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CONTACTING MCAFEE SECURITY AND NETWORK ASSOCIATES Last updated: October 9, 2003 This file is best viewed in Courier font to properly display special characters for various languages. _____________________________________________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE Technical Support Customer Service Download Support Security Headquarters -- AVERT (Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team) McAfee Security Beta Program Training - McAfee Security University Reporting a Problem Linguistic Feedback Network Associates Offices Worldwide

_____________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SUPPORT Visit the Network Associates Technical Support KnowledgeCenter, which provides: For all customers, access to search the KnowledgeBase for technical solutions, product FAQs, and product documentation. For PrimeSupport customers (login credentials required), access to search the KnowledgeBase for technical solutions, the ability to open and monitor technical cases, to receive alerts and announcements, and to manage your user profile. For information on PrimeSupport options, contact your sales representative or visit the web site: _____________________________________________________ CUSTOMER SERVICE The Customer Service Department is available to connect you to technical support or to answer general (non-technical) questions about:


Product registration, licenses, and grant numbers. Top customer issues: answers to the most common customer issues, including forms and procedures. Find a Sales Representative: Corporate, US, and international sales offices Complaints.


Internet Access to Customer Service: E-mail: Web: [email protected]

Toll-Free Telephone Access to Customer Service: +1-888-VIRUS NO (+1-888-847-8766) Canada Latin America United States Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Central Time 00800 12255624 Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Ireland Israel Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Greece South Africa Turkey

00800 3122 1287 0800 995054 0800 3192 9147

Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 18:00, Local Time

_____________________________________________________ DOWNLOAD SUPPORT To download files, visit the McAfee Security download site home page: For DAT File and Engine Updates: For Product Upgrades: Valid grant number required. Contact Network Associates Customer Service If you need help navigating or downloading files, call: +1-972-963-8000 _____________________________________________________ SECURITY HEADQUARTERS - AVERT (ANTI-VIRUS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM) To see the latest information about emerging virus threats, and to download updated scanning engine files, EXTRA.DAT files, and similar anti-virus software for testing, visit the AVERT web site at: To access the Virus Information Library: To submit samples of potentially infected files to AVERT WebImmune: To sign up for AVERT DAT Notification Service, click the link at: McAfee Security also seeks and appreciates general feedback. _____________________________________________________

MCAFEE SECURITY BETA PROGRAM To download new beta software or to read about the latest beta information, visit the McAfee Security beta web site located at: To submit beta feedback on any McAfee Security product, send e-mail to: [email protected] McAfee Security is devoted to providing solutions based on your input. _____________________________________________________ TRAINING MCAFEE SECURITY UNIVERSITY McAfee Security University offers public training at over 60 locations worldwide. Class size ranges from 12 to 18 students, and schedules are posted up to 12 months in advance. If your city is not on the list provided on the web site, you may request a class. htm

_____________________________________________________ REPORTING PROBLEMS If you find any problems with your McAfee Security product, please take a moment to review the product's README file. It includes detailed information on all Known Issues. If you find any feature that does not appear to function properly on your system, or if you believe an application would benefit greatly from enhancement, please contact Network Associates or one of its resellers with your suggestions or concerns. _____________________________________________________ LINGUISTIC FEEDBACK McAfee Security is devoted to providing solutions based on customer input. If you have any linguistic feedback or comments regarding language in McAfee Security products, send e-mail to us at: [email protected]

_____________________________________________________ NETWORK ASSOCIATES OFFICES WORLDWIDE For the most up-to-date listings, visit the Network Associates web site: Send correspondence to any of the following Network Associates locations. United States: Network Associates Customer Service 5000 Headquarters Drive Plano, TX 75024 USA Phone:+1-888-VIRUS NO or +1-888-847-8766

Network Associates offices outside the United States: Network Associates Australia Level 3 40 Miller Street North Sydney, 2060 NSW Australia Phone:+61-2-9761-4200 Fax:+61-2-9761-4499 Network Associates Austria/ Österreich Regus Business Center Twin Tower Wienerbergstr. 11/ 12A A-1100 Wien,  Austria Phone:+43 (0)1-994 60 6627 Fax:+49 (0)1-994 60 6630 Network Associates Belgique BDC Heyzel Esplanade, boîte 43 1020 Bruxelles Belgique Phone:+32-2-478-1029 Fax:+32-2-478-6621 Network Associates do Brasil Rua Geraldo Flausino Gomez 78 Cj.- 51 Brooklin Novo - São Paulo SP - 04575-060 - Brasil Phone:+55-11-5505-1009 Fax:+55-11-5505-0131 Network Associates Canada 1 West Pearce Street, Suite 400 Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4B 3K3 Phone:+1-905-731-3144 Fax:+1-905-731-1390

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Phone:+9714-391-5460 Fax:+9714-391-6811 Network Associates International B.V. Gatwickstraat 25 1043 GL Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone:+31-20-586-6100 Fax:+31-20-586-6101 Network Associates New Zealand Level 20, ASB Bank Centre 135 Albert Street Aukland, New Zealand Phone:+0800 508 333 Network Associates Philippines 18th Floor Philamlife Tower 8768 Pasep De Roxas Makati City Philippines 1226 Phone:+63-2-830-8672 Fax:+63-2-814-9511 Network Associates Portugal Edificio Atrium Saldanha Praça Duque de Saldanha, N°1 - 9°B 1050-094 Lisboa Portugal Phone:+351-21-319-2020 Fax:+351-21-319-2021 Net Tools Network Associates South Africa Hawthorne House St. Andrews Business Park Meadowbrook Lane Bryanston South Africa 2021 Phone:+27-11-700-8200 Fax:+27-11-706-1569 Network Associates South East Asia 1 Temasek Avenue Millenia Tower #21-02 Singapore 039192 Phone:+65-6222-7555 Fax:+65-6220-7255 Network Associates Spain Avenida de Bruselas nº22 1º 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid Spain Phone:+34-91-347-8500 Fax:+34-91-347-8550 Network Associates Sweden Datavägen 3A Box 596 S-175 26 Järfälla Sweden Phone:+46-8-5808-8400

Fax:+46-8-5808-8405 Network Associates AG Baeulerwisenstrasse 3 8152 Glattbrugg Switzerland Phone:+41-1-808-9966 Fax:+41-1-808-9977 Network Associates Software Pte Ltd. Room 119, No. 167, Tun Hwa N. Rd. Taipei, 105 Taiwan Phone:+886-(0)2-2717-1999 Fax:+886-(0)2-2717-2199 23/F M Thai Tower, All Season Place 87 Wireless Road Phatumwan Bangkok 10330 Thailand Phone:+662-627-9066 Fax:+662-627-9213 Network Associates Turkey BJK Plaza, A Blok D:37, 80680 Besiktas Istanbul, Turkey Phone:+90-212-259-7706 Network Associates International Ltd. 227 Bath Road Slough, Berkshire SL1 5PP United Kingdom Phone:+44-1753-217-500 Fax:+44-1753-217-520 Copyright (C) 2004 by Networks Associates Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. V2.3.0

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