CPD Course Programme

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Welcome to the IPENZ Course Programme for 2011
The IPENZ Centre for Professional Development’s success in 2010 has again highlighted the Institution’s status as a preferred provider of learning events for engineering professionals. IPENZ offers public short courses, distance learning and a range of other options to suit participants and employers. The Essential Skills and Technical Skills courses featured in this programme can be provided via public courses. Registration for these can be accessed through the IPENZ website. IPENZ public courses can be run in-house at any location, at a time that suits participants. Courses can be tailored to meet organisational requirements, incorporating company-specific policies, terminology and procedures as appropriate, and be customised for recent entrants to the workplace, mid career professionals or senior professionals. Email [email protected] or look at the Engineering Calendar on the IPENZ website for more information.

IPENZ courses
• • • Convenient – delivered in-house anywhere in New Zealand on agreed dates with a view to minimising disruption to the operation of business. Relevant – the facilitators are well-seasoned professionals with experience in delivering courses for engineering audiences. IPENZ courses can be customised to meet specific training needs. Cost-effective – the facilitators, with whom IPENZ has long-standing relationships, have agreed to provide courses at substantially reduced rates. IPENZ, in turn, passes those savings on to employers. In-house courses benefit more staff for less in comparison with external public courses. • Aligned to Competence Assessment and IPENZ Membership requirements – all IPENZ courses are aligned to one or several of the 12 elements of the Competence Standards for CPEng, ETPract and CertETn, as well as professional IPENZ Membership. These are shown with each course outline, and are detailed at the end of this booklet.



IPENZ Facilitators
Piet Beukman FIPENZ
Piet is the Director of the Engineering Management Programme at the University of Canterbury. Piet has worked in the consulting engineering, marine and aerospace industries and also served some time as the Chief Engineer of SAFAIR. During a government transition period, Piet advised the South African defence industry on the commercialisation of defence technologies. He is a consultant for start-up high-technology companies and provides engineering management training across a spectrum of topics to companies in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada.

Alan has over 40 years experience as a professional engineer, senior executive, company director and consultant. He provides services as an independent commissioner under the Resource Management Act and in alternative dispute resolution (arbitration, mediation and adjudication) particularly relating to engineering, building, construction and local government. Besides being a Distinguished Fellow and Past President of IPENZ, Alan is also a Fellow of the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand and several other professional bodies.

Andrew is a Consulting Engineer and Director of Project Management for MWH Asia-Pacific. His 40-plus years of international experience with clients, contractors and consulting organisations includes specialising in contract documentation, procurement and administration. He has taught and run seminars on construction contracts and project management, developed management systems for construction contracts and has been an arbitrator, resolving several contractual disputes.

Asaad Y Shamseldin BScMScPhDFHEA
An Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland, Assad is internationally renowned for research on hydrology and water resources, flood estimation, catchment modelling, hydroinformatics, environmental change and urban water systems. He is an editor of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, and of River Basin Modelling for Flood Risk Mitigating, is on the Editorial Board for the Open Hydrology Journal, and is an executive member of the New Zealand Hydrological Society (Incorporated). During 2003–2005 he gave expert advice to UNESCO on the rainfall-runoff modelling and flood frequency components of the Nile Friend project.

John’s twenty-plus years of wastewater engineering planning, design and operation focuses on small community and onsite wastewater systems here and overseas. The systems include those for un-sewered residential areas, and high-profile recreational faculties and facilities in highly sensitive environments. He was an assessor and investigator under the Building Act 1991. John represents IPENZ and the Department of Conservation on the Australasian committee reviewing the on-site suite of standards, and has also prepared international guidelines about on-site systems. He has presented wastewater management courses and seminars since 2002.

Frik de Beer MTMBA(Hons)NDT
Frik is an independent consultant (TopTech Ltd) in intellectual property and commercialisation risk management, especially for multi-disciplinary technology export companies such as Whisper Tech, Arc Innovations and Tait Electronics. He has presented postgraduate communication and intellectual property workshops at several New Zealand universities, is a regular conference speaker, and has set industry standards for successful proposal and tender writing, and effective reporting. Frik has membership links with the Licensing Executives Society International, Institute of Directors, Canterbury Software Inc. and the New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association.



Colin Feltoe MIPENZ
Colin’s global experience includes over 35 years in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and dairy industries, in a range of technical and managerial roles. Colin has a wealth of experience in HAZOP, process hazard reviews and change management procedures. He is a qualified chemical engineer with professional status in New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom. He is also a member of the ICHEMEs Loss Prevention Board.

Paul Feltoe MIPENZ
Paul is a Chemical Engineer with professional status in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. He has over 17 years experience in the refining, oil and gas, petrochemical, dairy, and mineral processing industries. He is an experienced HAZOP facilitator and has chaired numerous large process safety reviews (HAZOP/SIL and Control). Paul has over 15 years experience in advanced process control, and optimisation, leading projects and developing business across the Asia Pacific Region.

Richard is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Auckland. He is the Director of the Yacht Research Unit, actively researches wind engineering, and has taught the Master’s degree course in Wind Engineering for over 20 years. He consults on wind engineering, wind energy, and wind tunnel design, and manages the testing of proposed buildings in the Department of Engineering’s wind tunnels. He helped the Auckland City Council set up the rules for wind comfort in its District Plan, Central Area Section. Richard is a representative on the Wind Actions subcommittee of Australia and New Zealand.

Bernie Frey PhD(IndustrialandOrganisationalPsychology)
Bernie is the Managing Director of Praxxis Group, a company that specialises in commercialising cutting edge management knowledge and technology. He has worked with industry on a wide range of projects, including the design and implementation of risk and performance management systems. His approach has contributed to improving outcomes for many of his clients, and has resulted papers being published in scientific journals and trade publications. Bernie’s entertaining and informative presentations are popular with industry and educational organisations, and his aviation industry experience adds an interesting flavour to his views on risk management.

John D St.George BScLond.MScNewcastle(UK)PhDCEngARSMMIMMMFAusIMM
John is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland, with a PhD on probabilistic approaches to slope stability. John’s industrial experience in the minerals industry includes working in Africa and the United Kingdom, and teaching rock mechanics, slope stability, environmental engineering and surveying. His research interests in stability issues are related to subsidence and slope stability, and the permeability of coal in relation to stress changes due to desorption. He consults on a wide range of projects in slope stability, rock properties and subsidence.

Stefanie Gutschmidt DrIng
Stefanie works at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Canterbury. Her scientific and engineering expertise lies in dynamic and vibrating systems’ modelling and analysis. She has studied applied mechanics (analytical and experimental study of structural vibration, machine health monitoring, and damage detection), and her doctoral programme was on the “Mathematical-Mechanical Modelling of Wobbling Disk Piezoelectric Motors”. She has a broad knowledge of applied mechanics, including linear and nonlinear dynamics, vibration analysis, and rotordynamics.

John Holmes PhD
John is a Director for JDH Consulting, Australia. He is the Chair of the Wind Actions subcommittee of Australia and New Zealand, and was actively involved in writing Australian Standards AS1170.2-1989, AS/NZS1170.2:2002 (Wind Loads) and AS3995-1994 (Design of Steel Lattice Towers and Masts). John is the author of Wind Loading of Structures, second edition, published in 2007, and co-author of A Guide to AS/NZS1170.2:2002 – Wind Actions published in 2005, as well as over 400 research papers and consulting reports.



Elijah van Houten BABSME(Tufts)PhD(Dartmouth)
Elijah has over 10 years experience in the field of computational solid mechanics, including programming finite element methods for some of the world’s largest computing systems. Employed by the University of Canterbury, he has developed customised finite element analysis tools for various new research applications, including novel cancer imaging systems and patient specific surgical implant devices. From advanced, non-linear, multi-physics applications designed to run across large numbers of processors and involve weeks of computing time to simple, high speed applications designed to run on an ordinary laptop, he has taught students how to program a wide range of finite element applications. He says the principles underlying this analysis tool are simple enough to be understood by anyone interested in knowing how things work.

Robyn HorsfallBComCA
Robyn is a Director of Coaching for Success Ltd, and for Courageous Leaders. She helps develop professionals who manage and lead others, particularly through team building, communication skills, self awareness, and transition management. Robyn is a graduate of Coach U’s Coach Training Programme and the Coachville Intensive Training Programme, and is a licensed facilitator of Coach U’s coaching clinic for managers and leaders – Essential Conversations For Developing Others. She has also facilitated IPENZ mentoring workshops for the past six years. She worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers as a Human Resources Consultant for seven years, and for seven years as a Chartered Accountant.

Paula Hunter BADipTPFNZPI
Paula is MWH NZ Ltd’s Principal Planner, specialising in planning and environmental law, particularly the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991. She advises a range of clients including major infrastructure and utility providers, land developers, industry, and central and local government. She is skilled in managing major infrastructure projects through the RMA process and overall project management involving large multi-disciplinary teams, develops consent strategies and defensible audits, and undertakes consultation to ensure success in the obtaining of consents and approvals. She is a former President of the New Zealand Planning Institute, and a recipient of its Distinguished Service Award.

Stephen Jenkins FIPENZ
Stephen’s 30-plus years as an Expert Witness in incident and failure investigation includes working with insurance companies, the Police, lawyers, compliance authorities, companies and individuals investigating and presenting evidence to courts and tribunals. He has also helped in dispute resolution cases as a technical expert and has presented expert evidence to the Environment Court and planning tribunals. Stephen is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and an International Affiliate of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers in the United States.

