computer technician or electronic technician

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Gerald R. Armstrong 443 Consolata Ave. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907 (321) 749-2093 [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE: With exceptional skills in customer service and a great experience in PC hardwa re / software technical support, de-veloped over 26+ years within the IT industr y, I desire a position within a firm that I can apply my experience to your comp any's objectives and profits. SUMMARY: Eighteen years of communications maintenance experience combined with twenty si x years of computer/software maintenance. Proven ability to provide timely, inno vative and cost effective solutions to critical customer's needs. ACHIEVEMENTS: 1995 - 2010 Computer Desktop Support Technician

For the past 16 years worked as a subcontractor to United Space Alliance at Kenn edy Space Center on the Desktop Support contract for the following companies: (1 995 - 1997) BITS Computers, (1997 - 1997) Olsten Staffing Servic-es, (1997 - 200 6) Creative Management Technology, Inc., (2006 - 2010) Spherion. During that time provided on-site hardware and software support to include syste m installations, configurations, up-grades, repairs and technical advice of comp uter systems, peripherals and software for over 6,000 microcomputers at Kennedy Space Center and three other locations. Designed and installed both wired and wi reless network sys-tems. Developed and wrote ISO 9001, as well as, other computer management and maintena nce procedures to include our warranty parts replacement program. During a 5 yea r period was also responsible for the management and supervi-sion of nine techni cal service personnel while also performing computer technician duties. 1994 - 2001 Configuration Specialist/Sales Representative (Computer City/CompUS A) Responsible for system configurations, repairs, technical advice, sales and mer chandising of IBM compatible and Apple computer systems, peripherals and softw are. 1990 - 1994 Computer Maintenance Division Chief (United States Air Force) Provided comprehensive management of all aspects of small computer customer ser vice. Directed and lead a staff of seven technicians in providing technical main tenance, installation, configuration, troubleshooting, advice, and training for hardware, software and peripherals to users of nearly 4,000 microcomputers at Pa trick AFB and Cape Canaveral AFS FL. Acquired, managed, integrated and maintaine d personal computers/peripherals for various large Air Force organizations. Plan ned and performed numerous hardware/software upgrades. Trained 250+ computer use rs in software and hardware operation. Directed four squadrons concerning mainte nance, upgrades, hardware, and software installations. Researched, ordered and o rganized a small computer technical reference and master software library. 1972 - 1990 Communications Maintenance Manager/Technician (United States Air Fo rce)

Work center and branch supervisor in assignment locations worldwide. Managed, i nstalled, configured, inspected and maintained ground to ground and ground to ai r communications equipment and facilities. Supervised the instal-lation, modifi cation, troubleshooting and repair of tactical Air Traffic Control, High Frequen cy/Single Side Band and associated mobile radio communications systems. Directed on-the-job training programs by planning, scheduling, conducting, monitoring an d evaluating the proficiency training requirements subordinates. Developed budge t and manning inputs and monitored fund expenditures. Ensured proper accountabi lity of over 4.5 million dollars worth of assets deployed in support of tactical exercises and real-world contingencies. * Gerald R. Armstrong (321) 727-8199 _________________________________________________________________________ COMPUTER HARDWARE: Personal Computers: Acer, AMI, Apple, AST, AT & T, Compaq, CompuAdd, Canon, De ll, Emerson, Gateway, IBM, HP, Laser, KayPro, Packard Bell, Swan, UNISYS, Zeni th, Zenith Z-150(TEMPEST), Zeos. Monitors: AOC, Apple, CompuAdd, CTX, Dell, Gateway, IBM, Leading Edge, NEC, Pa ckard Bell, Panasonic, Seiko, Sony, UNISYS, Viewsonic, Zenith, Zeos. Printers: ALPS 1000/2000, Apple, Brother, Calcomp, Canon, Citizen, Data Produc ts, Dell, Diablo 630, Epson, GENICOM, HP LaserJet and DeskJet Series, IBM, Lan ier, Lexmark, Okidata, Panasonic and QMS. Modems: Boca, CODEX, Hayes, UNISYS, US Robotics, Zoom. Miscellaneous: MFM/RLL/IDE/EDSI/SCSI/SATA Hard Drives, Buffalo Box Printer Sha ring Devices, Various Printer Buffers, Mice, Trackballs, SyQuest removable dri ves, Scanners, Backup power systems, Video Display Systems, CD ROM Drives, Iomeg a ZIP/JAZZ drives and Tape Back-up Units. COMPUTER SOFTWARE: Acrobat, Ami Pro, BASIC, C, Corel Draw, dBase lll+/lV, Documentum, ESC78, FTTER M, Harvard Graphics, Laplink, Lotus SmartSuite, Maximo, MS-DOS, MS-Word, MS-Offi ce, Norton Utilities, O/S 2, Passport, PC Tools, Peoplesoft, ProComm Plus, Spinr ite, Symantec Client Security Enterprise Edition, Visio, Windows, Windows for Wo rkgroups, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Wi ndows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, WinFax Pro, WordStar, and many others. COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT: HF/VHF/UHF Multichannel transceivers, SATCOM equipment, Control tower consoles, Weather facsimile system, Amplifiers, Public address systems, Tape recorders and Audio consoles. EDUCATION: Ground Radio Communications Specialist Course, Narrowband Systems Evaluation Co urse, Digital Techniques Course, High Reliability Soldering Course, Aerospace Ma nagement, Supervisors Course, Equipment Custodian Management, Basic PC Maintenan ce Course, Small Computer Maintenance Course, Administration of Windows 2000, Im plementation and Support of Windows XP Professional, and various other computer software courses. Course work in electronic engineering and computer programmin g at Brevard Community College (Palm Bay, Flori-da) and University of Maryland ( European Division), CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Server+, CompTIA Unix+

SECURITY CLEARANCES: Top Secret/SBI (July 7, 1991) NASA issued Office of Personnel Management / Homeland Security Badge REFERENCES: Provided upon request.

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