this discrepancy, the lower will be the job satisfaction. Job dissatisfaction leads to absenteeism, labour turnover and negative publicity of the organization. 3nsatisfied worker can prove to be a liability to any organization and on the other hand happy and satisfied worker is always a productive worker. 4urses contribute very important position in health care sector. 5elping sick people and dealing with medical emergencies can be very stressful. 6atients need )7 hrs care. 4ursing duty is around the clock duty including night shifts. ,hey often work nights, weekends and even on holidays. ,here is a considerable amount of health hazard from disease, infection and radiation. 8 nurse is responsible9along with other health care professionals9for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill or injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life: threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings.

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

4urses may also be involved in medical and nursing research and perform a wide range of non:clinical functions necessary to deliver health care. ,hus, studying job satisfaction among nurses is important because it is necessary to distinguish between positive and negative aspects of job satisfaction. 5ertzberg !"#+#% stated that !positive% satisfaction is due to good e0periences, and that these are due to ?motivators@ i.e. achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. <issatisfaction is due to bad e0periences caused by ?hygiene@ factors i.e. supervisors, fellow workers, company policy, working conditions, and personal life !5ertzberg "#+#%.

,he present set up in government and private hospitals depicts that a massive work load with the greater deal of responsibilities are vested on the working nurses in their day to day activities. ,he role played by the working nurses is so significant in maintaining the basic purpose of the government and private hospitals that the 1uestion of their satisfaction from their job can never be ignored. E0tensive research has been done on role stress among nurses but very few studies have been done on job satisfaction in nurses. o, the present study aims at measuring the level of job satisfaction among the nurses.

6resent study is conducted in /handigarh and Aohali as these areas contains ma0imum government and private medical institutes which caters to the needs of people from north:west region. ,hese hospitals have state:of:art facilities and region is fast developing into a health care hub. 4urses are important constituent of health care industry and their level of job satisfaction is of e0treme importance in delievering proper health care. ,herefore the present study has been conducted in /handigarh and Aohali with the following objectivesB ". ,o compare the level of job satisfaction among nurses in government and private hospitals ). ,o analyse the various factors influencing job satisfaction among nurses. 2. ,o suggest improvements needed to increase their job satisfaction.
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

8 <escriptive study was carried out to have an in depth understanding of the job satisfaction level among nurses. imple random sampling was adopted to select "** nurses of all age group ranging from )) to +C years from the government hospitals and the private hospitals. ,he sample of nurses was selected on the basis of convenient sampling from /handigarh and Aohali. +* nurses are taken as sample from the government hospitals and +* from the private hospitals in order to draw a comparison between the job satisfaction of nurses working in theses two sectors .8 total of $ hospitals from both areas were randomly selected from /handigarh and Aohali. ,he ;overnment hospitals selected are 6ost ;raduate Dnstitute of Aedical Education and (esearch, ector "), /handigarh, ;overnment Aedical /ollege and 5ospital, ector 2), /handigarh, ;overnment Aultispeciality 5ospital, ector "., /handigarh. 8nd the 6rivate hospitals selected are Aukat 5ospital, ector 27, /handigarh, Dnscol 5ospital, ector 27, /handigarh, =ortis 5ospital, phase $, Aohali and DEF 5ospital and cancer research institute, ector $", Aohali.

=or the purpose of the present study, primary data has been used. ,he primary data was obtained through direct communication with the respondents through a structured 1uestionnaire. ,he 1uestionnaire contained both open ended as well as close ended 1uestions. ,he 1uestionnaire containing 1uestions on various dimensions of job satisfaction were distributed. 8ll possible efforts were made to make the nurses feel at ease and respond to the various 1uestions with full concentration. ,he purpose of the study was e0plained to the respondents. ,hey were informed that the results would be kept strictly confidential and efforts were made to get ma0imum co:operation of the nurses.

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

,o analyze the perception of nurses towards their job, the data is analyzed by bringing raw data to measured data, summarizing the data and then applying analytical method to manipulate the data so that their interrelationship and 1uantitative meaning become evident. Other instruments used to analyze and interpret the collected data include pie charts, bar diagrams, tabulation and rank method.

"% ,he views of nurses were obtained from /handigarh and Aohali only. ,hese views may not be attributed to the nurses of the whole country because of economic, social and cultural differences in the attitude and preferences. )% ,he 1uestionnaire method has the limitation of providing the limited information. 2% <ue to constraints of resources, the study is limited to small sample size i.e. only "** nurses.