Andrew King MIPENZ
Andrew works at GNS Science in the Geohazards Solutions section, managing scientists specialising in paleoseismology, engineering geology and geodesy. He is a Civil Engineer with specialist knowledge in structural engineering, particularly the response of the built environment under earthquake attack. Andrew is the Chairman of the joint New Zealand-Australia Earthquake Loadings Standard Review Committee and is active on several international standards’ development bodies. He was President of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering between 1998 and 2000 and is now on the Society’s management committee.

Donald Kirkcaldie BE(Hons)(Civil)DipBusAdminDipBusStudiesCPEngMIPENZ
Donald is an Associate and Technical Principal (Bridge Engineering) with Opus International Consultants Limited. He led the bridge design for the Auckland Eastern Transport Corridor, the award-winning Newlands Interchange, the Hong Kong Olympic Station, widening Palmerston North’s Fitzherbert Bridge, and developing a long-term maintenance strategy for Wellington’s Thorndon Overbridge. He undertook the seismic screening of state highway bridges in six of the NZ Transport Agency’s (NZTA) 14 regions, has overseen the seismic retrofit of several major bridges and helped develop NZTAs Bridge Manual. He has been the Technical Secretary for the National Roads Board’s Road Research Unit Structures Committee, and is a member of Standards New Zealand’s committee for NZS 3101 Concrete Structures Standard.



Rudolph Kotze BEng(Hons)(Structures)BCommDipBusStudies(DisputeResolution)CPEngIntPE(NZ)MIPENZAIStructE
Rudolph is a Principal Bridge Engineer with Opus International Consultants in Wellington. He has 29 years experience in bridge planning, design, asset management, project management and delivery, including senior leadership and management roles. He was the Technical Manager for the Cement and Concrete Association of New Zealand from 1996–1999, and Director-inCharge of a team of professional consulting engineers delivering bridge design and asset management services for a range of major clients. He has also worked for the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) as the Bridges and Structures Manager with national responsibility for asset management, maintenance and technical design standards, has represented NZTA on the Austroads Bridge Technology Review Panel, and has an excellent understanding of NZTA’s asset management drivers and technical standards for capital projects. He has developed risk-based decision-making principles for delivering fit-for-purpose solutions for key NZTA projects, including Tauranga’s Hewletts Road Flyover and replacing Greymouth’s historic Cobden Rail Bridge.

Milo Kral BEMSc(Eng)PhD(Vanderbilt)
Milo gained his PhD in 1996 from Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee. After working for two years in the Physical Metallurgy Division at the United States Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC, he was appointed to the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Canterbury where he is Associate Professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering. Milo’s main research interests are in structure-property-processing relationships in structural metals with an emphasis on failure analysis and characterisation techniques, particularly analytical transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

Graeme is a Specialist Engineer with Transfield Worley Ltd in New Plymouth. He has over 30 years experience as a structural engineer and since 1980 has worked in the field of structural engineering for industrial facilities such as oil and gas plants, wineries, offshore platforms, refineries and general processing plants. This involves working with mechanical, electrical and instrumentation engineers to provide equipment and non-structural items compliant with relevant legislation and the required safety systems to allow safe post-earthquake shutdown. Graeme’s September 2007 paper in the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering bulletin regarding adapting the Structural Design Actions standard AS/NZS 1170 to the field of industrial structures won the Otto Glogau Award in 2009.

John McNeil BEng(Hons)(Civil)CPEngMIPENZ
John has had over 18 years’ bridge and civil structure design experience. He has designed variety of projects from concept and detailed design to construction here and overseas. His key projects include Gates of Haast Bridge, Auckland’s Newmarket Viaduct, and the Hulme Arch in Manchester, England. He is an Executive of Aurecon, leads Aurecon’s New Zealand bridge business and is Aurecon’s Australasian Bridges Interest Group Leader. This involves developing technical excellence for bridges, and promoting these skills throughout Australasia and Asia. He is an expert on New Zealand and Australian design codes and the New Zealand Resource Management Act’s planning requirements, and is an Expert Witness for planning hearings. He is interested in the design of unique bridges with architectural input, and takes a creative and innovative approach to developing solutions.

Greg Morehouse BSc
Greg founded and is the Senior Analyst of Motovated Design & Analysis. He has extensive experience in mechanical engineering, especially in stress analysis. He has worked with IBM as a Computer-aided Designer, and for Hercules Aerospace designing ground support equipment for composite solid rocket motors. He also worked for Boeing Commercial Aircraft as a Stress Analyst, where he gained an excellent grounding in advanced mechanical design methods. In developing Motovated Design & Analysis, he has redesigned and validated hundreds of innovative “number eight wire” solutions for New Zealand clients. His in-depth use of finite element analysis software spans 25 years and more than five finite element analysis packages.

Stephen Quinn LLB(Hons)
Stephen has been a Partner in DLA Phillips Fox’s Wellington office since 1993. He is experienced in many aspects of commercial litigation, particularly resource management, environmental law and building law, and the Resource Management Act. He acts for a number of local authorities, the Ministry of Corrections for new prison designations, Telecom New Zealand Limited, and for Solid Energy New Zealand Ltd on the West Coast Coal Terminal applications. He is a responsible for all applications to the courts on behalf of the New Zealand Fire Service to close buildings lacking evacuation schemes, and acts for Exide on the air discharge permits for their battery recycling plant and associated enforcement action.



Maxwell Reid NZCE(Telecommunications)MScCCAICCNAMNZCS
Maxwell is the Programme Leader of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology course in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), and the Manager of the AUT Regional Cisco Academy. His contribution to the engineering profession is in computer science, and he is member of the New Zealand Computer Society. He was one of the two authors of the New Zealand Computer Society’s Code of Ethics in 2003. Maxwell’s research experience is in technology education, engineering education and formal e-learning. His educational research includes teaching and learning technology education, research methodologies, learning environments, and curriculum design in science and engineering technology education. He has substantial research experience in qualitative and quantitative means of inquiry.

Mofreh Saleh PhDPE
Mofreh has been a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury since 2001. He has undertaken several research projects in New Zealand, including working as a subcontractor for Land Transport New Zealand, and Opus International Consultants Limited for a Foundation for Research and Technology project. He has also published papers on his research in several prestigious refereed journals. Mofreh is a member of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, American Society for Civil Engineers and the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia. He is on the editorial boards for the International Journal of Pavement Engineering and the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology.

Claudia Scott ONZMBAMAPhD
Claudia is a Professor of Public Policy at Victoria University of Wellington and at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. She teaches university and professional development courses in policy analysis and advising, and has worked with many organisations and professional groups in Australasia. From 2003–2008 she was the Project Leader of the Foundation for Research Science and Technology Local Futures research project on Strategic Planning in Local Governments under the Local Government Act 2002. She co-authored Adding Value to Policy Analysis and Advice, published by the University of New South Wales Press in 2010.

Sue Slater BSc(Hons)(Civil)MEngCPEngMIPENZCEngMICE(UK)
Sue is a Senior Bridge Engineer and Executive for Aurecon. Her 14-plus years’ experience includes designing, assessing, inspecting and constructing bridges and other heavy civil infrastructure. She worked for Mott MacDonald in the United Kingdom, primarily undertaking bridge design work including several fully integral structures, and after moving to New Zealand in 2004 she joined Aurecon (then Connell Wagner). She has since undertaken a number of internal and external management roles, including leading Aurecon’s bridge team in Auckland. Sue’s successful leadership and technical advisory roles on highprofile road and infrastructure projects include the Northern Busway and the Hobsonville Deviation. She now leads Aurecon’s Transport team in Wellington.

Heather Silyn-Roberts BSc(Hons)PhD(Biomechanics)
Heather is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering at the University of Auckland. Her responsibilities include professional development, with emphasis on writing engineering reports. She also conducts many industry and university courses overseas on effective engineering and scientific documentation, and has written three successful books on the subject, one by invitation of the American Society of Civil Engineers. She is experienced in dealing with all engineering disciplines.

Patrick Rottiers MAPGDipTchg
Patrick, of PROconsulting International Ltd, has 25 years of international corporate experience. He has worked on four continents in four languages in the recruitment, food, durable goods, airlines and broadcasting sectors. His expertise includes international sales and marketing, business and management development, information and communication technologies, and multimedia. In 1995, he was appointed Advisor for Foreign Trade to the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Trade. His Christchurchbased consultancy firm inspires and up-skills management teams, specialising in growing businesses world-class. He teaches various post-graduate programmes at management and engineering schools here and overseas.



John Tookey PhD(IndustrialEngineering)BScMCIOBMIEEE
John’s academic background includes over a decade of experience in research and education across a range of construction and engineering management subjects. He has developed and directed three project management Masters’ programmes internationally, and has written over 50 publications, including books, journals and conference papers covering procurement, leadership, design management, logistics and corporate social responsibility

Lara Tookey BSc(Hons)(QS)PostGradDip(OrgMgt)
Lara was a quantity surveyor in South Africa before branching into property development, facilities management, township development and project management. After a number of years in industry, she became an academic. Her teaching experience covers measurement, estimation, procurement, tendering, financial management, engineering economics, construction scheduling, rating and valuations. She was a guest lecturer at the Singapore Institute of Management for a two-year period. Lara is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors.

