Computer Electronics Technician or Computer Hardware Technician

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TECHNICIAN Customer-focused IT professional, expert in leading and contributing to projects designed to enhance system functionality and end-user productivity. Acknowledge d for capacity to tackle challenging issues, analyze viable alternatives, and pr ovide innovative solutions that reside well within clients' financial and time f rameworks. Persistence, personal integrity, and channeled energies are major str engths consistently cited by managers and clients alike-universally praising tea m spirit, independent work habits, and the determination to conquer technical ch allenges. A resourceful, life-long learner, embracing knowledge as a tool for im proved problem-solving effectiveness. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Owner / Operator - 2009 to Present Wegraphix Studios, Clever, MO Prepare illustrations and rough sketches of material according to instructions of client. Render drawings, illustrations, and sketches of buildings, manufactured products , and models, working from sketches, blueprints, memory, and reference materials . Integrate and developed visual elements, such as line, space, mass, color, and p erspective to produce desired effect. Confer with clients to discuss objectives of graphics, develop illustration idea s, and website themes to be portrayed. Technical Support Agent - 2008 to 2010 Teletech, Springfield, MO Provide telephone support for consumer notebooks for Hewlett-Packard. Use knowledge of computer hardware and software systems to assist consumers with installation, troubleshooting, networking, and education. Key Contributions and Accomplishments: Achieve a high level a customer satisfaction using a patient, methodical approac h to problem resolution. Exceptional at turning around tense situations with irate customers into positiv e outcomes. Average 5-10 Loyalty rated customer satisfaction surveys per month ? Rate in th e top 100 agents out of 1000+ employees that work for Hewlett-Packard worldwide Mobile Network Technician - 2007 to 2008 Ajilon Communications, Melville, NY Assist with system installation. Reroute T-1 lines and hardware switchovers on m obile network towers. Coordinate efforts that requires mass cooperation for succ essful and timely execution with little network downtime. Key Contributions and Accomplishments: Work independently in the Dallas / Ft Worth area troubleshooting network install ation problems. Acknowledged for high degree of technical comprehension and swift resolutions fo r connectivity problems. Compiled and documented various statistical data. Automation Clerk / Chief Steward / IT Administrator - 2000 to 2008 United States Postal Service, Springfield, MO Coordinate network, hardware, and software installs for Union. Serve as a consul tant for the purchase of new computer equipment. Design and build union website. Perform as a liaison between employees and management to bring problems to light and come up with solutions. Key Contributions and Accomplishments: Design and deploy a database system that handles all grievance procedures for th e Union Train Union representatives from 242 local sites in data base use Manage a broad band of installation, upgrade and rollout projects for Union with

focus on streamlining process Oversee all Union operations on tour and managed 10-15 personnel Technical Support Technician - 1998 to 2000 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc, Springfield, MO Work with field installers/home users of DMP's security, fire, and data systems. Assist technicians with installation troubleshooting, system design, and new re lay use. Use test equipment, meters, computers and circuit boards to perform exp eriments and procedural troubleshooting. Key Contributions and Accomplishments: Achieve #1 position in resolved trouble tickets. Train new personnel in security system troubleshooting procedures. IT Specialist/ Command and Control Sys Ops/ Air Defense - 1994 to 1998 U.S. Army, Ft Polk, LA Giebelstadt, GE Troubleshoot hardware and software problems and improvise solutions. Tutor fello w soldiers on the use of various software programs. Perform preventive maintenan ce, electronic, hydraulic, and mechanical repairs on equipment. Key Contributions and Accomplishments: Deploy mass network and communication mediums across the Baltic area during Bosn ia-Herzegovina Conflict Use creative and artistic skills to create instructional training templates and visual aids that enrich weekly training times and initiate a new standard for cl ass presentation. Maintain files containing over 1,000 pieces of correspondence including NATO Sec ret and Classified documents in a disciplined, well-organized manner. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Western Governors University A+, CIW, JavaScript, Project+, & Security+ CertificationsIT - Software Emphasis, Web Development Computers and Networking Technology Ozark Technical Community College GPA: 3.7 A=4.0. Cum Laude 1994 Army Information Technology Specialist School HonorArmy Airspace Command, Control, Computer, Communications and Intel SystemsH onor Graduate, 98.6% Class Average

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