,his portion e0plains the data collected through the 1uestionnaires. ,he 1uestions which were used in the 1uestionnaire for collecting the data in this conte0t are as followsB #+ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ,ITH PAY SCALE 6ay is the most important factor that leads to job satisfaction. Aajority of nurses from government hospitals are moderately satisfied from their pay scales i.e. +CG. Dn private hospitals also majority of the nurses are moderately satisfied from their pay scales i.e. .*G.

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

atisfaction level with ;overnment 6ay scalesH options. 5ospital 4urses 4o. G Eery much satisfied C ".G Aoderately satisfied )# +C G <issatisfied # "CG 5ighly <issatisfied + "*G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. ) 2* "" $ +*

5ospital G 7G .*G ))G "7G "**G

Gover me t Hos!itals 35 30 Number of nurses 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very much satisfied Moderately satisfied 8 2 29

"rivate Hos!itals



11 5 7


Highly dissatisfied

Satisfaction with pay scale

(+ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ,ITH -UANTUM OF ,OR E0cessive work at work place always acts as a demotivating and dissatisfactory factor. 8mong the +* nurses surveyed from the government hospitals majority of them find the work to be e0cessive for them i.e. +)G. Even in private sector among the +* nurses surveyed most of them feel the
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

work load to be e0cessive for them i.e. .7G. ,hus, nurses from both the sectors have e0cessive work to do.

Iuantum options

workH ;overnment 6rivate 5ospital 4urses 4urses 4o. G 4o. Eery ,a0ing . ")G 7 E0cessive work ). +)G 2) Aoderate work "C 2.G "7 Eery light * *G * ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G +*
Gover me t Hos!ital 35 30 Number of nurses 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very ta%i g &%cessive 'or( Moderate 'or( Quantum of work # $ 0 18 1$ 2# 32 "rivate 'or(


5ospital G CG .7G )CG *G "**G


Very light

.+ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ,ITH ,OR ING HOURS 4urses have to face long working hours in government and private hospitals both but at the same time most of them feel the working hours to be convenient for them. Aost of the government nurses i.e. 7.G say that they
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

Page .

BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

have long but convenient working hours and same is the case with private nurses where most of them i.e. +.G have long but convenient working hours.

>orking options

5oursH ;overnment 5ospital 4urses 4o. G Eery -ong * *G -ong C ".G -ong but /onvenient )2 7.G =le0ible 5ours "# 2CG ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G
Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 30 25 Number of Nurses 20 15 10 5 0 0 0 )o g )o g *ut +o ve ie t Working Hours 8 11 23 28

6rivate 4urses 4o. * "" )C "" +*

5ospital G *G ))G +.G ))G "**G

"rivate Hos!ital -urses

19 11

Very )o g


/+ RELATIONSHIPS ,ITH COLLAEGUES Aost of the ;overnment nurses i.e.7CG have 6rofessional and competitive relationship with their colleagues whereas most of the private nurses i.e.
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

.7G have /ordial but 6rofessional relationship with their colleagues .5ence, nurses from private sector are said to be more satisfied because they have cordial relationships with their colleagues which helps to develop better team work and smooth work environment.

(elationships with ;overnment colleaguesH options 5ospital 4urses 4o. G Eery cordial 2 .G /ordial but )2 7.G 6rofessional 6rofessional and )7 7CG competitive trained * *G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G
Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 32 23 2$ 1$ 3 $ Very cordial +ordial *ut "rofessio al "rofessio al a d com!etitive

6rivate 4urses 4o. 7 2) "7 * +*

5ospital G CG .7G )CG *G "**G

"rivate Hos!ital -urses

Number of Nurses

0 0 .trai ed

Relationships with colleagues

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./






uperior has to be co:operative along with being demanding and professional in order to increase job satisfaction among its employees. Aost of the superiors in government hospital are very cooperative i.e. 2.G. Jut in private hospitals superiors are cooperative but at the same time very demanding i.e. ..G. ,hus, satisfaction among government nurses is more.