Michael E. Voss MIPENZDipBusinessExcellenceAFNZIM
Michael is the owner of PYXIS Consulting (PYXIS.co.nz) specialising in building high-growth businesses. As a scientist and engineer, he has a strong business and environmental background having worked for the New Zealand and United States governments and in the private sector. He has been integrating environmental, health and safety, and quality management systems across a broad range of industries for over 30 years. Michael has worked in New Zealand and Singapore as a trainer in the government, tertiary education, manufacturing, oil and chemical processing and aviation industry sectors.

Desirée Williamson BALTCLCertTESOLANZSBDipTchg
Desirée is a Director of Christchurch-based consultancy, Communication Works. She designs and facilitates workshops for government and business organisations on communicating effectively with stakeholders. She uses creative, innovative techniques to help participants develop written, oral, interpersonal, and media management skills, and says clearly communicating key messages within a sound ethical framework builds positive relationships with stakeholders, and enhances an organisation’s image, reputation and credibility. Desirée has lectured in corporate and cross-cultural communication in the School of Business at the Christchurch College of Education and at the University of Canterbury, and has taught English as a Second Language here and overseas. She also designed and delivered a programme for non-English background students studying degree and diploma business communication courses.

Cheryl Wright BA(Psych)
Cheryl is the Director of Capability Group Limited, an organisational development consultancy specialising in “releasing people potential for business success”. Now in association with a larger organisation specialising in business process improvement and change management, Capability Group has been operating since 1984. During her human resource management and consultancy career, she has focused on enabling people to understand the impact of their behaviour on communication and relationships so that they can be more effective and efficient in delivering on their work commitments. She has worked with technical professionals from all disciplines in a wide range of manufacturing, local government and professional organisations.



Image courtesy of Mike Lazelle GIPENZ


Contract Management for Engineers
Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 11 and 12 During their careers, most engineers are responsible for entering into and managing contracts. This course places the principles of contract law and management into an engineering environment, introducing the project management context and the role of the contract. Contract law is also addressed so participants are aware of key requirements. Specific contract management topics are addressed to raise engineers’ awareness and understanding of potential pitfalls and dispute sources.

Course content
Obligations, liabilities and expectations of all contract parties, and project risks.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have a working knowledge and understanding of: the principles of contract law; the fundamental processes involved in contracting; what is expected of someone who has to administer the execution of a contract; possible pitfalls and problem areas in contract management; some of the more common types of contract.

Professional Portfolio Development for Young Engineers
“Provide the course as in-house training to companies; very good course!” “Not only did I find the session informative and helpful, it was also very energising” Facilitator: John Tookey Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10, 11 and 12 Have you ever played a leading role in a successful project and had nothing to show for it? The engineering profession places a strong emphasis on Continuing Professional Development (CPD), technical advancement and peer recognition. Typically, five years of structured work experience and learning post-graduation is needed to develop and build up the evidence required for a successful competence assessment. It is beneficial for graduate engineers to get into the mind-set of reflecting on their competency development, and recording their best work samples in a professional portfolio. Progressive record-keeping will give graduate engineers a head start towards professional membership and provide them with a useful and personalised career management tool during staff appraisals, mentoring meetings and professional interviews.

Course content
How the development of self-reflective skills impact on professional development, the fulfilment of career aspirations and professional membership.

Learning outcomes
Participants should be able to: understand core competencies and critical weaknesses in experience; understand the application of management and motivational theory to the career development of a professional engineer; develop a well-presented self-reflective professional portfolio for IPENZ registration; develop personal strategies for advancement in the engineering profession.



Finance for Engineers
“The course was great. Lots of examples to help the mind ticking throughout the day” “A very good course” Facilitator: Lara Tookey Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 5, 10 and 11 Everyone in business needs to understand the financial implications of their decision-making. Knowing their numbers gives people a competitive advantage, whatever discipline they are in. Understanding the importance of linking the vision to financial reality is a critical success factor for any business and every project.

Course content
• • • • • Management accounting and financial management introduce the tools to understand numbers better and improve financial decision-making Understanding the accounting process Analysing and interpreting financial statements Effectively analysing the impact of financial decisions Determining the financial feasibility of projects.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have a clear understanding of: the accounting process; the time value of money; financial decision-making.

Tender Evaluation
Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 11 and 12 What are the principles of tender evaluation? How do you determine which offer to accept? People who are responsible for tender evaluation policy, planning or implementation in relation to the supply of major capital items or the provision of substantial services will benefit from this course. Staff responsible for preparing tenders will find the course relevant to preparing effective responses to requests for tender.

Course content
• • Understanding tender evaluation criteria Principles and practices involved in evaluating tenders to improve the quality of tender assessments.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have a working knowledge and understanding of: the principles of tender evaluation; legal issues, specifically relating to tenderers’ contracts (specifically for public authorities); tender evaluation policies and practices of government and industry; planning for a tender evaluation; the basic skills necessary to construct tender evaluation models which closely represent the priorities of the sponsor and/or other stakeholders, and which deal effectively with risk; undertaking tender evaluations; some traps in tender evaluation.



NZS 3910 Conditions of Contract
Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 11 and 12 It is recommended participants first attend the Contract Management for Engineers course, but this is not an essential prerequisite.

Course content
• • • How the various conditions of contract are interpreted with specific reference to payments Resolution of disputes and remedies for breaches, among others, that need particular attention Possible pitfalls in the management of engineering contracts. NZS 3910 Conditions of Contract for Building and Civil Engineering Construction will be used as basis.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have a working knowledge and understanding of: the principles of a contract; the purpose and role of conditions of contract; interpretation of conditions – some guidelines; specific conditions that relate to specialised activities within contracts such as cost fluctuation, term maintenance and obtaining licenses and consents; contractual conditions depicting what the parties agree to in relation to the structure, the type of contract and its component parts; the execution of the contract in terms of general obligations, performance and the roles of the parties; the role of the Engineer to the Contract and certain potential challenges in that area due to its unique contractual nature; the administration of various types of contract, such as dealing with variations, time for completions, liability for defects; the handling of payments and disputes.

Image courtesy of Michael Dalzell GIPENZ



Business English for International Professionals
Facilitator: Corporate Communication Training Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10 and 11 This course is designed for engineers who speak English as their second language. It targets the skills required to develop greater accuracy in written and spoken business English. Excellent written and oral communication with internal and external stakeholders is vital to establish credibility as a professional, and to enhance an organisation’s image and reputation. It is useful for participants to bring one commercially non-sensitive sample of their workplace writing e.g. a short letter or report, and a laptop to the course.

Course content
• • • Interactive and communicative training methods to convey key messages and maintain the confidence of clients and colleagues Activities comprising workplace writing tasks such as letters, memos, emails and reports Confidence in spoken English, developed through delivering a short presentation and a workplace speech.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have techniques to: identify and diagnose their frequent written English errors and recognise how to avoid them through self-editing and proof-reading; understand how to write effectively for an audience, structure documents correctly, use accurate grammar and the appropriate register for a document’s purpose; produce accurate and effective business documents, including reports and other formal business documents; be aware of accent reduction techniques and reflect critically on their oral English skills; develop more confident speaking skills for business presentations, and workplace social speeches.

Effective Report Writing for Engineers
“Very thorough knowledge, well delivered.“ “An excellent course! The wealth of experience of the tutor is an asset. Delightful presentation keeping students interested and alert.“ Facilitators: Heather Silyn-Roberts (Auckland-based), or Frik de Beer (Christchurch-based) Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10 and 11 Do you fear the white page? Do you want to write better reports in less time? This course is designed for those who need to create comprehensive reports and proposals. It is pitched towards those who need to effectively express complex information and concepts, to both engineering and non-engineering audiences, in a stimulating, easy-to-read and logical manner. The material has been developed from running programmes for more than 1000 professional engineers from all types of backgrounds, including consulting engineers, local authorities and industrial organisations.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have techniques to: inform, and not try to impress with language; structure documents with a logical flow of information that meets the recipients’ needs; enable the reader to extract critical information from the document; create an obvious and well sign-posted route through a document; write well structured and supported executive summary, conclusion and recommendation sections; write fit-for-purpose engineering reports cost-effectively, with less time spent on revising.



Project Management
Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: Two days IPENZ Competence Standards: 6 and 10 Project management has evolved over the past four decades as a method by which one can manage complex multidisciplinary efforts of a technical or non-technical nature. This course introduces this extremely useful technique to novices and to seasoned practitioners in a structured manner, and aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to manage projects over a wide spectrum of application areas. Participants will learn to clearly understand the tasks of the project leader and will be able to apply and tailor proven project management principles and techniques to suit their environment, application and size of project.

Course content
• • • • • • Understanding the total project life cycle within a wider business context Communicating regarding this topic in a standardised terminology Defining the work content of a project Planning all the project functions Controlling the project in terms of cost, schedule and deliverables Being aware of parameters to sensibly select project management software.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have learned and practised skills in project definition so they: understand the principles of project management and where it may be applied; understand the components of a total project life cycle and why each is needed; can set contractual, cost, schedule and performance baselines and control these baselines; define a work breakdown structure for a project. They will also become competent in project planning, and be able to: prepare a statement of work; allocate resources to tasks; define task logic or programme the project; allocate time as a resource or schedule the project; prepare a project budget; prepare the total plan or roadmap – a baseline for control. In terms of project control participants will be able to: perform cost control by way of determining cost variance; perform schedule control by way of determining schedule variance; perform control over the technical/deliverable aspect of the project; identify control tools – formal and less formal; undertake personal time management.



