Creating a Virtual Machine.doc

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How to create VM



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Virtualization: Creating a Virtual Machine
We're using the vSphere Client from VMware to connect to a physical machine where we’ve installed VMware ESX. n order to create a virtual machine! once we open the vSphere Client! you can right" clic# on the ESX machine where you’d li#e to create your virtual machine and select the option for New Virtual Machine. $he wi%ard will open and we’ll &e presented with a num&er of options ‒ the configuration &etween Typical and Custom. n most cases! we’ll select the Typical installation! and we can edit the settings later. Clic# Next. 't this point! we name our virtual machine. (ow here you can either name the virtual machine to match what the operating system itself will &e called later! or you can use a different virtual machine name. n our case! we’re going to call it VM Number 2 ‒ although in a production environment you would pro&a&ly never use a name li#e that. $he ne)t step in the VM creation process is to select the *atastore where you’d li#e the VM to reside. $hat's &asically where on the physical storage do you want your VM to &e. +or our e)ample! we only have one selection. $he ne)t step is to tell the virtual machine software what operating system you're going to install on the VM once it's created. $here are choices for Microsoft Windows! Linux! Novell! olaris and !ther. +or the Windows machines...when we select the drop"down! you can see that there's a large num&er of different operating systems from the Windows platform that you can select. +or our e)ample! we’ll select Windows "# and clic# Next. $he ne)t option is to create the virtual dis#. ,ow &ig do we want it to &e- t gives us an option for increasing or decreasing the si%e. We’ll create a virtual machine with a hard dis# of 40 ./. $here are also options to commit the space on demand called $hin 0rovisioning where the actual hard drive would &e created at a smaller si%e and then grow as re1uired. We’re not going to select that for our e)ample. 2nce the virtual machine creation wi%ard is complete you have the option to clic# $inish and the process is done. 2r we can select %dit the virtual machine settings &efore completion . $here is a chec#&o) here! and then clic# Continue. What we've done &y doing that is we've ena&led ourselves an opportunity to loo# at e)actly what the virtual machine will consist of ‒ and we can change any of the settings &y increasing or decreasing resources! or even potentially adding or removing &rand"new resources. +or our e)ample! let's increase the amount of memory that the virtual machine will have from 345 to 512! and then create the machine with 2 vC06s instead of one. 7et's dou&le"chec# the networ# settings to ma#e sure that it's going to &e connected when the machine powers on and ma#e sure that it's connected to the right networ# when the machine is created. ’m going to clic# $inish...let the configuration wi%ard complete. (ow that the virtual machine is created! can see that made a typo. 'm 8ust going to right"clic# on the virtual machine! clic# %dit ettings! clic# the center ta& for !ptions! and then fi) my typo and commit the change.

9 : 3;9< S#illsoft reland 7imited

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