Jehaviour of ;overnment uperiorH options 5ospital 4urses 4o. G 8utocratic ) 7G 6rofessional and ". 2) G <emanding /ooperative but "7 )CG demanding Eery /ooperative "C 2.G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. 2 C 22 . +*

5ospital G .G ".G ..G ")G "**G

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 33

"rivate Hos!ital -urses

Number of Nurses

1# 8 2 3 /utocratic

18 1$ #

"rofessio al +oo!erative Very ad *ut coo!erative Dema di g Dema di g Behaviour of Superior


ocial security ;overnment schemeH options 5ospital 4urses 6ension 2+ ;ratuity )" -eave encashment )* /6= . E6= 2 ;6= 2) ;roup insurance "* 8ny other *

6rivate 4urses * . + 2" C * . *


"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

Page "*

BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Gover me t Hos!ital -urses $0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 21 # 0
+" ,

"rivate Hos!ital -urses 32

31 20 5 # 8 3

Number of Nurses

10 0
G" ,

# 0 0

&" ,

Gr at ut ity

ca sh m e

)e av e

Social Security Scheme

2+ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ,ITH SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEMES Aore amounts of social security schemes always lead to increase in level of job satisfaction. Aajority of the government nurses find the social security schemes available to them as moderately ade1uate i.e. 77G but same is not the case with private nurses where majority of them feel social security schemes to be inade1uate i.e. .7G. ,hus, in government nurses the level of satisfaction is more in regard to social security schemes as compared to private nurses where very few nurses are satisfied.

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

Gr ou !



su ra


1t he rs
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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

atisfaction with ;overnment ocial security 5ospital 4urses schemeH options 4o. G 8de1uate "C 2.G Aoderately 8de1uate )) 77G Dnade1uate "* )*G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. + "2 2) +*

5ospital G "*G ).G .7G "**G

Satisfaction with Social Security Scheme
Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 35 Number of Nurses 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 /de2uate Moderately /de2uate Social Security Scheme 0 ade2uate 5 18 13 10 22 "rivate Hos!ital -urses 32

3+ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ,ITH PROMOTION POLICY 4urses are in favour of seniority cum merit type of promotion policy. Aost of the government nurses say that eniority type of promotion policy is followed in their organisation as such majority of the nurses i.e. 7)G are dissatisfied with this type of promotion policy whereas in private hospitals most of the nurses say that eniority cum Aerit type of promotion policy is mostly adopted as such majority of the nurses i.e. 27G are satisfied with the promotion policy. ,hus, nurses from private sector are more satisfied with the promotion policy of their organisation.
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

atisfaction level ;overnment with 6romotion 5ospital 4urses policy options 4o. G 5ighly satisfied ) 7G Aoderately satisfied "# 2CG atisfied C ".G <issatisfied )" 7)G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. # ". "$ C +*

5ospital G "CG 2)G 27G ".G "**G

Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 25 Number of Nurses 20 15 10 5 0 Highly satisfied Moderately satisfied .atisfied 2 9 8 19 1# 17

"rivate Hos!ital -urses 21



Level of satisfaction with Promotion policy

4+ SATISFACTION ,ITH ,OR ING CONDITIONS 8 good, clean working environment is always liked by nurses. Aajority of government nurses’ i.e.+CG are moderately satisfied with the working conditions of their organisations whereas majority of private nurses’ i.e.2CG are satisfied with the working conditions of their organisations because the
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

private hospitals are comparatively newly built as compared to government hospitals. ,hus, private nurses are more satisfied.

atisfaction level with ;overnment working conditions 5ospital 4urses options 4o. G 5ighly satisfied " )G Aoderately satisfied )# +CG 4eutral C ".G atisfied $ "7G <issatisfied + "*G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. . "2 ") "# * +*

5ospital G ")G ).G )7G 2CG *G "**G

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

Page "7

BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 35 30 Number of Nurses 25 20 15 10 5 0 Highly satisfied Moderately satisfied -eutral 1 # 13 8 12

"rivate Hos!ital -urses

29 19


5 0



Level of satisfaction with Working con itions

#5+ AVAILIBILITY OF GRO,TH OPPORTUNITIES ;rowth opportunities are available more in government hospitals thus nurses from this sector are more satisfied.

;rowth opportunities options ,raining (efresher courses eminars >orkshops

;overnment 5ospital 4urses +* ". ". )"

6rivate 4urses +* C . *


"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Gover me t Hos!ital -urses #0 50 Number of Nurses $0 30 20 10 0 3rai i g 4efresher +ourses 1# 8 50 50

"rivate Hos!ital -urses

1# #


0 .emi ars 5or(sho!s

!rowth opportunities

##+ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ,ITH NURSING PROFESSION. 8ll the nurses i.e. "**G from both the sectors are proud of their profession. ,hey think it to be very noble and caring profession.