Image courtesy of Dennis Teoh GIPENZ


Bridge Design
Facilitators: Rudolph Kotze, Don Kirkcaldie, Susan Slater and John McNeil Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 2 and 11. The course provides a broad overview of all aspects of bridge design, particularly the application of seismic design principles relevant to bridges. It will be useful to intermediate structural engineers interested in becoming involved in bridge design, experienced bridge designers who want to update their knowledge of seismic design in line with the proposed NZTA Bridge Manual amendment, graduates, and engineers from other countries who wish to become familiar with New Zealand bridge design standards. The information presented will be structured to reflect the requirements of the NZTA Bridge Manual.

Course content
• • • • • Functional requirements – differences between bridge design and other structures, waterway design, aspects of road/rail crossing design, design loadings Structural form selection – factors influencing bridge design, such as road alignment, foundation conditions, site topography, plus provision for maintenance and inspections, and whole-of-life cost Structural detailing – foundation, substructure and superstructure forms, construction methods, span configuration and articulation, aesthetics Material design – concrete, steel and timber Earthquake resistant design – this overview of all aspects of seismic design as required by the latest amendment of the NZTA Bridge Manual will include topics such as limit state design philosophy, design loading, structural and soil modelling and analysis, capacity/ductility design criteria, earth retaining structures.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have gained understanding of: the NZTA Bridge Manual requirements, with specific reference to preparing a Bridge Design Statement; important principles of bridge design from development of the conceptual form, which is then set-out in the Design Statement to the final design detailing; the latest NZTA Bridge Manual amendment’s requirements.

Wind Loading of Structures Using AS/NZS1170.2
Facilitators (vary depending on location): John Holmes, Richard Flay and Andrew King Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 Although structural design in New Zealand tends to be dominated by the need to resist earthquake actions, there are many structures for which wind loads need to be considered. This is an interactive course, and participants should bring a calculator and a laptop computer.

Course content
• • • An introduction to the extreme wind climate of New Zealand, and the main features of the Australia/New Zealand Standard on wind actions At least two examples from A Guide to AS/NZS1170.2 will be worked through. The first example will be a low rise industrial building located in the Auckland area A question and answer session in which general questions on any aspect of wind loading can be raised.

Learning outcomes
Participants will gain hands-on experience in applying AS/NZS1170.2 correctly for wind sensitive structures.



Contract Management with FIDIC Contracts
Facilitator: Andrew Brickell Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 4, 6 and 11 Engineers and contractors working outside New Zealand, especially in developing and third world countries, often encounter the several conditions of contract published by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC). Some of the FIDIC contracts have also been used on New Zealand projects. This course gives participants an understanding of the background to, scope and range of FIDIC contracts, and highlights important differences between them and contracts more commonly encountered in New Zealand (such as NZS3910).

Course content
• • • Differences in vocabulary, procurement practices and potential traps in contract documentation and administration are identified Business processes for payment applications, variations and certification of completion are explained, with hands–on exercises based on two FIDIC contracts being used to gain understanding and familiarity with the documents Comprehensive course notes and sample templates, both of which will be useful for ongoing contract administration under FIDIC.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have an: overview of all the FIDIC contracts and where they are best suited for use; an understanding of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract (for provision of mechanical and electrical plant and for design-build); understanding of the FIDIC Green Book contract (the ’Short Form’ for Minor Works); awareness of unusual aspects needing differences in approach from NZS 3910 contract management; guidelines and templates for use in contract administration under FIDIC contracts.

Business Sustainability and Environmental Management
Facilitator: Michael E Voss Duration: Two days IPENZ Competence Standards: 6, 9 and 11 ISO 14001 is a widely recognised international standard for environmental management. In 2008 over 189,000 ISO 14001 certificates were held in 155 countries. The standard, originally developed in 1991, is continually revised by government and business experts drawn from over 100 countries including New Zealand. ISO 14001 provides a framework for a holistic, strategic approach to environmental policy plans and actions. It is applicable to all organisation types and sizes. Participants will be given a copy of the ISO 14001 standard.

Course content
• • Group discussion, individual and group work involving case study materials Introduction to a number of tools and techniques for planning and implementing an environmental management system, or upgrading an existing management system to meet the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have the knowledge and skills and be able to: understand environmental sustainability; understand the importance of environmental management in building a sustainable organisation; understand ISO 14001 and how to meet the standard’s requirements; identify environmental aspects, evaluate impacts; identify how to improve environmental performance; set up environmental management systems and document procedures to identify methods of environmental protection and assist in ensuring legal compliance; prepare for emergencies; use monitoring and measurement techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental management systems.



The Role of the Expert Witness
“Having an experienced commissioner as presenter provided good insights.” “Case studies excellent!” Facilitator: Alan Bickers Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 10 and 11 What is required if you are called upon to be an expert witness? Professional engineers perform in the capacity of experts in a variety of forms, in Resource Consent hearings, at the Environment Court, during arbitrations, and at the District or High Court.

Course content
This workshop will equip professional engineers with the knowledge and skills to perform the role of “expert witness” in a confident and competent manner, understanding the status, obligations, and legal and ethical requirements of the role.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have a clear understanding of: the status of the expert witness; legal and ethical obligations; how best to prepare evidence; how to deliver evidence and respond to examination.

Forensic Engineering
Facilitators: Stephen Jenkins and Milo Kral Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 3 and 9 Forensic engineering requires rigor and discipline in the approach to the problem and great depth of understanding in the presentation of the results. It is not just about the analysis of major disasters; it also involves the analysis of persistent failures, advice to the insurance industry, and presentation of complex technical analysis to forums such as mediation and compliance authority hearings. Forensic engineering is about presenting complex technical issues to courts and tribunals. The course will be particularly valuable to engineers and other professionals who find they are involved or about to become involved in court and tribunal hearings, professionals who have an interest in working in failure investigation and incident analysis, professionals who need to use technical experts to assist in the investigation of and reporting on incidents and failures, and professionals who need to use technical experts in a forensic environment.

Course content
• • • An introduction to the practice of forensic engineering and use of forensic engineers The analysis of incidents and failures, and through the application of knowledge, experience, and sound analytical procedures determining the most likely cause of failure Participants will hear about forensic engineering from two distinct viewpoints, that of the technical expert investigator, and that of a widely experienced expert witness.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: learn from a combination of practical case studies and presentations on techniques and procedures the essence of the practice of forensic engineering; understand how to work as forensic engineers or with forensic engineers; know about what types of investigation involve forensic engineering; understand the process of investigation – tools and techniques used in an investigation; understand how to work out causes; know how to present forensic engineering results; know about some basic issues relating to evidence; develop knowledge of how to work in a court or tribunal environment.



Introduction to Applied Finite Element Analysis
Facilitators: Greg Morehouse and Elijah Van Houten Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 What is mid-range Finite Element Analysis (FEA)? How it is best used, and what can and can’t it do? This course is aimed at managers or engineers who are looking to either train their staff in FEA or learn about it. New developments in FEA software have greatly simplified its operation. Basic packages are now offered as extensions to mechanical CAD tools, as opposed to stand-alone stress analysis tools. The software is easy to use, and works directly 3D models; it is also easy to misuse. Very wrong answers can come from very pretty plots!

Course content
• • • An introduction into mid range FEA and its applications – what it’s good for and what it’s not Basic tips and tricks will be provided on how to mimic real world boundary conditions, and how to get real world results Opportunities to work through simple examples on easy-to-use solids modelling and FEA software, and compare it to hand results for verification.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have: an overview of what mid-range FEA is, who should use it, and it’s diverse applications; an understanding of what mid-range FEA is not, who shouldn’t use it, and it’s limitations; hands-on use of an easy-to-use solids modelling program with an FEA add-on package; knowledge about modelling simple systems; hands-on opportunities to verify the simple model’s results.

Slope Engineering
Facilitator: John D. St. George Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 This course offers an integrated approach to slope stability from the basic geological model, covering analysis under various conditions through to remediation and an appreciation of risk assessment.

Course content
• • • • The characteristics of slope processes with the main controlling parameters, shear behaviour of geologic materials and discontinuities, and the influence of water The principles of slope analysis focused on the accepted limiting equilibrium methods with applications to design and back analysis of failed slopes Common slope remediation strategies will be reviewed with case studies Appreciation of risk assessment and risk management relation to slopes.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have an understanding of: the basic slope processes and the main controlling influences on stability; be able to identify the key geotechnical parameters that govern stability; develop skills in analysis techniques for a variety of slope stability problems; have an appreciation of slope remediation measures; have an awareness of risk assessment and risk management with respect to slopes.



Introduction to Geometric Design: Horizontal and Vertical Alignments and their Co-ordination in Highways Geometric Design
Facilitator: Mofreh Saleh Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 This course is aimed at engineers and practitioners from local authorities, and consulting engineers and contractors. It covers (in great detail) horizontal and vertical alignments and their co-ordination in the geometric design of highways, specifically for New Zealand roads. It aims to develop strong understanding of the design criteria governing horizontal and vertical curves, and details the super-elevation developments, transition curves, curve widening and the co-ordination of the horizontal and vertical alignments.

