Computer Technician or Computer Helpdesk Support

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CORY BEEHLER 737 S. 2nd Street Phoenix, Arizona 85004 Work: 915-996-4894 Home: 915-996-4894 [email protected] OBJECTIVE Seeking a position as a Computer Technician or Computer Support SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Experienced in installing, operating, and performing unit maintenance on multi-f unctional/multi-user information processing systems and peripheral equipment and auxiliary devices. Able to perform input and output control and bulk data stor age operations. Transferring data between information processing equipment and systems. Troubleshooting skills for automation equipment and systems to the degr ee required for isolation of malfunctions to specific hardware or software. Abl e to restore computers to operation by either replacement of parts or troublesho oting through system configurations. Able to provide technical assistance for in stallation, operation, maintenance, and multi-functional / multi-user informatio n processing systems in mobile and fixed areas. WORK EXPERIENCE - US ARMY 2005 - 2010 Information Technologist esent April 2009 - Pr

US Army, Ft. Bliss, TX Networking specialist for NIPR computers in US Army. As an Information Technolo gist. Information Management Operator for Directorate of Information Management , (DoIM) on Ft. Bliss. Help Desk troubleshooter for Windows XP, Windows Vista a nd Windows 7 for Computers, Printers, and Networking for an entire company in th e Army. Repaired and Re-imaged military computers, set up computers and printer s to work on the Ft. Bliss network. Set up service for SPAWAR to accommodate ove r 200 soldiers while on a Patrol Base outside a Central Operating Base. Network ing specialist for NIPR and SIPR computers and NIPR and SIPR VOIP phones. Central Processing Node Operator ary 2009 June 2005 - Janu

US Army, Ft. Campbell, TN As the Information Management Administrator, managed network for Central Process ing Nodes all over Iraq in operation Iraqi Freedom. Prime operator for a Centra l Processing Node (CPN) and KU-band satellite dish. Intermittently rotated as t eam chief. Managed switches and routers for a Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPR) and a Secret-classified Internet Protocol Router Network ( SIPR) over the Army network in Iraq. Managed Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP ) phones and Computers over (SIPR) and (NIPR) networks. Managed and maintained Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS) for a RETRANS site o ff the Central Operating Base. Managed a Joint Network Node (JNN) that networke d all Central Processing Nodes (CPN) and KU-band satellite dishes together on th e same network in Iraq. EDUCATION * Certificate, Information Systems Operator-Analyst, US Army, Ft. Gordon, GA, 20

06 * 25 Credits, 3.?? GPA, Information Technology, Columbia Southern University, Ft . Bliss, TX, 2009 * Certificate, Installation and Configuration of PCs and Com, US Army, Ft. Bliss , TX, 2009 * Certificate, Laptop Components, Peripherals, and Networking, US Army, Ft. Blis s, TX, 2009 * Certificate, Warriors Leader Course, Non-Commissioned Officer school, Ft. Blis s, TX, 2009 * Certificate, COMPTIA Network+ 2009: Network Fundamentals, US Army, Ft. Bliss, TX, 2009 * Certificate, Combat Lifesaver Course, US Army Medical Command, Ft. Bliss, TX, 2009 * Certificate, Personal Computer Components, US Army, Ft. Bliss, TX, 2009 * Certificate, IP Addressing and Routing, US Army, Ft. Bliss, TX, 2009 * Certificate, Identifying, Adding, and Removing System Components, US Army, Ft. Bliss, TX, 2006 AWARDS * * * * * Army Commendation Medal (2 Awards) Army Defense Service Medal Army Achievement Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Army Good Conduct Medal NCO Professional Development Ribbon Iraqi Campaign Medal With Campaign Star Army Service Ribbon Driver and Mechanic Badge with Wheeled Vehicles

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