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Lesson 06
Track 06

Susy: Hey, Bob, how do you like my new shoes?
Bob: They’re beautiful. They make you taller.
Susy: Do you think I’m short? I’m taller than you!
Bob: I know it, I know it... But you’re shorter than my brother.
Susy: Is your brother much older than I am?
Bob: Not very much. He’s just about your age. But he’s the tallest in my
Susy: Is he the oldest too?
Bob: No, we have an older sister.
Susy: I have a sister too, but she’s much younger than me.
Bob: Oh, how old is she?
Susy: She is just one.

1) Introduction
- 1.1 Comparatives: equality, inferiority and superiority;
- 1.2 Superlatives: inferiority and superiority;
- 1.3 Exceptions: Good, bad and far.

2) Practice
1) Look at the picture and answer the questions: (Susy – Miss Perkins – little
child – Bob – Miss Johnson)

E.g.: (toast on the plate)
Is Jim taller than Betty?
YES, Jim is taller than Betty.

a) Is Miss Perkins the oldest of them all?
b) Is Bob younger than the little child?
c) Is Susy younger than Miss Johnson?
d) Is the little child the youngest of them all?
e) Is Bob taller than Miss Johnson?
f) Is Susy shorter than Miss Johnson?

2) Look at the picture again, and answer these questions:
a) Who’s younger, Bob or Miss Johnson?
b) Who’s shorter, Susy or the little child?
c) Who’s taller, Miss Johnson or Susy?
d. Who’s the tallest of them all?

3) Answer the questions according to your personal life:
a) Which is farther, your school / college or your job?
b) Who is older, your sister or you?
c) Who is older, your father or your mother?
d) Who is the best soccer player for you? And the worst?

4) Fill in the blanks with comparative or superlative. Remember: In the
superlative, use the:
a) Canada is (big) _____________________ than the USA but China
is (populous) _______________________ country in the world. | b) We stayed
at (cheap) ____________________ hotel in the town but my cousin’s campsite
was (cheap) ________________________ than our hotel. | c) January is
generally (bad) ________ than December but February is (cold) ____________
month. | d) English is (easy) ________________ than German. | e) Chinese
is (difficult) ______________ language. | f) Heathrow is one of (busy) ________
________ airports in Europe. | g) My father thinks that the Beatles were (good)
___________ than the Rolling Stones, but in my opinion, U2
is (great) _____________ band.

3) Listening and Pronunciation

4) Production
Task: Create a paragraph comparing two places that you have already visited in
your life. Compare space, culture, people, food, etc. Use comparative /
superlative structures and your creativity.

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