Course content
• • • • • Horizontal alignments Plain circular curves Transition (spiral curves) Circular curve design and minimum radius requirements Criteria for transition curve design • • • • • Vertical alignment Crest and sag vertical curves Design criteria for crest vertical curves Design criteria for sag vertical curves Coordination of horizontal and vertical curves.

Learning outcomes
Participants will understand the: fundamentals of horizontal and vertical alignments to provide safe and consistent design; significance of proper co-ordination of the horizontal and vertical alignments to enhance road safety and design aesthetics.

Introduction to Geometric Design: Human Factors and Sight Distance in Geometric Design
Facilitator: Mofreh Saleh Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 This course is aimed at engineers and practitioners from local authorities, consulting engineers and contractors. It details human factors, design philosophy, speed environment and sight distances, and their effect on the geometric design of highways, specifically in New Zealand. The course aims to develop an understanding of the principles of geometric design, and apply these principles to achieve a safe and consistent alignment. The concept of stopping sight distance, manoeuvre sight distance and overtaking sight distance will be thoroughly covered.

Course content
• • Introduction to geometric design The user, the vehicle and the road environment and their involvement in accidents • • Design philosophy and speed environment Stopping, manoeuvre, and overtaking sight distances and their applications in the different design elements.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have the knowledge to understand the: fundamentals of geometric design; significance of proper geometric design to enhance road safety.



Contract Management with NEC Contracts
Facilitator: Andrew Brickell Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 4, 6 and 11 The New Engineering Contract (NEC) was developed in the United Kingdom during the 1980s and 1990s as a fresh approach to structuring contractual relationships. Initially focusing on engineering and construction contracts, NEC has broadened in its third edition (NEC3) to cover a wider range of contracts, eg for term services, professional services, and materials; it now offers the arguably widest range of options for any standard form of contract for establishing contractual relationships in an integrated manner, achieving efficiencies in project definition and design and procurement. Many of its users have noted that it stimulates good management practices throughout their projects and a more co-operative way of working. Some public utilities and local authorities have trialed and started using NEC3 documentation, and a New Zealand-based body of client and contractor experience is developing. Difficulties include mismatches with local legislation, which users need to be aware of.

Course content
• • • • • Primary and secondary options available for construction contracts are reviewed and guidance is given on their selection Differences in terminology and business processes associated with procuring and administering NEC3 contracts are explained The strengths and potential weaknesses of the use of NEC3 in a New Zealand context are highlighted Sessions on the NEC3 Short Contract, which some users have found helpful as a first step to using NEC3 on larger projects Participatory exercises and lessons learned from project case studies and litigation.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: understand the philosophies behind NEC3 contracts; be aware of the various contracts and their options; have information on potential trouble-spots for using NEC3 in New Zealand; understand, in detail, the NEC3 Engineering and Construction ’Priced Contract’, ’Cost Reimbursable’ and ’Target Cost’ contracts; receive explanations of the short contracts, term services contracts and supply contracts; receive guidelines and templates for NEC3 contract administration; receive comprehensive documentation, including take-away copies of some of the NEC3 contracts and templates for use on those contracts.

Image courtesy of Pavan Kaushik GIPENZ



HAZOP Leadership Course
Facilitators: Paul Feltoe and Colin Feltoe Duration: Two days IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 Of the over 1100 people who have attended the Safety Solutions Ltd courses, the majority come from the refining, oil and gas, diary, pulp and paper, and chemicals industries. HAZOP studies have become the process industries’ accepted standard for critically examining planned or existing processes/procedures that represent safety, environmental or operational hazards for personnel or equipment. They differ from design reviews by exploring deviations from the design intent. HAZOP generates an in-depth understanding of the process, even for the designers, leading to a more robust and reliable plant. The course objectives are to develop the skills necessary to organise and lead a HAZOP, develop an awareness of the factors that influence HAZOP performance, and challenge existing practices/or confirm the status quo at participants’ facilities.

Course content
• • • • • • • • • • The leader’s prime responsibility The basics – the difference between a HAZOP and a design review – risk versus hazard Meeting agendas – the step-by-step structure of a meeting, team composition, time requirements, minutes, guide word application Alternative review methods – a brief summary of the methods for FMEA, what if, coarse HAZOP, inherent safety and a basis for selection All the necessary steps and requirements for a successful study – from preparation to implementation and verification The pitfalls – causes of HAZOP failure The use of QRA in HAZOP Team dynamics Management’s role and responsibility Workshops on continuous, batch processes and instructions.

Learning outcomes
Participants can use this course to demonstrate competency in Unit Standard 19341.

Risk Analysis for Engineers – Engineers @Risk!
Facilitator: Bernie Frey Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 7 and 11 This workshop is specifically designed for engineers who wish to familiarise themselves with some of the more commonlyused risk analysis software programmes. Participants will be given a broad overview of existing packages before engaging more extensively with @Risk, a risk analysis software package that integrates seamlessly into MS Excel and MS Project.

Course content
• • • • A brief overview of AS/NZS 4360:2004 An introduction to risk assessment – identification, analysis and evaluation An overview of existing software packages in relation to the different phases of the risk management process An introduction to @Risk – getting serious about quantifying uncertainty.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have an understanding of: the risk assessment process; the range of software packages that are available to assist engineers to manage risk; a working knowledge of some of the more commonly-used risk analysis techniques and their limitations; a solid introduction to @Risk software.



On-site Wastewater Management
“Good review of on-site design” “I found John’s industry knowledge and practical experience most useful” Facilitator: John Cocks Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 3, 4 and 11 Issues with the on-site management of wastewater are long-standing and affect communities and councils throughout New Zealand. The Ministry for the Environment’s recent Proposed National Environmental Standard for On-site Wastewater Systems indicates the national status of the issues. This course is relevant to engineers, designers, planners, and anyone involved with on-site wastewater management either as individual systems or as assessments of communities dependent on on-site systems.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: understand the environmental effects of wastewater discharges; understand the principles of on-site system sustainability; utilise a comprehensive toolkit for on-site wastewater system design, which uses the New Zealand Standard 1547 and other design guides; be able to prepare or review building consent applications for on-site systems; understand soil types and how these affect on on-site systems; apply a methodology to characterise soils and other key on-site variables; assess existing on-site systems.

Risk Management Techniques for Engineers
“Bernie reviewed the audience to ensure course content was relevant” Facilitator: Bernie Frey Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 7 and 11 What is risk? Why use risk management and business management? This workshop is designed for engineers and business managers to cover the fundamentals of risk management in an engineering setting.

Course content
• • A series of presentations and case studies will provide participants with risk management tools and techniques using the Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard AS/NZS 4360:2004, and show them how to apply these Ample opportunity for active participation in terms of exercises and discussions.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: understand the risk management process; be able to evaluate engineering responsibilities in relation to risk management; understand risk management as a business strategy as well as an engineering technique; have a working knowledge of some of the more commonly-used risk analysis techniques and understand their limitations.



Rotordynamics and Diagnostics
Facilitator: Stefanie Gutschmidt Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 3 and 11 This course is designed to help participants develop analytical and experimental skills for fault-finding and trouble-shooting, so they can undertake failure analysis and solve on-site problems. The methodology taught will include interpretation and extraction of data from measurements in the time and frequency domain. Explanations of common terminology and communication diagrams, such as Campbell diagrams, waterfall plots, Lissajous figures, and Bode plots are included.

Course content:
• • • • Jeffcot rotor Torsional vibration Machinery problem-solving sequence Performance analysis: a real-life example (eg decanter centrifuge).

Learning outcomes
Participants will develop: a basic understanding of how to analyse real-life observations in rotating machinery with the help of mathematical-mechanical expressions; an ability to interpret the results of measurements and/or observations obtained by experiment, and to construct an effective analysis that would lead to resolution of the problem by providing key changes to the design of the machine; an ability to independently apply methods and analysis to a wider and as yet unknown spectrum of real-life engineering problems.

Seismic Design for Non-structural Engineers
Facilitator: Graeme Lindup Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 11 and 12 This course is designed for non-structural engineers who wish to familiarise themselves with earthquakes and their effects on non-building type structures and components. Participants will be given a broad overview of how structural engineers determine seismic forces relating to the components that are part of their discipline.

Course content
• • • • • A brief overview of New Zealand’s seismicity An overview of the differences between limit state design and working stress design A brief overview of AS/NZS 1170 Structural Design Actions and NZS 4219: 2009 Seismic Performance of Engineering Systems in Buildings How the seismic design forces for non-building elements are determined What approaches are available to reduce the effects of earthquakes.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have: an understanding of how earthquakes affect items that they design or specify; the legislative requirements covering seismic design; a working knowledge of some of the more commonly used methods to determine seismic coefficients for items they design or specify.



Image courtesy of Chusit Apirumanekul GIPENZ


Metallic Materials
Facilitators: George Ferguson and Wei Gao Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standard: 11 Modern technology is directly linked to advances in materials. Engineers and technologists need to know about materials – their nature, properties and performance expectations to recommend materials for optimum technical and economic performance. A sound knowledge of materials’ properties helps maximise and improve component design, manufacturing processes and equipment selection, and is crucial to maintaining leadership in a particular industry.