Options Fes 4o ,O,843( E

;overnment 5ospital 4urses 4o. G +* "**G * *G +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. +* * +*

5ospital G "**G *G "**G

Aore number of government hospital nurses i.e. C)G have job security as such they are more satisfied with their job whereas most of the private
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

hospital nurses i.e. $)G don’t have security with their job as such they seemed to less satisfied.

Options Fes 4o ,O,8- 43( E

;overnment 5ospital 4urses 4o. G 7" C)G # "CG +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. "7 2. +*

5ospital G )CG $)G "**G

Number of !overnment Hospital Nurses who have "ob security#
7es -o



"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Number of Private Hospital Nurses who have "ob security#
7es -o



#1+ INTENTION TO LEAVE THE JOB Aajority of nurses from both government and private hospitals are willing to opt for voluntary retirement scheme due to their family responsibilities. ,hey find difficult to manage their job and family both at the same time.


;overnment 5ospital 4urses 4o. G ,o ettle 8broad "# 2CG On Aedical Jasis + "*G <ue to family )+ +*G (esponsibilities <ue to work sickness " )G ,O,8- 43( E +* "**G

6rivate 4urses 4o. )) + )2 * +*

5ospital G 77G "*G 7.G *G "**G

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

Gover me t Hos!ital -urses 30 Number of Nurses 25 20 15 10 5 0 3o .ettle /*road 1 medical 8asis 5 5 19 22

"rivate Hos!ital -urses 25


1 Due to family 4es!o si*ilities


Due to 'or( .ic( ess

$oluntary Retirement Scheme

,his study was done to know the level of job satisfaction among nurses of government and private hospitals which is affected by many factors both intrinsic and e0trinsic. C"n6&!si"ns ar7 8ra9n "n t$7 :asis "; r7s!&ts ":tain78: • ,here is a significant difference in the level of job satisfaction among nurses in both government and private sector. ,hough nurses of both the sectors are 1uite satisfied from their job but comparatively overall the government nurses are more satisfied with their job as compared to private nurses. • Aost of the nurses from both ;overnment and private hospital are moderately satisfied from their pay scales. • 4urses from both the sectors think they have to do e0cessive work. • 4urses from both government and private hospitals have long but convenient working hours.
"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

• • • •

• • •

atisfaction among private nurses is more with regard to relationships with their colleagues. Aost of government nurses are of the view that their superiors are very cooperative. ;overnment 4urses are more satisfied from the social security schemes available in their organisations. 6rivate hospitals follow seniority cum merit type of promotion policy. 5ence on this account satisfaction in private nurses is more. 6rivate 4urses are more satisfied from the working conditions of their organisation. ;overnment hospitals provide more growth opportunities so nurses in this sector are more satisfied as compared to private nurses. ;overnment nurses are more proud to be associated with their organisation as compared to private nurses. 8ll the nurses from both the sectors are proud of their profession. 8s compared to private nurses’ government nurses is less in number who is willing to shift from their job .,he reason being they are more satisfied. Job security is more in government nurses whereas in private nurses’ job security level is very less this is another factor responsible of less job satisfaction among private nurses. Aost of the nurses from both the sectors are nurses are willing to opt for voluntary retirement scheme due their family responsibilities.

8ccording to the study conducted nurses from both the sectors seemed to be 1uite satisfied from their jobs. 5owever the level of satisfaction is found to be more in case of government nurses as compared to the private nurses but at the same time there are certain factors on which private nurses are more satisfied. Dmproved job satisfaction results in fewer turnovers, better 1uality patient care, less physical and mental injuries to health care staff, and will lead to betterment of entire organisation. ,hus in order to increase the level of job satisfaction among nurses hospital management should keep abreast with up to date technology, rationalize compensation and promotion policy, establish grievance redressal forums and must provide more and more professional growth opportunities.

"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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BIZ n BYTES - a quarterly published Journal of Applied Management !omputer S"ien"e - ISS# #o $%&'( - %)*+, -olume . - January /%./

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"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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"8ssistant 6rofessor, ri ;uru ;obind ingh /ollege, ector )., /handigarh )8ssistant 6rofessor, <ev amaj /ollege =or >omen, ector 7+, /handigarh

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