Course content
• • • • • • • Materials commonly used in New Zealand industries, including manufacture, home appliances, dairy, petrochemical, and metallurgical industries Practical cases to demonstrate materials applications in various industries Developments on light alloys: aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys, and their applications in manufacturing industries Surface engineering and coatings, i.e. classification, coating processing, surface treatment, applications, and wear and corrosion resistance Metal matrix composites and their applications Nano-materials and technology – a science frontier particularly with regards to their mechanical, magnetic and optical properties Applications of nano materials and coatings.

Learning outcomes
Participants will be familiar with: the commonly used metallic materials and their applications; materials selection criteria to practical cases; improved skills in component design, equipment selection, manufacturing process improvement and failure analysis; the development needs of engineering materials in recent years – stronger, tougher, lighter, hotter, and with designed properties.

Business Development for Professional Engineers
Facilitator: Jan Hains Duration: Half a day course, plus distance learning IPENZ Competence Standards: 8, 10 and 11 After attending the course, participants continue their work by distance learning. As part of the fee, assistance from the facilitator can be provided on request to help with planning and implementing an actual business plan.

Course content
• • • • Making the most of capabilities and experience to attract the right kind of clients Working in a competitive environment – building awareness, trust and credibility, seeing opportunities and converting them into work Establishing good client relationships – understanding clients and getting their documentation and communication processes right Achieving repeat business and referrals – finishing well and maintaining strong client relationships in the future.

Learning outcomes
Participants will understand how to: develop and implement a business development action plan; differentiate business in the marketplace and communicate with existing and potential clients to win work; achieve repeat business and continue to benefit from strong client relationships over time.



Legal Issues for Professional Engineers
Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 1, 2, 5 and 11 In an increasingly competitive and litigious world, it is crucial professional engineers are aware of potential legal pitfalls in their daily practice.

Course content
• • • • • • • A basic understanding of the concept and sources of legal liability Information on how to avoid legal liability Knowledge of when to seek legal advice A look at legal claims brought against engineers in contract and tort An opportunity to examine the legal implications of commonly used contract clauses Time to discuss breach of contract and negligence An explanation of how engineers can lessen the risk of legal liability.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding of: basic contract and tort principles; how to interpret and apply commonly used contract clauses; how to avoid legal liability for breach of contract or negligence; when to seek professional legal advice.

Time and Priority Planning
“Cheryl really knows the material and was able to discuss all topics even if not included in class notes.” “Brilliant! Very complete.” Facilitator: Cheryl Wright Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standard: 6 Participants will be helped to understand their current time management habits, and find approaches that will work more effectively for them. This course aims to enable participants to use time management techniques to effectively meet current and future work, professional and personal objectives, master their workloads, set priorities and create balance in their lives.

Course content
• • A practical and interactive workshop using pre-work, diagnostic tools, simulations, skill practices, and a reference manual Follow-up processes to support transfer of learning to the workplace.

Learning outcomes
Participants will be able to: be alert to potential time-wasting and energy-sapping situations, and how to deal with them; understand time styles and the impact on handling time; set priorities confidently; spend key time and energy resources on the important activities; develop a personal time management action plan and minimise time-wasting; organise their time to achieve results – on time.



Disputes and Dispute Prevention for Professional Engineers
Facilitator: Alan Bickers Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 6 and 10 This course aims to provide an overview of the key elements of the Construction Contracts Act 2002, with particular reference to the role of the engineer in the management of payments, variations and disputes under common forms of contract. Each part of the course will include an explanation and an opportunity for group participation. Some knowledge of NZS 3910:2003 and Construction Contracts Act 2002 will be assumed.

Course content
• • • • • • Where do disputes come from? What are the options for solving disputes? What is the engineer’s role as decision maker? Contractual and statutory processes for dispute resolution What can be done to prevent disputes? The ’real’ cost of disputes.

Learning outcomes
Participants will understand the: engineer’s dual role as Principal’s representative and independent decision-maker when disputes arise; risk of disputes arising, and how the engineer can influence that risk; difference between negotiation, mediation, adjudication, arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution, and their suitability for various dispute types; importance of dispute prevention strategies, and some of the techniques available.

Managing Variations and Claims in a Project/Contract Environment
“Extremely useful and informative course” “Loved the Dilbert references – all very relevant” Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 11 and 12 Contracts form the basis of most projects, where there is a supply of a product or a service for a fee. Practitioners need to gain a good understanding of the nature of contractual relationships and be prepared for possible pitfalls. A well-developed and well-managed contract is crucial to ensuring the successful delivery of a project.

Course content
• • Principles of managing changes and variations in a project environment, to ensure the project’s equitable delivery Changes and variations relating to legal and management issues governing contractual relationships in a wide scope of application areas.

Learning outcomes
Participants will be able to: evaluate and take account of project constraints and delays; determine a contractual baseline as a basis for project execution and control; grasp the legal essentials of a contract, specifically in terms of the doctrine of consideration; understand what is expected of someone who has to administer the execution of a contract; prepare for possible pitfalls and incorporate changes and variations within a contract environment.



Negotiating Skills for Technical Professionals
“I now can systematically plan and prepare for negotiation!” “Set of distilled steps of all aspects of negotiation learned.” Facilitator: Cheryl Wright Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 6, 10 and 11 “Negotiation is the art of letting them have your way” – Daniele Vare (Italian diplomat). The ability to negotiate to meet preferred outcomes while maintaining an effective ongoing relationship with the other party is a critical competency for many engineers involved in technical, contract and conflict negotiations. Using real-life scenarios, this interactive workshop will equip participants with the skills and professional approach to prepare for a negotiation and to conduct the interaction in the most effective way.

Course content
• • • • Preparing for a negotiation Understanding behavioural dynamics in the negotiating process Conducting the negotiation Simulated and own-situation applications.

Learning outcomes
Participants will learn: to understand negotiation is going beyond facts, logic and gamesmanship, and understand behavioural styles and their impact on how they and the other person negotiate; to apply techniques for shaping win-win negotiations so they really do get what they want; planning approaches for negotiations and understanding what the other side really wants; strategies for negotiation not just economics; steps to take in effective negotiation.

Introduction to Corrosion in Engineering
Facilitator: Les Boulton Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 6, 7 and 11 Major corrosion failures cause significant disruption to organisations and their end-users, especially when they involve unscheduled shutdowns, environmental contamination, fatalities and personal injury. All infrastructural systems require maintenance and may need to last longer than originally planned.

Course content
• • • • Corrosion identification Control methods Corrosion technology Techniques to prevent corrosion.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: understand the costs caused by corrosion in engineering industries; be able to identify the relationship between inspection, monitoring and maintenance; understand why it is important to adopt an inspection strategy; be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of corrosion monitoring techniques; be able to minimise corrosion damage through a range of structural designs; understand the methods of corrosion control; have a working knowledge of the protective coatings for corrosion control; be able to monitor the effectiveness of corrosion control techniques.



Relationship Management and Effective Communication
“Achieve your goals by managing relationships with others effectively!” Facilitator: Cheryl Wright Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 8, 10 and 11 This interactive and practical workshop will equip participants with an understanding of behavioural styles and the importance of emotional capability in the workplace. International research is continuing to demonstrate links between levels of emotional intelligence and performance achieved in a range of roles. Emotional intelligence provides the traction to enable technical skills and professional experience to be fully realized in the work place. Prior to the workshop, participants will need to complete an Emotional Capability questionnaire which will be analysed and returned to them during the workshop. This instrument is based on self-perception and feedback from between three and seven respondents through questions on five components of Emotional Capability. This profile will give participants an understanding of their strengths and areas for development in emotional intelligence. The profile includes a comprehensive overview of the research, model, definitions and guidelines for interpreting the report, feedback provided as an overall view, and then data within each separate component, with scores for self and others in combination with a bar chart. It also includes a narrative for each component which indicates the individual’s strengths, areas for development and some suggestions as to actions the person may find useful, and a summary of up to seven Development Actions indicating the key action steps a person may wish to take to improve or enhance their emotional capability.

Course content
• • • • Dealing with difficult colleagues Negotiating contracts and developing client relationships Identifying strengths and areas for development in emotional intelligence (based on an Emotional Capability Profile) Discovering specific techniques to overcome day-to-day challenges.

Learning outcomes
Participants will understand and be able to apply: the principles of effective communication; behavioural styles, and the strategies and advantages of working with different styles; tools and techniques to improve their ability to achieve mutual understanding with others more quickly; behavioural styles to work more effectively with others; techniques to strengthen emotional intelligence to better manage themselves and their relationships with others; tools and techniques to handle those people they find difficult.

Image courtesy of Graham Dickson FIPENZ



Mentor Foundation Workshop
“The course is worthwhile and fun to be part of!” “Jane’s flexible approach and effective facilitation of group discussions made this course a success” Facilitator: Robyn Horsfall or Jane Thomas Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10 and 11 Do you want to help others to reach their potential? This workshop is designed to develop mentoring and coaching skills and make mentors more effective in their interactions with mentees, team and project members, and clients. This participative foundation workshop is particularly suited to mentors, managers, and project or team leaders with responsibility for developing and managing the performance of others.

Course content
• • • • Understanding and developing the potential and skills of others Opportunities to directly apply learning in a supportive environment in individual, paired, group and round-robin exercises. A three-and-a-half-hour refresher workshop – particularly useful for re-igniting an organisation’s mentoring processes A four-and-a-half to five-hour Introduction to Mentoring workshop. To better meet organisations’ needs, two variations to the workshop offer:

Learning outcomes
Participants will have gained: familiarity with the competencies required of an effective mentor; clarity on the role of mentors and IPENZ’s expectations of them; the ability to conduct structured mentoring sessions that achieve focused results; improved listening and communication skills; an understanding of effective feedback; practice in key elements of mentoring in a variety of formats.

Public Policy for Engineers
Facilitator: Claudia Scott Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 9 and 10 A pre-course questionnaire is administered to allow some tailoring of the content to the interests and experiences of participants.

Course content
• • • Facilitated discussion, case studies and other interactive methods to explore features of policy systems and policy analysis and advisory practices A brief tour of some models, tools and methods used in policy analysis and advisory work Exploring the changing policy environment and the tensions which can exist when analytical and political influences shape policy options and decisions.

Learning outcomes
Participants will gain: an understanding of key actors, institutions, influences and drivers which shape public policy system trends at central and local government levels; greater familiarity with the policy environment and policy analysis and advisory practices, and the need to have regard for both analytical and political dimensions when preparing analysis and advice for decision-makers; a guided tour of some useful models, tools and methods used by policy analysts and advisers, such as decision matrices, intervention logic, strategic and systems’ thinking, and stakeholder engagement and management.



Leadership and Management Essentials for Engineering Professionals
“The facilitator’s knowledge was fantastic!” “Good use of interactive working tasks” Facilitator: John Tookey Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10, 11 and 12 This course covers the essentials for engineers and business managers to enhance their leadership and management practices. Often the best skilled engineers are chosen to lead others and there is a specific skill set required to do this. Participants will learn how to effectively handle their dual leadership and manager role.

Course content
• • • • • • • What is leadership? What is management? What are effective leadership practices? What are effective management practices? How to allocate time to the two (leadership and management) roles What is a high performance team? How to maintain team performance.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have: an understanding of effective leadership practices, effective management practices; an analysis tool for evaluating team performance.

Specification Practice
“The real-world examples were especially good” “Liked the use of Dilbert. Good practical NASA examples” Facilitator: Piet Beukman Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10 and 11 A key aspect of converting a requirement into an eventual technical system is the ability to specify the need in technical terms and then progress this specification downwards via a hierarchy to the lowest levels of execution. This course addresses the fundamentals of formulating specifications for engineered systems, products and components. Designers, consultants and clients all need to be able to communicate a requirement to another party who is responsible for realising an outcome.

Course content
• • • • Group exercises, discussion of principles and suggestions on how principles are applied to the workplace Formulating requirements Requirements validation Specification language, format and control.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: clearly understand the principles of drafting specifications at various levels, from addressing customer needs, to defining a solution, to specifying the development needs to that of components; be able to use appropriate specification terminology; formulate requirements that are relevant, achievable and verifiable; be aware of the value of a comprehensive specification framework; understand the concepts of a specification hierarchy and tree; be able to tailor a specification framework to an appropriate application.



The Resource Management Act and Professional Engineers
“Exceeded expectations – by far.” “One of the best and most useful courses I have attended. Thank you Paula and Stephen.” Facilitators: Paula Hunter and Stephen Quinn Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 2, 9 and 11 To achieve effective and robust outcomes for communities, councils and clients it is important to have a good working knowledge of the requirements and processes of the Resource Management Act (RMA). This course provides a practical understanding of how this legislation works in practice, to provide participants with some insights and tools in dealing with the RMA in day-to-day work.

Course content
• • Presentations, case studies and lessons learnt Plenty of opportunities for interacting and sharing knowledge and experiences.

Learning outcomes
Participants will have: a greater appreciation of how and when the RMA may affect their projects and what to do when this happens; an understanding of the key requirements and processes of the RMA; an understanding of the previous and proposed amendments to the RMA and of recent case law; knowledge of how to stay within boundaries when dealing with the RMA; how resource consent applications and assessments of environmental effects (AEEs) should be prepared and what expertise is required; knowledge of how to conduct themselves at hearings – what to do and what not to do as an expert witness; knowledge of how councillors and independent commissioners may test their expertise at hearings.

Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas for Professional Engineers
Facilitator: Maxwell Reid Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 5, 8, 9 and 11 Respect accorded to a profession is earned through demonstrating a strong commitment to ethics and the obligations that flow from them. This course includes the provisions of the IPENZ Codes of Ethics, the CPEng Rules, and numerous legal statutes.

Course content
• • • • Ethics in professional life – what are professional ethics, and what are the drivers for professional ethics? Professional ethics and engineers – role-differentiated obligations, the client-professional relationship, ethics and the law, the function of professional codes, ethical culture Provisions in IPENZ Codes of Ethics and CPEng Rules – how the rules, codes and guidelines function, obligations to society, clients, other engineers and the environment Case studies of dilemmas faced by engineers.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: understand the ethical values underpinning the science and engineering professions, the IPENZ Code of Ethics, the CPEng Rules, and the tools for interpretation; have the tools for preventing ethical failure and legal liability; have an increased sensitivity to the ethical dimension of the engineering profession; have improved skills in ethical reasoning and judgement; strengthened dedication to excellence.



Advanced Presentation Skills
“Upgrade ’presenting’ to ’convincing’!” “The programme is an engaging mixture of lecture, exercises, discussions, video clips, video analysis, resulting in a rich learning experience that is stimulating and enjoyable.” Facilitator: Patrick Rottiers Duration: One day IPENZ Competence Standards: 10 and 11 This course aims is to up-skill managers in world-class presentation skills, engaging multi-media presentations for both inhouse and representational use – fine-tuned to the audience as in a ’virtual dialogue’ and driven by a keen and passionate presenter to communicate and transparently argue the issues.

Course content
• • • Core frameworks in communication/psycho-linguistics Increasing the understanding and mastering of business communication skills (short, sharp, smart) The shift to communication-focused presentations, rich in multi-media illustrations and validations, intended to convince intelligent business audiences.

Learning outcomes
Participants will: understand and use current best-practice business communication skills in delivering in-house or external presentations; construct concise, precise and complete communication material; strategically build communication materials recognising the value chain and external perceptions providing evidence, incorporating truthfulness and transparency; construct presentations that are specifically tuned to the expected audience by integrating the desired outcome with anticipated questions and risk-analysis; understand why and how to integrate a wide range of digital media to validate arguments and build credibility; be able to build reliable cross-platform portable presentations “made to travel”; facilitate audience engagement using opening and closing statements, the cliff-hanger technique, “virtual dialogue”, call to action and question management; be able to build the 30-second lift speech, and a full presentation that illustrates and validates an argument while being short, sharp and smart; maximise audience engagement by using video-cue/MS Presenter view tools and remote control, freeing the presenter from technology; manage physical aspects of presentation delivery including stress management, voice control and body language; know how to continually improve presentations with both self-analysis and peer-review .



Image courtesy of Derek Chinn MIPENZ


In-house Courses
In-house courses provide significant cost savings while ensuring learning is tailored to address specific organisational needs. Cost benefits improve as the number of courses and delegate participation on each course increases. IPENZ provides the following services for organisations requesting customised, in-house short courses at a venue of their choice for up to 20 participants: • • • The Professional Development Manager and course facilitators contact organisations to tailor the standard IPENZ course to particular needs Comprehensive course materials are provided to all participants End-of-course evaluations are collated and the results are sent to the organisation.

Costs for delivery*
$3980 (excluding GST) – For a maximum of 20 people
*Excludes presenter’s travel and accommodation expenses. Additional expenses may be incurred for customising existing material to the organisation’s needs.

For more information contact the IPENZ Professional Development Advisor on 04 474 8984 or email [email protected]

Distance Learning Courses
Distance learning (involving teaching methods, technology, and instructional system design) delivers education to students who are not physically "on site" in a traditional classroom or campus. It is a process that creates and provides access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and/or distance. Some distance education courses may require learners to attend specific sites – to participate in workshops or site examinations, for instance. These are defined as hybrid or blended study courses. Emerging technology to provide distance-learning and hybrid course opportunities is becoming widely used in universities and institutions around the globe. These new developments are resulting in international acceptance of distance learning’s potential to communicate with students and provide them with individual attention. IPENZ has entered into various partnership agreements to offer a range of distance-learning engineering courses. These courses are aimed at engineering professionals seeking appropriate and relevant continued professional development opportunities. The content of these courses has been tailored to match the various elements of IPENZ’s competence standards. These courses provide theoretical learning backed up with practical examples to ensure learners gain a comprehensive understanding of their specialised subject. For further course details, course fees and related costs, go to www.ipenz.org.nz/ipenz/nzecal



Image courtesy of Dennis Teoh GIPENZ


A Flexible and Cost Effective Approach to Staff Development Strategies
The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) is committed to supporting Members’ professional development throughout their careers. IPENZ strongly encourages engineering graduates to commit to an engineering career when they are engaged with the engineering profession. As a professional career requires a planned and structured approach to professional development, strong employer support is needed. A Graduate Development Programme is a great way to kick-start an engineer’s career. Typically running for two years, a Graduate Development Programme offers participants the opportunity to access a variety of networking opportunities with current and former graduates. They will also be able to participate in ongoing professional development. Many employers have systems to address graduates’ needs within their annual staff appraisal processes. Others have resources to develop and manage their own specific graduate programmes that align with their organisation’s needs. IPENZ has built a generic programme of courses and resources that are aligned with its competence standards. IPENZ also offers complementary Learning and Assessment competence assessment seminars. These seminars are suitable for all engineers.

Choosing the right career path
There are three engineering occupational groups within the engineering profession, defined according to the type of engineering knowledge they have: • • • complex engineering knowledge – professional engineers broadly defined engineering knowledge – engineering technologists well-defined engineering knowledge – engineering technicians.

Image courtesy of Sabir Hussain GIPENZ



Employer benefits
Key benefits to employers enrolling staff on an IPENZ Graduate Development Programme include being able to target management and human resource capabilities to a specific audience while still retaining overall control of the pace and direction of staff development. The IPENZ programmes complement and can be absorbed into staff induction processes, and can help integrate new staff into new positions. This has a positive impact on productivity and staff retention. On the other hand, the negative costs associated with continuously recruiting and integrating new staff members into an organisation are likely to be significant in comparison with the costs associated with adopting the principles of the Graduate Development Programme. Essentially, to attract the right people in the first place, employers need to become and live up to the promise of being an employer of choice. In IPENZ’s experience, a successful staff development programme is the key to staff retention. Here are some ways IPENZ can help achieve this: • • • • clear human resource policies and procedures – so staff are aware of their entitlements and how to get help when they need it career progression and succession planning – the professional development opportunities that exist within organisations or are made available to staff through external agencies mentoring support relevant employee benefits that are clearly communicated and easy to access.

IPENZ actively engages with employers to encourage them to apply to become IPENZ Professional Development Partners. The principles of the Programme can be seen at: www.ipenz.org.nz/ipenz/pdp

Employee benefits
Graduates’ needs in the early stages of their careers are many. With their new employer’s help, they can work towards applying their knowledge and demonstrating their competence over time. The Graduate Development Programme helps employees achieve their goals by providing the structure they need in the early stages of their careers. Each module: • • • provides necessary technological and legislative training provides professional development opportunities that build on university study and practical work experience places importance on externally and internationally recognised competencies, quality marks and qualifications.


The concept
A series of eight modules is offered over a two year period. These provide graduates with an initial knowledge-boost so they can use their theoretical knowledge and skills as well as possible. Typically, making an application for competence assessment can take between four and five years after graduation. Therefore, the purpose the Graduate Development Programme is to provide a firm grounding to ensure the graduate embraces the principles of embarking on a diverse range of work experience and continuing professional development (CPD). Stage 1 – After enrolling as a graduate Member of IPENZ a Graduate Progression Guide will be issued. This includes guidance on mentoring, record keeping and professional development. This is the starting point for graduates’ professional careers. Stage 2 – This stage of the programme is available to all engineers, and includes a series of modules. Module 1 – A distance learning Project Management programme, consisting of a series of marked assignments. Typically this will be completed over the course of a year. Module 2 – Professional Portfolio Development Module 3 – Effective Report Writing for Engineers Module 4 – Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in Engineering Module 5 – Contract Management for Engineers Module 6 – Effective Communication Module 7 – Risk Management for Engineers Module 8 – Business Development. At the end of each module, participants are given a course feedback form, and certificate of achievement for their personal records. As each module is aligned with the IPENZ competence standards, graduates may use this as evidence when recording their involvement in a range of CPD activities.

The cost
Course costs can be paid as a single sum or in two equal installments at the beginning of each calendar year. To keep the costs as low as possible, a minimum number of people need to enroll before start dates are confirmed. The IPENZ Professional Development Team will then liaise with applicants and a nominated person from their workplace, to induct them into the Programme. Expressions of interest and further information can be made available by contacting the Professional Development Manager at [email protected] or 04 473 2022.



Image courtesy of Chusit Apirumanekul GIPENZ


Terms and Conditions
Fees for IPENZ Public Courses (excluding GST)
$460 – IPENZ Members $490 – Technical Interest Group Members $520 – Non-members The following discount vouchers are available (excluding GST).

PDP flexi-pass Non-PDP flexi-pass Solo voucher for IPENZ Members

10 one-day event vouchers Valid for 12 months Five one-day event vouchers Valid for 12 months Two one-day event vouchers Valid for 12 months




Please note – the vouchers may not be used for affiliated courses with other training providers. Vouchers may be used if fees for the course fall within the normal fee framework. Other than the solo voucher, vouchers are transferrable. You can purchase a voucher online at www.ipenz.org.nz/ipenz/nzecal/buy-voucher.cfm

Cancellation policy applicable to IPENZ Public Courses
• • • • You can only withdraw from a course or transfer between courses prior to the course being confirmed. Registrations cancelled once a course is confirmed will result in full course fees being charged. Late registrations are subject to the same conditions as for other registrations. A substitution may be sent to replace you at no additional cost. Please inform us of the name and IPENZ Membership details (if applicable) of the substitute for them to receive a corrected invoice. The invoice will be for the non-Member rate if the substitute is not an IPENZ Member or we do not receive Membership details. • • • • • All cancellations must be in writing (letter, fax or email) and addressed to the IPENZ Course Administrator – [email protected] IPENZ reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course due to insufficient participant numbers or a facilitator’s illness. IPENZ is not liable for any cost of cancelled or rescheduled travel arrangements incurred as a result of a course being cancelled or rescheduled. IPENZ reserves the right reschedule a course to a later date if minimum numbers are not achieved. Please note payment for course attendance must be received before the course commences.



Image courtesy of Tony Fong MIPENZ


12 Elements of the Competence Standard
The learning outcomes of each course listed in this programme are aligned to one or several of the 12 elements of the Competence Standard for Professional Engineers, Engineering Technicians and Engineering Technologists. This is a useful framework for engineering professionals wishing to provide evidence their Continuing Professional Development and plan their learning and career development ahead of a competence assessment. We recommend engineers structure their learning and work experience around these 12 elements. A description for each element is below, which will provide an idea of the range of engineering competencies the courses are designed to address. This information should also assist engineers to manage their careers effectively.

1 Comprehend and apply knowledge of accepted principles underpinning good practice for professional engineering
• Has a Washington Accord, Sydney Accord or Dublin Accord degree or recognised equivalent qualification or has demonstrated equivalent knowledge and is able to: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ identify, comprehend and apply appropriate engineering knowledge work from first principles to make reliable predictions of outcomes seek advice, where necessary, to supplement own knowledge and experience read literature, comprehend, evaluate and apply new knowledge.

2 Comprehend and apply knowledge of accepted principles underpinning good practice for professional engineering that is specific to the jurisdiction in which he/she practices
• • demonstrates an awareness of legal requirements and regulatory issues within the jurisdictions in which he/she practices demonstrates an awareness of and applies appropriately the special engineering requirements operating within the jurisdictions in which he/she practices.

3 Define, investigate and analyse engineering problems
• • • • identifies and defines the scope of the problem investigates and analyses relevant information using quantitative and qualitative techniques tests analysis for correctness of results conducts any necessary research and reaches substantiated conclusions.

4 Design or develop solutions to engineering problems
• • • • • • identifies needs, requirements, constraints and performance criteria develops concepts and recommendations that were tested against engineering principles consults with stakeholders evaluates options and selects solution that best matched needs, requirements and criteria plans and implements effective, efficient and practical systems or solutions evaluates outcomes.

5 Be responsible for making decisions on part or all of one or more engineering activities
• • takes accountability for his/her outputs and for those for whom he/she is responsible accepts responsibility for his/her engineering activities.



6 Manage part or all of one or more engineering activities in accordance with good engineering management practice
• • • • plans, schedules and organises projects to deliver specified outcomes applies appropriate quality assurance techniques manages resources, including personnel, finance and physical resources manages conflicting demands and expectations.

7 Identify, assess and manage engineering risk
• • • identifies risks develops risk management policies, procedures and protocols to manage safety and hazards manages risks through “elimination, minimisation and avoidance” techniques.

8 Conduct engineering activities to an ethical standard at least equivalent to the relevant code of ethical conduct
• • demonstrates understanding of IPENZ and/or CPEng codes of ethics behaves in accordance with the relevant code of ethics even in difficult circumstances (includes demonstrating an awareness of limits of capability; acting with integrity and honesty and demonstrating self management).

9 Recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural and environmental effects of professional engineering activities
• • • • • considers and, where needed, takes into account health and safety compliance issues and impact(s) on those affected by engineering activities considers and takes into account possible social, cultural and environmental impacts and consults where appropriate considers Treaty of Waitangi implications and consults accordingly recognises impact and long-term effects of engineering activities on the environment recognises foreseeable effects and where practicable seeks to reduce adverse effects.

10 Communicate clearly with other engineers and others that he or she is likely to deal with in the course of his or her engineering activities
• • • • • uses oral and written communication to meet the needs and expectations of his/her audience communicates using a range of media suitable to the audience and context teats people with respect develops empathy and uses active listening skills when communicating with others operates effectively as a team member.

11 Maintain the currency of his or her professional engineering knowledge and skills
• • • • demonstrates a commitment to extending and developing knowledge and skills participates in education, training, mentoring or other programmes contributing to his/her professional development adapts and updates knowledge base in the course of professional practice demonstrates collaborative involvement with professional engineers (New Zealand engineers for CPEng assessments).

12 Exercise sound engineering judgement
• • • demonstrates the ability to identify alternative options demonstrates the ability to choose between options and justify decisions peers recognise his/her ability to exercise sound professional engineering judgement.



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